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  Root: ا ب ي
Word: أَبَى، يأبَى، إباء / إباءة
  to refuse, to reject, to turn down (ه =, أنْ = to do)
[pronunciation: ʼabā]

أَبَى إِلَّا أَنْ يَفْعَلَهُ ‎[CA] he insisted on doing it, he refused to do anything except it;
‏أَبَى اْللهُ إِلَّا أَنْ ‎[CA] God willed that... (God refused (everything) except to);
‏يَأْبى الاعْتِرافَ بِجَرائِمِهِ ‎[CA] he refuses to admit to his crimes
‏أَبى إلَّاْ أنْ يَقولَ رَأْيَهُ ‎[CA] he insisted on speaking his mind

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  Root: ا ث ر
Word: اسْتَأْثَرَ
  to take exclusive possession, be the sole possessor, possess alone, appropriate to the exclusion of others (ب = of;

اسْتَأثَرَ اللهُ بِهِ ‎[CA] the Lord has taken him unto Himself

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  Root: ا ج ر
Word: أَجْر، ج أُجُور
  price, fee, rate;
[pronunciation: ʼajr]

أُجُور الدِرَاسِة ‎[CA] tuition fees (for a student);
‏أُجُور السَفَرِ ‎[CA] travel fares;
‏عَظَّمَ اللهُ أَجْرَكَ ‎[CA] my sincerest condolences

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  Root: ا ذ ن
Word: إذْن
  permission, authorization, consent
[pronunciation: ʼiḏn]

بإذن الله = إن شاء الله ‎[CA] if God permits;
‏ِعن إِذْنِكَ = بِإِذْنِكَ = بَعد إِذْنِكَ = بالإِذْن ‎[CA] with your permission; said as pardon me, excuse me (e.g. to excuse oneself when leaving);
‏إِذْن خَطِّي / إِذْن مَكْتُوب ‎[CA] written permission;
‏طالِب الإِذْن بالكَلامِ ‎[CA] to ask the Chair for permission to speak, ask for the floor;
‏إِذْن الاِسْتِيرادِ ‎[CA] import license;
‏إِذْن غِيَاب عَن العَمَلِ ‎[CA] leave of absence, furlough;
‏إذْن مُسْبَق ‎[CA] prior authorization
‏بِإذْنِ من فُلَاْنٍ = بِإذْنِ فُلَاْنٍ ‎[CA] with s.o.'s permission
‏بِدونِ إذْنٍ ‎[CA] without permission
‏بِإذْنِ اللهِ ‎[CA] God willing
‏إذْن من أَجْلِ شَيْءٍ ‎[CA] permission to do
‏كانَ عِنْدَهُ الإذْنُ ‎[CA] he had permission
‏مَنَحَ فُلَاْنًا إذْنَ التَصْديرِ ‎[CA] to give s.o. an export licence
‏طَلَبَ إذْنَ فُلَاْنٍ ب / ل ‎[CA] to ask s.o. permission for
‏حَصَلَ على إذْنِ الدُخولِ ‎[CA] to get permission to enter

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  Root: ا ل ل ا
Word: إلّا
  except, save, with the exception of, apart from, but (more examples)

لا … إلَّاْ ‎[CA] only, merely, but, just, not … until
‏لم يَأْتِ أَحَدٌ إلَّاْ عُمْرٌ ‎[CA] only Omar came
‏بيعَت البَضائِعُ إلَّاْ قِطْعةٌ واحِدةٌ ‎[CA] all the goods but one have been sold
‏لا يُمْكِنُ أنْ تَهْبُطَ على هذا المَطارِ إلَّاْ طائِراتٌ صَغيرةٌ ‎[CA] only small plains can land at this airport
‏لا إلَهَ إلَّاْ اللهُ ‎[CA] there is no god but God
‏لم نَرَ إلَّاْ الأَشْجارَ ‎[CA] we didn't see anything but trees
‏هذه الخُطْوةُ لَيْسَتْ إلَّاْ مُناوَرةً لِكَسْبِ الوَقْتِ ‎[CA] this step is just a stalling tactic
‏لم تَصِلْنا الدَفْعةُ الأولى إلَّاْ في شَهْرِ يَنايِر ‎[CA] we didn't receive the first payment until January
‏لم يَبْعَثْ لي الخَبَرَ إلَّاْ بالأَمْسِ ‎[CA] he just sent me the message yesterday
‏لَمْ يَبْقَ لي إلَّاْ ثَلاثُ سَجائِرَ ‎[CA] I have only three cigarettes left
‏لم تَسْتَغْرِق المَعْرَكةُ إلَّاْ دَقيقَتَيْنِ فَحَسْب ‎[CA] the battle lasted only two minutes

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  Root: ا ل ه
Word: الله
  god, God (as in the one and only singular entity);
[pronunciation: al-lāh]

وَاللهِ ‎[CA] by God! really! I swear!
‏لا واللهِ! ‎[CA] honestly, no!
‏بِاللهِ / بِاللهِ عَلَيك ‎[CA] either 1. for God's sake, I implore you, I beg you, or 2. God be with you, by God
‏باللهِ لا تَفْعَلْ ‎[CA] please don't
‏أُقْسِمُ باللهِ! ‎[CA] I swear to God!
‏لِلهِ دَرُّكَ ‎[CA] exclamation of admiration and praise;
‏الله مِن هَذا الشِتَاءِ ‎[CA] oh God, what a winter!
‏الحمد الله ‎[CA] Praise be to God, thank God;
‏الله يرحم + اسم / ضمير ‎[CA] God have mercy on, when speaking of the deceased: may God rest his soul
‏بسم الله ‎[CA] In the name of God
‏لا إلَهَ إلَّاْ اللهُ ‎[CA] There is no god but (the one true) God (formal expression of faith in Islam), expression of great enthusiasm, surprise or exasperation
‏أعوذ بالله ‎[CA] I seek protect with God;
‏اللهُ مِن وراءِ القَصْدِ ‎[CA] God be behind our intention (i.e. may our intention be pure)
‏ما شاءَ الله ‎[CA] How wonderful (literally: what god has willed) (expressing appreciation, joy, praise or thankfulness for an event or person that was just mentioned)
‏هذه بِنْتي صابْرينا. ---- ما شاءَ اللهُ عَلَيْها ‎[CA] ""This is my daughter, Sabrina."" ""Oh, isn't she beautiful!""
‏بِعَوْنِ اللهِ وَتَوْفيقِهِ ‎[CA] with the help of God
‏آمَنَ بِاللهِ ‎[CA] to believe in God
‏طَوَّلَ اللهُ عُمْرَكَ ‎[CA] may God give you long life
‏حُكْم اللهِ = أَمْر = قَضاء اللهِ ‎[CA] God ordered it, ordained it, willed it
‏الإنْسانُ في التَفْكيرِ واللهُ في التَدْبيرِ ‎[CA] man proposes, God disposes
‏لا حَوْلَ وَلا قوّةَ إلَّاْ باللهِ ‎[CA] there is no power and no strength save in God (expression of exasperation or resignation)
‏إنّا للهِ وَإنّا إلَيْهِ راجِعونَ ‎[CA] to God we belong and to Him we return

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Word: الله
  god, God (as in the one and only singular entity) (more examples)

تَاللهِ ‎[CA] by God
‏الله عَزَّ وَجَلَّ ‎[CA] God, mighty and majestic is he
‏اللهُ أَكْبَرُ ‎[CA] God is great
‏اللهُ مَعَكَ ‎[CA] God be with you, ≈ good luck
‏على اللهِ ‎[CA] it's in God's hand
‏ابْن اللهِ ‎[CA] the son of God
‏الحَمْدُ للهِ ‎[CA] thank God
‏إكْراماً للهِ ‎[CA] for God's sake
‏بِسْمِ اللهِ ‎[CA] in the name of God (said for luck or in piety, when beginning something)
‏بِسْمِ اللهِ الرَحْمنِ الرَحيمِ ‎[CA] in the name of God, the Compassionate, the Merciful (formal invocation)
‏واللهُ أَعْلَمُ! ‎[CA] God only knows!
‏اللهُ يَرْحَمُهُ ‎[CA] God have mercy on his soul, ≈ may he rest in peace
‏هذه صورةُ زَوْجي المَرْحومِ، اللهُ رَحِمَهُ ‎[CA] this is a picture of my late husband, may he rest in peace
‏اللهُ يُخَلّيكَ, بارَكَ اللهُ فيكَ ‎[CA] God bless you, ≈ thank you
‏اللهُ يَرْضى عَلَيْكَ ‎[CA] may God be satisfied with you (wishing well for s.o.'s actions)
‏إنْ شاءَ اللهُ ‎[CA] If God wills, God willing (this phrase can be used for anything from I hope so to when hell freezes over, depending on context);
‏إذَنْ نَراكُمْ غَداً إنْ شاءَ اللهُ! ‎[CA] ≈ so we'll see you tomorrow then!
‏بِمَشيئةِ اللهِ, بِإذْنِ اللهِ ‎[CA] God willing

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Word: إلَـٰه / إلَه / إِلاه، ج آلِهة
  god, deity; (said 'ilaah, but the dagger alif is usually left out)
[pronunciation: ʼilāh]

تَعَدُّد الآلِهةِ ‎[CA] polytheism
‏أَقْسَمَ بِكُلِّ الآلِهةِ ‎[CA] to swear by all the gods
‏عَبَدَ الآلِهةَ ‎[CA] to worship the gods
‏لا إلَهَ إلَّاْ اللهُ ‎[CA] there is no god but God
‏يا إلَهي, يا للآلِهةِ ! ‎[CA] oh, my God!, good Lord!, good heavens!

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  Root: ا م ا
Word: أَمَا
  are you not, will he (she, they, etc.) not (marking a question, it comes from the interrogative hamzah and ما , like أَلَا and أَلَم and so forth. Some consider it a polite or gentle question and say that it denotes عَرْض , i.e. a suggestion.)

أَمَا تَقُومُ ‎[CA] will you not stand up?
‏أَمَا تَفْعَلُ ‎[CA] will you not do (it)?
‏أَمَا تَسْتَحْيِي مِنَ اللهِ ‎[CA] are you not ashamed of yourself with respect to God?

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  Root: ا م ر
Word: أَمير، ج أُمَراء، المؤنث: أَمِيْرَة، ج أَمِيْرات
  prince, emir, amir, princess (the latter obviously being the feminine form of it);
[pronunciation: ʼamīr]

أَمير الكُوَيْتِ ‎[CA] the Emir of Kuwait
‏الأَمير عَبْدُ اللهِ ‎[CA] Prince Abdullah
‏أَمير البَحْرِ ‎[CA] admiral
‏صاحِب السُموِّ المَلَكيّ الأَمير ‎[CA] His Royal Highness the Prince

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  Root: ا م ن
Word: أَمَاْن
  safety, security, protection, peace (in the sense of guaranteeing security / freedom from danger);
( this is roughly the same as أَمْن but, one teacher said they are not exactly the same. I'm not sure what the exact difference is. LL lists them under the same entry, but note the second definition of امان meaning defence, safeguard, like حماية )
[pronunciation: ʼamān]

الأَمَان الحَيَوِيّ / البِيُولَجِيّ ‎[CA] biosecurity (also sometimes used as biosafety, see also السلامة الحيوية for biosafety);
‏في أَمانٍ ‎[CA] to be safe, to be out of danger
‏فِي أمانِ الله / بِأَمانِ الله ‎[CA] in God's protection (common form of goodbye);
‏أَمَان المُرُور ‎[CA] safe-conduct;
‏بِكُلِّ أمانٍ ‎[CA] without danger or risk;
‏حِزَام أَمَان ‎[CA] safety belt
‏زُجَاج أَمَان ‎[CA] safety glass;
‏قُفْل أَمَان ‎[CA] safety lock;
‏كِبْرِيْت أَمَان ‎[CA] safety matches;
‏عَدَم الأَمانِ ‎[CA] insecurity, lack of safety
‏حِزام أَمانٍ ‎[CA] seat belt
‏بَرّ الأَمانِ ‎[CA] safe haven/harbor, safety
‏شَعَرَ بالأَمانِ ‎[CA] to feel safe
‏شُعور بالأَمانِ ‎[CA] a sense of security

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  Root: ا ن
Word: إِنْ
  إنْ + فعل ماضي / مضارع المجزوم : if, in case
this is considered the conditional of possibility (إمكانية الحدوث). It overlaps a lot with إذا in meaning. As guidelines for using it, note that إنْ is usually used to in general situations and general examples, and thus it is found a lot in popular sayings and proverbs that give advice (like if one studies then he succeeds) and in literary forms.
with regards to acceptable structures, إن can take ماضي in both the شرط and جواب الشرط, or مضارع مجزوم in both clauses. Also, فـ can be used in the جواب الشرط to change the tense or use a nominal sentence

إن شاء الله ‎[CA] if god wills
‏وإنْ = حتى وإنْ ‎[CA] although, even though, even if
‏ما إن تَصِلوا الى الواحة حتى تروا الأشجار والماء ‎[CA] no sooner do you arrive at the oasis than you see trees and water
‏إِن... إِن ‎[CA] be it... or (be it);
‏إِلَّا = إِنْ لا ‎[CA] look up under إلا;
‏إِنْ هُوَ إِلَّا ‎[CA] it is nothing but, it is no more than;
‏إِنْ هِيَ إِلا لَحْظَةٌ حَتَّى ‎[CA] it takes only a moment until;
‏إنْ وُجِدَ ‎[CA] if present
‏إنْ ضَرَبْتَني ضَرَبْتُكَ = إنْ تَضْرِبْني أَضْرِبْكَ ‎[CA] if you hit me I will hit you
‏إنْ أَرادَ الاسْتِمْرارَ عَلَيْهِ أنْ ‎[CA] if he wants to continue he will have to…
‏إنْ أَرَدْنا السَلامَ فَيَجِبُ أنْ ‎[CA] if we want peace we will have to …
‏الإصْلاح صارَ صَعْباً إنْ لم يَكُنْ مُسْتَحيلاً ‎[CA] reform has become difficult if not impossible

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  Root: ا ه ل
Word: أهّل، يُؤَهِّل، تَأهِيل
  to make fit or suited (ه = / s.o., ل = for);

أهلك اللهُ للخير ‎[CA] God made you worthy or deserving of good (prosperity);

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  Root: ا ي ي
Word: آيَة، ج آي / آيات
  sign, token, mark (from God);
[pronunciation: ʼāya]

آية اللهِ ‎[CA] ayatollah (a sign of God)
‏آية اللهِ الخُمَيْني ‎[CA] Ayatollah Khomeiny

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  Root: ب ر ك
Word: بَرَكَة، ج بَرَكَاْت
  blessing, benediction
[pronunciation: baraka]

قِلَّة البَرَكَة ‎[CA] misfortune, bad luck
‏بَرَكات اللهِ ‎[CA] God's blessings
‏على بَرَكةِ اللهِ ‎[CA] with God's blessing
‏حَبّة البَرَكةِ ‎[CA] fennel flower, black seed (Nigella sativa)
‏البَرَكةُ في البُكورِ ‎[CA] proverb: blessing in being early, (like the early bird catches the worm)
‏في الحَرَكةِ بَرَكةٌ ‎[CA] proverb: taking action is blessed, (i.e. God helps those who help themselves)

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Word: باْرَكَ
  to bless (في / ه = s.o., also ل / على) or invoke a blessing on (ه =;
[pronunciation: bāraka]

بارك الله فيك ‎[CA] God bless you
‏بارَكَ فُلانًا / لِفُلانٍ ‎[CA] to bless s.o., to give s.o. one's blessing
‏اللهُ يُبارِكُ فيكَ ‎[CA] response to مَبْروك

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Word: تَبَاْرَكَ
  to be blessed, be praised (in and of oneself) (it has a sort of reciprocity/reflexiveness meaning, see example)
[pronunciation: tabāraka]

تَبَارَكَ ‎[CA] God bless...
‏اللهُ تَبَارَكَ وتَعَالَى ‎[CA] God the Blessed and Sublime
‏تَبارَكَ اللهُ! ‎[CA] praise be to God!
‏تَبارَكَ بِشَيْءٍ ‎[CA] to consider a good sign

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  Root: ب س ط
Word: بَسَطَ، يَبْسُط، بَسْط
  to spread, spread out (ه =
[pronunciation: basaṭa]

بَسَط ذِرَاعَيْه ‎[CA] to spread one's arms;
‏بسط الثوبَ ‎[CA] he spread out the clothes;
‏بسط ذِراعَيْهِ ‎[CA] he spread his arms;
‏بَسَطَ ساقَيْهِ ‎[CA] to stretch one's legs
‏بَسَطَ جَناحَهُ ‎[CA] to spread one's wings
‏بَسَطَة المائِدَة ‎[CA] to lay the table;
‏بسطتُ له أَمْرِي ‎[CA] I laid out my state / affair for him
‏اللهُ يبسُط الأرواح في الأجساد عند الحياة ‎[CA] God puts the souls in the bodies at the time of (giving) life;
‏بسط وَجْهَهُ ‎[CA] it unwrinkled his face (often as a sign of relaxing or making happy, opposite of قبض);
‏بسط قَلْبَهُ ‎[CA] it dilated his heart, as in it become wide, open;
‏بسط فُلانٌ من فلانٍ ‎[CA] he emboldened him, made him free of shyness, made him presumptuous???
‏بسط اللهُ فلانا عليَّ ‎[CA] God made/judged one to be better than me;
‏بَسَطَ نُفوذَهُ على ‎[CA] to extend one's influence over

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Word: بَسَطَ، يَبْسُط، بَسْط
  to grant, offer, present (ه =

بسط اللهُ الرِزْقَ ‎[CA] God gives sustenance
‏بسط عليهم العَدَلَ ‎[CA] he laid out for them, or extend to them, justice

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  Root: ب غ ي
Word: اِبْتَغَى، يَبْتَغِي، اِبْتِغَاْء
  to seek, desire (ه =, aspire (ه = to, strive (ه = for), wish, want (ه =
[pronunciation: ibtaḡā]

اِبْتَغَى مِن فَضْلِ اللهِ ‎[CA] to strive for God's grace;
‏ابْتَغى شَيْئاً ‎[CA] to want
‏مُنَظَّمة لا تَبْتَغي الرِبْحَ ‎[CA] a non-profit organization

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  Root: ب ل س
Word: أَبْلَس، يُبْلِس، إِبْلَاْس
  to despair, give up hope, become broken (in spirit) and mournful

أَبْلَسَ مِن رَحْمَةِ اللهِ ‎[CA] he despaired of the mercy of God

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  Root: ب ل و
Word: بِلِيَّة، ج بَلَاْيَاْ
  trial, tribulation, visitation, affliction, distress, fortune, calamity, misfortune
[pronunciation: baliyya]

بَليّة من اللهِ ‎[CA] a trial from God
‏أَصابَتْهُ البَلايا ‎[CA] to suffer misfortune
‏شَرُّ البَليّةِ ما يُضْحِكُ ‎[CA] the worst misfortune is the one that makes you laugh

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Word: اِبْتَلَى، يَبْتَلِي، اِبْتِلَاْء
  to try, tempt, put to the test (ه = s.o.);
[pronunciation: ibtalā]

ابْتُلِيَ بِمِحْنةٍ ‎[CA] to meet with adversity
‏ابْتَلاهُ اللهُ بِشِدّةٍ ‎[CA] God has tried him severely

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  Root: ب ه ل
Word: اِبْتِهَاْل، ج اِبْتِهَاْلَاْت
  supplication, prayer
[pronunciation: ibtihāl]

ابْتِهال إلى اللهِ ‎[CA] supplication to God (أنْ = to, for)

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  Root: ب و ب
Word: بَاْب، ج أَبْوَاْب / بِيْبَاْن
  door (more examples)

على الأَبْوَاب ‎[CA] at the gates, at the doors of, approaching (figuratively: near, imminent)
‏على أبواب مرحلةٍ جديدةٍ من الحياة ‎[CA] at the doors of a new stage of life
‏فَتَحَ بَاْبًا جَدِيْدًا ‎[CA] to open up a new way, a new possibility
‏فُتِحَ بَابُ ‎[CA] was (were) begun, got under way
‏قَفَلَ بابَ الشَيءِ ‎[CA] to put an end to, terminate, close
‏مِن بابِ + المَصْدَر ‎[CA] by way of, as a means of;
‏مِنْ بَابِ الفَضْلِ ‎[CA] as a favor
‏مِنْ بابِ الضَرُوْرَة ‎[CA] it is necessary that
‏لَيْس هذا مِن بَابِ الصُدْفَة ‎[CA] that's no coincidence
‏هذا لَيْسَ من بابِ الصُدْفةِ ‎[CA] this cannot be a coincidence (difference in emphasis from ليس هذا)
‏من باب الاحترام ‎[CA] by way of respect
‏من باب الاحتياط ‎[CA] by way of caution, by precaution;
‏من بابِ المُسْتَحيلِ ‎[CA] impossible
‏مِن بَابِ الأُوْلَى ‎[CA] with all the more reason, the more so
‏من بابٍ أَوْلى ‎[CA] better
‏في هذا البَابِ ‎[CA] about this matter, about this
‏على باب الله = فقير ‎[CA] poor
‏رجل على باب الله ‎[CA] a poor man
‏طَلَعَ على بابِ اللهِ ‎[CA] to pursue one's livelihood, earn one's bread

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  Root: ب ي ت
Word: بَيْت، ج بُيُوْت / بُيُوْتَاْت
  house, building;
[pronunciation: bayt]

البَيْت الأَبْيَض ‎[CA] the White House (in Washington, DC);
‏بَيْت الحَرَام ‎[CA] the Kaaba;
‏بَيْت اللهِ ‎[CA] either 1. the Kaaba, or 2. a mosque, house of God
‏بَيْت الخَلَاْء = بَيْت الأَدَب = بَيْت المَاءِ ‎[CA] toilet, water closet;
‏بَيْت الدَاءِ ‎[CA] origin or seat of the disease;
‏بَيْت رِيْفِيّ ‎[CA] country house;
‏بَيْت الشَبَابِ ‎[CA] youth hostel;
‏بَيْت الراحةِ ‎[CA] bathroom
‏بَيْت المَقْدِسِ ‎[CA] Jerusalem
‏بَيْت لَحْم / بَيْتْلَحْم ‎[CA] Bethlehem;
‏بَيْت المَالِ ‎[CA] either 1. treasure house, or 2. fise, treasury, exchequer (Islamic Law), or 3. administration of vacant Muslim estates (Tunisian);
‏بيت مُتَنَقِّل = بَيْت مُتَحَرِّك ‎[CA] mobile home
‏بَيْت تِجاريّ ‎[CA] place of business
‏بَيْت زُجاجيّ ‎[CA] hothouse, greenhouse
‏بَيْت الإبْرةِ ‎[CA] compass
‏بَيْت المالِ ‎[CA] the treasury, the Exchequer (British)
‏بَيْت المَقْدِسِ ‎[CA] Jerusalem
‏رَبّ البَيْتِ ‎[CA] head of the household, man of the house
‏رَبّة البَيْتِ ‎[CA] housewife
‏صاحِب بَيْتٍ ‎[CA] homeowner, landlord
‏امْتَلَكَ بَيْتاً ‎[CA] to own a house

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  Root: ب ي ض
Word: بَيَّضَ
  to make white, paint white, whitewash, whiten (ه =
[pronunciation: bayyaḍa]

بَيَّضَ وَجْهَهُ ‎[CA] to make (ه) s.o. look good (either in the positive sense, like to honor someone, or the negative sense, like to whitewash someone's reputation)
‏بَيِّضَ اللهُ وَجْهَهُ ‎[CA] may God make him happy;
‏لا يُبَيِّضُ مِن صَحِيْفَتِهِ ‎[CA] this doesn't show him in a favorable light;
‏بَيَّضَ بَيْتاً ‎[CA] to whitewash a house

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Word: بَيَّضَ
  to clear, to clean (ه =

بَيَّضَ وَجْهَهُ = بَيَّضَ صَفْحَتَهُ ‎[CA] to repair one's image
‏بَيَّضَ وَجْهَ فُلَاْنٍ ‎[CA] to make s.o. appear in a favourable light
‏بَيَّضَ اللهُ وَجْهَهُ ‎[CA] may God make him happy!

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  Root: ت و ب
Word: تَاْبَ، يَتُوْب، تَوْب / تَوْبَة / مَتَاْب
  to repent, be penitent, do penance, to turn (إلى = to s.o./, usually God) for repentance;
[pronunciation: tāba]

تابَ إلى اللهِ ‎[CA] to turn to God in repentance

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  Root: ث ا ر
Word: ثَأْر
  vengence, revenge
[pronunciation: ṯār ul-lāhi]

ثَأر اللهِ : epithet of Imam Husayn (in Shiism) (often written ثار ‎[CA] from the colloquial pronunciation)

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  Root: ث ر و
Word: ثَرًى
  ground, soil
[pronunciation: ṯaran]

أَيْنَ الثَرَى مِن الثُرَيَّا ‎[CA] proverb: what has the ground to do with the Pleiades (said of things of disproportionate value)
‏طَيَّبَ اللهُ ثَرَاهُ (approximately) may God rest him in peace (literally: may God make his ground good)

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  Root: ث ن ي
Word: ثَاْنٍ (الثَاْنِي)
  second (ordinal number)
[pronunciation: ṯānin]

ثَاْنِي اِثْنَيْن ‎[CA] the second of a pair, pendant, companion piece, match
‏ثانِي أُكْسِيْد ‎[CA] dioxide;
‏ثانِي أُكْسِيد الكَرْبَوْن ‎[CA] carbon dioxide
‏ثانيَ / ة عَشَرَ ‎[CA] twelfth (ordinal number)
‏ثانِياً ‎[CA] secondly, second, (once) again
‏مَرّةً ثانِيةً = ثانِيَةً ‎[CA] a second time, again
‏ثَاْنِي أَكْبَر + اسم ‎[CA] the second largest
‏المَلِك عَبْد اللهِ الثاني ‎[CA] King Abdullah II
‏ثاني أَفْضَل + اسم في إضافة ‎[CA] the second best …
‏ثاني أَجْمَل + اسم في إضافة ‎[CA] the second most beautiful …
‏الدَوْلة الثانِية سُكّاناً ‎[CA] the second most populous country
‏ذَهَبَ إلى العِرَاقِ للمَرّةِ الثانِيةِ ‎[CA] he went to Iraq for the second time

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  Root: ج ا ر
Word: جَأَرَ، يَجْأَر، جَأْر / جُؤَاْر
  to supplicate, pray fervently (إلى = to God)

جَأَرَ إلى اللهِ ‎[CA] to supplicate to God

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  Root: ج ب ر
Word: تَجَبَّرَ
  to show oneself strong or powerful, demonstrate one's strength or power

تَجَبَّرَ اللهُ بِاْبْنِكَ ‎[CA] God has His power on your son, e.g., He has taken him unto Himself

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  Root: ج ز ي
Word: جَزَى، يَجْزِي، جَزَاْء
  to pay, give (ه = as a satisfaction, or as a means of satisfying s.o.
(In that sense it also takes on the meaning of repaying or recompensing s.o. for, because something repaid is a means of satisfying a “debt”).

لا تجزي نَفْسٌ عن نَفْسٍ شيئا ‎[CA] a soul will not give anything in satisfaction to another soul (Quran 2:45);
‏جَزَيْتُ الدَيْنَ ‎[CA] I paid the debt;
‏جزيتُ فلانا حقه ‎[CA] I paid so-and-so his right, gave him what he was due;
‏جَزَاكَ اللهُ خَيْرًا ‎[CA] May God bless you, grant you a good (for what you have done). This is used when praying for someone and also as a form of thanks (like instead of saying thank you). In the latter case a common response is وَإِياكَ, meaning and you as well.

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Word: جَزَى، يَجْزِي، جَزَاْء
  to requite, recompense (ه = s.o., ب / على = for), repay (ه = to s.o., ب / على =

جَزَاك اللهُ خَيْرًا ‎[CA] may God reward (bless) you for it جَزَاهُ جَزَاءَ سِنِمَّارَ ho returned to him good for evil

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Word: جَزَى، يَجْزِي، جَزَاْء
  to reward (ه = to s.o., ب / على = for)
[pronunciation: jazā]

جَزاهُ اللهُ خَيْراً ‎[CA] may God reward him

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Word: جَاْزَى، يُجَاْزِي، مُجَاْزَاْة
  to reward (ب = s.o., ب / على = for)
[pronunciation: jāzā]

جازاكَ اللَهُ خَيْراً ‎[CA] may God reward you

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  Root: ج ع ل
Word: جَعَلَ، يَجْعَل، جَعْل
  to create (ه =
[pronunciation: jaʻala]

جَعَلَ اللهُ السَمَواتِ والأَرْضَ ‎[CA] God created the heavens and the earth

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  Root: ج ل ل
Word: جَلَّ، يَجِلّ، جَلَاْل
  to be great, lofty, exalted, illustrious, sublime
[pronunciation: jalla]

اللهُ عَزَّ وَجَلَّ ‎[CA] God, the Great and Almighty

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Word: جَلَاْلَة
  loftiness, sublimity, augustness, gloriousness

لَفْظ الجَلالةِ ‎[CA] the word الله

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Word: أَجَلَّ، يُجِلّ، إِجْلَاْل
  to honor, dignify, revere, venerate, esteem highly, exalt, glorify (ه = s.o.)

أَجَلَّ اللهَ ‎[CA] to glorify God
‏أَجَلَّ وَاحْتَرَمَ فُلَاْنًا ‎[CA] to honor and respect s.o.

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  Root: ج م ع
Word: جَمَاْعَة، ج جَمَاْعَاْت
  group, company, collective (من = of) (of people)
(this word is often used to refer specifically to political groups, in contrast to مجموعة which is more generally just used as group);

جَمَاعَاتٍ وَأَفْرَادًا ‎[CA] in groups and individually
‏جَماعة من الفَنّانينَ ‎[CA] a collective of artists
‏انْضَمَّ إلى الجَماعةِ ‎[CA] to join the group
‏يَدُ اللهِ مع الجَماعةِ ‎[CA] proverb: the hand of God is with the group (i.e. union is strength, union is better than being individuals)
‏صَلاة الجَماعةِ ‎[CA] the congregational prayer

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  Root: ج م ل
Word: جَمَاْل
[pronunciation: jamāl]

عِلْم الجَمَال = فَلْسَفَة الجَمَال ‎[CA] aesthetics
‏علم الجمال ‎[CA] aesthetics
‏انّ الله جميل يحب الجمال ‎[CA] god is beautiful and loves beauty
‏على وجه الإجمال ‎[CA] in general, generally speaking
‏جَمال باهِر = جَمال رائِع ‎[CA] a ravishing beauty
‏مَلِكة جَمالٍ ‎[CA] beauty queen
‏عِلْم الجَمالِ ‎[CA] aesthetics
‏اخْتِصاصيّ في عِلْمِ الجَمالِ ‎[CA] aesthetician, beautician
‏جَمال المَنْظَرِ الطَبيعيِّ ‎[CA] the beauty of the landscape

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  Root: ج ه د
Word: جَاْهَدَ، يجاهد، جِهاد
  to fight (في سَبِيل = for
[pronunciation: jāhada]

جاهَدَ من أَجْلِ حُقوقِهِ ‎[CA] to fight for one's rights
‏جاهَدَ في سَبيلِ اللهِ ‎[CA] to dedicate oneself to the cause of God
‏جاهَدَ في سَبيلِ مَصالِحَ قَوْميّةٍ ‎[CA] to fight for national interests

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Word: جِهَاْد
  jihad, holy war (against the infidels, as a religious duty)
[pronunciation: jihād]

الجِهاد الأَكْبَر ‎[CA] the greater jihad (the spiritual struggle against one's ego and against temptation)
‏الجِهاد الأَصْغَر ‎[CA] the lesser jihad (the struggle to protect Islam from attack or oppression)
‏الجِهاد في سَبيلِ اللهِ ‎[CA] the struggle for the cause of God

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  Root: ج و ر
Word: أَجَاْرَ، يُجِيْر، إِجَاْرَة
  to protect (ه = s.o., من = from), take (ه = s.o.) under one's wing
[pronunciation: ʼajāra]

أَجارَكَ اللهُ ‎[CA] may God protect you

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  Root: ح ب ب 1
Word: حُبّ
[pronunciation: ḥubb]

حُبّ الذَاْتِ ‎[CA] self love, amour-propre (in some cases can be positive, like self esteem, and in other cases negative)
‏حُبّ الاِسْتِطْلَاعِ ‎[CA] curiosity, inquisitiveness
‏حُبّ الوَطَنِ ‎[CA] patriotism
‏حُبًّا لِ ‎[CA] out of love or affection for, out of friendship for… (as a مفعول لأجله) (note some say that the form حُبًّ في is more proper. HW lists both, as do other dictionaries)
‏حُبًّا في ‎[CA] in the desire to…
‏حُبّ حَقيقيّ ‎[CA] real love, true love
‏حُبّ عُذْريّ ‎[CA] courtly/platonic love
‏حُبّ صامِت ‎[CA] an unspoken love
‏حُبّ غَيْر مُتَبادَلٍ ‎[CA] an unrequited love
‏حُبّ الذاتِ ‎[CA] egoism, egotism, egocentrism, self-love
‏حُبّ أَبَويّ ‎[CA] fatherly/paternal love
‏حُبّ الأُمِّ لِطِفْلِها ‎[CA] the love of a mother for her child
‏حُبّ اللهِ ‎[CA] the love of God
‏حُبّ الفَنِّ / الموسيقى ‎[CA] the love of art/music
‏حُبّ الوَطَنِ ‎[CA] love for one's country, patriotism
‏الحُبّ بين الرَجُلِ والمَرْأةِ ‎[CA] the love between a man and woman
‏الحُبّ من أَوَّلِ نَظْرةٍ ‎[CA] love at first sight
‏حُبُّهُ الأَوَّل ‎[CA] his first love
‏كانَتْ حُبَّهُ الكَبيرَ ‎[CA] she was his great love
‏لُغة الحُبِّ ‎[CA] the language of love
‏رِسالة حُبٍّ ‎[CA] love letter
‏أُغْنيّة حُبٍّ ‎[CA] love song
‏إحْساس بالحُبِّ ‎[CA] a feeling of love
‏لَيْسَ مَحْظوظاً في الحُبِّ ‎[CA] he is not lucky in love
‏الحُبُّ أَعْمى ‎[CA] love is blind
‏ما الحُبُّ إلَّاْ للحَبيبِ الأَوَّلِ ‎[CA] first love is never forgotten
‏عن حُبٍّ ‎[CA] out of love
‏عيد الحُبِّ ‎[CA] Valentine's day

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Word: حَبِيْب، ج أَحِبَّاْء / أَحِبَّة / أَحْبَاْب
  dear one, friend

أَحِبَّتِي في اللهِ ‎[CA] my friends in God, brothers in God, my brothers and sisters in god, my brothers and sisters in religion

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  Root: ح د د
Word: حَدّ، ج حُدُوْد
  restriction (من of the number or quantity of

مُعاهَدة الحَدِّ من انْتِشارِ الأَسْلِحةِ النَوَويّةِ ‎[CA] nuclear non-proliferation treaty
‏الحَدّ من الهِجْرةِ ‎[CA] a halt to immigration
‏من أَجْلِ الحَدِّ من الفَسادِ ‎[CA] in order to put a stop to corruption
‏حُدُوْد اَلله ‎[CA] bounds or restrictions that God has placed on man's freedom of action
‏حَدّ عُمْرِيّ ‎[CA] age limit, age restriction

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Word: حَدّ، ج حُدُوْد
  divine ordinance, divine statute

حُدود اللهِ ‎[CA] divine restrictive ordinances or statutes, regarding things lawful and unlawful

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  Root: ح ر م
Word: حَرَّمَ، يحرّم، تحريم
  to declare (ه = sacred, sacrosanct, inviolable, or taboo, to taboo (ه =
[pronunciation: ḥarrama]

حَرَّمَ اللهُ مَكّةَ ‎[CA] God declared Mecca a holy place

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  Root: ح ز ب
Word: حِزْب، ج أَحْزَاْب
  (political) party, group
[pronunciation: ḥizb]

حِزْب الله ‎[CA] Hezbollah, Party of God (Shiite paramilitary group and political party based in Lebanon. There is also a group in Iraq, كتائب حِزب الله, the Hezbollah Brigades)
‏حِزب البَعْثِ ‎[CA] the Baath party
‏حِزْب سِياسيّ ‎[CA] political party
‏حِزْب مُعارِض ‎[CA] opposition (party)
‏الحِزْب الليبيراليّ ‎[CA] the liberal party
‏الحِزْب الاشْتِراكيّ ‎[CA] the socialist party
‏الحِزْب الشُيوعيّ ‎[CA] the communist party
‏الحِزْب الحاكِم ‎[CA] the ruling party
‏نِظام الحِزْبِ الوَحيدِ ‎[CA] one-party system
‏مَكْتَب الحِزْبِ ‎[CA] party office
‏زَعيم الحِزْبِ ‎[CA] party leader
‏رَئيس الحِزْبِ ‎[CA] party chairman
‏عُضْو حِزْبٍ ‎[CA] party member
‏بَرْنامَج الحِزْبِ ‎[CA] party platform
‏وَضَعَ بَرْنامَجَ الحِزْبِ ‎[CA] to draw up the party platform
‏صَوَّتَ على حِزْبٍ ‎[CA] to vote for a party
‏انْتَمى إلى حِزْبٍ ‎[CA] to belong to a party
‏انْضَمَّ إلى حِزْبٍ ‎[CA] to join a party
‏سورة الأَحْزاب ‎[CA] The Clans (Sura 33)

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  Root: ح س ب
Word: حَسْب
[pronunciation: ḥasb]

حَسْبُكَ / بِحَسْبِكَ دُولار ‎[CA] one dollar is enough for you
‏حَسْبُكَ أَنّ ‎[CA] either 1. it suffices to say that, or 2. you know enough when you hear that…, or 3. you need only…, you only have to;
‏بِحَسْبِك مُقْنِعًا إِنْ ‎[CA] it will be enough to convince you if…
‏وَحَسْبُكَ بِهَذَا كُلِّهِ شَرًّا ‎[CA] but enough of all these negative aspects
‏حَسْبُنا اللهُ ‎[CA] God suffices us
‏حَسْبي ما سَمِعْتُ ‎[CA] I have heard enough
‏فَحَسْب ‎[CA] and that's all, and no more, only (interchangeable with فَقَط);
‏وَحَسْب = فقط ‎[CA] only (but one teacher said that فحسب is better than وحسب but I don't know why)
‏إنَّها مَسْأَلةُ وَقْتٍ فَحَسْبُ ‎[CA] it's only a matter of time
‏كانَ هذا البِدايةَ وَحَسْبُ ‎[CA] that was just the beginning
‏لَيْسَ بِسَبَبِ ضَخامَتِهِ فَحَسْبُ بَلْ أَيْضاً ‎[CA] not only because of its size but also …
‏فَحَسْبُهُ جَهَنَّمٌ ‎[CA] Hell will settle his account

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Word: اِحْتَسَبَ، يحتسب، احتساب
  to anticipate a reward in the hereafter by adding a pious deed to one's account with God such as resigning to God's will at the death of a relative
[pronunciation: iḥtasaba]

اِحْتَسَبَ وَلَدًا ‎[CA] to give a son, be bereaved of a son
‏اِحْتَسَبَ عِنْدَ اللهِ الشَيْءَ ‎[CA] to sacrifice in anticipation of God's reward in the hereafter

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  Root: ح س ن
Word: أَحْسَنَ، يحسن، إحسان
  to do favors, do good (إلى / ب = to s.o.), do (إلى / ب = s.o.) a good turn, be nice, friendly (إلى / ب = to s.o.)

أحسِنْ كما أَحْسَنَ اللهُ إليك ‎[CA] do good as God has done good for you

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  Root: ح ش و
Word: حَاْشَى / حَاْشَاْ / حَاْشَ
  except, save (can be followed either by a منصوب / accusative, a مجرور / genitive, or ل )
(usually used in fixed phrases; this is either اسم فاعل أمر or taken from form III. See LL for a full explanation)

حاشَا لِله / حاشى لِله / حَاْشَ لِله = = حاشى لك = معاذ الله ‎[CA] God forbid!
‏حاشا / حاشَى / حاشَ لَك أنْ ‎[CA] far be it from you that you..., don't lower yourself by…
‏حاشَى أن تَفْعَل ‎[CA] far be it that you do..., (but with person suffix in connection with 1st person of the verb)
‏حاشَايَ أَنْ أَفْعَلَ ‎[CA] far be it that I do (it)
‏حاشا أنْ أَفْعَلَ ‎[CA] I would not think about doing..., far be it that I do...

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  Root: ح ف ظ
Word: حَفِظَ، يَحْفَظ، حِفْظ
  to protect, guard, defend, shield, preserve (ه = s.o.)
[pronunciation: ḥafiẓa]

حَفِظَهُ اللهُ ‎[CA] may God protect him!
‏حَفِظَ فُلَاْنًا من الشَرِّ ‎[CA] to preserve s.o. from evil
‏حَفِظَكَ اللهُ ‎[CA] may God protect you
‏اللَهُمَّ احْفَظْني! ‎[CA] God forbid!

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  Root: ح ك م
Word: حِكْمَة، ج حِكَم
  wisdom, prudence, insight, (good) judgement
[pronunciation: ḥikma]

كانَ ذا حِكْمةٍ كَبيرةٍ ‎[CA] he had great wisdom
‏تَناوَلَ مُشْكِلةً بِحِكْمةٍ ‎[CA] to handle a problem with prudence
‏لَيْسَ من الحِكْمةِ ‎[CA] it is not wise
‏رَأْسُ الحِكْمةِ مَخافةُ اللهِ ‎[CA] the fear of God is the beginning of wisdom
‏بِحِكْمةٍ ‎[CA] wisely

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Word: حُكْم، ج أَحْكَاْم
  plural أَحْكَام : statutes, by-laws, rules, provisions, stipulations, principles, precepts

أَحْكَام اللهِ ‎[CA] God's commands الأَحْكَام العُرْفِيَّة martial law أَحْكَام اِنْتِقَالِيَّة provisional regulations (jurisprudence) أَحْكَام خِتَامِيَّة final regulations (jurisprudence) أَحْكَام خَاصَّة special regulations عِلْم الأَحْكَامِ judicial astrology لِكُلِّ سِنٍّ حُكْمُهُ proverb: every age has its own set of rules, must be judged by its own standards لِلضَّرُوْرَة أَحْكَامُ proverb: necessity has its (own) rules (approximately: necessity knows no law)

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Word: اِحْتَكَمَ، يحتكم، احتكام
  to appeal (إلى = to) for a legal decision, seek a decision (إلى = from), have (إلى = s.o.) decide

احْتَكَمَ إلى قَوْلِ اللهِ ‎[CA] to appeal to the word of God for judgement

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  Root: ح م د
Word: حَمِدَ، يَحْمَد، حَمْد
  to praise, commend, laud, extol (ه = s.o., على = for, ه = (in some instances can also be thought of as thanks, like praising God = giving thanks to God in some cases)
[pronunciation: ḥamida]

حَمِدَ اللهَ على … ‎[CA] to praise God that …

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  Root: ح م ل
Word: حَاْمِل، ج حَاْمِلُوْن / حَمَلَة
  bearer, holder (of a note, of a check, etc, or of an order or decoration)
[pronunciation: ḥāmil]

حامِل أَسْهُمٍ، ج حَمَلَة الأَسْهُم ‎[CA] shareholder
‏حَاْمِل العَلَم ‎[CA] standard bearer, flagman
‏حَاْمِل اللَقَبِ ‎[CA] titleholder (sport)
‏حَمَلَة الأَقْلَاْم ‎[CA] the publicists, the writers
‏حامِل كَلَامِ اللهِ ‎[CA] one who knows Qur'an by heart
‏حامِل جَوازِ السَفَرِ ‎[CA] the bearer of the passport
‏حامِل شَهادةٍ ‎[CA] holder of a diploma, qualified
‏شيك لِحامِلِهِ ‎[CA] a check made payable to the bearer

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  Root: ح و ل
Word: حَوْل، ج أَحْوَاْل
  might, power
[pronunciation: ḥawl]

لا حَوْلَ ولا قُوَّةَ إلا بِاللهِ ‎[CA] there is no power and no strength save in God
‏لا حَوْلَ لَه ولا حِيْلَةَ ‎[CA] he is completely powerless, he can do nothing, he is at the end of his resources
‏بِحَوْلِ اللهِ ‎[CA] in God's good graces, all being well

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  Root: ح ي ي
Word: حَيَّاْ، يُحَيِّي، تَحِيَّة
  to keep (ه = s.o.) alive, grant (ه = s.o.) a long life
[pronunciation: ḥayyā]

حَيّاك اللهُ ‎[CA] may God grant you a long life, God keep you

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  Root: خ ت م
Word: خَتَمَ، يَخْتِم، خَتْم / خِتَاْم
  to seal, provide with a seal or signet (ه =

ختم اللهُ قلوبَهم ‎[CA] God put a seal on their hearts, i.e. prevented the heart from believing;

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Word: خَتَمَ، يَخْتِم، خَتْم / خِتَاْم
  to stamp, impress with a stamp (ه =
[pronunciation: ḵatama]

خَتَمَ رِسالةً ‎[CA] to seal, stamp a letter
‏خَتَمَ جَوازَ سَفَرٍ ‎[CA] to stamp a passport
‏خَتَمَ طابِعاً بَريديًّا ‎[CA] to stamp (the date on) a postage stamp
‏خَتَمَ اللهُ على قُلوبِهِمْ ‎[CA] God has sealed their hearts

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  Root: خ ذ ي
Word: خَذِيَ، يَخْذى، خَذًى
  to submit oneself
[pronunciation: ḵaḏiya]

خَذِيَ أمام اللهِ ‎[CA] to submit oneself to God

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  Root: خ ز ي
Word: أَخْزَى، يُخْزِي، إِخْزَاْء
  to humiliate, degrade, dishonor (ه = s.o.)

أَخْزاكَ اللهُ! ‎[CA] may God humble you!

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  Root: خ س ف
Word: خَسَفَ، يَخْسِف، خَسْف / خُسُوْف
  to sink, sink down, give way, cave in, disappear, go down (intransitive)

كانَ يَتَمَنّى أنْ تَخْسِفَ بِهِ الأَرْضُ ‎[CA] he wished the ground would swallow him up
‏خَسَفَ اللهُ بِهِ الأرضَ ‎[CA] God made the earth give way beneath him, made the earth swallow him;

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  Root: خ ل ف
Word: خُلُوْف
  breath, halitosis (bad breath, specifically that caused by fasting and not eating and drinking for an extended period of time)

وَخُلُوفُ فَمِ الصَّائِمِ أَطْيَبُ عِنْدَ اللهِ مِن رِيْحِ المِسْكِ ‎[CA] God considers the bad breath of one fasting better than the smell of musk. (partial hadith, considered sahih)

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  Root: خ ل ق
Word: خَلَقَ، يَخْلُق، خَلْق
  to create, make, originate (ه =
(As a rough guide, the word أبدع is usually used in relation to the arts and literature, whereas اخترع and ابتكر are used for the sciences and intellectual matters, and خلق is used for divine creation or creation of character, beings.)
[pronunciation: ḵalaqa]

الظروف تخلق طبعه ‎[CA] circumstances create his character;
‏خَلَقَ إمْكانيّاتٍ جَديدةً ‎[CA] to create new possibilities
‏خَلَقَ فُرَصَ عَمَلٍ ‎[CA] to create job opportunities
‏خَلَقَ اللهُ السَماواتِ والأَرْضَ ‎[CA] God created heaven and earth

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  Root: خ ل ل
Word: خَلِيْل، ج أَخِلَّاْء / خُلَّاْن
  friend, bosom friend

خَلِيْل اللهِ ‎[CA] The Friend of God (epithet of Abraham)

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  Root: خ و ف
Word: مَخَاْفَة
  fear, dread
[pronunciation: maḵāfa]

مَخَافَةً أَنَّ ‎[CA] for fear that…, afraid that…,
‏مَخافة اللهِ ‎[CA] fear of God

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  Root: خ ي ر
Word: اِخْتَاْرَ، يَخْتَاْر، َاِخْتِيَاْر
  to choose, select, elect, pick (ه = s.o. /, fix upon (ه = s.o. /
[pronunciation: iḵtāra]

اخْتَاْرَهُ اللهُ إلى جِوَاْرِهِ (approximately) the Lord has taken him unto Himself
‏اخْتارَ لَوْناً ‎[CA] to pick a color
‏اخْتارَ دِراسةً ‎[CA] to choose a subject
‏اخْتارَ بين ‎[CA] to make a choice between...
‏اخْتارَ من ‎[CA] to make a choice from…

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Word: اِسْتَخَاْرَ، يَسْتَخَاْر، َاِسْتِخَاْرَة
  to ask God for proper guidance, to seek what is best

اِسْتَخَارَ اللهَ فِي ‎[CA] to ask God for proper guidance in

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  Root: د ع و
Word: دَعَاْ، يَدْعُو، دُعَاْء
  to invoke, supplicate (الله = God), to pray to (الله = God, ل = for s.o., على = against s.o., also أنْ = to do) (note that ل = means in favor of s.o. or on s.o.’s behalf, and على means against s.o.)
[pronunciation: daʻā]

دَعا اللهَ ‎[CA] to invoke/pray to God

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Word: دُعَاْء، ج أَدْعِيَة
  invocation of God, call (to God), supplication, prayer (ل = for s.o., على = against)
[pronunciation: duʻāʼ]

رَفَعَ الدُعاءَ ‎[CA] to offer a prayer
‏دُعاء إلى اللهِ ‎[CA] a prayer to God
‏دُعاء من أَجْلِ السَلامِ ‎[CA] a prayer for peace
‏اسْتَجابَ لِدُعاءِ فُلَاْنٍ ‎[CA] to answer s.o.'s prayer

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  Root: د ف ق
Word: دَفَقَ، يَدْفُق / يَدْفِق، دَفْق / دُفُوْق
  to pour out, pour forth (ه =
[pronunciation: dafaqa]

دَفَقَ اللهُ رُوحَ فُلانٍ: أماتُه ‎[CA] God took his soul, God made him die

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  Root: ذ ك ر
Word: ذَكَرَ، يَذْكُر، ذِكْر
  to give (ه = e.g., facts, data)
[pronunciation: ḏakara]

ذَكَرَ اللهَ ‎[CA] to praise God
‏ذَكَرَ اسْمَ اللهِ ‎[CA] to invoke God

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  Root: ذ ن ب
Word: ذَنْب، ج ذُنُوْب
  offense, sin, crime, misdeed

إنه لا يغفر ذنوبي إلا الله ‎[CA] there is no one who can forgive my sins except god
‏غَفَرَ اللهُ لَهُ ذُنوبَهُ ‎[CA] God forgave him his sins, God absolved him of his sins
‏اقْتَرَفَ ذَنْباً = ارْتَكَبَ ذَنْباً ‎[CA] to commit an offense, commit a sin

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Word: ذَنُوْب
  (a large) bucket (the main usage of this seems to be a hadith in which a man urinates in a masjid during the time of the Prophet Muhammad. Instead of getting angry, the Prophet simply says that they should pour a ذَنُوب من ماء , a bucket of water over it to purify it.)

جاء أعرابيٌّ فبال في طائفةِ المسجد، فزجره الناس، فنهاهم رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم، فلما قضى بوله أمر النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم بذَنُوب من ماءٍ فأُهريق عليه ‎[CA] a Bedouin came and then urinated in the corner of the masjid. The people censured him. The Messenger of God, peace and blessings be upon him, prevented them (from stopping him). When he finished urinating, the Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him, ordered that a bucket of water be poured on it. (note the word أهريق is defined as صُبَّ or أريق )

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  Root: ر ا م ا ل ل ه
Word: رَاْم الله
Ramallah (town in Jordan, of Jerusalem) (from the Aramaic رام , meaning high place / mountain, and the Arabic word for God. It means the high place of God)
[pronunciation: rām ul-lāh]
  Root: ر ب ب
Word: رَبّ، ج أَرْبَاْب
  الرَبّ : the Lord (i.e. God)
[pronunciation: rabb]

الرَّبّ ‎[CA] the Lord, God
‏رَبِّي ‎[CA] my lord, God
‏رَبُّنا our Lord
‏رَبّ العالَمينَ ‎[CA] the Lord of the worlds
‏يا رَبّ oh, Lord
‏ذَهَبَ إلى جِوارِ رَبِّهِ = انْتَقَلَ إلى جِوارِ رَبِّهِ ‎[CA] to meet one's Maker
‏ربّنا معك / الله معك ‎[CA] God be with you (good luck, goodbye, etc.)
‏صُعُوْد الرَبِّ ‎[CA] the Ascension (Christian)

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  Root: ر ح م
Word: رَحِمَ، يَرْحَم، رَحْمَة / مَرْحَمَة
  to have mercy (ه = upon s.o.), have compassion (ه = for s.o.), be merciful (ه = to s.o.)
[pronunciation: raḥima]

رَحِمَهُ اللهُ ‎[CA] Lord have mercy on his soul
‏والِدي رَحِمَهُ اللهُ ‎[CA] my late father, bless his soul
‏اللهُ يَرْحَمُهُ ‎[CA] God rest his soul
‏فَلْيَرْحَمْنا اللهُ! ‎[CA] God have mercy on us!

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Word: رَحْمَة
  mercy, mercifulness, clemency, grace
[pronunciation: raḥma]

كان تَحْتَ رَحْمَتِهِ ‎[CA] to be at s.o.'s mercy
‏جَعَلَهُ تَحْتَ رَحْمَتِهِ ‎[CA] to leave or s.o. to s.o.'s mercy
‏بَسَاط الرَحْمَة ‎[CA] pall
‏عَدَم الرَحْمةِ = انْعِدام الرَحْمةِ ‎[CA] mercilessness
‏عَديم الرَحْمةِ ‎[CA] merciless, heartless
‏كانَ تحت رَحْمةِ فُلَاْنٍ ‎[CA] to be at the mercy of s.o.
‏لَيْسَتْ في قَلْبِهِ رَحْمةٌ ‎[CA] he has no mercy
‏مَنَّ عَلَيْهِ اللهُ بِرَحْمَتِهِ ‎[CA] to receive God's grace
‏عامَلَ فُلَاْنًا بِرَحْمةٍ ‎[CA] to treat s.o. mercifully
‏تُوُفِّيَ إلى رَحْمةِ اللهِ = انْتَقَلَ إلى رَحْمةِ اللهِ ‎[CA] to pass away
‏الْتَمَسَ الرَحْمةَ ‎[CA] to beg for mercy
‏بِرَحْمةِ اللهِ ‎[CA] by the grace of God
‏رَحْمة اللهِ اللامُتَناهِية ‎[CA] God's infinite goodness

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Word: رَحْمَاْن
  الرَحْمَان : the Merciful, Compassionate (epithet of God)
[pronunciation: raḥmān]

سورة الرَحْمان ‎[CA] The Most Merciful (Sura 55)
‏عَبْد الرَّحْمانِ ‎[CA] Abd-al-Rahman, Abdulrahman (male given name meaning servant of the Merciful)
‏بِسْمِ اللهِ الرَحْمانِ الرَحيمِ ‎[CA] in the name of God, the Compassionate, the Merciful (formula occurring at the beginning of nearly every chapter of the Qur'an, and which is to be recited by Muslims at the start of an activity)

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Word: رَحِيْم، ج رُحَمَاْء
  merciful, compassionate
[pronunciation: raḥīm]

عُقوبة رَحيمة ‎[CA] a light punishment
‏بِسْمِ اللهِ الرَحْمنِ الرَحيمِ ‎[CA] in the name of God, the Compassionate, the Merciful (formula occurring at the beginning of nearly every chapter of the Qur'an, and which is to be recited by Muslims at the start of an activity)

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  Root: ر ز ق
Word: رَزَقَ، يَرْزُق، رِزْق
  to bless (ه = s.o., ه = with, especially with a child) (said of God)

رَزَقَهُ اللهُ بِبِنْتٍ ‎[CA] God blessed him with a daughter
‏رُزِقَ بِطِفْلٍ ‎[CA] to have a child

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Word: رِزْق، ج أَرْزَاْق
  boon, blessing, (God-given) material blessing

رِزْق من اللهِ ‎[CA] God-given sustenance

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  Root: ر س ل
Word: رَسُوْل، ج رُسُل
  الرَسُوْل : The Messenger (i.e. Mohammad) (Islam)
(Arabic and Islam specifically differentiate between a prophet, called نَبِي because he bears news, and messenger, being رَسُول because he bears a messege / book from God. By Arabic standards, Muhammad was both a prophet and messenger. However, in translation in English, he is often only referred to as prophet)

الرَسول ‎[CA] the Prophet / Messenger (Muhammad) (usually followed by the words صَلّى اللهُ عَلَيْهِ وسَلَّمَ or the abbreviation صلعم)
‏رسول الله ‎[CA] the messenger of God (often a reference to the Prophet / Messenger Muhammad)
‏كِتاب اللهِ وَسُنّة رَسولِهِ ‎[CA] the Book of God and the Sunna of his Prophet / Messenger
‏في عَهْدِ الرَسولِ = في عَصْرِ الرَسولِ ‎[CA] at the time of the Prophet / Messenger

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  Root: ر ض ي
Word: رَضِيَ، يَرْضَى، رِضًى (الرِضَى)، رِضْوَاْن / مَرْضَاْة
  to be pleased, satisfied (عن / على / ه = with, sometimes also ب)

رَضِيَ اللهُ عَنْهُ ‎[CA] may God pleased with him (common phrase following the names of prophets and other religiously significant figures)

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Word: رِضْوَاْن
  pleasure, delight
[pronunciation: riḍwān]

رِضْوانُ اللهِ عَلَيْهِ ‎[CA] may the pleasure of God be with him (added to the name of an honored person)

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Word: رِضًى (الرِضَى) / رِضًا (الرِضَاْ)
  contentment, contentedness, satisfaction, fulfillment
[pronunciation: riḍan]

نَظْرة رِضًى ‎[CA] a contented look
‏نَظَرَ بِرِضًى ‎[CA] to look with satisfaction
‏بَدَتْ على وَجْهِها أَماراتُ الرِضى ‎[CA] her face showed signs of contentment
‏عَدَم الرِضى من / عن ‎[CA] dissatisfaction with
‏رِضى اللهِ مِن رِضى الوالِدَيْنِ ‎[CA] God's satisfaction comes from the parents' satisfaction (with their kid, meaning honor thy father and thy mother)

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Word: إِرْضَاْء
  satisfaction, gratification, contentment
[pronunciation: ʼirḍāʼ]

صَعْب الإِرْضَاْءِ ‎[CA] hard to please, fastidious
‏إرْضاءً لِوَجْهِ اللهِ ‎[CA] to please God

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  Root: ر ع ي
Word: رِعَاْيَة
  keeping, custody, charge, care, watch over, protection
[pronunciation: riʻāya]

تَحْتَ رِعايَةٍ ‎[CA] under the auspices of, sponsored by
‏رِعايَة اْجْتِماعِيَّة ‎[CA] social welfare
‏رِعَايَة الشَبَابِ ‎[CA] youth welfare
‏مَرْكَز رِعايَة الطِفْلِ ‎[CA] health center for children (Egypt)
‏رعاية الاولاد ‎[CA] child care
‏توفير الرعاية الصحية ‎[CA] providing health care
‏رِعاية مُرَكَّزة = رِعاية مُشَدَّدة ‎[CA] intensive care
‏رِعاية الفُقَراءِ ‎[CA] care for the poor
‏رِعاية صِحّيّة ‎[CA] health care
‏هَيْئة الرِعايةِ الصِحّيّةِ ‎[CA] health service
‏دَوْلة رِعايةٍ ‎[CA] a welfare state
‏إجازة رِعايةٍ ‎[CA] care leave
‏مَرْكَز رِعايةٍ = دار رِعايةٍ ‎[CA] nursing home
‏مَرْكَز رِعايةِ الطِفْلِ ‎[CA] child health center
‏تحت رِعايةِ ‎[CA] under the auspices of …, sponsored by …
‏في رِعايةِ اللهِ ‎[CA] in God's care (when saying goodbye)

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  Root: ر ق ب
Word: رَاْقَبَ، يراقب، مراقبة
  to fear (ه = God)

رَاقَبَ اللهُ فيهِ ‎[CA] to treat s.o. well for fear of God (literally: to fear God with regard to s.o.)

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  Root: ر ك ب
Word: رُكْبَة، ج رُكَب / رُكْبَاْت
[pronunciation: rukba]

أَبُو الرُكَب ‎[CA] dengue, fever (medicine)
‏صَكَك الرُكْبَتَيْنِ ‎[CA] knock knees
‏شَكَرَ اللهَ على رُكْبَتَيْهِ ‎[CA] to thank God on bended knees
‏شَكَرَ فُلَاْنًا على رُكْبَتَيْهِ ‎[CA] to thank s.o. on bended knees
‏إلى ما فَوْقِ الرُكْبَتَيْنِ ‎[CA] above the knees
‏إلى ما تَحْتِ الرُكْبَتَيْنِ ‎[CA] below the knees

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  Root: ر و م
Word: رَاْمَ الله
Ramallah (town in West Bank, Palestine)
  Root: ز ه ق
Word: أَزْهَقَ
  to suppress, stifle (ه =, spirit)
[pronunciation: ʼazhaqa]

أَزْهَقَ النَفْسَ = أَزْهَقَ الرُوْحَ ‎[CA] either 1. to be disgusting, be revolting, or 2. to kill, take the life of
‏أَزهَقَ اللهُ رُوْحَهُ ‎[CA] God took his life

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  Root: ز ي غ
Word: أَزَاْغَ، يُزِيْغ، إِزَاْغَة
  to cause (ه = to deviate, make (ه = stray
[pronunciation: ʼazāḡa]

أَزَاغَ عَني بَصَرَهُI he looked past me, he snubbed me
‏أَزاغَ فُلَاْنًا ‎[CA] to make s.o. stray
‏فَلَمَّا زَاغُوا أَزَاغَ اللَّهُ قُلُوبَهُمْ ‎[CA] And when they strayed, God made their hearts stray (Qur'an 61:5)

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  Root: س ا ل
Word: سَأَلَ، يَسْأَل، سُؤَاْل / مَسْأَلَة / تَسْآل
  to ask (من / ه = s.o. / from s.o., ه = for, request, demand, claim (من / ه = from s.o., ه =

سَأَلَ فُلَاْنًا شَيْئاً ‎[CA] either 1. to ask s.o., or 2. to ask s.o. for
‏سَأَلَ اللهَ أنْ ‎[CA] to ask God to …

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  Root: س ب ب
Word: سَبَّ، يَسُبّ، سَبّ
  to insult, (verbally) abuse, call names, revile (ه = s.o.), curse, rail (ه = at)
[pronunciation: sabba]

سَبَّ اللهَ ‎[CA] to blaspheme
‏سَبَّ فُلَاْنًا ‎[CA] to insult s.o.

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  Root: س ب ح
Word: سُبْحَة / سَبْحَة، ج سُبُحَاْت / سَبَحَاْت
  majesty (of God)

سَبَحَات وَجْهِ اللهِ ‎[CA] the sublimity, or the august splendor, of God's countenance
‏سَبَحَات رَفِيْعَة ‎[CA] lofty heights

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Word: سُبْحَاْن
  سُبْحانَ اللهِ : Glory be to God! (often used as an exclamation of surprise or praise or wonder)

سُبْحانَ اللهِ glory be to God! (exclamation of wonder, surprise, praise)
‏اللهُ سُبْحانَهُ وَتَعالى ‎[CA] God, glorified and exalted
‏سُبْحانَ اللهِ عَن ‎[CA] God is far above…, God is beyond…,

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Word: سَبَّحَ
  to praise, glorify, exalt (ه / ل =, usually اللهَ = God, or لِله = God, by saying سُبْحانَ اللهِ = praise the Lord)
[pronunciation: sabbaḥa]

سَبَّحَ اللهَ = سَبَّحَ للهِ ‎[CA] to praise God
‏سَبَّحَ الرَبَّ = سَبَّحَ للرَبِّ ‎[CA] to praise the Lord

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  Root: س ب ل
Word: سَبِيْل، ج سُبُل / أَسْبِلَة
  way, road, path, road (singular is masculine or feminine)
[pronunciation: sabīl]

اِبْن السَبِيْلِ ‎[CA] either 1. vagabond, tramp, or 2. wayfarer, traveler
‏في سَبِيْلِ + إضافة ‎[CA] for the sake of, for, in behalf of, in the interest of
‏بِسَبِيْلِ / عَنْ سَبِيْلِ + إضافة ‎[CA] by means of, through, by
‏في سَبِيْلِ اللهِ ‎[CA] for the cause of God, in behalf of God and his religion, for God's sake
‏على سَبِيْلِ + إضافة ‎[CA] as, by way of, for
‏على سَبِيْل التَجْرِبَةِ ‎[CA] for a try, tentatively
‏على سَبِيْلِ الفُكَاْهَةِ ‎[CA] for fun
‏على سَبِيْل المِثَاْلِ ‎[CA] by way of example, for example (followed by an example), by way of illustration
‏ذَكَرَ الشَيْءَ على سَبِيْلِ المِثَاْلِ ‎[CA] to quote as an example
‏خَلَّى سَبِيْلِهِ  to let s.o. off, let s.o. go, release s.o
‏ضاقَت بِهِ السُبُلُ ‎[CA] he was at his wit's end
‏لَيْسَ عليَّ في ذَلِكَ السَبِيْلِ ‎[CA] there is nothing to keep me from doing that, I am free to do that, it is no sin if I do that
‏لا سَبيلَ إلى ‎[CA] there is no way to
‏ابْن سَبيلٍ ‎[CA] traveller
‏اعْتَرَضَ سَبيلَ فُلَاْنٍ ‎[CA] to stand in s.o.'s way
‏أَخْلى سَبيلَ فُلَاْنٍ ‎[CA] to release s.o.
‏يَسَّرَ السُبُلَ لِفُلَاْنٍ = سَهَّلَ السُبُلَ لِفُلَاْنٍ ‎[CA] to pave the way for s.o.
‏مَضى إلى حالِ سَبيلِهِ ‎[CA] to go away
‏لا سَبيلَ إلى فِعْلِ هذا ‎[CA] it is impossible to do that

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  Root: س ر ح
Word: سَرَحَ، يَسْرَح، سَرْح
  to send out (ه = s.o.) to do;

سرحك اللهُ للخَيْر ‎[CA] God sent you to do good;

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  Root: س ر ر
Word: سِرّ، ج أَسْرَاْر
  secret (noun) (more examples)

أَتْعَبَ سِرَّهُ ‎[CA] to trouble, worry, bother, harass s.o.
‏قَدَّسَ اللهُ سِرَّهُ ‎[CA] may God hallow his secret! (eulogy after the name of a deceased Muslim saint)
‏ضحِك في سِرِّهِ ‎[CA] he laughed to himself
‏سِرّ المُراسَلةِ ‎[CA] confidentiality of the mail
‏انْتَهَكَ سِرَّ المُراسَلةِ ‎[CA] to breach the confidentiality of the mail
‏أَفْشى سِرًّا ‎[CA] to divulge a secret
‏تَنَصَّتَ على سِرٍّ ‎[CA] to overhear a secret
‏كَشَفَ عن سِرٍّ ‎[CA] to disclose a secret, reveal a secret
‏ائْتَمَنَ فُلَاْنًا على سِرٍّ ‎[CA] to confide a secret to s.o.
‏حَكى أَسْراراً ‎[CA] to tell secrets
‏تَبادَلَ أَسْراراً ‎[CA] to exchange secrets, exchange confidences
‏كَتَمَ سِرًّا = حَفِظَ سِرًّا ‎[CA] to guard a secret
‏لَيْسَ سِرًّا أنّ ‎[CA] it's no secret that …

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  Root: س ل ط ن
Word: سُلْطَاْن

هذا شَيْءٌ ما أَنْزَلَ اللهُ بِهِ من سُلْطانٍ ‎[CA] this is pure arbitrariness

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Word: سُلْطَاْن، ج سَلَاْطِيْن
[pronunciation: sulṭān]

سُلْطَاْن إِبْرَاْهِيم ‎[CA] red mullet (Mullus barbatus) (zoology)
‏ما أَنْزَلَ اللهُ بِهِ مِن سُلْطانٍ (with preceding indefinite noun) vain, unfounded, baseless, arbitrary (literally God has revealed no legitimation for it)

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  Root: س ل م
Word: سَلَاْم
  peace, peacefulness

السَلَام العامّ ‎[CA] general welfare, commonwealth
‏دار السَلَامِ ‎[CA] either 1. Paradise, or 2. an epithet of Baghdad, or 3. Dar es Salaam (seaport and capital of Tanzania)
‏مَدِيْنَة السَلَامِ (the City of Peace) Baghdad (ancient name)
‏نَهْر السَلامِ ‎[CA] the Tigris
‏السَلامُ عَلَيْكُم ‎[CA] peace be upon you (common Muslim greeting)
‏عَلَيْهِ السَلامُ ‎[CA] peace be upon him (said when a prophet is mentioned, such عِيْسَى عليهِ السَّلامُ , or إِبْراهِيم عَليهِ السَّلامُ )
‏يَا سَلَام ‎[CA] either 1. how wonderful! or 2. exclamation of dismay, especially after calamitous has happened, roughly: good Lord! good heavens! oh dear!
‏يَا سَلام على ‎[CA] exclamation of amazement or grief about, roughly: there goes (go)…!, what a pity for…! how nice is (are)…!
‏وَالسَّلام ‎[CA] that’s all, and let it be done with that
‏على + اسم + السَلام ‎[CA] it's all over with…
‏سَلام عالَميّ ‎[CA] world peace
‏عَمَليّة سَلامٍ ‎[CA] peace process
‏مُحادَثات سَلامٍ = مُباحَثات سَلامٍ ‎[CA] peace talks
‏مُؤْتَمَر سَلامٍ ‎[CA] peace conference
‏مُبادَرة سَلامٍ ‎[CA] peace initiative
‏مُفاوَضات سَلامٍ ‎[CA] peace negotiations
‏مُشاوَرات سَلامٍ ‎[CA] peace council
‏خُطّة سَلامٍ ‎[CA] peace plan
‏اتِّفاقيّة سَلامٍ ‎[CA] peace agreement
‏قوّات سَلامٍ ‎[CA] peacekeeping force
‏أَوْقات السَلامِ ‎[CA] the times of peace
‏أَحَلَّ السَلامَ ‎[CA] to make peace
‏صَنَعَ سَلاماً = حَقَّقَ سَلاماً = أَرْسى سَلاماً ‎[CA] to bring about peace
‏تَوَصَّلَ إلى اتِّفاقيّةِ سَلامٍ ‎[CA] to reach a peace agreement
‏مُنَظَّمة السَلامِ الأَخْضَرِ ‎[CA] Greenpeace
‏سَلامُ اللهِ على الأَنْبِياءِ ‎[CA] God's peace be upon the prophets
‏مُحِبّ للسَلامِ ‎[CA] peaceful

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Word: سَلَاْم، ج سَلَاْمَاْت
  greeting, salutation
[pronunciation: salām]

بَلِّغْ سَلَامِيّ إِليهِ ‎[CA] give him my kind regards! greet him for me!
‏سَلامي لَ ‎[CA] my best to, my greetings to;
‏عليه السلام ‎[CA] upon him be peace, used after holy-people names (mainly the prophets before Muhammad);
‏صلّى اللهُ عليه وسلّم = عليه الصلاةُ والسلام ‎[CA] upon him be peace and blessing, said after the name of Prophet Muhammad;
‏السلامُ عليكُم ‎[CA] peace be upon you (the traditional Islamic greeting, but also used by others);
‏وَعَلَيْكُم السَلامُ ‎[CA] and with you be peace (response to the greeting السَلامُ عَلَيْكُمْ)
‏السلامُ عليكُم ورَحْمةُ اللهِ وبَرَكاتُهُ ‎[CA] Peace and God's blessing and mercy be upon you (the longer version of السلام عليكم)
‏السلام المَلَكي / الجُمْهُوري = النشيد الوطني ‎[CA] the national anthem;

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Word: سَلَّمَ، يسلّم، تسليم
  to preserve, keep from injury, protect from harm (ه = s.o.), save (ه = s.o., من = from), make safe, secure (also said of God)
[pronunciation: sallama]

صَلّى اللهُ عَلَيْهِ وَسَلَّمَ ‎[CA] peace be upon him (said after a prophet is mentioned)
‏اللهُ يُسَلِّمُكَ ‎[CA] may God protect you (response to مع السَلامةِ), you're welcome (response to سَلِمَتْ يَداكَ), thank you (response to سَلامَتُكَ)

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Word: سَلَّمَ، يسلّم، تسليم
  to surrender, give (o.s.) up (ل / إلى = to)

سَلَّمَ نَفْسَهُ ‎[CA] to surrender o.s.
‏سَلَّمَ نَفْسَهُ لِلْبَوْلِيْس = سَلَّمَ نَفْسَهُ للشُرْطةِ ‎[CA] to give o.s. up to the police, surrender o.s. to the police
‏سَلَّمَ إِليهِ على الحُسْنَى والإِساءَةِ ‎[CA] to put o.s. at s.o.'s mercy
‏سَلَّمَ أَمْرَهُ إلى اللهِ ‎[CA] to commit one's cause to God, resign o.s. to the will of God, entrust one's case to God
‏سَلَّمَ رُوْحَهُ ‎[CA] to give up the ghost

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Word: سَلَّمَ، يسلّم، تسليم
  to grant salvation (God to the Prophet)

صَلَّى اللهُ عليهِ وسَلَّمَ ‎[CA] God bless him and grant him salvation (eulogy after the name of the Prophet Mohammad)

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Word: سَلَّمَ، يسلّم، تسليم
  to concede (ب = to s.o.'s will)

هذه إرادة الله وينبغي علينا أن نسلم بها ‎[CA] this is God's will and we must submit to it;

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Word: أَسْلَمَ
  to commit o.s., resign o.s. (لِله = to the will of God, usually with the omission of نَفْسَهُ and أَمْرَهُ because they are understood)

أَسْلَمَ أَمْرَهُ إلى اللهِ ‎[CA] to commit one's cause to God, resign o.s. to the will of God, entrust one's case to God

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  Root: س م ح
Word: سَمَحَ، يَسْمَح، سَمَاْح
  to allow, permit (ل = s.o., ب = or أنْ = to do
[pronunciation: samaḥa]

لا سَمَحَ اللهُ ‎[CA] God forbid
‏سُمِحَ ‎[CA] to be allowed
‏سَمَحَ بِأَنْ ‎[CA] to allow that …
‏سَمَحَ بِأَنْ يَفْعَلَ شَخْصٌ شَيْئاً ‎[CA] to allow s.o. to do
‏لو سَمَحْتَ ‎[CA] please, excuse me
‏إذا سَمَحْتَ لي ‎[CA] excuse me, by your leave, if you would allow me, may I...
‏أَتَسْمَحُ لي بِسُؤالٍ؟ ‎[CA] may I ask you
‏سَمَحَ لِنَفْسِهِ بِشَيْءٍ ‎[CA] to permit oneself to do
‏سَمَحَ لِنَفْسِهِ بِقِسْطٍ من الراحةِ ‎[CA] to allow oneself a bit of peace
‏سَمَحَ لِبَلَدٍ بالانْضِمامِ إلى الاتِّحادِ الأوروبّيِّ ‎[CA] to admit a country to the European Union
‏سَمَحَ بالدُخولِ ‎[CA] to admit
‏سَمَحَ لِتِلْميذٍ بِدُخولِ المَدْرَسةِ ‎[CA] to admit a student to a school
‏لا يُسْمَحُ لَنا بِأَنْ نَدْخُلَ هذا المَبْنى ‎[CA] we are not allowed to enter this building
‏لا يُسْمَحُ بالتَدْخينِ ‎[CA] smoking is prohibited
‏حتّى وَإنْ كانَ الخَبَرُ سَيِّئاً، لا سَمَحَ اللهُ، + جملة ‎[CA] even if, God forbid, the news were bad …

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Word: سَاْمَحَ، يسامح، مسامحة
  to show o.s. tolerant (ه = with s.o., في / ب = in), treat kindly, with indulgence (ه = s.o., في / ب = in the matter of), forgive (ه = s.o., في / ب =
[pronunciation: sāmaḥa]

سامَحَ فُلَاْنًا على شَيْءٍ ‎[CA] to forgive s.o. for
‏سامِحْني ‎[CA] forgive me, I'm sorry
‏سامَحَهُ اللهُ ‎[CA] may God forgive him

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Word: سَاْمَحَ، يسامح، مسامحة
  to forgive (ه = s.o., في / ب = in a matter);

الله يُسَامِحُكَ ‎[CA] may god be kind to you, often said when s.o. is doing bad

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  Root: س م ي
Word: اِسْم، ج أَسْمَاْء / أَسَاْمٍ (الأَسَاْمِي)
[pronunciation: ism]

اسْمُهُ مُنِيْر ‎[CA] his name is Munir
‏ما اسْمُكَ؟ ‎[CA] what's your name?
‏اسْمُهُ حَسَن ‎[CA] his name is Hasan
‏اِسْمًا ‎[CA] nominally
‏اِسْم تَأْلِيْفٍ = اِسْم كِتَابَةٍ ‎[CA] pen name, nom de plume
‏اِسْم تِجَاْرِيّ ‎[CA] firm name
‏اِسْم عِلْم ‎[CA] proper name
‏اسمك الكامل ‎[CA] your full name
‏اسْم ثُلاثيّ ‎[CA] full name (first, middle / father name, last name, or name followed by the name of the father and grandfather)
‏اسم العائلة = اسْم عائِليّ family name
‏اسْم مُمْتَدّ ‎[CA] extended name
‏اسْم شَخْصيّ ‎[CA] first name
‏بِاسْمِهِ الشَخْصيِّ personally
‏اسْم مُسْتَعار pseudonym
‏نَشَرَ بِاسْمٍ مُسْتَعارٍ ‎[CA] to publish under a pseudonym
‏الأَسْمَاء الحُسْنَى ‎[CA] the 99 names of God (meaning the best names, the most beautiful names) (Islam)
‏بِاسْمِ فُلانٍ ‎[CA] in s.o.'s name, on behalf of s.o.
‏بِسْم اللهِ ‎[CA] in the name of God
‏تَقَدُّم الطَلَبَاتِ بِاْسْمِ رَئِيْسِ الجَمْعِيَّةِ ‎[CA] applications will be addressed to the chairman of the society

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Word: اِسْم، ج أَسْمَاْء / أَسَاْمٍ (الأَسَاْمِي)
  name (more examples)

اِسْم على مُسَمًّى ‎[CA] a fitting name, worthy name of its name, of true or full value, a matter to be taken seriously
‏جَعَلَهُ مِنْهُ اِسْمًا على مُسَمًّى ‎[CA] to convert to true perfection
‏اِسْم مِنْ غَيْرِ مُسَمًّى ‎[CA] an empty word or term (with nothing behind it), having no real basis
‏هذا الاسم على المُسَمَّى ‎[CA] this name is fitting
‏بِاسْمِهِ الثُلاثيِّ ‎[CA] by one's full name
‏اسْم التَنْصيرِ ‎[CA] baptismal name
‏بِاسْمِ ‎[CA] on behalf of …
‏بِاسْمِ فُلَاْنٍ ‎[CA] for s.o.
‏بِاسْمِ المُديرِ ‎[CA] on the authority of the director
‏بِاسْمِ القانونِ ‎[CA] in the name of the law
‏بِاسْمِهِ الحَقيقيِّ ‎[CA] under one's own name
‏بِسْمِ اللهِ الرَحْمنِ الرَحيمِ ‎[CA] in the name of God, the Compassionate, the Merciful (said at the beginning of a letter, lecture, lesson, etc.)
‏طَرَحَ اسْماً ‎[CA] to put forward a name
‏عَرَفَ فُلَاْنًا بالاسْمِ ‎[CA] to know s.o. by name
‏نادى فُلَاْنًا بِاسْمِهِ ‎[CA] to call s.o. by their first name
‏طَلَبَ عَدَمَ الكَشْفِ عن اسْمِهِ ‎[CA] he wished to remain anonymous

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Word: سَمَّى، يُسَمِّي، تَسْمِيَة
  to pronounce the name of God by saying بِسْمِ اللهِ (in the name of God)
[pronunciation: sammā]

سَمَّى اللهَ عليهِ = سَمَّى عليهِ ‎[CA] to invoke God over by saying بسم الله

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  Root: س ن ن
Word: سُنَّة، ج سُنَن
  السُنَّة : the Sunna of the Prophet, e.g., his sayings and doings, later established as legally binding precedents (in addition to the Law established by the Qur'an)

سُنَّة النَبِيِّ ‎[CA] the Sunna of the Prophet
‏أَهْل السُنَّةِ ‎[CA] the Sunni Muslims
‏أَهْل السُّنَّةِ والجَمَاعَةِ ‎[CA] Sunni Muslims, the Sunni people and community (the phrase is considered roughly equivalent to أهل السنّة, although it likely came into use later. 9th century texts make note of it, including a student of Ahmad ibn Hanbal, Harb ibn Ismail, who died in 893 CE. Others, such as Muhammad ibn Karram, who founded the Karramiya school and passed away in 859 CE, also used the phrase.)
‏سُنّة النَبيِّ = السُنّة النَبَويّة ‎[CA] the Sunna of the Prophet
‏كِتاب اللهِ وَسُنّة رَسولِهِ ‎[CA] the Book of God and the Sunna of his Prophet

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  Root: ش ب ه
Word: شَبَه، ج أَشْبَاْه
  double, look-alike

يَخْلُقُ اللهُ من الشَبَهِ أَرْبَعينَ ‎[CA] ≈ like two peas in a pod

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  Root: ش ر ع
Word: شَرِيْعَة، ج شَرَاْئِع
  الشَرِيعَة : sharia, the revealed, or canonical, law of Islam
[pronunciation: šarīʻa]

الشَريعة (الإسْلاميّة) ‎[CA] Islamic law, sharia
‏شَرائِع اللهِ ‎[CA] God's laws, the divine laws
‏شَريعة الغابِ ‎[CA] the law of the jungle

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  Root: ش ه د
Word: شَهِدَ، يَشْهَد، شَهَاْدَة
  to testify, bear witness
[pronunciation: šahida]

شَهِدَ بِاللهِ ‎[CA] to swear by God
‏شَهِدَ قَانُونِيًّا ‎[CA] either 1. to legally testify, or 2. to notarize
‏شَهِدَ ل / على فُلَاْنٍ ‎[CA] to give evidence for/against s.o.
‏أَشْهَدُ أنْ لا إلَهَ إلَّاْ اللهُ I testify that there is no God but Allah (Islamic testimony of faith)
‏شُهِدَ بِهِ عَلَيْهِمْ ‎[CA] as witness the hands of the parties (Law) (Morocco)

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Word: شَهِيْد، ج شُهَدَاْء، المؤنث: شَهِيْدَة
  witness (see example, referring to God)
[pronunciation: šahīd]

كَفى باللهِ شَهيداً ‎[CA] God suffices as a witness
‏اللهُ على ما أَقولُ شَهيدٌ ‎[CA] (as) God is my witness

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  Root: ش ي ا
Word: شَاْءَ، يَشَاْء، مَشِيْئَة
  to wish, will (ه =, or أَنَّ = that)
[pronunciation: šāʼa]

إِنْ شاءَ الله ‎[CA] if God wills, God willing (used as anything from it is to be hoped / we hope so, to no way, depending on tone and intent)
‏ما شاءَ اْلله ‎[CA] either 1. whatever (howsoever) God may intend (used to express an indefinite quantity, amount, number, or period of time), or 2. various, sundry, all kinds of, God knows what, or 3. exclamation of surprise, like amazing! Wow!
‏إلى ما شاءَ الله ‎[CA] forever and ever, for all time and time to (literally: until God wills)
‏أَجَّلَ شَيْئاً إلى ما شاءَ اللهُ ‎[CA] to postpone till God knows when
‏لَفَّقَ ما شاءَ لَهُ التَفْلِيْقُ ‎[CA] he cheated like hell, he made up the most outrageous lies
‏فَلْيَقُولوا ما شاء الله لَهُم القَوْلُ ‎[CA] let them say whatever they please
‏أنْ شاء ام أبى ‎[CA] whether he is willing or refuses
‏إنْ شاءَت الأَقْدارُ ‎[CA] if fate would have it
‏هكذا شاءَ القَدَرُ ‎[CA] it had to be/happen, destiny wanted it to happen
‏شِئْتَ أم أَبَيْتَ ‎[CA] whether you like it or not

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Word: مَشِيْئَة
  volition, will
[pronunciation: mašīʼa]

بِمَشِيْئَةِ اللهِ ‎[CA] God willing
‏بِمَشيئةِ اللهِ ‎[CA] God willing
‏مَشيئة الأَقْدارِ ‎[CA] a whim of fate

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  Root: ص ب ح
Word: صَبَّحَ، يصبّح، تصبيح
  to come in the morning, arrive in the morning (ه = to s.o.)
[pronunciation: ṣabbaḥa]

صبّحك اللهُ بخير ‎[CA] may God visit you in the morning with good fortune;

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  Root: ص د ق
Word: صَدَقَ، يَصْدُق، صَدْق / الصِدْق
  to speak the truth, be sincere
to be truthful, to be sincere, to be correct
[pronunciation: ṣadaqa]

صَدَقَ في وَعْدِهِ = صَدَقَ وَعْدَهُ ‎[CA] to keep, or fulfill, one's promise
‏صَدَقَ القَوْلَ ‎[CA] to tell the truth
‏صَدَقَ في وَعْدِهِ ‎[CA] to keep one's promise
‏صَدَقَ اللهُ العَظيمُ ‎[CA] God Almighty has spoken the truth (statement at the end of a Qur'anic recitation)

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  Root: ص ف و
Word: اِصْطَفَى، يَصْطَفِي، اِصْطِفَاْء
  to choose, select (ه = s.o.)
[pronunciation: iṣṭafā]

اصْطَفى اللهُ الأَنْبِياءَ ‎[CA] God chose the prophets
‏اصْطَفى المُديرُ عَدَداً من المُوَظَّفينَ لِإرْسالِهِمْ في بَعْثةٍ ‎[CA] the director selected a number of employees for a delegation

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  Root: ص ل و
Word: صَلَّى، يُصَلِّي
  to bless (على = s.o.) (of God)

صَلَّى اللهُ عليهِ وسَلَّم ‎[CA] Peace and blessings of God be upon him (said after the Prophet Muhammad is mentioned)

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  Root: ص و ب 1
Word: مُصَاْب
  misfortune, calamity, disaster, catastrophe
[pronunciation: muṣāb]

مُصَاب أَلِيم ‎[CA] grievous misfortune, mournful event, death
‏لَحِقَهُ مُصابٌ ‎[CA] he was struck by disaster
‏جَبَرَ اللهُ مُصابَكَ ‎[CA] may God ease your suffering (an expression of sympathy, especially on the occasion of the death of a loved one)

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  Root: ض ر ب
Word: ضَرَبَ، يَضْرِب، ضَرْب / ضَرْبَاْن
  to rove, roam about, travel (في = in, through, also in the cause of, loiter, stroll (in streets)

ضَرَبَ في الأَرْضِ = ضَرَبَ في أَرْضِ اللهِ ‎[CA] to travel all over the world
‏ضَرَبَ في الخَيَالِ ‎[CA] to be in the clouds, be unrealistic to want the impossible
‏ضرب في سبيل الله ‎[CA] he traveled forth in the cause of God;
‏ضرب في التجارة ‎[CA] he traveled the land for the sake of trade;

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  Root: ض ر ع
Word: تَضَرَّعَ
  to implore, to beg, to beseech (‫إلى‬ = s.o.)
[pronunciation: taḍarraʻa]

تَضَرَّعَ إلى اللهِ أنْ ‎[CA] to beg God to …

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  Root: ط م س
Word: طَمَسَ، يَطْمِس، طَمْس
  to efface, obliterate, erase, expunge, blot out, wipe out, cover up, conceal (ه =

طَمَسَ قَضيّةً ‎[CA] to cover up
‏طَمَسَ الحَقائِقَ ‎[CA] to conceal the facts
‏طَمَسَ الآثارَ ‎[CA] to cover the tracks
‏وقد طمس الله أسماءنا ‎[CA] and god has erased our names (from history)

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  Root: ط و ل
Word: أَطَاْلَ، يُطِيْل، إِطَاْلَة
  to make long or longer, lengthen, elongate, stretch out, extend, prolong, protract, draw out (من / ه =

أَطَالَ لِسَانَهُ ‎[CA] to speak in a forward manner, be cheeky, be pert, saucy, insolent in speech
‏أَطالَ النَظَرَ ‎[CA] to stare at ( for a long time
‏أَطَالَ النَظَرَ إِلَيهِ ‎[CA] he kept staring at him
‏أَطَالَ الوُقُوفَ ‎[CA] he stayed a long to
‏أَطالَ الحَديثَ ‎[CA] he spoke for a long time
‏أَطالَ مُفاوَضاتٍ ‎[CA] to drag out the negotiations
‏أَطالَ عُمْرَهُ ‎[CA] to prolong one's life
‏أَطالَ اللهُ في عُمْرِهِ ‎[CA] may God grant him a long life

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  Root: ط ي ب 1
Word: طَيَّبَ
  to make (ه = good, nice, pleasant, agreeable, delightful
[pronunciation: ṭayyaba]

طَيَّبَ خاطِرَهُ ‎[CA] to mollify, soothe, placate, conciliate s.o., set s.o.'s mind at rest
‏طَيَّبَ اللهُ ثَرَاْهُ ‎[CA] may God make his earth light (a eulogy added after mentioning the name of a pious deceased)

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Word: طَيَّبَ
  to scent, perfume (ه = s.o.,
[pronunciation: ṭayyaba]

طَيَّبَ اللهُ ثَراهُ ‎[CA] may God have mercy on him

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  Root: ع ب د
Word: عَبَدَ، يَعْبُد، عِبَاْدَة / عُبُوْدَة / عُبُوْدِيَّة
  to serve, worship (ه = a god)

عَبَدَ اللهَ ‎[CA] to serve God
‏عَبَدَ الأَوْثانَ ‎[CA] to worship idols

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Word: عَبْد، ج عَبِيْد / عُبْدَاْن / عِبَاْد
  servant (of God), human being, man (also as the first part of many male given names, in which the second part is a name of God. In Christianity, the form عبد المَسِيح , the servant of the Savior / Jesus, also exists, also as a family name)

العَبْد لِله = العَبْد الضَعِيف ‎[CA] I, me (form of self address, as a show of modesty)
‏عَبْد الرَحْمان ‎[CA] Abd al-Rahman, Abdurrahman (male given name)
‏عَبْد الرَحيم Abd al-Rahim, Abderrahim (male given name)
‏عَبْد العَزيز Abd al-Aziz, Abdulaziz (male given name)
‏ عَبْد الكَريم ‎[CA] Abd al-Karim, Abdul Karim (male given name)
‏عَبْد الله Abdullah (male given name)
‏عَبْد المَلِك ‎[CA] Abd al-Malik, Abdul Malik (male given name)
‏عَبْد المَسِيح ‎[CA] Abd al-Masih
‏عَبْد الله ابْن عَبْد المُطَّلِب ‎[CA] Abdullah ibn Abd al-Muttalib (father of the prophet Muhammad)

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Word: عَبْد، ج عَبِيْد / عُبْدَاْن / عِبَاْد
  العِبَاد : humanity, mankind, people

عِباد اللهِ ‎[CA] servants of God, humanity
‏العِباد في هذه البِلادِ ‎[CA] the people in this country

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  Root: ع ر ض
Word: اِعْتِرَاْض، ج اِعْتِرَاْضَاْت
  resistance, opposition, objection, exception, counterargument, riposte, rebuttal, rejoinder, expostulation, remonstrance, protest
[pronunciation: iʻtirāḍ]

اعْتِراضات أَخْلاقيّة ‎[CA] moral objections
‏اعْتِراض شَكْليّ ‎[CA] a formal objection
‏اعْتِراض على حُكْمٍ ‎[CA] objections to a verdict
‏دون أَيِّ اعْتِراضٍ ‎[CA] without any objection
‏نَفَّذَ أَمْراً دون اعْتِراضٍ ‎[CA] to follow an order without objection
‏كانَتْ لَدَيْهِ اعْتِراضاتٌ على ‎[CA] to have objections to
‏قَدَّمَ اعْتِراضاتٍ, أَتى بِاعْتِراضاتٍ ‎[CA] to raise objections
‏عَبَّرَ عن اعْتِراضاتٍ ‎[CA] to express objections
‏سَجَّلَ اعْتِراضاً على شَيْءٍ ‎[CA] to enter/lodge/make a protest against
‏لم يَقْبَلْ أَيَّ اعْتِراضٍ ‎[CA] he could not bear being contradicted
‏لا اعْتِراضَ على حُكْمِ اللهِ ‎[CA] one cannot go against God's will
‏واجَهَ اعْتِراضاتٍ ‎[CA] to encounter difficulties

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  Root: ع ز ز
Word: عَزَّ، يَعِزّ، عِزّ / عِزَّة / عَزَاْزَة
  to be or become strong, powerful, respected
[pronunciation: ʻazza]

اللهُ عَزَّ وَجَلَّ ‎[CA] God, Mighty and Majestic is He

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  Root: ع ص م
Word: عَصَمَ، يَعْصِم، عَصْم
  to preserve, guard, safeguard, protect, defend (ه = s.o.,

عَصَمَهُ اللهُ عن / من الخَطَأِ ‎[CA] God made him infallible, God protected him from fault

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  Root: ع ظ م
Word: عَظَمَة
  greatness, magnificence, grandeur, prestige, majesty

صَاحِب العَظَمَةِ ‎[CA] either 1. His Majesty, or 2. His Highness
‏عَظَمَة السُلْطَاْنِ ‎[CA] His Highness, the Sultan
‏عَظَمْتك ‎[CA] your majesty (as an address to a king)
‏عَظَمة على عَظَمة = greatness on greatness, super awesome
‏عَظَمة اللهِ ‎[CA] God's greatness
‏جُنون العَظَمةِ ‎[CA] megalomania
‏كانَ مُصاباً بِجُنونِ العَظَمةِ ‎[CA] to be a megalomaniac

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Word: عَظَّمَ
  to make, or cause to become, great(er), big(ger), large(r), (more) grandiose, (more) imposing, (more) magnificent, mighty or mightier, (more) powerful (ه = s.o.,, enhance the greatness, grandeur, magnificence, power, or might (ه = of s.o., of

عَظَّمَ أَهَمّيّةَ شَيْءٍ ‎[CA] to attach too much importance to
‏عَظَّمَ اللهُ أَجْرَكَ ‎[CA] may God multiply your reward

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  Root: ع ف و
Word: عَفَا، يَعْفُو، عَفْو
  to forgive, pardon (عن = s.o.)
[pronunciation: ʻafā]

عفا الله عما سلف ‎[CA] god has forgiven what has passed, a phrase meaning it's fine, what's done is done, it's forgiven
‏كنتُ قد قررتُ أن أسامحه، وعفا الله عما سلف ‎[CA] I had decided to forgive him, what's done is done
‏عَفا عن فُلَاْنٍ ‎[CA] to extend forgiveness to s.o.
‏عَفا اللهُ عَمّا مَضى ‎[CA] ≈ let bygones be bygones

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Word: عَاْفِيَة، ج عَاْفِيَاْت / عَوَاْفٍ (العَوَاْفِي)
  (good) health, well-being

اسْتَعادَ عافِيَتَهُ ‎[CA] to recover
‏اسْتَعادَ عافِيَتَهُ تَماماً ‎[CA] to fully recover
‏الله يُعْطيكَ العافِيةَ may god give you good health, commonly used well-wishing or blessing

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Word: عَاْفَى، يُعَاْفِي، مُعَاْفَاْة
  to restore to health, heal, cure (ه = s.o.)
[pronunciation: ʻāfā]

عافاكَ اللهُ ‎[CA] get well soon!

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  Root: ع ل م 1
Word: عَلِيْم، ج عُلَمَاْء
  العَلِيْم : the Omniscient (one of the names of God)
[pronunciation: ʻalīm]

الله العَليم ‎[CA] the Omniscient God

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Word: أَعْلَم
  having more / most knowledge

اَللهُ أَعْلَمُ ‎[CA] God knows best (also used as: how should I know?, who knows?)
‏هي أَعْلَمُ بِذَلِكَ مِنّي ‎[CA] she knows more about it than I do

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  Root: ع ل و
Word: تَعَاْلَى، يَتَعَاْلَى، تَعَاْلٍ (التَعَاْلِي)
  to be sublime, be exalted above all (عن = above (said of God)
(has a reciprocity/reflexiveness meaning)

اَللهُ تَعَالَى ‎[CA] God the Sublime
‏الله سُبْحانَهُ وَتَعالى ‎[CA] God, glorified and exalted is He
‏قَوْلُهُ تَعَالَى ‎[CA] the word of the Sublime (introducing Qur'an quotations)
‏الله تبارك وتعالى ‎[CA] god who is in and of himself blessed and exalted above all
‏تَعالى اللهُ عَمَّا يُشْرِكُون ‎[CA] God is superior to those whom you ascribe (to him) as partners;
‏انْتَقَلَ إلى رَحْمَتِهِ تَعالى المَأْسوفُ عَلَيْهِ ‎[CA] the dearly departed has gone to his eternal reward (in obituaries)

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  Root: ع م د
Word: اِعْتَمَدَ، يعتمد، اعتماد
  to rely, depend (ه / على = on s.o., on
[pronunciation: iʻtamada]

اعتمد المؤلِّف على .... ليصل إلى ‎[CA] the author relied on ... in order to arrive at
‏اعْتَمَدَ على عائِلَتِهِ ‎[CA] to depend on one's family
‏اعْتَمَدَ على نَفْسِهِ ‎[CA] to rely on oneself
‏اعْتَمَدَ على اللهِ ‎[CA] to rely on God, depend on God
‏اعْتَمَدَ على كَلامِ فُلانٍ ‎[CA] to take s.o. at his word
‏اعْتَمَدَ على احْتِياطاتِهِ ‎[CA] to use one's reserves
‏اعْتَمَدَ على شُهْرَتِهِ ‎[CA] to live on one's fame
‏اعْتَمَدَ على تَجْرِبَتِهِ ‎[CA] to live on one's experience
‏اعْتَمَدَ على نَجاحِهِ ‎[CA] to live on one's success
‏لا يُعْتَمَدُ عَلَيْهِ ‎[CA] unreliable

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  Root: ع م ر
Word: عَمْر
  life, duration of life, life span, lifetime (the form عَمْر is used specifically for oaths. See عُمْر for more general usages)

لَعَمْرِيّ ‎[CA] upon my life!
‏لَعَمْرُكَ ‎[CA] upon your life!
‏لَعْمْرُ اللهِ ‎[CA] by the everlasting existence of God! by the Eternal God!

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Word: عُمْر، ج أَعْمَاْر
  life, duration of life, life span, lifetime
[pronunciation: ʻumr]

ذات العُمْرَيْن : amphibian
‏فُرْصة العُمْرِ ‎[CA] the chance of a lifetime
‏أَصْدِقاء العُمْرِ ‎[CA] friends for life
‏مُتَوَسِّط عُمْرِ+ إضافة ‎[CA] life expectancy of s.o./
‏طولَ عُمْرِهِ ‎[CA] all his life
‏في زَهْرةِ العُمْرِ ‎[CA] in the prime of his life
‏حتّى نِهايةِ العُمْرِ ‎[CA] till the end
‏إنْ كُتِبَ لَهُ العُمْرُ ‎[CA] if only he lives long enough
‏أَطالَ / أَمَدَّ اللهُ في عُمْرِهِ ‎[CA] may God give him long life
‏عُمْري ‎[CA] my everything, my dear (term of endearment)
‏عُمْرِ + ضمير + جملة ‎[CA] he / she / I have never, in (my, his, her etc.)'s life... (the sentence is usually in the negative)
‏عُمْري لم أَرَ مِثْلَهُ! ‎[CA] I've never seen anything like it!
‏عُمْرَهُ لم يَذْهَبْ إلى المَدْرَسةِ ‎[CA] he (had) never attended school

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Word: عَمَّرَ
  to prolong (ه = s.o.’s) life, grant long life (ه = to s.o.) (said of God)
[pronunciation: ʻammara]

عَمَّرَهُ اللهُ ‎[CA] God gave him a long life

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  Root: ع ن د
Word: عِنْد
  عِنْدَ : in the opinion of, in the view of

مُلُوك الأَرْضِ عِنْدَ اللهِ تُرَابٌ ‎[CA] kings of this world are mere dust in comparison with God
‏عِنْدِيّ ‎[CA] in my opinion, as I think
‏ما عِنْدَك ‎[CA] what do you think? what is your opinion?
‏لَم يَكُنْ عِنْدَ رَأْيِهِم ‎[CA] he was not what they had expected
‏كانَ عِنْدَ حُسْنِ ظَنِّهِ ‎[CA] to meet, or be up to, s.o.'s high expectation
‏كانَ عِنْدَ حُسْنِ الظَّنِّ بِهِ ‎[CA] to have a good opinion of
‏كانَ عِنْدَ نُصْحِهِ ‎[CA] to follow s.o.'s advice

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  Root: ع و ذ
Word: مَعَاْذ، ج مَعَاْوِذ
  (act or instance of) taking refuge
[pronunciation: maʻāḏ]

مَعَاذَ اللهِ ‎[CA] Seek God’s protection! (common formula said when hearing / seeing something bad, roughly equivalent to saying God forbid! God save me / us from that!)
‏مَعاذَ اللهِ ‎[CA] God forbid!

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  Root: ع و ض
Word: اِسْتَعْوَضَ، يَسْتَعْوِض، اِسْتِعْوَاْض
  to seek compensation (ه = from, في = for

استعوض اللهَ في ماله المفقود ‎[CA] he asked God to compensate him for his lost money (طلب منه العِوَض أو البدل)

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  Root: ع و ن
Word: عَوْن
  help, aid, assistance, succor, relief, support, backing

سَيَكُونُ اللهُ في عَوْنِكَ ‎[CA] God will help you
‏عَوْنَ مالِيّ ‎[CA] financial support
‏سيكون الله في العون = كان الله في العون ‎[CA] God will help you (often said after a loss)
‏مُؤَسَّسة عَوْنٍ ‎[CA] relief organization
‏بِعَوْنِ اللهِ ‎[CA] with help of God
‏بِعَوْنِ اللهِ س + فعل ‎[CA] with help of God it will...
‏قَدَّمَ العَوْنَ ‎[CA] to provide help
‏بَذَلَ العَوْنَ ‎[CA] to extend help
‏طَلَبَ عَوْناً ‎[CA] to ask for help
‏مَدَّ يَدَ العَوْنِ لِ ‎[CA] to lend s.o. a helping hand

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  Root: غ ش و
Word: غَاْشِيَة، ج غَوَاْشٍ (الغَوَاْشِي)
  misfortune, calamity, disaster
[pronunciation: ḡāšiya]

سُوْرَة الغَاْشِيَةِ ‎[CA] the Chapter of the Overwhelming Event (Qur’an 88)
‏أَفَأَمِنُوا أَنْ تَأْتِيَهُمْ غَاشِيَةٌ مِنْ عَذَابِ اللَّهِ Then do they feel secure that there will not come to them an overwhelming ‎[aspect] of the punishment of Allah (Qur'an 12:107)

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  Root: غ ف ر 1
Word: غَفْرَاْن
  pardon, forgiveness, remission, absolution
[pronunciation: ḡufrān]

عِيْد صَوْمِ الغُفْرَانِ = عِيْد الغُفْرانِ ‎[CA] Day of Atonement, (Judaism)
‏نَسْأَلُ اللهَ الغُفْرانَ ‎[CA] we ask God's forgiveness

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Word: مَغْفِرَة
  pardon, forgiveness, remission, absolution
[pronunciation: maḡfira]

مَغْفِرة ذُنوبِهِ ‎[CA] forgiveness of his sins
‏طَلَبَ المَغْفِرةَ من اللهِ ‎[CA] to ask God for his forgiveness

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Word: اِسْتَغْفَرَ، يستغفر، استغفار
  to ask, seek (ه = s.o.’s, or God's) pardon (ل / من / ه = for an offense), ask (ه = s.o.) to forgive (ل / من / ه = an offense), apologize (ه = to s.o., ل / من / ه = for)
[pronunciation: istaḡfara]

أَسْتَغْفِرُ اللهَ ‎[CA] I ask God's forgiveness (a phrase used on various occasions, such as when hearing something unwelcome, or when modestly declining compliments and amiabilities, like saying please don't (say so)! not at all!)
‏سَوْفَ أَسْتَغْفِرُ لَكُمْ رَبّي ‎[CA] I'll ask God to forgive you

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  Root: غ م د
Word: تَغَمَّدَ
  to encompass, shelter, protect, cover (ه = s.o., بِرَحْمَتِهِ = with His grace) (said of God)
[pronunciation: taḡammada]

تَغَمَّدَهُ اللهُ بِرَحْمَتِهِ ‎[CA] God had mercy on him

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  Root: غ و ر
Word: مِغْوَاْر، ج مَغَاْوِيْر
  مَغَاْوِيْر : commandos, shock troops (Syria), (military)

مَغاوير ‎[CA] commandos
‏مَغاوير حِزْبِ اللهِ ‎[CA] Hezbollah commandos

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  Root: ف ا ل
Word: فَأْل، ج فُؤُوْل / أَفْؤُل
  good omen, favorable auspice
[pronunciation: faʼl]

فَأْل الله ولا فَأْلك ‎[CA] roughly means don't mention bad things, just mention the good
‏فَأْل حَسَن / خَيْرٍ ‎[CA] a good omen

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  Root: ف ر ح
Word: فَرَح، ج أَفْرَاْح
  wedding (feast)
[pronunciation: faraḥ]

إن شاء الله بالأفراح ‎[CA] a polite phrase said, usually when leaving, as a way of well wishing;

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  Root: ف ض ل
Word: فَضْل، ج فُضُوْل
  kindness, graciousness, amiability, merit, grace
[pronunciation: faḍl]

مِن فَضْلِكَ ‎[CA] please! if you please!
‏اجْلِسْ من فَضْلِكَ! ‎[CA] please, take a seat!
‏بِفَضْلِ ‎[CA] by the grace of …, thanks to …
‏بِفَضْلِ اللهِ ‎[CA] by the grace of God
‏يَسْتَطيعُ أنْ يُتابِعَ دِراسَتَهُ بِفَضْلِ هذه المِنْحةِ الدِراسيّةِ ‎[CA] thanks to this scholarship he can continue his studies
‏يَرْجِعُ الفَضْلُ في ذلك إلَيْكَ ‎[CA] you deserve all credit for this

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  Root: ق ب ح 1
Word: قَبَّحَ
  to make ugly, repulsive, or repugnant, disfigure (ه = s.o., ه =
[pronunciation: qabbaḥa]

قَبَّحَهُ اللهُ, قَبَّحَ اللهُ وَجْهَهُ ‎[CA] God curse him

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  Root: ق ب ض
Word: قَبَضَ، يَقْبِض، قَبْض
  to seize, take, grab, grasp, grip, clasp, clutch (ه = s.o., على / ب / ه =, take hold, take possession (ه = of s.o., على / ب / ه = of
[pronunciation: qabaḍa]

قَبَضَ اللهُ رُوْحَهُ = قَبَضَ اللهُ ‎[CA] God made him die
‏قَبَضَ يَدَهُ ‎[CA] to clench one's hand into a fist
‏قَبَضَ يَدَهُ عَن ‎[CA] either 1. to keep o.s. from seizing s.o. or, or 2. to be ungenerous, be stingy toward
‏قَبَضَ مُرَتَّبَهُ ‎[CA] to collect one's pay, receive one's wages
‏قَبَضَ الصَدْرَ = قَبَضَ النَفْسَ ‎[CA] to be depressing
‏قَبَضَ يَدَهُ عن النَفَقةِ ‎[CA] to keep a tight hand on one's purse, to not spend anything
‏قَبَضَ على الجَمْرِ / الجَمْرَةِ ‎[CA] to be fervently committed
‏قَبَضَ على جَمْرَةِ / جَمْرِ الإصْلاحِ ‎[CA] to be committed to reform
‏قَبَضَ على جَمْرَةِ / جَمْرِ الحَقِّ ‎[CA] to be committed to truth

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  Root: ق ب ل
Word: تَقَبَّلَ
  to accept, receive (ه =
[pronunciation: taqabbala]

تقبل المسؤولية ‎[CA] to accept responsibility;
‏تَقَبَّلَ النَصيحةَ ‎[CA] to take advice
‏تَقَبَّلَ التَهانِيَ ‎[CA] to receive congratulations
‏تَقَبَّلَ التَهانِيَ للعيدِ ‎[CA] to receive holiday greetings
‏تَقَبَّلْ تَعازِيَنا الصادِقةَ ‎[CA] please accept our sincere condolences
‏تَقَبَّلَ اللهُ دُعاءَهُ ‎[CA] God has answered his prayers
‏تَقَبَّلَ اللهُ صِيامَكَ ‎[CA] may God accept your fast

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  Root: ق ت ل
Word: قَاْتَلَ
  to combat, battle (ه = s.o.), fight (ه = s.o., with s.o., or against s.o.)
to fight, to battle, to combat, to struggle
[pronunciation: qātala]

قَاْتَلَهُ اللهُ ‎[CA] may God fight him e.g., (approximately: damned bastard!)
‏قاتَلَ العَدوَّ ‎[CA] to fight the enemy
‏قاتَلَ بِشَراسةٍ ‎[CA] to fight fiercely
‏قاتَلَ بِشَراسةٍ لِفِعْلِ شَيْءٍ ‎[CA] to fight fiercely to do
‏قاتَلَ بِبَسالةٍ = قاتَلَ بِشَجاعةٍ ‎[CA] to fight bravely
‏قاتَلَ حتّى الرَمَقِ الأَخيرِ ‎[CA] to fight to the bitter end
‏قاتَلَ حتّى المَوْتِ ‎[CA] to fight to the death
‏قاتَلَ في سَبيلِ شَيْءٍ ‎[CA] to fight for the cause of
‏قاتَلَهُ اللهُ ‎[CA] may God fight him, ≈ the bastard!

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  Root: ق د ر
Word: قُدْرَة، ج قُدْرَاْت / قُدُرَاْت
  omnipotence (of God)

قُدْرة كُلّيّة ‎[CA] omnipotence
‏الله الكُلّيّ القُدْرةِ ‎[CA] God the Omnipotent

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Word: قَدَّرَ، يقدّر، تقدير
  to appoint, assign, determine, ordain, decree (ه =, على = for s.o.) (said of God)

لا قَدَّرَ اللهُ ‎[CA] God forbid! (which) God forbid!
‏قَدَّرَ فَكَانَ ‎[CA] the inevitable happened! (God decreed and so it happened)

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Word: قَدَّرَ، يقدّر، تقدير
  to predetermine, foreordain, preordain, predestine, destine (ه = (said of God)
[pronunciation: qaddara]

لا قَدَّرَ اللهُ ‎[CA] God forbid

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Word: أَقْدَرَ
  to enable (ه = s.o., على = to do, put (ه = s.o.) in a position (على = to do (also perhaps to see s.o. as capable without necessarily enabling him, depending on context)
[pronunciation: ʼaqdara]

أَقْدَرَهُ اللهُ على العَمَلِ ‎[CA] God enabled him to do the task
‏أَقْدَرَهُ اللهُ على عَدُوِّهِ ‎[CA] God made him victorious over his enemy, God empowered him over his enemy

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  Root: ق د س 1
Word: قَدَّسَ
  to hallow, sanctify (ه = s.o.,

قَدَّسَ اللهُ سِرَّهُ ‎[CA] may God sanctify his secret! (eulogy used when mentioning the name of a deceased Muslim saint)

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Word: قَدَّسَ
  to dedicate, consecrate (ه =
[pronunciation: qaddasa]

قَدَّسَ اللهُ سِرَّهُ ‎[CA] God bless his soul (formula used after mentioning a saint)
‏قَدَّسَ الحُرّيّةَ ‎[CA] to hold freedom sacred
‏قَدَّسَ الحَيَاةَ ‎[CA] to hold life sacred

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Word: تَقَدَّسَ
  to be hallowed, holy, sacred, sanctified
[pronunciation: taqaddasa]

الله تَقَدَّسَ في عُلاهُ ‎[CA] God on high

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  Root: ق د م
Word: تَقَدَّمَ، يتقدّم، تقدُّم
  to precede (على / عن / ه = s.o.,, in space and time), go before (على / عن / ه = s.o. or

تَقَدَّمَتْ بِهِ السِنُّ = تَقَدَّمَ في السِنِّ ‎[CA] either 1. to get older, be advanced in years, or 2. to age, have aged
‏غَفَرَ اللهُ لَهُ ما تَقَدَّمَ مِن ذَنْبِهِ وما تَأَخَّرَ ‎[CA] God has forgiven all his sins

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  Root: ق ص د
Word: قَصْد
  endeavor, aspiration, intention, intent, meaning
[pronunciation: qaṣd]

بِقَصْدِ + إضافة ‎[CA] with intent to, in an effort toward
‏بِقَصْدِ فِعْلِ شَيْءٍ ‎[CA] with the intention to do
‏قَصْدًا = عَنْ قَصْدٍ ‎[CA] either 1. intentionally, purposely, advisedly, on purpose, or 2. deliberately, or 3. well-considered, knowingly
‏عَن غَيْرِ قَصْدٍ = دُوْنَ قَصْدٍ ‎[CA] unintentionally, inadvertently
‏حُسْن القَصْدِ ‎[CA] good intention
‏سُوْء القَصْدِ ‎[CA] evil intention
‏قَصْد خَفيّ ‎[CA] ulterior motive, hidden motive
‏عن غَيْرِ قَصْدٍ ‎[CA] unintentionally, inadvertently, accidentally
‏لم يَكُنْ قَصْدي ‎[CA] that was not my intention
‏فَهِمْتُ قَصْدَكَ ‎[CA] I know what you mean
‏اللهُ وراء القَصْدِ ‎[CA] God is behind (our) intent, God supports (our) intent

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  Root: ق ض ي
Word: قَضَى، يَقْضِي، قَضَاْء
  to ordain, foreordain, predestine (ب =, بأنّ = that) (said of God)
[pronunciation: qaḍā]

تدل على ما يقضيه الله، اي يحكم به، ويقدره به، اي يقرره ‎[CA] it indicates what God has ordained;
‏اللهُمَّ لا نسألُكَ رَدَّ القَضاءِ ولكن نسألك اللُطْفَ فيهِ ‎[CA] God, we don't ask you to take back what you have decided (for us), but we ask that you be kind (to us) in it; this is a common prayer asking God to ease a hardship. It is considered forbidden (حرام) by some Muslims. Search online to see the argument forbidding it.
‏قَضى اللهُ أنْ لا نَعْبُدَ إلّا إيّاهُ ‎[CA] God has ordained that we should worship only Him

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Word: قَضَاْء
  settling, finishing, ending, closing, termination, conclusion, windup, completion, accomplishment, fulfillment, taking care of

قَضَاء اللهِ ‎[CA] death
‏قَضاء الحاجةِ ‎[CA] relieving oneself
‏قَضاء وَطَرٍ / حاجةٍ ‎[CA] fulfilment of one's sexual needs

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Word: قَضَاْء
  divine decree, destiny, fate, divine will
[pronunciation: qaḍāʼ]

القَضَاء والقَدَر ‎[CA] fate and divine decree
‏بِالقَضَاءِ والقَدَرِ = قَضَاءً وَقَدَرًا ‎[CA] by fate and divine decree, by will of God
‏قُضِيَ القَضَاءُ ‎[CA] the divine decree was fulfilled, e.g., death came with God's will
‏أَقْضِيَة الحَيَاةِ ‎[CA] accidents, occurrences, vicissitudes of life
‏لا رادَّ لِقَضاءِ اللهِ ‎[CA] it is God's will

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  Root: ق ط ط
Word: قَطّ / قَطْ
  قَطُّ : never, (not) ever, at all (chiefly with the past tense in negative sentences)

الله لم يفتح عليه قط بأن يشاركهم في العِلم ‎[CA] God never gave him to ability to share with them in knowledge, i.e. he could never learn as well as the others
‏لم يكن قَطُّ = لم يكن أبداً ‎[CA] it never was, never happened
‏ما فَعَلْتُ هذا قَطُّ ‎[CA] I never did this
‏هل رَأَيْتَ مِثْلَ هذا قَطُّ؟ ‎[CA] did you ever see anything like this?
‏لا … قَطُّ ‎[CA] never (before)
‏لم أَرَ مِثْلَ ذلك قَطُّ ‎[CA] I've never seen anything like it
‏لم أَفْعَلْ هذا قَطُّ ‎[CA] I've never done that (before)
‏لم يَتَغَيَّرْ تَصَرُّفُهُ قَطُّ ‎[CA] his behavior never changed

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  Root: ق ل ب
Word: اِنْقَلَبَ
  to return

الانقلاب إلى الله = “returning” to God, can also be a reference to death;
‏وإنْ أصابَتْهُ فِتْنَةٌ انْقَلَبَ على وَجْهِهِ ‎[CA] If trial befalls him he turns upon his face (meaning he turns away from God, which is the direction he was heading)(Qur'an 22:11);
‏وإذا انقلبوا إلى أَهْلِهِم انقلبوا فَكِهِيْن ‎[CA] and when they returned to their people they return jesting (Qur'an 83:31);

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  Root: ق ي ض
Word: قَيَّضَ
  to lead, send (ه = s.o., ل = to s.o.) (said of God)
[pronunciation: qayyaḍa]

قَيَّضَ اللهُ لَهُمْ حاكِماً عادِلاً ‎[CA] God sent them a righteous leader

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  Root: ق ي ل
Word: أَقَاْلَ، يُقِيْل، إِقَاْلَة
  to free, release, exempt (ه = s.o., من = from an obligation)

أَقَالَ اللهُ مِن عَثْرَتَكَ ‎[CA] may God regard your offense as undone
‏أَقَالَهُ مِن عَثْرَتِهِ ‎[CA] to steady one who has stumbled

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  Root: ك ب د
Word: كَبِد / كَبْد / كِبْد، ج أَكْبَاْد / كُبُوْد
  liver (masculine and feminine)
[pronunciation: kabid]

ما أَبْرَدُهَا على الكَبِدِ ‎[CA] how soothing it is! (the context that is often cited for this saying is a hadith attributed to Ali bin Abi Talib, who said the phrase to express how nice it is to be able to say اللهُ أعلَمُ , God is knows best, when one does not know something)
‏سَنْدْويتْش كَبِدٍ ‎[CA] a liver sandwich
‏كَبِد الإوَزِّ ‎[CA] goose liver, foie gras
‏زَيْت كَبِدِ الحوتِ ‎[CA] cod liver oil
‏الْتِهاب الكَبِدِ ‎[CA] hepatitis
‏مَرَض الكَبِدِ ‎[CA] liver disease
‏أُصيبَ بِمَرَضِ الكَبِدِ ‎[CA] to have liver disease
‏مَريض بالكَبِدِ ‎[CA] liver patient

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  Root: ك ب ر 1
Word: أَكْبَر، ج أَكْبَرُوْن / أَكَاْبِر، المؤنث: كُبْرَى، ج كُبْرَيَاْت
  greater / greatest

اللهُ أَكْبَرُ ‎[CA] God is great
‏الدُوَل الكُبْرَى ‎[CA] the Big Powers, the Great Powers
‏أَكَابِر القَوْمِ ‎[CA] the leaders of the people
‏الأَكَابِر والأَعْيَان ‎[CA] the grandees and notables
‏اِبْن أَكَابِر = بِنْت أَكَابِر ‎[CA] s.o. from a respected family
‏ذو أَهَمّيّةٍ كُبْرى ‎[CA] of the utmost importance
‏في كُبْرَياتِ الصُحُفِ ‎[CA] in the major newspapers

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  Root: ك ت ب
Word: كِتَاْب، ج كُتُب
  الكِتَاب : Qur’an

الكِتاب الكَريم = كِتاب اللهِ = الكِتاب المُبين ‎[CA] the Qur'an

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  Root: ك ث ر
Word: كَثَّرَ
  to increase, augment, compound, multiply (ه =
[pronunciation: kaṯṯara]

كَثَّرَ اللهُ خَيْرَكَ ‎[CA] may God increase your well-being (expression of gratitude)

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  Root: ك ر م
Word: كَرَّمَ، يكرّم، تكريم
  to honor, revere, venerate, treat with deference (ه = s.o.)
[pronunciation: karrama]

كَرَّمَ اللهُ وَجْهَهُ ‎[CA] may God honor him
‏كَرَّمَ فُلانًا ‎[CA] to honor s.o.
‏كَرَّمَ ذِكْرى فُلانٍ ‎[CA] to honor s.o.'s memory

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  Root: ك ف ر
Word: كَفَّرَ
  to forgive (ه =, ل / عن = to s.o.), grant pardon (ه = for, ل / عن = to s.o.)
[pronunciation: kaffara]

كَفَّرَ اللهُ لَهُ ذُنوبَهُ ‎[CA] God forgave him his sins

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  Root: ك ف ي
Word: كَفَى، يَكْفِي، كِفَاْيَة
  to be enough, sufficient (ه = for s.o.), suffice (ه = s.o.)
[pronunciation: kafā]

وَكَفَى ‎[CA] that's all! enough of that! that's enough!
‏كَفَى اللهُ عَنْكَ ‎[CA] may God give satisfaction in your stead, or, may God make up for your shortcoming (said to s.o. making a mistake, or showing himself inadequate)
‏كَفَى حُزْنًا أَنَّ ‎[CA] it is sad enough that…
‏كَفَى سَخْفًا ‎[CA] enough of this nonsense!
‏كَفَى بِاللهِ وَكِيْلًا ‎[CA] God is the best protector, God suffices as a guarantor
‏كَفى باللهِ شَهيداً ‎[CA] God is witness enough
‏يكفي أني أقول لك إنّ ‎[CA] it is enough that I tell you that
‏ما يَكْفي من ‎[CA] that is enough of, enough …
‏هذا يَكْفي! ‎[CA] that's enough!
‏يَكْفيهِ مالُهُ ‎[CA] he has enough money
‏تَكْفي بَيْضةٌ واحِدةٌ لِهَذِهِ الوَصْفةِ ‎[CA] one egg will do for this recipe
‏لم يَحْصُل الحِزْبُ على ما يَكْفي من مَقاعِدَ ‎[CA] the party hasn't won enough seats
‏يَكْفي إرْسالُ رِسالةٍ ‎[CA] a letter will do
‏جَمَعْتُ ما يَكْفي من النُقودِ للسَفَرِ إلَيْكَ ‎[CA] I saved enough money to come visit you
‏المَبْنى كَبيرٌ بِما يَكْفي ‎[CA] the building is big enough
‏كَفاهُ العَناءَ ‎[CA] to save s.o. the trouble

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Word: كَفَى، يَكْفِي، كِفَاْيَة
  to meet all requirements

كَفَى اللهُ الشَرَّ ‎[CA] may God protect from evil

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  Root: ك ل ا
Word: كَلَأَ، يَكْلَأ، كَلْء / كِلَاْء / كِلَاْءَة
  to guard, preserve, watch, protect (ه = s.o.)
[pronunciation: kalaʼa]

كَلَأَ اللهُ وَلَدي ‎[CA] may God protect my child

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  Root: ك ل م 1
Word: كَلِمَة، ج كَلِمَاْت / كَلِم
  word (note that كَلِم is a collective noun)
[pronunciation: kalima]

كَلِمَةً فَكَلِمَةً ‎[CA] word by word, literally
‏كَلِمةً كَلِمةً ‎[CA] word by word
‏بِكَلِمَةٍ أُخرى ‎[CA] in other words
‏بِكَلِماتٍ أُخْرى ‎[CA] in other words
‏بِكَلِمةٍ واحِدةٍ ‎[CA] in one word
‏لِي كَلِمَةٌ مَعْكَ ‎[CA] I’ve got to talk to you, I want to have a word with you
‏جَمَعُوا كَلِمَتَهُم على ‎[CA] they decided unanimously…, to they were unanimous about…
‏اِجْتَمَعَتْ كَلِمَتُهُم ‎[CA] they united, joined forces, came to an agreement
‏اِجْتَمَعَتْ كَلِمَتُهُم على ‎[CA] they were agreed that…
‏تَوْحِيد الكَلِمَةٍ = جَمْع الكَلِمَةٍ ‎[CA] union, joining of forces, unanimity
‏اِتِّحَاد الكَلِمَةٍ ‎[CA] concord, agreement, harmony
‏تَقْسِيم الكَلِمَةٍ ‎[CA] dissension, variance, disunion
‏كَلِمَة اللهِ ‎[CA] the word of God, the Holy Scriptures
‏كَلِمَات مُتَقَاطِعَة ‎[CA] crossword puzzle
‏حَلَّ كَلِماتٍ مُتَقاطِعةً ‎[CA] to solve a crossword (puzzle)

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Word: كَلِيْم، ج كُلَمَاْء
  person addressed

كَلِيم اللهِ ‎[CA] epithet of Moses (لقب النبيّ موسى عليه السلام؛ لأنّ الله كلَّمه)

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Word: كَلَاْم
  words, word, saying, utterance, statement, remark
[pronunciation: kalām]

قَوارِص الكَلامِ ‎[CA] biting words
‏كَلام اللهِ تَعالى ‎[CA] the Word of God
‏سَحَبَ كَلامَهُ ‎[CA] to swallow one's words
‏كَذَّبَ كَلامَ فُلَاْنٍ ‎[CA] to disprove s.o.'s words
‏لم يَتَسَنَّ لَهُ الكَلامُ ‎[CA] he wasn't able to get a word in

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  Root: ك م ل
Word: كَمَاْل، ج كَمَاْلَاْت

كَمَال الأَجْسَاْمِ ‎[CA] bodybuilding
‏الكَمالُ للهِ ‎[CA] perfection is for God (alone), only God is perfect
‏لا كَمالَ إلَّاْ لِوَجْهِ اللهِ ‎[CA] There is no perfection except the face of God, i.e. nobody's perfect
‏بِتَمامِهِ وَكَمالِهِ ‎[CA] to perfection

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  Root: ل ا
Word: لَا
  not, no (negation particle) (should be followed by a verb. In simple negation, لا does not effect the case ending of the verb, but it will, for instance, if it is a negative imperative)

لا سِيَّمَا ‎[CA] especially, particularly
‏بِلَا ‎[CA] without
‏وَلَا ‎[CA] either 1. nor, …either, or 2. not even (this should be preceded by a negative clause, i.e. وَلَا introduces a second negated clause)
‏حَتَّى وَلَا ‎[CA] not even….
‏لا… إلّا ‎[CA] either 1. only, nothing but, just, or 2. not till, not before
‏لَمْ يُعْطِنِي حَتَّى وَلَا قِرْشًا ‎[CA] he did not give me even a piaster, he did not give me as much as a piaster
‏لا… وَلَا ‎[CA] neither… nor...
‏لا هذا وَلا ذاكَ ‎[CA] neither this nor that
‏لا عَلَيكَ ‎[CA] don't worry
‏لا عَلَيهِ ‎[CA] never mind! it's nothing! no harm done! (indicating forgiveness, indulgence)
‏لا / ما عَلَيهِ مِن أَنْ + فعل مضارع منصوب ‎[CA] it doesn't matter if he…
‏أَلّا = أنْ لا ‎[CA] to not, that not …
‏إنْ لا ‎[CA] if not
‏بِلا ‎[CA] without
‏لا سَمَحَ اللهُ ‎[CA] God forbid!
‏لا يَكْتُبُ ‎[CA] he doesn't write
‏لا تَثِقوا بِأَحَدٍ وَلا حتّى بي ‎[CA] trust no one, not even me
‏لا يُمْكِنُ أنْ يَتَحَقَّقَ السَلامُ إلَّاْ في إطارِ قَراراتِ الأُمَمِ المُتَّحِدةِ ‎[CA] peace can only be realized within the framework of UN resolutions

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Word: لَا
  لا + اسم منصوب بدون تنوين : there is no, there is none, there is not (this is a form of absolute or general negation, called لا النافِيَة لِلجِنْسِ in grammar)

لا إِلَهَ إلَّا اللهُ ‎[CA] there is no god but God
‏لا خَيْرَ فيهِ ‎[CA] there is no good in it, it's no good
‏لا بُدَّ مِن + مصدر / أنْ / أَنَّ ‎[CA] there is no escape from it, it is inevitable, it's necessary (commonly used to mean it is necessary, required)
‏لا جَرَمَ ‎[CA] certainly, surely
‏لا شَكَّ ‎[CA] no doubt, doubtless
‏لا أَبَا لَكَ ‎[CA] you have no father (term of abuse, = you poor bastard)
‏لا حاجةَ لِذِكْرِهِ ‎[CA] there's no need to mention it
‏لا سَبيلَ إلى ‎[CA] there's no possibility to …
‏لا عَمَلَ لي الآنَ ‎[CA] at the moment I have no work
‏رَجُل لا مَثيلَ لَهُ ‎[CA] a man like no other

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  Root: ل ح و
Word: لَحَا، يَلْحُو، لَحْو
لَحَى، يَلْحَى، لَحْي
  to insult, abuse, revile (ه = s.o.)
[pronunciation: laḥā]

لَحَاهُ اللهُ ‎[CA] God damn him / it!

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  Root: ل ط ف
Word: لَطُفَ، يَلْطُف، لُطْف / لَطَاْفَة
  to have mercy (‫ب‬ = on)

لَطَفَ اللهُ بِهِ ‎[CA] may God have mercy on him

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  Root: ل ع ن
Word: لَعَنَ، يَلْعَن، لَعْن
  to curse, damn, execrate (ه = s.o. /, utter imprecations (ه = against s.o.) (also seen it used with على, but this might be of a dialect thing)
[pronunciation: laʻana]

لَعَنَكَ اللهُ! ‎[CA] God damn you!

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Word: لَعْنَة، ج لَعَنَاْت / لِعَاْن
  curse, damnation
[pronunciation: laʻna]

لِعْنَة اللهِ عَلَيهِ ‎[CA] God's curse upon him, God damn him
‏لَعْنة اللهِ عَلَيْكَ ‎[CA] God damn you
‏لعنة الله على السياسة وأهلها ‎[CA] God's curse on politics and it's people (i.e. politicians)
‏لَعْنة الفَراعِنةِ ‎[CA] the Pharaoh's curse
‏اللَعْنة! ‎[CA] damn it!

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  Root: ل ف ظ
Word: لَفْظ، ج أَلْفَاْظ

لَفْظًا ‎[CA] verbatim, literally
‏لَفْظًا وَمَعْنًى ‎[CA] letter and spirit
‏تَلاعُب بالأَلْفاظِ ‎[CA] pun, play on words
‏لَفْظ نابٍ ‎[CA] swear word
‏لَفْظ الجَلالةِ ‎[CA] the word الله (God)

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  Root: ل م م
Word: لَمَّ، يَلُمّ، لَمّ
  to arrange, settle, put in order (ه =

لَمَّ شَعَثَهُ ‎[CA] either 1. to restore s.o. to good condition, or 2. to straighten out s.o.'s muddled affairs, or 3. to straighten oneself out, or 4. to put one's appearance in order
‏لَمَّ اللهُ شَعَثَهُ ‎[CA] may God again put his affairs in

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  Root: م ا
Word: مَا
  what, that which, something which, whatever, all that… (relative pronoun)
(called ما الموصولة or the relative clause maa; means what or whatever and signifies a relative clause. The relative clause that follows will usually have a resumptive pronoun referring back to maa, always a male singular pronoun).
(This often occurs after كُلّ and بَعْض to mean everything that or some of what. This maa can also combine with min to mean “what that the word that the word following min will usually be indefinite because maa refers to indefinite nouns.)
[pronunciation: mā]

ما شاءَ الله ‎[CA] either 1. whatever (howsoever) God may intend (used to express an indefinite quantity, amount, number, or period of time), or 2. various, sundry, all kinds of, God knows what, or 3. exclamation of surprise, like amazing! Wow!
‏ما عَدَا = مَا خَلَا ‎[CA] except, save, with the exception of
‏بِما أنّ ‎[CA] since, as, now (that), considering the fact that
‏بِما في ذلك ‎[CA] inclusive of
‏تَعَلَّمْتُ الكَثيرَ بِما في ذلك … ‎[CA] I learned a lot, among other things …
‏بِمَا فيهِ ‎[CA] including, inclusive of
‏ما كانَ مِن إمْضاءِ المُعَاهَدَةِ ‎[CA] the fact that the agreement has been signed, the agreement having been signed
‏أَحْسَنُ ما يَكُوْنُ ‎[CA] the best in the world, the most beautiful thing that one can imagine (see also under كان and أَشَدّ)
‏ما بَيْنَ = فيما بَيْنَ ‎[CA] among, amongst; including
‏فيما بينهم ‎[CA] among them, amongst them; included amongst them
‏among, amongst; including; فيما بينهم ‎[CA] among them, amongst them; included amongst them
‏ما ورَاْءَ ‎[CA] what is behind, what is beyond
‏ما وَرَاءَ الاُرْدُنّ ‎[CA] Transjordan
‏كل ما لديك من ملفّات ‎[CA] everything that you have in the way of files
‏وما إلى ذلك ‎[CA] and so forth
‏ما (مَن).... مِن ‎[CA] what (who)... in the way of (+ indefinite noun). note that maa is considered masculine so the word (noun or verb) that follows it will sometimes have a masculine object pronoun.
‏ما يَقْرَأُهُ من الكُتُبِ ‎[CA] the books he reads

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  Root: م ت ع
Word: مَتَّعَ
  to make (ه = s.o.) enjoy (ب =, entertain, amuse, please (ه = s.o., ب = with)
[pronunciation: mattaʻa]

مَتَّعَهُ اللهُ ‎[CA] God grant him enjoyment throughout his life
‏مَتَّعَ البَصَرَ ‎[CA] to gratify the eye

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  Root: م ث ل
Word: مَثَل، ج أَمْثَاْل
  example (also of what one wants to be or imitate, like a role model)
[pronunciation: maṯal]

مَثَلًا ‎[CA] for example, for instance
‏ف.... مَثَلاً ‎[CA] for example, for instance
‏أُفَكِّرُ، مَثَلاً، في ‎[CA] for instance I'm thinking of …
‏المَثَل الأعلى ‎[CA] the ideal, model, role model
‏مَثَل أَعْلى ‎[CA] a good example, ideal, a role model
‏مَضْرِب المَثَلِ ‎[CA] a classic example
‏أَقامَ لِفُلانٍ مَثَلاً ‎[CA] to set an example to s.o.
‏ضَرَبَ اللهُ مَثَلاً ‎[CA] God gave as an example

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  Root: م ح ن
Word: اِمْتِحَاْن، ج اِمْتِحَاْنَاْت
  ordeal, trial, test

امْتِحان من اللهِ ‎[CA] a trial from God
‏تَعَرَّضَ لِامْتِحانٍ قاسٍ ‎[CA] to face a terrible ordeal

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  Root: م د ح
Word: مَدْح
  extolment, glorification

المَدْح في اللهِ ‎[CA] the glorification of God

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  Root: م د د
Word: مَدَّ، يَمُدّ، مَدّ
  to lengthen, elongate, prolong (ه =
[pronunciation: madda]

مَدَّ اللهُ عُمْرَهُ ‎[CA] may God prolong his life

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  Root: م س و
Word: مَسَّى، يُمَسِّي، تَمْسِيَة
  to wish (ه = s.o.) a good evening
[pronunciation: massā]

مَسَّاكَ اللهُ بالخَيْرِ ‎[CA] good evening! May God grant you a good evening
‏مَسّاكَ اللهُ بالخَيْرِ ‎[CA] good evening

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  Root: م ن ن
Word: اِمْتَنَّ، يَمْتِنّ، َاِمْتِنَاْن
  to bestow blessings, benefits, favors (على = upon, ب = s.o.)
[pronunciation: imtanna]

امْتَنَّ اللهُ عَلَيْنا بِنِعَمٍ كَثيرةٍ ‎[CA] God has bestowed many blessings upon us

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  Root: م ه م ا
Word: مَهْمَا
  whatever, whatsoever (should be followed by فعل مضارع مجزوم or فعل ماضي )
[pronunciation: mahmā]

مَهْمَا يَكُن مِنْ الأَمْرِ = مَهْمَا يَكُن مِن أَمْرٍ / شَيْءٍ = مَهْمَا كان الأَمْرُ ‎[CA] either 1. whatever the case may be, be it as it may, or 2. whatever may happen
‏لن تُغيِّروا رأيي مهما حاولتم ‎[CA] I won't change my opinion no matter how much you try
‏مهما تفعلْ من خير تجدْه عند الله ‎[CA] whatever good you do you find it with God
‏مَهْما تَكُن الأَسْبابُ ‎[CA] whatever the reasons may be

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  Root: ن ح ت
Word: نَحْت
  fusing two words into one portmanteau word with reduced components, portmanteau, compound (linguistics)
[pronunciation: naḥt]

البَسْمَلةُ هي نَحْتٌ من عِبارةِ بِسْمِ اللهِ ‎[CA] al-basmala is a portmanteau of the phrase b-ism Allah, 'in the name of God'

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  Root: ن ز ل
Word: أَنْزَلَ
  to send down, reveal (ه =, على = to s.o.) (said of God)
[pronunciation: ʼanzala]

أَنْزَلَ اللهُ القُرْآنَ على مُحَمَّدٍ ‎[CA] God revealed the Qur'an to Muhammad

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Word: أَنْزَلَ
  to bestow, grant, give (ه = (said of God)

ما أَنْزَلَ اللهُ بِه مِن سُلْطَانٍ ‎[CA] futile, vain, fruitless, unavailing, unfounded, absurd, preposterous, completely arbitrary, random (literally: what God has not given it power)

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Word: اِسْتَنْزَلَ
  to call down, invoke (ه =

استنزَلَ لَعْنَاْتِ اللهِ عَلَيْه ‎[CA] to invoke God's curses on s.o.

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  Root: ن س خ
Word: نَسَخَ، يَنْسَخ، نَسْخ
  to abrogate, invalidate (ه =
[pronunciation: nasaḵa]

نَسَخَ اللهُ الآيةَ بِآيةٍ أُخْرى ‎[CA] God has abrogated the verse by another verse

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  Root: ن ش د
Word: نَشَدَ، يَنْشُد، نَشْد / نَشْدَة / نِشْدَاْن
  to adjure, implore, supplicate (ه = s.o., ه = by s.o., also اللهَ = by God)
[pronunciation: našada]

أَنْشُدُكَ اللهَ ‎[CA] I beg you in the name of God

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  Root: ن ص ر
Word: نَصَرَ، يَنْصُر، نَصْر / نُصُوْر
  to render victorious, give victory, let triumph (ه = s.o., على = over) (said of God)
[pronunciation: naṣara]

المَلِك، نَصَرَهُ اللهُ ‎[CA] the king, may God give him the victory
‏اللهُ يَنْصُرُكُمْ على أَعْدائِكُمْ! ‎[CA] God grant you victory over your enemies!

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Word: نَصْر
  victory, triumpth
[pronunciation: naṣr]

قَوْس نَصْرٍ ‎[CA] triumphal arch
‏دَوْرة نَصْرٍ = جَوْلة نَصْرٍ ‎[CA] lap of honor
‏عَلامة النَصْرِ ‎[CA] victory sign (V sign)
‏سورة النَصْر ‎[CA] The Divine Support (Sura 110)
‏حَقَّقَ نَصْراً = أَحْرَزَ نَصْراً ‎[CA] to triumph, to achieve victory
‏ادَّعى النَصْرَ ‎[CA] to declare victory, claim victory
‏احْتَفَلَ بالنَصْرِ ‎[CA] to celebrate the victory
‏نَصْر اللهِ ‎[CA] Nasrallah (male given name)

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  Root: ن ع م
Word: نِعْمَة، ج نِعَم / أَنْعُم / نِعْمَاْت / نِعِمَاْت
  benefit, blessing, boon, benefaction, favor, grace, kindness
[pronunciation: niʻma]

بِنِعْمَة اللهِ ‎[CA] by the grace of God
‏واسِع النِعْمَةِ ‎[CA] very well off, wealthy, rich
‏النِعَم الثَلَاث ‎[CA] the Three Graces
‏وَلِيّ نِعْمَتِهِ = وَلِيّ نِعَمِهِ ‎[CA] his benefactor
‏هو وَليُّ نِعْمَتي ‎[CA] he's my benefactor
‏نِعْمة البَصَرِ ‎[CA] the gift of sight
‏نِعَم اللهِ ‎[CA] God's grace
‏حَديث النِعْمةِ ‎[CA] upstart, nouveau-riche
‏تَحَوَّلَت النِعْمةُ إلى نَقْمةٍ ‎[CA] the blessing turned into a curse

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Word: نَعِيْم
  amenity, comfort, ease, happiness, bliss, felicity

نَعِيم اللهِ ‎[CA] the grace of God, the blessings of God

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Word: أَنْعَمَ
  to make good, nice, comfortable, pleasant (ه / ب =
[pronunciation: ʼanʻama]

أَنْعَمَ اللهُ صَبَاحَكَ ‎[CA] good morning (may God bless make your morning nice)

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Word: أَنْعَمَ
  to give, grant (على = s.o., ب =, bestow, confer upon, bless (على = s.o., ب =
[pronunciation: ʼanʻama]

أَنْعَمَ عليها بِحُبِّهِ ‎[CA] to give s.o. one's love
‏أَنْعَمَ اللهُ عَلَيْهِ بِصِحّةِ جَيِّدةِ ‎[CA] God gave him good health

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  Root: ن ق ل
Word: اِنْتَقَلَ
  to be moved, carried, be carried away, be removed, be transported
(possible meanings —
to be communicated (disease), spread (إلى = to)
to be spread, circulate, make the rounds (rumor)
to be transplanted (إلى = into or to)
to be transferred, be conveyed, be assigned (also to be transferred, e.g. an official, to be turned over, be delivered, be transferred e.g. a ship)

اِنْتَقَلَ إلى رَحْمَةِ اللهِ ‎[CA] to die (literally, to pass away into God's mercy)
‏اِنْتَقَلَ إلى جِوَار رَبِّهِ ‎[CA] to die, pass away (literally, to be transferred into the presence of the Lord)

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  Root: ن ه و
Word: نَهَا، يَنْهُو، نَهْو
نَهَى، يَنْهَى، نَهْي
  to forbid (ه = s.o., عن =, to do, prohibit, ban (ه = s.o., عن = from doing, interdict, proscribe (ه = s.o., عن =

نَهى اللهُ عَنْهُ ‎[CA] to be forbidden by God

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  Root: ن و ب 1
Word: أَنَاْبَ، يُنِيْب، إِنَاْبَة
  to act in behalf (عن = of)
[pronunciation: ʼanāba]

أَنابَ إلى اللهِ ‎[CA] to repent before God

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Word: أَنَاْبَ، يُنِيْب، إِنَاْبَة
  to turn, repent (إلى = to God)

أَنَابَ إلى اللهِ ‎[CA] to turn repentantly to God

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  Root: ه د ي
Word: هِدَاْيَة، ج هِدَاْيَاْت
  guidance (especially spiritual guidance, from God)
[pronunciation: hidāya]

على غَيْرِ هِدَايَةٍ ‎[CA] either 1. without divine guidance, or 2. aimlessly, at random
‏الهِداية من اللهِ ‎[CA] the guidance comes from God

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  Root: و ج ه
Word: وَجْه، ج وُجُوْه
  face, countenance
[pronunciation: wajh]

وَجْهًا ‎[CA] apparently
‏وَجْهًا بِوَجْهٍ ‎[CA] either 1. face to face, or 2. in private, personally, directly
‏وَجْهاً لِوَجْهٍ ‎[CA] face to face
‏وَجْهاً لِوَجْهٍ مع عَدوِّهِ ‎[CA] face to face with his enemy
‏نفي + وَجْهًا مِن الوُجُوْه ‎[CA] in no way (with preceding negation)
‏في وَجْهِهِ ‎[CA] either 1. before him, in his presence, or 2. counter to him. or 3. before his (very) eyes
‏مَفْتُوْح في وَجْهِ الجَمِيعِ ‎[CA] open to all, to the public
‏لِوَجْهِ اللهِ ‎[CA] either 1. for the sake of God, regardless of any reward in this life (often said as meaning nothing is expected in return)
‏وَجْه مُعَبِّر ‎[CA] an expressive face
‏وُجوه مَأْلوفة ‎[CA] familiar faces
‏وُجوه غَيْر مَأْلوفةٍ ‎[CA] unfamiliar faces
‏وَجْه مُحْتَقِن ‎[CA] a red face
‏وَجْه شاحِب ‎[CA] a pale face
‏سِمات الوَجْهِ = أَسارير الوَجْهِ ‎[CA] features
‏صَفْعة على الوَجْهِ ‎[CA] a slap in the face
‏احْمَرَّ وَجْهُهُ ‎[CA] to blush
‏أَشْرَقَ وَجْهُهُ = تَطَلَّقَ وَجْهُهُ ‎[CA] his face lit up
‏كَشَفَ عن وَجْهِهِ الحَقيقيِّ ‎[CA] to show one's true face
‏حَفِظَ ماءَ وَجْهِهِ = صانَ ماءَ وَجْهِهِ ‎[CA] to save face
‏عَلا وَجْهَهُ الحُزْنُ ‎[CA] sadness crept over his face
‏بَدَتْ على وَجْهِهِ أَماراتُ الحُزْنِ ‎[CA] his face showed signs of grief
‏أَغْلَقَ البابَ في وَجْهِ فُلانٍ ‎[CA] to slam the door in s.o.'s face
‏ابْتَسَمَ في وَجْهِ فُلانٍ ‎[CA] to smile at s.o.
‏ضَحِكَ في وَجْهِ فُلانٍ ‎[CA] to laugh in s.o.'s face

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Word: وَجْه، ج وُجُوْه
  face, countenance (more examples)

اِبْيَضَّ وَجْهُهُ ‎[CA] his face turned white, meaning to enjoy an excellent reputation, stand in good repute
‏اِسْوَدَّ وَجْهُهُ ‎[CA] his face turned black, meaning to fall into discredit, be discredited, be in disgrace
‏بَيَّضَ وَجْهَهُ ‎[CA] either 1. to make s.o. appear blameless, in a favorable light, to whitewash, exculpate, vindicate, justify s.o., play s.o. up, make much of s.o., or 2. to honor s.o., show honor to s.o.
‏أَخَذَ وَجْهُهُ ‎[CA] to win respect, gain prestige
‏أَخَذَ وَجْهَ العَرُوْسَة ‎[CA] to consummate marriage
‏أَهَانَهُ في وَجْهِهِ ‎[CA] to insult s.o. to his face
‏خَلَا لَهُ وَجْهُ الطَرِيقِ ‎[CA] his way was unobstructed, he had clear sailing
‏سَفَّهَ وَجْهَهُ = سَوَّدَ وَجْهَهُ ‎[CA] to expose s.o., show s.o. up, make a fool of s.o., bring s.o. into discredit, disgrace s.o., dishonor s.o.
‏شَوَّهَ وَجْهَ الحَقِيْقَةِ ‎[CA] to distort the truth
‏شَوَّهَ وَجْهَ الوَظِيْفَةِ ‎[CA] to disgrace one's profession or office
‏ضَرَبَ وَجْهَ الأَمْرِ وَعَيْنَهُ ‎[CA] to touch on the very essence of a matter, hit the mark
‏قَاْمَ في وَجْهِ فُلانٍ ‎[CA] to stand up to s.o., take a stand against s.o.
‏هَرَبَ مِن وَجْهِ فُلانٍ ‎[CA] to flee from s.o.
‏وَجْه النَهَارِ ‎[CA] during the daytime
‏كَلَام ذُو وَجْهَيْنِ ‎[CA] equivocal statement, ambiguous words
‏شَخْص بِوَجْهَيْنِ ‎[CA] a two-faced person
‏لِوَجْهِ اللهِ ‎[CA] either 1. for the sake of God, or 2. (idiomatic expression) free, free of charge

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  Root: و ح د
Word: وَحْدَاْنِيَّة
  oneness, singleness, unity (especially of God)
[pronunciation: waḥdāniyya]

وَحْدانيّة اللهِ ‎[CA] the unity of God

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Word: وَحَّدَ
  to declare (الله = God) to be one) (and hence to profess belief in the unity of God, be a monotheist)
to believe in the unity of God, to be a monotheist
[pronunciation: waḥḥada]

وَحَّد اللهَ ‎[CA] to declare God to be one, to say there is no God but God (لا إله إلا الله)

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  Root: و د ع
Word: اِسْتَوْدَعَ، يَسْتَوْدِع، َاِسْتِيْدَاْع
  to entrust, consign, commit (ه = to s.o., ه =, leave (ه =, ه = with s.o.), give (ه = s.o. for safekeeping, give (ه = in charge (ه = of s.o.)

اِسْتَوْدَعَهُ اللهَ ‎[CA] to commend s.o. to God's protection, used as: farewell!, God be with you!, goodbye, adieu!

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  Root: و س ع
Word: وَسَّعَ
  to be generous, liberal, openhanded (على = toward s.o., or ه = toward s.o., ه = with
[pronunciation: wassaʻa]

وَسَّعَ اللهُ عَلَيْهِ ‎[CA] God made him rich, God blessed him

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  Root: و ف ق
Word: وَفَّقَ
  to give (ه = s.o.) success (ل / إلى = in achieving (said of God)
[pronunciation: waffaqa]

وَفَّقَهُ اللهُ ‎[CA] may God grant him success
‏وُفِّقَ ‎[CA] to be successful, to succeed
‏وُفِّقَ في عَمَلِهِ / مَسْعاهُ ‎[CA] to be successful in one's job/effort

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  Root: و ف ي
Word: تَوَاْفَى، يَتَوَاْفَى، تَوَاْفٍ (التَوَاْفِي)
  to take (ه = s.o.) unto Himself (said of God) (i.e. to bring an end to s.o.’s life)

تَوَفَّاْهُ اللهُ ‎[CA] God has taken him unto Him

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Word: تَوَفَّى، يَتَوَفَّى، تَوَفٍّ (التَوَفِّي)
  passive تُوُفِّيَ : to die, pass away (just like the phrase in english “to pass away”, this word has a formal quality and is more polite than the word مات, which simply means to die.)
to let die
[pronunciation: tawaffā]

تُوُفِّيَ ‎[CA] to die, to pass away, to perish
‏تَوَفّاهُ اللهُ ‎[CA] God has taken him unto himself
‏تُوُفِّيَ بِحادِثِ سَيْرٍ ‎[CA] to be killed in a traffic accident

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  Root: و ق ي
Word: اِتَّقَى، يَتَّقِي، اِتِّقَاْء
  to fear (ه = god)
[pronunciation: ittaqā]

اِتَّقَى اللهَ ‎[CA] to fear God (to follow and remain in harmony with the laws of God)
‏اتَّقِ اللهَ! ‎[CA] fear God!
‏اِتَّقَى اللهَ في حَقِّ الشَيْءِ ‎[CA] to fear God with regard to, meaning to spare or deal mercifully with for fear of God, show regard for for God's sake, make a matter of conscience

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  Root: و ك ل
Word: تَوَكَّلَ
  to rely, depend (على = on), place one's confidence or trust (على = in), trust (على = in)
[pronunciation: tawakkala]

تَوَكَّلَ على اللهِ ‎[CA] to trust in God, put o.s. in God's hands (a good thing. contrast with tawaakul, form 6, which can supposedly have negative connotations when it comes to depending/trusting on something)

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Word: اِتَّكَلَ، يَتَّكِل، َاِتِّكَاْل
  to rely, depend (على = on / s.o. /, trust (على = in)
[pronunciation: ittakala]

اتَّكِلْ على اللهِ! ‎[CA] rely on God! (common phrase, for instance said if someone is about to do but is unsure of the outcome)

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  Root: و ل ي
Word: وَلِيّ، ج أَوْلِيَاْء
  friend, close associate
[pronunciation: waliyy]

وَلِيّ اللهِ ‎[CA] the friend of God

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  Root: ي د
Word: يَد، ج أَيْدٍ (الأَيْدِي) / أَيَاْدٍ (الأَيَاْدِي)
  hand (feminine noun) (more examples)
[pronunciation: yad]

طَلَبَ يَدها ‎[CA] he asked for her hand (in marriage), he proposed to her
‏أَطْلَقَ يَدَ فُلانٍ في ‎[CA] to give s.o. a free hand in
‏هُمْ يَدٌ واحِدةٌ ‎[CA] they are (like) one hand, they are hand in glove
‏هُمْ يَدٌ واحِدَةٌ على ‎[CA] they are in league against me
‏يَدُ اللهِ مع الجَماعةِ ‎[CA] proverb: the hand of God is with the community, (meaning working together makes things go better / faster, many hands make light work)
‏رَفَعَ يَدَهُ على فُلانٍ ‎[CA] to raise one's hand against s.o.
‏يَداهُ مُلَطَّخَتانِ بالدَمِ ‎[CA] he has blood on his hands
‏أَفْلَتَ شَيئًا من يَدِهِ ‎[CA] he let slip from his hands
‏كانَتْ يَدُهُ مَمْدودةً لِ ‎[CA] to be open to, to be willing to try
‏أَخَذَ حَقَّهُ بِيَدِهِ ‎[CA] he took his right with his own hand, i.e. he took the law into his own hands
‏ما بِاليَدِ حِيْلَة ‎[CA] there is nothing that can be done
‏لا أَفْعَلُهُ يَدَ الدَهْرِ ‎[CA] I shall never do it
‏بِيَدٍ من حَديدٍ ‎[CA] with an iron fist

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  Root: ي س ر
Word: يَسَّرَ، تُيَسِّر، تَيْسِيْر
  to ease, make easy, facilitate (على = for s.o., ه =
[pronunciation: yassara]

يَسَّرَ انْدِماجَ فُلَاْنٍ في المُجْتَمَعِ ‎[CA] to ease s.o.'s integration into society
‏اللهُ يُيَسِّرُ ‎[CA] God help us
‏عَمَلِيَّة يَسَّرَ اللهُ أَسْبَابَهَا ‎[CA] an operation for which God facilitated the means of success (a phrase that, according to one online article, has been made famous by the extremist group ISIS, which uses the phrase in statements like عَمَلِيَّة نَوْعِيَّة يَسَّرَ اللهُ أَسبابَها , a special operation for which God facilitated the means of success)

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  Root: ي م ن
Word: يَمِيْن، ج أَيْمُن / أَيْمَاْن
  oath (feminine noun)
[pronunciation: yamīn]

يَمِيْن الأَمَانَةِ ‎[CA] oath of allegiance
‏يَمِين الصَبْرِ ‎[CA] perjury
‏يَمِين قانُونِيَّة ‎[CA] legal oath, oath of office, official oath
‏يَمِين كاذِبَة ‎[CA] perjury
‏يَمِين الوَلَاءِ والإِخْلَاصِ ‎[CA] oath of allegiance
‏اليَمِين الدُسْتُوْرِيَّة ‎[CA] oath on the constitution
‏أَيْمُنُ اللهِ = أَيْمُ اللهِ ‎[CA] I swear by God
‏أدّى يمين الولاء ‎[CA] to take the oath of loyalty
‏يَمين غَليظة ‎[CA] a solemn oath
‏يَمين كاذِبة / غَموس ‎[CA] perjury
‏أَدّى يَميناً ‎[CA] to take an oath
‏حَلَفَ يَميناً ‎[CA] to swear an oath
‏حَنِثَ ب / في يَمينِهِ = نَقَضَ يَمينَهُ ‎[CA] to break one's oath
‏البَيِّنة على مَنْ ادَّعى واليَمينُ على مَنْ أَنْكَرَ ‎[CA] the plaintiff provides evidence and the defendant takes the oath (Law)

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  Root: ا خ
Word: آخ
  a sound said to express pain; (كلمة توجُّع وإظهار ألم);

آخْ يا اَلله ‎[L] expression of frustration, like God help me!

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  Root: ا ذ ا
Word: إذَا
  إذَا + المضارع : stative hypothetical: if;
these verbs are usually marked either with عم or ب .
sometimes this is called a “non-hypothetical conditional mood”, because it is a sentence in which the if statement (the protasis) is assumed true or to have a high degree of expectation that it is true.
[pronunciation: ʔi∂a]

إن شا الله ما فيه مانِع عَنْدَك إِذا بْرُوح هَلَّق ‎[S] I hope you don't mind if I go now. (the ب here is the future marker);
‏لَإنّ كْتِير صَعْب إذا واحِد ما بْيَعْرِف اِللُغَة ‎[S] because it is very hard if one doesn't know the language (use of imperfective strengthens factuality of statement);
‏ إِذَا رِجِع بَكِّيْر بَقُول لَك ‎[P] If he gets back early, I'll tell you; { ʔi∂a rijeʕ bakkīr baqul lak}
‏ إِذَا بِتكَمّْلُوا ‎[P] if / when you finish; { ʔi∂a bitkammºlu}
‏مَا بَعرَف إِذَا بْيِرجَع وِلَّا لَأ ‎[P] I don't know if he will come back or not; {ma bɑʕrɑf ʔi∂a bºyirjaʕ willa laʔ¡}
‏إِذَا بِتْرِيد ‎[L] either 1. if you want , or 2. excuse me, or 3. please, if you would
‏إِذَا حَدَا بْيِسْأَل عَنِّي قِلْ لَو بِرْجَع بَعْدِ شْوَيِّة ‎[S] If anyone asks for me tell him I'll be right back
‏إذا بَطَل لَقَٔطُه! ‎[L] If you are a hero, you can grab

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  Root: ا ل ه
Word: إلَـٰه، ج آلـِهة
[pronunciation: ʔilāh، ʔāliha]

إلَـٰه ‎[L] said with rising intonation: Oh Lord, really?!
‏ الإِيْمَان بِإِلَاه وَاحِد ‎[P] monotheism, the belief in one God; {'il-ʔ€īmān biʔ€ilāh wāḥed}
‏لَا إِلَاه إِلَّا الله ‎[P] Islam: there is no god but God (part of the Muslim testimony of faith); {lā ʔilāh ʔilla-l-lᾱh}
‏تَعَدَوْدِ الآلِهَة ‎[P] polytheism (plurality of gods); {taʕadōdᴵ-l-ʔāliha}

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Word: الله / الله
(the form 'ɑllɑ is the more colloquial pronunciation, but 'ɑllɑh is commonly heard in “fixed expressions”, which, for the word ألله, is many of the words one will hear.)
(typically said 2AllA / 2AllAAh, but when preceded by a /i/ or /e/ vowel the /A/ becomes /a/, such as الحَمْدِ لله (l-7amdella) and الحَمْدُ لِله (l-7amdu lellaah)
[pronunciation: ʔɑllɑᴴ / ʔɑllᾱh]

الله يْسَلّمَك ‎[P] May God keep you well; { 'ɑllɑᴴ yºsallmak}
‏ العِلم عِند أَلَّه ‎[P] the knowledge is with God, God only knows; {'il-ʕilm ʕind ʔɑllɑᴴ}
‏خَلِّيْهَا عَلَى الله ‎[P] leave it to God (it's out of our hands); {ḵallīha ʕala 'ɑllɑᴴ}
‏إِذَا اَلله بِيْرِيد ‎[L] if God wants, God willing;
‏إِذَا راد الله ‎[L] if God wants, God willing;
‏لا حَوْلَ وَلا قُوَّةَ إِلا بِاللهِ العَلِيِّ العَظِيم ‎[V] there is no power or might except with God the great and noble, a phrase meaning that God is the only help, often said expressing frustration, despair, or giving up (and submitting to God's will);
‏تْخَانَقْنا لَعِنْد اَلله ‎[S] we argued like hell, we had a vicious argument;
‏إِنَّا لِله وَإِنَّا إِليهِ راجِعُون ‎[L] We belong to God, and to him we return (a phrase of condolence);
‏اَلله يْكُون مَعَك ‎[L] may God be with you;

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Word: الله / الله
[pronunciation: ʔɑllɑᴴ / ʔɑllᾱh]

الله الله ‎[P] God, Oh God! (an expression of shock); {'ɑllᾱh 'ɑllᾱh}
‏اللهُ أَكبَر ‎[P] God is greatest; {'ɑllᾱhu ʔakbɑr}
‏ما بْيَعْرِف / ما فَهْمان وَين حاطْطُو اَلله ‎[S] he doesn't know where God has put him, meaning he's clueless;
‏اَلله على + اسم ‎[L] exclamation of delight;
‏الله عليك يا بَيْرُوت ‎[L] God bless you, Beirut;
‏خَيْر اَلله ‎[S] a lot, a ton (as an adjective or adverb), as in:
‏في كُتُب خَير اَلله ‎[S] there are a ton of books!
‏مِشْتَاقِةْ لَك خَيْر الله ‎[S] I missed you so much!
‏مَعَاذ اَلله = حاشَى لِله ‎[S] God forbid
‏الحَمْدُ لِله = الحَمْدِ الله ‎[V] Thank God
‏يَرْحَمُكَ اْلله ‎[S] God bless you (when someone sneezes)
‏كَتِّر خَيْرَك = اَلله يِكْتِر عَلَيْكِ الخَيْر ‎[S] God bless you (as an expression of gratitude)
‏نْشَالله = نْشَاءَ اْلله = إنْ شا الله ‎[V] God willing
‏هُوِّ جاي؟ ---- قُول إنشالله ‎[L] Is he coming? ---- Say God willing (this form of response, telling the other person to say إنشالله, is very common )
‏قُوِّة اَلله ما بْتاخِدْنِي لَهْنِيك ‎[S] God himself couldn't drag me there
‏اْتْرِكَهْا لَاَلله، ما بْيِطْلَعِ بْإِيْدَك تَعْمِل شِي ‎[S] There's just nothing you can do about it
‏بَالله ‎[S] please
‏بَالله قِلْ لَو يْتَلْفِن لِي ‎[S] Kindly tell him to call me
‏بَالله سَكِّر لِي الباب ‎[S] Please shut the door
‏وَاللهِ ما بَعْرِف ‎[S] Oh, I don't know
‏وَاللهِ ما قْدِرِت اِجِي ‎[S] I simply couldn't come,

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Word: الله / الله
[pronunciation: ʔɑllɑᴴ / ʔɑllᾱh]

ما لَازِم يِهْتَمّْ، مَعَو مَصَارِي اَلله ‎[S] He shouldn't worry, he's got all the money in the world
‏اَلله بْيِعْلَم قَدَّيْش جَرَّبِت ‎[S] God knows, I've tried often enough
‏اَلله أَعْلَم ‎[S] God knows (also as a sharp response: What do you know!)
‏مِنْشَان اَلله ‎[S] for God’s sake!
‏مِنْشَان اَلله بَقَى ‎[S] for God’s sake
‏مِنْشَان اَلله بَقَى، حاجِة ‎[S] For God’s sake, stop
‏مِنْشَاْن اَلله، لِك وَيْن كِنِت ‎[S] Where in the world have you been?
‏ يَا اَلله ‎[S] Oh my God! (expression of strong feelings)
‏يَا اَلله قَدَّيْش هالزَّلَـمِة مَهْبُول ‎[S] Boy, that guy is dumb
‏على اَلله ‎[S] up to God (phrase often used to mean it’s not in our hands)
‏هَلَّقِ عْمِلْنَا كِلّْ يِللي بْيِطْلَعِ بْإِيْدْنَا، البَاقِي على اَلله ‎[S] Well, we've done all we can, the rest is up to God
‏لَأَلله = لَعِنْد الله ‎[L] ‎[S] to an extreme extent

Rate Translation
Word: الله / الله
  حَيَّالله : anything, any old thing (see further under حيالله)

حَيَّالله مِيْكَانِيْكِي بْقِدِر يْصَلِّحَهْا ‎[S] Any mechanic can fix that

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  Root: ا م ر
Word: أَمر / أَمِر، ج أُمُوْر
[S] أَمِر (أَمْر)، ج أْمُوْر
  matter, issue, thing;
[pronunciation: ʔamr / ʔamᵉr، ʔumūr]

أَنَا بَشُوْفهَا أَمِر إِجَابي ‎[P] I see it as a positive issue; { ʔana bašūfha ʔamᵉr ʔijāby}
‏في نِهَايِةِ الأَمر ‎[P] at the end of the matter; {fy nihāyeᴵ-l-ʔamr}
‏لَازِمِ نْوَضِّحِ الأُمُوْر ‎[P] we have to clarify matters; {lāzemᵉ nºwɑḍḍeḥᴵ-l-ʔumūr}
‏قُدَّامِ الأَمرِ-وَاقِع ‎[P] in front of a fait accompli; {quddāmᴵ-l-ʔamrᴵ-wᾱʠeʕ}
‏ الأُمُوْر كُلّهَا بِئِيد الله ‎[P] it's all in God's hand; {'il-ʔumūr kullha biʔīd ’ɑllɑᴴ}
‏ما بِتْدَاخَل (بِدَّاخَل) بِأْمُوْرَو ‎[S] don't meddle in his affairs

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  Root: ا م ن
Word: أَمَان
  security, safety;
[pronunciation: ʔamān]

حِزَامِ الأَمَان ‎[P] safety belt, seat belt; {ḥizāmᴵ-l-ʔamān}
‏بْيُشعُر بِأَمَان ‎[P] he feels safe / secure; {bºyušʕor biʔamān}
‏حَاسِب حَالُو في الأَمَان ‎[P] he thought he was safe; {ḥāseb ḥālo fy-l-ʔamān}
‏بْأَمَان ‎[S] safely
‏وِصْلُوا بْأَمَان ‎[S] They arrived safely
‏بْتَعْطِيْنَا شْعُوْر بِالأَمَاْن ‎[S] It gives us a sense of security
‏الخَطْوِة الأخِيرَة عِبَارَة عَن تَهْدِيد خَطِير لَأَمانِ بْلَادْنَا ‎[S] The latest step constitutes a serious threat to our country's security
‏بْأَمَان اَلله مَعِ السَّلَامِة ‎[S] Good-by, Take care of yourself

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Word: آمَن، يْآمِن
[L] آمَن، يْآمِن
[S] آمَن، يْؤَامِن / يْآمِن
  to believe (ب = in);
(this is usually used for religious belief, whereas the word صَدَّق, often said سَدَّق, is used for to believe someone);
[pronunciation: ʔāman، yºʔāmen]

بيْآمِن بِالله ‎[P] he believes in God; {byºʔāmen bi'ɑllɑᴴ}
‏كُلِّ النَاسِ اْلّي بيْآمنُوا في الله ‎[P] all the people that believe in God; {kullᴵ-n-nāsᴵ 'ºlly byºʔāmnu fy ‘ɑllɑᴴ}
‏السِكَّانِ المَحَلِيِّيْن بِيْؤَاْمْنُوا بِالأَرْوَاحِ الشَّرِيْرِة ‎[S] The natives believe in evil spirits

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  Root: ا ن
Word: إِن
[S] إِنْ / اْنْ / نْ
(according to CA this is followed by a verb in the past tense, even if it refers to a future action, but these rules are not always followed in colloquial)
(the form نْ happens because the word takes so little emphasis it tends to more form part of the following word, i.e. it is enclitic);
[pronunciation: ʔin]

نْشا لله / إِن شَاء الله ‎[V] if God wills (God willing; Can be used as anything from “hopefully” or “God please I hope not”, depending on how it is said and the specific tone. It is often followed by verb with any marking, to show that one is hoping something will happen (i.e. a potential tense). (If one wants to use a verb with a specific tense, e.g. past tense, يكون is often used first); { ʔin šᾱʔÅ 'ɑllᾱh}
‏إن شاء الله يْكُون رِجِع البَيْت ‎[L] hopefully he has returned home.
‏إِن شا الله بْتُنْبُسِط بْلِبنان ‎[L] God willing, you will enjoy (your time) in Lebanon; (note use of ب after إن شا الله);
‏ إِن جِيْت بُكرَة ‎[P] if you come tomorrow; { ʔin jīt bukrɑ}
‏اْنْ إْجِيْت (نِ إْجِيْت) مَعِي بَعْطِيك لَيْرَة ‎[S] If you come with me I'll give you a pound

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  Root: ا ن ت
Word: اِنتِا / اِنتَا / اِنْتَ
  you (male singular 2nd person pronoun);
(note that the ending vowel in some dialects is very close to a kasra, to the point where I heard one guy tease another (the two being from different parts of Syria) that it sounded like he was talking to a girl. in terms of writing, at times this dictionary writes it انتَ and other times انتِا , to make sure it is distinguished from the second person feminine انتِ);
(repeated pronouns are often repeated for emphasis, similar to English “his/her/my etc. own”)
[pronunciation: ʔinte / ʔinta]

هايِّ غْرَاضَك اِنْتِا ‎[S] Are these your own things?
‏اِنتِا سَاكِن هَوْن ‎[P] do you live here; {'inte sāken hōn}
‏ الحَمْدُ اْلّلَه مْنِيْح وْكِيْفَك اِنتِا ‎[P] I'm well thank you, and how are you?; {'il-ḥamºdu 'ºllaᴴ mºnīḥ wºkīfak 'inte}
‏بَسّ وَيْن أُختَك اِنتِا ‎[P] but where is your sister (emphasis given by using انت as an extra pronoun); {bass wēn ʔuḵtak 'inte}
‏وْشُو بِتقُوْل اِنتِا ‎[P] and what do you have to say (emphasis on you given by using انت as an extra pronoun); {wºšu bitqūl 'inte}
‏اِنْتَ بِيْجُوز تِغْرَق السَفِيْنِة بِوُجُود واحِد مِتْلَك عَ هالسَفِيْنة ‎[S] you, the ship could sink with the presence of one like you on this ship (note انت is a fronted topic, and بيجوز is a generic “could”); (ق = ء);
‏اِنْتْ وْرَايِح خِدْني ‎[S] pick me up on your way (note the structure: topic pronoun + Haal clause + sentence);
‏وِاْنْتَ ‎[L] and you? what about you? (a way of turning the conversation back to the other person);
‏وانت ‎[V] and you? (manner of turning the conversation back to the other person);
‏أنَا مْنِيح وانت كِيْفَك ‎[V] I am well, and you, how are you?
‏رَحِ تْضَلّ اِنْتَ هَيك على طُول ‎[L] Will you be like this all the time (note that the verb precedes انت);

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  Root: ا ه ل
Word: أَهِل، ج أَهَالي
[S] أَهِل (أَهْل)، ج أَهَاْلِي
  أَهْلًا or أَهْلًا وسَهْلًا either 1. hi, hello (in greetings) or 2. you're most welcome (in welcoming, or inviting)
the reply is often أَهْلَين . This is often translated as “two-welcomes” (to you). However, some interpret the dual ending as simply coming from the تَنْوِين , and that the dual meaning is not accurate.

أَهْلَا وْسَهْلَا ‎[L] welcome! (literally, family and ease. note lack of تنوين on this pronunciation);
‏أَهْلَا وْسَهْلَا ‎[V] either 1. welcome! or 2. Also used by a host as a reply to a compliment, like “you are always welcome”, or 3. my pleasure, you are welcome, or 4. you are welcome (as a reply to “thank you”);
‏أَهْلَا وْسَهْلَا = أَهْلًا وَسَهْلًا ‎[S] Welcome!
‏أَهْلَا وْسَهْلَا لِلشَّام ‎[S] Welcome to Damascus
‏أَهْلَا وْسَهْلَا فِيك دايْمًا ‎[S] You're always welcome here
‏لا شِكِر على واجِب = العَفْو = أَهْلَا وْسَهْلَا = ما في شي مِن واجْبَك = ما في شي مِحْرِز = أَسْتَغْفِرُ الله ‎[S] not at all, don’t mention it, don’t worry about (in response to a thanks)
‏أَهْلَا وْسَهْلَا في ‎[V] welcome to...
‏أَهْلَا وْسَهْلا فيكُن ‎[V] welcome to you!
‏بَدِّي صَرِّف سَبَع مِيِّة وْأَرْبَعِين دُولار --- أَهْلَا وْسَهْلا ‎[V] I want to exchange ‏740 --- my pleasure;
‏مِية أَهْلَين ‎[V] a hundred welcomes! used as a reply to شُكْرًا . This is considered slang by some, and such people would prefer simply أهلا وْسهلا or أَهْلَين ;
‏أَهْلَا أْمُور ‎[V] welcome, (your) orders? (a common way of saying welcome, what can I do for you?);

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  Root: ب 1
Word: بْ / بِ / مْ / مِ
  intentive future marker: will
Brustad argues this is a future tense used to show intent, used with non-factual information. (compare with رَح). However, since the usage seems to vary across dialects, making generalizations seems hard. According to Brustad, some notes about using it:
1. used with questions that show intention, hence it is often on the first or second person verb, e.g. in questions, to show intention;
2. cannot be used to ask about factual information unless it focuses on addresses intentions. it would be incorrect to say:
شُوْ بِتْجِيب مَعَك [L] what will you bring with you;
but you are allowed to say:
اِمْتَى بِتْزِيد لْنا المَعَاش [L] when do you plan to raise our salary;
3. There is clearly some overlap between رح and ب, and it also varies some between regions in the Levant.
4. note also that some sentences have similar meanings with and without ب :
وَعَدْني إِنُّه بْيِرْجَع [S] He promised me he would come back;
وَعَدْني إِنُّه يِرْجَع [S] He promised me to come back;

بِيْكُوْن عَمْ يِدْرُس = رَحْ يْكُون عَمْ يِدْرُس ‎[S] he will be studying;
‏بِيْكُون وِصِل = رَحْ يْكُون وِصِل ‎[S] he will have arrived;
‏بَلا ما تْضَيّعِي وَقْتِك، هاتِي، بْحِطّ لِك اْيَاه بْطَرِيْقِي ‎[S] instead of you wasting your time, give (it to me), I'll drop (it) off for you on my way;
‏هالمَرَّة إِنْ شا الله ما بِنْسَى ‎[S] This time hopefully I won't forget;
‏نِفْرُض إِنُّه ما بْيِجِي ‎[S] let's suppose he doesn't come;
‏بْشُوفَكِ السَّاعَة تْلَاتِة ‎[S] I’ll meet you at three o‘clock
‏بْتِحْجِز لِي أُوْضَة مِن فَضْلَك ‎[S] Will you please reserve a room for me?
‏هالتّْيَاتْرَو بْيِسَع أَلْف شَخِص ‎[S] This theater will hold a thousand people
‏مِنْفَضِّلِ نْعِيْش بِالمَدِيْنِة ‎[S] We would rather live in the city,
‏شُو بِتْحِبّ تِشْرَب ‎[S] What would you like to drink?
‏اْسْتَنَّى ‎[S] shall I wait
‏نْخَلِّي البَاب مَفْتُوْح ‎[S] Shall we leave the door open?
‏يِسْتَنَّى شِي ‎[S] Shall he wait?
‏مِنْشُوْف مِين مَظْبُوْط ‎[S] We shall see who's right

Rate Translation
  Root: ب ح ب ح
Word: بَحْبَح
المصدر: البَحْبَحة
  to bestow prosperity (على = on s.o., said of God);

الله يْبَحْبَح عليك ‎[L] may God make you prosperous!

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  Root: ب ر ك
Word: مَبرُوْك، ج مَبرُوْكِيْن، المؤنث: مَبرُوْكِة
  congratulations! (on a happy occasion or on the acquisition of a new possession);
the reply is usually something like الله يْبارِك عُمْرَك (may God bless your life);
[pronunciation: mabrūk، mabrūkīn، mabrūke]

مَبرُوْك يَا عَرِيْس ‎[P] congratulations to the groom; {mabrūk ya ʕarīs}
‏مَبرُوْك يَا عَرُوْس ‎[P] congratulations to the bride; {mabrūk ya ʕarūs}
‏شُفتهَا مِشترِيِّة عَبَاي، قُلتِ اْلهَا مَبرُوْكِة ‎[P] I saw that she had bought an abaaya (long woolen caught), and so I told her congratulations; {šuftha mištriyye ʕabāy، qultᴵ 'ºlha mabrūke}
‏مَبرُوْك عَلَى اْنتِخَابَك كَعَضُوّ ‎[P] congratulations on the new shoes; {mabrūk ʕala 'ºntiḵābak kaʕɑḍuww}
‏مَبرُوْك مَا جَاكِ ‎[P] congratulations on the birth of your child; {mabrūk ma jāki}
‏مَبْرُوك يا عَرِيس ‎[L] congratulations groom!
‏مَبْرُوك يا عَرُوس ‎[L] congratulations, bride;
‏مَبْرُوك الطُّفْل ‎[L] congratulations on the baby;
‏مَبْرُوك، حِلُو كْتِير هَالبَيْت، اْنْ شا الله بْتِتْهَنُّوا فيه ‎[L] congratulations (on the new house), this house is very beautiful, God willing you will find happiness in it;
‏مَبْرُوك + اسم ‎[L] congratulations on the .... (often said when someone is wearing something new or has acquired something new), as in:
‏مَبْرُوك الفُسْتَان ‎[L] congratulations on the (new) dress!
‏مَبْرُوك الجِزْدان ‎[L] congratulations on the (new) purse!

Rate Translation
Word: بَرَك
  see example;

يا بَرَكَ اْلله ‎[V] phrase used to express marvel or wonder at something;
‏شِفْت شُو هالعاصِفَة! يا بَرَكَ اْلله ‎[V] did you see what a storm?! It's amazing!

Rate Translation
Word: بَارَك، يْبَارِك
[S] بَاْرَك
  to bless (في = s.o. / ه = s.o.);
note conjugation (lebanese):
huwwe beerak, ybeerik
hiyyi beerakit, tbeerik
hinni beeraku, ybeerku
inta beerakt, tbeerik, imperative: beerik
inti beerakti, tbeerki, imperative: beerki
intu beeraktu, tbeerku, imperative: beerku
ana beerakt, beerik
niHna beerakna, nbeerik
[pronunciation: bārak، yºbārek]

الله يْبَارِك فِيْك ‎[P] God bless you too (this is the most common response to any good wishes from the root برك); {'ɑllɑᴴ yºbārek fīk}
‏الخُوْرِي اْلْتَفَت وْبَارَكُهْن ‎[S] The priest turned around and blessed them

Rate Translation
  Root: ب ر م 1
Word: بْرِيْم
  see example;

الله وَكِيلَك مِ الشَيْخ لَلدِّيك طَلَع بْرِيمي ‎[L] God as your witness! Between the Sheikh (making the call to prayer in the morning) to the rooster I'm going nuts (not sure how common the phrase طلع بريمي is, but I have seen it occasionally online. None of my Syrian friends recognized it though. See also طلع ديني).

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  Root: ب س ط
Word: أَبسَط، يِبسِط
  to gladden, make happy, delight (ه = s.o.);
[pronunciation: ʔɑbsɑṭ، yibseṭ]

هَا الخَبَر أَبسَطني كْتِيْر ‎[P] that piece of news made me very happy; {ha-l-ḵɑbɑr ʔɑbsɑṭny kºtīr}
‏كُنت بِدّي أَبِسطَك ‎[P] I wanted to make you happy; {kunt biddy ʔabᵉsṭak}
‏نْشالله تِنبِسطُوا --- الله يِبِسطَك ‎[P] I hope you enjoy yourselves --- may God (also) gladden you!; {nºšɑllɑ tinbesṭu --- 'ɑllɑᴴ yibᵉsṭak}

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Word: اْنبَسَط، يِنِبسِط
[S] اْنْبَسَط، يِنْبِسِط
  to have fun, to enjoy oneself, have a good time, to enjoy (ب =;
[pronunciation: ºnbɑsɑṭ / inbɑṣɑṭ، yinᵉbseṭ]

إِن شالله اْنبَسَطِت ‎[P] I hope you enjoyed yourself; { ʔin šɑllɑ 'ºnbɑsɑṭᵉt}
‏اْن شالله تِنبِسطُوا ‎[P] have a good time! {'ºn šɑllɑ tinbesṭu}
‏اْنْ شا اْلله بْتُنْبُسطُوا هَوْن وِبْرتِرْجَعُوا بِالسَلامِة ‎[L] God willing you will enjoy yourself here and then return safely;
‏اْنْبَسَطْتْ شِي ‎[S] Did you have a good time?
‏نْشَالله تِنْبِسْطُوا يَا شَبَاب ‎[S] Have a good time, boys
‏اْنْبَسَطْنَا كْتِير بْحَفْلِةِ العِرِس ‎[S] We had a good time at the wedding.
‏اْنْبِسِط ‎[S] Have a good time!
‏شْلَوْن اْنْبَسَطِت = شْلَوْنِ تْسَلَّيْت ‎[S] Did you have a nice time?
‏اَلله مَعَك! نْشَالله تِنْبِسِطِ بْهَالسَّفْرَة ‎[S] Goodbye! Have a pleasant trip!
‏اْنْبَسَطْنَا كْتِيرِ كْتِير بِالسَّيْرَاْن ‎[S] The picnic was quite a lark,
‏اْنْسَطْتْ بِالسّْبَاْحَة ‎[S] Did you enjoy the swim?
‏ما عَاد يِنْبِسِطِ بْحَيَاتَو ‎[S] He doesn’t enjoy life any more,
‏اْنْبَسَطْتْ شِي بِالبَال ‎[S] Did you enjoy yourself at the dance?
‏اْنْبَسَطْتِ كْتِير لَيْلْةِ مْبَارِح ‎[S] I had a fine time last night,
‏اْنْبَسَطْنَا شِي كْتِير لَيْلْةِ مْبَارِح ‎[S] We had a lot of fun last night,

Rate Translation
  Root: ب ش ر
Word: بَشَّر، يْبَشِّر
[S] بَشَّر
  to preach (ب = a religious doctrine, e.g. the Gospel), spread (ب = the word of God);
[pronunciation: baššɑr، yºbaššer]

بِيْحِبّْ يْصِيْر خُوْرِي وْيْبَشِّر بْكِلْمِة اَلله ‎[S] He wants to become a priest and spread the word of God
‏صَار يْبَشِّر في الشَارِع ‎[P] he began preaching in the street; {ṣᾱr yºbaššer fy-š-šāreʕ}

Rate Translation
  Root: ب ع د
Word: بِعِد، يِبْعُد
  to prevent, keep away (ه =;
see specific examples, not sure if this is only used in these specific examples;

اَلله يِبْعُد الحَوادِث ‎[L] may God keep accidents away (from us);

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  Root: ب ق ي
Word: بَاقي، ج بَاقِيْن / بَاقيِيْن، المؤنث: بَاقيِة
  remaining, rest, remainder;
[pronunciation: bāqy، bāqīn / bāqyīn، bāqye]

وَيْن أَحُطِّ البَاقي ‎[P] where shall I put the rest; {wēn ʔaḥoṭṭᴵ-l-bāqy}
‏ البَاقي إِلَك ‎[P] the rest is for you; {'il-bāqy ʔilak}
‏اِنتِا عْمِلتِ اللي عَلَيْك وِاْلبَاقي عَلَى الله ‎[P] you've done your bit, and the rest is on God; {'inte ʕºmeltᴵ-l-ly ʕalēk wi'ºlbāqy ʕalɑ-l-lᾱh}
‏بَاقي العُمَّال ‎[P] the rest of the workers; {bāqy-l-ʕummāl}

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  Root: ب ل و
Word: بَلَا
  affliction, distress, trial and tribulation;

أنا بلبل الصياح ما مِنِّي بَلا ‎[L] I am the crowing nightingale, there is no misfortune from me! (انا بلبل الصيّاح، لا بلاء مني);
‏بَلَا مِن عَنْد اَلله ‎[S] trial, something trying
‏شايِف صِحِبْتَو بَلَا مِن عَنْد اَلله ‎[S] I find his company a real trial

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  Root: ب ي ت
Word: بَيْت / بِت، ج بْيُوْت
[S] بَيْت، ج بْيُوْت
  house, home, residence;
(note that the understanding of “house” is not always carried in this word. For instance, one would call his / her apartment a بيت . If one wants to specify house instead of apartment a qualifier of some kind should be added, like اشتريت بيت، مش شقة , I bought a house, not an apartment);
(the form بِت with the short vowel is less common.);
[pronunciation: bēt / bet، bºyūt]

أَبُوْي مُش في البَيْت ‎[P] my father's not at home; {ʔabūy muš fy-l-bēt}
‏لَمَّا فَات عَ البَيْت ‎[P] when he came into the house; {lamma fāt ʕa-l-bēt}
‏في الِبْيُوْت ‎[P] in the houses; {fy-l-ᵉbºyūt}
‏بَيْت شَعِر ‎[P] Bedouin tent (house of hair); {bēt šaʕᵉr}
‏بَيْتِ المَيّ ‎[P] lavatory, toilet (house of water); {bētᴵ-l-mɑyy}
‏بَيْت مَيّ = بَيْت أَدَب = بَيْت خَلَا ‎[S] restroom (all polite words, although حمّام is also commonly used)
‏ البَيْت بَيْتَك ‎[P] the house is your house (i.e. feel at home); {'il-bēt bētak}
‏بَيْت لَحِم ‎[P] Bethlehem; {bēt laḥᵉm}
‏بَيْت جَالَا ‎[P] Beit Jala; {bēt jāla}
‏بَيْ سَخُوْر ‎[P] Bet Sahur; {bē saḵūr}
‏بَيْت صَفَافَة ‎[P] Beit Safafa (village in Jerusalem suburbs); {bēt ṣɑfᾱfɑ}
‏وَيْن بَيت كَمَال طَبَّال ‎[L] where is the home of Kamaal Tabbaal?
‏مَبْرُوك البَيْت ‎[L] congratulations on the house;
‏بِالبَيْت ‎[S] at home
‏لَحَ كُون بِالبَيْت بَعْدِ الخَمْسِة ‎[S] I'll be at home after five
‏مِنْحِبِّ ضْيُوْفْنَا يِشِعْرُوا إِنَّو البَيْت بَيْتُهْن لَـمّا يْكُوْنوا عَنْدْنا (عَنَّا) ‎[S] We like our guests to feel at home when they're with us.
‏تْفَضَّل البَيْت بَيْتَك ‎[S] make yourself at home.
‏صَاْحِب بَيْت، ج صْحَاْب بْيُوْت = صَاحِب مِلِك، ج صْحَاْب أَمْلَاْك ‎[S] landlord
‏صاحْبِة بَيْت، ج صَاحْبَاتِ بْيُوْت ‎[S] landlady
‏مَا عَنْدِي إِلَّا رِغْبِة وَاحْدِة، يَعْنِي بِدِّي اْرُوْح عَ البَيْت عَن قَرِيْب = مَا عَنْدِي إِلَّا رِغْبِة وَاحْدِة، وْهِيِّة بِدِّي اْرُوْح عَ البَيْت عَن قَرِيْب ‎[S] I have only one wish, namely to go home soon,
‏سَنْتْرَال، بَالله جَرِّبْ لِي بَيْتَو إِذَا مَكْتَبَو ما بِيْجَاوِب ‎[S] Operator, try his residence if his office doesn't answer
‏طُوْل عِمْرَهْا بَيْتَهْا مَعْبُوْدَهْا = طُوْل عِمْرَهْا اَلله فَوْق وْبَيْتَهْا تَحِت ‎[S] She's always been very domestic

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  Root: ج ز ي
Word: جَازَى، يْجَازي
[S] جَاْزَى، يْجَاْزِي
  to give (ه = s.o.) what he deserves (can be negative or positive, like his reward or punishment);
[pronunciation: jāza، yºjāzy]

الله يْجَازِيْه ‎[P] may God give him what he deserves; {'ɑllɑ yºjāzīᴴ}
‏جَازَا الله ‎[P] may God reward you; {jāzā 'ɑllᾱh}
‏الله لا يْسَامِح اللي كان السَّبَب. الله يْجَازِيه ‎[L] May God not forgive the one who was the cause of this. May God give him what he deserves.

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  Root: ج ع ل
Word: جَعَل، يِجعَل
  to cause, to make (ه = happen;
(this is mainly CA. in colloquial other words like خَلَّى and سبَّب are used);
[pronunciation: jaʕal، yijʕal]

السَفرَة هَادي الله يِجعَلهَا سَالمِة ‎[P] may god make the journey safe; {'is-sɑfrɑ hādy 'ɑllɑ yijʕalha sālme}

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  Root: ج ل ب
Word: جَلَّاْب

يا اَلله قَدَّيْش كَلَامَو حِلْو جَلَّاب ‎[S] Boy, does he have a smooth line

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  Root: ج ل ط
Word: جَلَّط، يْجَلِّط
  to give (ه = s.o.) a blood clot (figuratively, like damn you)

الله يْجَلّْطَك ‎[V] may God give you a blood clot!, God damn you!

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  Root: ج م ع
Word: جَمِيْع
[pronunciation: jamīʕ]

بَجِيْب مِن جَمِيْعِ الخُضرَوَات ‎[P] I bring vegetables of all kinds; {bajīb min jamīʕᴵ-l-ḵuḍrɑwᾱt}
‏جَمِيْعِ الدُوَل ‎[P] all the countries / all countries; {jamīʕᴵ-d-duwal}
‏الله يِفرِجهَا عَلَى الجَمِيْع ‎[P] may God make easier on all; {'ɑllɑ yifrejha ʕala-l-jamīʕ}

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  Root: ج ن ن
Word: جَنِّة
[S] جَنِّة، ج جَنَّاْت
  paradise, heaven;
[pronunciation: janne]

حَمَاتَو، اَلله يِرْحَمْهَا، بِالجَّنِّة هَلَّق ‎[S] His mother-in-law, God bless her, is in heaven now
‏هَا المَدِيْنِة سَوُّوْهَا جَنِّة ‎[P] they've turned this town into a paradise; {ha-l-madīne sawwūha janne}
‏ الجَنِّة بِدُوْن نَاس مَا بْتِندَاس ‎[P] proverb: heaven without people won't be set foot in (i.e. what's the point of having everything you want); {'il-janne bidūn nās ma bºtindās}
‏رايْحِين على جَنَّة مْحَمَّرة ‎[L] We are going to roasted heaven (said jokingly when someone asks where are you going. This is the lighter version of على جهنم الحمرا : to red hell, which is also used when someone asks where are you going);
‏لَيمون الجَّنة ‎[L] grapefruit

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  Root: ج و ب
Word: اْسْتَجَاْب، يِسْتَجِيْب
  to answer, respond (to)

اَلله بْيِسْتَجِيْب لَك (بْيِتَجِبْلَك) دُعَاك = اَلله بِيْلَبِّيْ لَك دُعَاك ‎[S] God will answer your prayer

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  Root: ح ب ب
Word: حَبّ، يْحِبّ / يْحُبّ
[S] حَبّ، يْحِبّ، حِبّ
  to be in love (ه = with s.o./;
AP: progressive aktionsart;
[pronunciation: ḥabb، yºḥebb / yºḥobb]

أَنَا بَحِبَّك / بَحُبَّك ‎[P] I love you; { ʔana baḥebbak / baḥobbak}
‏بيْحِبُّوا بَعِض ‎[P] they love each other; {byºḥebbu baʕᵉḍ}
‏ الكُلّ بيْحِبُّوْهَا ‎[P] everyone loves her; {'il-kull byºḥebbūha}
‏بِيْحِبَّهْا كْتِيرِ كْتِير = بْيِعْشَقَهْا كْتِير ‎[S] He loves her very much
‏بْحِبِّ التِّفَّاح ‎[S] I love apples
‏يَا اَلله شُو بْحِبّ اِرْقُص ‎[S] I love to dance
‏الله بْيِحِبّْنِي وْإجَا الحَكِيم، ‎[L] God loves me. The doctor came.

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Word: حَبِيْب، ج حَبَايِب، المؤنث: حَبِيْبِة
[S] حَبِيْب، ج حَبَاْيِب، المؤنث: حَبِيْبِة، ج حَبِيْبَاْت
  dear, beloved, darling;
(this is a common form of endearment and way of addressing a peer. This form is often gender neutal. In fact, a man saying
حبيبتي to a girl can sometimes be seen as too friendly, where as حبيبي is more casual. Even girls will say حبيبي to each other.
[pronunciation: ḥabīb، ḥabāyeb]

حَبِيْبِ الشَعِب ‎[P] beloved of the people (meaning someone who is popular); {ḥabībᴵ-š-šaʕᵉb}
‏يَلَّا يَا حَبَايِب ‎[P] come along dears!; {yɑllɑ ya ḥabāyeb}
‏مْبَيِّن عَلَيْك تَعْبَان، يا حَبِيبِي، اِللَيْلِة ‎[S] You look tired tonight, darling,
‏حَبِيْبَاتِي الِوْلاد، اَلله يِرْضَى عَلَيْهُن، قَطَفُوا لِي هالوَرْدَاْت ‎[S] My darling children picked these flowers for me
‏حَبِيْبْتِي ‎[L] my dear/ honey/ beloved

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  Root: ح ر ز
Word: مِحْرِز

طالَع لَو مَبْلَغ مِحْرِز بْهالصَّفْقَة ‎[S] He’s made a round sum in the deal
‏هالمَصَارِي لَغَرَض مِحْرِز ‎[S] This money is for a worthy cause
‏لا شِكِر على واجِب = العَفْو = أَهْلَا وْسَهْلَا = ما في شي مِن واجْبَك = ما في شي مِحْرِز = أَسْتَغْفِرُ الله ‎[S] not at all, don’t mention it, don’t worry about (in response to a thanks)

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  Root: ح ف ظ
Word: حِفِظ، يِحفَظ
[L] حَفَظ، يُحْفَظ / يِحْفَظ
[S] حَفَظ، يِحْفَظ، حَفِظ (حَفْظ)
  to guard, preserve, take care, keep (ه = of;
[pronunciation: ḥifeẓ، yiḥfɑẓ]

اِحفَظ كَلَامَك ‎[P] watch what you say!; {'iḥfɑẓ kalāmak}
‏الله يِحفَظَك ‎[P] may God preserve you! (commonly said in response to a blessing or condolence); {'ɑllɑ yiḥfɑẓɑk}
‏عِمِل كِلّْ جَهْدَو حَتَّى يِحْفَظ كَرَامْتَو ‎[S] He struggled hard to preserve his dignity,
‏بْتِحْفَظ لِي شِي مَحَلّْ إِذَا بْتَعْمِل مَعْرُوْع ‎[S] Would you save a seat for me, please?
‏بْتَعْمِل كِلّْ شِي لَتِحْفَظ كَرَامِتَهْا ‎[S] She’ll do anything to save face
‏لازِم يِتْعَلَّم يِحْفَظ كَلَامَو ‎[S] He should learn to bridle his tongue.
‏حَفَظ على صَوَابَو ‎[S] to keep one's head
‏مِنْ حِسْنِ الحَظّ الكِلّ حَفَظُوا على صَوَابُهْن ‎[S] Fortunately, everyone kept his head

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  Root: ح ل ل
Word: حَلّ، يْحِلّ
[S] حَلّ، يْحِلّ، حَلّ / حْلُوْل
  to descend;
[pronunciation: ḥall، yºḥell]

حَلَّتِ البَرَكِة ‎[P] a blessing has descended upon us (a said to welcome a guest, the reply being اَلله يْبارِك فيك); {ḥallatᴵ-l-barake}

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  Root: ح م د
Word: حَمد
[pronunciation: ḥamd]

الحَمدُ لله ‎[P] Praise be to God (commonly used where one would say “Thank God” in English); {'il-ḥamdu lillāh}
‏حَمدِللَّه / اِلحَمدُللَّه ‎[P] Praise be to God (same as above but these are the more colloquial pronunciations); {ḥamdᴵllaᴴ / 'ᵉlḥamdullaᴴ}
‏كِيْف حَالِك --- اِلحَمدُللَّه، كِيْف اِنتِا ‎[P] how are you? --- Thank God (I'm fine), how are you?; {kīf ḥālek --- 'ᵉlḥamdullaᴴ، kīf 'inte}
‏الحَمْدِ الله ‎[L] thanks be to God;
‏الحَمْدِ الله عَ السَلامِة يا عَلي --- نُشْكُر حَمْدَك يا أَخِي ‎[L] thank God for your safety/recovery (e.g. from an illness), Ali --- We are thankful for your thanks, brother;

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  Root: ح م ي
Word: حَمَى، يِحمي
[L] حِمِي، يِحْمِي
[S] حَمَى، يِحْمِي، حْمَاْيِة
  to defend, guard, protect (ه = s.o./;
[pronunciation: ḥama، yiḥmy]

الله حَمَاني ‎[P] God protected me; {'ɑllɑ ḥamāny}
‏ أَبُوْهَا مَا كَان يِحمِيْهَا وِْنزَلَقَت لَلزِّنَى ‎[P] he father didn't look after her properly, so she became a prostitute (fell into adultery); { ʔabūha mā kān yiḥmīha wºinzalaʠat la'ºzzina}
‏بَحمي هَا الصَبي ‎[P] I've taken that boy under my wing; {baḥmy ha-ṣ-ṣɑby}
‏الله يِحمِيْنَا مِن أَمتَالُو ‎[P] may God protect us from the likes of him; {'ɑllɑ yiḥmīna min ʔamtālo}
‏ الشَمسِيِّة بْتِحمي مِنِ الشِتَا ‎[P] the umbrella provides protection from the rain; {'iš-šamsiyye bºtiḥmy minᴵ-š-šita}
‏ الكَبُّوْت بْيِحمِيْنَا مِنِ البَرد ‎[P] coats protect us from the cold; {'il-kabbūt bºyiḥmīna minᴵ-l-bard}
‏هَلِ القَانُوْن بيْحمي الوَلَد ‎[P] does the law protect the child; {halᴵ-l-ʠānūn byºḥmy-l-walad}
‏اَلله يِحْمِيه، وْيْخَلِّي لِك يَاهُن ‎[L] God protect him, and protect them for you; (common phrase of well wishing, in this specific context referring to someone's children);
‏حاطِط أَنَا هالكِزْلُك لَاِحْمِي عْيُوْنِي ‎[S] I wear these glasses to protect my eyes,
‏لازِم تِحْمِي عْيُوْنَك مْنِ الشَّمِس ‎[S] You ought to shield your eyes against the sun
‏لازِم يْكُوْن عَم بْيِحْمِي حَدَا ‎[S] He must be protecting somebody

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  Root: ح ن ن
Word: حِنِّيِّة
  tenderness, affection, compassion, sympathy; (حنان);

حِنِّيّْتِك ذَكَّرِتْنِي بْإِمِّي الله يِرْحَم عَلَيَّا ‎[L] Your kindness reminded me of my mother, God rest her soul.

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  Root: ح ي ل
Word: حَيْل
  strength, power, force;
[pronunciation: ḥēl]

يا اَلله حَيْلَك ‎[L] O God, (lend me) your strength! (أَعِنِّي يا اَلله، قَوِّني);
‏حَيْلَك ‎[L] (show us) what you've got, (show us) your strength! (used as encouragement and as an imperative) (دُونك الشيء، أَظهِر لنا قوتك وحَوْلك );
‏شِدّ الهِمِّة = شِدِّ الحَيْل ‎[L] come on! You can do it! Pull through!
‏لَوْ عَنْدَهْا شْوَيِّة حَيْل بَسّ ‎[S] If she only had a little more backbone
‏إِذَا بْيِطْلَعِ بْإِيْدِي اْشِدّْ حَيْلِي كْفَايِة بِطْلُب زْيَادِة مَعَاْش ‎[S] If I can work up enough courage, I'll ask for a raise
‏ما لِي حَيْل أَعْمِلَهْا ‎[S] I haven’t the strength to do it
‏شِدّ حَيْلَك! الأَوْضَاع لا بِدّ تِتْحَسَّن ‎[S] Buck up Things are bound to get better
‏شِدّ حَيْلَك بَقَى ‎[S] Chin up!
‏وَقَّف عَلى حَيْلَو = قَام على حَيْلَو = قَزّ على حَيْلَو ‎[S] to get up
‏وَقِّف على حَيْلَك وَقِت بِحْكِي ‎[S] Get up when I talk to you!
‏شِدّ حَيْلَك ‎[P] be brave! take heart! pull yourself together!; {šedd ḥēlak}
‏حَملِةِ الشَنتَة هَدَّت لي حَيْلي ‎[P] carrying the suitcases took all my strength; {ḥamleᴵ-š-šanta haddat ly ḥēly}
‏مَا عِندِيْش حَيْل ‎[P] I'm worn out / I haven't got the strength; {ma ʕindīš ḥēl}
‏هَبَط حَيلِي من الخَوْف ‎[J] I was frozen to the spot in fear (لا أستطيع أن أتحرّك من الخوف )
‏انهد حَيلِي من الشغل ‎[J] my energy is gone (literally: torn apart) from all the work (supposedly commonly said by mothers)

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  Root: ح ي ي
Word: حَيّ، ج أَحيَاء، المؤنث: حَيِّة
  living, alive, live;
[pronunciation: ḥayy، ʔaḥyāʔÅ، ḥayye]

مْنِشتِري الجَاج حَيّ ‎[P] we buy the chickens live; {mºništiry-l-jāj ḥayy}
‏حَيَّ العالم ‎[L] a genus of plants known as Sedum (also in arabic : السُدم). It spreads it's roots and stalks and remains “until God wills” (ما شاء الله), which is where the name comes from; (نبت تمتَدُّ غصونه وترسل جذورًا في الأرض ويبقى غلى ما شاء الله ولذا سمِّي بهذا الاسم);
‏هادا مَصِيْر كِلّ حَيّ ‎[S] That's the way of all flesh
‏الأَلْمَانِي لُغَة حَيِّة، لَكِن مُو اللَاتِيْنِي ‎[S] German is a living language, Latin is not
‏اْشْتَرَيْت كَم سَمَكِة حَيِّة ‎[S] I bought some live fish
‏هادا مِثَال حَيّْ عَنِ البِيْرُوْقْرَاطيِّة ‎[S] This is a typical example of red tape
‏هادا مِثَال عَنَّو ‎[S] That's typical of him
‏فِيكِ تْقُول إِنَّو هُوِّ مِثَال طِبْقِ الأَصِل عَن طِلَّابِ الجَّامْعَة ‎[S] You might say, he's the typical college student

Rate Translation
Word: حَيَّ / حَيَّا
  see example;

حَيَّ الله / حَيَّا لله ‎[L] whatever, there's no difference (لا فرق، ليس الأمر بذي بال);
‏سالْفِة حَقِيْقِيِّة وْمِش هَيْك حَيَّالله ‎[L] a true story, not just nonsense;

Rate Translation
Word: حَيَاة / حَيَاه
[S] حَيَاْة
[pronunciation: ḥayā / ḥayāᴴ
[S] 7ayaat]

كِل واحَد عِنْدُه هِوايِة بْهالحَيَاة ‎[L] everyone has a hobby in this life;
‏ الحَيَاة اليَومِيِّة ‎[P] everyday life; {'il-ḥayā-l-yawmiyye}
‏ الحَيَاة الجِنسِيِّة ‎[P] sex life; {'il-ḥayā-l-jinsiyye}
‏صُوَر مِنِ الحَيَاة ‎[P] pictures (drawn) from life; {ṣuwɑr minᴵ-l-ḥayā}
‏بَيْنِ الحَيَاة وِاْلمَوْت ‎[P] between life and death; {bēnᴵ-l-ḥayā wi’ºlmōt}
‏عَايِش حَيَاْة تَعِيْسِة ‎[S] He's leading a miserable existence
‏مَلَان حَيَاة ‎[S] lively
‏كانِت مَسْأَلِة حَيَاة أَو مَوْت ‎[S] It was a matter of life or death
‏هَيْكِ الحَيَاة ‎[S] Such is life
‏حَيَاةِ البَشَر ما لَهْا قِيْمِة كْتِير إِيَّام الِحْرُوْب ‎[S] Human lives don't count much in times of war
‏نَجَى مِن تْلِتْةِ مْحَاوَلَات على حَيَاتَو ‎[S] He survived three attempts at his life
‏بْعِمْرِي ما شِفْت هَيك شِي = بْحَيَاتِي ما شِفت هَيك شِي ‎[S] In all my life I haven't seen a thing like this
‏شُو هالحَيَاة ‎[S] What a life
‏وِحْيَاة اَلله ما لِي عَم اِتْذَكَّر وَيْن حَطَّيْتَهْا ‎[S] I can't for the life of me remember where I put it
‏بَلَا حَيَاة ‎[S] lifeless
‏الرِّبْعِ الخالِي أَرْض صَحْرَوِيِّة بَلَا حَيَاة ‎[S] The Rub al-Khali is lifeless desert
‏شِرْيَانِ الحَيَاة ‎[S] lifeline
‏قَنَاةِ السّْوَيْس شِرْيَانِ الحَيَاة لِلمُوَاصَلَات بَيْن تْلِتْةْ قَارَّات ‎[S] The Suez Canal is the lifeline of traffic between three continents

Rate Translation
Word: حَيَّا، يْحَيِّي
  to keep alive, grant a long life to (ه = s.o.);
[pronunciation: ḥayya، yºḥayyi]

حَيَّاك الله ‎[P] May God preserve your life; {ḥayyāk 'ɑllɑ}
‏حَيَّا اللَه ‎[P] it doesn't matter which (literally: may God sustain them both. This is a common phrase meaning any option is fine); {ḥayyɑ-l-lɑᴴ}

Rate Translation
  Root: خ ز ي
Word: خَزَى، يِخزي
[S] خَزَى، يِخْزِي، ــــ
  to shame, embarrass, disgrace, dishonor (ه = s.o.);
[pronunciation: ḵaza، yiḵzy]

وَسَّخت قُدَّام بَابِ الجِيْرَان، خَزَيْتنَا ‎[P] you've made a mess in front of the neighbors' door, you've disgraced us; {wassaḵt quddām bābᴵ-l-jīrᾱn، ḵazētna}
‏بيْحكي كَلَام مُشِ مْنِيْح بيْخزي النَاسِ اللي قَاعدِيْن حَوَالَيْه ‎[P] he talks impolitely and embarrasses those sitting around him; {byºḥky kalām mušᵉ mºnīḥ byºḵzy-n-nāsᴵ-l-ly qāʕdīn ḥawālēᴴ}
‏الله يِخزِيْك ‎[P] may God shame you! (often used as: you should be ashamed of yourself); {'ɑllɑ yiḵzīk}
‏يِخزي العَيْن ‎[P] may God shame the evil eye! (phrase said to ward off the evil eye); {yiḵzy-l-ʕēn}

Rate Translation
  Root: خ س س
Word: خَسّ
  to harm, do damage (ه =; (أَضَرَّ وآذى);

إن شاء الله ما خسَّك شِي ‎[L] God willing no harm will come to you (أي عسى أن لا تكون أُصِبت بأذية أو ضرر) (Anis Freyha notes here that the اسم فاعل is often used as well, as in: إن شاء الله ما خاسّك شِي , but he makes no mention of tense or aspect);

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  Root: خ ص ب
Word: خِصِب / خِصِب، المؤنث: خِصبِة
[S] خِصِب
[pronunciation: ḵiṣeb / ḵeṣeb، ḵiṣbe]

حَيَا الله شِي بْيِطْلَعِ بْهالأَرْضِ الخِصْبِة ‎[S] Anything grows in this rich soil
‏الأَرْض هَوْن خِصْبِة كْتِيْر ‎[S] The soil here is very fertile
‏عَنْدَو خَيَال خِصِبِ كْتِيْر ‎[S] He has a very fertile imagination
‏ أَرض خِصبِة ‎[P] fertile ground, fertile land; { ʔɑrḍ ḵeṣbe}

Rate Translation
  Root: خ ص ص
Word: خَصّ، يْخُصّ، الخَصّ
[S] خَصّ، يْخِصّ
  to concern, apply to, have to do with (ه = s.o.), be of interest (ه = to s.o.);
[pronunciation: ḵɑṣṣ، yºḵoṣṣ]

بَحَثْنَا كِلِّ المَوَاضِيْع (المَوَضِيع) يَللي بِتْخِصّْنَا ‎[S] We discussed all questions of interest
‏هادا ما بِيْخِصَّك أَبَدًا ‎[S] That's none of your business
‏هادا بِيْخِصَّك اِنْتِا ‎[S] This concerns you
‏هَادَا مَا بيْخُصَّك ‎[P] that doesn't concern you; {hāda ma byºḵoṣṣak}
‏شُو خَصّني أَنَا / شُو بيْخُصّني أَنَا ‎[P] what does it have to do with me?; {šu ḵɑṣṣny ʔana / šu byºḵoṣṣny ʔana}
‏شُو خَصّ هَادَا في اللي عَم نِحكِيْه ‎[P] what does that have to do with what we're talking about?; {šu ḵɑṣṣ hāda fy-l-ly ʕam niḥkīᴴ}
‏ما يْخَصِّك ‎[L] it doesn't concern you!
‏ما بْيِخِصَّك ‎[V] it doesn't concern you, it's none of your business;
‏إنْ شا الله ما حَدَا يْخُصُّ شِي ‎[L] hopefully nothing (bad) will happen to anyone;
‏شُو خَصَّك ‎[L] what does it have to do with you?!

Rate Translation
  Root: خ ل ص
Word: خَلَّص، يْخَلِّص
[S] خَلَّص، يْخَلِّص
  to save, rescue (ه = / s.o., من = from);
[pronunciation: ḵɑllɑṣ، yºḵɑlleṣ]

خَلَّصُوا الكُتُب مِنِ الحَرِيْقَة ‎[P] they saved the books from the fire; {ḵɑllɑṣu-l-kutob minᴵ-l-ḥarīqa}
‏الله خَلَّصنَا مِنِ الخَطَر ‎[P] God saved us from the danger; {'ɑllɑ ḵɑllɑṣna minᴵ-l-ḵɑṭɑr}
‏بَخَلِّص حَالي ‎[P] I manage, I get by (literally: I save myself); {bɑḵɑlleṣ ḥāly}
‏بِعْتِقِد رَح يْجَرّبُوا يْحُطُّوا سِلُّم وْيْخَلّصُوا الناس هاللي عِلْقانِة جُوَّا ‎[L] I think they are going to try to put up a ladder and rescue those people who are trapped inside;
‏خَلَّصُوا بَسّْ كَم واحِد مْنِ الرِكَّاب ‎[S] They rescued only a handful of passengers,

Rate Translation
  Root: خ ل ف
Word: خَلَف، يِخلِف
  to provide a compensation for (ه =, على = to s.o.), reward (على = s.o., ه = for;
[pronunciation: ḵalaf، yiḵlef]

الله يِخلِف عَلَيْك ‎[P] may God compensate you (for the good you have done to me); {'ɑllɑ yiḵlef ʕalēk}

Rate Translation
  Root: خ ل ق
Word: خَلَق / خَلَق، يِخْلِق
[S] خَلَق، يِخْلِق / يِخْلُق، خَلِق (خَلْق)
  to bring into being, create (ه =
[pronunciation: ḵalaq / ḵalaʠ، yiḵleq
[S] ق = ء]

الله خَلَقِ العَالَم ‎[P] God created the world; {'ɑllɑ ḵalaqᴵ-l-ʕālam}
‏يَا مَا خَلَق الله ‎[P] What (strange) people God has created!; {yā ma ḵalaʠ 'ɑllᾱh}
‏هُوِّ بْيِخلِق مَشَاكِل ‎[P] he causes problems; {huwwe bºyiḵleq mašākel}
‏اَلله خَلَقِ الكَوْن ‎[S] God created the universe
‏هِيِّة أَحْلَى واحْدِة بِالعَالَم = أَحْلَى مِنَّهْا اَلله ما خَلَق ‎[S] She's the prettiest thing in all creation,

Rate Translation
Word: مَخلُوْق، ج مَخلُوْقَات
[S] مَخْلُوْق، ج مَخْلُوْقَاْت
[pronunciation: maḵlūʠ، maḵlūʠᾱt
[S] ق = ء]

شَاف مَخلُوْقَات غَرِيْبِة ‎[P] he saw strange creatures; {šāf maḵlūʠᾱt ġarībe}
‏اَلله، خَلَّاق كِلِّ الكائِنَات ‎[S] God, the Creator of all beings.
‏الحَرِيقَة رَعَّبِة كِلِّ المَخْلُوقَات بِالغَابِة ‎[S] The fire frightened all the creatures in the forest.

Rate Translation
  Root: خ ل و
Word: خَلَّى، يْخَلّي
[S] خَلَّى، يْخَلِّي
  to let, permit, allow (ه = s.o., ه = to do;
(this is often considered an “auxillary verb” and translates to “let” or “should”);
[pronunciation: ḵalla، yºḵally]

إِذَا بِدُّو هَيْك، خَلِّيْه يْجَرِّب ‎[P] if that that is what he wants, let him try; { ʔi∂a biddo hēk، ḵallīᴴ yºjarreb}
‏خَلِّيْنَا نِرجَع لَقُصِّتنَا ‎[P] let us get back to our story; {ḵallīna nirjaʕ laquṣṣetna}
‏طَيِّب، خَلِّينا نْشُوفِك ‎[L] okay, let us see you (as in, see you soon);
‏إذا خَلَّيْتِك تِطْلَعِي اليَوم اَلله لا يْخَلِّيني ‎[L] if I let you out today, God will never “forgive me” (let me off the hook for it);
‏ما خَلَّانِي اْساوِيهَا ‎[S] He wouldn't let me do it
‏مْوَظَّفِ الگِمْرُك بِيْخَلُّونَا نِمْرُق ‎[S] Will the customs officials let us pass?
‏خَلِّينَا نْرُوْح عَ البَيْت ‎[S] Let’s go home
‏ما بْتِقْدِر تْعِيْفْنِي شِي خَمِس دَقَايِق عَ القَلِيلِي = ما بْتِقْدِر تْخَلِّيْنِي وَحْدِي شِي خَمِس دَقَايِق عَ القَلِيْلِي ‎[S] Can't you let me alone for five minutes?
‏هَالمَرَّة بِنْسَى لَك يَاهَا = هَالمَرَّة بْخَلِّيْهَا تْرُوح هَيْك ‎[S] I'll let you off easy this time
‏خَلَّى حَدَا / شِي يْرُوْح ‎[S] to let s.o. / go
‏خَلَّى حَدَا / شِي يِفْلِت ‎[S] to let s.o. / escape
‏خَلَّى حَدَا / شِي يِطْلَع ‎[S] to let s.o. / out
‏ما خَلَّانِي اِطْلَع ‎[S] He wouldn't let me out
‏خَلِّي المَيّْ تْرُوْح مْنِ المَجْلَى ‎[S] Let the water out of the sink
‏ما خَلِّت حَدَا يْسَاوِيْهَا ‎[S] She wouldn't let anyone comfort her
‏خَلِّيْنَا نِمْشِي لْنَا شْوَيِّة ‎[S] Let's have a walk,
‏خَلِّيْنَا نْبَلِّش ‎[S] Let's get started
‏خَلِّيْنِي اِعْلِق فِيه شِي مَرَّة بَسّ ‎[S] Just let me get at him once

Rate Translation
Word: خَلَّى، يْخَلّي
[S] خَلَّى، يْخَلِّي
  to leave, leave behind (ه =;
[pronunciation: ḵalla، yºḵally]

مَا خَلَيْنَاش إِمكَنِيِّة ‎[P] we did not leave any possibility (unchecked); {ma ḵalēnāš ʔimkaniyye}
‏خَلِّيْهَا عَلَى الله ‎[P] leave it to God (often said as: it is out of our hands, don't worry about it); {ḵallīha ʕala ‘ɑllɑ}
‏ما خَلَّا لِي شِي رِسَالِة ‎[S] Didn't he leave any message for me?
‏خَلَّى البَاب مَفْتُوْح ‎[S] He left the door open
‏ما خَلَّا باب إِلَّا طَرَقَو = ما خَلَّى حِيْلِة إِلَّا اْسْتَعْمَلَهْا ‎[S] He left nothing undone
‏خَلِّي لِي شْوَيِّة گَاتَو ‎[S] Leave some cake for me

Rate Translation
Word: خَلَّى، يْخَلّي
[S] خَلَّى، يْخَلِّي
  to keep, preserve, (ه =;
(perhaps literally translated as: let stay alive);
[pronunciation: ḵalla، yºḵally]

الله يْخَلِّيْك ‎[P] God preserve you! (often used as please or thank you); {'ɑllɑ yºḵallīk}
‏جِب لي الِكْتَاب الله يْخَلِّيْك ‎[P] Please bring me the book; {jib ly-l-ᵉkºtāb 'ɑllɑ yºḵallīk}
‏الله يْخَلِّيْك لَا تْخَيِّب أَمَلي ‎[P] Please, don't disappoint me; {'ɑllɑ yºḵallīk lā tºḵayyeb ʔamaly}
‏الله يْخَلِّيْ لْنَا اْيَّاك ‎[P] May God preserve you for us; {'ɑllɑ yºḵallī lºna 'ºyyāk}
‏الله يْخَلِّيْهُم / الله يْخَلِّيْلَكِ اْيَّاهُم ‎[P] May God preserve them, May God keep them for you (customary phrases said when complimenting someone on their children or mentioning the number of children they have); {'ɑllɑ yºḵallīhom / 'ɑllɑ yºḵallīlakᴵ 'ºyyāhom}
‏اَلله يِحْمِيه، وْيْخَلِّي لِك يَاهُن ‎[L] God protect him, and protect them for you; (common phrase of well wishing, in this specific context referring to someone's children. the reply can be just the same, as in يْخَلِّي وْلادِك in this context);
‏لا مْخَلَّايِة طَنِجْرَة ‎[L] she didn't leave a single pot;
‏الله يِخَلِّي لْنَا يَاك على هالذَّكَا ‎[Y] God preserve you for us for such intelligence! (said sarcastically)

Rate Translation
  Root: خ ي ر
Word: خَيْر
  see example;

خَيْر إِنْ شا الله ‎[V] God willing it is/will be good. This is said either as a statement hoping that something will turn out good (i.e. to ward off evil), or as a question, as though to say “I hope that all is well”, but with the expectation that there is bad news. Sometimes shortened to just خير ;

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Word: خَيْر / [CA] خَير
[pronunciation: ḵēr / [CA] ḵayr]

الخَيْر وِاْلشَّرّ ‎[P] good and evil, good and bad; {'il-ḵēr wi'ºššɑrr}
‏عَمَلِ الخَيْر ‎[P] doing good, doing good deeds; {ʕamalᴵ-l-ḵēr}
‏بيْمِلِ الخَيْر ‎[P] he does a lot of good (or good work, good deeds); {byºmelᴵ-l-ḵēr}
‏خَيْرِ نْشالله ‎[P] (something) good, God willing (common reply, especially when one doubts that something good really happened); {ḵērᴵ nºšɑllɑ}
‏بْتِعرَف شُو صَار؟ --- خَيْرِ نْشالله ‎[P] Guess what happened? --- something good, God willing; {bºteʕrɑf šu ṣᾱr? --- ḵērᴵ nºšɑllɑ}
‏وِاْلخَيْر لَقُدَّام / الخَيْر لَقُدَّام ‎[P] the best is still ahead (often said ironically, like things are going to get a lot worse); {wi'ºlḵēr laquddām / 'il-ḵēr laquddām}
‏الله يْمَسِّيْكُم بِالخَيْر ‎[P] May God give you the evening in goodness; {'ɑllɑ yºmassīkom bi-l-ḵēr}
‏صَبَاحِ الخَيْر ‎[V] Good morning; {ṣɑbᾱḥᴵ-l-ḵēr}
‏صَبَاحِ الخَيْرَات ‎[S] Good morning (response to صباح الخير)
‏مَسَا الخَيْر ‎[S] Good morning,
‏مَسَا الخَيْرَات ‎[S] Good morning (response to صباح الخير)
‏بِتْمَنَّى لَك كِلّْ خَيْر ‎[S] I wish you all the luck in the world

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Word: خِيْرِة
  pick, best of (, elite

عَ خِيْرْةَ الله ‎[S] at random

Rate Translation
  Root: د ا ي
Word: داي / دايّ
  see example;

دايّ هيك ودايّ هيك ‎[L] one time like this and another time like that (أي مرّة هكذا وأخرى هكذا);
‏داي داي والطبيب الله ‎[L] ‎[proverb] (you try) this and that but in the end God is the best doctor, a proverb said of one who tries all sorts of treatments and medicines but in the end relies on God (مَثَل يُقال لَمن حاول مختلف الأدروية والعلاجات وأخيرًا سلَّم أمره لله);

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  Root: د خ ل
Word: دَخِيْل
  protege / protégé, one who seeks asylum;
(also said دَخْل);
(note that phrases like دخيلك and دخيل قلبي are now general phrases that show that someone is impressed by A literal interperation of something like دخيل قلبو شو ظريف هو might be that one is that one wants to be closer to the person in question, or literally wants to "seek asylum" with him, because of how ظريف he is. The same idea with دخيل قلبي, as though someone wants to bring the object in mind into his / her heart because of how much one loves it. See the other examples because this word has a very broad range of usage)
[pronunciation: daḵīl]

دَخِيلَك / دَخِيلِك / دَخِيلْكُن ‎[V] either 1. I am imploring you, please (but stronger than a normal please), or 2. term of endearment, like “oh, how cute you are”;
‏أَنَا دَخِيْلَك ‎[P] I am under your protection; { ʔana daḵīlak}
‏دَخِيْلَك ‎[P] Please! I'm begging you!; {daḵīlak}
‏دَخِيلَك ما بْحِب اْضَلّ أَعْذَب ‎[V] please, I don't want to remain celibate;
‏دخيل روحك أنا ، دخيل عمرك أنا، ‎[S] you're so wonderful (kind, etc. depending on circumstances)!
‏دخيل هالضحكة أنا ‎[S] expression of happiness at s.o.'s laugh.
‏دَخِيْل عِرْضَك ‎[S] Oh my goodness! for goodness’ sake!
‏دَخِيْل عِرْضَك! شِي ما بْيِتْصَدَّق (بْيِتْسَدَّق) ‎[S] For goodness’ sake! Can you imagine that?
‏دَخِيْل اَلله وِمْحَمَّد ‎[S] For God’s sake!
‏دَخِيْل اَلله وِمْحَمَّد، حاجْتَك قَرْوَشِة بَقَى ‎[S] For God’s sake, stop that noise
‏دَخِيل اَلله مِلَّا طِنْبُر ‎[S] Boy, that's some jalopy!

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  Root: د ع و
Word: دَعَا، يِدعي
[S] دَعَا، يِدْعِي، دَعْوِة / دُعَاْء
  to bless, wish well, pray for (ل = s.o.);
(note the maSdar is دُعَاء )
[pronunciation: daʕa، yidʕy]

بَدعِيْ لَك ‎[P] I'm praying for you; {badʕī lak}
‏ويِدْعِي، لِسانُه ما يْكِفّ عن ذِكِر اَلله أَبَدًا ‎[L] and he prays, his tongue does not stop mentioning God ever;
‏خَلِّيْنَا نِدْعِي ‎[S] let’s hope
‏بِدْعِي لَك ‎[S] I'll pray for you
‏لَيْش ما بْتِدْعِي صَاحْبَك لِلحَفْلِة الجِمْعَة الجايِة ‎[S] Why don't you ask your friend to the party next week?
‏عاد دَعَى ‎[S] to ask back
‏ما عاد دَعَيْنَا لَبَيْتْنَا ‎[S] We never asked him back to our house again,
‏بْضَلّ اِدْعِي لَك ‎[S] I’ll keep praying for you (rough translation of I’ll keep my fingers crossed).

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  Root: د و ر
Word: دَار، ج دُوْر / دِيَار
[L] دار، ج دِيَار
[S] دَاْر، ج دُوْر
  house, home;
[pronunciation: dᾱr، dūr / [CA] diyᾱr]

دَارِ كْبِيْرِة ‎[P] a big house; {dᾱrᵉ kºbīre}
‏بيْبنِ دُوْر في الضَبَاب ‎[P] he builds houses in the mists (i.e. castles in the air); {byºbni dūr fy-ḍ-ḍɑbᾱb}
‏ الدِيَارِ المُقَدَّسِة ‎[P] the Holy Land; {'id-diyᾱrᴵ-l-muʠaddase}
‏الله يِخْرِب دِيَارْكُن مِتِل ما خَرَبْتُوا دِيَارْنا ‎[L] may God destroy your homes as your destroyed ours;
‏يا دَار ما دَخَلِك شَرّ ‎[L] Nothing bad has happened., It all came out okay in the end (literally: Oh home, no evil entered you)
‏يا بِتْحُطِّي زَيْتَاتِك على خِبْزَاتِك، يا بِتْسَكّْرِي عَ المَوْضُوع وتِرْجَعِي مَطْرَح ما جِيْتِ وْيا دار ما دَخَلِك الشَّرّ ‎[L] either put your money where you mouth is (lit: put your oil on your bread), or stop bringing up the issue, go back to where you came from, and nothing bad has happened.

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  Root: د و م
Word: دَايِم / دَائِم، المؤنث: دَايمِة / دَائِمِة
  lasting, constant, perpetual;
[pronunciation: dāyem / dāʔem، dāyme / dāʔime]

خَلِّيْنَا نِتْأَمَّل مِن اَلله سَلَام دَايِم ‎[S] Let us hope for a lasting peace
‏عَم اْدَوِّر على شَغْلِة دَايْمِة ‎[S] I'm looking for steady work.
‏هُوِّ واحِد مِن زَبَايِيْنْنَا (زَبَيِيْنَّا) الدَّايْمِين ‎[S] He's one of our steady customers
‏نِحْنَا دايْمًا مِسْتْعِدِّيْن نْسَاعْدَك ‎[S] We are ever willing to assist you
‏هُوِّ بْخَطَر دائِم ‎[S] He's in constant danger.
‏سَلَام دَائِم ‎[P] a lasting peace, a permanent peace; {salām dāʔem}
‏ الدَائِم الله ‎[P] (only) God is eternal (phrase used in condolences); {'id-dāʔem 'ɑllᾱᴴ}

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  Root: ر ب ص
Word: تْرَبَّص
  to lay in wait, lurk (ل = for)

مِين بْيَعْرِف غَيْر اَلله شُو الأَخْطَارِ المِتْرَبّْصَة بِالعِتْمِة ‎[S] Who knows what dangers lurk in the darkness?
‏كانُوا عَم يِتْرَبَّصُوا لْنَا ‎[S] They were lying in wait for us

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  Root: ر ب و
Word: تْرَبَّى، يِترَبَّى
  to grow up, be brought up, be educated, be raised;
[pronunciation: tºrɑbbɑ، yitrɑbbɑ]

أَنَا تْرَبَّيْت في قَريِة ‎[P] I grew up in a village; { ʔana tºrɑbbēt fy ʠɑrye}
‏لَازِم يِترَبَّى ‎[P] he needs to be (properly) raised; {lāzem yitrɑbbɑ}
‏أن شاء الله يتْرَبَّى بْعِزَّك وْدَلالَك ‎[S] may he be brought up with your strength and pampering (a common phrase of well-wishing said to parents about their children);

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  Root: ر ح م
Word: رَحَم، يِرحَم
  to have mercy (على = on, or ه = on s.o.);
[pronunciation: raḥam، yirḥam]

الله يِرحَمُوا ‎[P] may God have mercy on him (commonly used when speaking of the deceased. Possible responses are: اَلله يِحْفَظَك : may God preserve you, or تْعِيْش : may you live); {'ɑllɑ yirḥamu}
‏سِيْدي، الله يِرحَمُو ‎[P] my grandfather, God rest his soul...; {sīdy، 'ɑllɑ yirḥamo}
‏كَان عِندنَا بِنت، الله يِرحَمهَا --- تْعِيْش ‎[P] we had a daughter, God rest her soul --- may you live! {kān ʕindna bint، 'ɑllɑ yirḥamha --- tºʕīš}
‏تْوَفَّى قَبِل يَوْمَيْن --- الله يِرحَمُو ‎[P] he died two days ago --- God rest his soul; {tºwaffa qabᵉl yōmēn --- 'ɑllɑ yirḥamo}
‏ما بترحم ما بتخلي رحمة الله تنزِل ‎[S] you won't be merciful and you won't let God's mercy descend;
‏اَلله يِرْحَمُه ‎[L] God have mercy on him (said of one who has passed away, like God rest his soul);
‏الله يِرْحَمُه ---- تْعِيش ‎[L] God rest you soul ---- may you live long (common expression of condolence and response)

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Word: رَحمِة
[S] رَحْمِة، ج رَحْمَاْت
  mercy; (رحمة في القَسَم، وَرَحْمِة أبِي أو اُمِّي، أي أقسم بتربة أبي أو أمي);
[pronunciation: raḥme]

فِيْش عِندَك رَحمِة ‎[P] you've got no mercy; {fīš ʕindak raḥme}
‏رَحمِة الله ‎[P] God's mercy; {raḥme 'ɑllᾱh}
‏اْنتَقَل إِلَى رَحمِةِ الله ‎[P] he departed his life (he moved to God's mercy); {'ºntaqal ʔila raḥmeᴵ-l-lāh}
‏وْرَحْمِة أبِي وأمِّي ‎[L] by my mother and father's mercy! (a somewhat commonly used oath);
‏طَلَبِ الرَّحْمِة ‎[S] He pleaded for mercy
‏ما فِي بْقَلْبَو شَفَقَة = ما فِي بْقَلْبَو وْلا رَحْمِة ‎[S] He has no mercy,
‏بِالحَقِيْقَة جَيِّتَهْا كانِت رَحْمِة ‎[V] It was really a blessing that she came

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  Root: ر ز ق
Word: رَزَق، يِرزِق / يُرزُق
[S] رَزَق، يِرْزِق / يِرْزُق، رِزِق (رِزْق)
  to provide with a livelihood, sustenance (ه = s.o.) (said of God);
[pronunciation: razaq، yirzeq / yurzoq]

يَا حَبِيْبي، الله بيْرزِق ‎[P] my friend, God will provide; {ya ḥabīby، 'ɑllɑ byºrzeq}
‏الله بُرزُقنَا ‎[P] God will provide for us; {'ɑllɑ burzoqna}

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Word: رَزَق، يِرزِق / يُرزُق
[S] رَزَق، يِرْزِق / يِرْزُق، رِزِق (رِزْق)
  to provide, bless (ه = s.o., ه = with a child) (said of God);
[pronunciation: razaq، yirzeq / yurzoq]

يَا رَبّ اِرزِقني صَبي ‎[V] Oh Lord, bless me with a son!; {yᾱ rɑbb 'irzeqny ṣɑby}
‏يَا رَبّ اِرزِقني صَبي ‎[V] O Lord, bless me with a daughter;
‏اَلله رَزَقَو وْلادِ كْتِير = اَلله مَنّ عَلَيه بِوْلَادِ كْتِير ‎[S] God has blessed him with many

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Word: رِزِق
[S] رِزِق (رِزْق)
  livelihood, living (sustenance for living), daily bread, sustenance;
[pronunciation: rizᵉq
[S] ق = ء]

الرِزِق عَلَى الله ‎[P] our sustenance depends on God; {'ir-rizᵉq ʕala-l-lᾱh}
‏الله بيْبعَتِ الرِزِق ‎[P] God will provide our sustenance; {'ɑllɑ byºbʕatᴵ-r-rizᵉq}
‏سَحَب رِزْقَو ‎[S] to make a living
‏كِيف بِدَّك تِسْحَب رِزْقَكِ بْهَيْك اِخْتِصَاص ‎[S] How can you make a living in that field?

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Word: رِزْق، ج رِزَْاْت
  wealth, property; (رزقات فلان، أملاك);

رِِزق الله ‎[L] a phrase of regret or distress (كلمة تَحَسُّر);
‏رِزق الله على إِيَّام الماضي ‎[L] Alas, what a pity those old days were! (أي وا حَسَرْتَا على أيام الماضي);

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  Root: ر س ل
Word: رَسُوْل، ج رُسُل
[S] رَسُوْل، ج رِسُل
  messenger, envoy, emissary, apostle;
[pronunciation: rasūl، rusol]

مُحَمَّد رَسُوْل الله ‎[P] Muhammad is the messenger of God; {muḥammad rasūl 'ɑllᾱh}
‏ الرُسُل ‎[P] the Apostles; {'ir-rusol}

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  Root: ر ض ي
Word: رَضَى، يِرْضِي، إِرْضَاْء
  to satisfy, please (ه = s.o.)

صَعِب تِرْضِيْه ‎[S] He's hard to please
‏ما فِيك تِرْضِي كِلِّ النَّاس ‎[S] You can't please everybody,
‏بِدّْنَا نِرْضِي زَبَايِنْنَا عَ المَظْبُوْط ‎[S] We like to give our customers complete satisfaction
‏ما فِيك تِرْضِي كِلِّ النَّاس = ما بْيِرْضِي النَّاس إِلَّا اَلله ‎[S] You can't satisfy everybody,
‏صَعِب تِرْضِي كِلِّ النَّاس = ما حَدَا بْيِرْضِي النَّاس إِلَّا اَلله ‎[S] It's hard to suit everybody

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Word: رِضي / رِضي، يِرضَى
[S] رِضِي، يِرْضَى، رَضَا
  to be pleased, be satisfied, be content (عن / على = with);
[pronunciation: riḍy / reḍy، yirḍɑ]

اَلله يِرْضَى عَلَيك ‎[V] either 1. may God be pleased with you, or 2. a form of please, as in:
‏اَلله يِرْضَى عَليك، رُوح جِيب كِيلُو بَنَدُورَة مِن السُوق ‎[V] please, go get a kilo of tomatoes from the market;
‏مَا لِي رَضْيَان عَ الأَبَارْتْمَان تَبَعِي الجّْدِيد ‎[S] I am not satisfied with my new apartment,
‏رْضِيْت هَلَّق ‎[S] Are you satisfied now?
‏رِضِي بِالجَّوَاب ‎[S] He was pleased with the answer,

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  Root: ر ف ق
Word: رَافَق، يْرَافِق
[S] رَاْفَق، يْرَافِق
  to accompany (ه = s.o. /;
[pronunciation: rāfaq، yºrāfeq
[S] ق = ء]

مِمْكِن اْرَافْقِك عَ البَيْت ‎[S] May I see you home?
‏بْرَافْقَك لِلْبَاب ‎[S] I'll see you to the door
‏بْرَافْقَك لِلْبَاب ‎[S] I'll show you to the door
‏رَافَقتُو لَمَوقَفِ البَاص ‎[P] I accompanied him to the bus stop; {rāfaqto lamawqafᴵ-l-bᾱṣ}
‏بيْرَافِقهَا عَ الگِيتَار ‎[P] he accompanies her on the guitar; {byºrāfeqha ʕa-l-gitᾱr}
‏ الحَظّ بيْرَافِقني في حَيَاتي ‎[P] (good) luck accompanies me in my life; {'il-ḥɑẓẓ byºrāfeqny fy ḥayāty}
‏الله يْرَافْقَك ‎[P] may God go with you (said to a departing traveler); {'ɑllɑ yºrāfºqak}
‏رَاْفَقْهَا لِلِمْحَطَّة ‎[S] He accompanied her to the station
‏بِتْرَاْفْقَو عَ الْبْيَانَو ‎[S] She accompanies him on the piano

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  Root: ر و ح
Word: رُوْح / رَوْح، ج أَروَاح
[S] رُوْح / رَوْح، ج رْوَاْح / أَرْوَاْح
  spirit, soul; (usually feminine noun)
[pronunciation: rūḥ / rōḥ، ʔarwāḥ]

الجَسَد وِاْلرُّوْح ‎[P] body and soul, the body and the spirit; {'il-jasad wi'ºrrūḥ}
‏رُوْح رِيَاضِيِّة ‎[P] sporting spirit, spirit of good sportsmanship; {rūḥ riyᾱḍiyye}
‏ أَنَا حَاسِسِ اْنَّكِ بتِعزِف مِن رُوْحَك ‎[P] I feel that you play music with your soul; { ʔana ḥāsesᴵ 'ºnnakᵉ bªtiʕzef min rūḥak}
‏بيْستَحضِرِ الأَروَاح ‎[P] he conjures spirits (of the dead); {byºstɑḥḍerᴵ-l-ʔarwᾱḥ}
‏رُوْحِي ‎[V] literally: my soul, but used as a term of endearment;
‏رَوْح من رُوح ‎[V] soul from soul (a reference to giving birth);
‏إِمِّي تْخَلِّص رُوح من رُوح ‎[L] my mother frees a soul from a soul (interpreted as والدتها داية، قابلة قانونية);
‏لا تِنْسِي هدي المرحلة تخلِّص رُوح مِن رُوح ‎[S] don't forget that at this stage (when giving brith) a soul is freed from a soul;
‏أَمَّا الرُّوْح فِمُسْتَعِدّْ وْأَمَّا الجَسَد فَضَعِيف ‎[S] The spirit is willing, but the flesh is weak
‏السِكَّانِ المَحَلِيِّيْن بِيْآمْنُوا بِالأَرْوَاحِ الشَّرِيْرِة ‎[S] The natives believe in evil spirits
‏اِسْتِحْضَارِ الأَرْوَاح ‎[S] summoning of spirits
‏اَلله يِرْحَم رَوْحَو ‎[S] God have mercy on his soul
‏رَوْحِ النِّكْتِة ‎[S] sense of humor
‏رَوْح لِقْمَاْن ‎[S] ether
‏بْهَيْك شَغْلِة الوَاحِدة على طُوْل حاطِط رَوْحَو على كَفَّو = بْهَيْك شَغْلِة الوَاحِدة على طُوْل حاطِط رِجِل بالدِّنْيِة وْرِجِل بِالآخْرَة ‎[S] In this kind of job you always have one foot in the grave
‏تْقَبَّلَهْا بْرَوْح مِرْحَة ‎[S] Grin and bear it
‏رُوْحِي ‎[S] term of endearment, dear, honey
‏شُو بَك تَعْبَان، يا رُوْحِي ‎[S] Are you tired, dear?

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  Root: ر و د
Word: رَاد، يْرِيْد
[S] رَاْد، يْرِيْد، إِرَاْدِة
  to want (ه =; (أراد);
So i have several notes on this word from different sources, some of them contradictory:
this word is more common in Lebanon and Syria, but less common in Palestine;
this is used regularly in Lebanon and Syria, but is considered more formal/proper than بدّ .
this is used mainly in fixed phrases, and almost never used in past tense form;
[pronunciation: rād، yºrīd]

شُ بِترِيْد ‎[P] what do you want; {šu bitrīd}
‏ إِن الله رَاد ‎[P] God willing, if God wills; { ʔin 'ɑllɑ rād}
‏ إِذَا كَان الله بيْرِيْد ‎[P] God willing, if God wills; { ʔi∂a kān 'ɑllɑ byºrīd}
‏إِذا بْتِريد ‎[L] please, as in:
‏ماما إذا بْتِرِيدي ما تِتْرِكي باب لَوَحْدُه ‎[L] mom, please don't leave dad by himself;
‏إذا بِتْرِيد ‎[L] if you want, if you please;
‏خَواجِة عَلِي مَوْجُود ؟ --- مِين بِرِيدُه ‎[L] is Mr. Ali available? --- who would like (to speak to) him?
‏إِذَا بِتْرِيد ‎[S] please
‏بِتْمَنَّى لَك ياه = بْرِيْد لَك ياه (بْرِد لَك ياه) = بِسْفِط لَك ياه ‎[S] want it for you (also don’t begrudge it to you)
‏بْيَعْرِف شُو بِيْرِيد = بْيَعْرِف شُو بِدَّو ‎[S] He knows what he wants

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Word: إِرَادِة
[pronunciation: ʔirᾱde]

عِندُو إِرَادِة قَوِيِّة ‎[P] he has a strong will; {ʕindo ʔirāde qawiyye}
‏عِندُو قُوِّة إِرَادِة ‎[P] he has strength of will; {ʕindo quwwe ʔirāde}
‏لَازِمِ تْكُوْن إِرَادتَك مِن حَدِيْد ‎[P] you've got to have a will of iron; {lāzemᵉ tºkūn ʔirādtak min ḥadīd}
‏هَاي إِرَادِة الله ‎[P] It's God's will; {hāy ʔirāde 'ɑllɑ}
‏ العَبِد بْيِقدَر يْغَيِّر إِرَادِة رَبُّو ‎[P] can the slave (of God) change the will of his Lord? {'il-ʕabᵉd bºyiqdɑr yºġayyer ʔirāde rɑbbo}
‏عَنْدَو إِرَاْدِة قَوِيِّة ‎[S] He has a strong will
‏إْجِيْت لَهَون اِنْتِا بْمِطْلَق إِرَادْتَك ‎[S] You came here of your own free will
‏لا تِسْتَهْوِنِ بْقُوِّة إِرَاْدْتَو ‎[S] Don't underestimate his will power

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  Root: ر و ص
Word: تْرَاْوَص، يِتْرَاْوَص
  to feel pain, put up with the pain, be in pain (تألَّم )

يا عَفُو الله رَح تِتْرَاوَصِ شْوَيّ ‎[L] God help you, you will feel pain a bit

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  Root: ز ي ك
Word: ـــ، يْزِيْك
  (see example)

الله يزِيْكِ الخَيْر ‎[L] May God bless you (grant you goodness) (common way of saying thank you)

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  Root: س ب ل
Word: سَبِيْل
[S] سَبِيْل، ج سِبُل
  means, way;
[pronunciation: sabīl]

مَجْهُوْدَاتَو بْسَبِيلِ التَّوَسُّط فِشْلِت فَشَل زَرِيْع ‎[S] His efforts towards mediation failed miserably
‏على سَبِيل ‎[S] by way of
‏قَالَهْا على سَبِيْلِ النِّكْتِة ‎[S] He said it by way of a joke
‏في سَبِيْلِ الله ‎[P] for the sake of God, in the cause of God; {fy sabīlᴵ-l-lāh}
‏في سَبِيْلِ العِلم ‎[P] for the sake of knowledge / science; {fy sabīlᴵ-l-ʕilm}
‏عَلَى سَبِيْلِ المِثَال ‎[P] for example, by way of example; {ʕala sabīlᴵ-l-miθāl}

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  Root: س ت ر
Word: سَتَر، يُستُر
  to protect from harm, provide protective cover (ه = to s.o. /;
[pronunciation: sɑtɑr، yustor]

بِدُّو يُستُر بِنتُو ‎[P] he wants to protect his daughter's good name (i.e. he wants to marry her off, keep her at home, etc.); {biddo yustor binto}
‏الله يُستُر ‎[P] God forbid! God protect (us)!; {'ɑllɑ yustor}
‏الله سَتَر ‎[P] God protected (us / him / etc.); {'ɑllɑ sɑtɑr}
‏وَالله اَلله سَتَر ‎[S] That was a close shave! (By God, God protected)

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Word: ستَّار
  Protector (epithet of God);

يا ستَّار ‎[L] expression of dismay, invoking God's name (O Protector!), meaning God forbid or God save us (from whatever the problem is); (يا الله يا ساتِر);

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  Root: س ر ر
Word: سُرُوْر
[S] سُرُوْر
  joy, happiness, gladness;
[pronunciation: surūr]

السُّرُوْر إِلِي أَنَا ‎[S] The pleasure is all mine
‏بِكُلّ سُرُوْر ‎[P] gladly, with pleasure; {bikull surūr}
‏بَعْمِلَهْا بْكِلّْ سُرُوْر ‎[S] I'll do it with pleasure
‏بْيِحْصَلْ لِي السُّرُور إِنِّي اِسْمَع هالشِّي ‎[S] It gives me great satisfaction to hear that
‏هُوِّ سُرُوْر إِلِي إِذا بْعاوِن زَبَايِن مِتْلَك بِيْقَدّْرُوا الخِدْمِة ‎[S] It’s a pleasure to wait on appreciative customers like you.
‏بْكِلّْ سُرُور بَعْمِل لَك يَاهَا ‎[S] I'll be glad to do that for you
‏بْتَعْمِل لِي مَعْرُوْف —— بْكِلّْ سُرُوْر ‎[S] Would you do me a favor? ——gladly (to which the response / thanks would be اَلله يْطَوِّل عِمْرَك or the like)

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  Root: س ع د
Word: سَاعَد، يْسَاعِد
  to help, assist (ه = s.o., في / ب / على = with, give a hand, lend a hand (ه = to s.o., في / ب / على = with);
(note that in CA, في is considered stronger than على, like helping someone with something big or long term, but in colloquial that difference is not clear and ب / في seem more common);
[pronunciation: sāʕad، yºsāʕed]

سَاعِدني ‎[P] help me (masculine form); {sāʕedny}
‏سَاعْدِيْني ‎[P] help me (feminine form); {sāʕºdīny}
‏ إِمُّو سَاعدَتُو ‎[P] his mother helped him; { ʔimmo sāʕdato}
‏ إِمّهَا سَاعْدَتها ‎[P] her mother helped her; { ʔimmha sāʕºdath}
‏كِيْف بَقدَر أَسَاعْدَك ‎[P] how can I help you; {kīf baqdɑr ʔasāʕºdak}
‏اَلله يْساعِدْني عَلَيك ‎[L] god help me against you / with dealing with you;
‏اَلله يْسَاعِد عَلَيك ‎[L] may God help you;
‏اَلله يْساعْدَك ‎[L] may God help you;
‏فِيْكِ تْساعِدْنِي بْهالصَّنْدُوْق (سَنْدُوْق) ‎[S] Can you give me a hand with this box?
‏مِمْكِن تْساعِدْنِي ‎[S] Would you lend me a hand?
‏بَالله ساعِدْنِي ‎[S] Please help me
‏فِيكِ تْسَاعِدْنِي بْهالتَّرْجَمِة ‎[S] Could you help me with this translation?
‏فِينِي ساعْدَكِ بْكَم لَيْرَة = اِقْضِي لَك غَرَضَكِ بْكَم لَيْرَة ‎[S] Can I help you out with a few pounds?
‏بِتْساعِدِ بْشِي مَطْعَم يَوْمِ الأَحَد ‎[S] She helps out in a restaurant on Sunday,
‏كِلّْ غايْتِي كانِت إِنِّي اْساعِد ‎[S] I was only trying to be helpful
‏مِيْن ساعَدَكِ بْهالشِّغِل ‎[S] Who assisted you in that work?
‏لَحَ اْسَاعْدَك لَتْخَلِّص ‎[S] I’ll help you finish
‏بِتْحِبِّ تْساعِدِ بْشِغْلِ البَيْت ‎[S] She makes herself useful around the house
‏فيني ساعْدَكِ بْشِي ‎[S] Can aid you with
‏سَاْعِدْنِي إِذَا بِتْرِيد ‎[S] Lend me a hand, will you?

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  Root: س ق ي
Word: سَقَى، يِسقي
[L] سَقَى / صَقَى، يِسقي / يِصقي / يُسقي
[S] سَقَى / صَقَى، يِسْقِي / يِصْقِي، سَقْي / صَقْي / سْقَاْيِة
  to water, irrigate (ه =;
[pronunciation: saqa، yisqy
[S] SAQA, yeSqi]

سَقَيْتِ الزْهُوْر ‎[P] I watered the flowers; {saqētᴵ-z-zºhūr}
‏مِيْن بِيْسقِي زَرِّيعْتِي ‎[L] who is watering my plants;
‏بِسْقِي الجّْنَيْنِة كِلّْ يَوْم ‎[S] I water the garden every day
‏لازِم شِي تِسْقُوا هالِحْقُوْل ‎[S] Do you have to irrigate these fields?
‏سَقَى الله على ايَّام زَمَان ‎[V] phrase expressing longing for the "good old days"
‏سَقَى الله عَلَى إِيَّام مَا كَان جِدَّك يِتْحَمَّم فِي مَيِّةِ الجِّبِن‎ ‎[P] God bless the days when your grandfather used to bath in cheese water (i.e., screw your good old days)

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  Root: س ل م
Word: سَلَام، ج سَلَامَات
[S] سَلَاْم، ج سَلَاْمَاْت
Note that the greeting السلام عليكم (peace be upon you) is a common greeting, and the reply to it is وَعَليُكمُ السَلام (and upon you be peace). Though specific to Muslims, it is sometimes used by other religions as well. Some Muslims will specifically avoid this greeting because they fear it makes them look too conservative. Some people will purposefully avoid the reply وعليكم السلام and instead use one that is less religious, to show that they are not religious or are not Muslims.
[pronunciation: salām، salāmāt]

اَلسَّلَامُ عَلَيْكُم ‎[P] may peace be upon you (greeting used by Muslims, considered formal by some); {'as-salāmu ʕalēkom}
‏اَلسَّلَامُ عَلَيْكُم وَرَحمَُةُ الله وَبَرَكَتُو ‎[P] may the peace and blessings and mercy of God be upon you; {'assalāmu ʕalēkom waraḥmuau-l-lᾱh wabarakato}
‏سَلِّم لِي عَلَيْهَا كْتِيرِ السَّلَام ‎[S] Give her my sincere regards,
‏وَعَلَيْكُمِ السَلَام وَرَحمَُةُ الله وَبَرَكَتُو ‎[P] and may the peace and blessings and mercy of God be upon you (response to above greeting); {waʕalēkomᴵ-s-salām waraḥmuau-l-lᾱh wabarakato}
‏لو لا سلامَك ما سبق كَلامَك كِنْت خَلَّيْت الدِبَّان الأَزْرَق يِسْمَع سحق عَضَامَك ‎[L] if you greeting had not preceded your words I would have let the blue flies hear the breaking of your bones (the phrase لو لا سلامك ما سبق كلامك is common in folkstories, followed by some note about how you would have been killed otherwise);
‏سَلَامَات! صار زَمَان مَا شِفْتَك ‎[S] Greetings! haven't seen you in a long time

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Word: سَلامِة
  safety, well-being, welfare;
(very common in greetings, etc.);
[pronunciation: salāme]

مَع اِلسَّلامِة ‎[L] goodbye (literally: (go) with safety) (Books always say this is said to the person leaving, but both parties often say it. The response is اَلله يْسَلّْمَك);
‏بْخَاطرَك --- مَعِ السَلَامِة ‎[P] with your permission --- go safely! (exchange of goodbyes when someone is leaving); {bºḵᾱṭrak --- maʕᴵ-s-salāme}
‏مَعِ السَّلَامِة! نْشَالله سَفْرَة سَعِيْدِة ‎[S] Goodbye! Have a good trip
‏قَال مَعِ السَّلَامِة ‎[S] to say goodbye (by the person staying)
‏الحَمْدِ الله عَ السَّلامِة ‎[V] thank God for your safety (said upon the return of someone from a long journey, or after recovering from injury/illness, or if harm was avoided); The reply is الله يِسَلْمِك (may God keep you safe); {'il-ḥamdu-l-laᴴ ʕa-s-salāme}
‏العَوَض بِسَلامْتَك ‎[L] may you be compensated by your well being (a phrase of condolence, said to one who has had someone pass away);
‏بِالسَّلَامِة ‎[S] safe and sound
‏رِجِع بِالسَّلَامِة ‎[S] He returned safe and sound
‏الحَمْدِ اْلله عَ وْصُوْلَك بِالسَّلامِة ‎[L] thank God for your safe arrival;
‏اْنْ شا اْلله بْتُنْبُسطُوا هَوْن وِبْتِرْجَعُوا بِالسَلامِة ‎[L] God willing you will enjoy yourself here and then return safely;
‏إِن شا الله بِتْرُوح وِبْتِرْجَع بِالسَلامِة ‎[L] God willing you will go and return safely (common phrase said wishing someone safe travels);
‏نْشا الله تُوْصَل بِالسَلامِة ‎[L] may you arrive safely;
‏تْرُوح وْتِرْجَع بِالسَّلامِة ‎[L] may you go and return safely (said to someone departing on a trip);

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Word: سَلامِة
  safety, well-being, welfare;
(more examples);
[pronunciation: salāme]

سَلامْتَك ‎[L] ‎[S] ‎[P] your safety, used either 1. as a way of saying “I hope you feel better” (to one who is ill), or 2. common reply when someone asks if you need/want anything, meaning “(only) your safety”, {salāmtak}
‏بَدَّك شِي؟ --- سَلامْتَك ‎[L] do you need anything? --- only your safety;
‏بِدَّك إِشي تَاني؟ --- سَلَامتَك ‎[P] would you like anything else? --- just your well-being (i.e. no, thank you); {biddak ʔišy tāny? --- salāmtak}
‏اْنشالله بْتِرجَع بِاْلسَّلَامِة ‎[P] come back safely; {'ºnšɑllɑ bºtirjaʕ bi'ºssalāme}
‏سَلامِة قَلْبِك ‎[L] I hope you feel better (literally: (may) your heart be safe);
‏إِمّي مَرِيْضَة —— سَلَامتها ‎[P] my mother is ill --- I hope she gets better soon; { ʔimmy mɑrīḍɑ}
‏سَلَامِة رَاسَك ‎[P] may God keep you safe (this expression is used when paying a condolence call, or upon hearing of a death); {salāme rᾱsak}
‏سَلَامِة عَقلَك ‎[P] may God preserve your mind (said to someone who is talking nonsense); {salāme ʕaqlak}
‏الله يْكُوْن مَعَك وْيْوَصّلَك بيْس-سَلَامِة ‎[P] may God be with you and bring you safely home; {'ɑllɑ yºkūn maʕak wºyºwɑṣṣlak byºs-salāme}
‏على سَلَامْتَو ‎[S] good
‏هِنِّة وْلاد على سَلامِتُهْن ‎[S] They are good children
‏ هُوِّ شَخِص آدَمِي = هُوِّ زَلَمِة على سَلَامْتَو ‎[S] He's a decent fellow

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Word: سَلَّم، يْسَلِّم
  to give peace, make safe (ه = s.o.) (see example for common greeting)

اَلله يْسَلّْمَك / يْسَلّْمِك / يْسَلِّمْكُن ‎[S] goodbye (said in response to مَعِ السَّلَامِة )

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Word: سَلَّم، يْسَلِّم
  to preserve, protect from harm (ه =;
[pronunciation: sallam، yºsallem]

الله يْسَلّمَك ‎[P] may God keep you well (this can be used in response to any well-wishing expression containing the root سلم); {'ɑllɑ yºsallmak}
‏سَلِّم إِيْدَيْك / يْسَلِّم إِيْدَيْك ‎[P] May God protect your hands (used as a thank you to someone for any service by provided by someone's hands); {sallem ʔīdēk / yºsallem ʔīdēk}
‏الله يِسَلْمِك ‎[V] may God keep you safe (said as a reply to سلامتك);
‏سَلِّم دَيَّاتَك ‎[V] God bless your hands (keep them safe), used as a way of saying thank for something done;

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Word: اِسْتِسْلَاْم

أَهْلِ الضَّيْعَة بْيِقْبَلُوا قِسْمِتُهْن مِن اَلله بْاِسْتِسْلَاْم ‎[S] The villagers accept their hard lot with resignation

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  Root: س م ح
Word: سَمَح، يِسمَح
[S] سَمَح، يِسْمَح، سَمَاْح
  to permit, allow, let (ل = s.o., ب = to do, or فعل مضارع بدون علامة = to do;
(note that this is more polite than خلّى , and so sometimes a please or other polite refrain is included in the translation to reflect that);
[pronunciation: samaḥ، yismaḥ]

اِسمَح لي / اِسمَحِيْ لي أَفُوْت ‎[P] please allow me to enter (masculine and feminine forms); {'ismaḥ ly / ismaḥī ly ʔafūt}
‏اِسمَح لي ‎[P] pardon me, excuse me (may I pass); {'ismaḥ ly}
‏اِسمَح لي بَسّ أَكَمِّل ‎[P] just let me finish, please; {'ismaḥ ly bass ʔakammel}
‏اِسمَح لي بْسُؤَال ‎[P] permit me a question; {'ismaḥ ly bºsuʔ¨āl}
‏مَا سَمَحُوا بْنَشرِ المَقَالِة ‎[P] they didn't allow the article to be published; {ma samaḥu bºnašrᴵ-l-mɑʠᾱle}
‏هَادَا إِشي مَا بَقدُر أَسمَح لَك فِيْه ‎[P] that's something I can't allow you to do; {hāda ʔišy ma baqdor ʔasmaḥ lak fīᴴ}
‏لَا سَمَح الله ‎[P] perish the thought, God forbid; {la samaḥ 'ɑllᾱh}
‏لَو سَمَحْت ‎[L] please, if you would;
‏ما بْيِسْمَحِ بْهَالشِي ‎[S] He won't allow that,
‏ما بِقْدِر اِسْمَح بْهالشِّي ‎[S] I can't permit that,
‏ما حَدَا مَسْمِح لَو يِدْخُل هالبِنَايِة ‎[S] No one is permitted to enter this building,
‏التَّدْخِين مَسْمُوْح ‎[S] Is smoking permitted?
‏دَائِرْةِ الصَّحَافِة لِسَّا ما سَمْحِتِ بْنَشِر نَصِّ الخِطَاب ‎[S] The press department hasn't released the text of the speech yet

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Word: سَمَح، يِسمَح
[S] سَمَح، يِسْمَح، سَمَاْح
  to forgive (عن = s.o., على = for (said of God)

بْحَيَاتَو ما بِيْسامْحَك عَلَيْهَا = بْحَيَاتَو ما بْيِغْفِر لَك ياها = بْحَيَاتَو ما بِيْغْفِرَهْا عَنَّك = بْحَيَاتَو ما بْيِسْمَح عَنَّك عَلَيْهَا ‎[S] He'll never forgive you for that
‏اَلله بْيِغْفِر لَك = الله بْيِسْمَح عَنَّك ‎[S] God will forgive you

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Word: سَامَح، يْسَامِح
[S] سَاْمَح، يْسَاْمِح
  to forgive (ه = s.o., على = for
[pronunciation: sāmaḥ، yºsāmeḥ]

سامَحْنِي بْبَقِية دَيْنِي ‎[S] He canceled the rest of my debt,
‏بْحَيَاتَو ما بِيْسامْحَك عَلَيْهَا = بْحَيَاتَو ما بْيِغْفِر لَك ياها = بْحَيَاتَو ما بِيْغْفِرَهْا عَنَّك = بْحَيَاتَو ما بْيِسْمَح عَنَّك عَلَيْهَا ‎[S] He'll never forgive you for that
‏سَامِحني / سَامحِيْني ‎[P] forgive me; {sāmeḥny / sāmḥīny}
‏بيْسَامِحِ بْسُرعَة ‎[P] he's quick to forgive; {byºsāmeḥᵉ bºsurʕa}
‏طَلَب مِنّي أَسَامحُو ‎[P] he asked me to forgive him; {ṭɑlɑb minny ʔasāmḥo}
‏ أَنَا مُستْعِدّ أَسَامحَكِ بْشَرط وَاحَد ‎[P] I'm prepared to forgive you, on one condition; { ʔana mustºʕedd ʔasāmḥakᵉ bºšɑrṭ wāḥad}
‏اَلله يِحِبّ مِن يِسامِح ‎[L] proverb: God loves the one who forgives;
‏لا سَامَحَهْا الله ‎[S] God forbid! The very idea! (exclamation of disapproval or shocked disapproval)

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  Root: س م ي
Word: اِسِم / اُسُم، ج أَسَاْمِي / [CA] أَْسمَاْء
[S] اِسِم (اِسْم)، ج أَسَاْمِي / [CA] أَْسمَاْء
  name (more examples);
[pronunciation: isᵉm / 'usᵒm، ʔasāmy / [CA] ʔasmāʔÅ]

هُوِّ رَئِيْسِ الشِّرْكِة بِالاِسِم بَسّ ‎[S] He's the head of the company in name only
‏ما عَنْدِي وْلا قِرْش (مْقَيَّد) بْاِسْمِي ‎[S] I haven't a cent to my name,
‏بَنَى اِسِم لا بَأْسْ فِيه بِالأَوْسَاطِ الأَدَبِيِّة ‎[S] He has made quite a name for himself in literary circles
‏الأَسمَاءِ الحُسنَى ‎[P] Islam: the names of God (literally: the most beautiful names, referring to the 99 names of God in Islam); {'il-ʔasmāʔÅᴵ-l-ḥusna}
‏بِاْسمِ اللهِ الرَحمَانِ الرَحِيْم ‎[P] In the name of God the Merciful the Compassionate (this formula is said by Muslims before embarking on an activity of any kind. Also, before slaughtering an animal, Muslims will often just say باسمِ الله); {bi'ºsmᴵ-l-lāhᴵ-r-raḥmānᴵ-r-raḥīm}
‏عاشِت الأسامي ‎[L] may the names (named people) live long. (Said after hearing someone mentioned by name, roughly means I hope that this person has a long life);
‏بِاِسْمْ مِين ‎[V] in whose name (note how the س loses it's vowel);
‏بْاِسِم + إضافة ‎[S] as the agent of, in the name of
‏بْتِسْمَحُولي اِشْكِرْكُن بِالنّْيَابِة عَنِ مْنَظَّمِتْنَا / بْاِسْمِ مْنَظَّمِتْنَا ‎[S] I want to thank you on behalf of our organization
‏تَحِت اِسْمَو ‎[S] to his credit, under his name
‏عَنْدَو خَمِس أَفْلَام نَاجْحَة تَحِت اِسْمَو ‎[S] He has five successful movies to his credit.
‏قَرَا الأَسَامِي ‎[S] to have the roll call
‏قَرُوا الأَسَامِي وِللا لِسَّا ‎[S] Have they called the roll yet?
‏كَإِنِّي سَمْعَان اِسْمَو ‎[S] His name sounds familiar to me

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Word: اْسْمَ اْلله
  Oh God! (literally: God's name);
(this is used to:
1. ward off harm, e.g. if someone is about to fall or just fell, one might say اسم الله to ward off any injury);
2. to express disapproval of words or actions;
3. to ward off the evil eye, e.g. when bestowing a compliment. Warding off the evil eye with some formulaic phrase is common, since giving a compliment can be interpreted as tempting fate or a sign of envy);
[pronunciation: ºsºmɑllɑ]

اْسْمَ اْلله عَلَيْه ‎[P] may God's name preserve him! (or meant ironically: that's really clever of him); {'ºsºmɑllɑ ʕalēᴴ}
‏اْسْمَ اْلله، مِتلِ القَمَر ‎[P] God's name (preserve her), (the baby is) as beautiful as the full moon; {'ºsºmɑllɑ، mitlᴵ-l-qɑmɑr}

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  Root: س ن ن
Word: سُنَّة
  in Islam: the Sunna of the Prophet Muhammad, which is often called the traditions and customs of the Prophet Muhammad (sometimes specified as سُنِّة النَبِي , meaning the Prophet's Sunna). Muslims typically look to the Sunna as a guide for how to live their day to day lives.;
[pronunciation: sunna]

أَهلِ السُنَّة ‎[P] Sunni Muslims; { ʔahlᴵ-s-sunna}
‏عَلَى سُنِّةِ الله وَرَسُوْلُو ‎[P] in accordance with the law of God and his Prophet; {ʕala sunneᴵ-l-lāh warasūlo}

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Word: سنونة، ج سنونَاْت
  tooth, toothy (a cutesy word for tooth, for instance said of a baby tooth);

الله يسعدلي هالوش القمر وهالسنونات الدهب ‎[S] may God make this beautiful face fortunate and these little golden toothies (said of a baby girl who had her first two teeth coming in);

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  Root: س ه ل
Word: سَهَّل، يْسَهِّل
[S] سَهَّل
  to ease, facilitate, make more convenient (ه =;
[pronunciation: sahhal، yºsahhel]

هَادَا بيْسَّهِّل عَلَيْك ‎[P] this will make the work easier for you; {hāda byºssahhel ʕalēk}
‏الله يْسَهِّل عَلَيْك ‎[P] may God ease (things) for you; {'ɑllɑ yºsahhel ʕalēk}
‏رَحَّبُوا فِيْنَا بْحَفَاوِة = أَهَّلُوا وْسَهَّلُوا فِينَا كْتِير ‎[S] They welcomed us with open arms.
‏لَو فِي سِكْرِتَيْرَة تانْيِة بِتْسَهِّل شِغْلِي (عَلِيِّ) ‎[S] Another secretary would help ease my work
‏هالطَّرِيْقَة رَحَ تْسَهِّل شِغِلْنَا كْتِير ‎[S] This method will facilitate our work greatly

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  Root: س و ا
Word: سُوْء
[L] سَوْ
[S] سُوْء
  evil, badness;
[pronunciation: sūʔÅ]

‏الله يبْعُد السَّو ‎[L] may God keep anything bad from happening; (كلمة تقال بعد ذكر الموت أو المرض أو المكروه لطرد السُّوء)
‏بْعِيْد السَّو ‎[L] may anything bad be (kept) far;

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  Root: س ي د
Word: سِيْد، ج أَسيَاد
[S] سِيْد، ج أَسْيَاْد
  respectful form of address: Mister, Mr., sir; (سَيِّد);
[pronunciation: sīd، ʔasyād]

يَا سِيْدي --- سِيْدي وْسِيْدَك الله ‎[P] Sir --- neither you nor I have any Lord but God (this is an acknowledgement of being called and also an inquiry about why one is being called “sir”); {ya sīdy --- sīdy wºsīdak ‘ɑllɑ}
‏شُو بْتِأْمُر يا سِيْدْنَا ‎[S] What can I do for you, sir?

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  Root: ش ا ي
Word: شَاي
  tea; (هو أوراق شجرة صينية ذات طعم ورائحة جميلة وهو معروف وعام الاستعمال);
[pronunciation: šāy]

شَاي خَفِيْف ‎[P] ‎[P, J] weak tea; {šāy ḵafīf}
‏شَاي خَفِيْفِة ‎[P] ‎[P, G] weak tea; {šāy ḵafīfe}
‏شَاي تْقِيْل ‎[P] ‎[P, J] strong tea; {šāy tºqīl}
‏شَاي تْقِيْلِة ‎[P] ‎[P, G] strong tea; {šāy tºqīle}
‏جِب لي كُبَّايِة شَاي الله يْخَلِّيْك ‎[P] bring me a cup of tea; {jib ly kubbāye šāy 'ɑllɑ yºḵallīk}
‏مِمْكِن آخُد فِنْجَان شَاي تَانِي ‎[S] Can I have another cup of tea?
‏عَزَمْتَو عَ الشَّاي ‎[S] I invited him to tea
‏فِنْجان شَاي ‎[S] teacup
‏إِبْرِيْق شَاْي ‎[S] teakettle, teapot
‏مَعْلَقِة شَاي ‎[S] teaspoon

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  Root: ش ر ف
Word: شَرَّف، يْشَرِّف
[S] شَرَّف، يْشَرِّف
  to honor (ه = s.o.);
(this is commonly used in phrases of welcome);
[pronunciation: šɑrrɑf، yºšɑrref]

شَرِّفْنَا كَمَان! اْنْبَسَطْنَا كْتِيرِ بْشَوْفْتَك ‎[S] Do come again! We were so happy to see you
‏تْفَضَّل شَرِّف ‎[S] Please come in
‏شَرِّف ‎[S] come in!
‏بِيْشَرِّف صَنِعْتَو ‎[S] He is a credit to his profession
‏شَرَّتُوْنَا ‎[P] you have honored us (often used as a welcoming phrase, like you have honored us with your presence); {šɑrrɑtūna}
‏شَرَّفتُوا يَا هَلَا ‎[P] you have honored (us), welcome! (general welcome phrase); {šɑrrɑftu ya hala}
‏شَرِّفنَا ‎[P] honor us (phrase encouraging a guest to come in or someone to pay a visit); {šɑrrefna}
‏شَرَّفتِ البَيْت بِوُجُوْدَك ‎[P] you have honored the house with your presence (phrase of welcome, the response is usually: اَلله يزيدك شَرَف : may God give you more honor); {šɑrrɑftᴵ-l-bēt biwujūdak}
‏شَرّفُونا ‎[L] honor us (with a visit)! come visit us!
‏شَرَّفْت ‎[V] you have honored us (said to a guest);
‏شَرَّفُونا على فِنْجان قَهْوِة ‎[V] honor us with a visit for a cup of coffee (a way of inviting someone for a cup of coffee);

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  Root: ش ع ر
Word: شُعُوْر
[S] شْعُوْر
  feeling, feelings, sensation;
[pronunciation: šuʕūr]

بيْعَبِّر عَن شُعُوْرُو ‎[P] he expresses his feelings; {byºʕabber ʕan šuʕūro}
‏شُوْ شُوْرَك بَعدِ الاِمتِحَان ‎[P] how do you feel after the examination; {šū šūrak baʕdᴵ-l-'imtiḥān}
‏صَدِّقِ (سَدِّئِ) الجُّوْع مُو شْعُوْر حِلْو ‎[S] Believe me, hunger is not a pleasant sensation
‏بْتَعْطِيْنِي شْعُوْر بِالأَمَان ‎[S] It gives us a sense of security.
‏هالزَّلَـمِة ما عَنْدَو أَيِّ شْعُوْر بِالمَسْؤُولِيِّة ‎[S] That guy has no sense of responsibility whatsoever
‏مْلَاحَظْتَك جَرْحِتِ شْعُوْرَو الدِّيْنِي ‎[S] Your remark has offended his religious sentiments.
‏أَكِيد ما قَصَدْتْ أَبَدًا اِجْرَحِ شْعُوْرَك ‎[S] I really didn't mean to hurt your feelings
‏يا اَلله على هالشّْعُوْرِ الغَرِيْب ‎[S] What a strange feeling

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  Root: ش ف و
Word: شَفَى، يِشفي
[L] شَفَى، يِشْفِي
[S] شَفَى، يِشْفِي، شِفَا
  to heal, cure (ه = s.o.) (usually said when the subject God);
[pronunciation: šafa، yišfy]

الله شَفَاني ‎[P] God has healed me / God has restored me to health; {'ɑllɑ šafāny}
‏الله يِشفِيْك ‎[P] May God heal you (said as “I hope you feel better soon); {'ɑllɑ yišfīk}
‏الله يِشفِيْه ‎[P] May God send him sanity; {'ɑllɑ yišfīᴴ}
‏شُفِيْتُم --- عُفِيْتُم ‎[S, Damascus] May you be healed --- may you be given health; the phrase and the reply said to something coming from the toilet (Specifically after taking a shit). The phrase is only used in Damascus. Note it is actually pronounced شُوفيتم --- عوفيتم .
‏اَلله يِشْفِيك ‎[L] may God heal you (phrase of well-wishing to one who is ill);
‏هالدَّوَا بْيِشْفِيك إِذَا أَخَدْتَو بْإِنْتَاج ‎[S] This medicine will cure you if you take it regularly

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  Root: ش ك ر
Word: شَكَر، يُشكُر
[L] شَكَر، يِشْكُر
[S] شَكَر، يِشْكُر، شِكِر (شِكْر)
  to thank (ه = s.o., على = for);
note conjugation (lebanese);
huwwe šakar, yiškur
hiyyi šakarit, tiškur
hinni šakaru, yiškru
inta šakart, tiškur, imperative: škur
inti šakarti, tiškri, imperative: škiri
intu šakartu, tiškru, imperative: škiru
ana šakart, iškur
niHna šakarna, niškur
[pronunciation: šakar / šɑkɑr، yuškor]

شَكَرتهَا ‎[P] I thanked her; {šɑkɑrtha}
‏نُشكُرَ اْلله ‎[P] Thank God! {nuškorᵅ 'ºllᾱh}
‏بَشكُر كُلِّ المُشتَرِكِيْن ‎[P] I thank all the participants; {baškor kullᴵ-l-muštarikīn}
‏ أَشكُرَك ‎[P] I thank you (note that because of the influence of CA, this phrase is often said without ب , giving it some formality and politeness); { ʔaškorak}
‏نُشْكُر اَلله، ماشي الحَال ‎[L] Thanks be to god, things are well;
‏اْشكُر (شْكُور) اَلله ‎[V] give thanks to God / thank God!
‏أَشكُرَك ‎[P] thank you! { ʔaškurak}
‏اْشْكِرْ لِي يَاه ‎[S] Thank him for me
‏لِسَّا ما تْشَكَّرْتَهْا عَ الِهْدِيِّة ‎[S] I haven't thanked her for the present yet
‏بْكُون شَاكِر إِذَا بِتْضَّل ساكِت ‎[S] I'd thank you to keep your mouth shut
‏نِشْكُر اَلله ‎[S] Thank God (often used as equivalent to الحمدلله)

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  Root: ش ك ل
Word: شِكِل / شَكِل، ج أَشكَال
[S] شِكِل (شِكْل) / شَكِل (شَكْل)، ج أَشْكَاْل
  kind, type;
[pronunciation: šikᵉl / šakᵉl، ʔaškāl]

هَادَا شِكِل وْهَادَا شِكِل ‎[P] they're two completely different things (literally: this is a thing and this is a thing. This structure is commonly used to show complete difference); {hāda šikᵉl wºhāda šikᵉl}
‏أَشْكَال أَشْكَال = أَشْكَال وْأَلْوَاْن ‎[S] all kinds of
‏كان فِي كِتِب أَشْكَال أَشْكَال عَ الطَّاوْلِة ‎[S] There were all kinds of books on the table
‏بِتْشُوف ناس أَشْكَال أَشْكَالِ هْنِيك ‎[S] You meet all kinds of people there
‏حَكُوا أَشْكَال وْأَلْوَان ‎[S] They talked about this and that,
‏تَغْيِيْر شِكِل ‎[S] for the sake of variety
‏خَلِّيْنَا نِبْقَى بِالبَيْت تَغْيِير شِكِل ‎[S] For the sake of variety let's stay at home
‏أَشكَال أَلوَان ‎[P] all kinds, all different kinds; {ʔaškāl ʔalwān}
‏الله يِحمِيْنَا مِن أَشكَالُو ‎[P] may God preserve us from the likes of him; {'ɑllɑ yiḥmīna min ʔaškālo}

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  Root: ش ل ش
Word: اْنْشَلَش
  passive of شلش ;

انشلشت لعند الله ‎[S] I was so overwhelmed!

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  Root: ش ه د
Word: شِهِد، يِشهَد
[S] شِهِد، يِشْهَد، شَهَاْدِة
  to testify, bear witness (ل = for / on behalf of, على = against)
[pronunciation: šihed، yišhad]

بتِقدَر تِيْجي تِشهَد لي في المَحكَمِة ‎[P] can you come and testify for me in court; {btiqdɑr tījy tišhad ly fy-l-maḥkame}
‏شِهِد عَلَيْه ‎[P] he testified against him; {šihed ʕalēᴴ}
‏ الكُلّ بيْشهَدُوْلَك ‎[P] everyone is testifying on your behalf; {'il-kull byºšhadūlak}
‏اَلله يِشْهَد عَلِيِّ أَنَا ما سَاوَيْتَهْا ‎[S] As God is my witness, I didn't do it
‏فِي عَنْدَك شِي زْيَادِة بِدَّك تِشْهَد عَلَيْه ‎[S] Have you anything further to testify?
‏المَرَة شِهْدِت بْأَخْلَاقَو الِـمْنِيحَة ‎[S] The woman testified to his good character
‏لَحَ يْثَبِّت إِنَّو ما كان في شْهُود مَوْجُودِين = لَحَ يْثَبِّت إِنَّو ما كان في شْهُود مَوْجُودِين ‎[S] He'll certify that there were no witnesses present

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Word: شَهَادِة / شْهَادِة، ج شَهَادَات
[L] شْهَاْدِة
[S] شَهَاْدِة، ج شَهَاْدَاْت
  martyrdom (in Islam);
[pronunciation: šahāde / šºhāde، šahādāt]

بُطلُب مِن الله الشَهَادِة ‎[P] He asks God to let him die a martyr's death; {buṭlob min 'ɑllɑ-š-šahāde}

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  Root: ش ي ا
Word: شَاء، يَشَاء
  to want, wish for, will (ه =;
(this is mainly used in fixed phrases, particularly the phrases ما شاء الله and ان شاء الله);
[pronunciation: šāʔÅ، yašāʔÅ]

كَمَا تَشَاء ‎[P] ‎[CA] as you wish; {kama tašāʔÅ}
‏ إِن شَاء الله / اْنشالله ‎[P] If God wills (this phrase, depending on tone, can mean anything from “I really hope that happens” to “maybe” to “when hell freezes over.” It is often translated as “to hope so” because of the regularity of its usage even by non-religious people. Practically, the verb coming after it will often be present tense without ب , but if the clause precedes it the verb may have ب . To preserve the verb without ب structure but use the past tense, many speakers will use يكون + فعل ماضي); { ʔin šāʔÅ 'ɑllᾱh / 'ºnšɑllɑ}
‏قُوْل إِن شَاء الله ‎[P] Say, if God wills!; {qūl ʔin šāʔÅ 'ɑllᾱh}
‏اْنشالله بْنِلتقي شِيْ يَوْم ‎[P] let's hope we meet one day; {'ºnšɑllɑ bºniltqy šī yōm}
‏بِدَّك تِيْجي بُكرَا كَمَان؟ --- اْنشالله ‎[P] are you coming tomorrow? --- I hope so; {biddak tījy bukrɑ kamān? --- 'ºnšɑllɑ}
‏اْنشالله فْهِمتُوا الدَرس ‎[P] I hope you've understood the lesson; {'ºnšɑllɑ fºhemtu-d-dars}
‏مَا شَاء الله / مَا شَاءَ الله ‎[P] what God willed (phrase expressing awe at something beautiful or wondrous. It is often added to compliments to ward off the evil eye and show that the speaker does not harbor any jealousy); {mā šāʔÅ 'ɑllᾱh / mā šāʔÅᵅ-l-lᾱh}
‏عِندُو دَار مَا شَاءَ الله عَلَيْه ‎[P] he has got a house, it is a really beautiful house; {ʕindo dᾱr mā šāʔÅᵅ-l-lᾱh ʕalēᴴ}
‏بِتغَنّي وْصَوْتِك مَا شَاءَ الله ‎[P] you sing, and your voice is absolutely beautiful; {bitġanny wºṣōtek mā šāʔÅᵅ-l-lᾱh}

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  Root: ص ب ح
Word: صَبَّح، يْصَبِّح
  to bless with a good morning (ه = s.o.) (when the subject of the verb is God);
[pronunciation: ṣɑbbɑḥ، yºṣɑbbeḥ]

الله يْصَبّْحَك بِالخَيْر ‎[V] May God give you a good morning; {'ɑllɑ yºṣɑbbºḥak bi-l-ḵēr}
‏صَبّْحَك بِالخَيْر ‎[S] Good morning,
‏اَلله يْصَبّْحَك بِالخَيْرَات ‎[S] Good morning (response to صباحك بالخير)

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  Root: ص ب ر
Word: صَبَّر، يْصَبِّر
  to give patience (ه = to s.o.), make patient (ه = s.o.);

اَلله يْصَبِّرْكُن ‎[L] may God give you patience (often said when someone is facing difficulties or trials);

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  Root: ص ح ب
Word: صَاحِب، ج صْحَاب / أَصحَاب
[S] صَاْحِب، ج اْصْحَاْب
  (male) owner, proprietor, possessor;
[pronunciation: ṣᾱḥeb، ṣºḥᾱb / ʔɑṣḥᾱb]

صَاحِبِ الدَار ‎[P] the owner of the house; {ṣᾱḥebᴵ-d-dᾱr}
‏صَاحِبِ الكَلب ‎[P] the dog's owner; {ṣᾱḥebᴵ-l-kalb}
‏صَاحِب عَمَل / اْصْحَاب عَمَل ‎[P] employer / employers; {ṣᾱḥeb ʕamal / 'ºṣºḥᾱb ʕamal}
‏صَاحِبِ العَمَل وْعُمَّالُو ‎[P] the employer and his employees; {ṣᾱḥebᴵ-l-ʕamal wºʕummālo}
‏ أَصحَابِ المَلَايِيْن ‎[P] the millionaires; { ʔɑṣḥᾱbᴵ-l-malāyīn}
‏ أَصحَابِ الدَخلِ الوَاطي ‎[P] people with low incomes; { ʔɑṣḥᾱbᴵ-d-daḵlᴵ-l-wᾱṭy}
‏ البَيْت بَيْتَك --- الله يْخَلّي صْحَابُو / البَيْت لَصْحَابُو ‎[P] make yourself at home --- May God preserve its owners / the house belongs to its owners!; {'il-bēt bētak --- 'ɑllɑ yºḵally ṣºḥᾱbo / 'il-bēt laṣºḥᾱbo}
‏صاحِب المِلْك ‎[L] proprietor, owner;
‏صَاْحِب بَيْت، ج صْحَاْب بْيُوْت = صَاحِب مِلِك، ج صْحَاْب أَمْلَاْك ‎[S] landlord
‏الكَلْب كان قَاعِد تَحْتِ قْدَامْ صاحْبَو ‎[S] The dog was sitting at the feet of his master

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  Root: ص ح ح
Word: صَحَّة / صِحَّة
[L] صَحَّة / صُحَّة
  health, soundness;
[pronunciation: ṣɑḥḥɑ / ṣeḥḥɑ]

كِيْف صَحّْتَك ‎[P] how is your health? how do you feel?; {kīf ṣɑḥḥºtak}
‏كِيْف صَحّْتَو ‎[S] How's his health?
‏مِشِ مْنِيْح لَلصِّحَّة ‎[P] unhealthy, bad for the health; {mišᵉ mºnīḥ laṣṣeḥḥɑ}
‏حَتَّى صَحِّتهَا تْكُوْن قَوِيِّة ‎[P] so that her health will be strong; {ḥatta ṣɑḥḥetha tºkūn qawiyye}
‏ المُهِمّ صَحّْتَك، يَا عَمّي ‎[P] your health is the important thing, sir; {'il-muhemm ṣɑḥḥºtak، ya ʕammy}
‏صَحّْتَيْن ‎[P] Bon appétit (literally: double health. A common response is على قَلْبك : may it be on your heart); {ṣɑḥḥºtēn}
‏بِدُّو هَيْك؟ صَحّْتَيْن ‎[P] is that the way he wants it? Good luck to him!; {biddo hēk? ṣɑḥḥºtēn}
‏صَحَّة وَعَوافِي ‎[L] (may it bring you) health and strength (phrase said to one eating or drinking);
‏اَلله يْقَدِّم لَك الصُحَّة ‎[L] May god give you health (a form of well wishing);
‏صَحّْتَو مِتْأَخّْرَة بْهالإِيَّام ‎[S] He's been in poor health lately.
‏بْصَحّْتَك ‎[S] (Here’s) to your health!
‏شْرِبْنَا لَصَحِّة صاحِبْنَا = شْرِبْنَا نَخِب صَاحِبْنَا ‎[S] We drank to our friend's health
‏هُوِّة وَلَد صَحّْتَو قَوِيِّة ‎[S] He's a healthy boy
‏مِبَيِّن عَلَيْهَا صَحِّتَهْا كْتِير مْنِيْحَة ‎[S] She looks very healthy,
‏بْصَحّْتَك ‎[S] Here’s to you’re health!

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  Root: ص ر خ
Word: صَرِيْخ
  scream, screaming, shout, shouting, yelling

وْأَنَا مَوْجُوع صَرِيخِي واصِل عِنْد الله وْهِيِّ عَم بِتْشَكْشِك بَقٔى، عَمْ بِتْشَكْشِك. ‎[L] I'm in agony! My screams are going up to God. She kept jabbing and jabbing.

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  Root: ص ف ف
Word: صِفَة، ج صِفَات
[S] صِفة، ج صِفَاْت
  attribute, characteristic;
[pronunciation: ṣifɑ، ṣifᾱt]

صِفَة حَمِيْدِة ‎[P] a commendable characteristic; {ṣifɑ ḥamīde}
‏ الصَبِر هُوِّ مِن صِفَاتِ العَرَب ‎[P] patience is an Arab trait; {'iṣ-ṣɑbᵉr huwwe min ṣifᾱtᴵ-l-ʕɑrɑb}
‏ اللَتَافِة وَحَدِة مِن صِفَاتُو ‎[P] kindness is one of his characteristics; {'il-lɑtᾱfe waḥade min ṣifᾱto}
‏ الصِفَات عِندكُم مُشتَرَكِة ‎[P] you share certain character traits; {'iṣ-ṣifᾱt ʕindkom muštarake}
‏بِصِفَة ‎[P] as, in one's capacity as...; {biṣifɑ}
‏ أَنَا هَوْن بِصِفَتي مُدِيْر ‎[P] I'm here in my capacity as manager; { ʔana hōn biṣifɑty mudīr}
‏بِصِفَة ‎[S] in the capacity of
‏أنا هَونِ بْصِفَتِي وَصِي ‎[S] I'm here in my capacity as guardian
‏شُو صِفَاتَو هُوِّ ‎[S] What sort of a person is he?
‏اللَطَافِة واحْدِة مِن صِفَاتَو الِكْتِيْرِة ‎[S] Kindness is one of his many attributes
‏بْقَوْلْنَا اَللهُ تَعَالَى، تَعَالَى صِفَة لـ اَلله ‎[S] in the saying God the Sublime, sublime is the attribute of God
‏عَم يْجَرّْبُوا تَحْسِين صِفِة تَحَمُّلِ الحَرَارَة بْهاللِيْف ‎[S] They're trying to improve the heat-resisting characteristics of this fiber,

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  Root: ص ي ف
Word: صَيْفِيّة
[S] صَيْفِيِّة، ج صَيْفِيَّاْت
  summer (typically referring to a specific summer, but often times used like صيف , i.e. generally) (فصل الصيف);

الصَيْفِيِّة الجايِّة ‎[L] the coming summer;
‏إِن شا الله بْتُنْبُسْطُوا وْتْكُون صَيْفِيِّة مْنِيْحَة ‎[L] God will you will enjoy yourselves and the summer will be nice;
‏عَنْدَك شِي مَشَارِيع (مَشَرِيْع) لَهالصَّيْفِيِّة ‎[S] Do you have any plans for this summer?

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  Root: ط ف ف
Word: طَفّ، يْطِفّ، طَفّ
  to overflow, run over (intransitive)

إِصْحَى يْطِفِّ البَانْيَو ‎[S] Watch out that the bathtub doesn't run over
‏وِحْيَاْة اَلله، طَفِّ الكَيْل = وَاللهِ هادا بِيْغَطِّي كِلّ شِي ‎[S] that beats everything!
‏خْزَأنِتَهْا طافِّة بالأَوَاعِي ‎[S] Her closet is bursting with clothes,

Rate Translation
  Root: ط م س
Word: طَمَّس
  (see example)

الله مْطَمِّس عَلَى عَقْلِي اليَوم ‎[S] my mind is a complete blank today.
‏اَلله مْطَمِّس عَلى قَلْبِي اليَوْم ‎[S] I can't seem to get going today

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  Root: ط ن ب ر
Word: طِنْبُر (طِمْبُر)، ج طَنَاْبِر
  an old beat up car, clunker, jalopy

سَيَّارَة طِنْبُر، ج سَيَّارَات طَنَابِر ‎[S] jalopy
‏عَنْدَو طِمْبُرِ مْهَرْمَش مِن عَهِد جِدّ جِدَّو ‎[S] He owns a battered old jalopy
‏دَخِيل اَلله مِلَّا طِنْبُر ‎[S] Boy, that's some jalopy!

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  Root: ط و ل
Word: طِوِل / طِوِل، يِطوَل
  to become taller;
[pronunciation: ṭiwel / ṭewel، yiṭwɑl]

طِولَت / طِولَت بِنتَك، مَا شَاء الله ‎[P] your daughter got taller, as God willed (the latter part of the phrase, ما شاء الله, is added to ward off the evil eye); {ṭiwlat / ṭewlat bintak، ma šāʔÅ 'ɑllᾱh}

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  Root: ع ب د
Word: عَبَد، يُعبُد
[S] عَبَد، يِعْبُد، عْبَاْدِة
  to worship (ه =;
[pronunciation: ʕabad، yuʕbod]

منُعبُد الله تَعَالَى ‎[P] we worship God almighty; {mnuʕbod 'ɑllᾱh taʕāla}
‏بيُعبُدُوا / بُعُبدُوا أَصنَام ‎[P] They worship idols; {byuʕbodu / buʕᵒbdu ʔɑṣnᾱm}
‏هُوِّ مَعبُوْدِ الشَعب ‎[P] People idolize him (he's the worshipped of the people); {huwwe maʕbūdᴵ-š-šaʕb}

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  Root: ع ج ب
Word: أَعْجَب
  more/most wonderful;

أَعْجَب شِي اَلله خَلَق ‎[S] the most marvelous thing that God created! (note structure, fronted object with no resumptive pronoun after the verb. This is often used in exclamations like this);

Rate Translation
  Root: ع د د
Word: عَدّ، يِعِدّ، اِلعَدّ
[S] عَدّ، يْعِدّ، عَدّ
  to count (ه =;
[pronunciation: ʕadd، yiʕedd، 'ilʕadd]

عَدَّيْتِ الكَرَاسِي ‎[P] I counted the chairs; {ʕaddētᴵ-l-kɑrᾱsiy}
‏عِدّهُم / عِدِّيْهُم كَمَان مَرَّة ‎[P] count them again; {ʕeddhom / ʕeddīhom kamān mɑrrɑ}
‏عِدّهِن كَمَان مَرَّة ‎[P] ‎[P, G] count them again; {ʕeddhen kamān mɑrrɑ}
‏بتِعرِفِ تْعِدّ لَلعَشَرَى ‎[P] can you count to ten; {bteʕrefᵉ tºʕedd lalʕašɑrɑ}
‏عِدّ لَلعَشَرَى ‎[P] Count to ten!; {ʕedd lalʕašɑrɑ}
‏حَگَرَة بَگَرَا عِدِّي لَلْعَشَرة = حَگَرَة بَگَرَا قِلِّي عَمِّي عِدِّ لَلْعَشَرة واحد تنين تلاتة اربعة خمسة ستة سبعة تمانية تسعة عشرة ‎[S, Has] counting rhyme used by children, like einee meinee meinee moo in English (note the ق is said g);
‏حَدَرَة بَدَرَا قِلِّي عَمِّي عِدِّ لَلْعَشَرة واحد تنين تلاتة اربعة خمسة ستة سبعة تمانية تسعة عشرة ‎[S?] counting rhyme used by children, like einee meinee meinee moo in English
‏الله مالَّا قِلِّي رَبِّي عِدّ لَلْعَشَرَة واحد تنين تلاتة اربعة خمسة ستة سبعة تمانية تسعة عشرة ‎[S, Christian only?] counting rhyme used by children, like einee meinee meinee moo in English
‏اِبِنْهَا الزّْغِيْر بْيِقْدِر يْعِدّ مِن واحِد لَخَمِسْتَعِش (لَخَمِصْطَعِش) ‎[S] Her little boy can count from one to fifteen
‏مِن فَضْلَك عِدِّ الِكْمالِة تَبَعَك ‎[S] Please count your change

Rate Translation
  Root: ع ر ف
Word: عَاْرِف، ج عَاْرْفِيْن، المؤنث: عَاْرْفِة

مانِّي عارِف اَلله وَيْن حاطِطْني ‎[L] I don't know where God has put me (i.e. what's going on with me) (HAATiTni);
‏أنا عارِف شُو عَمْ بِحْكِي ‎[L] I know what I'm saying!
‏وَيْن أَبُوْك --- مُش عَارفِة ‎[P] Where's your father? --- I don't know; {wēn ʔabūk --- muš ʕarfe}
‏أَنَا عَارِف ‎[P] How should I know?! (said with a tone of implying disbelief or shock); { ʔana ʕāref}
‏بالأردن، أنا ماني عارِف، بِيْبَوّْسُوا هَيْك مْوَا مْومْوا. ‎[L] And I didn't know that in Jordan, you kiss like this, smooch, smooch smooch

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  Root: ع ر ك ت
Word: عَراكِيت
  see example;

قال شُو، كيف إِلْياس بَدُّه يْفُوت عَ الأَوضة بعد ما طِلِع علي مِنَّها. الله لا يْوَفَّقُهْن وْعَراكِيت ‎[L] what did he say? (he said) how can Ilyas go into the room after Ali leaves it? God Damn them, and “all hell broke loose” (not sure how to translate the last part, I assume it comes from the root عرك and has to do with battles. The statement is describing a religious disagreement, note the names, and the speaker's frustration with the situation);

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  Root: ع ز م
Word: عَزِيْمِة، ج عَزَايِم
[S] عَزِيْمِة، ج عَزَاْيِم
  spell, incantation;
[pronunciation: ʕazīme، ʕazāyem]

بجابوني دَييِّ واْجْرِييِّ وْبِعَزايِم الله القَوِيِّة ‎[L] my hands and feet brought me, and god's great spells; (جئت برجليّ ويديّ وبعازئم الله القوية);

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  Root: ع ص م
Word: مَعصُوْم، المؤنث: مَعصُوْمِة
[S] مَعْصُوْم
  infallible, impeccable;
[pronunciation: maʕṣūm، mɑʕṣūme]

ما حَدَا مَعْصُوْم عَنِ الخَطَأ غَيْر اَلله ‎[S] It's only human to make mistakes,
‏مَا فِيْه إِنسَان مَعصُوْم مِنِ الخَتَأ ‎[P] no one is infallible; {mā fīᴴ ʔinsān mɑʕṣūm minᴵ-l-ḵɑtɑʔ¡}

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  Root: ع ط س
Word: عَطَس، يُعطُس
[L] عَطَس، يُعْطُس
  to sneeze;
[pronunciation: ʕɑṭɑs، yuʕṭos]

لَمَّا الوَحَد بُعطُس (بْيُعطُس)، بيْقُوْلُوا لُو الله فَرَجَك ‎[P] when someone sneezes, you say “may God relieve you”; {lamma-l-waḥad buʕṭos (bºyuʕṭos)، byºqūlu lo 'ɑllɑᴴ farajak}
‏عاطسو عطس ‎[S] he came up to be just like him;

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  Root: ع ف و
Word: عَافيِة، ج عَوَاْفِي
  health, vitality, well-being;
[pronunciation: ʕāfye]

عَاش مِن شَافَك --- شَافَتَكِ العَافيِة ‎[P] He who sees you lives --- May good health see you (i.e. a greeting and response. The greeting is usually used only after not seeing someone for a while); {ʕāš men šāfak --- šāfatakᴵ-l-ʕāfye}
‏الله يَعطِيْكِ العَافيِة ‎[V] May God give you good health (well wishing said to someone engaged in doing work. see responses below) {'ɑllɑh yɑʕtīkᴵ-l-ʕāfye}
‏الله يزِيْدَك عَافيِة ‎[V] May God give you good health (response to الله يعطيك العافية); {'ɑllɑh yzīdak ʕāfye }
‏الله يعَافِيْك ‎[V] May God keep you healthy (response to الله يعطيك العافية); {'ɑllɑh yʕāfīk}
‏الله يَعْطِيك العَافْيَة والعَصَا الدَّافْيَة ‎[P] God give you health and a warm stick (joking insult, you can imagine what the warm stick might be)
‏صَحَّة وَعَوافِي ‎[L] (may it bring you) health and strength (phrase said to one eating or drinking);
‏بْحِبَّك ---- تْحِبَّك العافْيِة ‎[S, Aleppo] I love you ---- May health love you (response to I love you)
‏اشْتَقْتِ لَّك! ---- تِشْتَاق لَك العافْيِة ‎[V] I missed you ---- May health desire you (common response when someone says I love you. Note there is some debate online about why this is polite, with most people assuming that the response means may health miss you. The phrase is clearly a form of well-wishing, so I assume it means that health is always desiring to be with you)

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Word: عَفُو
[S] عَفُو
[pronunciation: ʕafu]

العَفُو ‎[P] either 1. excuse me, pardon me, or 2. you're welcome, don't mention it (in response to an expression of thanks); {'il-ʕafu}
‏عَفوًا ‎[P] either 1. excuse me, pardon me, or 2. you're welcome, don't mention it (in response to an expression of thanks), or 3. unintentionally, spontaneously, or 4. accidentally; {ʕafwan˜}
‏شُكرًا! --- عَفوًا! ‎[P] Thanks! --- don't mention it! {šukran˜! --- ʕafwan˜!}
‏شِكْرًا كْتِير —— عَفْوًا ‎[S] Thank you very much. —— Don't mention it
‏هَادَا صَار عَفوًا ‎[P] It was unintentional, I didn't mean it to happen; {hāda ṣᾱr ʕafwan˜}
‏رَفَضُوا العَفْو عَنَّو ‎[S] He was refused a pardon,
‏عَفْوًا ‎[S] I beg your pardon
‏عَفْوًا، قَدَّيْشِ السَّاعَة مِن فَضْلَك ‎[S] Pardon me. What time is it, please?
‏عَفْوًا! أَلَّمْتَك شِي ‎[S] sorry! Did I hurt you?
‏عَفْوًا كانِت غَلْطَة = عَفْوَك كانِت غَلْطَة = لا تْآخِذْنِي كانِت غَلْطَة ‎[S] Forgive me, it was a mistake.
‏يَا عَفُو الله ‎[L] O God's forgiveness (common prayer / interjection, especially in times of distress)

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Word: عَافَى، يعَافي
  to restore to health (ه = s.o.), or to keep (ه = s.o.) healthy (used mainly in response to good wishes addressed to a person engaged in doing work);
note that with a pronoun suffix the alef is shortened and the final vowel lengthened, as in: عَفَاك ;
(عافَى، ومع الضمائر: عَفَاك، عَفَاها، إلخ);
[pronunciation: ʕāfa، yʕāfy]

عَافَاك ‎[V] good for you, bravo! (also said: عَفَاك)
‏لَك عَافاك ‎[V] bravo, good for you!
‏لَك عافاك يا شاطِر ‎[V] good for you, bravo, you clever fellow (also said sarcastically);
‏اَلله يْعَافِيْك ‎[V] either 1. may God restore you to health, or 2. may God keep you healthy (this is a common phrase of well wishing, and also used as a reply to الله يعطيك العافية); {'ɑllɑ yºʕāfīk}

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  Root: ع ق ل
Word: عَقِل
[S] عَقِل (عَقْل)، ج عْقُوْل / عَقْلَاْت
  mind, sense (of reasoning), reason, intellect; (more examples)
[pronunciation: ʕaqᵉl
[S] ق = ء]

سَلَاْمِة عَقِل ‎[S] sanity
‏بْشِكِّ بْسَلامِة عَقْلَو ‎[S] I doubt his sanity
‏حَطِّ بْعَقْلَو ‎[S] to take into one's head, get into one’s head
‏حَطِّ بْعَقْلَو إِنَّو ما حَدَا بِيْحِبَّو ‎[S] He just took it into his head that nobody likes him
‏مِن حالَو = مِن عَقْلَو ‎[S] by oneself, from oneself, on one's own hook
‏عَقْلَو مَعَو عَلى طُوْل ‎[S] He always keeps a level head
‏مِن عَقْل + إضافة ‎[S] offhand
‏رَجَّعْنَاه لِلْصَّوَاب = رَجَّعْنَا لَعَقْلَو ‎[S] We brought him back to reason
‏مِنْشَان اَلله بَقَى، اْرْجَع (رْجَاع) لَعَقْلَك ‎[S] Please, listen to reason
‏اِنْتِا مُو مِمْكِن تْكُوْنِ بْعَقْلَك ‎[S] You can't be in your right mind
‏مِن كِلّْ عَقْلَك ‎[S] Are you serious?
‏مِن كِلّْ عَقل + ضمير ‎[S] really, truly, actually
‏عَن حَقَا بِتْصَدِّقَهْا = مِن كِلّْ عَقْلَك بِتْصَدِّقَهْا ‎[S] You really believe it?
‏لازِم تْخَلِّي عَقْلَكِ بْرَاسَك ‎[S] You have to keep your wits about you
‏عَقْلَو كْتِير حَادّ ‎[S] He has a very keen mind,
‏لازِمِ تْكُوْنِ طْلِعِت عَن عَقْلَك ‎[S] You can't be in your right mind

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  Root: ع ل م
Word: عِلِم / عِلم، ج عُلُوْم
[S] عِلِم (عِلْم)، ج عْلُوْم
[pronunciation: ʕilᵉm / ʕilm، ʕulūm]

بِدُوْن عِلمُو ‎[P] without his knowledge; {bidūn ʕilmo}
‏عَلَى عِلمي ‎[P] as far as I know; {ʕala ʕilmy}
‏مَعِ العِلِم إِنُّو ‎[P] with the knowledge that...; {maʕᴵ-l-ʕilᵉm ʔinno}
‏مَعِ العِلِم إِنُّو فِيْه خَطَر ‎[P] with the knowledge that there is danger; {maʕᴵ-l-ʕilᵉm ʔinno fīᴴ ḵɑṭɑr}
‏بيْخَالِفِ القَانُوْن عَن عِلم ‎[P] he knowingly broke the law; {byºḵālefᴵ-l-ʠānūn ʕan ʕilm}
‏عِلمي عِلمَك ‎[P] you know as much as I do!; {ʕilmy ʕilmak}
‏ أَنَا عْمِلِت هَيْكِ بْعِلمُو ‎[P] I did it with his knowledge; { ʔana ʕºmelᵉt hēkᵉ bºʕilmo}
‏ أَنَا بْحَاجِة لَعِلمَك ‎[P] I need your expertise / knowledge; { ʔana bºḥāje laʕilmak}
‏ العِلم عِند الله ‎[P] God only knows, the knowledge is with God; {'il-ʕilm ʕind ‘ɑllɑ}
‏عَن عِلِم ‎[S] knowingly
‏ما بِيْغِشّْنَا عَن عِلِم ‎[S] He wouldn't knowingly cheat us
‏على عِلْم + ضمير ‎[S] to my knowledge, to your knowledge, etc.
‏على عِلْمِي هُوِّ مُو هْنِيك ‎[S] To my knowledge he's not there
‏عَلَى عِلِمْنَا هُوِّ بْبَيْرُوْت ‎[S] To our knowledge he's in Beirut
‏عِلْمِي عِلْمَك ‎[L] my knowledge is your knowledge, meaning I know as much as you;

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Word: عَلِيْم، ج عِلَمَا، ج المؤنث: عَلِيْمِة، ج عَلِيْمَاْت
  knowledgeable, knowing

اَلله عَلِيْم قَدَّيْش جَرَّبِت ‎[S] God knows, I tried often enough

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Word: عَالَم
(compare to دِنيا);
[pronunciation: ʕālam]

في كُلِّ العَالَم ‎[P] all over the word, everywhere in the world, throughout the world; {fy kullᴵ-l-ʕālam}
‏ الوَلَد عَالَمو زْغِيْر ‎[P] the child's world is small; {'il-walad ʕālam zºġīr}
‏عَالَمِ الصَحَافِة ‎[P] the world of journalism; {ʕālamᴵ-ṣ-ṣɑḥᾱfe}
‏اُقعُد / هُقعُد زَيِّ العَالَم ‎[P] sit properly (literally: sit like the world); {'uqʕod / huqʕod zayyᴵ-l-ʕālam}
‏شُو ما فِيك تِتْصَرَّف مِتِل ما لَازِم = ما فِي تِتْصَرَّف مِتْلِ العالَم وِالنَّاس ‎[S] Can't you behave properly?
‏قِدَّامِ العَالَم ‎[S] in front of the world, i.e. for all to see, in public
‏مُو هَيكِ الواحِد بْيِتْصَرَّف قِدَّامِ العالَم ‎[S] That's no way to behave in public,
‏سافَرِ بْكِلّْ أَنْحَاءِ العالَم ‎[S] He's traveled all over the world
‏العَالَمِ تْغَيَّرِ كْتِير بْهالخَمْسِين سِنِة الأَخِيْرِة ‎[S] The world has changed a lot these past years
‏هُوِّ عَلَم مَشْهُوْر بْعَالَمِ الرِّيَاضَة ‎[S] He's a famous name in the world of sports
‏هِيِّة مَعْرُوفِة بْكِلِّ العَالَمِ العَرَبِي ‎[S] She's known throughout the Arab world
‏العَالَمِ الحِرّْ إِلَو حِصْتَو مْنِ المَشَاكِلِ الاِقْتِصَادِيِّة كَمَان ‎[S] The Free World has its share of economic problems too.
‏هِيِّة أَحْلَى واحْدِة بِالعَالَم = أَحْلَى مِنَّهْا اَلله ما خَلَق ‎[S] She's the prettiest thing in all creation,

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Word: أَعلَم
  more / most knowing, aware, knowledgeable;
[pronunciation: ʔaʕlam]

اللهُ أَعلَم ‎[P] God knows best, God only knows (used often as only God knows!) (literally: God knows more, God is the most knowing); {'ɑllᾱhu ʔaʕlam}

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  Root: ع ل و
Word: عَال
  great, wonderful, terrific;
[pronunciation: ʕāl]

كُلّ شي جَاهِز --- عَال ‎[P] Everything's ready --- great!; {kull šy jāhez --- ʕāl}
‏نَجَح اِبْنِي بِالفَحَص وْبِدُّو وْيْروح عَ الجامْعَة --- عال ‎[V] my son passed the exame and he wants to go to university --- Excellent!
‏سَقَط اِبْنِي بالفَحَص --- عال ‎[V] my son failed in the exam --- great (sarcastically);
‏كِيْف اِلصُحَّة --- عال، نُشْكُر اَلله ‎[L] how are you doing? --- Excellent, thanks be to God;
‏شِي عال! فَصِّلْ لِي عَنَّهْا شْوَيِّة ‎[S] That sounds great! Tell me more about it
‏وَالله شِي عال ‎[S] That's just dandy!
‏عَال! هادا هَللي كان بِدّْنَا يَاْه ‎[S] Excellent! That's just what we wanted,
‏عَاْل ‎[S] interjection! That's fine!
‏عَال! لَكَان هَيْك بِتْعَامِل رِفْقَاتَك ‎[S] That's a fine way to treat a friend
‏شِي عَال ‎[S] That's great

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  Root: ع م ر
Word: عُمُر، ج أَعمَار
  lifetime, life span; (more examples)
[pronunciation: ʕumᵒr، ʔaʕmār]

الله يْطَوِّل عُمرَك ‎[P] May God prolong your life (common phrase of well wishing, especially when asking a favor); {'ɑllɑ yºṭɑwwel ʕumrak}
‏بِنتَك لَمَّا تِكبَر، الله يَعطِيْحَا العُمُر، بِتكُوْن ‎[P] When your daughter grows up, may God grant her a long life, she'll be...; {bintak lamma tikbɑr، 'ɑllɑ yɑʕṭīḥa-l-ʕumᵒr، bitkūn}
‏يِقْطَع عُمْر حَدَا ‎[V] may (God) cut short his life! (meaning, God damn him);
‏عِمْرَو كِلَّو كان مَصَاعِب وْمَتَاعِب ‎[S] His life was all trouble and hardships
‏شِي هَيك ما بْيِحْصَل إِلَّا مَرَّة واحْدِة بِالعِمِر ‎[S] A thing like that happens only once in a lifetime
‏بِدَّهْا العِمِر كِلَّو لَتْخَلِّص مَشْرُوْع ضَخِم مِتِل هاد ‎[S] It would take a lifetime to finish such a huge project
‏بِسْمَع أَخْبَارَهْا يا دَوْبَهْا مَرَّة بِالعِمِر ‎[S] I hear from her once in a blue moon
‏هُوِّ مِتْقَدِّم بِالعِمِر ‎[S] He's well on in years
‏أَبِي، اَلله يْطَوِّلِ لْنَا عِمْرَو، ضَعْفَانِ كْتِير ‎[S] My dear father is very sick

Rate Translation
  Root: ع و ذ
Word: مَعَاْذ
  (see example)

مَعَاذَ اْلله ‎[S] God forbid

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  Root: ع و ض
Word: عَوَّض، يْعَوِّض
  to compensate (على = s.o., عن = for)

الله يْعَوِّض عَلَيْك / عَلَيْكِ ‎[P] may God compensate you (for the money you have spent) (phrase often used by vendors after the purchaser has paid him); {'ɑllɑᴴ yºʕɑwweḍ ʕalēk / ʕalēki}

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  Root: ع و ل
Word: عَيْلِة، ج عِيَل
[L] عايْلِة / عَيْلِة، ج عِيَل
[S] عَيْلِة، ج عَيْلَاْت / عِيَل
  family (in particular the neutral family, i.e. husband, wife and children, not the extended family)
(this is the more common pronunciation of the CA عائلة);
[pronunciation: ʕēle، ʕiyal]

هالشِّي مَوْجُوْد بِالعَيْلِة ‎[S] Does that run in the family?
‏بيْعَيِّش عَيْلتُو ‎[P] he provides for his family; {byºʕayyeš ʕēlto}
‏بِتعَيِّش عَيْلِتهَا ‎[P] she provides for her family; {bitʕayyeš ʕēletha}
‏اِسم العَيْلِة ‎[P] surname, last name, family name {'ism-l-ʕēle}
‏شُو اِسمِ العَيْلِة ‎[P] what's your surname; {šu 'ismᴵ-l-ʕēle}
‏عَيْلِة كْبِيْرِة، مَا شَاأ الله ‎[P] a large family, that's what God wanted (said when complimenting a large family. ما شاء الله is said to keep the compliment from attracting bad luck or the evil eye); {ʕēle kºbīre، ma šāʔ 'ɑllᾱh}
‏في كُلِّ العِيَل ‎[P] in all the families; {fy kullᴵ-l-ʕiyal}
‏كِيْف عَايْلْتِك --- كِلُّن مْنِيح الحَمْدِ الله ‎[L] how is your family? --- Everyone is fine, thanks be to God;
‏اِسِم عايْلِة ‎[V] last name, family name;
‏هِيِّة مِن عَيْلِة غَنِيِّة ‎[S] She comes from a wealthy family.
‏مِين طَبِيبِ العَيْلِة تَبَعْكُنْ ‎[S] Who's your family doctor?
‏شُو عَيْلْتَك ‎[L] what's your family (name)?, What's your last name?

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  Root: ع و ن
Word: عَان، يْعِيْن
  to help;
[pronunciation: ʕān، yºʕīn]

جَوْزِك عَنِيْد الله يعِيْنِك ‎[P] your husband's a stubborn man, God help you; {jōzek ʕanīd 'ɑllɑᴴ yʕīnek}

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Word: عَون
(مساعدة is more common, but عون is used in some common phrases and more formal speech);
[pronunciation: ʕawn]

بِعَونِ الله ‎[P] formal: with God's help; {biʕawnᴵ-l-lāh}
‏الله يكُوْنِ بْعَونَّا ‎[P] May God be in our help (may God help us); {'ɑllɑᴴ ykūnᵉ bºʕawnna}

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  Root: ع ي ش
Word: عَيَّش
  to give (ه = s.o.) long life;

اَلله يْعَيّشُه ‎[L] may God give him long life;

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  Root: غ س ل
Word: غَسِيْل
[S] غَسِيْل
  laundry, wash;
(الثياب التي بحاجة إلى الغسل);
[pronunciation: ġasīl]

بَعدِ الغَسِيْل ‎[P] after the laundry; {baʕdᴵ-l-ġasīl}
‏نَشَرتِ الغَسِيْل ‎[P] I hung up the laundry; {nɑšɑrtᴵ-l-ġasīl}
‏صَابُوْن غَسِيْل ‎[P] laundry soap; {ṣᾱbūn ġasīl}
‏مَسحُوْق غَسِيْل ‎[P] washing powder (for laundry); {masḥūq ġasīl}
‏هَلَّق وِصِل غَسِيْلِي مِن عَنْدِ الكَوَّا ‎[S] I My laundry just came back
‏بْتَعْرِف لِي حَدَا يْغَسِّل لِي غَسِيْلِي ‎[S] Do you know of someone to do my laundry?
‏الغَسِيْل لَسَّا ما رِجِع مْنِ المَصْبَغَة ‎[S] The wash hasn't come back from the laundry
‏قِلْ لَهْا تِنْشُرِ الغَسِيْل ‎[S] Tell her to hang out the washing
‏بِدَّك غَسِيل مِعْدِة الله لا يْوَفّْقٔك! ‎[L] You need a stomach pump, damn you!

Rate Translation
  Root: غ ط و
Word: غَطَّى، يْغَطِّي
[S] غَطَّى، يْغَطِّي
  to cover, cover up (ه =;
[pronunciation: ġɑṭṭɑ، yºġɑṭṭy]

غَطّي الوَلَد أَحسَن مَا يُبرُد ‎[P] cover the boy up so that he doesn't catch cold; {ġɑṭṭy-l-walad ʔaḥsan ma yubrod}
‏ السِلك مِشِ م–غَطَّى ‎[P] the wire is not covered (i.e. it's exposed); {'is-silk mišᵉ m–ġɑṭṭɑ}
‏هَادَا بيْغَطّي كُلِّ المَصَارِيْف ‎[P] this covers all expenses; {hāda byºġɑṭṭy kullᴵ-l-mɑṣᾱrīf}
‏لَازِم يْغَطّي رَاسُو ‎[P] he should cover his head; {lāzem yºġɑṭṭy rᾱso}
‏ الأَرض كَانَتِ مْغَطَّايِة بِاْلتَّلِج ‎[P] the ground was covered with snow; {'il-ʔɑrḍ kānatᵉ mºġɑṭṭᾱye bi'ºttalᵉj}
‏بيْغَطُّوا الأَخبَارِ بْشَكِل مُرضي ‎[P] they cover the news satisfactorily {byºġɑṭṭu-l-ʔaḵbᾱrᵉ bºšakᵉl murḍy}
‏وِحْيَاْة اَلله، طَفِّ الكَيْل = وَاللهِ هادا بِيْغَطِّي كِلّ شِي ‎[S] that beats everything!
‏ضَبَاب أَسْوَد غَطَّى المَطَار ‎[S] A thick fog blanketed the airfield,
‏التَّلِج غَطَّى كِلّ شي بِالمَنْطِقَة ‎[S] Snow covered everything in the area
‏الطَّاوْلِة كانِتِ مْغَطَّايِة كِلَّهْا غَبْرَة ‎[S] The table was just covered with dust
‏بِيْكَفِّي يْغَطِّي التَّخِت ‎[S] This blanket won't cover the bed
‏غَطَّى بِالسِّجَّاد ‎[S] to carpet
‏كِلِّ الدّْرَاْج عَم يْغَطُّوهُن بِالسِّجَّاد هالجِمْعَة ‎[S] All the stairs are being carpeted this week
‏غَطِّيْنِي ‎[S] Cover me up!

Rate Translation
  Root: غ ف ر
Word: غَفَر، يِغْفُر / يِغْفِر، غِفْرَاْن
  to forgive (ل = s.o.) (said of God)

اَلله بْيِغْفِر لَك = الله بْيِسْمَح عَنَّك ‎[S] God will forgive you

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Word: اْستَغفَر، يِستَغفِر
[S] اْسْتَغْفَر
  to seek forgiveness (ه = from);
(usually said to seek the forgiveness of God. See examples);
[pronunciation: ºstaġfar، yistaġfer]

أَستَغفِرَ الله ‎[P] I seek God's forgiveness (this is a common phrase, and can be said in reaction to hearing something bad, or as a way of showing humility when one is complimented, or to deny an accusation); { ʔastaġferᵅ-l-lᾱh}
‏ أَمرَك! --- أَستَغفِرَ الله ‎[P] at your service! --- I wouldn't think of such a think!; { ʔamrak! --- ʔastaġferᵅ-l-lᾱh}
‏اْستَغفِرَ الله ‎[P] seek forgiveness from God! (said often as a mild form of rebuke, like how could you say that, take that back!); {‘ºstaġferᵅ-l-lᾱh}
‏لا شِكِر على واجِب = العَفْو = أَهْلَا وْسَهْلَا = ما في شي مِن واجْبَك = ما في شي مِحْرِز = أَسْتَغْفِرُ الله ‎[S] not at all, don’t mention it, don’t worry about (in response to a thanks)

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  Root: غ ل ط
Word: غَلطَة، ج غَلطَات
[S] غَلْطَة، ج غَلْطَاْت
  error, mistake, blunder;
[pronunciation: ġɑlṭɑ، ġɑlṭᾱt]

غَلْطِة مِين هالشِّي ‎[S] who’s to blame for that?
‏هَاي كَانَت غَلطَة كْبِيْرِة ‎[P] that was a big mistake; {hāy kānat ġɑlṭɑ kºbīre}
‏بَعمِل غَلطَات ‎[P] I make mistakes; {baʕmel ġɑlṭᾱt}
‏يَا اَلله كِيْفِ عْمِلْت هالغَلْطَة ‎[S] How could I make such a mistake?
‏لازِم يْكُوْن فِي غَلْطَة ‎[S] There must be some mistake
‏بْتِتْعَلَّم مِن غَلْطَاتَك ‎[S] You learn from your mistakes,
‏عْمِلْت شِي غَلْطَة ‎[S] Did I slip up?
‏عْمِلِت غَلْطَة فَظِيعَة ‎[S] made an awful blunder
‏لازِم يْكُوْن فِي شِي غَلْطَة ‎[S] There must be some error
‏عْمِلْتْ شِي غَلْطَة أَنَا = غْلِطْتْ شِي ‎[S] Did I make an error?

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  Root: ف ا ل
Word: فَال
  favorable auspice, good omen; (الفأل، ويشقون منها فعلًا عاميًا اْسْتَفْوَل، أي تَفاءَل، ولكن العامية تعني بها التشاؤم والنظر إلى الأمور بخوف عكس ما هي عليه في الفصحى، فإن التفاؤل للخير
[pronunciation: fāl]

هَادَا فَالِ مْلِيْح ‎[P] that's a good omen; {hāda fālᵉ mºlīḥ}
‏سْمِعتِ البُوْمِة، هَادَا فَال ‎[P] I heard the owl, it's a (bad) omen; {sºmeʕtᴵ-l-būme، hāda fāl}
‏فَال الله وَلَا فَالَك ‎[P] may things turn out as God decrees and not as you foresee them; {fāl 'ɑllᾱᴴ wala fālak}

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  Root: ف ت ح
Word: فَتَح، يِفتَح
[L] فَتَح، يِفْتَح
[S] فَتَح، يِفْتَح، فَتِح (فَتْح)
  to open up, make accessible (ه =, على = to s.o.) (typically said of God)

اَلله فاتِح عَلِيِّ اليَوْم ‎[S] I'm in good form today
‏كان اَلله مُو فاتِح عَلَيْه يَوْمِتْهَا، مِنْ هَيْكِ اْنْغَلَب ‎[S] He was in bad form that day, That’s why he lost the game,

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  Root: ف ت ل
Word: تْفَتَّل
  to go about, get around

قَام على رِجْلَيْه الحَمْدِ الله وْرِجِع يِتْفَتَّل ‎[S] He's up and around again

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  Root: ف ر ج
Word: فَرَج، يِفرِج
  to dispel, drive away (ه =, عن / على = from);
[pronunciation: faraj، yifrej]

الله يِفرِجهَا عَنكُم / عَلَيْكُم ‎[P] May God grant dispel (it / trouble) from you; {'ɑllɑ yifrejha ʕankom / ʕalēkom}

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Word: فَرَج، يِفرِج
  to relieve, grant respite to (ه = s.o.);
[pronunciation: faraj، yifrej]

الله فَرَجَك ‎[P] Bless you! Gesundheit!; {'ɑllɑ farajak}

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  Root: ف ر ج ي
Word: فَرْجَى، يْفَرْجِي
[S] فَرْجَى، يْفَرْجِي
  to show (ه = s.o., ه =, or ه = s.o., على / ه =, or ه =, ل = to s.o.);
Note Lebanese conjugation:
huwwe farja, yfarji
hiyyi farjit, tfarji
hinni farju, yfarju
inta farjayt, tfarji, imperative: farji
inti farjayti, tfarji, imperative: farji
intu farjaytu, tfarju, imperative: farju
ana farjayt, farji
niHna farjayna, nfarji
(أرى، وعَرَض للمشاهدة);
[pronunciation: farja، yºfarjy]

مِيْزَانِ الحَرَارَة عَم يْفَرْجِي خَمْسَا وِتْلَاتِيْن دَرَجِة ‎[S] The thermometer reads thirty-five degrees
‏تْفَضَّلِي اْفَرْجِيكي عَ البَيْت ‎[L] come in and I'll show you the house
‏بْفَرْجِيك ‎[V] I'll show you! (said in a threatening manner, like I'll get even with you, or I'll prove you wrong);
‏فَرجَى الِكْتَاب لَئِمُّو ‎[P] he showed the book to his mother; {farja-l-ᵉkºtāb laʔimmo}
‏فَرجَاه لَئِمُّو ‎[P] he showed it to his mother; {farjāᴴ laʔimmo}
‏فَرجَاهَا الِكْتَاب ‎[P] he showed her the book; {farjāha-l-ᵉkºtāb}
‏فَرجَاهَا اْيَّاه ‎[P] he showed her it; {farjāha 'ºyyāᴴ}
‏فَرجَيْتُو صُوَر ‎[P] I showed him pictures; {farjēto ṣuwɑr}
‏فَرجَتني فُستَانهَا ‎[P] she showed me her dress; {farjatny fustānha}
‏فَرجِيْني كِيْفِ بْتِعمَل ‎[P] show me how you do (it); {farjīny kīfᵉ bºteʕmal}
‏بِدّي أَفرَجِيْكِ إِشي حِلوْ ‎[P] I want to show you something nice; {biddy ʔafrajīki ʔišy ḥilwº}
‏أَنَ بَفَرجِيْك ‎[P] I'll show you; {ʔana bafarjīk}
‏الله لَا يْفَرجِيْك / لَا يْفَرجِيْنَا ‎[P] May God not show it to you / us (common phrase meaning God protect us from it); {'ɑllɑ la yºfarjīk / la yºfarjīna}
‏الله لَا يْفَرجِيْهَا لَحَدّ ‎[P] May God not show it to anyone (common phrase meaning God protect us from it. the ها can be the generic feminine and doesn't have to refer to something specific); {'ɑllɑ la yºfarjīha laḥadd}

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  Root: ف ض ل
Word: فَضِل، ج أفْضَال
[S] فَضِل (فَضْل)، ج أَفْضَاْل
  grace, goodness, favor, benefit;
[pronunciation: fɑḍᵉl]

مِن فَضلَك / فَضلِك ‎[V] please! (literally: from your favor); {min fɑḍlak / fɑḍlek}
‏بِفَضِل ‎[P] thanks to… (by the grace of); {bifɑḍᵉl}
‏كُلّ هَادَا بْفَضلِ السَيِّد فَرِيْد ‎[P] all this is thanks to Mr. Farid; {kull hāda bºfɑḍlᴵ-s-sayyed farīd}
‏تْفَضَّل --- الله يْزِيْد فَضلَك ‎[P] please, go ahead --- God increase your favor (common form of invitation and response); {tºfɑḍḍɑl --- 'ɑllɑᴴ yºzīd fɑḍlak}
‏إِجا دَرْوِيش الخَيْر مِتِل أَفضَالكُن ‎[L] a kind wanderer came, like your honored selves;
‏فَضْلًا عَن ‎[S] not to mention
‏زْيَارِتْنَا كَلَّفِتْنَا مَصَارِي كْتِير فَضْلًا عَنِ الإِزْعَاج هَللي سَبَّبِتِ لْنَا يَاه ‎[S] Their visit cost us a lot of money, not to mention the inconvenience it caused us
‏بْتَاخُد وَقْتِ كْتِير هَايّْ فَضْلًا عَنِ المَصْرُوْف ‎[S] It takes a lot of time, to say nothing of the expense
‏فَضْلَك سَابِق ‎[L] your good deed came first, (so you are the one who should be thanked) (a modest reply to an expression of thanks. Also used if someone tries to pay a shop owner for something and the owner refuses, like saying kindly "it's on the house");

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  Root: ق ت ل
Word: قَتلِة
[S] قَتْلِة، ج قَتْلَاْت
  (a) beating, (a) thrashing, spanking;
[pronunciation: qatle
[S] ق = ء]

أَكَل قَتلِة ‎[P] he took a beating (literally: he ate a beating); { ʔakal qatle}
‏ أَبُوْك بيْطَعمِيْك قَتلِة ‎[P] your dad will give you such a beating (literally: feed you a beating); { ʔabūk byºṭɑʕmīk qatle}
‏ضَرَبَو قَتْلِة = طَعْمَاه قَتْلِة ‎[S] to beat up (ه = s.o.)
‏طَعْمُوه قَتْلِة ‎[S] They beat him up
‏طَعْمَى قَتْلِة ‎[S] to give a beating to (also in the context of kids, to give a spanking to)
‏أَكَل قَتْلِة ‎[S] to be given a beating
‏حَتَاكْلِي قَتْلِة ‎[L] You'll get a beating! (said by parents to a child)
‏جايِ على بَالِي إِضِرْبَو بْسَبَبَهْا = جايِ على بَالِي اْطَعْمِيه قَتْلِة بْسَبَبَهْا ‎[S] I have a good mind to spank him for it.
‏يا اَلله أَكَل قَتْلِة مِحْتَرَمِة ‎[S] Did he ever get a thrashing

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  Root: ق د ر
Word: قَدَّر، يْقَدِّر
  to decree, ordain (ه =;
[pronunciation: qaddar، yºqadder
[S] ق = ء]

اللي رَبّْنَا قَدَّر لُو الفَقِر ‎[P] the one whom God has decreed poverty for him (i.e. destined to live in poverty); {'il-ly rɑbbºna qaddar lo-l-fɑqᵉr}
‏ الإِنسَان بيْدَبِّر وْالله بيْقَدِّر ‎[P] proverb: the person plans, and God decrees (like the English proverb: Man proposes, God disposes); {'il-ʔinsān byºdabber wº'ɑllɑ byºqadder}
‏اَلله لا يْقَدِّر ‎[S] God forbid

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  Root: ق ر و ش
Word: قَرْوَشِة
  racket, noise, rumpus
[pronunciation: [S] ق = ء]

مِنْشَان اَلله بَقَى حاجْتَك قَرْوَشِة ‎[S] For heaven's sake, stop that noise
‏طَالْعَو لَبَرَّا إِذَا سَاوَى قَرْوَشِة ‎[S] Put him out if he makes too much noise
‏الِوْلَاد عَم يِعِمْلُوا قَرْوَشِة فَظِيعَة ‎[S] The children are making an awful racket

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  Root: ق ط ع
Word: قَطَع، يِقطَع
[L] قَطَع، يُقْطَع
[S] قَطَع، يَقْطَع، قَطِع (قَطْع)
  to stop, cut off, interrupt, disconnect (ه =;
[pronunciation: qɑṭɑʕ، yiqṭɑʕ]

قَطَع الخَيْط ‎[P] he disconnected the wire / line; {qɑṭɑʕ-l-ḵēṭ}
‏ المَيّ مَقطُوْعَة ‎[P] the water has been cut off; {'il-mɑyy mɑqṭūʕɑ}
‏وْبَعدَيْن، قَطَعتُوا ‎[P] and then, did you break it off (i.e. stop seeing each other)?; {wºbaʕdēn، qɑṭɑʕtu}
‏وَلَا سِنِة مَا قَطَعتِ المَسرَح ‎[P] there hasn't been a year that I have stopped going on stage; {wala sine ma qɑṭɑʕtᴵ-l-masraḥ}
‏بيْقطَعُوْ الحَكي ‎[P] they cut the talk (often said to mean, they stopped talking and reached an agreement. For instance, used to refer to two sets of in-laws working out wedding details) {byºqṭɑʕū-l-ḥaky}
‏قَطَع عَلَى حالَو خَطِّ الرَّجْعَة ‎[S] he burnt his bridges behind
‏شِرْكِةِ الكَهْرَبَا قَطْعِتِ الكَهْرَبَا عَلَيْنَا ‎[S] The Electric Company shut off our lights
‏اْقْطَعَو (قْطاعَو) بْآخْرَو ‎[S] Cut it off at the end.
‏إِذَا ما بْتِدْفَع فَاتُوْرْتَك مْنِنْجِبِر نِقْطَع خَطَّك ‎[S] If you don't pay your bill we'll have to disconnect your line
‏يا الله على هالقُصَّة يللي ما رح تُقْطَع ‎[L] Lord! This problem just won't end! (intransitive usage)

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  Root: ق ع د
Word: قَعَّد، يْقَعِّد
  to seat, sit (ه = s.o.) down;
[pronunciation: qaʕʕad، yºqaʕʕed
[S] ق = ء]

قَعَّدِ الوَلَد جَمبُو / جَنبُو ‎[P] he seated the child beside him (note that جنْب is said جَمْب because of the combination of نْب); {qaʕʕadᴵ-l-walad jambo / janbo}
‏قَعِّدْ الِوْلَاد بِالصَّفِّ الأَوَّلَاْنِي ‎[S] Seat the children in the front row
‏كَم زَلَـمِة فِيكِ تْقَعِّد بْأُوْضْةْ الِقْعُوْد تَبَعَك ‎[S] How many people can you seat in your living room?
‏لَيش الله قَعَّدَك حَدِّي ‎[L] Why did God sit you down next to me? (said in annoyance)

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  Root: ق ل ز
Word: قَلَز
  to move, remove, displace (ه =; (أزاح وأزال وزحزح. انقلز فلان، استخفافا، مات، ويقولون الله قَلَزه، اي أماته);

الله قَلَزه ‎[L] God got rid of him, i.e. killed him (said scornfully);

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  Root: ق م ر
Word: قَمُّوْرَة
  sweetheart, sweetie pie, honeybunch, cutie;
(affectionate way of referring to a little girl, literally: little moon or moonlet);
[pronunciation: qammūrɑ]

شُو هَا القَمُّوْرَة، مَا شَاء الله ‎[P] what a little sweetie, what God has willed; {šu ha-l-qammūrɑ، ma šāʔÅ 'ɑllᾱh}
‏وِاْنتي شُو اِسمِك يَا قَمُّوْرَة ‎[P] and you, cutie, what's your name; {wi'ºnty šu 'ismek ya qammūrɑ}

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  Root: ق و م
Word: قَام، يْقُوْم
[S] قَاْم، يْقُوْم، قْيَاْم
  to get up, stand up;
مُوْر شيخنا وقُوم لينا [L] ??? (ما بعرف كيف ترجم هالجملة، انيس فريحة بس بيقول "سمعت احدهم يقول مُور شيخنا وقُوم لينا"، وبيذكر تعبير سرياني ــــــــ، ولكنه ما بيشرح المعنى. شكله تعبير أو مثل)
[pronunciation: qām، yºqūm
[S] ق = ء]

يَلَّا قُوْم قَوَام ‎[P] come on, get up at once; {yɑllɑ qūm qawᾱm}
‏مَا تْقُوْمِيْش / بَلَاشِ تْقُوْمي ‎[P] don't get up!; {ma tºqūmīš / balāšᵉ tºqūmy}
‏بِتْقُوم مِتْعارِكِة مَع زَوْجَهْا ‎[L] she gets up (after) fighting with her husband (note that the participle is the perfective here, so the fighting has happened);
‏بِتْقُوم تِتْرُك البَيت فِي وِسْطِ اللَيْل ‎[L] she gets up and leaves the house in the middle of the night;
‏قَام على رِجْلَيْه الحَمْدِ الله وْرِجِع يِتْفَتَّل ‎[S] He's up and around again
‏كِلُّهْن قَامُوا مِن كَرَاسِيْهُن ‎[S] All rose from their seats
‏كِلُّهْن قامُوا سَوَى ‎[S] They all arose at the same time

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  Root: ق و ي
Word: قَوَّى، يْقَوّي
  to strengthen (ه =;
[pronunciation: qawwa، yºqawwy
[L] ق = ء
[S] ق = ء]

اَلله يْقَوِّيكُن ‎[L] may God give you strength (also used as a form of well wishing on occasions of accidents, etc.);
‏عَم يْحَاوِل يْقَوِّي نُفُوذَو حَتَّى يِرْبَح بِالاِنْتِخابَات ‎[S] He is trying to consolidate his power so that he can win the election,
‏قَوَّى حالَو ‎[S] to fortify oneself
‏أَوَّل شِي لازِم اْقَوِّي حَالِي ‎[S] I have to fortify myself first
‏هَادَا بيْقَوّي الجِسِم ‎[P] this strengthens the body; {hāda byºqawwy-l-jisᵉm}
‏عَشَانَ اْقَوّي قَلبُو ‎[P] in order to encourage him / give him heart (literally: to strengthen his heart); {ʕašānᵃ 'ºqawwy qalbo}
‏بَقَوّي قَلبي ‎[P] I take heart, summon up the courage; {baqawwy qalby}
‏الله يْقَوِّيْكُم ‎[P] may God give you strength!; {'ɑllɑ yºqawwīkom}

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  Root: ك ب ب
Word: كُبَّايِة، ج كُبَّايَات
[L] كِبَّايِة / كُبَّايِة، ج كِبَّايَات / كُبَّايَات
[S] كِبَّاْيِة، ج كِبَّاْيَاْت
  glass, cup;
(كأسٌ زجاجي يشرب به);
[pronunciation: kubbāye، kubbāyāt]

كُبَّايِة نْضِيْفِة ‎[P] a clean glass; {kubbāye nºḍīfe}
‏هَات كُبَّايِة مَيّ، الله يِرضَى عَلَيْك ‎[P] bring me a glass of water, please; {hāt kubbāye mɑyy، 'ɑllɑ yirḍɑ ʕalēk}
‏كِبَّايِة شاي ‎[L] a cup of tea;

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  Root: ك ب ح
Word: كَبَح
  see example;

يِكْبَح طَيْرَك ‎[L] (may God) make your face ugly (في قولهم يكبَح طَيْرَك، ويعنون بها قَبَّح الله وجهك);

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  Root: ك ب ر
Word: كِبرِيَاء
[S] كِبْرِيَاْء
[pronunciation: kibriyāʔÅ]

هَادَا بيْجرَح كِبرِيَائِي ‎[P] it hurts my pride; {hāda byºjrɑḥ kibriyāʔi}
‏مِن كِبرِيَاءهَا مَا رِضيَتش تَوْخُد مَصَاري ‎[P] from her pride she didn't want to take money; {min kibriyāʔÅha ma riḍyatš tōḵod mɑṣᾱry}
‏كِبرِيَاؤُو خَرَّب بَيْتُو ‎[P] his pride destroyed his family; {kibriyāʔ¨o ḵɑrrɑb bēto}
‏الله قَاصَصُو عَلَى كِبرِيَاؤُو ‎[P] God punished him for his pride; {'ɑllɑ qᾱṣɑṣo ʕala kibriyāʔ¨o}
‏كِبْرِيَاؤَو لِسَّا بْتِخِرْبَو = شَوْفِة حالَو لِسَّا بْتِخِرْبَو ‎[S] His pride will be his undoing some day

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Word: كَبَر
  old age;
[pronunciation: kɑbɑr]

عَلَى كَبَر ‎[P] with age; {ʕala kɑbɑr}
‏عَلَى كَبَر شَار يِفهَم ‎[P] with age, he began to understand; {ʕala kɑbɑr šᾱr yifham}
‏كانِت أَوَّل تَجْرِبة لَإلِي، حَمْدِ الله وبَعْد عَ كَبَر كَانِت أَوَّل تَجْرِبِة، ‎[L] It was my first time. Thank God I was old enough.

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Word: أَكبَر، المؤنث: كُبرَى
[S] أَكْبَر، ج أَكَاْبِر
  greater, greatest;
[pronunciation: ʔakbɑr، kubrɑ]

اللهُ أَكبَر ‎[P] God is greatest; {'ɑllᾱhu ʔakbɑr}
‏ الدُوَلِ الكُبرَى ‎[P] the great states, the major states; {'id-duwalᴵ-l-kubrɑ}
‏ إِسرَائِيلِ الكُبرَى ‎[P] Greater Israel; { ʔisrᾱʔīlᴵ-l-kubrɑ}

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Word: مُكَبِّر
  exclaiming اللهُ أكْبَر (God is the greatest);
[pronunciation: mukabber]

جَبَلِ المُكَبِّر ‎[P] Jabal il-Mukabber (a neighborhood in southern Jerusalem, so called because it is elevated, and Omar ibn al-Khattab supposedly stood on the site and looked down at Jerusalem, saying الله أكبر in wonder); {jabalᴵ-l-mukabber}

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  Root: ك ت ب
Word: كَتَب، يِكتِب / يُكتُب
[L] كَتَب، يِكْتُب
[S] كَتَب، يِكْتُب، كْتَابِة / كْتِيْبِة
  to decree, destine (ه =, ل = for s.o.);
[pronunciation: katab، yikteb / yuktob]

اِلّي الله كَتَب لُو السَعَادِة فَهُوْ سَعِيْد ‎[P] he whom God has destined to be happy, is happy; {'illy 'ɑllɑ katab lo-s-saʕāde fahū saʕīd}

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Word: كْتَاب، ج كُتُب / كُتُب
[L] كْتَاب، ج كِتُب
[S] كْتَاْب، ج كِتِب (كِتْب)
[pronunciation: kºtāb، kutob / kutᵒb]

هَادَا مُشِ كْتَابَك ‎[P] that's not your book; {hāda mušᵉ kºtābak}
‏حُطّي كُتبِك في الشَنتَة ‎[P] put your books in your schoolbag; {ḥoṭṭy kutbek fy-š-šanta}
‏كِتَاب الله ‎[P] God's book (referring to the Qur'an); {kitāb 'ɑllᾱh}
‏ الكِتَابِ المُقَدَّس ‎[P] the Holy Book (meaning the Bible, Old and New Testaments); {’il-kitābᴵ-l-muʠaddas}
‏كَتَبِ كْتَاب ‎[S] to marry, get married (to write one’s marriage contract)
‏كْتَابِ مْصَوَّر ‎[S] picture book
‏قَرَيْت هالِكْتَاب مِن أَوَّلَو لَآخْرَو ‎[S] read this book from cover to cover
‏عَجَبَك الِكْتَاب ‎[S] Did you like the book?
‏هايّ قِصَّة بْتِنْزِل بِالكِتِب = هايّ قِصَّة ما بِنْتَسَى ‎[S] That's one for the books
‏سَنَّادِة كِتِب ‎[S] book end
‏رَفّ كِتِب ‎[S] bookshelf, (open) bookcase
‏خْزَانِة كِتِب ‎[S] bookcase
‏حاطِط رَاسَو بِالكِتِب ‎[S] bookworm, someone always reading
‏حاطِط راسَو دايْمًا بِالِكْتَاب ‎[S] he’s a regular bookworm
‏بْحَيَاتِي ما شِفِت حَدَا مِتْلَهْا حاطِط راسِو بالكِتِب ‎[S] I’ve never seen a bookworm like her in all my life.
‏كْتَاْب قِرَاءَة ‎[S] reader
‏عَنْدَك كْتَابِ القِرَاءَة الإِسْبَانِي تَبَعِي ‎[S] Do you have my Spanish reader?
‏كْتِاب دِرَاسِي، ج كِتِب دِرَاسِيِّة ‎[S] textbook

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  Root: ك ث ر
Word: كَتَّر، يْكَتِّر
  to increase, make more (ه =;
[pronunciation: kattɑr، yºkatter]

حُطِّ شْوَيّ، مَا تْكَتِّرِش ‎[P] put in a bit, but don't add too much; {ḥoṭṭᵉ šºwayy، ma tºkatterᵉš}
‏بيْكَتِّر كَلَام ‎[P] he talks a lot; {byºkatter kalām}
‏رَحِ نْكُوْن تَمَن أَشخَاص، إِن كَتَّرَت تِسعَة ‎[P] we'll be eight people, nine at most; {rɑḥᵉ nºkūn taman ʔɑšḵᾱṣ، ʔin kattarat tisʕa}
‏الله يْكَتِّر مِن أَمتَالَك ‎[P] I wish God made more people like you!; {'ɑllɑ yºkatter min ʔamtālak}
‏كَتَّر خَيْرَك / الله يْكَتِّر خَيْرَك ‎[P] may God increase your bounty (phrase said when thanking someone for their help, etc.); {kattɑr ḵērak / 'ɑllɑ yºkatter ḵērak}
‏كَتَّرَهْا ‎[S] to lay it on thick (note generic feminine)

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Word: كَتَّر، يْكَتِّر
  to make abundant (ه =;

كَتِّر خَيْر اَلله ‎[V] may the bounty of God be abundant, often used as “thank God”;
‏كَتِّر خَيْر اَلله طُلْعتِ بَسِيطَة ‎[V] thank God it turned out to be simple/easy;
‏كَتَّر خَيْر اَلله ماشي الحال ‎[L] thank God I'm, fine;

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  Root: ك ر م
Word: كَرِيْم، ج كُرَمَا، المؤنث: كَرِيْمِة
[pronunciation: karīm، kurama، karīme]

هُوِّ مِنِ النَاسِ الكُرَمَا، إِيْدُو مَفتُوْحَة ‎[P] he's a generous person, he's open handed; {huwwe minᴵ-n-nāsᴵ-l-kurama، ʔīdo maftūḥa}
‏الله كَرِيْم ‎[P] God is generous (often said to mean: we'll trust in God and hope for the best); {'ɑllɑ karīm}
‏هِيِّة مْضِيْفِة كَرِيْمِة كْتِير ‎[S] She's a very gracious hostess

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  Root: ك ر ه
Word: كِرِه، يِكرَه
[L] كِرِه، يِكْرَه
[S] كِرِه، ج يِكْرَه، كِرْه
  to hate, loathe, dislike (ه = s.o.);
[pronunciation: kireh، yikrah]

يَا اَلله! شُو بِكْرَهِ الفَيْقَة على بِكْرَا ‎[S] God! How I hate getting up in the morning
‏هِيِّ بْتِكرَهُو ‎[P] she hates him; {hiyye bºtikraho}
‏هَيْك بيْخَلّي النَاس تِكرَهُو ‎[P] in this way he makes people hate him; {hēk byºḵally-n-nās tikrɑho}
‏كُلّ إِنسَان بيْكرَهِ العُنف ‎[P] everyone hates violence; {kull ʔinsān byºkrahᴵ-l-ʕunf}
‏بِكْرَه هالزَّلَـمِة ‎[S] dislike that fellow,
‏بِكْرَهِ الحَيَايَا ‎[S] I loathe snakes
‏أنا بِكْرَه أَتْجَوَّز ‎[L] I hate (the idea of) getting married., I would hate to get married.

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  Root: ك س و
Word: كِسِْوِة
[S] كِسْوِة، ج كِسْوَاْت
  clothes, outfit;

نُصّ كِسْوِة ‎[S] boxers, underwear;
‏الله يِفَرِّق البَرِد على قَدِّ الكِسْوِة ‎[L] God separates the cold (from us) as much as we have clothes (i.e. it's only cold when you don't wear enough clothes);
‏مَرْتِي اْشْتَرِت لِلِوْلَاد كِسْوِة جْدِيدِة لِلرَّبِيْع ‎[S] My wife bought the children new spring outfits

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  Root: ك ف ا
Word: كَافَى، يْكَافي
[S] كَاْفَى
[CA] كَافَأ، يْكَافِئ
  to reward, recompense (ه = s.o., ل = for)
[pronunciation: kāfa / [CA] kāfaʔ¡، yºkāfy / [CA] yºkāfeʔÁ]

الشِّرْكِة كَافْتَو لَإِخْلَاصَو بِالعَمَل ‎[S] The company rewarded him for his faithful services
‏الله يْكَافِيْك ‎[P] May God reward you; {'ɑllɑ yºkāfīk}
‏الله بيْكَافِيْك ‎[P] God will reward you; {'ɑllɑ byºkāfīk}
‏ أَنَا بَكَافأَك ‎[P] I'll reward you; { ʔana bakāfʔ¡ak}
‏بيْكَافؤُوا الطُلَّاب ‎[P] they reward the students; {byºkāfʔu-ṭ-ṭullᾱb}

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  Root: ك ف ر
Word: كَفَر، يُكفُر / [CA] يَكفُر
  to be an unbeliever, be an infidel;
[pronunciation: kɑfɑr، yukfor / [CA] yakfor]

بُكفُر بِوُجُوْد الله ‎[P] he denies the existence of God; {bukfor biwujūd 'ɑllɑ}

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  Root: ك ف ي
Word: كَفَى، يِكفي
[S] كَفَى، يِكْفِي، كْفَاْيِة
  to protect, spare, keep from harm (ه = s.o., ه = from;
[pronunciation: kafa، yikfy]

الله كَفَانَا شَرُّو ‎[P] God protected us (from) his evil; {'ɑllɑ kafāna šɑrro}
‏الله يِكفِيْك شَرّهَا ‎[P] May God protect you from its evil; {'ɑllɑ yikfīk šɑrrha}

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  Root: ك و ن
Word: كان، يْكُون
[S] كَاْن، يْكُوْن، كَوْن
  يكون : would have, hopefully / hopefully not, may;
(this usage is often without ب and shows more of a “potential” mood / tense. In this case يكون is often proceeded by a modifier like مُمكن, but not always. It is a matter of some debate whether there is an understood but unsaid modifier in the cases where يكون is alone.);
[pronunciation: kān، yºkūn]

مَا يْكُوْن صَابو إِشي ‎[P] hopefully nothing has happened to him; {ma yºkūn ṣᾱbo ʔišy}
‏خَايِف يْكُوْن قَتَلُوْه ‎[P] I'm afraid they might have killed him; {ḵāyef yºkūn qatalūᴴ}
‏لَا يْكُوْن أَكَل إِشي مَسمُوْم ‎[P] hopefully he hasn't eaten anything poisoned / poisonous; {la yºkūn ʔakal ʔišy masmūm}
‏مِش مُمكِن يْكُوْن غَيَّر فِكرُو ‎[P] he can't have changed his mind; {miš mumken yºkūn ġayyɑr fikro}
‏نِتأمَّل يْكُوْن أَبُوْك سَامِعنَا ‎[P] let's hope your father will have heard us; {nitʔammal yºkūn ʔabūk sāmeʕna}
‏إِن شا الله تُنْبُسْطُوا وْتْكُون صَيْفِيِّة مْنِيْحَة ‎[L] God will you will enjoy yourselves and the summer will be nice;

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Word: كائِن، ج كائِنَاْت
  being, creature

اَلله، خَلَّاق كِلِّ الكائِنَات ‎[S] God, the Creator of all beings.

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  Root: ل
Word: لَـ / لِـ / لـ / اِلّـ / اْلّـ
  belonging to, for, having; preposition showing that something or someone is somehow connected to something else or owns something. It can also show relationships between people;
note that in Levantine Arabic, prepositions are often suffixed onto question words, rather than the preposition being used later the question sentence as it would be in English;
(note that GT’s Syrian Arabic dictionary lists عند and مع as being equivalent for something things, but then lists عند and ل as being equivalent for others)
[pronunciation: la_ / [CA] li_ / l_ / 'ill_ / 'ºll_]

لَمِيْنِ السَيَّارَة هَاي ‎[P] whose car is this?; {lamīnᴵ-s-sayyᾱrɑ hāy}
‏هَاي لَأَخُوْي وْهَادَا إِلي ‎[P] that's my brother's and that's mine; {hāy laʔ¡aḵūy wºhāda ʔily}
‏لَـمِين ‎[V] either 1. for whom? or 2. to whom;
‏لَشُو ‎[V] why? for what reason;
‏لَشُو دَرَستُو يا حَبِيبِي ‎[V] why did you study it my friend?
‏إِلِي الله ‎[L] I have God (e.g. I have God on my side, I'm not alone);
‏الشَقَّة في إلْها طْلَالة = الشقّة معها طلالة ‎[S] the apartment has a (nice) view (note the form في إلها . commonly used but seemingly redundant);
‏هُوِّ صَاحِب قَدِيم إِلِي ‎[S] He's an old friend of mine
‏هُوِّ رْفِيق قَدِيم إِلِي ‎[S] He's an old friend of mine
‏البَيْت في إلْها جْنَيْنِة ‎[S] the house has a garden;
‏هالقِصَّة ما لَهْا أَسَاس ‎[S] There's nothing to that story

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  Root: ل ا
Word: لَأ / لَاَّ / لَا / لَا / لَه
  لا + اسم مفرد بدون ال : no, none, not at all (general / absolute / categorical negation);
(this is mainly used in fixed phrases from CA, and hence often carries the CA voweling (which is to say, the negated noun ends in a فَتْحَة , even though it is indefinite);
[pronunciation: laʔ¡ / la''a / lā / la / lah]

لَا إِلَـٰهَ إِلَّا الله ‎[P] there is no god but God (part of the Muslim testimony of faith); {la ʔilā¨ha ʔillɑ-l-lᾱh}
‏لَا بُدّ ‎[P] there must be, it is necessary (literally: there is no escape); {la budd}
‏لَا بُدّ مَا ‎[P] has to be, must (followed by a verb); {la budd ma}
‏لَا بُدّ فِيْه سَبَب ‎[P] there must be a reason; {la budd fīᴴ sabab}
‏ئِذَا لَازِم وَلَا بُدّ ‎[P] it it's necessary and there's no way out; {ʔi∂a lāzem wala budd}
‏سُؤَال لَا بُدّ مِنُّو ‎[P] an unavoidable question; {suʔ¨āl la budd minno}
‏ الإِنسَان لَ بُدّ مَا يْمُوْت يَومًا مَا ‎[P] everyone has to die someday; {'il-ʔinsān la budd ma yºmūt yawman˜ ma}
‏لَا بُدّ مَا يْؤَثِّر ‎[P] it has to have an effect; {la budd ma yºʔ¨aθθer}
‏مَا … وْلَا ‎[S] no whatsoever
‏ما عِمِل وْلَا غَلْطَة ‎[S] He didn't make a single mistake,
‏ما عَنْدِي وْلَا شَكّ = ما عَنْدِي شَكّ أَبَدًا ‎[S] I have no doubt whatsoever,
‏ما قَالِت لِي وْلَا سَبَب = ما قَالِت لِي سَبَب أَبَدًا ‎[S] She gave me no reason whatsoever

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  Root: ل ز م
Word: لَازِم
  must, needs, got to (modal of necessity)
(this will often take the subject as a suffix, as in لازِمْنِي or لازْمَك , it I need, you need, etc.);
(note that لازم alone is used for present and future. To make it past, كان لازم is used. However, for the past, verbs can often replace it, such as اْنْجَبَر and اضطَرّ .)
(Feghali calls it a pseudo verb and says it means “to need, to be a must”;
note conjugation (lebanese);
[pronunciation: lāzem]

لَازِمني / لَازِم لي ‎[P] it is necessary for me (e.g. to go, to do, etc.); {lāzemny / lāzemly}
‏لَازِم أَرُوْح ‎[P] I must go; {lāzem ʔarūḥ}
‏مُش لَازِمِ تْرُوْحي ‎[P] you don't have to go; {muš lāzemᵉ tºrūḥy}
‏لَازِم مَا تْرُوْحي ‎[P] you must not go!; {lāzem ma tºrūḥy}
‏مَا كُنتِش لَازِمِ تْرُوْح مَعُو = مَا كَان لَازِمِ تْرُوْح مَعُو ‎[P] you should not have gone with him; {ma kuntᵉš lāzemᵉ tºrūḥ maʕo = ma kān lāzemᵉ tºrūḥ maʕo}
‏لازِم لَهْا مِسْتَشْفَى ‎[V] she needs (to go to) a hospital;
‏انِتَ لازِم تاكُل ‎[L] you must eat;
‏اِنْتِ كان لازِم تْرُوحِي مْبارِح ‎[L] you should have gone yesterday;
‏لَازِم اْرُوْح ‎[S] I've got to go
‏لازِم أَعْرِف لَإِنِّي شِفْتَهْا بْعَيْنِي ‎[S] I should know I because I saw it with my own eyes.
‏ما كان لَازِم تْصَدِّقَهْا ‎[S] You shouldn't have believed it
‏ما لَازِم يِهْتَمّْ، مَعَو مَصَارِي اَلله ‎[S] He shouldn't worry, he's got all the money in the world
‏بِعْتِقِد لازِمِ تْشُوفِ الفِلِم ‎[S] I think you should see the film
‏لازِم ما تَعْمِل هَالشِّي ‎[S] You shouldn't do that.
‏كان لَازِم ما تْقُول هالشِّي ‎[S] You shouldn't have said that.
‏لازِم اْشُوفَهْا بْذَاتِي ‎[S] I've need to see it myself
‏لازِم اْقِيْمِ الزّْيَادِة ‎[S] I'll have to have my appendix out
‏لازِم اْرُوْح بَكِّيْر ‎[S] I have to leave early
‏لازِمِ نْسَاوِي حَفْلِة لَهَالجَّمَاعَة ‎[S] We'll have to throw a party for these people
‏لَازْمَك صَبَّاطِ جْدِيد ‎[S] You have to have new shoes
‏لازِم يْكُونِ ضْعِيف ‎[S] He must be sick
‏لازِم ما اِتْأَخَّر ‎[S] I mustn't be late
‏لازِم ما تِنْسَى هالشِّي أَبَدًا ‎[S] You must never forget that

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  Root: ل ط ف
Word: لَطَف، يُلطُف
  to show kindness, be kind;
[pronunciation: lɑṭɑf، yulṭof]

الله لَطَف وْمَا اْنقَتَلت ‎[P] God was good to me, and I wasn't killed / didn't die; {'ɑllɑ lɑṭɑf wºma 'ºnqatalt}

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  Root: ل ع ن
Word: لَعَن، يِلعَن
[S] لَعَن، يِلْعَن، لَعِن (لَعْن)
  to curse, damn (ه / على = s.o. /;
(note that a more “euphemistic” form of this is نعل);
[pronunciation: laʕan، yilʕan]

يِلعَن أَبُوْه ‎[P] may God curse his father! {yilʕan ʔabūᴴ}
‏الله يِلْعَن اِللي سَماكِ هالاِسِم ‎[L] God damn whoever gave you that name;
‏يِلْعَن اَلله ‎[S] God Damn (it)!
‏يِلْعَن دِيْنَك ‎[V] damn your religion (a strong curse);
‏يِلْعَن دِيبَك ‎[S] euphemism for يلعن دينَك ;
‏الله يِلْعَن اِللي سَماكِ هالاِسِم ‎[L] God damn whoever gave you that name;
‏بْيِلْعَن على طُوْل ‎[S] He curses constantly
‏الله يِلْعَن هالبِسْمَار، شَرَط لِي جَاكَيْتِي تانِي مَرَّة ‎[S] Damn that nail, tore my coat again!
‏يِلْعَن أَبُوْهَا ‎[S] Damn it (literally: Damn its father! The ها is generic)

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  Root: م ا ل ل ا
Word: مالَّا
  see example;

الله مالَّا قِلِّي رَبِّي عِدّ لَلْعَشَرَة واحد تنين تلاتة اربعة خمسة ستة سبعة تمانية تسعة عشرة ‎[S, Christian only?] counting rhyme used by children, like einee meinee meinee moo in English

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  Root: م ث ل
Word: مَتَل، ج أَمتَال
[S] مَتَل، ج أَمْتَاْل
[CA] مَثَل
[pronunciation: matal / [CA] maθal، ʔamtāl]

الله يْكَتِّر مِن أَمتَالَك ‎[P] may God make more (people) like you (I wish there were more people like you!); {'ɑllɑ yºkatter min ʔamtālak}
‏مَتَلًا / مَثَلًا ‎[P] for example; {matalan˜ / maθalan˜}
‏خُد مَتَلًا أَسعَارِ الفَوَاكِه ‎[P] take the price of fruit, for example; {ḵod matalan˜ ʔasʕᾱrᴵ-l-fawākeh}
‏ أَو وَاحَد زَيُّو مَتَلًا ‎[P] or one like that, for example; { ʔaw wāḥad zayyo matalan˜}

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  Root: م س و
Word: مَسَّى، يْمَسّي
[S] مَسَّى
  to cause (ه = s.o.) to spend the evening (said of God);
[pronunciation: massa، yºmassy]

مَسِّيْك بِالخَيْر ‎[S] Good morning,
‏اَلله يْمَسِّيْك بِالخَيْرَات ‎[S] Good morning (response to صباحك بالخير)
‏الله يْمَسِّيْكُم بِالخَيْر ‎[P] may God give you good evening! (a common greeting in the evening time); {'ɑllɑ yºmassīkom bi-l-ḵēr}

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  Root: م ق ط ع
Word: مَقْطَع
  most commonly used in the example phrase;

الله لا يِمَقْطِع حَدَا بالتَّاني ‎[L] may God not let anyone rule over another (أي، عسى أن لا يُقيَّض لأحد أن يتحَكَّم ويتسلَّط على آخر);

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  Root: م ل ح
Word: مْلِيْح، ج مْلَاح، المؤنث: مْلِيْحَة
[S] مْلِيْح، ج مَلَاْح
(in many areas, especially urban areas of Palestine, منيح is more common. Note مليح is the “proper” CA pronunciation);
[pronunciation: mºlīḥ، mºlāḥ، mºlīḥa]

كْتِيْرِ مْلِيْح ‎[P] very good; {kºtīrᵉ mºlīḥ}
‏كُلّ شي مْلِيْح ‎[P] everything is fine; {kull šy mºlīḥ}
‏كِيْفِ المَامَا؟ --- مْلِيْحَة، الحَمْدِ اللَه ‎[P] how is your mother? --- fine, thank you; {kīfᴵ-l-mᾱmɑ? --- mºlīḥa، 'il-ḥamºdᴵ-l-laᴴ}
‏ بُو مْلِيْح ‎[L] a kind of salad, known also has Fattoush, that is made of various greens, dried bread, and has lemon, olive oil, and spices added to it; (يُعرف أيضًا بالفتُّوش. لون من الطعام يتألف من انواع عديدة من المخضرات النيئة والخبز واليابس يضاف إليها الزيت والحامض والتوابل وهو نوع من السلطة);
‏نَاس مَلَاح ‎[S] pious people

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  Root: م ن ح
Word: مْنِيْح، ج مْنَاح، المؤنث: مْنِيْحَة
[S] مْنِيْح، ج مْنَاْح
  good, fine (adjective);
(note the superlative / comparative form for this is أَحْسَن);
(in CA, and in some dialects, مليح )
[pronunciation: mºnīḥ، mºnāḥ، mºnīḥa]

هَدَوْلِ نَاسِ مْنَاح ‎[P] these are good people {hadōlᵉ nāsᵉ mºnāḥ}
‏هَايِ مْنِيْحَة بَسّ هَدِيْك أَحسَن ‎[P] this one is good, but that one is better; {hāyᵉ mºnīḥa bass hadīk ʔaḥsan}
‏كِيْفِ المَدَام؟ --- منِيْحَة، نُشكُر الله --- وْكِيْفِ الوْلَاد؟ --- مْنَاح ‎[P] how's the Misses? --- she is well, thank God --- and how are the kids? --- they're well; {kīfᴵ-l-madām? --- mnīḥa، nuškor 'ɑllᾱᴴ --- wºkīfᴵ-l-wºlād? --- mºnāḥ}
‏الكِل كانُوا لُطَفا = الكِل كانوا مْناح ‎[V] everyone was kind/pleasant;
‏هُوِّ تَلْمِيذ مْنِيْح ‎[S] He's a good student,
‏هُوِّ مْنِيحِ كْتِير بِالِحْسَاب ‎[S] He's very good at figures,
‏هايّْ صَوْبَا مْنِيْحَة ‎[S] It’s a good stove
‏مْنِيْح ‎[S] That's good!
‏مْبَارَاةِ التَّنِس بِتْصِيْر بِكْرَا إِذَا الطَّقْسِ مْنِيح ‎[S] The tennis tournament will be held tomorrow if the weather is favorable

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  Root: م ن ش ا ن
Word: مِنشَان / مِشَان
[L] مِنْشان / مْشَان / مِن شان
  for, for the sake of;
when followed by a noun or pronoun: for or because of (like بسبب in CA); If followed by a pronoun in this case the pronoun should be suffixed onto منشان (as in منشانو and not منشان هو);
(إكرامًا ل);
[pronunciation: minšān / mišān]

هَادَا مِنشَانُو ‎[P] that's for him / for his sake; {hāda minšāno}
‏مِنشَان أَيْشِ المَصَاري هَاي؟ ‎[P] what is this money for?; {minšān ʔēšᴵ-l-mɑṣᾱry hāy?}
‏عَم اْحِطّ مَصَارِي على جَنَب مِنْشَان سَيَّارَة جْدِيدِة ‎[S] I'm putting away money toward a new car
‏مِنشَانِ البَيْت ‎[P] for the house; {minšānᴵ-l-bēt}
‏عَم يْصَمِّد مَصَارِي مِنْشَان تَقَاعْدَو ‎[S] He has been saving money against his retirement.
‏أَصْحَابَو تْدَخَّلُوا (دَّخَّلُوا) مِنْشَانَو / لَـمَصْلَحْتَو ‎[S] His friends intervened in his behalf
‏فِي شِي مِمْكِن أَعْمِلْ لَو يَاه = فِي شِي مِمْكِن أَعِمْلَو مِنْشَانَو ‎[S] Is there anything I can do for him?
‏مِنْشَان خَاْطِر ‎[S] for the sake of
‏ما بِدِّي ياك تْغَلِّب حالَك مِنْشانْهَاْ ‎[S] I don't want you to go to any trouble for her sake,
‏أَجَّل أَخِد فِرِصْتَو مِنْشَان خاطِرِ الرَّئِيْس ‎[S] He postponed his vacation for the boss's sake
‏سَلَّمِت مِنْشَانِ الصِّلِح ‎[S] I gave in for the sake of peace
‏مِنْشَان اَلله بَقَى ‎[S] for heaven's sake
‏مِنْشَان اَلله بَقَى، حاجِة ‎[S] For heaven's sake, stop

Rate Translation
  Root: م ن ن
Word: مَنّ، يْمِنّ، مَنّ
  to confer (على = upon s.o., ب =

اَلله رَزَقَو وْلادِ كْتِير = اَلله مَنّ عَلَيه بِوْلَادِ كْتِير ‎[S] God has blessed him with many
‏مَنُّوا عَلَيْه بْكَرَامَات خَاصَّة ‎[S] They conferred special honors on him

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  Root: ن ج و
Word: نَجَّى، يْنَجّي
[S] نَجَّى، يْنَجِّي
  to save, rescue (ه = s.o., من = from);
[pronunciation: najja، yºnajjy]

أَوَّل شِي نَجُّوا الِوْلَاد ‎[S] First they brought the children to safety
‏الله نَجَّانَا مِنِ الخَطَر ‎[P] God saved us from danger; {'ɑllɑ najjāna minᴵ-l-ḵɑṭɑr}
‏الله يْنَجِّيْنَا مِنِ التَعَصُّب ‎[P] God save us from fanaticism; {'ɑllɑ yºnajjīna minᴵ-t-tɑʕɑṣṣob}
‏نَجَّاهَا مِنِ الغَرَق ‎[P] he saved her from downing; {najjāha minᴵ-l-ġɑrɑq}
‏نَجَّيْهَاه وِ الحَمدُ لله ‎[P] we saved him, thank God; {najjēhāᴴ wi-l-ḥamdu lillāh}

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  Root: ن خ ر
Word: مُنخَار، ج مَنَاخِيْر
[L] مِنْخَار / مُنْخار، ج مْناخِير
[S] مِنْخَاْر / مِخَّاْر، ج مَنَاْخِيْر (مَنَخِيْر)
2. nostril;
note that the plural مناخير will often be used as “nostrils” but to refer to a single nose, as in the examples;
[pronunciation: munḵᾱr، manāḵīr]

مُنخَارُو طَوِيْل ‎[P] his nose is long; {munḵᾱro ṭɑwīl}
‏كِنُّو مَنَاخِيْرَك مَسدُوْدِة ‎[P] (it seems) as though your nose is stuffed up; {kenno manāḵīrak masdūde}
‏مِنْخَار مَعْكُوْف، ج مَنَاْخِيْر مَعْكُوْفِة ‎[S] hawk nose
‏يَا اَلله قَدَّيْش مِنْخَارَهْا زْغِيْر حِلو ‎[S] She has such a pretty little nose
‏مَنَاخِيرِ (مَنَخِيْرِ) الوَلَد دايْمًا سَايْلِين ‎[S] The kid's nose is always running

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  Root: ن س ي
Word: اْنْتَسَى، يِنْتَسَى
  to be forgettable

ما بْيِنْتَسَى ‎[S] memorable
‏يَا اَلله شُو كانِ اليَوْم ما بْيِنْتَسَى ‎[S] What a memorable day that was
‏هادا تَارِيْخ ما بْيِنْتَسَى بْحَيَاتِي ‎[S] It's a memorable date in my life
‏هايّ قِصَّة بْتِنْزِل بِالكِتِب = هايّ قِصَّة ما بِنْتَسَى ‎[S] That's one for the books

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  Root: ن ع م
Word: نِعمِة، ج نِعَم
[S] نِعْمِة، ج نِعَم
  (God’s) grace, (God’s) bounty, blessing;
[pronunciation: niʕme، niʕam]

بْنِعْمِة اَلله ‎[S] By the grace of God

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Word: نِعمِة، ج نِعَم
[S] نِعْمِة، ج نِعَم
  comfort, ease of life;
[pronunciation: niʕme، niʕam]

بِنِعمِةَ اْلله ‎[P] by the grace of God; {biniʕmeᵅ 'ºllᾱh}
‏عَلَيِّ النِعمِة ‎[P] On me is God's grace (i.e. I'm blessed); {ʕalayyᴵ-n-niʕme}
‏عَلَيِّ النِعمِة مُش عَم بَكذَب ‎[P] by God's grace, I'm not lying; {ʕalayyᴵ-n-niʕme muš ʕam bak∂ab}
‏عَلَيِّ النِعمِة رَح تِبقَى عِندنَا اليَوْم تِتغَدَّى مَعنَا ‎[P] By God's grace you'll stay and have lunch with us today; {ʕalayyᴵ-n-niʕme rɑḥ tibqa ʕindna-l-yōm titġadda maʕna}

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Word: مِنْعِم
  blessing (said of God)

هُوِّ مِن عَيْلِة اَلله مِنْعِم عَلَيْهَا ‎[S] He comes from a well-to-do family

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  Root: ن ف ر
Word: نَفْرَة / نَفْرَا
  see example; (despite the explanation of it being an instance noun from نفر, I feel that it is likely a rhyming word to go with the phrases);
يقولون: الأرض قَفْرا نَفْرا: مافيّا حشيشة الخضرا لعل أصلها النَفرة: اسم المرة من نفر، فأطلق المصدر وأراد اسم المفعول أي: المنفور منها، كإطلاق الخلق وإرادة المخلوقين

الأرض قَفْرا نَفْرا، مافيّا حشيشة الخضرا ‎[S, Aleppo] the ground is barren, there is not a blade of green on it;
‏أَرْض حَفْرَة نَفْرَة ‎[L] uninhabited land (أرض ليس فيها سوى الله والعشبة والخضراء)

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  Root: ن ق ص
Word: نَاْقْصَة، ج نَوَاْقِص
  shortcoming, fault

البَيْت فِيه نَوَاقِصِ كْتِير ‎[S] The house has many shortcomings
‏ما حَدا خالِي مْنِ النَوَاقِص غَيْر اَلله ‎[S] We all have our faults,

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  Root: ن م و
Word: نَمَا / نَمَى، يِنمي / [CA] يَنمُو
[S] نَمَا / نَمَى، يَنْمَا / يَنْمَى، نْمُوّ
  to grow, develop, grow up;
[pronunciation: nama / nama، yinmy / [CA] yanmu]

فِي حَشِيش عَم يِنْمَى بَيْنِ القِضْبَانِ الحَدِيدِيِّة ‎[S] Grass has begun to grow between the rails,
‏يا اَلله قَدَّيْش هالشَّجَرَة وَرَا البَيْت عَم تِنْمَى ‎[S] My, that tree behind the house is growing fast
‏هَا الوَلَد نَمَا مَعي ‎[P] this boy grew up with me (i.e. I raised him); {ha-l-walad nama maʕy}
‏ الكَلب هَادَا نَمَا عِندنَا في البَيْت ‎[P] this dog grew up with us at home (i.e. we raided the dog); {'il-kalb hāda nama ʕindna fy-l-bēt}
‏هَايِ النَبتِة نَمَت عِندْنَا ‎[P] this plant grew with us (i.e. we cultivated this plant); {hāyᴵ-n-nabte namat ʕindºna}

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  Root: ه ب ل
Word: مَهبُوْل، المؤنث: مَهبُوْلِة
[S] مَهْبُوْل، ج مَهَاْبِيْل (مَهَبِيْل)
  stupid, fool;
[pronunciation: mahbūl، mahbūle]

يَا اَلله قَدَّيْش هالزَّلَـمِة مَهْبُول ‎[S] Boy, that guy is dumb
‏اِبْنُهْنِ التَّاني وِلِد مَهْبُوْل ‎[S] Their second son was an idiot

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  Root: ه ن ا
Word: هَنَّى، يْهَنّي
[S] هَنَّى، يْهَنِّي
  to make happy, cause enjoyment to (ه = s.o.);
(often used in response to هَنِيًّا);
[pronunciation: hanna، yºhanny]

هَنِيًّا --- الله يْهَنِّيْك ‎[P] to your health! --- may God make you happy!; {haniyyan˜ --- 'ɑllɑ yºhannīk}

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Word: تْهَنَّى، يِتهَنَّى
  to be made or become happy, enjoy, find happiness;
note conjugation (lebanese):
huwwe thanna, yithanna
hiyyi thannit, tithanna
hinni thannu, yithannu
inta thannayt, tithanna, thanna
inti thannayti, tithanni, thanni
intu thannaytu, tithannu, thannu
ana thannayt, ithanna
niHna thannayna, nithanna
[pronunciation: tºhanna، yithanna]

اْنشالله تِتهَنُّوا ‎[P] may you be happy!; {'ºnšɑllɑ tithannu}
‏إِن شا الله بْتِتْهَنُّوا ‎[L] God willing you will be happy, (I) wish you all happiness;

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  Root: و
Word: ـُو
[S] ـَو
  him, his (third person male singular suffix pronoun. this form is specifically added to words that end in a consonant. Sometimes this dictionary uses the spelling ـُه . For words that end in a vowel, the vowel is lengthened instead, like:
وَرَا : behind (said wɑrɑ)
وَرَاه behind him (said wɑrᾱ)
and similarly for other vowels);
(note that for purposes of this dictionary, the short /o/ is represented in Arabic as a ـُ when it is in the middle of a word, but as ـُو at the end of a word. Also the long /ō/ is represented as ـَوْ . There are three main reasons for this: the limitation of Arabic characters, the fact that it has become widespread when writing the Levantine dialect to add the و at the end of the word (without the ـُ of course when just writing on social media or something), and finally the /ō/ vowel is simply the flattening of the dipthong /aw/.);
[pronunciation: _o
[S] _o]

بْتَعْرِف عِنَوانَو ‎[S] Have you got his address?
‏اَلله اِسْتَجَاب دُعَاه ‎[S] God answered his prayer
‏سَيَّارْتِي أَعْتَق مِن سَيَّارْتَو ‎[S] My car is older than his
‏تْعَرَّفْت على واحِد مِنِ صْحابَو / على صاحِب إِلَو ‎[S] I met a friend of his
‏بَيْتُو ‎[P] his house; {bēto}
‏عِندُو ‎[P] at his home; {ʕindo}
‏زُرتُو ‎[P] I visited him; {zurto}

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  Root: و ج ب
Word: وَاجِب، ج وَاجْبَات / وَاجِبَات
[S] وَاْجِب، ج وَاْجْبَاْت
  duty, obligation, task;
[pronunciation: wājeb، wājºbāt / wājibāt]

لا شِكِر على واجِب = العَفْو = أَهْلَا وْسَهْلَا = ما في شي مِن واجْبَك = ما في شي مِحْرِز = أَسْتَغْفِرُ الله ‎[S] not at all, don’t mention it, don’t worry about (in response to a thanks)
‏كان واجْبَو يْعِيل إِمَّو وْأَبُوه = كان فَرْض عَلَيْه يْعِيل إِمَّو وْأَبُوه ‎[S] It was his duty to support his parents
‏الرَّد ع التَّلِيفَون أَحَد واجْبَاتِي ‎[S] Answering the phone is one of my duties
‏واجْباتْنا ‎[L] it's our duty (often used as a polite response to thank you);
‏لَيش حاسِّة هَيك كَأَنِّي عَمَلِت --- لا، واجْباتْنا ‎[L] why do you feel like this as if I did --- it was nothing, our duty;
‏هَادَا وَاجِب ‎[P] it's our duty! (said to someone who says thanks, or to a visitor who expresses thanks for hospitality, etc.); {hāda wājeb}
‏لَا شُكر عَلَى وَاجِب ‎[P] duty needs no thanks! (said as a response to thank you); {la šukr ʕala wājeb}
‏قُمتِ بْوَاجْبي ‎[P] I did my duty, I fulfilled my obligation; {qumtᵉ bºwājºby}

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  Root: و ج د
Word: وُجُوْد
  presence, existence;
[pronunciation: wujūd]

بيْكفِر وُجُوْد الله ‎[P] he denies the existence of God; {byºkfer wujūd 'ɑllɑ}
‏عَدَم وُجُوْد ‎[P] formal: absence, lack (of; {ʕadam wujūd}
‏هَادَا نَاتِف عَن عَدَم وُجُوْد مُمَرِّضَات ‎[P] formal: that's what happens when you don't have enough nurses; {hāda nātef ʕan ʕadam wujūd mumarriḍᾱt}
‏مِن عَدَم وُجُوْد أَمَاكِن كَافْيِة ‎[P] formal: because of a shortage of places; {min ʕadam wujūd ʔamāken kāfºye}
‏لَعَدَم وْجُوْد ‎[S] for want of
‏بَاخِدَهْا لَعَدم وْجُوْد شِي أَحْسَن ‎[S] I'll take it for want of something better
‏هُوِّ مُو بالِوْجُوْد بِالنِّسْبِة إِلِي ‎[S] he doesn't exist, as far as I'm concerned.
‏هُوِّ مُو عَرْفَان حَتَّى بِوْجُوْدِي‎[S] He's not even aware of my existence

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  Root: و ج ع
Word: مَوْجُوْع، ج مَوْجُوْعِيْن، المؤنث: مَوْجُوْعَة
  in pain, in agony

صَرِيخِي واصِل عِنْد الله ‎[L] my cries (were so loud that they) could be heard by God!

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  Root: و ح د
Word: وَاحَد / وَاحِد، المؤنث: وَحَدِة
[L] وَاحَد
[S] وَاْحِد، المؤنث: وَاْحْدِة
  number: one;
[pronunciation: wāḥad / wāḥed، waḥade]

وَاحَد وْتَلَاتِيْن ‎[P] thirty one; {wāḥad wºtalātīn}
‏كَم وَاحَد بِدِّك ‎[P] how many do you want?; {kam wāḥad biddek}
‏تَلَاتِيْن وَاحَد ‎[P] Thirty of it; {talātīn wāḥad}
‏كان في واحَد وْما في واحَد إلا الله والتاني رَسُول الله، وكان هَيْدا عَ فِراش الموت ‎[L] there was one (guy), and there is no one but God and the second is the Messenger of God, and this one was on the death bed (from a folktale, but the reference to "God" being the only one when saying the number one is common in folktales and more "uneducated" speech.);

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Word: وَحَّد، يْوَحِّد
  to say that there is no god but God (i.e. to say that there is only one God, to say the formula لا إله إلا الله);
[pronunciation: waḥḥad، yºwaḥḥed]

وَحِّد الله ‎[V] say there is no god but God!;

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  Root: و د ع
Word: وْدَاعة
[S] وْدَاْعَة
  care (of s.o.), safe keeping (of or with s.o.)

الله ياخُد وْدَاعْتُه ‎[L] may God take his soul; (from looking online, this probably goes back to the original meaning of "gentleness and kindness", perhaps most literally translated as "May God take his gentleness");
‏أخذ الله وْداعِة فلان ‎[L] God took his soul (i.e. he died) (أي قبضت روحه ومات)

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  Root: و ر ط
Word: وَرطَة، ج وَرطَات
[S] وَرْطَة، ج وَرْطَاْت
  trouble, mess, plight, predicament, dilemma, fix; (also defined as jam, pickle)
[pronunciation: wɑrṭɑ، wɑrṭᾱt]

هَاْيّْ وَرْطَة مَلْعُوْنِة ‎[S] That's a fine how-do-you-do
‏نِحْنَا وَاقْعِيْنِ بْوَرْطَة عَ المَظْبُوْط ‎[S] That's a fine mess we're in
‏بْوَرْطَة ‎[S] in a tight spot
‏هُوِّ وَاللهِ وَاقِع بْوَرْطَة مَلْعُوْنِة ‎[S] He's in a pretty pickle now
‏دَخِيل عِرْضَك، أَنَا وَاقِع بْوَرْطَة مَلْعُونِة ‎[S] Boy, I'm in real trouble
‏هالمَرَّة وْقِعْنَا بْوَرْطَة عَ المَظْبُوْط ‎[S] This time we're really in hot water
‏هُوِّ واقِعِ بْوَرْطَة مَلْعُوْنِة ‎[S] He's in a terrible fix
‏رَحِ تْسَبِّب لي وَرْطَة كْبِيرِة مَع بَيِّي ‎[L] you're going to cause me a big problem with my father;
‏شُوْ هَا الوَرطَة ‎[P] what a mess!; {šū ha-l-wɑrṭɑ}
‏خَلِّصني مِن هَا الوَرطَة ‎[P] save me from this predicament; {ḵɑlleṣny min ha-l-wɑrṭɑ}
‏أَنَا وَاقِع بْوَرْطَة اَلله لَا يُرِيْك ‎[S] I'm in an awful jam
‏هالِوْلَاد دايْمًا بِيْوَقّْعُوا حالُهْن بْشِي وَرْطَة ‎[S] Those boys are always getting into some kind of scrape

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  Root: و ص ل
Word: وَصِل، ج وُصُوْلِة / وُصُوْلَات
[S] وَصِل (وَصْل)، ج وْصُوْلِة
[pronunciation: wɑṣᵉl، wuṣūle / wuṣūlāt]

أَعطِيْني وَصِل الله يْخَلِّيْك ‎[P] please give me a receipt; { ʔɑʕṭīny wɑṣᵉl 'ɑllɑ yºḵallīk}
‏بِتْرَجَّاك عَطِينِي وَصِل ‎[S] Please give me a receipt
‏عَطِي الحَمَّال وَصِل عَفْشَك ‎[S] Give your baggage check to the porter,
‏هايّ وَصِل بِرْنَيْطْتَك يا سَيِّد ‎[S] Here's the check for your hat, sir.
‏وَصِل بالمَبْلَغ ‎[S] credit slip
‏أَخَدْت وَصِل بِالمَبْلَغ لَـمّا رَجَّعْتِ الصَّبَّاط ‎[S] Did you get a credit slip when you returned the shoes?

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Word: وْصُول

الحَمْدِ اْلله عَ وْصُوْلَك بِالسَّلامِة ‎[L] thank God for your safe arrival;
‏وْصُوْلُو سَبَّب هَيَجَانِ كْبِيْر ‎[S] His arrival caused a lot of excitement

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Word: وَصَّل، يْوَصِّل
  to give (ه = s.o.) a lift, ride;
[pronunciation: wɑṣṣɑl، yºwɑṣṣel]

مُمكِنِ تْوَصِّلني عَ البَيْت ‎[P] can you give me a ride home?; {mumkenᵉ tºwɑṣṣelny ʕa-l-bēt}
‏بِدَّك اْوَصّْلَك ‎[S] Can I give you a lift?
‏شِكْرًا فِي حَدَا يْوَصِّلْنِي ‎[S] Thanks, I have a lift
‏اَلله وَصَّلَوْ ‎[S] He's got it made
‏اْوَصّْلَك ‎[S] Can I give you a ride?
‏وَصَّل فلان بِالسَّيَّارَة ‎[S] to drive s.o., give someone a ride in the car
‏بْوَصَّلْ لَك لَهْنِيك بِالسَّيَّارَة ‎[S] I'll drive you there
‏اَوَصْلِك عَ مَحَلّ ‎[L] can I drop you off somewhere?

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  Root: و ط ر ز
Word: وَطْرَز، يْوَطْرِز
  to lower (ل = s.o.'s) wealth / sustanence (often used as a "polite curse", as in the example, supposedly from وطّي رزقك)

الله لا يوطرِز لك ‎[M] may God not lower your sustanence (said with an angry / mean tone)

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  Root: و ف ق
Word: وَفَّق، يْوَفِّق
  to cause (ه = s.o.) to succeed;
(the subject of this is generally God, and it is used commonly in phrases of well-wishing);
[pronunciation: waffaq، yºwaffeq
[S] ق = ء]

الله يْوَفِّق / الله يْوَفّْقَك ‎[P] may God make you successful (used the way one says “good luck” in English); {'ɑllɑ yºwaffeq / 'ɑllɑ yºwaffºqak}
‏اَلله لا يْوَفِّقُهْن ‎[L] may God not make them succeed (a reverse of the usually phrase, roughly translated as may God damn them);
‏اَلله يْوَفِّق ‎[L] ‎[S] ‎[P] ‎[J] may God grant (you) success (also as a sign of approval for what one is doing, and so translated as you have my blessing)
‏سَفْرَة مْوَفَّق ‎[L] have a successful trip;

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Word: موَفَّق / مُوَفَّق
[S] مْوَفَّق
  successful, fortunate, happy (perhaps better translated as made successful by God);
[pronunciation: mwaffaq / muwaffaq
[S] ق = ء]

اَلله مَعَك = مْوَفَّق نْشَالله ‎[S] Good luck!
‏مُو مْوَفَّق ‎[S] unfortunate
‏هَايّْ كانِت فِكْرَة مُو مْوَفَّقَة ‎[S] That was an unfortunate idea
‏تْنَقَايْتَك كانِت شْوَيِّة مُو مْوَفَّقَة ‎[S] You made a somewhat unhappy choice.
‏نِتمَنَّالِك خُطُوْبِة مُوَفَّقَة وْزَوَاج مُوَفَّق ‎[P] we wish you a successful engagement and successful marriage; {nitmannālek ḵuṭūbe muwaffaqa wºzawāj muwaffaq}

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  Root: و ك ل
Word: وَكِيْل، ج وُكَلَا / [CA] وُكَلَاء
[S] وَكِيْل، ج وِكَلَا
[pronunciation: wakīl، wukala / [CA] wukalāʔÅ]

الله وَكِيْلَك ‎[P] don't worry, everything will be alright (literally: God is your guarantor); {'ɑllɑ wakīlak}
‏اَلله وَكِيل ‎[L] God is my witness!

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Word: تْوَكَّل، يِتوَكَّل
[S] تْوَكَّل
  to have confidence (على = in), place one's trust (على = in);
[pronunciation: tºwakkal، yitwakkal]

تْوَكَّل عَلَ الله ‎[P] trust in God! {tºwakkal ʕalᵅ-l-lᾱh}

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Word: اْتَّكَل، يِتَّكِل
[S] اْتَّكَلَ، يِتِّكِل، الاِتِّكَاْل
  to rely on, depend on, trust in, bank (على = s.o.);
[pronunciation: ºttakal، yittakel]

اْتَّكَلنَا عَلَى الله / عَلَى الله ‎[P] we trust in God; {'ºttakalna ʕala 'ɑllᾱh / ʕalɑ-l-lᾱh}
‏مُتَّكِل عَلَى غَيْرُو ‎[P] relying on others; {muttakel ʕala ġēro}
‏اْتَّكَلْنا على الله ‎[V] we relied on God;
‏اْتِّكِل عَلى الله ‎[L] trust in God! (often used as: just do it, don't worry about it. Also, it is often shortened to just تِّكِل , and someone might say "yalla, ttikil ttikil", meaning come on, just do it);
‏فِيْك تِتِّكِل على هالشِّي ‎[S] You can bank on that

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Word: اْتِّكَال
  trust, reliance, depedence;
[pronunciation: ºttikāl]

الاِتِّكَال عَلَى الله ‎[P] trust in God; {'il-'ittikāl ʕalɑ-l-lᾱh}

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  Root: ي ا
Word: يَا / يَا
  يَا… يَا : or, either… or (in a list of equivalent options) (also at times as يَا إِمَّا, which is equivalent to يا )
[pronunciation: ya / yā]

يا ـــ يا ــــ ‎[L] either or structure, as in:
‏يا هَيِّ بْتِجي يا اَلله مَعَك ‎[L] either she's coming or goodbye;
‏يَا هَوْن يَا في مَكتَبي ‎[P] either here or in my office; {ya hōn ya fy maktaby}
‏يَا بْتِدفَع يَا بِترَجِّع الِبْضَاعَة ‎[P] either you pay or you return the goods; {ya bºtidfaʕ ya bitrajjeʕ-l-ᵉbºḍᾱʕɑ}

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  Root: ي ب س
Word: يَابْسِة
  اليَابْسِة : land, dry land (as opposed to sea / water);
[pronunciation: yābºse]

لَمَّا شَافُوا اليَابْسِة ‎[P] when they saw dry land; {lamma šāfu-l-yābºse}
‏حَمَدْنَا اَلله يَللي شِفْنَا اليَابْسِة مَرَّة تَانْيِة ‎[S] We were glad to see land again
‏ما أَحْلاهَاِ الرَّجْعَة عَ اليَابْسِة ‎[S] It's good to be on dry land again,

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  Root: ي د
Word: يَد، ج أَيدي
(this is the CA pronunciation, but it is used in certain expressions. See إيد of the colloquial pronunciation);
[pronunciation: yad، ʔaydy]

مَعِ الأَسَف، ما فِي بِاليَد حِيْلِة ‎[S] Sorry, that can't be helped
‏كِلّْنَا بَيْن أَيَادِي المَوْلَى ‎[S] We're all in the hands of God
‏ المَرَض بِيَدِ الله ‎[P] proverb: sickness is in God's hand; {'il-mɑrɑḍ biyadᴵ-l-lāh}
‏ أَيدي عَامِلِة ‎[P] manpower (number of workers); { ʔaydy ʕāmile}

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  Root: ي ل ل ا
Word: يَللا / يَلَّا / يا الله
[S] يَلْلَا / يَلَّا / يا الله
  come on! let's go! hurry up!;
[pronunciation: yɑllɑ]

يَللا مِن هَون ‎[S] Move on!
‏يَلَّا نِمشي ‎[P] let's go!; {yɑllɑ nimšy}
‏يَلَّ بَاي ‎[P] bye-bye!; {yɑllɑ bᾱy}
‏يَللا عَ البَنَدَوْرة ‎[L] vendor cry: come get tomatoes!;
‏مَزْهَر (مظهر) ويَلَّا ‎[L] and what a site;
‏يَللا، هَلَّق بِيْفُوْتْنَا التّْرَيْن ‎[S] Come on or we'll miss the train

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Word: يَللا / يَلَّا / يا الله
[S] يَلْلَا / يَلَّا / يا الله
يَللا : hardly
  Root: ل ل ه
Word: الله
تستعمل في مقام التعجب. وقد تكرر وهو طابع تركي.
(ياسين عبد الرحيم، موسوعة العامية السورية)
  Root: ا ت ي
Word: آتَى
  to afflict, curse (ه =

الله يِآتِيْها بْمُصيبة تاخُدْها ‎[E] may God afflict her with a catastrophe that takes her / takes her life

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  Root: ا ج ر
Word: أَجْر، ج أُجُور
  wage, pay, recompense;

الأجْر مِش قَدّ المَشَقَّة ‎[E] the recompense isn't worth the hardship;
‏الأجْر عَلى الل = العوض على الله ‎[E] recompense is with God, meaning god will reward (said in resignation to ingratitude);
‏والأَجْر على الله ‎[E] a set phrase used to boast of a reputation, as in:
‏دا اْنا المِعَلِّم دَبْشة وِالأجْر على الله ‎[E] I'm the Boss Dabsha, everyone knows me;
‏أجْر وْعَافْيَة ‎[E] may you enjoy recompense and well-being (said to oen recovered from an illness);
‏عَظّّم اللهُ أَجْرَك ‎[E] may God make your recompense great (an expression of condolence);

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Word: أُجْرَة، ج أُجُور / أُجَر
  wage, pay, recompense;

الأجر مش قَدِّ المَشَقَّة ‎[E] the recompense isn't worth the hardship;
‏الأجرَ على الله ‎[E] recompense is with God (usually said when something unwanted happens);
‏وِالأجرَ على الله ‎[E] a fixed phrase used to boast of one's reputation, as in:
‏دا أنا المِعَلِّم دَبْشة والأجر على الله ‎[E] I'm the Boss Dabsha, everyone knows of me!
‏أَجْرِ وْعافْيَة (may you be granted) recompense and well-being (said to one recently recovered from an illness);
‏عَزَّم اللهُ أجرَك ‎[E] may God increase your recompense (said as an expression of condolence);

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  Root: ا ج ل
Word: أَجْل
  لْلَجْل + اسم = مِن أَجْل + اسم = for the sake of

لْأَجْل مَجْل اَلله ‎[E] in Christianity: for the sake of God's glory

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  Root: ا خ ذ
Word: أخَد / خَد، ياخُد، أَخْد / أَخَدَان، الامر: خُد، اسم الفاعل: واخِد
  to receive or accept or gain (ه =
[pronunciation: ذ = د]

اللَحَّام بِياخُد كام على الشُغل ‎[E] how much does the welder get for his work;
‏خُدْت حُكْم علَيْه ‎[E] I received a judgement/legal ruling against him;
‏إن شاْ اْلله تاخُد الدُكْتُوراه ‎[E] God willing you'll get the doctorate;
‏المُتَور خَد سُرْعِتُه ‎[E] the engine picked up speed;
‏لا هُوّ خَد بِاليِمِين ولا بالشِمال ‎[E] he didn't take with right (hand) or the left, meaning he gained nothing at all;
‏الطَمْبُور بِياخُد من المُتَوْر ‎[E] the drum derives its motion from the motor;
‏خَد الكار ‎[E] he learned the trade;
‏خَد الدَرس ‎[E] he took a lesson;

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  Root: ا ذ ن
Word: إذْن، ج أُذُوْن / أُذُنات
  permission (no plural)
[pronunciation: ذ = ز]

بإذْن الله ‎[E] if god permits (like إن شاء الله)
‏باذن الله + مضارع بدون بـ = إن شاء الله + مضارع بدون ب ‎[E] pseudo future tense: I hope that his will happen
‏منصور باذن الله ‎[E] hopefully (God will make you) victorious. Notice that with باذن الله the active participle takes on the future tense;
‏عَنْ إِذْنك = بَعدِ إذنَك if you permit. Also used as excuse me, if you don't mind (like if you are walking pass someone in a hallway);
‏عَن إِذْنَك ‎[E] if you please, excuse me
‏بَعْدِ إِذْنَك ‎[E] if you please, excuse me

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  Root: ا ر ض
Word: أَرْض، ج أَراضي
  ground, surface of the earth; (other phrases)

أرضنا العطشانة ‎[E] a famous song from a film called الأرض;
‏تحت الأرض ‎[E] under the ground. Often used when searching for something to mean searched all over the place, for instance:
‏دوّر على حاجة تحت الأرض ‎[E] he looked everywhere for it;
‏مِنْ تحت الأرض ‎[E] from under the ground, an expression of effort, usually either 1. sparing no efforts or 2. with the greatest difficulty, as in:
‏هاتْها مِن تَحْت (طقاطيق) الأَرْض ‎[E] bring her, regardless of the effort;
‏جِبْت الفِلُوس دي مِن تحت الأَرْض ‎[E] I got this money only after a lot of effort;
‏خاف من كل مَن اقترب إلى الأرض ‎[E] He feared small things, or short people
‏ما يِنْزِلْش الأَرْض ‎[E] it never fails, as in:
‏كِلْمِتُه ما تنزلش الأرض ‎[E] his word is reliable, it never fails;
‏كلامُه ما يِوْقَعش الأرض ‎[E] what he says goes;
‏دَعْوِتُه ما تِنْزِلْش الأَرْض ‎[E] his prayer is always answered;
‏حَيِخْسِف بيكُو الأَرْض ‎[E] he will completely destroy them. This comes from the CA phrase خَسَفَ اللهُ بِهِ الأَرْضَ, meaning God made him sink into the ground, or that God made the ground swallow him;
‏الأَرْض الطاهْرة ‎[E] the holy places in Hijaz;
‏جاب مَناخِيرُه / دِماغُه الأَرْض ‎[E] he brought his nose to the ground, meaning he forced him to submit;
‏آدي السما وآدي الأَرْض ‎[E] here is the sky and here is the earth, meaning I have absolutely nothing;

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Word: أَرْض، ج أَراضي
  الأَرْض : the Earth

بِيْقُول يا أَرْض اِتْهَدِّي ما عَليْكِي قَدِّي ‎[E] he says "be calm, O earth, upon you is me" (said of a very arrogant person, as though the earth would bow to his will);
‏أَرْض اَلله واسْعَة ‎[E] proverb: God's earth is spacious, meaning there are plenty of opportunities (in other places, if not in the place where one is now);

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  Root: ا ل ه
Word: إِلَه، ج آلِهة
  god, deity;
pronounced 'ilaah and traditionally written with the little floating alif, as in إلـٰه;
because of the large number of entries I have separated this from الله);

آلهِةِ الفَرَعْنَة ‎[E] the gods of the Pharaohs;
‏هُوَّ اْنت إله ‎[E] do you think you're a god?
‏إيه التَجَبُّر دا؟ هو اْنت إله ‎[E] What's all this bluster about? do you think you're a god?
‏لا إِلَهَ إلا الله ‎[E] there is no god but God. This is the first part of the Muslim testimony of faith (الشَهادة). It is said as a response to وَحِّد اَلله and وَحِّدُوه an أَمِنْت بِالله.
‏لا إله إلا الله، محمد الرسول الله ‎[E] There is no (other) god except (the one) God and Muhammad is his Messenger. This statement is the Muslim profession of faith (الشَهَادة in Arabic); the two parts of this phrase are often said as a farewell, where one person says the first phrase and someone else replies with the second part.
‏إِلهي ‎[E] my God. This is often used as a manner of addressing God, either calling God in prayer or calling on God to curse someone. phrases like يا رَبّ and يا الله are also used this way;
‏يا إلهي ‎[E] oh my God (expression of shock);
‏إلهي يْنَكِّد عليك ‎[E] God make you miserable;
‏إلهي تِرْجَع سالِم لِعْيَالَك ‎[E] God, may you return safe to you your children (said by beggars to passerby's);

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Word: الله
God (with a capital G) (this is the word إلـٰه with the definite article added in. As in the one God, used in all monotheistic religions, or reference to a specific god in a polytheistic religion)
In Egypt, and in Muslim and Arabic speaking countries in general, this word is used in many different ways. For simplicity's sake, the entries have been separated based on general meaning. If the phrase is not listed here try looking under the other words in the phrase. Note also that many of these phrases can have multiple meanings, some opposite of each other, depending on context. If a specific pronunciation is worth noting I have tried to include it.
Depending on context, it is not uncommon to hear this word said with the different CA pronunciations, in particular 'allaahu, 'allaahi, 'illaah and 'illaahi. Also, at times it will be said 'alla and 'illa.
notes on different ways الله is said;
الله الله الله said to show surprise at how wonderful is. there is usually a slight pause between each word
الله الله الله الله said very quickly without pauses (almost like al-lal-lal-lal-la). It shows shock and disbelief;
الله said with rising intonation, indicates surprise (either good or bad). this is often said 'alla or 'alla or halla. see also الله على;
الله! هو هنا What! he's here?
الله، جَرَى أَيْه؟ God, what happened?!
Word: الله
  God (list of common phrases)

اللهُ أَكْبَر ‎[E] usually translated as God is great or God is greatest. Grammatically, it is actually "God is greater" and is a an incomplete sentence, suggesting that anything the sentence is finished with God is greater.
‏باسمِ اْلله ‎[E] in the name of God. Said in many contexts, especially before starting something (like before starting to eat), in shock (almost as supplication for protection).
‏إن شاء الله ‎[E] if God wills (see under ش ي ء) for a fuller explanation);
‏باذن الله ‎[E] same as إن شاء الله;
‏ما شاء الله ‎[E] what God has willed! and expression of awe and wonder. This is also the proper way to praise something in order to show that one is not being covetous. For instance, if someone has a new car, you should complement them by saying ما شاء الله. To do otherwise is to appear covetous and appear as though you are invoking the evil eye.
‏باسم اللهِ ما شاء الله ‎[E] used when saying, seeing, or hearing that causes admiration or satisfaction to ward off the evil eye (the expression is said in one go, like bis-mil-laa-hi-maa-shaal-lah)
‏حَمْدِ اْلله ‎[E] or الحَمْدُ لله Praise be to God;
‏استغفِر الله ‎[E] Seek God's forgiveness (as a command); often said when someone sees or hears something that is either 1. improper or 2. that one does not want to hear (as though it were bad news or bad luck).

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Word: الله
  God (list of common phrases)

اللهُ أَكْبَر ‎[E] usually translated as God is great or God is greatest. Grammatically, it is actually "God is greater" and is a an incomplete sentence, suggesting that anything the sentence is finished with God is greater.
‏باسمِ اْلله ‎[E] in the name of God. Said in many contexts, especially before starting something (like before starting to eat), in shock (almost as supplication for protection).
‏إن شاء الله ‎[E] if God wills (see under ش ي ء) for a fuller explanation);
‏باذن الله ‎[E] same as إن شاء الله;
‏ما شاء الله ‎[E] what God has willed! and expression of awe and wonder. This is also the proper way to praise something in order to show that one is not being covetous. For instance, if someone has a new car, you should complement them by saying ما شاء الله. To do otherwise is to appear covetous and appear as though you are invoking the evil eye.
‏باسم اللهِ ما شاء الله ‎[E] used when saying, seeing, or hearing that causes admiration or satisfaction to ward off the evil eye (the expression is said in one go, like bis-mil-laa-hi-maa-shaal-lah)
‏حَمْدِ اْلله ‎[E] or الحَمْدُ لله Praise be to God;
‏استغفِر الله ‎[E] Seek God's forgiveness (as a command); often said when someone sees or hears something that is either 1. improper or 2. that one does not want to hear (as though it were bad news or bad luck).

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Word: الله
  God (list of common phrases1)

الله على + اسم ‎[E] Goodness gracrious! Oh my God... (an exclamation of delight, surprisem, shock, etc. When said to a person can also be like thank you, similar to the way in English people say "God bless you" to someone as an expression of thanks. This is sometimes shortened to الله.)
‏الله على الجَوّ ‎[E] God, what wonderful weather;
‏الله عليك ‎[E] god bless you, thanks
‏اسم الله عليك ‎[E] approximately like باسم الله. this is often said in shock like "oh my god". also, you'll hear this said as سَمَ الله (sAmAllAh) often when something bad happens suddenly like s.o. falls.
‏أنت مين اسم الله؟ ‎[E] who are you pray tell?! (said sarcastically);
‏اِتِّكِل على الله ‎[E] Depend on God. In CA this is generally توكَّل على الله. This phrase is often shortened to عَ اْلله. It is often used as a polite way of refusing to give money to a beggar and can perhaps be translated as "trust in God, he will provide." It is also used when things are not going well, or someone is worried about how things will turn out, as a way of saying "trust in God and (hopefully) things will work out".
‏بِيْقولوا حيِبْنوا لْنا وِحْدة صِحِيّة – عَ الله ‎[E] they say that they are going to build us a medical center – let's hope so;
‏عَ الله بَقَى يْذاكِر ‎[E] let's hope he studies;
‏عَ الله ما تِدِّيش للقُرَداتِي قِرْش ‎[E] just you wait and see what'll happen if don't give the monkey-man a piaster;
‏ياهْ اْلله يا للي هِنا ‎[E] is anyone home?

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Word: الله
  God (list of common phrases2)

لِـلَّه ‎[E] for God, or for God's sake. see below for other phrases;
‏لِـلّه يا مُحْسِنين ‎[E] for the sake of God, oh good-doers (said by beggars when asking for charity, as in please give me something for the sake of God);
‏لِـلّه في لله ‎[E] for God and not other reason; often used to mean for nothing, for no reason, as in:
‏شتمني لله في لله ‎[E] he insulted me for no reason

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Word: الله
  God (list of common phrases3)

الله على + اسم ‎[E] an exclamation of delight. When said to a person can also thank you, similar to the way in English people say "God bless you" to someone as an expression of thanks. This is sometimes shortened to الله.
‏الله على الجَوّ ‎[E] God, what wonderful weather;
‏الله عليك ‎[E] god bless you, thanks
‏اسم الله عليك ‎[E] approximately like باسم الله. this is often said in shock like "oh my god".
‏also, you'll hear this said as سَمَ الله (sAmAllAh) often when something bad happens suddenly like s.o. falls.
‏أنت مين اسم الله؟ ‎[E] who are you pray tell?! (said sarcastically);
‏اِتِّكِل على الله ‎[E] Depend on God. In CA this is generally توكَّل على الله. This phrase is often shortened to عَ اْلله. It is often used as a polite way of refusing to give money to a beggar and can perhaps be translated as "trust in God, he will provide." It is also used when things are not going well, or someone is worried about how things will turn out, as a way of saying "trust in God and (hopefully) things will work out".
‏بِيْقولوا حيِبْنوا لْنا وِحْدة صِحِيّة – عَ الله ‎[E] they say that they are going to build us a medical center – let's hope so;
‏عَ الله بَقَى يْذاكِر ‎[E] let's hope he studies;
‏عَ الله ما تِدِّيش للقُرَداتِي قِرْش ‎[E] just you wait and see what'll happen if don't give the monkey-man a piaster;
‏ياهْ اْلله يا للي هِنا ‎[E] is anyone home?
‏الله الله ‎[E] oh God (expression of shock)
‏بسم الله ‎[E] in the name of God (used to ask for help when shocked by something)
‏بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم! ‎[E] a loved one's onion (given to a loved one) is (seen as) a sheep, meaning love makes the most petty gift seem valuable;
‏لله في لله ‎[E] for God and not other reason; often used to mean for nothing, for no reason

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Word: الله
  God (list of common phrases4)

لِـلَّه ‎[E] for God, or for God's sake. see below for other phrases;
‏لِـلّه يا مُحْسِنين ‎[E] for the sake of God, oh good-doers (said by beggars when asking for charity, as in please give me something for the sake of God);
‏لِـلّه في لله ‎[E] for God and not other reason; often used to mean for nothing, for no reason, as in:
‏شتمني لله في لله ‎[E] he insulted me for no reason
‏هالله هالله عَلى الجَدّ = هَلّا هَلّا عَ الجَدّ ‎[E] Let's get serious

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  Root: ا ل ي
Word: إِلَى
  to, until;
in ECA the more common phrases are لِحَدّ ما and لِغايِة ما ; (UEA)

إِلى العَصْر الحَدِيْث ‎[E] until the modern period;
‏نَقْل اللَوْن إِلى القُمَاش ‎[E] the transferring of color to the cloth;
‏مِن … إِلى ‎[E] from .... to, as in;
‏لَخَّص مِ، صَفْحِة تَمانْيَة إِلى عَشَرة ‎[E] summarize pages eight to ten;
‏مِن سِتَّة إِلى خَمَسْتاشَر فِ المِيَّة ‎[E] from six to fifteen percent;
‏اِتْوَفَّى إِلى رَحْمِة اِللّه ‎[E] he died (and went) to God's mercy;
‏الأَمْر إِلَيْك يا رَبّ ‎[E] the matter is in your hands, O Lord, or I submit to your will, O Lord;

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  Root: ا م ر
Word: أَمْر، ج أَوامِر
  command, order;

أَمْرَك ‎[E] just as you wish! (common response to a request);
‏تَـحْت أَمْرك ‎[E] literally it means "under your command". It is used as at your service, right away, sure (in response to a request); this is very common and even heard from street vendors and used amongst friends. Also said أنا تحت أمرك
‏أَوامْرك / أَوامْرِ سِيادْتك ‎[E] can I help you (very common, even on the street);
‏بِأَمْر اِلله = إن شاء الله = بِاذن الله ‎[E] God willing;
‏أَوامِر إِدارِيَّة ‎[E] administrative rulings;
‏أَمْر دَفْع = أَمْر صَرْف ‎[E] payment order;
‏حاكِم بِأَمْرُه ‎[E] absolute ruler;
‏إِذا جَرى لِي أَمْر اَلله ‎[E] if God's order happens to me, meaning if I should die;
‏تَحْتِ أَمْرَك ‎[E] at your service, under your command

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Word: أَمَارة، ج أَمَارَاْت
  evidence, indication;

بِأَمارِة إيه بقى إن شاء الله ‎[E] by what piece of evidence pray tell;
‏على وِشُّه أمارَات التَقْوَة ‎[E] his face bears the marks of piety;
‏بأمارة =
‏بأمَارَة أَيْه ‎[E] what evidence do you have?

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  Root: ا م م
Word: أُمَّة، ج أُمَم

مَجْلِس الأُمَّة ‎[E] the National Assembly;
‏الأُمَم المُتَّحِدة ‎[E] the United Nations;
‏يا أُمِّة النَبِي ‎[E] what an uproar! what chaos!
‏أُمِّة لا إلهَ إلا الله ‎[E] A ton of people, as in:
‏قابِلت أُمِّة لا إلهَ إلا الله ‎[E] I met/ran into a ton of people.

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  Root: ا م م ا ل
Word: أُمَّال
  what, why (particle used to introduce a question, usually what/why. The question often are rhetorical and sarcastic, and are used to express surprise or disbelief. This is used with peers or someone younger than you, not with elders.)

اَلله اِنْتَ اْللي بْتِفْتَح البَاب --- أُمَّال فَين أُمّ عَلي ‎[E] my, you open the door yourself?! but where's Umm Ali?
‏أُمَّال ما حَدّش بِيْزُوْرْنِي لَيه ‎[E] then why doesn't anyone visit me?
‏أُمَّال ذَنْب مِين ‎[E] so whose fault is it?
‏أُمال ايه ‎[E] so..., what?
‏أمال عايز تعمل ايه إن شاء الله ‎[E] and what pray tell do you hope to work as?
‏أٌمّال؟ = أُمَّال أَيه؟ ‎[E] so what?

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  Root: ا م ن
Word: أمان
  safety, security;

وِصِل بِأَمان ‎[E] he arrived safely;
‏حِزام أَمان ‎[E] safety belt;
‏صَنْعة فِ اليَدّ أمان مِن الفَقْر ‎[E] possession of a craft is a safeguard against poverty;
‏الرِجَّالة مالْهُمش َأمان ‎[E] men have no safety (meaning they are not trustworthy);
‏فَتْرِة الأَمان ‎[E] the safe period (of a woman's menstrual cycle, meaning when the likelihood of conception is minimal);
‏في أمانِ الله ‎[E] in God's safety, used as either 1. goodbye or 2. minding one's own business, doing no harm to anyone. pronounced fi-'amaan-'illaah;
‏احنا قاعدين فِ أمان الله = قاعدين في السلام ومن غير مشاكل ‎[E] we are sitting in peace without any problems
‏أنا كنت سايِق فِ أمان الله لَقِيتها نِزْلِت قُدّام العَربية ‎[E] I was driving along just fine when suddenly she stepped out in front of the car.

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  Root: ا ن
Word: إنْ
as conditional, this is used mainly in الأمثال الشعبية and in threats, as in (conditional / conjunction)

إن عملت كدا حورّيك ‎[E] if you do this I'll show you...
‏إن قُلْت آه نِبْقى مْوافْقِين ‎[E] if you say yes then we are agreed;
‏إن شاء اَلله ‎[E] if God wills;
‏إن … وَللا ‎[E] correlative conjunction: whether... or ;
‏إِنْ كان كُوَيِّس وَللا وِحِش ‎[E] whether it is good or bad;

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  Root: ا ن س
Word: آنِس، يْؤَاْنِس / يْآنِس
  to entertain (ه = s.o.) by being company to them

اِندَهْ لُو ييجِي يْآنِسْنا هِنا ‎[E] call him to come and keep us company here;
‏آنِسْتُو = آنِسْتُونا ‎[E] courteous formula expressed to guests, meaning you have been good company to us. The reply is اَلله يْأنْسَك (may God keep you company);
‏إِنْتو حَتْأَنْسُوا اِمْتى ‎[E] when will you be coming to visit us;

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  Root: ا ه ل
Word: أَهْل، ج أَهالِي

أَهْل بَلَلد / أَهالِي البَلَد ‎[E] the people of the town;
‏أَهْل اليِمِين ‎[E] the rightists;
‏أَهْل السُنَّة ‎[E] Sunni Muslims (in contrast to Shiites);
‏أَهْل الطَرِيْق ‎[E] Sufis;
‏يا اْهْل اْلله يا اْللي هِنا ‎[E] O people of God, O people who are here! (a form of address, asking "is anyone here");

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  Root: ا و ل
Word: أَوِّلَة
  the first stage or part (See specific examples) (used in fixed contexts only)

الأَوِّلَة عَسَل وِالتانِي بَصَل ‎[E] proverb: the first part is honey and the second onions, meaning the first part is good and the latter horrible (often said of marriage);
‏البَنِي آدَم يا بْأَوِّلْتُه يا بْآخْرِتُه ‎[E] proverb: man (gains) either in this world or the next;
‏الأَوِّلَة بِاْسْمِ الله وِالتانْيَة بِاْسْمِ الله وِالتالْتَة بِاْسْمِ الله ‎[E] the first is in the name of God, and the second is in the name of God, and the third is in the name of God (a magic formula to exorcise the evil eye, often accompanied by rubbing of the sick person with the leaves of a corn cob);
‏الأَوِّلَة آه والتانْيَة آه والتالِتَة آه ‎[E] the first line of each section of a certain tripartite form of a مَوَّال ;
‏أَوِّلْة إِمْبارِك ‎[E] the day before yesterday;
‏الأَوِّلَة ‎[E] call by rag-ball player at the first service of each round;

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  Root: ب خ ت
Word: بَخْت، ج أَبْخات / بُخُوت
  fortune, luck;

يِمْكِن البِنْت دي تْكُون مِن بَخْتِي ‎[E] perhaps it will be my lot to marry this girl;
‏البَخْت عَنْدَ الله ‎[E] one's fortune depends on God;
‏اِنْتَ وْبَخْتَك ‎[E] it depends on your luck/fortune;
‏البَحْت كان اِسْوِد ‎[E] it was rotten luck;
‏يا بَخْت + إضافة ‎[E] how lucky (someone is)!

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  Root: ب د ر 1
Word: بَدَر، يِبْدُر، بُدُور
  to come suddenly or unexpectedly (ه = to s.o.)

هُوَّ ، لا سَمَح اَلله ، بَدَر مِنِّي كِلْمة زَعَّلِتُه ‎[E] he came unexpectedly (to me) and I inadvertently said something that upset him

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  Root: ب د ن
Word: بَدَن، ج أَبْدان
  body, torso (of a human);
plural also used for emphasis (as though it were singular). See example;

ضَرَب أبداني ‎[E] he beat the shit out of me (plural used for emphasis);
‏صَحّ اَللهُ بَدَنَك ‎[E] May God make your body healthy (conventional reply to صَحّ النَوْم )
‏باب البَدَن ‎[E] anus;
‏تِسِمِّي بَدَنْها بالكِلْمِتَين دَوْل ‎[E] you poison her body with those words, meaning you make her feel hurt by those words;
‏صِحِّة الأَبْدان وَلا صِحِّة الأَدْيَان ‎[E] proverb: health of bodies rather than health of religions, meaning a sound body produces a sound mind;

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  Root: ب ر ا
Word: بَرَا، يِبْرِي، ؟؟؟
  to grant immunity to, absolve (ه = s.o.);

قال لها اْبْرِيني وْأنا أطلَّقِك he said to her: if you absolve me (from the sinfulness of divorcing you) then I'll give it to you;
‏بَرَيْت ذِمِّتي من الله ‎[E] I did what was right in the eyes of God (literally: I absolved my conscience in from God);

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  Root: ب ر ب ر 1
Word: بَرْبَرِي، ج بَرابْرَة
  hot tempered person

بَرَابْرَة يا رَسُول الله ‎[E] expression apology to a third party for someone with a hot temper

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Word: بَرَبْرَة
  angry talk (see example)

بَرَبْرَة يا رَسُول الله ‎[E] expression apology to a third party for someone with a hot temper

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  Root: ب ر س ي م
Word: بَرْسِيم
  Egyptian clover (Trifolium alexandrinum) (collective noun)

تَوْر اَلله فِ بَرْسِيْمُه ‎[E] proverb: God's ox in his clover, meaning one who is stupid but content;

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  Root: ب ر ك 1
Word: بَرَكة، ج بَرَكَاْت
  blessing, grace, divine favor (manifested especially as good fortune, plentitude), charismatic quality (other phrases)

قَلِّتُه بَرَكِتُه ‎[E] it is (or was) no longer successful;
‏قِلِّة بَرَكَة ‎[E] a source of misfortune;
‏قَلِيْل البَرَكة ‎[E] scanty, insufficient, as in:
‏البُفْتَيك دا قَلِيل البَرَكة --- اِعْمِلي لْنا طَبِيْخ ‎[E] the beefsteak doesn't go very far, make us a stew;
‏حَصَلِت البَرَكة ‎[E] you have brought a blessing to our house (said to a guest);
‏يا بَرَكِة دُعَا الوَالْدَين ‎[E] may the blessing of my parents' prayers assist me (said before any undertaking);
‏عَلى بَرَكِة اِلله ‎[E] invocation of God's blessing (said before any undertaking);
‏الخَيْر وِالبَرَكة ‎[E] source of good fortune, as in:
‏دا اْنْتَ (فيك) الخَيْر وِالبَرَكة ‎[E] we can always depend on you for anything;
‏البَرَكَة فِ البُكُور ‎[E] blessing is in early rising (i.e. the early bird catches the worm);
‏لُقْمِة البَرَكة ‎[E] in Christianity: a piece of the unconsecrated eucharistic bread;
‏حَبِّة البَرَكة ‎[E] seed of the fennel flower (Nigella sativa), used in the preparation of things like chest ointment and some types of bread;

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Word: بارِك
  to give blessing (ل = to s.o., في = in a matter);

الله يبارك فيك ‎[E] God bless you. this is said as an expression of thanks for a favor or service rendered. It is also the appropriate reply to when someone says مبروك (congratulations) to you;
‏رَبّنا مِش حَيْبَارِك لُه فْ عِيَالُه ‎[E] God will not bless him with regard to his children;
‏الله يْبَارِك فِيك ‎[E] God bless you (this is said as an expression of thanks for a favor or service rendered. it is also the appropriate reply to when someone says مبروك / congratulations to you)

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Word: تَبَارَكَ، يَتَبَاْرَكَ
  from the CA تَبارَكَ, it is mainly used in phrases referring to God, roughly meaning "God who is blessed above all else". see examples for set phrases it is used in;

تَبارَك اَلله ‎[E] blessed be God;
‏تَبارَك اللهُ وْتَعَالَى ‎[E] God the blessed and Sublime;
‏تَبَارَك الخَلَّاق ‎[E] blessed be the Creator, used as an exclamation of wondrous admiration, as in:
‏عَليها جَمال تَبارَك الخَلَّاق فيما خَلَق ‎[E] she's such a beauty, blessed be the Creator for what he created;

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  Root: ب ر ه ن
Word: بُرْهان، ج بَراهِين
  proof, evidence;

أَيْه البُرْهان على وُجُود اِلله ‎[E] what is the proof of God's existence

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  Root: ب ش ب ش
Word: بَشْبِش
  to sprinkle (ه = with water

رَبّنا يْبَشْبِش الطُوْبَة اْللي تَحْت راسُه = الله يرحمُه ‎[E] may God soften the stone head-rest under his head, meaning may God rest his soul;

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  Root: ب ش ر 1
Word: بشَّر
  to bring good news (ه = to s.o., ب = about;

موضوع لا يِبشّر بالخير ‎[E] a matter that does not bode well;
‏بَشَّرْني بْنَجاحِي ‎[E] he announced to me the good news of my success;
‏اَلله يِبَشَّرَك بِالخَيْر ‎[E] may God bring you good news (said to one who has performed a favor);

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  Root: ب غ ض
Word: أَبْغَض
  more/most hated (superlative/comparative)

أَبْغَض الحِلال عَنْد الله الطَلاق ‎[E] the thing that God hates most, of what he has permitted, is divorce;

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  Root: ب ق ي
Word: باقي، ج باقْيِين / بَواقِي
  rest, others, remainder;
(Also used as a noun meaning the leftover, remainder. Compare with بقية because while the two overlap there are subtle differences. For instance, بواقي الأكل tends to refer to all the small pieces of food that are leftover from a meal. In that sense, it can mean the little things left on plates that get thrown out, or it can mean little things, like a piece of bread here, a chicken leg there, etc., that are saved from a meal. This difference probably comes from the fact that بواقي is a plural noun and suggests multitude, whereas بقية is singular);
[pronunciation: ق = ء]

انا أَصَلَّح السقف وأنت تعمل الباقي ‎[E] I (could) fix the roof and you (could) do the rest;
‏يعمل اللي عليه والباقي على الله ‎[E] he does what he must and the rest is up to God;
‏بَعْضُهُم قَعَد عَ الأَرْض وِالباقِيِين وَقْفُوا / والباقِي وِقِف ‎[E] some of them sat on the ground and the rest stood;
‏خُد كِتاب واحِد وِسِيب الباقِيِين / الباقِي ‎[E] take one book and leave the others;

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Word: باقي، ج بَاْقْيِيْن، المؤنث: بَاْقْيَة
  remaining (active participle)
[pronunciation: ق = ء]

أَهُو دا اللي كان باقي ‎[E] that's the last thing I needed!
‏باقْيالك ‎[E] it's waiting for you!, meaning I'll get you for that;
‏حَياتَك الباقْيَة ‎[E] reply to الباقي في حياتك, meaning may your life is be what remains; Note that this phrase is losing popularity amongst some Muslims and instead الباقي على الله is being used (see below).
‏الباقي / الباقْيَة في حياتك ‎[E] Phrase said when someone dies, meaning "the rest is in your life". Note that this phrase is losing popularity amongst some Muslims and instead الباقي على الله is being used (see below); This is used by both Christians and Muslims;
‏الباقي على الله ‎[E] the rest/what remains is upon God. A way of giving condolences, this phrase is like الباقي في حياتك, but it is becoming more popular amongst some Muslims who feel that saying الباقي في حياتك is not proper;

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Word: بَقاء
[pronunciation: ق = ق ]

‏ البقاء في حياتك ‎[E] eternity is only for God (reply to الباقي في حياتك / على الله , it is an expression of condolence to one bereaved. Note that the ق is pronounced in this sentence);
‏البقاء لله ‎[E] staying alive forever is only for God (an expression to offer condolences after the death of a loved one).

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  Root: ب ل د 1
Word: بَلَد، ج بِلاد
  country, nation;
(singular is feminine);
(singular and plural seem to be used interchangeably, but the explanation, per one teacher, is that بِلَاد is the plural of بَلَد but the singular of بُلْدَان ).;

لازِم نِخَلِّي وْلادْنا يْحِبُّو بَلَدْهُم ‎[E] we must make our children love their country;
‏قُطْن بْلادْنا أَحْسَن قُطْن فِ العالَم ‎[E] the cotton produced by our country is the best in the world;
‏بِلاد الشام ‎[E] the Levant;
‏بِلاد بَرَّا ‎[E] abroad;
‏ما حَدّش حـ(يعمل كدا لي) عشان أنا (أعمل نفس الحاجة) لبلد ‎[E] no one is (going to do this to me) because I (do the same thing) to a country, meaning "just let them try";
‏طِلِع فِ وِشُّه بِلادَ الله لِخَلْقَ الله ‎[E] he set off into the big wide world without any particular plan;

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  Root: ب ل ش
Word: بَلَاش
  free (like things for sale, not as freedom); (adjective, invariable)

البَلَاش كَتَّر مِنُّه ‎[E] proverb: take a lot from what is free;
‏بِبَلاش / بِبَلاشي ‎[E] for free;
‏انا ممكن ادي لك الكتاب ببلاش ‎[E] I can probably give you the book for free;
‏اللي ييجي بلاش لازم يروح بلاش: مقولة تانية بتحث على العمل بما يرضي الله ‎[E] what comes free goes free, a phrase expressing how "easy come easy go" and also encouraging one to do things to please God (because other things don't last);
‏البَلَاش كَتِّر مِنُّه ‎[E] take a lot from what is free.

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  Root: ب ل ط ج 4
Word: بَلْطَج
  to act like a thug, bully (على = regarding;
comes from the word بَلْطَة, meaning an ax (because thugs go around with axes???);

بلطجة على خلق الله ‎[E] being a thug against god's very own creation, a reference to being cruel to anything and everything;
‏مِبَلْطَجَة على الأُجْرَة ‎[E] she's holding out on the rent;

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  Root: ب و ب 1
Word: باب، ج أَبْوَاب / بِبان
  door, gate;

فَتْح باب ‎[E] opening the door, meaning just a beginning;
‏أنا عايِز بَيت مِن بابُه ‎[E] I want a self-contained house;
‏باب البَدَن ‎[E] the body's door, meaning the anus;
‏مِن باب لِطاق ‎[E] just like that, for no apparent reason, as in:
‏عاوِز تِتْخانِق كِدا مِ الباب لِطاق ‎[E] do you want to quarrel like that, for no reason at all?!
‏يا باب النَبِي ‎[E] invocation of el-Sayyid el-Badawi;
‏على باب الله ‎[E] poor and with no connections to anyone (said 3ala bA-bAl-lAh);
‏مِن باب ‎[E] by way of, as in:
‏مِن باب المُجَامْلَة ‎[E] by way of courtesy;
‏مِن باب الذَوْق ‎[E] out of politeness;
‏من باب المَبْدَأ اللي ‎[E] on the principle which (says...);
‏باب النَجَّار مِخَلَّع ‎[E] proverb: the carpenter's door hangs awry, meaning that a skilled person often neglects his own family (like in English "the shoemaker's son always goes barefoot");
‏البَاب المَقْفُول يِبْعِد القَضَا المِسْتَعْجِل ‎[E] proverb: a closed door keeps unexpected calamities distant, meaning circumspection wards off danger;
‏الباب اِللي يْجِيْ لك مِنُّه رِيح سِدُّه وِاْسْتِرِيح ‎[E] proverb: close the door that let's wind in and relax, meaning stay away from likely sources of trouble;

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  Root: ب و ل 1
Word: بال

الفِكْرَة دي ما جَتْش على بالي ‎[E] the idea never occurred to me;
‏راح عن بالي ‎[E] it slipped my mind;
‏إن شاء الله تْنُول اللي فْ بالك ‎[E] I hope you attain what you have in mind;
‏طَوِّل بالُه ‎[E] he lengthened his mind, meaning he was patient; This is often used in the imperative;
‏بالُه واسِع ‎[E] his mind is wide, meaning either 1. he is tolerant or 2. he has no sense of punctuality;
‏باله رايق ‎[E] his mind is serene (either in the sense of being clear of distractions or being in a good mood);
‏قال فِ عَقْل بالُه ‎[E] he thought to himself, said to himself (this is often reduce to simply قال and the fact that it is to oneself is understood from context);
‏صاحب بالَين كَدّاب وأبو تلاتة مْنافِق ‎[E] proverb: the one with two minds is a liar and the one with three is a hypocrite, meaning the person who tries to do two things is fooling himself and the one who does three is even worse; Often when this phrase is heard on the first half is said;
‏خُد بالك من = خلي بالك من ‎[E] be careful of., watch out for
‏خَلَّي بالك ‎[E] be careful., watch out
‏طوِّل بالك ‎[E] be patient

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  Root: ب ي ت 1
Word: بَيْت، ج بِيُوت / بُيُوت / أَبَابِيْت
  house, home;
(note that the long vowel is often shortened. For instance بيتنا is said bitna and البيت ده is often e-l-bit-da);
(I also have the plural أَبَابِيْت listed, but I can't figure out where I heard that. It might be an LLEA word only);

بيتي بيتك ‎[E] my home is yours;
‏جُوّا جُوّا، بيتَك بيتَك ‎[E] what people shout at poultry to drive them home/into their coup; People also say this to each other (amongst close friends, jokingly), and is like "shoo!" in English, and even when saying it to a group I've heard it in the singular (بيتك);
‏بَيْتَ الله ‎[E] either 1. the Kaaba in Mecca or 2. A place of worship;
‏البيت الحَرام ‎[E] the sacred precinct in Mecca;
‏بُيُوت الأَزْيَاء ‎[E] fashion houses (literally: clothes houses);
‏بيت الراحة = بيت الأدب ‎[E] phrases for the bathroom because the word حمام is seen as somewhat crude to use in public, especially amongst the older generation. The first means the rest house or rest room and the second means the room of manners (I think, but that is a very literal translation). One teacher said don't use these phrases because they are mainly used in LLEA or by the older generation now;
‏الفِلُوس في بيتها ‎[E] the money is safe and sound;
‏اُدخُلوا البيوت من أبوابها ‎[E] enter houses from their doors, meaning do things the proper way, the right way;
‏خَرْج بيت ‎[E] second hand household items (often seen as a sign on the for shops and street vendors);
‏البَيْت بَيْتَك ‎[E] my house is your house/ make yourself at home.

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  Root: ت ح ف
Word: تُحْفَة، ج تُحَف
  delightfully odd or eccentric person

اِنْتَ تُحْفَة يا اْبْنِي آيَة مِن آيات اَلله ‎[E] you're a real character, my boy, a gem (literally: a sign of God's signs);

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  Root: ت ع س
Word: أَتْعَس
  more/most miserable, wretched (superlative/comparative)

مِن أَتْعَس مَخاليق اِلله ‎[E] one of the most wretched of God's creatures

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  Root: ت و ب
Word: تاب، يتوب، تَوْبة
  to unburden and relieve (على = s.o., من = of) (said of God);

رَبّنا يْتُوب عَليهُم مِ العِيَال ‎[E] may God relieve them of the burden of their children;
‏اَلله يِتُوب علينا مِن رُؤْيِة السافْلِين ‎[E] God relieve us of the sight of (these) awful people;
‏رَبّنا يْتُوب عَلينا مِ الشُغْلانة المِهَبِّبة دي ‎[E] God relieve of us of this lousy work;
‏ربّنا يتوب علينا ‎[E] may God relieve us of (s.o. or

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  Root: ث م ر
Word: تَمَر، يِتمَر / يتْمُر، تَمَران
  to bear fruit (in the form of gratitude)
[pronunciation: ث = ت]

المَعْرُوف ما يِتْمَرْش فيه ‎[E] the favors (done for him), he shows not gratitude;
‏عَلى الله يِتْمَر فيك ‎[E] I hope you appreciate it;

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  Root: ث و ر 1
Word: ثَوْر / تَوْر، ج ثِيْرَاْن / تِيران
  bull, ox;
(typically said تور with a ت . But in the phrase مصارعة الثيران the ث is said س often)
[pronunciation: ث = ت]

تَوْر الله فِ بَرْسِيمُه ‎[E] proverb: God's ox in his clover, meaning (he is) stupid but content;
‏لا لُه فِ التَوْر وَلا فِ الطِحِين ‎[E] proverb: he has nothing to do with either the ox or the milling, meaning he has no hand in the matter;
‏أَقُوْلْ لَك تَوْر تَقُوْلْ لِي اِحْلِبُه ‎[E] proverb: I tell you Ox so you tell me "Milk it!", meaning either 1. you're not paying attention, you are being dumb or 2. you insist on attempting the impossible;
‏جُحا َأَوْلى بْلَحْم تَوْرُه ‎[E] proverb: Goha is more entitled to the flesh of his ox, meaning a man has first claim on his own property;
‏عُمْر المَرَة ما تْرَبِّي تَوْر وِيْدُور فِ الساقْيَة ‎[E] proverb: a woman can never raise an ox that would turn the water-wheel, meaning a woman cannot properly raise a boy by herself;
‏مُصارْعِة الثِيران ‎[E] bull-fighting
‏التَّوْر لمَّا يِقَع تْكَتَّر سَكَاكِينُه ‎[E] when the ox falls, out come the knives (when someone is vulnerable, people will attack him or her).
‏لا لُه في التَّوْر وِلَا في الطَّحِين ‎[E] he has nothing to do with the matter (he has nothing to do with either the ox or the milling)

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  Root: ج ب ر
Word: جَبَر، يجبُر، جَبْر / جُبْران / جُبْرانِيَّة
  to soothe (خاطِر or بِخاطِر = someone's feelings) with a kind word or kind act, to help s.o. out when he/she is in trouble;

دا كان راجِل غَلْبان وَاْنا جَبَرْت خاطْرُه ‎[E] that was a poor man and I helped him out (did or said something kind to him)
‏الله يِجْبُر بِخَاطْرَك ‎[E] may God bless you
‏يِجْبُر بِخَاطِر حدّ ‎[E] he consoles s.o., he offers solace to s.o.

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  Root: ج ث ث
Word: جِتّة، ج جِتَت
  body (of a human). From the CA word جُثَّة
[pronunciation: ث = ت]

البرد ياكل جتة العيال ‎[E] the cold is eating the kids bodies;
‏ياد أنا هاطلع على جتتك كل اللي حصل لي ‎[E] boy, I'll pour out on your body everything that I went through;
‏رَمَى / لَقَّح جتِّتُه على ‎[E] he imposed himself on (literally cast his body on);
‏شَحَّات رامِي جِتِّتُه عليك ‎[E] a beggar imposed himself on you, threw himself on you;
‏الله لا يرمي لك جتة فْ الأرض (said by beggars): may God not cast a body (of your family) to the earth;
‏راجل جتة ‎[E] he's an ogre, a brute; used this way it describes a man's body as being huge, well built, but the implication is that he only body (and no brain);
‏دا جِتَّة ‎[E] as an insult: he's well built, all muscle and no brain;
‏بِيِنْهَشُوا في جتِّتُه ‎[E] they gossiped maliciously about him;
‏لَقَّح جِتِّتُه ‎[E] he imposed himself (he cast his body)

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  Root: ج ح ر
Word: جَحَر، يجحُر / يِجْحُر، جَحْر
  to bury (ه = s.o.) in a hole

الله يِجْحَر رُوْحَك مَطْرَح ما رُحْت ‎[E] May God bury your soul wherever you go, meaning go to hell;

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  Root: ج ح م
Word: جَحَم، يجحِم، جَحْم / جَحِيم
  to send to hell (ه = s.o.)

الله يِجْـحِـمُه: دعاء على حدّ مات، عكس الله يرحمه ‎[E] my God send him to hell; this is a prayer against someone who has died, opposite of the common phrase الله يرحمه;
‏داهْيَة تِجْحِمُه ‎[E] may a disaster (strike him) and send him to hell;

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  Root: ج ز ي
Word: جَزَى، يِجْزِي، جَزاء
  to recompense, reward (ه = s.o., ب / على = for);
(this can be used to mean to reward or punish, depending on context);

جَزاك الله كُلّ خَيْر = رَبّنا يِجْزِيك = جَزاك اللهُ خَيْرًا ‎[E] may God reward you. This is often used as a form of thank you, especially amongst more relgious Muslims, and the proper reply is وإِيَّاكُم (and you as well);

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Word: جازَى
  to punish (ه = s.o.)

الله يجازي اللي كان السبب = عبارة تعني حد بيدعي على حد ‎[E] may god punish the person responsible;
‏المُدَرِّس جازاه بالعَلْقَة ‎[E] the teacher punished him with a beating;
‏الله يِجازِي شْطانَك ‎[E] God punish your devil, roughly like as a statement of rebuke "you little devil!"

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Word: جازَى
  to requite (ه = s.o.), said of God;

الله يِجازِيك خَيْر ‎[E] may God reward you

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  Root: ج ل ل
Word: جَلّ، يجِلّ، جَلال / جَلالَة
  to honor, dignify, exalt (ه = s.o.);

أنا أَجِلُّه لِله فِ الله ‎[E] I exalt him for God and in God, meaning I exalt him sincerely, unfeignedly;

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Word: جَلّ، يجِلّ، جَلال / جَلالَة
  to be or become great or sublime (usually said of God) (intransitive, in the perfect tense, الماضي, form only)

الله عَزّ وْجَلّ ‎[E] God the mighty and exalted (common title used when talking of God);
‏الله جَلّ جَلالُه ‎[E] God, the most exalted (from a مفعول مطلق structure in CA), common title used when talking of God;
‏جَمال جَل الخالِق ‎[E] beauty (makes one) praise the Creator;
‏جَلّ المُلْك ‎[E] literally: Glory to the (one with) sovereignty (مُلك literally meaning ownership or sovereignty over, this is used to mean to a great extent, in great numbers/sizes; as in:
‏بِنْت حِلوَة جَلّ المُك ‎[E] an extremely pretty girl, (as befitting God's creation);
‏عالَم جَلّ المُلْك ‎[E] an enormous crowd (as is only possible in God's kingdom);

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Word: جَلال
  exaltedness, grandeur, majesty; (maSdar)

جَلال المَنْظَر ‎[E] the grandeur of the scene;
‏وِحَق جَلال الله ‎[E] by God's majesty (a strong oath);

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  Root: ج ن ب
Word: جَناب
  Right Honorable, Sir (honorific used as a respectful form of reference and address) (obsolete term)

جَنابَك ‎[E] roughly "Sir"
‏خَلِّيها على جَناب اِلله ‎[E] leave it up to God;
‏الجَناب العالي ‎[E] obsolete term: title of, and form of reference to, the Sultan of Turkey;

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  Root: ج ن د
Word: جُنْد، ج أَجْناد
  singular is a collective noun: body of troops

جُنْد مُرْتَزَقَة ‎[E] mercenaries;
‏جُنْدُ اْلله ‎[E] Islamic term: soldiers of God, meaning the faithful;
‏جُنْد الشَيْطان ‎[E] the followers of Satan;
‏أَجْناد الرَبّ ‎[E] Christian term: the hosts of the Lord;
‏رَب الأَجْناد ‎[E] Christian term: the Lord of the hosts;

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  Root: ج ن ز
Word: جَنازَة، ج جَنازَاْت
  funeral; funeral procession

خَدَمات الجنازة ‎[E] funeral services (not like the funeral service, but services done for a funeral);
‏صلاة الجَنازة ‎[E] Islamic term: ritual prayer said over the coffin;
‏يِقْتِل القَتيل وِيِمْشي فْ جَنازْتُه ‎[E] he murders someone and walks in his funeral procession, meaning he is utterly brazen;
‏إن شاْ اْلله أَمْشي فْ جنازْتُه ‎[E] God willing I'll walk in his funeral procession, meaning, I hope I see him dead;
‏جَنازَة حارّة وِالمَيِّت كَلْب ‎[E] proverb: the funeral is intense and the dead one is a dog, meaning a lot of fuss about nothing;
‏عايز جنازة يشبع فيها لطم ‎[E] he wants (to find) a funeral where he can slap his face to his heart's content (said of one who looks for other people's troubles to enjoy)
‏يِقْتِل القَتِيل ويِمْشِي فِي جَنَازْتُه ‎[E] he murders someone and walks in his funeral procession, meaning he is utterly brazen

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  Root: ج و ر
Word: أَجار
  to give aid (ه = to s.o.), (mainly heard in the phrase أجارَك الله may God protect you); (UEA)

أجارَك الله ‎[E] May God protect you;
‏شَكْلَها أجارَك الله ‎[E] may you never see anyone as ugly as her;
‏الصُداع أجارَك الله حَيِفْلَق راسي ‎[E] the headache, God protect you (from having such a headache), is going to split my head;

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  Root: ح ب ب 1
Word: حَبِيب، ج حَبايِب / أَحْباب / أَحِبَّة
  with plurals حَبايِب / أَحْباب : dear one, friend;

يا حِبيبي ‎[E] my dear (common form of address);
‏العِيال أَحبابَ الله ‎[E] children are the loved ones of God;
‏طُوْل عُمْر البَلَدَين حَبايِب ‎[E] the two countries have always been on good terms;
‏إِن كان حَبيبَك عَسَل ما تِلْحَسُوش كُلُّه ‎[E] proverb: if your friend is honey, don't lick him all (away), meaning don't abuse the kindness of a friend;
‏ضَرْب الحَبيب زَي أَكْل الزِبيب ‎[E] being beating by a friends is (as good as) eating raisins;
‏الحَبيب ‎[E] the Beloved (epithet of the Prophet Muhammad);

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  Root: ح ت ت 1
Word: حِتّة، ج حِتَت
  a real, an incredible, a really (big, small, etc.); (no plural) (this is an intensifier. It is usually in an إضافة structure and usually with other intensifiers such as دِين )

أَمَّا حِتِّت حُفْرَة ‎[E] what an incredible hole!
‏حتة راجل = لقطة ‎[E] a catch of a man
‏حتّة عريس: تعبير ممكن نفهم منه إن دي حاجة كويسة قوي أو حاجة وحشة قوي ‎[E] a groom that is either really good or really bad;
‏اَلله يُرْزُقْكُم بِحِتِّة نِيلة ‎[E] may God "reward" you with a serious disaster;
‏إِمبارِح سِهِرْنا حِتِّة دِين سَهْرة ‎[E] yesterday we stayed up/out late and had a wonderful time;
‏خَطَبْت حِتِّة دين خُطْبة بِنْت كَلْب ‎[E] I gave a bloody fine speech!
‏حِتّة ‎[E] used to emphasize what comes next, like "wow, what a ..."

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  Root: ح د د
Word: حَدّ، ج حُدُود
  punishment prescribed by Islamic law (in Islam)

حَدَّ اْلله بَيْنِي وْبَينُه ‎[E] I've nothing to do with him at all
‏حَدّ الله بيني وبينه ‎[E] I have nothing to do with him (god's punishment between me and him)

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  Root: ح ر م
Word: حَرَم، يحرِم، حِرْمان
  to deprive (ه = s.o., من = of);

ما تْخَلَقْشِ اْللي يِحْرِمْني مِنْكُو ‎[E] the person who could take me from you has not yet been born;
‏ما يِحْرِمْنيش منك (may god) not keep me from you. This is a prayer, often said to parents, as a way of saying thank you or may you always be there for me (similar to الله يخليك)

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  Root: ح س ب
Word: حَسْب
  sufficiency; (This is used mainly in the phrase from the Qur'an) (see example)

حَسْبِي الله ونِعْم الوكيل ‎[E] god is my sufficiency (is sufficient for me), and he is the best disposer of affairs; From the Qur'an 3: 173, though the exact verse is حَسْبُنا الله ونِعْمَ الوَكِيل; (The literal meaning is a "good" prayer meaning God is sufficient for me, but it is used more like "how horrible" or "God protect us from this" or, with the right tone, a curse and said to someone who has wronged you, meaning roughly "God will even the score for us".)

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Word: حَسَب
  حَسَبَ اْلله : Hasaballah (male given name)

فِرْقِة حَسَب الله ‎[E] brass band of old men and old instruments, often hired by poor people or peasants to play at weddings;
‏مَزِّيكِة حَسَب الله ‎[E] the music played by فرقة حسب الله;

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  Root: ح س ر
Word: اِتْحَسَر / اِنْحَسَر
  to be caused grief, be grief ridden (passive of حَسَر)

إنْ شا الله ما تِنْحِسْرِيْش على حَدّ مِن حَبايْبَك ‎[E] women in traditional societies: may you never suffer the loss of any of your dear ones

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  Root: ح س ن
Word: مُحْسِن
  charitable person

وِكانَ الله يِحِبّ المُحْسِنين ‎[E] and God loved the charitable people (or do-gooders), a phrase meaning "and that was the end of that, … nothing could be done about it". This is a rueful comment said at the end of a tale of mishaps and misfortunes. Though this is not a direct quote from the Qur'an, it is worth looking at Ibn Kathir's tafsir (interpretation) of the Qur'an 2:195, where it says إنّ اللهَ يُحِبُّه المُحْسِنين
‏بَيْت المُحْسِن عَمَار ‎[E] proverb: the charitable person's house prospers;

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  Root: ح ص ل
Word: حَصَل، يحصَل، حُصُول
  to happen, occur, take place;

اللي حاصِل دلوقتي ‎[E] what's going on now (is..)
‏أَيه اِللي بْيِحْصَل هِنا ‎[E] what's going on here?
‏حَصَلِت حَرِيقة فِ العِمارة ‎[E] a fire occurred in the building;
‏أَيِّ اْللي حصل ‎[E] what happened;
‏حَصَلْ لُه = جرى لُه ‎[E] happened to s.o.;
‏دي حصلِت لي ييجي ميت مرة! this has happened to me 100 times!
‏الحادْثة اْللي حَصَلِت لَها ‎[E] the accident that happened to her;
‏ما حَصَلْش لِيَّ الشَرَف ‎[E] I haven't had the honor;
‏حَصَل عَنْدِي سَهْو ‎[E] I forgot;
‏حَصَل مِنُّه غَلَط ‎[E] he made a mistake;
‏حَصَل فيه كَسْر ‎[E] it got broken
‏حَصَل خَير ‎[E] it turned out okay, nothing serious happened;
‏ما يِحْصَلْش ‎[E] either 1. may it not happen! God forbid! (also : إن شا اْلله ما يِحْصَل) or's never happen (As you say), your threats are empty;
‏ما حَصَلْش ‎[E] wonderful, excellent!
‏حاجة ما حَصَلِتْش ‎[E] something great, amazing;
‏شخص ما حصلش ‎[E] an awesome person, a great person;
‏حُصُول البَلا وَلا اْنْتِطارُه ‎[E] proverb: it's better to suffer a calamity than to live in expectation of it;
‏اللي يِحْصَل يِحْصَل ‎[E] come what may., whatever happens, happens
‏اللي حَصَل حَصَل ‎[E] whatever happened, happened
‏حَصَل خَير ‎[E] it turned out ok

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  Root: ح ط ط
Word: حَطّ، يحُطّ، حَطّ / حَطَطان
  to alight, land (على = on; (intransitive)

النَحْلَة حَطِّت عَ الوَرْدة ‎[E] the bee alighted on the flower;
‏إن شا الله يْجي لَك وَحُطَّ عليك ‎[E] may (disaster) come and rest on you;
‏ما بِيْحُطِّش واطِي ‎[E] he is very proud;

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  Root: ح ظ ظ
Word: حَظّ، يحِظّ، حَظّ / حَظَظان
  to give pleasure, delight (ه = to s.o.);

اَلله يِحِظَّك يا شَيْخ ‎[E] said jokingly: God grant you enjoyment (said to s.o. in appreciation of his entertaining company)

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  Root: ح ف ظ
Word: حَفَظ، يحفَظ، حِفْظ / حِفْض، اسم فاعِل: حافِظ / حافِض، اسم مَفْعُول: حافِض / حافِظ
  to protect, preserve (ه =, من = from harm);
[pronunciation: ظ = ض / ظ = ظ]

الله يِحْفَظك ‎[E] god protect/keep you, (often used as thank, or said in response to to praise and generous or kind words or actions);
‏هي حافظاني ‎[E] she is protecting my honor (said of wife);
‏الوَرَق بِيِحْفَظْها مِن التُراب ‎[E] the paper protects it from dust;
‏فِحِفْظِ اْلله (go) in God's safe keeping! good bye!

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Word: حِفْظ
  preserving, protecting, keeping safe
[pronunciation: ظ = ض / ظ = ظ]

فِحِفْظِ اْلله (go) in God's safe keeping! good bye!

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  Root: ح ق د
Word: حَقَد، يحقِد، حِقْد / حَقَدان
  to hold a grudge (على = against);
the maSdar can be said with either ق or ء ;
[pronunciation: ق = ق / ق = ء]

دايْمًا يِحْقِد على خَلْقِ الله ‎[E] he's always holding grudges against people

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  Root: ح ق ق
Word: حَقّ
  truth; (compare with حقيقة, which is more like a truth, a fact, and حقَ is more like the general truth)
[pronunciation: ق = ء]

قُولْ الحَق ‎[E] speak the truth, speak truthfully;
‏الحَقّ يِعْلَى وَلا يِعْلَاش علَيْه عالِي ‎[E] proverb: the truth rises/comes out and no one can rise above it no matter how high;
‏كِلْمِة الحِقّ طِلْعِت / اِتْقَالِت ‎[E] the truth is out / has been spoken;
‏كِلْمِة الحَق تُقَف في الزَوْر ‎[E] proverb: the word truth gets stuck in the throat, meaning handle (swallow) the truth;
‏عايِز الحق واللا ابن عمُه ‎[E] fixed expression???: do you want the truth or his nephew (meaning, do you want the truth or a lie);
‏بِحَقّ = بِالحَقّ = بِحَقّ وْحَقِيق = بِحَقّ وْحَقِيقي ‎[E] really and truly, as in:
‏يِبْقَى صاحْبِي بحق ‎[E] he is truly my friend;
‏حصل كدا بالحَق ‎[E] honestly that's what happened;
‏الكلام دا بحَقّ وْ حقيق ‎[E] is that true? did that really truly happen?
‏ما حَدِّش عارِف ياخُد منَّك حَق ولا باطِل ‎[E] no one can get anything from you, meaning you are stubborn, no one can get anywhere with you;
‏عِرِف إنّ الله حَقّ ‎[E] to know that God is truth, a phrase roughly used to mean to correct one's ways/behavior;
‏مش حاشتغل معاه عشان يِتْعَلِّم وِيِعْرَف إن الله حَقّ ‎[E] I'm not going to work with him so he will learn change his behavior;
‏بِحَقِّ وْحَقِيق ‎[E] really and truly

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Word: حَقّ
  الحَقّ : Truth (epithet of God)
(one of the 99 names of God in Islam, it roughly translates to "the Truth". There are different explanations of what exactly this means, and Ibn Al-Arabi gets into the idea of defining God as existence in and of itself. I've also heard defined as God being the one who existence needs no justification. Suffice to say, it is a deep concept and there is a lot written on it.)
[pronunciation: ق = ق]

حَتْهَدِّدِيها حتى تِعْرَف إنّ الله حَق ‎[E] you will threaten her until she knows God is the Truth, meaning you'll threaten her until you put the fear of God in her;

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  Root: ح ك م
Word: حِكْمة

حِكْمِتَك يا رَبّ ‎[E] Lord, it is your wisdom (said in the face of an incomprehensible event);
‏دي الله ودي حُكْمَته ‎[E] proverb: this is god and this is his ruling, meaning this how life is, what can you do? the feminine most probably refers to the world;
‏دِي حِكْمِة رَبِّنا ‎[E] this is God's wisdom, meaning it is beyond our comprehension, it is how things are;

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  Root: ح م د
Word: حَمْد

الحَمْدُ لِله ‎[E] praise be to God. This phrase is very common and has a variety of usages, most prominent amongst them: 1. a reply in any enquiry after one's health, well-being, or general state of affairs (even a casual question like how's it going?) (even in casual conversation, and even things are not going well); 2. as a grace after eating and 3. as an expression of relief or satisfaction;
‏حَمْدِ اْلله عَ السَلامة ‎[E] praise be to God for (your) safety! said 1. to one arriving at the end of a (long) journey, or 2. to one who has just recovered from an illness or 3. to a woman who has just given birth.
‏حَمْدِ الله ع السَلَامَة ‎[E] praise God for (your) safety

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  Root: ح م ل
Word: حِمْل، ج حُمُول / أَحْمَال
  load, burden;

حِمْل على قلبي / كَتافي ‎[E] a burden on my shoulders / heart;
‏الحِمْل بْتاع المُتَوْر ‎[E] the (electric) load on the motor;
‏حِمْلُه خَفيف ‎[E] his (family) responsibilities are few;
‏أنا مِش حِمْلَك ‎[E] either 1. you're too heavy for me, or 2. you're too much for me;
‏خَلِّي تَوَكُّلَك عَلَى الله وِاْرْمِي الحِمْل عَ الباقِي ‎[E] proverb: put your turst in God and cast your load on the Everlasting (as an epithet of God) (also as a pun, the last part is used as "and cast your burden on others");

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  Root: ح م ي 1
Word: حَمَى، يِحْمِي، حِماية
  to protect (ه =, من = from);

رِبِّنا يِحْمِيك ‎[E] God keep you!
‏أنا سَوَّاق أَقْدَر أَحْمِي نَفْسي فِ الطَريق ‎[E] I'm a driver wh ocan take care of himself on the road;
‏الله يحميك ‎[E] may God protect you

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  Root: ح ن ن 1
Word: حَنِّـن
  to cause to behave with kindness or tenderness (ه = s.o.)

أنا عاوْزُه يِتْوَسَّط لِي عَنْدَها وِيْحَنِّـن قَلْبَها عَلَيَّ ‎[E] I want him to put in a good word with her and soften her heart towards me;
‏اَلله يِحَنّـن عَليك = الله يِحَنِّـن ‎[E] may God make people kindly to you (said to a beggar when refusing him alms);

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  Root: ح و ج 1
Word: حَوَج، يِحْوِج، حَوْجة / حاجة
  to expose to need, cause to need (ه = s.o. /;

اَلله ما يِحْوِجْنا ليه ‎[E] may God never make us need him!
‏لـمّا حَوَجِت الضَرْب ‎[E] when it came to blows;
‏اِللي تِكْرَه وِشُّه يِحْوِجَك الزَمان لِقَفاه ‎[E] proverb: the person whose face you hate (i.e. whom you hate to see), time will make you need the nape of the nape of his neck (i.e., the person you hate today you will one day need);

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Word: اِتْحَوَج / اِنْحَوَج، يِتْحِوِج / يِنْحِوِج
  to be exposed to need

إِنْ شا اْلله ما تِتْحِوِجْش ‎[E] said by women an beggars: may you never be in need!

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  Root: ح و ش
Word: حوِّش
  to put aside for later use (ه =

ما حَوِّشْتش وَلا مَلِّين ‎[E] I haven't saved even a cent;
‏يحوش فلوس ‎[E] to save money;
‏بِنْجِيب السِباخ وِنْحَوِّشُه لحَدّ المُوسِم ‎[E] we get fertilizer and save it until the season;
‏إن شاء الله ما حَدّ حَوِّش ‎[E] said jokingly: hopefully no one saved any money, meaning don't worry about the costs, hopefully everyone had a good time and spent;

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  Root: ح و ل
Word: حَوْل
  said hawl : power, might;

لا حَوْلَ وَلا قُوَّةَ إِلا بِالله ‎[E] there is no power or strength but with God (often said as an exclamation of helplessness and resignation);
‏لا حَوْل إِلاه ‎[E] There is no strength but His (same usage as لا حول ولا قوة إلا بالله );
‏يا حَوْلِ اْلله ‎[E] O might of God! (exclamation of resignation or indignation);

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  Root: ح ي ا ل ل ه
Word: حَيَّالله
  are you still (derogatory)

حَيَا الله ‎[E] are you still... (generally derogatory)

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  Root: ح ي ي 1
Word: حِيِي، يِحْيَا / يِحْيَى، حَيّ
  to live

تَحْيَا جمهورية مصر العربية ‎[E] long live the Arab Republic of Egypt;
‏يحيَا العَلَم ‎[E] long live the flag;
‏يِحْيَا / يِحْيَا الرَيِّس ‎[E] long live the president;
‏يَحْيا الهِلال مع الصليب ‎[E] the crescent and cross live together (this line is from a movie and was basically used to refer to a united a country);
‏حيا الله في ‎[E] are still... (but usually used in a negative, almost derogatory way)
‏انتو حيا الله في الثانوية العامة ‎[E] you're still in high school (just kids)

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Word: حَيَاة
(pronounced hayaah, or in إضافة hayaat)
(compare to حياة pronounced haya;)

حياتي كلها ممتلئة ‎[E] my whole life is full (I lack nothing);
‏المُهِمّ إِنَّ حَياتْها مَعاه تْكُون سَعيدة ‎[E] the important thing is that her life with him should be happy;
‏أنا فْ حَياتِي ما شُفْتش سُوْء حَظّ بِ الشَكْل دا ‎[E] through my whole life I have not seen such bad luck;
‏حَياتُه فِ النَمِيمة ‎[E] he thrives on gossip (literally: his life is in gossip);
‏يا حَياتِي ‎[E] endearing form of address;
‏وِحْياة + اسم في إضافة ‎[E] an oath, used to intensify the normal oath for و + اسم (like والله). Common forms include: وِحْياتَك ، وِحْياةَ اْلله ، وِحْياةْ رَبِّنا، وِحْياةِ النَبِي، وِحْياة رَحْمِة أَبوك، وِحْياة مَقام الحُسَين . This is used as an oath, in polite requests (like please), in strong affirmation, and as a form of emphasis in narratives, as in:
‏وِحْياتَك مُمْكِن تِقُوْلْ لي الساعة كام ‎[E] please, would you tell me the time?
‏وِحْياتَك مِش حَتاخُدوا ‎[E] you certainly will not take it;
‏فَقُلْت لُه لا مُؤاخْذة يا اْبْنِي ما خَدْتش بالي مِ الحِكاية وِحْياتِك وِخَدْت الواد عَلى حِجْري ‎[E] then I told him him "sorry, I didn't think of that" and I took the kid on my lap;
‏لا حَياةَ لِـمَن تُنادِي ‎[E] CA: there's no life in the one you call, meaning it's useless;

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  Root: خ ب ط
Word: اتْخَبَط / اِنْخَبَط
  to be hit or hit o.s., be knocked or knock o.s.;

عَرَبِيِّتي اْتْخَبَطِت مِن وَرا ‎[E] my car was hit from behind;
‏المَرْكِبِ اْتْخَبَطِت فِ الرَصيف ‎[E] the ship struck the quay;
‏إن شا اْلله أَتْخِبِط فِ نَظَري لَو ‎[E] may I be struck blind if (said as a disclaimer, e.g. if I were lying...);
‏دا أَكِيدِ اْتْخَبَط فِ دْماغُه عَشان يِتْصَرَّف بِالشَكْل دا ‎[E] he must have been struck in the head to act like this;

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  Root: خ ت م
Word: خِتام
  ending, conclusion;

أَحْسَن الخِتام = مِسْك الخِتام ‎[E] the best of endings (مِسك الخِتام is from the phrase خِتامُهُ مِسك from Qur'an 83:26, referring to the wine of heaven. It is either translated "it's seal is musk" or "the last of it of is musk");
‏إن شا اْلله الشُغْلة تِتْخِتِم أَحْسَن خِتام ‎[E] let's hope the work reaches the most successful possible conclusion;
‏الخِتام الصُغَيَّر ‎[E] the memorization of the thirtieth, twenty-ninth, and twenty-eighths of the Qur'an;
‏الخِتام الكِبير ‎[E] the memorization of the entire Qur'an;

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  Root: خ ر ب 1
Word: خَرَب، يخرِب، خَراب / خَرَبان
  to destroy, ruin (ه =;

فيه حَدّ يِخْرِب بَيْتُه بْإِيدُه ‎[E] would anyone destroy their home with his own hands? meaning would anyone deliberately bring about his own ruin?
‏يِخْرِب بَيْتَك = اَلله يِخْرِب بيتَك ‎[E] may God ruin your home! (a common curse, used like "damn you" in English, but also used to denote surprise or wonder);
‏اَلله لا يِخْرِب لَك بَيْت ‎[E] said by beggars: may God not destroy your home!
‏يِخْرِب عَقْلَك = اَلله يِخْرِب عَقلك ‎[E] exclamation of of affectionate amusement, like "you're a riot" (literally: May god ruin your reason);
‏خَرَبْها وْقَعَد عَلى تَلَّها ‎[E] he ruined it and sat (in satisfaction) on its remains (literally, its hill. it here refers to الدنيا, but the phrase is more general and can refer to different things, such as one's home, life, etc.);
‏أَسِيب المَخْرُوب البَيت دا ‎[E] I'll leave this cursed / ruined house;
‏يِخْرِب بَيتَك ‎[E] may God destroy your house!
‏يِخْرِب عَقْلَك ‎[E] exclamation of of affectionate amusement, like "you're a riot" (may God ruin your reason)

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  Root: خ ش ي
Word: خِشِي، يِخْشَى، خَشْيَة / خِشَى م خَشَيَان
  to be afraid (من = of), fear (مِن =;
often used in contexts of respect, as well as religious contexts;

اِخْشَى اْلله ‎[E] fear God!
‏ما بْيِخْشُوْش أَوامْرِي ‎[E] they don't respect my orders;
‏الشَيَاطين بِيِخْشُوا مِن آيِةِ الكُرْسي ‎[E] the devils fear the Throne verse (of the Qur'an, 2:255);

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  Root: خ ط ر
Word: خاطِر، ج خَواطِر
  good will, kind feeling (held by one for another);

لُه خاطِر كِبِير عَنْد المُدَرِّسِين ‎[E] he has a lot of good will with the teachers (meaning the teachers really like him);
‏عشان خاطِر + اسم في إضافة ‎[E] either 1. for the sake of or 2. so that, in order; Note that عشاني would mean for me or because of me, but عشان خاطري would imply that it is a special favor, more like for my sake.
‏تعالِي عشان خاطْرِي ‎[E] come for my sake;
‏بِيْقَدِّم مشارِيع للأَقْسام عشان خاطِر تِنَفِّذْها ‎[E] he sends on projects to the departments for them to carry out;
‏عَمَل خاطِر لِحد ‎[E] to do a kind favor for someone;
‏بِيِعْمِلوا خاطر لِبَعض ‎[E] they do one another good turns;
‏خَد خاطِر / بِخاطر ‎[E] to pay condolences to s.o.;
‏جَبْر الخَواطِر عَ الله (your) kindness (to me) is on God (meaning God will reward you for your kindness);
‏عشان خاطرك ‎[E] for your sake
‏عشان خاطري ‎[E] for my sake

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  Root: خ ط و
Word: خَطْوة، ج خَطْوات / خَطاوِي
  step, pace;

مِشِي الخَطْوِتَين لِبَيْتْها ‎[E] he walked the few steps to her house;
‏خَطْوة عَزِيزة ‎[E] phrase said to someone when they visit, especially after a protracted absence, roughly meaning "you honor us with your visit";
‏أَهْلِ الخَطْوة ‎[E] the people of the step; In popular belief, this refers to people who have the power to transport themselves over vast distances by supernatural means or to appear simultaneously in more than one place;
‏بَين الخَطْوة وِالخَطْوة يِفْعَلَ الله ما يَشاء ‎[E] proverb: between one step and the next God does as he wills, meaning that even when things seem certain, things can still go wrong;
‏بِيْعِدّ الخَطاوِي عليها ‎[E] he is counting the steps "against" her, meaning, he spies on her;

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  Root: خ ف ي
Word: خافِي
  the hidden, unseen (same as باطِن but خافي is more LLEA)

الظاهر لينا والخافي على الله ‎[E] the apparent is for us humans and the hidden/unseen is for god.

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  Root: خ ل و
Word: خلَّى، يْخَلِّي
  to keep, preserve (ه =;

حاخَلِّيْها اْحْتِياطِي ‎[E] I'll keep it as a spare;
‏خَلِّيك مَعايا ‎[E] hang on! keep with me (until I finish, e.g. while I do something, say something further, etc.);
‏خَلِّيك عَ الشِمال ‎[E] keep on the left;
‏خَلِّيني عَ البال ‎[E] keep me in mind!
‏خَلِّيك ‎[E] keep where you are!
‏خَلِّيك مَعَ اْلله ‎[E] trust in God!
‏خَلِّيك فِ حالَك ‎[E] mind your own business;
‏خَلِّيه فْ حالُه ‎[E] leave him alone!
‏الله يِخَلِّيك ‎[E] thank you (literally god keep you, but often said in thanks for a service, or in reply to an equiry after one's health, etc.);
‏خلّي الباقي علشانك ‎[E] keep the change for yourself;
‏خَلِّيها على الله ‎[E] Leave it to god, don't worry;
‏رَبِّنا / اَلله يِخَلِّي (ـهُم) لَك ‎[E] may God preserve them (i.e. your children) for you, as in:
‏دي بنتي الوحِيد، الله يِخَلِّيها لِي ‎[E] this is my only daughter, God preserve her for me;
‏الله يخلّيك ‎[E] thank you (often said in thanks for a service, or in reply to an enquiry after one's health, etc (may God keep you)
‏ربّنا يخلّيك لي ‎[E] may God keep you with me, may we stay together forever

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  Root: خ م س
Word: خَمِيس، ج خِمْسَاْن
  money traditionally paid every Thursday to a Koranic teacher by a child's father (for the teacher to teach the child); (obsolete term)

خُدْ خَمِيسُه إِنْ شا اْلله ما قَرَا ‎[E] proverb: take his خَميس, even if he hasn't recited, meaning get as much as you can, even if you don't fulfill your duties;

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  Root: خ ي ب
Word: خَيِّب
  to cause (ه = to fail

صَاحْبُه خَيِّبُه ‎[E] his friend made him fail;
‏اَلله يِخَيِّبَك ‎[E] may God make you fail (this is a mild, and at times even affectionate, curse);

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  Root: خ ي ر
Word: خَيْر
  bounty, blessing, good;

خَيْر رَبِّنا كْتير ‎[E] God's bounty is great;
‏زِيادِةِ الخَيْر خَيْرَين ‎[E] you cannot have too much of a good thing;
‏الشَجَرة المَرَّة خَيْرْها بَرَّة ‎[E] it's a bitter tree that drops its bounty outside, meaning charity begins at home;
‏حَصَل خَيْر ‎[E] no harm has been done;
‏الخَيْر فيما اختاره الله ‎[E] God knows best, God works in mysterious ways, see also under الخيرة ;
‏الخير يقعد لهم في عينهم وعافيتهم يا رب ‎[E] may god let the good they did remain in their eyes and health (may god continue to bless them for what they've done);
‏يحب لحد الخَيْر ‎[E] to want the best for s.o.
‏اللي ما لوش خير في (حاجة) مالوش خير في حاجة تانية ‎[E] what isn't good for … isn't god for.... either;
‏خَيْر إِنْ شاء الله ‎[E] I hope all is well?
‏بِخَيْر ‎[E] either 1. in good health, or 2. safely, as in:
‏أنا بْخَير وِالحَمْدُ لِله ‎[E] I'm in good health, praise be to God!
‏بَلَدْنا بْخَير ‎[E] our country is in good shape!
‏لِحَدِّ ما تْمُرِّ الأَزْمة بْخَير ‎[E] until the crisis is safely over;
‏على خَيْر ‎[E] safely, (same as بِخَير );
‏فيك الخَيْر ‎[E] thank you, you're a good person;
‏جايِّين وِجايِّ خَيْرْنا مَعانا ‎[E] we're coming and our bounty (i.e. food, etc.) is coming with us;
‏زِيَادْةِ الخَير خَيْرَين ‎[E] you cannot have too much of a good thing

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Word: خِيْرَة
  a choice (noun)

ما ليش خِيرة فِ الحِكاية دي ‎[E] I have no choice in this matter;
‏عَلى خِيْرِةِ اْلله (May what you/me/we etc. are about to do) be on God's choice, i.e. may God be with you in what you are about to do;

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Word: خِيْرَة

الخِيرة فْما اْخْتارُه اْلله ‎[E] God's is the best solution (when a solution to a dilemma presents itself out of the blue);
‏كُلِّ تَأْخِيرة وْفيها خِيرة ‎[E] proverB: every delay brings its share of good;
‏كُلِّ تَأْخِيرَة وْفِيهَا خِيْرَة ‎[E] every delay is probably for the best (an expression of reassurance when something has to be delayed for reasons outside of one's control)

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  Root: د خ ل
Word: دَخَل، يدخُل، دَخْلَة / دُخُوْل
  to be a matter (في = for), be or enter (في = into the responsibility of;

دا شَيْء يُدْخُل فِ إِرادِةِ الله ‎[E] that is in God's hands

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  Root: د ل ل
Word: دِلَالة
  auction, public sale;

سُوْق الدِلالة ‎[E] obsolete term: slave-auction market;
‏إنْ شا الله تِتْباع فِ سُوْق الدِلالة ‎[E] God willing you'll be sold in the save market! (meaning, I hope you go to hell);

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  Root: ذ ل ل
Word: ذَلّ، يذِلّ، ذُلّ
  to humiliate (ه = s.o.)
[pronunciation: ذ = ز]

ما فيش حاجة تْذِلّ البَني آدام زيّ الحَوْجة ‎[E] nothing humiliates a man like need (or being made to need);
‏حاذِلَّك ‎[E] I'll bring you down!
‏حاذِلِّ فْ خَلْقِ الله ‎[E] I'll bring low all of God's creation;

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Word: مَذَلَّة
[pronunciation: ذ = ز]

الشَكْوى لْغَيْرَ الله مَذَلَّة ‎[E] proverb: to complain to other than God is a humiliation

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  Root: ر ت ب
Word: مَرْتَبة، ج مَراتِب
  rank, status

الله يِعَلِّي مَرَتْبَك ‎[E] God advance you! (May God raise your ranking) (said expressing gratitude);
‏مَعَ مَرْتَبِةِ الشَرَف ‎[E] in academia: with honors, as in:
‏اِتْخَرَّجْت بْتَقْدِير جَيِّد جِدًّا مَعَ مَرْتَبِةِ الشَرَف ‎[E] I graduated with the grade "Very Good with honors";

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  Root: ر ج ع
Word: رِجِع، يرجَع، رُجُوع
  to return, go/come back (ه = to, or ل = to s.o./; the ل seems to be more for people and abstract things, but there is no fixed rule);

ما رِجِعْش إلا بَعد العَشَا ‎[E] he didn't come back until after dinner;
‏رِجِعنا تانِي لِلأَمْثال ‎[E] we've gone back to (saying) proverbs again;
‏اِرْجع ‎[E] get back! (imperative); in the context of driving means "reverse!";
‏الحَسَنة حَتِرْجع لَك بالخَير ‎[E] proverb: the good you do will bring you good;
‏رِجِع فِ كَلامُه ‎[E] either 1. he went back on his word or 2. he changed his mind;
‏يرجَع في قرارُه ‎[E] to go back on one's decision;
‏أيام الله لا يِـرجِـعها ‎[E] god, please don't bring those days back (said 'ayyam-i-llAh-la-yirgiHHa);???
‏رِجِع في كَلَامُه ‎[E] he went back on his word

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  Root: ر ح ب
Word: رِحاب

فِ رْحابِ الله ‎[E] may he be welcomed into God's presence (in reference to one deceased)

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  Root: ر ح م
Word: رَحَم، يرحَم، رَحْمة
  to have mercy on (ه = s.o.); This can be used in the context of God having mercy on someone, in a formal context, or in a more casual context to mean to go easy on someone;

اِرْحَمني ‎[E] have mercy on me!
‏ارحَمه بقى ‎[E] Go easy on him!
‏لا تِرْحَم وَلا تْخَلِّي رَحْمِة رَبِّنا تِنْزِل ‎[E] you neither help (us) nor allow (us) to find relief from elsewhere;
‏الله يرحَمُه / حد ‎[E] god rest his soul, often used when speaking of s.o. close to you who passed away;
‏أَبويا مات الله يِرْحَمُه ‎[E] my father's dead, God have mercy on him;
الله يرحَمُه ويِحْسِن إليه ‎[E] a more elaborate version of الله يرحمه;
‏لو مسكوه يبقى الواد الله يرحمُه ‎[E] if they caught him, then god help the poor kid;
‏الله يرحم أيام الزمان ‎[E] How (I) miss the past, good old days;
‏يَرحَمُكَم الله ‎[E] God bless you (said to one who sneezes);

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Word: رَحْمة
  mercy, compassion;

خَلِّي فْ قَلْبَك رَحْمة ‎[E] keep some mercy in your heart! show some compassion!
‏راجِلِ الرَحْمة مَنْزُوْعة مِن قَلْبُه ‎[E] a man with not a trace of compassion in his heart;
‏وِرَحْمِة ‎[E] a strong oath sworn by the dead, as in:
‏وِرَحْمِة أَبُوْيا ‎[E] by my (dead) father's soul!
‏وِرَحْمِة بابا = وِدِيني = والله = نوع من أنواع الحلفان ‎[E] a strong oath;
‏ورحمة بابا ما أنا واكلة = و الله مش هأكل ‎[E] I am not going to eat!
‏اِتْوَفَّى لْرَحْمِةِ الله ‎[E] he died (and went to rest) in God's mercy;
‏بِساطِ الرَحمة ‎[E] baldaquin, carried at Coptic funerals;
‏عَليه أَلْفِ رَحْمة ‎[E] a thousand mercies on his soul;
‏ولا تِرْحَم وَلا تْسِيب رَحْمِة رَبِّنا تِنْزِل = مش عايز يساعدني ومش عايز حد يساعدني كمان ‎[E] you are not merciful nor will you let God's mercy descend on me, meaning you don't want to help me and you won't let anyone else help me;
‏تَحْتِ رَحْمِة + إضافة ‎[E] at the mercy of; under the thumb of (s.o. or

Rate Translation
  Root: ر ز ق
Word: رَزَق، يرزُق، ؟؟؟
  to provide (ه = s.o.) with sustenance or the means of subsistence (also ه / ب = with; (said of God);
[pronunciation: ق = ء]

يا رَبِّ اُرْزُقْني ‎[E] O Lord, sustain me!
‏رَبِّنا دايْمًا بِيُرْزُقْنا بِاللي يْعَطَّلنا ‎[E] God always sends something to delay us;
‏دَعَيْت اَلله يُرْزُقْهُم بِنِيْلة ‎[E] I prayed God would provide them with disaster;
‏أنا مِش مَرْزُوق بِيك ‎[E] I don't rely on you for my living (rather, I rely on God), meaning I can do without you!
‏أَيْش يِعْمِلِ الحَسُود فِ المَرْزُوق ‎[E] proverb: what can the envious do against one blessed by God with wealth;
‏الله لِسّه ما رَزَقْناش ‎[E] God still has not provided us (with kids) (a common reply when a married couple is asked if they have kids and they don't have any);
‏تُرْزَق ‎[E] CA passive: you will be provided for (by God), meaning something will turn up;
‏كُلُّه بْيُرْزَق ‎[E] CA passive: all things are provided for by God;
‏رُزِقَت بِوَلَد ‎[E] CA passive: she was provided with a son, she bore a son;

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Word: رِزْق، ج أَرْزاق
  sustenance from God, what God provides for man as his sustenance, livelihood, means of support;
[pronunciation: ق = ء]

أنا باعْتِمِد عَلى الرَزْق ‎[E] I depend on what God provides;
‏ده رِزق ‎[E] this is a blessing;
‏المَكْسَب دا مَسْأَلِة رِزْق ‎[E] whether one makes a profit is up to God;
‏الرِزْقِ كْتِيرِ اليَوْمَين ‎[E] business is doing great these days;
‏ما مَعِيْش رِزْقِ أَتْعَشَّى بيه ‎[E] I've nothing to eat for supper;
‏رِزْقُه واسِع ‎[E] he is prosperous;
‏البَحْرِ رِزْقُه كْتِير ‎[E] the fruits of the sea are many;
‏مَعاك رِزْق ‎[E] did you make a catch? (said by one fisherman to another);
‏أَهُوْ رِزْق ‎[E] it's a way of earning a living, it's something to keep body and soul together, as in:
‏بَلِمِّ سَبارِس وِأَهُو رِزْق ‎[E] I pick up cigarette butts, it's a living;
‏اِنْتَ وِرِزْقَك ‎[E] it's all up to your luck;
‏كُلِّ واحِد وِلُه رِزْق = الرِزْق / الأَرْزاق عَلى الله ‎[E] God provides all;
‏الزِرْقِ يْحِبِّ اللَحْلَحة / الخِفِّيَّة ‎[E] proverb: God provides to the agile minded (who help themselves);
‏الرِزْق بإِيْدِ الله ‎[E] sustenance is in God's hands;

Rate Translation
  Root: ر ض ي
Word: رَضَى، يِرْضِي
  to satisfy (ه = s.o.);

اِعمِل اللي يرضيك ‎[E] do as you like;
‏حال يرضي الطرفين ‎[E] a solution that satisfies both sides;
‏يِهْدِك يِرْضِيك ‎[E] a narrative expression that is used to indicate that the narrator/speaker had, by that point in the narrative, sees himself as having done everything he could to persuade, accommodate, etc. the party with whom the reported exchange took place; the phrase comes from the fact that in real life when working with someone one might say (to please the other party) الله يرضيك and الله يهديك as a form of blessing on the other party.

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  Root: ر ع ي
Word: رِعاية
  maSdar from رَعَى , meaning "looking after" or "safeguarding";

فِ رْعايِةِ الله (go) in God's care (said to one setting out on a journey)

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  Root: ر و د
Word: راد، يْرِيْد، رَيَدان / إرادة / أَرَادة
  to want, will (ه =;
from CA أراد، يريد; note the different verbal nouns (the last form, الأرادة is only used in LLEA);

اللي يْرِيدُه الله اللي يْكون ‎[E] what God wills is what happens;
‏اللي يْرِيدك رِيدُه وِاللي طَلَب بُعادَك زِيْدُه ‎[E] proverb: seek those that seek you and those that want to avoid you, put even more distance between you and them;

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Word: إِرْادة
  will, willpower;

ما لُوْش إِرادة ‎[E] he has no will power;
‏إِرادِةِ الله ‎[E] the will of God;
‏بِإِرادِةِ المَرِيض ‎[E] at the patient's request;

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  Root: ر و ق
Word: روَّق
  to cause to recover, cause to feel better (ه = s.o.);
[pronunciation: ق = ء]

إنْ شا الله الزِيارة تْرَوَّقَك شِوَيَّة ‎[E] I hope the visit makes you feel better

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  Root: ز ع ج
Word: أَزْعَج، يُزْعِج / يِزْعِج، إِزْعَاْج
  to bother, disturb (ه = s.o.);

آسف للإزعاج ‎[E] Sorry for the disturbance (often used when entering a room where people are busy or as a way to politely interrupt;
‏بطّل إزعاج بَقَى ‎[E] stop being annoying;
‏إنْ شاءَ اْلله ما نْكُوْنْش أَزْعَجْناك ‎[E] I hope we haven't disturbed you;

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  Root: س ب ح 1
Word: سُبْحان
  سُبْحَان + إضافة : Glory be to (God) (always used as the first part in an إضافة structure, with the second part being God)

سُبْحان الله! Glory be to God; used 1. as an exclamation of amazement and appreciation, for instance at a beautiful scene 2. as a formula in prayer;
‏سُبْحانَك يا رَبّ ‎[E] Glory be to you O Lord (same سُبْحان الله as an exclamation of wonder);
‏سُبْحان الله عَليك = سُبْحان الله فِ طَبْعَك ‎[E] Glory be to God, is that how you behave (said in shock/disapproval at someone's behavior);
‏الله سُبْحانُه وَتَعالى ‎[E] God the Glorious and Sublime (often said as a title of God);
‏اَلله سُبحانُ وَتَعالى أَمَر بِالرَحْمة ‎[E] God the Glorious and Sublime, ordered the showing of mercy;
‏سُبحان مُغَيِّر الأحوال ‎[E] what a change! (lit., glory be to the one who changes things);
‏سُبْحَان الله ‎[E] glory be to God (an exclamation of amazement)

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Word: سَبَّح
  to say or repeat the formula سُبْحان الله (Glory be to God)

بِيْسَبَّح عَ السِبْحة ‎[E] he says سُبحان الله while passing the prayer beads through his fingers;
‏بِيْسَبَّح بِحَمْد المُدِير ‎[E] derisively: he is always singing the praises of the manager;

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  Root: س ب ل 1
Word: سَبِيْل، ج سُبُل
  way, path; (see examples); (UEA)
(طريق is the more common way to say this in ECA)
(though considered UEA, it is used in many fixed phrases)

عابِر سَبيل ‎[E] passerby;
‏راح الحال سَبيلُه ‎[E] he went his own way;
‏أَسْخَم وِأَضَلّ سَبيل ‎[E] a blacker and more wrongly guided way, meaning a far worse path to follow, as in:
‏الغِنَى وِحِش وِالفَقْر أَسْخَم وِأَضَلّ سَبيل ‎[E] wealth is bad but poverty is far worse;
‏عَلى سَبيل ‎[E] by way of, as in:
‏عَلى سِبيل المِثال ‎[E] by way of example;
‏الشِرْكة بِتْوَزَّع النَتايِج عَلى سَبيل هَداية ‎[E] the company distributes calendars as a gift;
‏فِ سَبِيل ‎[E] for the sake of, as in:
‏كُلُّه يْهُون فِ سَبِيل الجُمْهُور ‎[E] all of it is insignificant (meaning no effort is too great) for the sake of the public;
‏فِ سَبيلِ الله ‎[E] for the sake of God, out of charity;

Rate Translation
  Root: س ت ر
Word: سَتَر، يستُر، سَتْر
  to protect, preserve (ه = s.o.) (said of God)

ربِّنا يُستُر ‎[E] God protect us;
‏لَو لا سَتْر رَبّنا كان مات ‎[E] if not for God's protection he would have died;
‏الله يِستُرك ‎[E] LLEA: please (often heard by beggars), as in:
‏الله يِسْتُرَك تِدِّيني قِرْش ‎[E] please give me a piaster;
‏اللي سَتَرها في الأوّل يُسْتُرها لحد الآخِر ‎[E] whatever protected her (meaning the world or life) in the beginning may it also protect her until the end (a supplication to god);
‏اللي يُستُر المَوْلى ما يِفضَحوش العَبْد ‎[E] proverb: the one whom god preserves no slave (i.e. human) can disgrace;
‏ربّنا يستر ‎[E] God provides

Rate Translation
  Root: س ح ق 1
Word: سَحَق، يسحَق، سَحْق
  to get rid of (ه = s.o.), finish off (ه = s.o.);
[pronunciation: ق = ء]

اِسْحَقُه بْعِيد اَلله لا يِرْجِعُه ‎[E] get rid of him, may God not return him! (meaning to hell with him);

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  Root: س ر ر 2
Word: سِرّ، ج أَسْرار
  spirit, inner being;

قُلْت فْ سِرِّي ‎[E] I said to myself;
‏كِلْمَة فْ سِرَّك ‎[E] just a word in your ear;
‏اَلله يِهَدِّي السِرّ ‎[E] my God calm the (troubled) mind;
‏وِ فِ النِهاية طِلِع / خَرَد السِرّ الإلهِي ‎[E] in the end the divine secret came out, meaning his soul came out (and he died);

Rate Translation
  Root: س ع ي
Word: سَعَى، يِسْعَى، سَعْي
  to make an effort (ل = for s.o., في = in a matter);

حاسْعَى لَك فِ شُغْلَة ‎[E] I'll make an effort to find you a job;
‏شَكَرَ اْللهُ سَعْيَكُم ‎[E] may god repay your effort (said in reply to funeral condolences);
‏اِسعى يا عبد وانا أسعى معاك ‎[E] proverb: strive, oh servant, and I strive with you (said from the perspective of God, meaning if you strive to do something God will help you);

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Word: مَسْعَى، ج مَساعِي

مَساعِي حَمِيدة ‎[E] commendable efforts, praiseworthy efforts;
‏اَللهْ يِنَجَّح مَساعاك ‎[E] may God make you efforts successful;

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  Root: س ل م 1
Word: سَلَامة
  good condition, welfare, wellbeing, safety (from harm), good health, soundness, good condition, integrity, intactness
(the definitions welfare, wellbeing, safety, good health are typically for humans. The definitions soundness, good condition, integrity, intactness, are usually for non-humans.

انا مِهْتَمّ بْسلامتُه ‎[E] I am interested/concerned about his wellbeing;
‏بَس سلامتَك ‎[E] a common reply when someone is asked if they need anything, for instance;
‏عايِز حاجة من السُوْق --- لا عايز سلامتك ‎[E] do you want anything from the market? --- No, (only) your safe return;
‏لازِم تِتْأكِّد من سلامِة العربِيَّة قَبْل ما تْسافِر بِيها ‎[E] you need to make certain the car is in good condition before you travel with it;
‏مَعَ السلامة ‎[E] goodbye, so long (literally: with safety/wellbeing);
‏سَلامِة + ضمير / اسم ‎[E] invocation of good health, often said when you shear someone is sick as meaning "I hope he/she feels better" as in:
‏سَلامْتَك ‎[E] I hope you get better soon;
‏هيَّ فاطْمة عَيَّانَة؟ سَلَامِتْها ‎[E] is Fatima sick? I hope she feels better;
‏بِسَلامِة + اسم / ضمير ‎[E] expression showing concern, as in:
‏إزّيّ اِبنِك بِسَلامْتُه ‎[E] how is your son, God keep him well;
‏الحرامِ بْسلامْتُه خَد كُلّ اللي عَندي ‎[E] the thief, God keep him safe (said sarcastically) took all that I have;
‏حَمْدِ اْلله عَ السلامة ‎[E] praise God for (His) safekeeping, an expression said in greeting either 1. when someone is returning from a long journey/absence or 2. to one recovered from illness; or 3. to a woman after she gives birth; the reply is الله يِسَلِّمك
‏تروحوا وترجعوا بالسلامة ان شاء الله ‎[E] go safely. Usually said before someone goes on a trip. The key part of the phrase is بالسلامة.
‏سَلامِة الوَحْدة الوَطَنيَّة ‎[E] the integrity of national unity;
‏سَلَامْتَك ‎[E] I hope you feel better
‏مع السَّلَامة ‎[E] goodbye (with peace)

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Word: سَلِّم
  to keep (ه = s.o.) safe (said of God)

الله يِسّلِّمَك ‎[E] May God keep you safe. This is the general response to phrases containing سلِّم and سلامة such as سَلِّم لي على (greet for me) and حمد الله ع السلامة (thank god for (your) safety) and مع السلامة (go with safety); In general, this can be used as the response to any inquiry after or well-wishing for one's health;
‏يا سَلام سَلِّم ‎[E] exclamation of amazement like "wow! that's amazing"

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  Root: س م ح
Word: سَمَح، يسمَح، سَماح
  to give permission (ل = to s.o., ب = to do, or فعل مضارع بدون ب = to do;

اسمح لي أسأل سؤال = خليني أسأل سؤال ‎[E] let me ask a question;
‏سَمَحْت لُه بِالكَلام ‎[E] I allowed him to speak;
‏ما اْسْمَحْشِ لْحَدّ (بْإِنُّه) يُدْخُل بَيْتِي ‎[E] I don't allow anyone to enter my house;
‏اِسْمَح لي أَقُوْلْ لَك ‎[E] permit me to tell you..
‏عَدَد الرُكَّاب المَسْمُوح (بيه)= عدد الركاب المسموح ‎[E] the permitted number of passengers;
‏تِسْمَح ‎[E] would you mind, as in:
‏تِسْمَح تِقُوْلْ لي المُدير فين ‎[E] could you tell me where the manager is?
‏اِسْمَح لي ‎[E] excuse me;
‏لَوْ سَمَحت = مِن فَضْلَك ‎[E] if you please (common way of saying please);
‏لا سَمَحَ الله ‎[E] God forbid (may God not permit (it));
‏لو سَمَحْت ‎[E] if you please (used before asking someone for something)

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Word: سامِح
  to forgive, pardon (ه = s.o., في / ب =, or in a matter); to be tolerant (ه = with s.o., في / ب = in a matter);

سامِحْني ‎[E] please excuse me; this is often said before saying something that might be considered rude or not-politically correct, similar to لا مؤاخذة;
‏سامِحْني يا مولانا ‎[E] god forgive me;
‏مش حاسامْحك ‎[E] I won't forgive you;
‏اَلله يِسامْحَك ‎[E] God forgive you (said to one who has wronged another);
‏المِسامِح كَريم ‎[E] proverb: the one who forgets is generous/noble;
‏سامِحني ‎[E] pardon me, forgive me

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  Root: س م ي
Word: اِسْم، ج أَسْما / أَسماء / أَسامِي

اِسم ثُلاثي ‎[E] full name, first middle and last name
‏اسمه بالكامل إيه؟ ‎[E] what's his full name?
‏اسم الدَلْع ‎[E] nickname, pet name;
‏هو أصلا اسمها إيه؟ ‎[E] what is her original name/real name (in contrast to her nickname);
‏مش عارفين اسمهم من اسم حمار = مش عارفين الألف من كوز درة ‎[E] they don't their names from the name of a donkey;
‏بِنِعْرِفُه بِالاِسْم ‎[E] we know him by name;
‏على اِسْم ‎[E] after the name of... as in:
‏سَمُّوه على اِسْم أَبُوْه ‎[E] they named him after his father;
‏كِنِيسَة على اِسم العَدْرا ‎[E] a church dedicated to the Virgin (Mary);
‏أنا خايِف على اِسْمِي ‎[E] I am fearful for my reputation;
‏اِسْم على مُسَمَّى ‎[E] a fitting name;
‏الأَسماء الحُسْنَى ‎[E] in Islam: the epithets of God, the (99) names of God;
‏عاشِت الأسامي ‎[E] may the names (named people) live long. Said after hearing someone mentioned by name, roughly means I hope that this person has a long life;
‏اِسْمَ الله عَلَيك ‎[E] approximately like باسم الله. this is often said in shock like "oh my god".
‏اِسمَ الله ‎[E] approximately like باسم الله. this is often said in shock like "oh my god".
‏عاشت الأسامي ‎[E] that is a beautiful name (said after someone introduces his or herself) (long live the names)
‏ما فِيْش حَاجَة اِسْمَهَا ‎[E] there is no such thing (followed by a noun)

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Word: اِسْم، ج أَسْما / أَسماء / أَسامِي
  name (other phrases)

اِسْمَ اْلله = اِسْمَ الله على ‎[E] in Islam: an invocation of divine protection, said quickly as 'ism-AllA, as in
‏إزَّيّ اِبْنِك اِسْم الله / اسم الله عليه ‎[E] how's your son, God protect him?
‏الواد اِسْم الله عليى مَقامَك بَلّ رُوْحُه ‎[E] the boy, begging your pardon, wet himself;
‏جاني سِي، اْسْم الله، مْحَمَّد يِنادِيني ‎[E] Mr, may God bless his heart, Muhammad came to call me;
‏اِسْم الله على عَقْلَك ‎[E] use your head;
‏اِسْم اِلصَليب = اِسْم الصليب على ‎[E] in Christianity: an invocation of divine protection, same as the phrase in Islam اِسْم الله (see above);
‏بِاْسْمِ اللَه ‎[E] in the name of God; in Islam this is often used before starting any task;
‏اِتْفَضَّل بِاْسْمِ اْلله ‎[E] please help yourself (an invitation to share food);
‏بِاْسْم اِللهِ الرَحْمَان الرَحيم ‎[E] In Islam: in the name of God the most gracious and merciful; this is used as an invocation at the beginning of any task;
‏اِسْم النَبِي حَرْسُه وْصَيْنُه may prophet's name guard and protect him. Used in conversation about a child to ward of evil. For instance, this is used by women in traditional societies either with or instead of their child's name to ward of the evil eye;
‏دا اْسْمُه كَلام ‎[E] is that any way to talk?
‏عَزَّيْتُه عَ الباب وِاْسْمِي أَدَّيْت واجِب ‎[E] I (only) paid him condolences at the door, but by my name (but one may say) I did my duty;
‏بِيْرُوح المَدْرَسَة ما بْيِعْمِلُوش حاجة وِالاِسم مُدَرِّسِين ‎[E] they go to school and do nothing and for that they get called teachers;
‏لو كانِت الأَسما تِنْشَرَى كان الفَقِير سَمَّى اْبْنُه خَرَا ‎[E] proverb: if names were bought, the poor man would name his son Shit, meaning what's in a name;
‏اِسْم إِنّ ‎[E] conjunction: in view of the fact that;
‏اِنْتَ المَسْؤُول اِسْم إِنَّك رَيِّسْهُم ‎[E] you are responsible since you are their boss;

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  Root: س ه ل 1
Word: سهِّل
  to make easy (ه =, facilitate (ه =;

حاحاوِل أَسَهِّل مُهِمِّتَك ‎[E] I will try to make your task easier;
‏رَبّنا يسهِّل ‎[E] my god make things easy (said when faced with a difficult problem);
‏اَلله يِسَهِّلْ لَك ‎[E] may God make (things) easy for you;

Rate Translation
  Root: س و ا
Word: ساء، يِسِيْء، ؟؟؟
  to wrong (ه = s.o.), act wrongly with respect (ه = to s.o.);

سِيْئْناكُم فِ أَيه ‎[E] how have we wronged you?
‏اَلله لا يْسِيْئْكُم ‎[E] may God not harm you! (said to a beggar when refusing to give charity);

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  Root: س و ح 1
Word: ساح، يْسِيْح، سَيَحان، اسم الفاعل: سايِح
  to tour, travel;

نسيح في بلاد الله ‎[E] we tour all over the place

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  Root: س ي ب 1
Word: ساب، يسيب، سَيَبان
  to leave alone, leave be; (ه = s.o./;

سِيب الباب مَفْتُوح ‎[E] leave the door open;
‏سِيْب الراجِل لِهْمُومُه ‎[E] leave the man to his worries;
‏سِيْبْنِي فْ حالي ‎[E] let me be;
‏لَيه بِتْسِيب الوَلَد يِعَيَّط كِدا ‎[E] why does she leave the boy crying like that;
‏سايِب دَقْنُه ‎[E] he's letting his beard grow (he has a beard);
‏سيب الموضوع على الله وعليّ = اعتمد عليّ في الموضوع دا ‎[E] leave the matter to God and myself, meaning trust me in this matter;
‏سيبها لله ‎[E] leave it to god

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  Root: ش د د
Word: شَدّ، يشِدّ، شَدّ / شَدَدان
  to pull taught, tighten (ه =;

شَدِّ الطَبْلة ‎[E] he tightened the drumhead;
‏حاجة بِتْشِدِّ الأَعْصاب ‎[E] something which tenses the nerves;
‏شِدِّ حَيْلَك ‎[E] tighten you strength! a phrase of encouragement to one in difficult circumstances or a tough situation, like "take courage" or "you can do it", the response being الشَدَّ عَ الله , the tightening is dependent on God);
‏شَدَّ عَلَيَّ السَلْخ ‎[E] he make cruel fun of me;

Rate Translation
  Root: ش ر ر
Word: شَرّ، ج شُرُوْر
  evil, wickedness;

كَفَا اْلله الشَرّ ‎[E] may God ward off evil!
‏يِكْفِينا شَرِّ الـ ‎[E] may God protect us from...
‏مِن غَيْر شَرّ ‎[E] in safety, without mishap;
‏إِنْ شا اْلله كِدا مِن غَيْر شَرّ تْسافِر وِتِرْجَع لِنا قَوَام ‎[E] God willing you will go away and come back safely;
‏كافي خَيْرُه شَرُّه ‎[E] he is humble, unassuming, or living modestly (he is satisfied with his good and bad (luck/fortune);
‏لا مِنَّك وَلا كْفايِة شَرَّك ‎[E] if (nothing useful) is coming from you, then at least don't do any harm;
‏الشَرِّ بَرَّا وِبْعِيد ‎[E] may evil be remote;
‏بَعْدِ الشَرّ عَليْك / عَنَّك ‎[E] may evil be kept away from you; also shortened to بعد الشر ; said when one hears something bad or bad news;
‏أَلْفِ بِعْدِ الشَرّ عَلَيك / عَنَّك ‎[E] more evil be kept from you a thousand times over!
‏خَدِ الشَرِّ وْراح ‎[E] never mind, its nothing (said to one responsible for a minor accident, such as a spillage, breakage, spillage, etc.);
‏اِبْعَد عَنِ الشَرِّ وْغَنِّي لُه ‎[E] stay away from evil and be happy. (keep away from evil and sing to it.)
‏بعد الشَرِّ عليك ‎[E] may evil be kept away from you, said when someone hears bad news
‏كافي خَيْري شَرِّي ‎[E] I am going to keep to myself and not give anyone any problems
‏كافي غيري شري ‎[E] I am going to keep to myself and not give anyone any problems (some people say that this is the original form of كافي خيري شرّي , but I have not seen any real evidence of this)
‏وَقَع فِي شَرِّ أَعْمَالُه ‎[E] he fell into his own trap (he fell into the evil of his doings)
‏يكفيك شَرِّ عْيُونِ النَّاس ‎[E] may God protect you from the evil eye

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  Root: ش ر ف
Word: شَرَّف
  to honor (ه = s.o./ (in particular, with one's presence);
often used with an understood object, meaning to bestow honor with one's presence;

حضرتك شرّفْتنا ‎[E] you honored us (often said upon meeting someone for the first time, like it is a pleasure to meet you. Similar phrases are فرصة سعيدة and اتشرَّفْنا );
‏شَرَّفْتُونا ‎[E] you've honored us (formula of leave-taking uttered by the host to his guests, who respond with the formula الله يِشَرَّف مِقْدارَك , may God honor your worth);
‏ما تْشَرَّفْ بَيْتْنا ‎[E] won't you please give us the honor of a visit!
‏شَرَّفْتُوا اِمْتَى ‎[E] when did you arrive?
‏شَرَّف يِشْرَب شاي مَعانا ‎[E] sarcastically: he graced us with his presence and drank tea with us;
‏شَرَّفْتِنا = شَرَّفْتِينَا ‎[E] you (female) honored us
‏شَرَّفْتِنَا ‎[E] you have honored us

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  Root: ش ر ي
Word: شارِي
  buyer, purchaser; (noun)

بين البايع والشاري يفتح الله ‎[E] between the buyer and seller may God open (a way), meaning between two competing parties may God open an option, or (in bargaining), used to mean roughly "if you don't like my price, then you don't have to buy/sell

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  Root: ش ف و
Word: شَفَى، يِشْفِي، شِفَا
  to cure, heal (ه = s.o./;

صَلَواتِ الإِيْمان تِفْشي المَرِيض ‎[E] in Christianity: the prayers of faith heal the sick;
‏شُفِيْتُم ‎[E] rural phrase: may you have been relieved (formula said to one leaving a lavatory);
‏شَفاكُمَ الله وِعَفاكُم ‎[E] rural phrase: God give you health and strength, which is the response to شُفِيْتُم ;

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  Root: ش ك ر
Word: شَكَر، يشكُر، شُكْر / شُكْرَان
  to thank, give thanks to (ه = s.o., على = for); to express gratitude, acknowledgement or appreciation to (ه = s.o., على = for);

لازِم أَشْكُر عَليه ‎[E] I must thank him for it;
‏شَكَرَ اللهُ سَعْيَكم ‎[E] God appreciates your efforts (often a response to condolences);
‏تُشْكَر ‎[E] CA passive: thank you!

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  Root: ش ك و
Word: شَكَى / شَكَا، يِشْكِي، شِكاية / شَكْو / شَكْوَى / شَكِيّة
  to complain (ه / من = about or of, ل = to s.o. else);

شَكَا (مِن) حالُه ‎[E] he complained about his condition;
‏شَكِت جوْزْها لْاُمَّها ‎[E] she complained about her husband to her mother;
‏شَكََاني للبُوليس ‎[E] he complained about me to the police, issued a complaint about me to the police;
‏الشَكْوَى لِغَيْر الله مَذَلّة ‎[E] proverb: to complain to someone besides God is a humiliation;
‏الشَكْوَى لِأَهْل البَصيرة عَيْب ‎[E] to complain to someone who has insight is wrong (because they are insightful enough to see what's wrong for themselves);
‏أشكي لمين همّي وكل الناس مَجاريح ‎[E] proverb: to whom can I complain when everyone is suffering

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  Root: ش ل ش ل
Word: تْشَلْشِل / اِتْشَلْشِل / اِشَّلْشِل، يِتْشَلْشِل
  to be mourned (على = over) (impersonal passive of شَلْشِل ) (may a kerchief be pulled back and forth across the back and front of the neck in a sign of mourning. It is the impersonal passive, so the logical subject follows على ).

إِنْ شا اْلله يِتْشَلْشِل عَليْها ‎[E] I hope she will be mourned over (meaning, I hope she dies);

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  Root: ش و ر
Word: اِسْتَشَار، يِسْتَشِيْر، اِسْتِشَاْرَة
  to seek advice of, consult (ه = s.o., في = in a matter);

اَلله يِلْعَن اِللي شار وِاْسْتَشار ‎[E] God damn everyone who brought this business about (for instance, said of an unhappy marriage);

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  Root: ش و ف
Word: شاف، يِشُوف، شَوَفان / شَوْف
  to see (ه =;
AP: in act of viewing, continuous tense;
فعل مضارع مع ب : habitual;

شُفت المدرس : I saw the school;
‏ما بِنْشُوفش في الضَلْمَة ‎[E] we don't see in the dark, meaning we can't see in the dark;
‏على مَدَد / على مَدّ الشَوْف ‎[E] as far as the eye can see;
‏نِشُوف وِشَّك بِخَير إن شاء الله ‎[E] we will see your face in goodness, God willing (expression said when someone is going on a journey, like we'll see you soon God willing);
‏شُفْت بَقَى لَيه أَنا ما كُنْت عايْزَك تِرُوح ‎[E] do you see now why I didn't want you to go?
‏شُوف / شُوف بَقَى ‎[E] see here now (common phrase used to emphasize a point. See بَقَى for its use as an emphasis particle);
‏شُوف بَقَى الكَلام دا ما يْصَحّش ‎[E] see here, that sort of talk is not appropriate;
‏شُوف يا + اسم / لقب : look here (phrase used to introduce a new idea, like one is trying to convince someone or have them believe what the speaker is saying);
‏شُوف يا أخي بْتِدْرِس اليَبانِي ‎[E] just imagine, she's studying Japanese;
‏شوف لي اذا كان محمد في مكتبه ‎[E] go see for me if Muhammad is in the library;
‏شوف ربّنا ‎[E] literally: (go) see God. My teacher defined it as god showed you, as in يعني عايز تسيبني لوحدي في الهم ده؟ شوف ربنا you want to leave me alone in distress? god showed you (by making you return);

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  Root: ش ي ا
Word: شاء، يْشِيْء، مَشِيْئَة
  to will (ه =

رَبِّنا ما شاءْشِ لِنا الراحة ‎[E] God did not wish for us to be comfortable;
‏إن شاء الله ‎[E] if god wills, God wiling. It is usually followed by فعل مضارع بدون ب (showing potential, but not real, event). Depending on how this is said can mean anything from I hope so to when hell freezes over. when said إنْ شا اْلله ( 'in-shAl-lA with the stress on the two l's) it shows a strong desire for something, and can be thought of as for 1. curses, like I hope evil befalls him, or 2. showing a wish (an optative interjection), or 3. even if, despite.
‏حاتْسافِر اِمْتَى --- آخِرِ الشَهْرِ إِنْ شاءَ الله ‎[E] When are you traveling? --- End of the month, hopefully;
‏حازُوْرْكُو بُكْرَا إِنْ شاءَ الله ‎[E] I will visit you tomorrow, hopefully;
‏وهو فين ان شاء الله ‎[E] and where is he pray tell? note use of in shaa’ allah is sarcastic or ironic in this usage;
‏إن شاء الله خير ‎[E] either 1. hopefully everything is fine (see خير for more of an explanation) or 2. hopefully everything will be fine.
‏إِنْ شا اْلله تْزُوْرْنا قُرَيِّب ‎[E] I hope he'll visit us soon;
‏اِشْتِرِيها إِنْ شا اْلله تِتْكَلِّف مِيْت جِنَيه ‎[E] buy it even if it costs a hundred pounds;
‏يَللا ناكُل كَباب، إِنْ شا اْلله ما حَدِّ حَوِّش ‎[E] come on, let's eat Kebab, even if no one has saved any money (i.e., let's not worry about the cost);
‏ما شاءَ اْلله (How wondrous is) what God has willed (into existence). Used to express admiration. It is often a common phrase for used to ward off the evil eye, and is said upon hearing or seeing something that excites one's admiration. It should be noted that culturally if one sees something nice that someone else possess, whether material (like a car, computer, clothes) or not (like smarts, or even a child), one should express their admiration with phrases like ما شاء الله ‎[E] and الحمد لله. To do otherwise is seen as rude, as though one wants what the other possess, and that one is going to attract the evil eye against the possessor.
‏بسم الله ما شاء الله ‎[E] used when saying, seeing, or hearing that causes admiration or satisfaction to ward off the evil eye
‏ما شاء الله ‎[E] wow, great, well-done, magnificent (what God willed has happened)

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Word: مَشِيْئَة
  will, wish;

كُلُّه بْمَشِيْئِةِ الله = كُلُّه بْمَشِيْئَة ‎[E] everything is subject to God's will

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  Root: ش ي ط ن
Word: شِيْطان، ج شَيَاطِين
  devil, demon
LL mentions says that this word might come from شاط، يشيط, meaning "the burned one"

راكْبك شيطان ‎[E] a devil is on your back (i.e. he is the one steering you);
‏اَلله يِجازِي شْطانَك ‎[E] that was very naughty of you!
‏الشِّيْطَان شَاطِر ‎[E] satan is clever, meaning, for instance, that temptation is hard to resist.

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  Root: ص ب ح
Word: صبَّح
  to start the day (ه = for s.o.)

الله يْصَبَّحَك بِالخَيْر ‎[E] God give you a good morning;
‏حَتْصَبَّحْني بِالخِناق ‎[E] will you get me up in the morning and argue with me first thing?

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  Root: ص د ق
Word: صدَّق
  to deem or believe truthful (ه =
[pronunciation: sadda2 / SAddA2]

مش مِصَدَّق ‎[E] I don't believe...;
‏تِصَدَّق ‎[E] would you believe...? can you credit?
‏رَيْتْني ما صَدَّقْتُه فِ الأَوِّل ‎[E] I wish I hadn't believed him at the start;
‏دا مِش مِصَدَّق نَظَرُه ‎[E] he can't believe his eyes;
‏تِصدَّق بالله ‎[E] expression used either to 1. emphasize what one is saying, like honestly! as God is my witness. or 2. can you believe it?! the reply to this is often لا إله إلا الله.
‏تِحْلِفْ لي أَصَدَّقَك أَشُوف أُمُورَك أَسْتَعْجِب ‎[E] proverb: you swear to me, I believe you, I see your actions (and) I'm shocked, meaning your behavior contradicts what you say;
‏ما صَدَّق ‎[E] to not believe (to be incredulous and overjoyed that, like (I) can hardly believe that....!)
‏دا أنا ما صدّقت ‎[E] (this is so great that) I can hardly believe it! (لا أصدق أنّ الفرصة قد جاءت، فأنا مبسوط جدا جدا)
‏ما صَدَّقْتَ اْطْلَع مِ القِسْم ‎[E] I could hardly believe I was out of the police station;
‏لَقَيت خَالْتِي عَيَّانة وْما صَدَّقِت شافِتني ‎[E] I found my aunt sick and she was overjoyed to see me;
‏ما صَدَّقْتِ سْمِعْتِ كِلْمة عَشان تِعْمِل مِنِ الحَبَّة قُبَّة ‎[E] I could hardly believe that you seize upon (every) word just to make a mountain out of a mole hill!
‏ما صَدَّق … وِ ‎[E] hardly had he... when, as in:
‏ما صَدَّقْنا نِرْتاح شِوَيَّة وْجُم جابُوا لْنا شُغْلِ تاني ‎[E] we had hardly had a chance to rest a bit when they came and brought us some more work;
‏ما صَدَّق إِنُّهُم سَأَلُوا وِاْنْفَتَح ‎[E] no sooner had they asked him than he pour out his story;

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  Root: ص غ ر
Word: صُغَيَّر، ج صُغَيَّرِيْن / صُغار
  young (also specified as صغير في السِنّ)

الصُغار أَحِبَّاء الله ‎[E] proverb: the young (or the children) are the beloved of God;
‏يِعْمِلُوها الصُغار وْيُوقَعُوا فيها الكُبار ‎[E] proverb: the children do it and the adults fall into it, meaning when children start trouble the parents get caught up in it;

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  Root: ص ل ب 2
Word: صَلِيْب، ج صُلْبان

بِاْسْمِ الصَلِيب ‎[E] in the name of the cross (christians say this the way muslims say باسم الله)
‏الصَلِيبِ الأَحْمَر ‎[E] the Red Cross;
‏غُرْزِةِ الصَلِيب ‎[E] in needlework: cross-stitch;
‏عِيْدِ الصَلِيب ‎[E] in Christianity: Finding of Holy Cross Day (September 27);
‏صَلِيب فاضِي ‎[E] and صَليب مَلْيان wooden lattice-work patterns;

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  Root: ص ل ح
Word: صَلَح، يصلِح، صُلْح
  to reform, set right (ه =;

اَلله يِصْلِح حالَك ‎[E] may God set your affairs right (a polite way of seeking to silence someone)

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Word: صَلاح
  uprightness, righteousness;

التَرْبِيَّة مِنِ الآباء وِالصَلاح مِنَ الله ‎[E] proverb: upbringing is from the parents but righteousness is from God

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  Root: ص ي د
Word: اِتْصاد / اِصَّاد / اِنْصاد
  to be caught (said of prey)

إن شا اْلله تِتْصاد فش قَلْبَك ‎[E] may you drop dead (literally: be struck in the heart)

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  Root: ض ح ك
Word: ضحَّك
  to make (ه = s.o.) laugh
[pronunciation: ض = د / ض = ض]

كَلام يِضَحَّك ‎[E] laughable talk;
‏اَلله يِضَحَّكَك ‎[E] may God make you laugh, said, for instance, to mean "you make me laugh";

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  Root: ض ي م
Word: ضام، يْضِيْم، ضَيَمان
  to treat unfairly (ه = s.o.)

إن شاء الله الزمان مايْضِيمَك ‎[E] beggars: women in traditional society: may time never treat you wrong

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  Root: ط ب ع
Word: طَبْع، ج أَطْباع / طِباع
  nature, character;

الطبع يغلب التطبع ‎[E] nature dominates over nurture;
‏بالطَبْع ‎[E] of course, naturally;
‏طَبْعًا ‎[E] of course, naturally;
‏ما هُوَّ طَبْعًا ‎[E] but of course!
‏طَبْعِ دَمَوِي ‎[E] optimistic character, a sanguine temperament;
‏الطبع فيه غَلَّاب ‎[E] his nature dominates him, gets the better of him;
‏بَلِيد الطبع ‎[E] stupid or lazy of nature;
‏دا طبع الدنيا ‎[E] that's how the world is;
‏سُبْحان الله في طبعك ‎[E] I can't figure your character out;

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  Root: ط ز ز
Word: طُزّ / طُظّ
  who cares, to hell with (في = in)

طُزِّ فِشّ ‎[E] the hell with it!
‏طُزّ في ‎[E] to hell with... as in
‏طُزّ فيك ‎[E] to hell with you!
‏وَلا تِعْرَف طُزِّ مِن سُبْحانَ الله ‎[E] she doesn't know cursing something from praising God (in admiration of it), meaning she can't tell chalk from cheese;
‏طُزّ ‎[E] hell

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  Root: ط س س
Word: طَسّ / طَصّ، يطُسّ، يْطُصّ، طَسّ / طَصّ / طَسَسان / طَصَصَاْن
  to strike, hit, smite (ه = s.o.,;

طسني مُخَالْفة ‎[E] he slapped me hard;
‏الهوا يْطُسَّها ‎[E] the wind blows her;
‏إن شا اْلله يْطُسَّك تُرْماي ‎[E] I hope you get run down by a tram!

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  Root: ط ف ل
Word: طِفْل، ج أَطْفَال
  baby (boy), infant, child;

أَطْفالِ المَدارِس ‎[E] school-children;
‏الأَطْفال أَحْبابَ الله ‎[E] children are the beloved of God;

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  Root: ط و ل
Word: طَوِّل
  to lengthen, make longer (ه =;

طوِّل لِي الكُمّ شْوَيَّة ‎[E] make the sleeve a little longer;
‏طَوِّل بالَك ‎[E] be patient!;
‏الله يِطَوِّل عُمرك ‎[E] may god grant you a long life;
‏طوِّل لسانه ‎[E] he spoke insolently;
‏اللهُمَّ طَوِّلِك يا روح ‎[E] God, may you longer oh soul, meaning God give me patience;

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  Root: ع ج ز
Word: عِجِز، يعجَز، عَجْز
  to be unable, become incapable, (عن = of , فعل مضارع بدون ب = to do, or إنّ = that);

انا عاجِز عن الشكر ‎[E] I don't know how to say thanks, I can't thank you enough;
‏عِجِز إِنُّه يِوْصَلْ لُه ‎[E] he was unable to reach it;
‏إِنْ شا اْلله يِعْجَز فِ عَينُه وِعَفِيتُه ‎[E] women's language: may he become blind and sick;

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  Root: ع د م
Word: عِدِم، يعدَم، عَدَم، اسم الفاعل: عَدْمان / عادِم
  to be deprived of (ه =

عِدِمِ اْللي حِيْلْتُه = عِدِمِ اْللي وَراه وِاْللي قُدَّامُه ‎[E] he lost everything;
‏مِن يَدِّ ما نِعْدَمْها ‎[E] women in traditional society: from a hand, may we never be deprived of it, formula of thanks for food or drink handed to one;
‏إن شا اْلله تِعْدَمِيني لا + فعل ‎[E] women in traditional society: God willing it (meaning the world) will be deprived of me if (you) don't (i.e. may I die if you don't)... adjuration urging acceptance, as in:
‏إن شا اْلله تِعْدَمِيني لا تِشْرَبِيه ‎[E] God willing I will die if you don't drink it!
‏عِدِمِ العَين (he) is deprived of an eye, meaning to suffer, go through hell, as in:
‏إنْ شا اْلله يِعْدَم عَيْنُه ‎[E] women in traditional society: may he suffer (literally: may he be deprived of his eye)!
‏الراجِل العَدْمانِ العَين دا ‎[E] either 1. women in traditional society: that bastard of a man! or 2. that poor, suffering man!
‏أنا عْدِمْتِ عَينِي وْعافْيِتي عَليك ‎[E] I've worked myself to the bone to you (literally: I've deprived myself of my and health over you);

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Word: اِتْعَدَم / اِنْعَدَم
  to be deprived of, lacking (من / ه =;

لا يتعدم خمس دقايق ‎[E] he didn't miss five minutes, wasn't late by five minutes;
‏إن شا اْلله ما اْتْعِدِمْشِ مِنكُو ‎[E] women in traditional society: may I not be deprived of you! (expression of gratitude);

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  Root: ع د و
Word: عَدُو / عَدِوّ، ج عَدِوِّين / أَعادِي / عِدَى / أَعْدة
  enemy; (note on pronunciation) (when the word is by itself it is pronounced عَدُو , and when it has something suffixed onto it عَدِوّ (as in عَدِوَّك);

العَدِوِّين واللي يكرَهك (upon) the enemies and those that hate you, used as a protection against evil when something bad is mentioned;
‏يا شَيخة اِشْتِكْرِي حاجة عِدْلة --- إنْ شا اْلله العَدِوِّين وِاللي يِكْرَهوكِ ‎[E] woman, (speak) of something better (instead of these awful things) --- may they befall only your enemies and those that hate you!
‏حاجة ماتْسُرِّش لا عَدُو ولا حَبِيب ‎[E] it gives no joy to friend or foe, meaning it's terrible, awful;
‏بَقَى حالْها ما يْسُرِّش لا عَدُو وَلا حَبِيب ‎[E] she got into an appalling state;
‏مِش كِفايَة إِنُّه مَلطُوعِ اللَطْعة المِهَبِّبة دي اْللي ما تْسُرِّش لا عَدُو ولا حَبيب ‎[E] isn't it enough that he should be so cruelly abandoned?
‏العَدو قَبل الصديق يعرف ‎[E] The enemy before the friend knows, meaning (at this point) everybody knows, it's no secret;
‏عدو عدو صديق ‎[E] an enemy's enemy is a friend;
‏عَدِوِّ الشَمْس ‎[E] albino (literally: enemy of the sun);

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  Root: ع ز ز
Word: عَزّ، يعِزّ، عِزّ
  to hold dear, cherish (ه =;

باعِزُّه زيّ أخُويا ‎[E] I love him like a brother;
‏بِيْعِزّ نَفْسُه ‎[E] he holds himself in high esteem;
‏باعِزّ الوَرْد جِدًّا ‎[E] I love roses a lot;
‏الله يِعِزّ مِقْدارك ‎[E] May god increase your work / enhance your position (used as thank you, to which the traditional reply is خَطْوَة عَزيزة);

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Word: عَزّ، يعِزّ، عِزّ
  to become great, powerful;

عَزَّ مَن قَنَع ‎[E] proverb: whoever is content is powerful, meaning contentment is a source of strength;
‏عَزَّ مَن قَنَع وذَلّ مَن طَمَع ‎[E] proverb: whoever is content is powerful and whoever is greedy is humiliated;
‏اللهُ عَزَّ وَجَلّ ‎[E] God the Almighty and Glorious;

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Word: عِزَّة
  power, might, honor;

وِعِزِّة الله ‎[E] by the glory of God

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  Root: ع ز م
Word: عَزَم، يعزِم، عَزْم / عُزُوْمة
  to decide, resolve, determine (ه =;

إِذا عَزَمْتَ فَ تَوَكَّل عَلَى اْلله ‎[E] once you've made up your mind trust in God (to help you carry out your resolve;
‏أنا عَزَمْتِ خَلاص عَ الجَوَاز ‎[E] I've made up my mind to get married;

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  Root: ع س ي
Word: عَسَى
  perhaps, it could be that, possibly, maybe; (adverb)

عَسَى اْلله ‎[E] let's hope to God that...
‏عَسَى اْلله ما تِنْساش ‎[E] let's hope you won't forget;

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  Root: ع ط ف
Word: عَطَف، يعطِف، عَطْف
  to show sympathy or concern (either verbally or through practical aid)

عَطَفِت عَليه ‎[E] she sympathized with him;
‏بِيِعْطِف عَلى خَلْقِ اْلله ‎[E] he helps God's creation (meaning he helps poor people);

Rate Translation
  Root: ع ط و
Word: عَطَى، يِعْطِي، عَطَا
  to give (ه = s.o., ه =;
note in ECA the word generally used is اِدَّى ( (see under ء د د ي );

رَبِّنا يِعْطِيكِ العافْية ‎[E] God give you health/strength;
‏اَلله يِعْطِيك ‎[E] may God give to you (said in dismissing a beggar);
‏يِعْطِي شَبَه / مَلامِح لِـ ‎[E] he gives his resemblance/appearance to, meaning he looks like, as in:
‏يِعْطِي شَبَه لِأُبُوه ‎[E] he looks like his father;
‏عَطَى خَبَر ‎[E] to give news to s.o., to notify s.o.;
‏الأَخْدِ وِالعَطَى ‎[E] either 1. give and take, or 2. exchange (of conversation), give and take in conversation, or 3. trade, commerce;
‏شَرْطِ الأَخْدِ العَطَى ‎[E] the condition of taking is giving;

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  Root: ع ظ م
Word: عَظَمة
  greatness, splendor, grandeur, majesty;
[pronunciation: ظ = ظ]

عَظَمِةِ الحَضارة المَصْرِيَّة ‎[E] the splendor of Egyptian culture;
‏لَيْلِتْنا حَتْكُون إِن شاءَ اْلله آخِر عَظَمة ‎[E] our will be, God willing, really splendid;
‏أَيهِ العَظَمة دي ‎[E] what a splendid thing!
‏العَظَمة لِله وَحْدُه ‎[E] splendor is for God alone (i.e. don't put on airs, don't act like such a big shot);

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Word: عَظَّم
  to make great, attribute greatness to (ه =;
[pronunciation: ظ = ظ]

عَظَّمَ اْللهُ أَجْرُكُم ‎[E] may God make great your recompense (a formula of condolence to the bereaved);
‏شَهْرِ رَمَضانِ المُعَظَّم ‎[E] the glorious month of Ramadan (conventional form of Reference to the fasting month Ramadan);

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  Root: ع ف و
Word: عافَى
  to give strength or well-being to (ه = s.o.) (said of God)

اَلله يِعافِي بَدَنَك ‎[E] may God give strength to your body!
‏اَلله يِعافِيك ‎[E] response to عَوَاف ;
‏عافَاكُم اَلله ‎[E] response to بِصِحَّة وْعَافْيَة ;

Rate Translation
  Root: ع ك س
Word: عَكْس، ج عُكُسات
  adversity, reverse in fortune thought to be occasioned by malevolent spirits or magic;

اَلله يِمْنَع عَنُّه العَكْس ‎[E] God keep adversity from him;
‏شُفْتِ طَرِيقُه فِ الفِنْجان كان كُلُّه عَكْس ‎[E] I saw his future in the cup, and it was nothing but adversity;

Rate Translation
  Root: ع ل م
Word: عِلِم، يعلَم، عِلْم
  to know (ه = (said of God)

يِعْلَمَ اْلله إِنِّي باحِبَّك ‎[E] God knows I love you;
‏يِعْلَم بِيه / بِيها رَبِّنا ‎[E] bad to a degree that on God can comprehend, awful, disastrous, as in:
‏يا اْدي اليَومِ اْللي يِعْلَم بِيه رَبِّنا ‎[E] here is a day that is so horrible that only God can comprehend;
‏الجَوَاز طِلْعِت مُصِيبة يِعْلَم بِيها رَبِّنا ‎[E] the marriage turned out to be an utter disaster;

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Word: عِلْم، ج عُلُوم
  knowledge, information;

العِلْمِ نُور ‎[E] knowledge is light (a common cliche);
‏عِلْمِي عِلْمك ‎[E] you know as much (or as little) as I do;
‏العِلْم عَنْدَ اْلله ‎[E] the knowledge is (only) with God, only God knows, I have no idea;
‏مَعَ العِلْمِ إِنّ ‎[E] despite the fact that...
‏مِن بابِ العِلْم = لِلْعِلْم ‎[E] for information, as in:
‏ولِعِلْمك ‎[E] and for your information;
‏بَعَتوا صُوْرِةِ المُذَكِّرة لِلْقِسْم لِلْعِلْم ‎[E] they sent a copy of the memo to the department for information;
‏يِكُون فِ عِلْمَك ‎[E] please be informed, take note, bear in mind, as in:
‏يِكُون فِ عِلْمَك إِذا ما جَيْتْشِ حَتِتْرِفِد ‎[E] take note that if you don't come, you'll be fired;
‏يكون فِ علمك = يكون لمعلوماتك ‎[E] it is for your information;
‏عِلْمِي عِلْمَك ‎[E] you know what I know (about the situation)

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Word: أَعْلَم
  more/most knowledgeable (superlative/comparative)

اَللهُ أَعْلَم ‎[E] either 1. God knows best, or 2. only God knows, I have no idea, as in:
‏دا نْظَام اَللهُ أَعْلَم مَصْدَرُه أَيْه ‎[E] God alone knows how the system started;

Rate Translation
  Root: ع ل و
Word: عال
  excellent, great; (adjective, invariable)

إن شاء الله حَتْخِفّ وْتِبْقَى عال ‎[E] God willing, you'll get better and be fine;
‏اِالدُكّان تْعَرَفِت وِبَقَى لْها زَبايِن عال ‎[E] the shop became known and gained a fine clientele;
‏ناس حِلْوِين مِ العال ‎[E] people of the very best;
‏واللهِ عال وِالنَبِي ‎[E] Oh this is just great! (said sarcastically, like what a disaster);
‏عال العال ‎[E] excellent, first class;
‏الخدمة في الفندق عال العال ‎[E] the service at the hotel is excellent

Rate Translation
Word: عَلَى / عَ
  bearing responsibility (showing that a duty, responsibility on s.o.);

دا واجِب عليه ‎[E] that's a duty on him;
‏عَمَلْت اللي عَلَيّ ‎[E] I did what I had to, I did my duty;
‏عَمَلْتِ اللي عليّ وزيادة ‎[E] I did what I had to and more;
‏عَليك كام ‎[E] how much do you owe;
‏الدَوْر علي مِين ‎[E] whose turn is it;
‏عَليك المَفاتِيح ‎[E] the keys are your responsibility;
‏ما عَلَيْكْش مِنُّه ‎[E] don't bother about him;
‏عليك مِن دا بْأَيْه ‎[E] why should you have to do that;
‏عَلَى الله ‎[E] it's on God, meaning it's up to God (probably from the phrase اِتِّكِل على الله, meaning depend on God but can mean anything from let's hope so to "whatever");
‏على الله يِيْجِي بُكْرا ‎[E] let's hope he comes tomorrow;
‏حَيِنْجَح السَنة دي --- على الله ‎[E] he'll succeed this year --- let's hope so;
‏على الله ‎[E] it is up to god, depend on god

Rate Translation
Word: ِتْعالَى / تَعالى / اِتْعالَى، تَعالى
  to be sublime, exalted;

الله سُبْحانُه وَتَعالَى ‎[E] God, the praised and exalted;
‏تعالى على نفسك ‎[E] compromise!, be willing to sacrifice from yourself

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  Root: ع م د
Word: اِعْتَمَد
  to rely, depend (على = on); (UEA)

حَاعْتِمِد على كِلْمِة حَضْرِتَك ‎[E] I shall rely on your word, Sir;
‏المُوْسِيقى التَصْوِيْرِيَّة لِلبَرامِج بِتِعْتِمِد على المَوْضُوع نَفْسُه ‎[E] the background music for the programs depends on the subject itself;
‏اِعْتَمَدْنا على اْلله ‎[E] we have put our trust in God;
‏اِللي يِعْتِمِد عَليك يِعْتِمِد عَلى اْلله ‎[E] he who depends on you (might as well) depend on God, meaning you are completely unreliable;
‏اِعْتِمِد على الله = اِتْكِّل على الله ‎[E] depend on god; When you don't have money to give to a beggar, this is a polite reply to say to them.

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  Root: ع ن د
Word: عَنْد
  having, got (preposition showing present/current possession (as in, what one has on him/her at this particular moment);
Note that مَع can also be used with this meaning and that in CA مَع is preferred for current possession where as عند is more for general ownership);

مَاعَندِيش فَكَّة ‎[E] I don't have any change;
‏عَنْدُكو عَيش ‎[E] do you have any bread;
‏عندي قلم ‎[E] I have a pen
‏كُلُّه عَند الله ‎[E] everything is with God, this is said in response to ingratitude to mean God knows about what I did and will reward me;
‏احنا لِينا عَنْدُه جْنَيه ‎[E] he owes us a pound;
‏ما لَكْش عَنْدِي حاجة ‎[E] I don't owe you anything, I am under no obligation to you;
‏ماكانش عندي ‎[E] I didn't have. Note that negation is on كان. Generally, in cases for not having and there is not, the negation is placed on كان if the verb is used. In present tense the verb is often not used so عندي is negated.;

Rate Translation
Word: عَنْد
  according to, in (my, your, etc.) opinion (preposition indicating what one is thinking, one's opinion);

هُوَّ عَنْدِي زَيّ أَخويا ‎[E] he is like my brother, I think of him as my brother;
‏انتِ غالْيَة عَنْدِي ‎[E] you are precious to me;
‏أنا عَندِي ما يْجِيش خالِص أَحْسن ‎[E] what I'm thinking is that it would be better he didn't come at all;
‏أَبْغَض الحَلال عَنْد الله الطَلاق ‎[E] the most hated thing that is allowed in God's view is divorce;
‏ما جَابْش حاجَة مِن عَنْدُه ‎[E] he add nothing of his own, he said nothing new;
‏اِنْتَ بَقَى ما تْجِبْش مِن عَنْدَك (now that things have calmed down) don't start bringing trouble (literally, don't start bringing what you are thinking);
‏صحتك عندي بالدنيا = صحتك مهمة قوي بالنسبة لي . literally: your health is equivalent to the world in my opinion, meaning your health is important to me;

Rate Translation
  Root: ع ن ي
Word: عَنَى، يَعْنِي
  يَعْنِي : meaning...?, does that mean then...?, that's to say... (particle signaling the giving or requesting of clarification)

شاوِر عَلى بُقُّه يَعْنِي رايِح يِتْغَدَّى ‎[E] he gestured to his mount, meaning (that he was) going out to lunch;
‏بِإِذْنِ الله يَعْنِي ‎[E] God permitting, that is;
‏يَعْنِي حَتاخُدِ الأُتُوبِيس ‎[E] you'll take the bus, then?
‏وِأَيْه يَعْنِي ‎[E] so what? as in:
‏شَتَمْتِ المُدِير، وأَيْه يَعْنِي ‎[E] so I insulted the manager, so what?

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  Root: ع و ض
Word: عَوَض
  substitute, compensation; often said in phrases referring to God compensating or providing for someone after a loss or hardship;

الله عليه العَوَض ومنه العَوَض ‎[E] proverb: god is responsible for providing and from him comes from provision; said when bad happens and there's nothing that can be done;
‏الله جاب، الله خَد، الله عليه العَوَض ‎[E] proverb: god gives, god takes, and god will provide compensation (for a loss); This is a well-known proverb that says that one should not be upset by loss because God is the one that gives, takes, and in the end will provide compensation;
‏عَلَيْه العَوَض وِمِنُّه العَوَض = العَوَض على المَوْلى = عَلَيْك العَوَض يا رَبّ ‎[E] God will provide (said when one suffers a loss);
‏عَلَيْنا العَوَض ‎[E] we're done for!
‏عَلَيهِ العَوَض ومِنُّه العَوَض ‎[E] God will provide (said if someone suffers a loss or faces a difficult situation)
‏عَوَضَك عَلَى الله ‎[E] God will provide for you

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Word: عَوَّض
  to compensate (ه = for, make up for (ه =;

لازِم تِعَوَّضِ اْللي فات ‎[E] you have to make up for the past;
‏اِنْتَ بْتِجْرِي لَيه، عاوِز تِعَوَّضِ الشِوَيَّة اْللي وْقِفْتُهُم ‎[E] why are you going so fast? do you want make up for the little when you stopped?
‏اَلله يِعَوَّض = الله يِعَوَّض عَلَيك ‎[E] may God make (it) up (to you); (said to one who has lost money or the like);
‏حاعَوَّضْها لَك بُكْرا ‎[E] I'll get my own back on you later!

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Word: اِسْتَعْوَض
  to obtain a substitute for (ه =

باقْدَر أَسْتَعْوَضُه مِ المَخْزَن ‎[E] I can replace it from the storage;
‏اِسْتَعْوَضُه عَنْدَ اْلله ‎[E] he (decided he) would get a replacement with God, meaning he wrote it off as a dead loss;

Rate Translation
  Root: ع و ن
Word: عَوْن
  help, assistance;

اَلله يِكُون فِ عَوْنَك ‎[E] may God help you! (Expression of sympathy)
‏الله يْكُون فِي (فِ) عَوْنَك ‎[E] God will support you

Rate Translation
  Root: غ ف ر
Word: غَفَر، يغفُر / يِغْفِر، غُفْرَان
  to grant forgiveness for (ه =, ل = to s.o.);

عامِل كِدا عَشان رَبِّنا يُغْفُرْ لُه ذُنُوبُه ‎[E] he does that so that God may forgive his sins;
‏غَفَرَ الله لِينا وْلُكُم ‎[E] may god forgive us and you (said as a reply to يِرْحَمَكَ الله , which said to one who sneezes);
‏ غَفَرَ اْلله ذَنْبُكُم = ذَنْبُكُم مَغْفُور ‎[E] may god forgive your sins (said as a reply to يِرْحَمَكَ الله , which said to one who sneezes);

Rate Translation
Word: اِسْتَغْفَر
  to ask (ه = God) for forgiveness

‏أَسْتَغْفَرَ اْلله ‎[E] I seek god's forgiveness (for doing such a thing. Also often used to express disapproval, roughly meaning "I seek God's forgiveness if I ever did such a thing as you are talking about!)
‏استغفر الله العظيم ‎[E] seek god's forgiveness (as a command); often said when someone sees or hears something that is either 1. improper or 2. that one does not want to hear (as though it were bad news or bad luck).

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  Root: ف ا ل
Word: فَأْل / فال

فالَ الله وَلا فالَك ‎[E] God forbid!;
‏خُدُوا فالْكُم مِن عِيالْكُم ‎[E] proverb: take your omen from your kids, meaning out of the mouth of babes;
‏فَاْل الله وِللا فَالَك ‎[E] God forbid

Rate Translation
  Root: ف ت ح
Word: فَتَح، يفتَح، فَتْح / فُتُوح / فَتَحان
  to open up, make accessible (ه =;

فَتَحْ لي بَيْتُه ‎[E] he opened his house to me;
‏السِكَّة مَفْتُوحة لَك ‎[E] the way is open to you;
‏وِلادة بْفَتْحِ بَطْن ‎[E] Caesarean delivery;
‏اِفْتَح لِ السِكَّة ‎[E] clear the (telephone) line for me;
‏يِفْتَحَ اْلله ‎[E] may God open a way, meaning certainly not, no way (emphatic refusal of an offer);
‏بِينِ البايِع والشاري يِفْتَح الله ‎[E] between the buyer and seller may God open (a way), meaning between two competing parties may God open an option, or (in bargaining), used to mean roughly "if you don't like my price, then you don't have to buy/sell";
‏الله يِفتَح عليك ‎[E] good grant you (god give you رزق );
‏رَبِّنا يِفْتَحْها عَلى ‎[E] may Our Lord provide help or profit for... as in:
‏رَبِّنا يِفْتَحْها عَلَيَّ بْقِرْشَين ‎[E] may Our Lord help me with some money;
‏إِيْدُه / بِيْتُه مَفْتُوحة ‎[E] he's generous and openhanded;
‏يِفْتَح الله ‎[E] may God open a way, meaning certainly not, no way (emphatic refusal of an offer)

Rate Translation
  Root: ف ح ر
Word: فَحَر، يفحَر / يِفْحُر، فَحْر
  to dig (ه =

بِيِفْحَروا الشارِع عَشانِ المَواسير ‎[E] they dig up the street on account of the pipes;
‏اَلله يِفْحَر رَوْحُه ‎[E] May God dig up his soul! (said as a curse against one deceased);

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  Root: ف ر ج
Word: فَرَج
  release, deliverance;

فَرَج الله / رَبّنا ‎[E] a godsend, god sent relief;
‏يا فَرَج الله ‎[E] reference to relief from god

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Word: فرَّج
  to show (ه = s.o., على =, to make (ه = s.o.) look upon (على =;

فَرَّجْني على الإِوَض ‎[E] show me the rooms;
‏وِالنَبِي لَـأَفَرَّجْها ‎[E] by the Prophet, I'll show her!
‏فَرَّجِ الناس عَلَيَّ = فَرَّج خَلْقِ الله عَلَيَّ ‎[E] he made a public spectacle of me;
‏اِللي حَبُّه رَبُّه فَرَّجُه عَلى مُلْكُه ‎[E] proverb: god will show his kingdom to whom he loves (i.e. he will enable him to travel);

Rate Translation
  Root: ف ر ح
Word: فَرَح، ج أفراح

إِن شا اْلله فِ الأَفْراح ‎[E] may we eat and drink with you on happy occasions (in the future) (said to a host)

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  Root: ف ض ح
Word: فَضَح، يفضَح / يِفْضِح، فَضْح
  to subject to scandal, expose, disgrace (ه = s.o./;

ما تِدِّيْ لُوش قِرْشِ فْ آخِرِ العَرْضِ يِفْضَحَك ‎[E] if you don't give him a piaster at the end of the show, he'll make a public spectacle of you;
‏اَلله يِفْضِحَك ‎[E] may God disgrace you!
‏اَلله لا يِفْضِحْ لَك وِلِيَّة ‎[E] beggars language: may God protect the reputation of your womenfolk;

Rate Translation
  Root: ف ض ل
Word: فَضْل، ج أَفْضال
  grace, goodness, favor, benefit;

فَضْلَك عَلَيَّ كْبير ‎[E] your goodness to me is great, yo've been very good to me;
‏بِفَضْلِ اْلله ‎[E] by the grace of God;
‏مِين يِنْكِر فَضْلِ التَعْليم ‎[E] who can deny the benefit of education?
‏بِفَضْلِ + اسم ‎[E] thanks to, as in:
‏كُلِّ دا بْفَضْلِ العَرَبِيَّة ‎[E] it's all thanks to the car;
‏الفَضْلِ لِيَّ ‎[E] it is (or was) thanks to me, I deserved the credit;
‏مِن فَضْلَك ‎[E] please!
‏يِدُوم فَضْلَك ‎[E] may your bounty last! (conventional reply to اِتْفَضَّل );
‏فَضْلًا عَن ‎[E] UEA, preposition: besides, in addition to;
‏بِيِقْبَض مُكَافْأة شَهْرِيَّة فَضْلًا عن مُرَتَّبُه ‎[E] he takes a monthly bonus in addition to his salary;
‏مِن فَضْلَك ‎[E] please

Rate Translation
  Root: ف ق ر
Word: فَقير، ج فُقَرا / فَقَارة
[pronunciation: ق = ء]

الفَقِير رِيْحْتُه وِحْشة ‎[E] proverb: the poor person, his smell is sickening (to the point where it drives people away);
‏خُدُوهُم فَقارة يِغْنِيكُو اْلله ‎[E] proverb: marry the poor people and God will make you wealthy;

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  Root: ف ن د ق
Word: فَنْدَق
  to completely open (ه =, e.g. a door);
[pronunciation: ق = ء]

أبواب السما مفندقة: التعبير معناه إن السما أو الله ممكن يتقبّل الدعاء ‎[E] the gates of heaven wide open (for the acceptance of prayers);
‏مِين مِفَنْدَقِ الباب كِدا ‎[E] who's left the door wide open like that?

Rate Translation
  Root: ق ب ر
Word: اِتْقَبَر / اِنْقَبَر
  to be entombed
[pronunciation: ق = ء]

أهُو اْتْقَبَرَ اْلله لا يِرْحَمُه ‎[E] now's he's buried may God have no mercy on him

Rate Translation
  Root: ق ب ل
Word: قابِل
  to meet (ه = s.o.) at an expected place or time
[pronunciation: ق = ء]

ما حَدِّش قابِلْني فِ المَطَار ‎[E] no one met me at the airport;
‏اِبْقَى قابِلْنِي لَو ‎[E] be there to meet me if..., and expression showing that something is so unlikely to happen, that you are telling someone that he/she can come and "meet you (to laugh at you, mock you) if it actually happens, as in:
‏اِبْقُوا قابْلُوني لَو كان فيه عَشا ‎[E] you can come and meet me (to mock me) if there is (actually) dinner;
‏اِبْقَى قابِلْني لَو جَوِّزْتَها ‎[E] you can come and meet me (to mock me) if you (actually manage to) marry her off;
‏قابلْت أُمّ لا إله إلا الله ‎[E] I met a whole bunch of people (this phrase is considered offensive to some, obviously I would say, and can even be considered sacrilegious, so one should be cautious in using it);

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Word: تْقابِل / اِتْقابِل، يِتْقابِل
  to meet together (does not take an object)
[pronunciation: ق = ء]

حَنِتْقابِل فِ بارِيس إِن شاءَ اْلله ‎[E] we'll get together in Paris, God willing;

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Word: مُسْتَقْبَل / مُسْتَقْبِل
مُسْتَقْبِل is LLEA;
[pronunciation: ق = ء]

المُسْتَقْبَل بِيَدِّ اْلله ‎[E] proverb: the future is in God's hands

Rate Translation
  Root: ق د ر
Word: قُدْرَة، ج قُدْرَاْت
  omnipotence, omnipotent power (of God);
[pronunciation: ق = ء]

بِقُدْرِةِ اْلله ‎[E] by the power of God

Rate Translation
  Root: ق ر ا
Word: قَرَا، يِقْرَا، قِرَايَة، اسم الفاعل: قَاْرِي، اسم المفعول: مَقْرِي
  to recite (ه = the Koran)
[pronunciation: ق = ء]

خُدْ خَمِيسُه إِنْ شا اْلله ما قَرَا ‎[E] proverb: take his خَميس, even if he hasn't recited, meaning get as much as you can, even if you don't fulfill your duties

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  Root: ق ص ف
Word: قَصَف، يقصُف، قَصْف / قَصَفان
  to snap, break (ه = in two; to break off (ه =;
[pronunciation: ق = ء]

قصف القلم ‎[E] he broke the pencil;
‏قصف رجليّ ‎[E] he broke my leg;
‏المَوْت قَصَف شبابُه ‎[E] death cut short his youth;
‏يُقصُف عُمْرَك / الله يقصف عمرك : God cut off your life, God strike you down;
‏واد مَقْصوف الرَقَبة ‎[E] brat, a badly behaved child;

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  Root: ق ط ع
Word: قَطَع، يقطَع، قَطْع / قَطَعَان / قَطْعِيَّة
  to cut (ه =, cut up (ه =, tear (up) (ه =; (implies that only one cut is made, or that something is cut only in two pieces. In cooking cooking this means to cut into large or medium pieces);
[pronunciation: ق = ء]

قَطَعِ الحَبْل ‎[E] he cut the rope;
‏قَطَعِ السَدَّ عَشان يِفْتَح عَ المَيَّة ‎[E] he breached the obstruction to open the way for the water;
‏قَطَع الكَوْرَة ‎[E] to slice the ball (in ping-pong. in soccer or the like this would mean he intercepted the ball);
‏قَطَعِ الكُوْتْشِينة ‎[E] to cut the deck of cards;
‏حاقطع رقبتك ‎[E] I'll cut your throat;
‏يقطَع الطريق ‎[E] to cut off the road, cut off traffic, block the road;
‏عمّالة تِقْطَعي فِ لَحْمُه ‎[E] as though you are cutting him up (i.e. constantly criticizing him, ripping into s.o.);
‏لا يِقْطَع عِرْقُه ولا يْسَيَّح دَمّ ‎[E] he's indecisive;
‏قَطَع زِرِيبة ‎[E] rural term: to clean up an animal pen by cutting and removing from it blocks of earth mixed with dung (for use as fertilizer);
‏الله يقطع + اسم ‎[E] God damn...
‏الله يقطع الأصْحاب ‎[E] God damn (my) friends

Rate Translation
  Root: ق و م
Word: قام، يْقُوْم، قَوْم / قَوَمان / قِيَام
  to recover (e.g. from an illness, the idea being that one is able to get up);
[pronunciation: ق = ء]

لِسَّة ما قامِتْشِ مِنِ المُصِيبة ‎[E] she hasn't yet recovered from the disaster;
‏إن شاءَ الله حَتْقُوم على خَيْر ‎[E] God willing you'll recover;

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Word: مَقام
  worth, status;
[pronunciation: ق = ء]

عايْزة راجِل يِعْرَف مَقامي ‎[E] I want a man who appreciates (the worth of) me;
‏الناس مَقامات ‎[E] people are at (different) statuses/social classes, meaning not everyone is equal, not everyone is worth the same;
‏هُوَّ اْحْنا مِش قَدِّ المَقام ‎[E] so (you imagine) we're not up to standard?
‏بِيِعْمِل مَقام لِمْراتُه ‎[E] he treats his wife with respect;
‏اِسْمَ اْلله عَلَى مَقامَك ‎[E] women in traditional society: begging your pardon, no offense intended (often prefaces a contradiction, objection or mention of any mundane or lowly object. Similar to مُؤاخْذة );
‏مش قدّ المَقَام ‎[E] not good enough, not up to the standard, not up to par

Rate Translation
  Root: ق و ي
Word: قُوَّة / قِوَّة، ج قُوَّات / قُوَى
  power, strength; (mainly in singular)
(note although multiple plurals are listed, each plural has specific uses. the form قُوَّات is mainly for armed forces, and the form قُوَى is non-military contexts, like a labor force, or strength training)
[pronunciation: ق = ء]

قُوِّةِ الشَعْبِ تِبْقَى قُوِّةِ الجَيْش ‎[E] the strength of the people is the strength of the army;
‏قِوِّةِ المُوْتَوْر ‎[E] the power of the motor;
‏بِقُوَّة ‎[E] strongly, firmly, powerfully;
‏بِالقِوَّة ‎[E] with considerable effort, as in:
‏بِيِتْنَفِّس بالقِوَّة ‎[E] he is breathing with considerable effort, he can hardly breath;
‏يا قِوِّةِ اْلله ‎[E] such is the power of God! (exclamation of wonderment at the immensity, magnitude, or might of something);

Rate Translation
  Root: ك ب ر
Word: أَكْبَر
  greater/greatest (superlative/comparative)

اَللهُ أَكْبَر ‎[E] God is greatest; ((literally: God is greater... the incomplete sentence structure used to show that God is greater than anything)
‏اللهُ أَكْبَر عَلَيك ‎[E] God the great against you! (from context, said as an expression against jealousy / the evil eye, something like "goodness gracious God save me from you.)

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Word: تْكَبَّر / اِتْكَبَّر / اِكَّبَّر، يِتْكَبَّر
  to be haughty, overly prideful; to be haughty (على = with s.o.), to look down (على = on s.o.);

بيتكبر على خلق الله ‎[E] to be very prideful, (lit: to be prideful over god's creation);
‏يِتْكَبَّرُوا لَيه عَلَيه ‎[E] why should they look down on him?

Rate Translation
  Root: ك ت ب
Word: كِتَاب، ج كُتُب

الكِتَابِ المُقَدَّس ‎[E] the Bible;
‏كِتَابِ اْلله ‎[E] God's book, meaning the Qur'an;
‏وِكِتابِ الله ‎[E] by God's book! (an oath often used to to emphasize the speaker's words or enjoin belief in them);
‏وِكِتابِ اللهِ اْلوِلِيَّة دِي نَحَسِتْني ‎[E] by God's book, this woman has jinxed me!

Rate Translation
  Root: ك د ح
Word: كَدَح، يكدَح، كَدْح
  to work hard, toil; (UEA)

ما بَطَّلْناش كَدْحِ طُوْلِ النَهَار ‎[E] we worked hard all day long;
‏الطَبَقة الكَادْحة ‎[E] the working class;
‏الكَدْح إلى وَجْهِ الله ‎[E] working hard for the sake of God;

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  Root: ك ذ ب
Word: كِدْب / كِذْب
  lie(s), lying; (collective noun)
[pronunciation: ذ = د / ذ = ز]

الكدب مالوش رجلين: الإنسان مش ممكن يعتمد على الكذب ‎[E] proverb: the lie doesn't have two legs, meaning you can't depend on a lie;
‏الكِذْب خَيْبة ‎[E] lying is a sign of failure;
‏الكِذْب على الله خيبة ‎[E] lying to God is a failure (meaning never works?);

Rate Translation
  Root: ك ر م
Word: كَرَم، يكرِم، كَرَم
  to favor, be generous to, bestow good fortune on (ه = s.o.);
see also under أَكْرَم ;

كَرَمُونا ‎[E] they were most generous to us;
‏رَبِّنا كَرَمْني وْلَقَيت تَكْسَ عَلى طُول ‎[E] I was lucky enough to find a taxi right away;
‏عَيْـن مَكْرُومة ‎[E] euphemism: blind eye;
‏انت مش حتِكْرِمني؟ ‎[E] you are not going to honor me? when said to shop keeper can mean "you're not going to give me a deal?"
‏الله يِكْرِمَك ‎[E] may God be generous with you, meaning either 1. expression of thanks for a service rendered, or for a compliment paid, or 2. response to a beggar's importuning (meaning, may God grant you good fortune);

Rate Translation
Word: أَكْرَم
  to favor, be generous to, bestow good fortune on (ه = s.o.);
see also under كَرَم ;

الله يِكْرِمَك ‎[E] may God be generous with you, meaning either 1. expression of thanks for a service rendered, or for a compliment paid, or 2. response to a beggar's importuning (meaning, may God grant you good fortune);
‏إِكْرامِ المَيِّت دَفْنُه ‎[E] proverb: to honor the dead is to bury him;

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  Root: ك س ب 1
Word: كَسِّيب، ج كَسِّيبَة
  one who earns good money, man of steady means;

يا بَخْتَها جَوِّزِت بِنْتَها لْجَدَع كَسِّيْب ‎[E] what luck, she married her daughter to a good earner;
‏احنا ناس كسيبة على باب الله ‎[E] we make our living as beggars;

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Word: كسِّب
  to make (ه = s.o.) earn money

أَزْمِةِ السُكَّر كَسِّبِتُه كْتِير ‎[E] the sugar shortage earned him a lot (of profit);
‏اَلله لا يْكَسِّبَك ‎[E] may you never be successful;

Rate Translation
  Root: ك س ف
Word: كَسَف، يكسِف، كَسْف / كُسُوف
  to shame, make ashamed (ه = s.o.);

اَلله يِكْسِفَك ‎[E] may God shame you, meaning you should be ashamed!
‏هي مكسوفة تقول للناس ان خطيب بنتها جرسون ‎[E] she is ashamed to say to people that her daughter's fiance works as a waiter;

Rate Translation
  Root: ك ف ي
Word: كَفَى، يِكْفِي، كِفَايَة، اسم الفاعل: كَاْفِي
  to shield from, protect (ه = s.o., ه = from) (said of God);

رَبِّنا يِكْفِينا شَرِّ البَلاوِي ‎[E] may the Lord protect us from the evil of afflictions, meaning God help us;
‏كَفَى اْلله الشَرّ ‎[E] God god protect (us) from evil
‏اِكْفي الله الشر ‎[E] god, shield us from evil
‏كَفَى الله الشَرّّ ‎[E] God forbid
‏يا قَاعْدِين يِكْفِيكو شَرِّ الجَايِّين ‎[E] may God protect us from anyone visiting us to do evil (said when someone is expecting a visitor and the reason for the visit is unknown and could be bad) (o sitting ones! my God protect you from the evil of those who are coming.)
‏يكفيك شَرِّ العَيْن ‎[E] may God protect you from the evil eye

Rate Translation
  Root: ل 2
Word: لَ
  by, (I, you, he, she) swears, swore (emphatic particle, introduces strong assertion or oath);

إن شاء الله لَكان ‎[E] God willing it will be;
‏حِلْفِت لَتِفَرَّق عَيْش عَ المَساكِين ‎[E] she swore that she would distribute bread to the poor;
‏لَو كُنْت أَشَارْجِي لَكُنْت أَسْتِقِيل مِ الصُبْح ‎[E] if I were a traffic cop I'd resign first thing (tomorrow) morning;

Rate Translation
  Root: ل ا
Word: لا / لأ / لأَّ
  لا + اسم منكر : there is no, not one (general negation. In ECA this is sometimes used in fixed phrases, and hence carries the CA voweling, which is to say, the negated noun ends in a فَتْحَة , even though it is indefinite);

لا حَوْلَ وَلا قُوَّةَ إلا بِاللهِ العَظِيم ‎[E] there is no strength or power except with God;
‏لا إِلهَ إِلا الله ‎[E] there is no god but (the one true) God;
‏لا بُدَّ ‎[E] it must be, it is necessary (literally: there is no escape);
‏لا شَكَّ إِنّ ‎[E] there is no doubt that;
‏لا إلـٰه إلا الله ‎[E] I have nothing more to say (there is no God but god)
‏لا... ولا حاجة ‎[E] not ( or anything like it.

Rate Translation
  Root: ل ذ ذ 1
Word: لَذّ / لَدّ، يلِذّ / يْلِدّ، لَذّ / لَدّ / لَذَذَاْن / لَدَدان
  to appeal, meet with approval (على = to s.o.,;
(note ذ = د)
[pronunciation: ذ = د]

حاجة مش لادّة عليك ‎[E] something that does not please you;
‏شَكْلَها لادَّة عَلَيَّ ‎[E] her appearance appealed to me;
‏إن شا اْلله الأَكْلِ يْلِدَّ عَلَيك ‎[E] I hope you find the food to your taste;

Rate Translation
  Root: ل ط ف
Word: لَطَف، يلطُف، لُطْف
  to show mercy (said of God)

اِلْطُف بِعَبِيدَك يا رَبّ ‎[E] be merciful on your servants, O Lord (prayer used in time of harship);
‏اَلله يُلْطُف بِيه ‎[E] may God be kind to him (implying mental deficiency);

Rate Translation
  Root: ل ع ن
Word: لَعَن، يلعَن، لَعْن
  to curse, damn (ه = s.o.,;
(also said نَعَل );

اَلله يِلْعَن أَبُوك = يِلْعَن أَبوك (God) damn your father;
‏لَعَنْتِ الساعة اْللي اْتْوَلَد فيها ‎[E] I cursed the day he was born;
‏يِلْعَن دِين أُمَّك ‎[E] may your mother's religion be damned (a strong curse);
‏يِلْعَن أَبُوك ‎[E] damn your father!
‏يِلْعَن دِيْنَك ‎[E] God damn you (god damn your religion)

Rate Translation
Word: لَعْنة، ج لَعْنَاْت
  a curse (على = on

عَليه لَعْنِةَ اْلله ‎[E] may God's curse be upon him;
‏دا راجِل لَعْنة ‎[E] the man's a plague;

Rate Translation
  Root: ل و ذ
Word: لاذ، يْلُوْذ، لَوَذان
  to take refuge (إلى = with/to)
[pronunciation: ذ = ز]

الناسِ اْللي بِتْلُوذ لِيهُم دَوْل مِش حَيِنْفَعوك ‎[E] those people you're relying on will let you down;
‏أنا لايِذ بِجَنابِ اْلله ‎[E] I'm taking refuge in the refuge of God;

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  Root: م ا
Word: ما
  but...!, isn't it that...
this ما shows emphasis, and in general is added to statements that are "contradicting" something that was previously said or done, i.e. denying a presupposition. It should be followed immediately by nominal sentence (i.e. by a sentence starting with a noun or pronoun), which is one of the indications that this kind of ما is being used. It is followed by a nominal sentence to show that event is real (in contrast to the ما that emphasizes a command). Additionally, the tone is important as it will usually carry the emphasis and "contradicting" nature of the sentence. ("Contradicting" isn't quite right. Badawi calls it expostulation, but that isn't the right word either.)
when it occurs with the third person pronoun suffixes it can take two forms (either with a shadda on the last letter or not):
ما هُوْ = ما هُوَّ
ما هِيْ = ما هِيَّ
ماهُمْ = ما هُمَّ

ما أنا عارف ‎[E] I know already!
‏ما اْحْنا عارْفين كِدا ‎[E] but we know that already!
‏ما المَفْرُوض إِنَّك تِسْتَنَّى ‎[E] but you're supposed to wait!
‏ما العِيَال أَحْبَابَ اْلله ‎[E] after all, children are God's loved ones;
‏ماهُوْ هُوَّ قال كِدا ‎[E] but that's what he said!

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Word: ما
  particle signaling emphasis of expostulation / contradiction of previous statement or action. It should be followed by a either a third person pronoun or pronoun suffix + a noun or pronoun. When followed by a third person pronoun it will be ماهُوْ only.

ماهُوْ / ماهُوَّ احْنا عارْفِين كِدا ‎[E] but we know that very well already!
‏ماهُوْ / ماهُوَّ المَفْرُوض إِنَّك تِسْتِنَّى ‎[E] but the point is that you you're supposed to wait!
‏ماهُوْ / ماهُوَّ / ماهِيْ / ماهِيَّ العِيَال أَحْبابَ اْلله ‎[E] after all, the fact is that children are God's loved ones.
‏ماهُوْ هُوَّ قال كِدا ‎[E] but that's really what he said!

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Word: ما
  no (one), (am, are, is) not;
particle emphasizing that one will not do something. Used either in oaths in the colloquial contexts or in pieces of language extracted from CA. This is also used past tense verbs to show the intention not to do something (Call the commissive mood, because one is committing to not doing something). The supposed logic behind the structure is that it creates tension between the realized and unrealized, and perhaps, when one considers tone, implies the anger the speaker would feel if the event were realized. Mitchell and El-Hassan note that this is the language of women.

وَاْللهِ ما اْنَا راكِب ‎[E] by God, I will not get on!
‏ما يِقْدَر على قُدْرة إِلا رَبِّنا ‎[E] none can control fate except Our Lord (i.e. God);
‏إن شا اْلله ما حَدِّ كَل ‎[E] May nobody ever eat!

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  Root: م ث ل
Word: اِمْتَثَل
  to submit, subject o.s. (ل = to);
[pronunciation: ث = س]

كُلِّنا مِمْتِثِلِين لأَمْرِ اْلله ‎[E] we all surrender to the will of God

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Word: اِسْتَمْتِل
  to submit, acquiesce (ل = to); (LLEA)
[pronunciation: ث = ت]

اِسْتَمْتِل لِحُكْمِ الله ‎[E] he submitted to God's ruling

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  Root: م س و
Word: مَسَّى
  to cause (ه = s.o.) to spend the evening (said of God)

الله يمسيه بالخير ‎[E] may god grand him a good evening

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  Root: م ش ي
Word: مِشِي، يِمْشِي، مَشْي / مَشَيَان
  to move forth, move forward, proceed (said like a matter is moving along fine, see also ماشي);

كُلُّه ماشي تَمَام ‎[E] everything's going well;
‏كُنْتِ ماشي فِ الآيَة وْبَعْدَين سِبْتِ كِلْمة ‎[E] I was going along (reciting) the verse and then I skipped a word;
‏كِلْمة مِنَّك وِبَسِّ وْكُلُّه يِمْشِي ‎[E] one word from you would get things moving;
‏الدِنْيَا ما بْتِمْشِيش إِلا بْكِدا ‎[E] the world doesn't go around except like that, meaning that's how the world works;
‏لو انت مش ماشي في الدراسة ‎[E] if you are not doing well in your studies;
‏كَلامُه ماشي ‎[E] what he says goes;
‏اَلله كِلْمِة خَدَّام تِمْشِي عَلى كِلْمِة أَخُوك ‎[E] what's this! the word of a servant overrules that of your brother;
‏مَشَيَانِ البَطْن ‎[E] diarrhea;
‏بَطْنِي ماشْيَة ‎[E] I have diarrhea;
‏ما تِمْشِيش وَرا بَطْنَك ‎[E] don't walk behind your stomach, meaning don't follow your stomach's lead, don't eat everything you feel like eating;

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  Root: م ل ك
Word: مَلَكَوت / مَلَكُوت
  God's creation

فاكِر إِنَّك حَتْعَدِّلِ المَلَكَوت ‎[E] do you think can set the whole world to rights?
‏مَلَكُوتَ اْلله ‎[E] in Christianity: the Kingdom of God;
‏هِنَا مَلَكَوت ‎[E] everything is topsy turvy here, it's a madhouse;
‏عايْشَة فْ مَلَكَوت تاني ‎[E] she lives in a dream world;

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  Root: م ن ع
Word: مَنَع، يمنَع، مَنْع / مَنَعان
  to keep (ه = away (عن = from s.o./

يا أَوْلِيِّةَ اْلله تِمْنَعُوا عَنُّه العَكْس ‎[E] saints of God, protect him for the work for bad spirits;
‏مَنْعًا لِ ‎[E] in order to avoid, as in:
‏أَحْسَن نِغَيَّرِ المَوْضُوع مَنْعًا لِلزَعَل ‎[E] it is better to change the subject in order to avoid annoyance;

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  Root: ن ج ح
Word: نَجَح / نِجِح، ينجح / نجَح، نَجاح
  to pass (in an examination)

اِنْتَ حَتِنْجَح وِحَتْجِيب مَجْمُوع بِإِذْنِ الله ‎[E] you'll pass and get a (good) grade, God willing;
‏نِجِحْتِ فِ الكَشْفِ الطِبِّي ‎[E] I passed the medical;

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  Root: ن ز ل
Word: أَنْزَل، ، يِنْزِل، إِنْزَاْل، اسم الفاعل: مُنْزِل، اسم المفعول: مُنْزَل
  to bring down (ه =; used mainly in the religious meaning of the inspire or send down (ه = a revelation)

كلامْ ما أنزَل اللهُ بِهِ مِن سُلْطان ‎[E] nonsense;
‏حِكاية ما أَنزَل اللهُ بِها مِن طِيز جَحْش ‎[E] a story that god wouldn't bring down from a donkey's ass, meaning bullshit;

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  Root: ن ص ب
Word: نَصِيب
  lot, destiny;
see also under ي ا ن ص ي ب

ما فيش نصيب ‎[E] it wasn't meant to be;
‏قِسْمَة وْنَصِيْب ‎[E] fate and destiny, a common phrase used to refer things being a matter of fate/destiny, as in:
‏كُلِّ شَيْء قِسْمَة وْنَصِيب ‎[E] everything is a matter of fate;
‏ما حَدِّش ياخُد إِلا نَصِيبُه ‎[E] no one gets more than his fate ordains;
‏إِنْ شا اْلله الشَقَّة تْكُون مِن نَصِيبَك ‎[E] I hope you succeed in getting the flat;
‏اِدَّاه نَصِيبُه = اِدَّاه اْللي فيه اِالنَصِيب ‎[E] he gave him what he could afford, he gave him a modest tip;
‏كُلِّ شَيْءْ قِسْمَة وْنَصِيب ‎[E] everything depends on fate

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  Root: ن ص ر 1
Word: نَصَر، ينصُر، نَصْر
  to make victorious, cause to be successful;

رَبِّنا نَصَرْني فِ القَضِيَّة ‎[E] God granted me victory in the case;
‏الله يُنْصُرَك عَلَى اللي يْعَدِيك ‎[E] God grant you victory over your enemies;
‏يُنْصُر دينك (may God) make your religion successful, which is a form of congratulating someone (like "well done" or "great job");
‏يِنْصُر دِينَك ‎[E] thank you (for something major)

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  Root: ن ع م
Word: نَعَم، ينعِم، نَعَمان
  to be gracious to, bless (على = s.o., ب = with, endow (على = s.o., ب = with;

نَعَم عَلَيه بِالعَقْل ‎[E] Our Lord endowed him with reason/wisdom;
‏اِنْعِمي عَلَينا بْنَظْرة ‎[E] grace us with a glance (when trying to elicit a response from a girl in the street);
‏نَعَمَ اْلله عَلَيك ‎[E] response to نَعَم and نَعِيمًا ;
‏اَلله يِنْعِم عَلَيك ‎[E] may God bless you (response to نَعِيْمًا );

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  Root: ن ف س
Word: نِفْس
  wish, desire, appetite; (feminine noun)

بِتْخَلِّي الواحِد مَالُوش نِفْسِ لِلشُغْل ‎[E] it spoils one's enthusiasm for work;
‏وَضَّبْتِ البَطاطِس وِخَلَّيْتْها تِفْتَحِ النِفْس ‎[E] I prepared the potatoes and made them appetizing;
‏النِفْسِ مِش طالْبة أَكْلِ مِن سَنَة ‎[E] I haven't felt like eating for a year;
‏بِيِشْتَغَل بِنِفْس ‎[E] he works enthusiastically;
‏نِفْسِي مَسْدُودة ‎[E] I have no appetite, I have no desire, as in:
‏نِفْسِي مَسْدُودة عَ المُذاكْرة ‎[E] I don't feel like studying;
‏ليك نِفْس؟ ‎[E] do you have an appetite? often used to mean "are you willing to do that?" (either sarcastically or literally)
‏يا الله نِفْسي ‎[E] an expression meaning that the person (in this case I) only things about himself/herself and has no other considerations
‏نِفْس + ضمير + فعل مضارع بدون ب / في اسم (he, she, it...) wishes for or to do; this is stronger than the generic I want (عاوز ) The phrase must have a possessive pronoun suffixed onto it. To use a noun as the subject, you have to use it as a topic noun before nifs. When the object of desire is a noun, في ‎[E] must be be used. When the desire is an action, fii is not used and the verb does not take the bi.
‏انا من زمان نفسي أروح عند خالي ‎[E] for a long time I wanted to go to my uncles;
‏عمر نفسه في بيتزا ‎[E] omar loves pizza
‏انا نِفْسِي فْ عَرَبِيَّة ‎[E] I wish I had a car;
‏أنا نِفْسِي أَعْرَف بَسّ ‎[E] all I want is to know;
‏نِفْسُه يِتْعَيِّن فِ الشِرْكة ‎[E] he wants to be given a post in the company;
‏ما ليش نِفْس ‎[E] I don't have the appetite for it (could refer to food, or the appetite to do something)
‏نِفسي ‎[E] I wish, I want, I'm craving (followed by a statement)

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  Root: ن ق ل
Word: اِنْتَقَل
  to be conveyed, be transported (من = from, ل = to); (same as اِتْنَقَل )
[pronunciation: ق = ق / ق = ء]

/ انتقل إلى الأمجاد السماوية ‎[E] he went to the heavenly glories, Christian saying about the deceased;
‏انتقل إلى رحمة الله ‎[E] He went to god's mercy, Muslim saying about the deceased;

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  Root: ن ك د
Word: نكِّد
  to make miserable (على = s.o. or s.o.'s life)

الله ينكد عليها ‎[E] may god make her life miserable;
‏إِلهي يْنَكِّد عَلَيك ‎[E] may God make your life miserable;
‏جَوْزِي مْنَكِّد عَلَيَّ عِشْتِي عَشان عاوِز واد ‎[E] my husband makes my life miserable because he wants a son;

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  Root: ن و ر 1
Word: نَوَّر
  to illuminate, shine upon, give light to (ه =;
this is used in expressions to welcome guests to a home or shop or entire country (see examples);

نَوَّرِ الأَوْضة ‎[E] lighten up the room, turn the light on in the room;
‏نَوَّرْتِ لُه فَاْدَّالُه الطَرِيق ‎[E] I flashed my lights at him so he gave me the road;
‏الأَبَجَوْرة مْنَوَّرة فْ وَشِّي ‎[E] the lamp is shining in my face;
‏نَوَّرْت = نَوَّرْتِ البَيْت = نَوَّرْتِ حَتِّتْنا ‎[E] you have brought light (to the house, to our neighborhood, etc.); (conventional greeting to a guest);
‏البيت (أو البلد أو المدينة) نوَّر – منوَّر بأهله ‎[E] the house is lit up --- it is lit up with its occupants; this is a common greeting and reply when someone comes into a house.
‏تِنَوَّر (ي/ ـوا) في أي وقت --- ده نورك ‎[E] It's always a pleasure (literally: you light things up at any time) (said to a visitor or caller) --- the reply: it's your light;
‏مصر نَوَّرِت / مِنَوَّرنا --- مِنَوَّر بأهلها / النُور نُورَك ‎[E] egypt is honored (literally lit up) --- it is lit up with it's people / the light is your (light);
‏الله يِنَوَّر عليك ‎[E] may god shine light upon you (used as thank you);
‏نَوَّرْتُونَا ‎[E] you brought us light (with your visit) (a phrase used to welcome a visitor into the home)

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Word: نَوَّر
  to enlighten (ه = s.o.)

بَقَى لي تَلَت سِنِين لايِص مِش لاقي حَدِّ يْنَوَّرْني ‎[E] I've been three years at a loss and found no one to put me straight
‏الله يِنَوَّر عليك ‎[E] may God shine light on you (used as a thank you)

Rate Translation
  Root: ن و م
Word: مَنامة، ج مَنامَاْت

إن شاء الله أَشوف فِيكم يَوم وِحِش قَبْل ما أْحُطّ راسي فْ منامْتِي ‎[E] I hope to see you in a horrible day (meaning I hope to see you suffer) before I die

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  Root: ن و ي 1
Word: نِيَّة، ج نِيَّاْت

سَلِيمِ النِيَّة ‎[E] well-intention, of sound intentions;
‏الأَعْمَال بِالنِيَّات ‎[E] proverb: deeds are measured by intentions, meaning it's the thought that counts;
‏عَلَى نِيَّاتُه ‎[E] gullible;
‏على نِيَّة ‎[E] with the intention to, as in:
‏هُوَّ ناوِيْ لَك عَلى نِيَّة ‎[E] he's out to get you;
‏سُوْءِ النِيَّة ‎[E] evil intent, bad intention;
‏الله يسلمها ويديها على قد نيتها ‎[E] god bless her and grant her to the extent of her intentions
‏على نِيَّاتُه ‎[E] gullible, naive (on his intentions)

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  Root: ه ت ك
Word: هَتَك، يهتِك، هَتْك / هَتَكان
  to expose, reveal (ه =;

هَتَك سَتْر / سِتْر ‎[E] to reveal a secret (of s.o. or, betray;
‏اَلله يِهْتِك سِتْرُه زَيِّ ما بْيِهْتِك سِتْرِ الناس ‎[E] may God expose him (to humiliation) just as he exposes others;
‏هَتَك عَرْض شخص ‎[E] to dishonor sexually, abuse sexually (s.o.);

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Word: هَتِّك
  to rip up, tear open (ه =;

الرُصاص هَتِّكِت لَحْمِ وِرْكُه ‎[E] the bullet tore open his thigh;
‏هَتِّكُوا الأَعْراض ‎[E] they ravished the women folk;
‏مَزاجْها تْهَتِّك أَسْتار خَلْقِ اْلله ‎[E] it's her nature to expose everyone's secrets;

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  Root: ه ت ه ت
Word: هَتْهَت
  epithet for the unknown disaster

إِنْ شاْ اْلله ياخْدَكِ الهَتْهَت ‎[E] may a disaster befall you!

Rate Translation
  Root: ه د ي
Word: هَدَى، يِهْدِي، هُدَى / هِدَاية
  to guide (ه = s.o.) to the correct path (said of God)

بادْعِي اْلله إِنِّ رَبِّنا يِهْدِيها ‎[E] I pray that our Lord may guide her;
‏رَبِّنا يِهْدِيك ‎[E] may our Lord guide you on the right path (often said in criticism);
‏الله يِهْدِيه ‎[E] may God guide him to the right path (often said when seeing someone do something wrong, often as a gentle critcism or a hope that he will improve his ways);
‏يِهْدِك يِرْضِيك ‎[E] a narrative expression that is used to indicate that the narrator/speaker had, by that point in the narrative, sees himself as having done everything he could to persuade, accommodate, etc. the party with whom the reported exchange took place; the phrase comes from the fact that in real life when working with someone one might say (to please the other party) الله يرضيك and الله يهديك as a form of blessing on the other party.

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  Root: ه ل ك
Word: هالِك، ج هَاْلْكِين، المؤنث: هَاْلْكَة
  mortal; (adjective) (in Islam)

كُلِّ شَيْء هالِك إِلا وَجْهَ اْلله ‎[E] everything is transient except for God;
‏يا هالِك ‎[E] you infidel!
‏مِن هالِك لِـمَالِك ‎[E] from bad to worse;

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  Root: ه ن ا
Word: هَنِي / هَنِيء
  enjoyable, pleasant; (adjective)

أَيَّام هَنِيَّة ‎[E] happy days;
‏اللُقْمَة الهَنِيَّة تْكَفِّي مِيَّة ‎[E] proverb: a piece of bread eaten in a friendly atmosphere suffices for a hundred;
‏هَنِيًّا ‎[E] good health! (said, e.g., to a guest who has just finished eating or drinking);
‏هَنِيَّالَك ‎[E] how good it is for you! (from هَنِيَّة لَك ), as in:
‏إنْ تاب هَنِيَّالُه ‎[E] how fortunate he would be if he repented;
‏هَنِيَّالَك يا فاعِلِ الخَيْر وِالثَوَاب عَنْدَ اْلله ‎[E] beggars language: how blessed are you who give charity (for God will reward you!);

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Word: هَنَا / هَنَاء
  well being, good health, happiness;

بَعْدِ الهَنَا بْسَنَة ‎[E] proverb: after the appropriate time;
‏بِالهَنا وِالشَفا --- الله يَهَنّيك ‎[E] eat/drink in good health (said by host to guests, or in response to a compliment on the food) --- god make you of good health (said in reply);
‏عَرِيْسِ الهَنَا ‎[E] the right man, Mr. Right, Prince Charming;
‏اي دي الهَنا ‎[E] an expression of joy, like what good news!
‏الهَنَا ‎[E] may … bring you wellbeing, as in:
‏نَوْمِ الهَنَا ‎[E] have a good sleep;
‏مِشْوَارِ الهَنَا ‎[E] have a pleasant outing;
‏خَبِيزِ الهَنَا ‎[E] may the bread you bake bring good health! happy baking!
‏يا هَنَاك لَو ‎[E] how happy you would be if..., as in:
‏يا هَنَايَ لَو زُرْتِني ‎[E] how happy I would be if you were to visit me;

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Word: هَنَّى
  to grant good health (ه = to s.o.), said of God;

الله يهنيك ‎[E] may God grant you health (said in response to بالهنا and هنِّيًا)

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  Root: ه و ن
Word: هوِّن
  to make easy, bearable (ه =, على = on s.o.);

اَلله يِهَوِّنِ المُصِيبة عَلَيك ‎[E] may God make the misfortune easy for you

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  Root: و ج ع
Word: وَجَع، يِوْجَع، وَجَع / وَجَعان
  to hurt, cause pain to (ه = s.o./;

دِماغِي بْتِوْجَعْني ‎[E] I have a headache, my head hurts;
‏اِنْتُو بْتِوْجَعوا (فِ) نافُوخي = اِنْتُو بْتِوْجَعوا (فِ) راسِي ‎[E] you're giving me a headache, or your being a bother;
‏يا عم ماتِوْجَعْش دِماغْنا ‎[E] don't bother us man;
‏اَلله يِوْجَع قَلْبَك ‎[E] abusive: may God make your heart feel pain, meaning may God make you suffer greatly;

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  Root: و ج ه
Word: وَجْه، ج وُجُوه / أَوْجُه
  لِوَجْه : for the sake of (prepositional phrase)

خدمة لِوَجْهِ الله ‎[E] something done for the sake of God with no expectation of getting anything back in return;
‏عمل حاجة لوجه الله ‎[E] to do for God's sake;
‏حَسَنَة لِوجه الله ‎[E] a good deed for the sake of God (said by beggars);

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  Root: و ح د
Word: وَحْدانِيَّة
  oneness (of God)

دَليل على وَحْدانِيِّةِ اْلله ‎[E] a proof of God's existence

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Word: وَحِّد / وَحَّد
  يِوَحِّد + اسم من أسماء الله : to say the Islamic shahada / testimony of faith (meaning لا إله إلا الله there is no God but God);
In LLEA, phrases like يِوَحِّد رَبُّه (meaning: say the phrase لا إله إلا الله) are used instead of the number one. the idea being that God is the only one. Also, the order of counting might go الله واحِد، مالوش تاني ما لوش تالت، إلخ , meaning: God is one, there is no second, there is no third)

‏بتفوت على المأذون السنة ما يكتبش كتاب واحد يوحد ربه ‎[E] the year passes the ma'zuun and he doesn't marry anyone
‏إنه ما يقدرش يدفع أكتر ولا ملين أحمر يوحد ربه ‎[E] he couldn't pay more not even a cent.
‏ما عَنْدُوش وَلا قِرْشِ يْوَحِّدَ اْلله ‎[E] he hasn't got a penny to his name;
‏وَحِّدوه ‎[E] interjection for breaking an embarrassing silence, in the hope that the response لا إله إلا الله will make the people relax and talk;
‏وحَّد الله ‎[E] say the islamic shahada, testimony of faith
‏وَحَّد رَبِّنا ‎[E] say the islamic shahada, testimony of faith
‏وَحَّدُوه ‎[E] interjection for breaking an embarrassing silence, in the hope that the response لا إله إلا الله will make the people relax and talk

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  Root: و ح ش
Word: أَوْحَش، يِوْحِش
  (see example)

لا أَوْحَشَ اْلله مِنْكُم ‎[E] may you not be missed for long, may we see you again soon;

Rate Translation
  Root: و ر ي
Word: وَرَّى، يِوَرِّي / يِوْرِي، تَوْرِيَّة
  to show (ه =, ل / ه = to s.o.);

واحد ورّاني صندوق البريد بتاعها ‎[E] someone showed me her mailbox;
‏حَنْوَرِّيكُو صُوَر جَوازْنا ‎[E] we'll show you our wedding pictures;
‏وَرَّيْتُه إِنِّي مِسْتَغْرَب مِن طَلَبُه ‎[E] I showed him (let him know) that I was shocked at his request;
‏رَبّنا ما يْوَرِّيك = اَلله لا يِوْرِيك ‎[E] May God never show you (something so horrible), said when mentioning misfortune or something bad, like saying "God forbid" in English;
‏وَرِّيني عَرْض كْتافَك ‎[E] show me the broad side of your shoulder, meaning get out of here, beat it!
‏وَرَّاها النُجُوم فِ عِزّ الضُهْر ‎[E] he showed her the stars in the middle of the day, meaning he gave her a hell of a time;
‏وَاللهِ لَـاْوَرِّيك ‎[E] by God I'll show you!;

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  Root: و ع د
Word: اِتْوَعَد / اِنْوَعَد
  to be granted, good fortune;

إنْ شا اْلله تِتْوِعِد = عقبالك ‎[E] may you have similar good fortune (said on happy occasions such as a marriage, a visit to Mecca, etc.);

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  Root: و ع ظ
Word: مَوْعِظَة، ج مَواعِظ
  sign (from God)

هَزِيمِة يُوْنْيُو كانِت مَوْعِظة مِنَ اْلله ‎[E] the June defeat was a lesson from God

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  Root: و ف ق
Word: وفَّق
  to grant success (ه = to s.o.), (said of God);
[pronunciation: ق = ء]

الله يِوَفَّقَك ‎[E] May God grant you success;
‏رَبِّنا يُوَفَّقَك ‎[E] may god grant you success, make you successful;
‏رَبِّنا وَفَّقْني فِ الاِمْتِحان بِشَكْل ‎[E] God granted me a great success in the exam;
‏وَما تَوْفِيقِي إِلا بِالله ‎[E] I can only succeed with God's help;
‏وُقِّق فِ عَمَلُه ‎[E] CA passive: he was successful in his work;

Rate Translation
  Root: و ف ي
Word: تْوَفَّى / اِتْوَفَّى، يِتْوَفَّى
  to pass away (same as CA تُوُفِّيَ )

اِتْوَفَّى لْرَحْمِةِ اْلله ‎[E] he passed away to the mercy of God

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  Root: و ق ع
Word: وِقِع / وَقَع، يُوْقَع / يُقَع / يِوْقَع
  to fall, fall down;
[pronunciation: ق = ء]

اِكْنِسِ الزِبَالة اْللي وِقْعِت مِنِ الصَفِيحة ‎[E] sweep up the garbage that fell out of the rubbish bin;
‏قَبْلِ النار ما اْطَّفِّتِ السِلِّم وِقِع ‎[E] before the fire was extinguished the stairs collapsed;
‏حَاْوْقَع مِن طُوْلِي ‎[E] I'm about to collapse;
‏الطَبَق وِقِع مِنُّه ‎[E] he dropped the plate;
‏وِقِعْتِ مِ السَما وِاْنَتَ اْسْتِلَقَّيْتْني ‎[E] I fell from the sky and you caught me, meaning I was in desperate straits and you helped me;
‏اِنْتَ وْقِعْتِ وَللا الهَوَا رَمَاك ‎[E] did you fall (into this mess) or did the wind throw you, meaning how did you get into this mess?
‏لَـمّا البَقَرة تُقَع تِكْتَر سَكاكِينْها ‎[E] proverb: when the cow falls, the knives (coming for it) increase, meaning people rush to take advantage of someone in a position of weakness;
‏اِللي وِقِع يِتْصَلَّح ‎[E] proverb: nothing is so bad it can't be put right;
‏يِمِينُه وِقِع ‎[E] his oath fell (i.e. was violated, not upheld);
‏وِقِعِ الأَرْض ‎[E] to fall to the ground, used to mean to fail, as in:
‏الشَيْخ سَرْحان حِجَابُه ما يُوْقَعْشِ الأَرْض ‎[E] Sheikh Sirhan's talisman's never fail;
‏أنا كَلامِي ما يُوْقَعْشِ الأَرْض ‎[E] whatever I say goes;
‏وِقْعِت فِ عَرْضُه ‎[E] she threw herself on his mercy;
‏مِصِيْرَك تُقَع فِ إِيدِ البُوْلِيص ‎[E] one day you will fall into the hands of the police;
‏وِقِعْتِ وَلا حَدِّ سَمَّى عَلَيك ‎[E] did you fall and no one said بسم الله over you, meaning you are down and no one will help you;
‏ما يُقَع إِلا الشاطِر ‎[E] only the clever man falls, menaing it happens to the best of us;
‏وِقِعْتِ فْ مَطَبّ ‎[E] I got into a sticky situation;
‏قَلْبَها وِقِع فِ رَجْلَيها ‎[E] her heart fell into her feet, meaning she was scared stiff;
‏قَلْبِ وِقِعي مِ الجُوْع ‎[E] I'm starved (can be shortened to قلبي وقع )!
‏الراجِل دا يُقَع واقِف ‎[E] that man falls standing up, meaning he's a resoureful man;
‏وِقْعِت لُه ‎[E] she yielded to his advantage;

Rate Translation
  Root: و ق ي
Word: اِتَّقَى
  to fear (ه =, usually God).
Note that in comparison to خاف and other words for fear, اتقى has specific religious connotations and is mainly used in religious or related contexts.
see also ت ق ي ;
[pronunciation: ق = ء]

اتقي اْلله في ‎[E] to fear God regarding something, meaning to value something as a gift from God, as in:
‏اتقي الله في جَوْزْتَك ‎[E] fear God regarding your wife, value her as a gift from God;
‏اتقي الله في صحتك ‎[E] value your health as a gift from God;

Rate Translation
  Root: و ك ل 1
Word: وَكيل، ج وُكَلا
  representative, agent; (often in a legal sense);
agent, like for an actor/musician/athlete (see عميل for agent meaning like a spy);
also at weddings in and the like, the bride (and sometimes the groom) will have a وكيل who signs the contract saying that he gives their hand in marriage;

كان وَكِيلِ العَرُوسة أَبُوها ‎[E] the bride's proxy was her father;
‏مِين وَكِيل مَرْسِيدِس فِ مَصْر ‎[E] who is the Mercedes agent in Cairo;
‏وَكِيلِ النِيَابة ‎[E] attorney of the department of public prosecution;
‏وَكِيل مُحامِي ‎[E] lawyer's clerk;
‏اَلله وَكِيل ‎[E] God is my witness!

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Word: تُكَال

قُلْتِ الحَقِّ وِالتُكَال على الله ‎[E] I have spken the truth, and trust in God (to protect me from the consequences);
‏خَلِّي تُكَالَك عَلَيه ‎[E] depend on Him only;

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Word: تْوَكِّل / اِتْوَكِّل، يِتْوَكِّل
  to put one's trust (على = in s.o., usually in God), entrust one's fate (على = to, usually to God);

اِتْوَكِّل على الله = اِتْوَكِّل ‎[E] trust in God! often used as "go away," depending on context;
‏أنا حَاتْوَكِّل بَقَى ‎[E] I'm leaving now;
‏اِعْمِلْها وِاْتْوَكِّل ‎[E] do your what you have to do (or do the best you can), and then trust in God (that it will work out)

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Word: اِتَّكَل
  to put one's trust (على = in s.o.), entrust one's fate (على = to);

اِتِّكل على الله ‎[E] trust in God (CA = توكل على الله); also used as 1. whatever, leave it to god, or 2. a (polite) reply to beggars, meaning "I'm sorry I have nothing to give you";
‏اِتِّكِل على نَفْسَك ‎[E] be self-reliant;
‏اِللي يِتِّكِل عَلَيكو يِتِّكِل على اْلله ‎[E] the who depends on you might as well depend on God, meaning you are useless;
‏اِتِّكِل عَلَى الله ‎[E] depend on god

Rate Translation
  Root: ي ا س
Word: يَأِّس / يَئِّس
  to make (ه = s.o.) despair

ما فيش أَبَدًا حاجة تْيَئِّسْني مِن رِحْمِةِ الله ‎[E] nothing would make me despair of God's grace

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  Root: ي ث ر ب
Word: يَثْرِب
  Yathrib (pre-Islamic name of the city of Medina in what is now Saudi Arabia)
[pronunciation: ث = س]

إِنْ شا اْلله تِتْوِعِد بِالحِجِّ وْبِزْيارِة أَرْضِ يَثْرِب ‎[E] in Islam: may you be granted the (chance to make the) pilgrimage (to Mecca) and visit Medina

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  Root: ي د
Word: يَدّ، ج أَيَادي
  hand (especially in the abstract sense); I see this word as being half way between ECA and CA, since the word has been forced into a tri-lateral root form (whereas in CA the singular is only يد). It tends to be used in formal terms. As one teacher put it, it's when Egyptians think they are speaking CA.

معمول باليَد = معمول بالإيد ‎[E] made by hand;
‏على يدّ = على إيد ‎[E] either 1. in the presence of or 2. under the supervision of;
‏عَنْ يَد ‎[E] under the hand of, as in:
‏عَنْ يَد واحِد مُحامِي ‎[E] written under the hand of a lawyer;
‏كُلُّه بْيَدِّ الله ‎[E] it's all in God's hands;
‏رَبِّنا ياخُد بِيدَّك ‎[E] God take you by the hand, meaning may God help you;
‏ما باليَدِّ حِيْلة ‎[E] It's out of my hands, it's not my call (common CA phrase used in EA);
‏وَضْع اليَدّ ‎[E] either 1. squatter's rights (in legal matters) or 2. laying on of hands (Christianity);
‏كُلُّهم يَدّ واحدة ‎[E] they are as one hand, meaning they are united;
‏2. grip, handle;
‏يَدّ مٌسَدَّس ‎[E] handle of a pistol;

Rate Translation
  Root: ا ج ر
Word: أَجِر، ج أُجُوْر
  reward, recompense

الأَجِر على الله ‎[E.G.] the reward comes from God (i.e. from people)
‏الأَجِر وِالثَّوَاب ‎[E.G.] reward for good deeds.

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  Root: ا ج ل
Word: أَجَل
  instant of death

كِلّ واحِد أَجَلَه بْيَدّ الله ‎[E.G.] Everyone's life is in God's hands.

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  Root: ا ذ ا
Word: إِذَا / إِدَا
[B] إِدَا
[Om] إِيْذَا
[E-Gulf] إِذَا
  if, when
(introduces "open conditionals" and "hypothetical conditionals," meaning conditionals that are true or could be true)
(note the Omani dialect tends to lengthen the first vowel, making it /2iidha/. This dictionary writes إذا in this case)

إِذَا تِبِّي تْرُوْحِي الجامْعَة بَارُوح وِيَّاك (وِيَّاچ) ‎[G] if you want to go to the university, I will go with you
‏إِذَا طَلَبْتِ فْلُوس، عَطَيتِك (عَطَيْتِچ) ‎[G] if you asked for money, I would give it to you
‏إِذَا أَعْطَوْك بْ تَعْطِي غَيْرَك ‎[G] if they pay you, you will pay others
‏إِذَا تِرْجَعِين الِكْوَيت أَرْجَع وِيَّاك (وِيَّاچ) ‎[G] if you go back to Kuwait, I'll go with you
‏إِذَاشُغْلَك زَين ما عِنْدَك مُشْكِلَة تْحَصِّل وَظِيفَة ‎[G] if your work is good, you won't have a problem finding a job
‏إِذَا كان حَبِيبَك عَسَل لا تِلْحَسَه كِلّْه ‎[G] if your loved one is honey, don't lick him all up, don't take advantage of other people's kindness (proverb)
‏إِذَا قَلَّت (گَلَّت) الِخْيُول سَرَّجَوا الِكْلَاب ‎[G] if there is a shortage of horses, they'll saddle the dogs (said when getting someone unqualified for a position or just making due with what one can) (proverb)
‏إِذَا ما قَطَع (گَطَع) فِيهَا القَدُّوم (الگَدُّوم) يِقْطَع (يِگْطَع) فيهَا المِنْشَار ‎[G] if the hammer does not cut it, the saw will cut it (meaning there is more than one way to skin a cat) (proverb
‏إِذَا قَلَّت الِخْيُول سَرَّجَوا الِكْلَاب ‎[G] proverb: if there is a shortage of horses, they saddle dogs (this proverb is used in a negative way when an unqualified person takes a job due to lack of experts or when no one is suitable for a job and one has to be chosen even though he is not fit for it)
‏إِذَا عَطُوك بْتَعْطِي غَيْرَك ‎[G] if they give you, you will give others
‏لازِم بَعْد إِذَا (إِدَا) دَشَّت المُدَرِّسَة تِحْتِرْمِينْهَا ‎[B] also, if the teacher enters (the classroom), you're supposed to respect her
‏إِذَا بِدَرِّس مُحَاضَرَة، يْدَرِّسْهَا مَرَّتَين ‎[G] if he will teach a lecture, he teaches it twice
‏إِذَا رِحْت سَلِّم عَلَيه ‎[E.G.] If you go, give him my regards
‏إِذا تْسِير لو ما تْسِير كِلَّه واحِد ‎[E.G.] If you go or don't go it's the same.
‏إِذَا تِخْشَى رَبَّك تْصَلِّي وْتْصُوم ‎[E.G.] If you fear your God, you (will have to) pray and fast
‏إذَا الله هَدَاه، يْرُوح يِتْرِك السَّكَر ‎[E.G.] If God leads him to the true faith, he will quit drinking

Rate Translation
  Root: ا ذ ن
Word: إِذِن

بإِذْن الله ‎[E.G.] with God's permission, God willing
‏مِنْعَوا النًّاشِط مِنِ السَّفَر إِلَّا بإِذِن مِنِ وَزَارَةِ الدَّاخِلِيَّة ‎[E.G.] they banned the activist from traveling except with permission from the internal ministry

Rate Translation
  Root: ا ف ف
Word: أُفّ
  oh! Oh my! Ow! (exclamation of displeasure, despair, frustration, exasperation, etc.)

أُفّ يا اَلله ‎[E.G.] Oh, God!

Rate Translation
  Root: ا ل ل ا
Word: إِلَّا

ما حَّد (مَحَّد) جا (يا) إلّا حَسَن ‎[E.G.] No one came except Hasan
‏لا إِلَـٰهَ إلّا الله ‎[E.G.] There is no god but God (part of the Muslim testimony of faith)
‏ما أَبْغَى إِلّا قْشَارِي (گْشَاْرِي) ‎[E.G.] I don't want (anything) except my personal belongings., I only want my personal things (the form of negative + except to mean just / only is common in Arabic)
‏ما تْقُول (تْگُول) عَنَّه إلّا ‎[G] nothing can be said of it except., (meaning) it is nothing except
‏جِدَايْلَه ما تْقُول (تْگُول) عَنْهَا إِلَّا جِدَايِل عَرُوسَة ‎[G] His braids are nothing but those of a doll.
‏ما لَنَا إِلَّا الصَّبِر في هاذي القَضِيَّة (الگَضِيَّة) ‎[G] We have no recourse except patience in this matter

Rate Translation
  Root: ا ل ه
Word: الله

الله يِسَلِّمَك. ‎[G-Hijazi] Thank you, may God keep you safe.
‏وَالله. ‎[G-Hijazi] I swear to God. (note: this is an oath)

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Word: إِلَه / إِلَـٰه / إِلَاه / الله، ج آلِهَة
  god, deity (the form الله is with the definite article and is typically translated as God with a capital G. see the other entry for uses)

والله اللي عَرْفَه ‎[K] honestly, what I know (this usage of عَرْفَه stands out here. the speaker was a woman, so it is possibly from عارفة , but Feghali does not note shortening of vowels in his grammar notes, so I assume it is a verb.) (see Feghali, Selection 4)
‏هالله هالله ‎[G] yes, exactly! Indeed!
‏خَلِّيهَا على الله ‎[G] leave it to God
‏إن شا الله أَتْعَلَّم ‎[G] I hope I will learn
‏إنْشا الله في الصَّيْف رَاح أَنْزِل ‎[B] hopefully in summer I'll go (note use of راح after the phrase إنشالله)
‏راح أرُوح إن شا الله ‎[B] I will go, hopefully
‏بالله عَلَيك ‎[G] I implore you! I beg you!
‏يا إِلَـٰهِي ‎[E.G.] my God!

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Word: إِلَه / إِلَـٰه / إِلَاه / الله، ج آلِهَة
  الله : God (with a capital G) (said with emphatic letters, either 2ALLA or 2ALLAAh)

الله هَدَاك، المؤنث: الله هَدَاك (هَدَاچ) ‎[G} May God guide you (to the true faith, to the right path, or simply to doing the right thing)
‏الله يْهَدِيْك ‎[E.G.] God guide you (often used when giving advice or guidance, and also as a polite phrase when someone is mad as someone but doesn't want to say something rude or insulting)
‏الله يَسْتُر ‎[G] May God protect (us, you, etc.)
‏الله يْخَلِّيْك، المؤنث: الله يْخَلِّيچ ‎[G] may God protect / keep you (used also as please)
‏الله يْعِيْنَك ‎[G] God help you! (also as, you poor thing)
‏الله يِرْحَمَه، المؤنث: الله يِرْحَمْهَا ‎[G] God have mercy on him! God rest his soul (of someone deceased)
‏الله يِرْضَى عَلَيك ‎[G] May God be pleased with you
‏هاللّه هاللّه : exactly, yes indeed (literally: God, God)
‏اَلله مَعَك = الله مَعَاك ‎[G] God be with you (common form of goodbye)
‏خَلِّيْهَا على الله ‎[G] Leave it to God! (common response, such as when asked about a bad situation and someone does not want to give a direct answer)
‏كَيْف أَحْوالَك -- خَلِّيهَا على الله ‎[G] how are you? -- Leave it to God (i.e., not well, bad)
‏يَعنِي، الأُمُور كِلّْ مَالْهَا (مَالا) بْتِتْأَزَّم، خَلِّيهَا على الله بَسّ ‎[G] Well, things are getting more critical; leave it God (things are getting bad)
‏الله رَحِيْم ‎[E.G.] God is merciful
‏صَبَّحَك الله بالخَيْر ‎[E.G.] Good morning!
‏مَسَّاك الله بِالخَيْر ‎[E.G.] Good evening!, Good afternoon!
‏الله وِيَّاك ‎[E.G.] God be with you., Good luck., Goodbye!
‏الله بِالخَيْر ‎[E.G.] God is good (polite expression used someone arrives and sits down. It said at any time of the day. It is commonly used in Kuwait and Iraq. The response is the same)
‏الله راد لي بِنْت ‎[E.G.] God willed that I have a baby girl.
‏بَيْت الله ‎[E.G.] either 1. house of God, or 2. the Kaaba (in Mecca), or 3. Mecca.
‏لا إِلَـٰهَ إِلَّا الله، مُحَمَّد رَسُوْلَ الله ‎[E.G.] There is no god but God (and) Muhammad is God's messenger (Islamic testimony of faith)
‏الله الله ‎[E.G.] Wow! Wow! (exclamation of amazement, admiration, etc. Common in Bedouin dialects)
‏الله بالسِّتِر ‎[E.G.] God protect us (expression against something bad or to forestall a calamity)
‏الله عَلَى ‎[E.G.] How nice is...!, How amazing is....!
‏الله على أَيَّام زَمَان ‎[E.G.] The good old days
‏عَظَّمَ اللهُ أَجْرَكُم ‎[E.G.] God make your reward greater (in the hereafter) (phrase of condolence)

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Word: إِلَه / إِلَـٰه / إِلَاه / الله، ج آلِهَة
  الله : God (with a capital G) (more examples1)

ما شَاءَ الله = ماشالله ‎[E.G.] As god willed it! (exclamation of amazement)
‏ماشالله تْوَظَّفْت وْعَرَّسْت وْبَنَيت ‎[E.G.] How wonderful! You've gotten a job, gotten married, and built (a house)
‏إِنْ شاء الله = إِنشالله ‎[E.G.] God willing., If God wills (a common phrase used in many contexts to mean everything from "hopefully it will happen" to "never in a million years.")
‏إِنْشالله حَسَن في الحَفِيز ‎[E.G.] Hopefully Hasan is in the office
‏تْشَايِك التَّايِر --- إِنشالله ‎[E.G.] Check the tire ---- Gladly.
‏بَالله عَلَيك ‎[G] for God’s sake! I implore you!
‏وَاللهِ ‎[G] By God! (oath, commonly used. It is commonly used as a way to emphasize what one is saying, like really!, honestly!, truly! The accent on the phrase usually goes on the last syllable. The و is واو القسم .) (said wALLA or WALLAAhi)
‏والله ما ادْرِي ‎[E.G.] really, I don't know
‏والله هذِي واجِد زَين ‎[E.G.] Honestly, this is very good
‏والله عَدِل طَرَّش لَكُم فْلُوس ‎[E.G.] Really? Did he actually send you money
‏بَالله عَلَيك ‎[SA] God damn you

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  Root: ا م ر
Word: أَمْر، ج أُمُوْر
[E-Gulf] أَمِر، ج أُمُوْر
  order, command

على أَمْرَك ‎[G] as you wish, as you command
‏الأَمْر أَمْرَك ‎[E.G.] You are in charge
‏آنا تَحْت أَمْرَك ‎[E.G.] I'm at your service., I'm under your command.
‏أَمْرِ الحاكِم ‎[E.G.] the ruler's order.
‏هاذا أَمْر الله ‎[E.G.] This is God's order., This is God's will. (Also said in cases where something bad happens, and so people say it is what God wanted)

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  Root: ا م ن
Word: أَمَان

فِي أَمَان اِلله. ‎[G-Hijazi] In the safety of God.

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Word: أَمَاْن
  security, safety

في أمان وَاجِد ‎[G] there is a alot of security
‏في أَمَانِ الله = ‎[E.G.] Goodbye! (literally, in God's protection). (The response is the same, or مَع السَّلَامَة) (note is typically said fii-maa-nil-laa)
‏اِخِذ حاجْتَك وْفِي أَمَان الله ‎[E.G.] Take what you need and good-bye.
‏قَال (گال) في أَمَان الله ‎[E.G.] he said goodbye
‏لِمّ اغْرَاضَك وفي اْمَان الله ‎[E.G.] get your stuff together and get out of here!
‏الِفْلُوس في أَمَان ‎[G] The money is safe.

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Word: آمِين
[E-Gulf] آمِيْن

آمِين يا رَبّ ‎[G] Amen, Lord!
‏آمين يا رَبّ ‎[G] Amen, O Lord
‏الله يْخَلِّيك (يْخَلِّيچ) آمين ‎[G] God keep you, amen
‏قُول (گُول) آمين ‎[G] say amen!

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  Root: ا ن
Word: إِن

إِن شَاء الله. ‎[G-Hijazi] If God wills it. (note: also, "God willing")

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Word: إِنْ
[E-Gulf] إِن
  if, when
(when إن is followed by an imperfect tense verb, it usually introduces open conditionals. When followed by a past tense verb, it usually introduces unlikely conditionals)

إِن تْشُوفَه عَلّْمَه ‎[G] if you see him, let him know
‏إِنْ حَصَّلْت عَمَل بَ دْفَعِ لْهُم ‎[G] If I find a job, I will pay them (the past tense here suggests that finding a job is unsure)
‏إِنْ خَلَّاك الله تْعِيْش تْشُوف ‎[E.G.] if God allows you, you will live (long) and see (what the future holds for you), (proverb)
‏إِن شِفْت رِفِيقَك (رِفِيْجَك) حِلُو لا تاكْلَه كِلَّه ‎[E.G.] If your friend is sweet, don't eat him all up (meaning don't take advantage of a kind friend)
‏إِن طاح البَعِير كِثْرَت سِكَاكِينَه (سِچَاچِينَه) ‎[E.G.] when the camel falls, the knives become many (meaning when it rains it pours.) (proverb)

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  Root: ب د ا
Word: تْبَدَّا، يِتْبَدَّا
  to start, begin

نِتْبَدَّا بْذِكْر الله ‎[G] we begin by mentioning God's name

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  Root: ب ر ر
Word: بَرَّا / بَرَّة
  outside, out

طِلَعْت بَرَّا ‎[E.G.] I went outside.
‏مُوب هِنِي، بَرَّا ‎[E.G.] not here, outside
‏مِن بَرَّا الله الله، وْمِن الدَّاخِل يِعْلَم الله ‎[E.G.] On the outside (saying) God, God, and on the inside only God knows (what they are like)., (meaning) Fair without and foul within. (proverb)
‏بَرَّا بَرَّا ‎[E.G.] (Get) out! Out! (usually said when chasing someone out, like when mad at someone, or a parent yelling at kids)
‏غَيَّرَت هْدُومْهَا وطْلَعَت بَرَّا ‎[E.G.] she changed her clothes and went out

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  Root: ب ر ك
Word: بَرَكَة، ج بَرَكَاْت
[E-Gulf] بَرَكَة
  blessing, benediction

بَعْد خَيْر وْبَرَكَة ‎[G] it would be good, that would be fine
‏هاذي بَرَكَة مِن الله ‎[E.G.] This is God's blessing
‏الله حَطّ لَه بَرَكَة في مَعَاشَه ‎[E.G.] With God's blessing, his salary increased.

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Word: بَاْرَك، يِبَارِك
  to bless

الله يِبَارِك فِيك. ‎[G-Hijazi] Thank you. (note: this is the standard reply to "congratulations")

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Word: بَاْرَك، يْبَاْرِك
[E-Gulf] بَاْرَك / بَاْرَچ، يْبَاْرِك / يْبَاْرِچ
  to bless, invoke a blessing on (في = s.o.) (of God)

الله يْبارِك (يْبَارْچ) فيك ‎[G] May God bless you
‏بَاْرَك الله فِيك ‎[G] God bless you
‏بارك الله فِيك ‎[G] god bless you
‏الله يْبَارِك (يْبَارِچ) فِيك ‎[E.G.] God bless you!

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Word: تَبَاْرَك، يَتَبَاْرَك
  to be blessed, exalted, praised (formal usage, mainly for phrases praising God)

تَبَارَك الله ‎[E.G.] God is praised! (usually said in admiration of someone or something).

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  Root: ب ش ر
Word: بَشَّر، يْبَشِّر
  to bring (ه = s.o.) good news, announce good news (ه = to s.o., ب = of, i.e. the news)

بَشَّرك الله بِالخَيْر ‎[E.G.] God bless you with good news. (said as a response to someone who has brought good news)
‏بَشَّرْنِي بْنَجَاحي في الاِمْتِحَان ‎[E.G.] he told me the good news of me passing the exam.

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  Root: ب ص ر
Word: بَصِيْر، ج بَصِيْرِيْن، المؤنث: بَصِيْرَة
  insightful, having insight

هِيَ بَصِيرَة بالأُمُور ‎[E.G.] She has insight into things
‏الله بَصِير بْكِلّ شَيّ ‎[E.G.] God has profound knowledge of everything.

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  Root: ب ع ث
Word: بَعَث، يِبْعَث
  to resurrect (ه = s.o.) (from death)

الله يِبْعَثِ النَّاس يَومِ الِقْيَامَة (الِگْيَامَة) ‎[E.G.] God resurrects people on the Day of Resurrection

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  Root: ب ع د
Word: بَعْد / بَعَد
  too, also, as well

آنا بَعْد فَكَّرْت كِذِي (چِذِي) ‎[K] I also thought like this
‏كِيْف بَعْد ‎[B] how is that so? (can't seem to think of a good way to translate the بعد here).
‏هِي ضَرَبَتْنِي المُدَرِّسَة بَعْد ‎[B] the teacher hit me, too.
‏هُو الله يِرْحَمَه بَعْدْ وْرَاح ‎[G] he, God rest his soul, is also gone (note addition of و after بعد ).
‏خِذِي هاذا وْذاك بَعَد ‎[E.G.] this and that one too. (said to a woman)
‏هُو جا (يا) بَعَد ‎[E.G.] He came also.
‏شُو تْرِيد بَعَد ‎[G] what else do you want?
‏شْ أَسَوِّي بَعَد ‎[G] What else could I have done
‏وما ادْرِي شْ بَعَد ‎[G] and I don't know what else (used at the end of a list of things, like etc., and so forth, who knows what else)
‏اشْتِرَى عَيْش وْلَحَم وْسِمَك (سِمَچ) وما ادْرِي شْ بَعَد ‎[G] he bought rice, meat, fish, and I don't know what else

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  Root: ب ق ي
Word: بَاْقِي / بَاْگِي / بَاْجِي، ج بَاْقِيْن / بَاْگِيْن / بَاْجِيْن
[E-Gulf] بَاْقِي / بَاْگِي / بَاْجِي، ج بَاْقْيِيْن / بَاْگْيِيْن / بَاْجْيِيْن، المؤنث: بَاْقْيَة / بَاْگيَة / بَاْجيَة
  immortal, eternal

الحَيّ الباقِي (البَاگِي) هُوَ الله ‎[E.G.] The Eternal Being is God

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  Root: ب ل و
Word: بَلَى، يِبْلِي
[E-Gulf] بَلَى، يِبْلَى
  to afflict (ه = s.o.)
to afflict, torment (ه = s.o., ب = with)

وَيْش بَلَاها ‎[G] what’s wrong with her? (literally: what afflicted her)
‏وَيْش بَلَاها ‎[G] what's wrong with her
‏أَيش بَلَاك ‎[G] what's happened to you? what's afflicted you?
‏بَلَاك ‎[G] what's wrong with you?
‏الله يِبْلَاك ‎[E.G.] God's affliction be upon you!
‏الله بَلَاها بْهالمَرَض ‎[E.G.] God afflicted her with this illness.
‏الِعْيَال بَلَوْنِي بْطَلَباتْهُم ‎[E.G.] The kids drove up nuts with their demands.
‏ما بَلَانِي شَيّ ‎[E.G.] Nothing has happened to me.

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Word: بَلَا
  trial, test (of courage patience, etc.)

هاذا بَلَا مِن الله ‎[E.G.] This is a trial ordained by God

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  Root: ب ه ل
Word: ابْتِهَل، يِبْتَهِل
  to supplicate, pray humbly (إلى = to God)

ابْتِهَل إلى الله ‎[G]He prayed humbly to God

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  Root: ب ي ض
Word: بَيَّض، يْبَيِّض
  to make white (ه =

الكُبُر يْبَيِّض الشَّعْر ‎[E.G.] Old age turns hair white.
‏بَيَّض الله وَجْهَك (وَيْهَك) ‎[E.G.] May God honor you (literally, “May God whiten your face!”)

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  Root: ت ب
Word: تُپ
  top, first class, excellent

في ناس ما شا الله عَلَيهُم عُقُولْهُم تُپ ‎[G] there are people, God be praised (as God has willed), their minds are excellent.

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  Root: ت و ب
Word: تَاْب، يْتُوْب
  to forgive (على = s.o.) (for a sin)

تاب عَلَيه الله ‎[E.G.] God forgave him
‏بَطَّل يِلْعَب قْمَار (گْمَار) وْتاب عَلَيه الله ‎[E.G.] He gambling and God forgave him

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Word: تَوَّاْب
  The (All) Forgiving (epithet of God)

الله هُوَ التَّوَّاب الرَّحِيم ‎[E.G.] God is the forgiving and merciful one

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  Root: ث و ب
Word: ثَوَاْب
  reward from God (for good deeds)

الثَّوَاب مِن الله ‎[E.G.] Reward for good deeds is from God.
‏عَطِنِي دِرْهَم ثَوَاب لَك وْلِوَالْدَينَك ‎[E.G.] Give me a dirham — a reward from God for you and your parents. (said by a beggar)

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  Root: ج ز ي
Word: جَزَى / يَزَى / يِزَى
[E-Gulf] جِزَى، يِجْزِي
  to pay, reward, give (ه = s.o., ه = as a satisfaction, or as a means of satisfying s.o.

جَزَاْك (يَزَاْك) اللهْ خَيْر ‎[G] May God bless you! May God reward you!
‏جَزَاك (يَزَاك) الله خَير ‎[G] God reward you with goodness
‏جَزَاك الله خَير ‎[E.G.] May God reward or bless you (for it)! (common form of thank you)

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Word: جَزَا
  reward, compensation

جَزَاك على الله ‎[E.G.] Your reward is from God.

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  Root: ج ل ل
Word: جَلّ، يْجِلّ
  to be exalted, great

الله عَزَّ وْجَلّ ‎[E.G.] either 1. God is powerful and exalted., or 2. God the powerful and exalted

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Word: أَجَلّ، يْجِلّ
  to esteem highly, honor (ه = s.o.)

يْجِلُّون الشَّيخ ‎[E.G.] they highly esteem the sheikh
‏أَجَلَّك الله ‎[E.G.] May God honor you., (said to mean) excuse me for saying this., pardon the expression (when saying something distasteful)

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  Root: ج ن ن
Word: جَنَّة، ج جَنَّاْت
  paradise, heaven

عُمْرِي إِنْتُو لِكَم الجَّنَّة إن شا الله ‎[K] My dears, may heaven be yours, God willing

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  Root: ج ه د
Word: جَاْهَد، يْجَاْهِد
  to fight, strive (في = in a cause), wage war (for the sake of a cause, like holy war)

جاهَدُوا في سَبِيل الله ‎[E.G.] He fought for the cause of God
‏السُّورِيِّين يْجَاهْدُون في سَبِيل وَطَنْهُم ‎[E.G.] The Syrians fight for the sake of their country

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  Root: ج و ب
Word: اسْتَجَاْب، يِسْتَجِيْب
  to comply with a request, respond (positively) (ل = to), answer (ل =

اسْتَجَاب لي ‎[E.G.] he responded (positively) to me., he complied with my request
‏الله اسْتَجَاب لَدُعايَ ‎[E.G.] God answered my prayers

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  Root: ج و د
Word: جَاْد، يْجُوْد
  to grant, give lavishly (على = to s.o., ب =

الله جاد ‎[E.G.] God has given (us things) bountifully.
‏الله جاد عَلَينا بالمَطَر ‎[E.G.] God has sent us a lot of rain,
‏جَاد عَلَيهُم بْمِلْيَوْنَين دُوْلَار ‎[E.G.] He generously granted them two million dollars

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  Root: ح ت ت
Word: حَتَّى / حِتَّى / حَتًّى / حِتًّى
[E-Gulf] حَتَّى
  even (conjunction)
(can be said with a tanwiin at the end, like 7attan / 7ittan)

حتَّى لَو ‎[G] even if
‏حِتَّى يْخَرْبِطُون لَين يِجُون يِكْتِبُون ‎[G] they even get mixed up in their writing
‏وْحَتًّى ما حَدْ كان يَدْرِي عَنَّه ‎[G] no one even knew about it
‏حَتَّى مَرّ ما يْمُرّ ‎[E.G.] he hasn't even passed by
‏مِن زْعَلَه عَلَينَا حَتَّى مَرّ ما يْمُرّ ‎[E.G.] because of how angry he was with us, he hasn't even passed by.
‏حَتَّى حَسَن سار ‎[E.G.] even Hasan went
‏حَتَّى لَو ‎[E.G.] even though, even if
‏ما تَبِي تْشُوفَه حَتَّى لَو جا (يا) ‎[E.G.] She doesn't want to see him even if he comes.
‏حَتَّى وَلَا ‎[E.G.] not even, never even.
‏حَتَّى وَلَا يْقُول (يْگُول) في امَان الله ‎[E.G.] He doesn't even say goodbye.

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  Root: ح ر س
Word: حِرَس / حِرَص، يْحَرِس / يْحَرِص
  to protect, keep, preserve

الله يْحَرْسَك (يْحَرْصَك) ‎[E.G.] God keep you!

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  Root: ح س ب
Word: حَاْسَب، يْحَاْسِب
  to hold (ه = s.o.) responsible for (على =, call (ه = s.o.) to account

حاسَبْنِي على كِلّ دِرْهِم ‎[E.G.] he held me responsible for every dirham
‏الله يْحَاسِب النَّاس على أَعْمَالْهُم ‎[E.G.] God will call people to account for their deeds
‏الله يْحَاسِب كِلّ احِد ‎[E.G.] God calls everyone to account.
‏ما مِيْش أَحَد يْحَاسْبَه ‎[E.G.] there isn't anyone to call him to account

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  Root: ح ف ظ
Word: حَفَظ
[Om] حَفَض
[E-Gulf] حِفَظ، يْحَفِظ
  to protect, guard, watch over

الله يِحْفَظك ‎[E.G.] God protect you

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  Root: ح ق ق
Word: حَقّ / حَگّ / حَكّ، ج حُقُوْق / حُگُوْگ / حُكُوْك
[B] حَگّ
[E-Gulf] حَقّ / حَگّ، ج حْقُوْق / حْگُوْگ

هَسَّا طِلَع الحَقّ (الحَگّ) ‎[E.G.] Now the truth has come out.
‏بِالنِّسْبَة حَقّ (حَگّ) ‎[G] according to, but for, in respect to, concerning
‏وْحَقّ (وْحَگّ) الله ‎[E.G.] I swear (literally, “It's God's truth”),

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  Root: ح م د
Word: حِمَد، يْحَمِد
  to praise, commend, laud (ه = s.o. /

حِمَدنَا الله على اللي صار ‎[E.G.] We praised God for what happened
‏اِحْمِد الله واُشْكُرَه ‎[E.G.] Praise God and thank Him!
‏المُعَلّْم يْحَمْدَك واجِد (وايِد) ‎[E.G.] The teacher praises you a lot

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Word: حَمْد
[E-Gulf] حَمْد
  praise, commendation

الحَمْد لِلله ‎[G] Praise be to God! Thanks be to God!
‏الحَمْد لِله ‎[G] thanks be to God, praise be to God
‏ الحَمْدِ الله ‎[G] praise be to God
‏الحَمْدُ لِله ‎[E.G.] Praise be to God! Thank God! (common expression)
‏الحَمْدُ لِله، نِجَح في الاِمْتِحَان ‎[E.G.] Thank God, he passed the exam

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  Root: ح ي ي
Word: حَيَّا، يْحَيِّي
[E-Gulf] حَيَّا / حيَّى، يْحَيِّي
  to make alive, bring to life (ه =

حَيَّاك الله ‎[G] May God give you life! (a common greeting used at any time of the day)
‏حَيَّاك الله ‎[G] may God grant you long life (common greeting, and also a way of saying "welcome" or "you are welcome" to, like "go for it, God bless you.")
‏حَيَّاك الله ‎[G] May God give you (long) life (common greeting)
‏حَيَّا الله ‎[E.G.] God protect you (said as a greeting to someone who has just arrived) (said as one word, like 7ayyalla)
‏حَيَّا الله مْحَمَّد ‎[E.G.] Welcome, Muhammad
‏حَيَّاك الله = يا حَيَّ الله ‎[E.G.] Welcome! (used for greeting s.o.) (literally, May God preserve your life)

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  Root: خ ب ر
Word: خِبَر، يْخَبِر
  to perceive, have insight into, know

الله يْخَبِر كِلّ شَيّ ‎[E.G.] God knows everything
‏تْخَبِر مِتَى رَاح ‎[E.G.] Do you know when he left?
‏آنا أَخْبَر أُبُوه ‎[E.G.] I know his father
‏لا تِلْعَب بْرَاسِي. أنا أَخْبَرْك ‎[E.G.] don't mess with me. I know you.

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  Root: خ ر ج
Word: خُرُوْج
  disobeying, disobedience, disagreement (عن = with

الخُرُوج عَن طاعَةِ الله ‎[E.G.] disobeying God.

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  Root: خ ش ع
Word: خِشَع، يْخَشِع
  to humble o.s., be submissive

يِخْشَع الله ‎[E.G.] he humbles himself to God

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  Root: خ ش ي
Word: خِشَى، يْخَشِي
  to fear, dread (ه = s.o. /

يْخَشِي الله ‎[E.G.] he fears God

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  Root: خ ط ر
Word: خَاْطِر، ج خَوَاْطِر
[E-Gulf] خَاْطِر، ج خَوَاْطِر
  (one’s) sake, desire, inclination

تْحَمَّل عَلَشان خاطْرِي ‎[G] put up with it, for my sake
‏لَاجل (لَجِل) خاطْرَك ‎[E.G.] for your sake
‏مِن كِلّ خاطِر ‎[E.G.] gladly!, with pleasure
‏لَخاطِر الله ‎[E.G.] For God's sake
‏لَخاطِر الله بَسّ عاد ‎[E.G.] For God's sake, knock it off!
‏لَخاطِر الله اسْكِتُوا ‎[E.G.] For God's sake, be quiet!
‏على خاطْرَك ‎[E.G.] as you like.
‏خَذ بْخَاطِر ‎[E.G.] he offered condolences,
‏خَلّينا (خَلّْنَا) نْرُوخ ناخِذ بْخاطْرَه ‎[E.G.] Let's go offer our condolences.
‏خاطْرِي في هاذي البِنْت ‎[E.G.] I like this girl., This girl appeals to me

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  Root: خ ط و
Word: تْخَطَّى، يِتْخَطَّى
  to overstep, transgress (ه =

لا تِتْخَطَّى حْدُود الله ‎[E.G.] Don't overstep the bounds that God has placed
‏تْخَطَّى أُصُول الخِطْبَة ‎[E.G.] He violated the customs of getting engaged

Rate Translation
  Root: خ ل ف
Word: خَلَّف
[E-Gulf] خَلَّف، يْخَلِّف
  to have descendants, have offspring (ه = children)

اِللي خَلَّف ما مات ‎[G] proverb: he who has kids does not die (meaning that one’s children will carry on one’s name)
‏خَلَّف عَشَرَة جِهَّال (يِهَّال) ‎[E.G.] He had ten children
‏الله يِلْعَن اللي خَلَّفْك ‎[E.G.] Damn your father!

Rate Translation
  Root: خ ل ق
Word: خِلَق / خِلَگ، يُخْلُق / يُخْلُگ
  to create (ه =

الله خِلَق (خِلَگ) الدِّنْيَا ‎[E.G.] God created the world
‏الله خِلَق (خِلَگ) النَّاس سِوَا ‎[E.G.] God created people equal,
‏الله يُخْلُق (يُخْلُگ) ومُحَمَّد يِبْتِلِي ‎[E.G.] God creates and Muhammad suffers., (meaning) God proposes and man disposes (proverb)

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Word: خَلْق / خَلْگ
  creation, creatures

خَلْق (خَلْگ) الله ‎[G] either 1. God’s creatures, God’s creation, or 2. strange people
‏خَلْق (خَلْگ) الله ‎[G] either 1. God's creatures, God's creation, or 2. strange people, strangers.
‏أَتْسَلَّف مِن عِنْد خَلْق (خَلْگْ) الله وْبَيزَاتي عِنْدَك ‎[G] should I borrow from strangers when you have my money?

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Word: خِلْقَة / خِلْگَة

خِلْقَة (خِلْگَة) الله ‎[E.G.] God's creation

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  Root: خ ل و
Word: خَلَّى، يْخَلِّي
  to leave (ه = s.o. /, allow, cause (ه = s.o. / to remain

خَلِّيْهَا على الله ‎[G] leave it to God (i.e. only God can do something about it now, it’s beyond your / anyone’s ability to do something about it now)
‏نْخَلِّي السَّيَّارَة في الگَرَاج ‎[E.G.] We leave the car in the garage.
‏خَلَّتْهُم في البَيت ‎[E.G.] I left them at home.
‏لا تْخَلِّي الباب مَفْتُوح ‎[E.G.] don't leave the door open
‏ما خَلَّت واحْدَة ما تْحَكَّى (تْحَچَّت) وِيَّاهَا ‎[E.G.] she spoke to everyone., She didn't leave anyone without talking to her.
‏خَلّْهَا عِنْدِي ‎[E.G.] Leave it with me
‏خَلِّي قْشَارَك (گْشَارَك) على الأَرْض ‎[E.G.] leave your things on the floor.
‏بَسّ خَلّيهُم (خَلّْهُم) ‎[G] just leave them (alone)

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Word: خَلَّى، يْخَلِّي
  to let, make, keep (ه =

خَلِّي الأَمْر بَيْنِي وْبَيْنِك ‎[G] keep this matter between you and me.
‏يْخَلُّوهُم بَسّْ فِي المَأْتَم يِقِعْدُون (يِگِعْدُون) وِيْطِقُّون (وِيْطِگُّون) الصَّدِر ‎[G] they let them just in the the matam sit and beat (their chest) (in reference to the Shiite practice)
‏الله يْخَلِّيك ‎[G] God keep you (also as a form of please, thank you, etc.)
‏خَلِّي عَيْنَك على السَّيَّارَة ‎[E.G.] Keep your eye on car., Watch the car.
‏خَلِّي بالَك مِن هالقَضِيَّة (هالگَضِيَّة ‎[E.G.] Watch out for this issue.

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  Root: خ و ز
Word: خَوَّز، يْخَوِّز
  to take away, move away (ه = (usually bad or evil)

الله يْخَوِّز عَنَّك الشَّرّ ‎[E.G.] May God keep evil away from you

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  Root: خ و ف
Word: خَاْف، يْخَاْف
[E-Gulf] خَاْف، يْخَاْف
  to fear, be afraid, get scared (من = of)

لا تْخَاف ‎[E.G.] Don't be afraid!
‏يْخَاف مِنِ الِكْلَاب (الِچْلَاب) ‎[E.G.] He is afraid of dogs
‏خاف الله! ما تْبَطِّل تِسْكَر ‎[E.G.] Fear God! Why don't you stop getting drunk
‏أَخَاف ما عِنْدَه فْلُوس ‎[E.G.] I'm afraid he didn't have money
‏لا تْبُوق (تْبُوگ) ولا تْخَاف ‎[E.G.] If you don't steal, you don't have to be scared (of anyone or anything) (proverb)
‏لا تْخَاف ‎[G] don't worry!, don't be afraid!
‏ما يْخاف مِن شَيّ ‎[G] He doesn't fear anything

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  Root: خ ي ر
Word: خَيْر، ج خَيْرَاْت
  good thing, blessing

خَير نْشا الله ‎[E.G.] I hope everything's all right.
‏حِصَل خَير نْشا الله ‎[E.G.] I hope something good happened. I hope there was a good thing
‏ما حِصَل إِلَّا خَيْر ‎[E.G.] Nothing bad happened., Nothing happened except something good
‏هاذا كِلَّه خَير مِن الله ‎[E.G.] All of this is a blessing from God.
‏صَبَّحَك الله بِالخَيْر ‎[E.G.] Good morning
‏مَسَّاك الله بِالخَيْر ‎[E.G.] Good afternoon., Good evening.

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  Root: خ ي س
Word: خَاْيِس، ج خَاْيْسِيْن، المؤنث: خَاْيْسَة
  rotten, spoiled

سِمَك (سِمَچ) خايِس ‎[E.G.] rotten fish
‏شَمَّيت شَيّ خايِس ‎[E.G.] I smelled something rotten
‏أَجَلَّك الله تِطْلَع رِيْحَة خايْسَة مِن البُوَالِيع ‎[G] Excuse me for saying that a rotten smell comes out of the sewers

Rate Translation
  Root: د ب ر
Word: دَبَّر، يْدَبَّر / يْدَبِّر
[E-Gulf] دَبَّر، يْدَبِّر
  to manage, handle, arrange (ه =

دَبِّر لي سَيَّارَة ‎[E.G.] arrange a car for me.
‏تْحَكَّى (تْحَچَّى) وِيَّا. يْدَبِّر لَك شُغُل في الشَّرِكَة ‎[E.G.] Talk to him. He can arrange a job for you with the company.
‏ما يِقْدَر (يِگْدَر) يْدَبِّرْهَا ‎[E.G.] He cannot handle it.
‏الله يْدَبِّرْهَا ‎[E.G.] God will take care of it

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  Root: د خ ل
Word: دَخِيْل
[E-Gulf] دَخِيْل
  دَخِيل + ضمير : please! I beg you! I beseech you

اِبْنِي مَرِيض دَخِيلَك سَاعِدْنِي ‎[G] my son is sick, help me please
‏دَخِيلَك ‎[E.G.] please! I beg you!
‏دَخِيلَك جِيْب لي كُوب ماي ‎[E.G.] please, give me a glass of water
‏دَخِيل الله لَيْش الأَسْعَار غالْيَة هالقَدّ (هالگَدّ) ‎[E.G.] For the love of God, why are prices so high

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  Root: د و م
Word: دَاْيِم، ج دَاْيْمِيْن، المؤنث: دَاْيْمَة
  eternal, everlasting

الله هُوَ الدَّايِم ‎[E.G.] God is the (only) eternal one

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Word: دَوَّم، يْدَوِّم
  to make permanent, perpetuate, cause to last or continue

مَشْكُور. الله يْدِيمَك ‎[E.G.] Thank you. God keep you.
‏الله يْدِيم الأَمِير لَنَا ‎[E.G.] God keep the Emir for us.
‏الله دام النِّعْمَة عَلَيْنَا ‎[E.G.] God made prosperity last for us., God perpetuated (his) blessing for us

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  Root: ذ ك ر
Word: ذِكْر / ذِكِر
[E-Gulf] ذِكِر
  mentioning, mention

ذِكْرَ الله ‎[E.G.] mentioning God., Mentioning God's name
‏هالشَّيّ إِلَه ذِكِر في الِكْتَاب ‎[E.G.] Is this thing mentioned in the Quran
‏ذالْحِين كِنَّا (چِنَّا) بْذِكْرَه ‎[E.G.] We were just talking about him
‏على ذِكِر أُخُوك، شُو يْسَوِّي ذالحِين ‎[E.G.] Speaking of your brother, what is he doing now?
‏واسِع الذِّكِر ‎[E.G.] widely known.

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  Root: ر ج ع
Word: مَرْجَع، ج مَرَاْجِع
[E-Gulf] مَرْجِع، ج مَرَاْجِع
  reference, authority (to which one turns or appeals), authoritative reference work

ما لَك مَرْجَع ‎[E.G.] You have no one to turn to
‏ما لَك مَرْجَع إِلَّا الله ‎[E.G.] You have no one to turn to (for help) except God.
‏أَيْش مَرْجَعَك ‎[E.G.] what is your reference?

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  Root: ر ح م
Word: رَحَم، ج يِرْحَم
[E-Gulf] رِحَم، يِرْحَم
  to have mercy (ه = on s.o.), have compassion (ه = for s.o.)

يِرْحَم والْدَيْك (والدَيْچ) ‎[G] May God have mercy on your (feminine) parents, may your parents rest in peace.
‏الله يِرْحَمَه ‎[G] God have mercy on him, God rest his soul (common phrase said after the name of someone who has passed away)
‏الله يِرْحَمَه ‎[E.G.] God have mercy on him (common expression when mentioning the deceased)
‏الله يِرْحَم أَمْوَاتْنَا ‎[E.G.] God have mercy upon our dead!
‏الله يِرْحَم رُوْحْهَا ‎[E.G.] God bless her soul!
‏القَاضي (الگَاضِي) رْحَمْهَا بْهالحُكُم ‎[E.G.] The judge was merciful toward her in this verdict

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Word: رَحْمَة

هاذا رَحْمَة مِن الله ‎[E.G.] this is a mercy from God
‏تْوَفَّى. رَحْمَة الله عَلَيه ‎[E.G.] He passed away. God's mercy be upon him.

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Word: رَحِيْم
[E-Gulf] رَحِيْم
  الرَّحِيم : the Merciful, Compassionate (epithet of God)

بِسْمِ اللهِ الرَّحْمَان الرَّحِيم ‎[G] in the name of God, the merciful, the compassionate
‏الله رَحِيم ‎[E.G.] God is merciful
‏قَلْبَه (گَلْبَه) رَحِيم ‎[E.G.] he is kind-hearted

Rate Translation
  Root: ر ح م ن
Word: رَحْمَـٰن / رَحْمَاْن
[E-Gulf] رَحْمَـٰن / رَحْمَاْن
  الرَّحْمَان : the Merciful, Compassionate (epithet of God)

بِسْمِ اللهِ الرَّحْمَان الرَّحِيم ‎[G] in the name of God, the merciful, the compassionate
‏بِسْمِ الله الرَّحْمـٰن الرَّحِيم ‎[E.G.] in the name of God, the Merciful, the Compassionate

Rate Translation
  Root: ر ز ق
Word: رَزَق / رَزَگ، يِرْزِق / يِرْزِگ
[E-Gulf] رِزَق / رِزَگ، يَرْزِق / يَرْزِگ
  to bless (ه = s.o., ه = with, bestow (upon s.o. / (said of God)

إِذا الله يِرْزِقْني (يِرْزِگني) وَلَد ‎[K] if God grants me a boy...
‏الله رِزَقْنَا (رِزَگْنَا) بِنْت ‎[E.G.] God blessed us with a baby girl.

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Word: رِزَق / رِزَگ، يَرْزِق / يَرْزِگ
  (said of God) to provide (ه = s.o.) with wealth and sustenance

الله يَرْزِق (يَرْزِگ) عِبَادَه ‎[E.G.] God provides his servants with sustenance.

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Word: رِزْق / رِزْگ
  livelihood, subsistence, means of living

هاذا رِزْقِي (رِزْگِي) ‎[E.G.] This is my livelihood.
‏الرِّزْق (الرِّزْگ) على الله ‎[E.G.] Sustenance depend's on God., One's livelihood is from God.
‏رِزْق (رِزْگ) اليَوم خَذَيناه وْرِزْق (وْرِزْگ) باكِر (باچِر) على الله ‎[E.G.] We have taken today's sustenance, and tomorrow's sustenance will be from God., (meaning) Whatever will be will be. (proverb)

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  Root: ر س ل
Word: رَسُوْل، ج رُسُل
  messenger, emissary

الرَّسُول ‎[E.G.] the Messenger (often referring to Muhammad)
‏رَسُول الله ‎[E.G.] the Messenger of God (often referring to Muhammad)

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  Root: ر ض ي
Word: رَضَى، يِرْضَى
[E-Gulf] رِضَى، يِرْضَى
  to be content, satisfied, pleased (في / ب = with, also على = with)

الله يِرْضَى عَلَيك ‎[G] may God be pleased with you (a common phrase, used to beseech or implore someone -- so like please --, or as a prayer to God for someone who has done something good -- so like thank you --, or sometimes said in exasperation at someone)
‏مَنُو يِرْضَى فِيك ‎[G] who will be satisfied with you?
‏ما رِضَع بْأَيَّ شَيّ عَطَيْتَه ياه ‎[E.G.] He wasn't satisfied with anything that I gave him
‏ما تِرْضَى بْأَيَّ شَيّ ‎[E.G.] She isn't satisfied with anything.
‏ما رِضَى على جَوَابْهَا ‎[E.G.] he wasn't pleased with her answer
‏الله يِرْضَى عَلَيك ‎[E.G.] May God be pleased with you.
‏اللي ما يِرْضَى بْجَزَّة (بْيَزَّة) يِرْضَى بْجَزَّة (بْيَزَّة) وخَرُوف ‎[E.G.] Whoever is not happy with giving one shearing of wool will give a shearing of wool and a sheep. (meaning) Cut your losses and run. Half a loaf is better than none (the proverb is also used in Iraq. Supposedly it comes from a story from the days of the Ottoman empire when a wali imposed a tax of one shearing on people, and those who did not pay ended up paying a shearing of wool and giving a sheep up as well.) (proverb)

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  Root: ر ع ي
Word: رِعَى، يِرْعَى
  to protect, guard, take care of (ه =

رَعَاك الله ‎[E.G.] God protect you!

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  Root: ر و ح
Word: رُوْح / رَوْح، ج ارْوَاْح / رْوَاْح
  soul, spirit, breath of life

نَقْرَا (نَگْرَا) الفاتْحَة على رُوْح الِامْوَات (الِمْوَات) ‎[E.G.] We read surah al-Fatiha for the souls of the dead.
‏طْلَعَت رُوْحَه ‎[E.G.] he died., His soul departed
‏طْلَعَت رُوْحَه العَصْرَ ‎[E.G.] He died early in the late afternoon
‏الرُّوْح بْيَدّ الله ‎[E.G.] one's life is in the hands of God
‏خَفِيف الرُّوح ‎[E.G.] amiable.
‏طَوِيل الرُّوْح ‎[E.G.] patient
‏رُوح القَطُو (الگَطُو) ‎[E.G.] The life of a cat. (describes s.o. who has the capability to put up with a lot of suffering) (idiom)
‏يا رُوْحِي ‎[E.G.] dear, my dear, hon (endearing term of address)
‏وَيْش فِيك يا رُوحِي ‎[E.G.] What's wrong with you, dear

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  Root: ر و د
Word: رَاْد، يْرِيْد
[E-Gulf] رَاْد، يْرِيْد
  to want, wish, desire (ه =, or فعل مضارع = to do

وَقْت ما يْرِيد ‎[Om] when he wants
‏يِرِيد كِلّ شَيّ ‎[E.G.] He wants everything.
‏شُو تْرِيد مِنِّي ‎[E.G.] what do you want from me?
‏بَعَد شو يِرِيد مِنِّي ‎[E.G.] What else does he want from me?
‏أَرِيدَك تِجِي (تِيِي) ‎[E.G.] I want you come
‏ما أَرِيد لَك إِلَّا الخَيْر ‎[E.G.] I wish you nothing but the best.
‏الله راد لي بِنْت ‎[E.G.] God wanted for me a girl., God wanted me to have a girl.
‏يِرِيد يْسَافِر لَنْدَن ‎[E.G.] he wants to travel to London
‏شُو تْرِيد تَشْرَب ‎[E.G.] what do you want to drink
‏شُو تْرِيد تاكِل ‎[E.G.] what do you want to eat
‏إِذَا رِدْت ترُوح ‎[G] if you want to go

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  Root: ز ر ع
Word: زَرِع

زَرْع الله يِرْعَاه الله ‎[E.G.] God's growing crop is protected by God., (meaning) God is the lone protector, (proverb)
‏ابْتَدَا الزَّرِع يِطْلَع ‎[G] Plants have started to come up (sprout)

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  Root: ز و ل
Word: زَاْل، يْزُوْل
[E-Gulf] زَاْل، يْزُوْل
  to disappear, vanish, cease

شِدَّة وِتْزُوْلِ انْ شَا الله ‎[G] it's a misfortune and will pass, God willing (common expression)

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Word: زَوَّل، يْزَوِّل
  to cause (ه = s.o. / to go away, leave

زَوَّلْك الله ‎[E.G.] May God take you away! (i.e. get out of here, beat it, damn you)

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  Root: ز ي د
Word: زَاْد، يْزِيْد
[E-Gulf] زَاْد، يْزِيْد
  to augment, add to, increase (ه =

إِذَا تْزَوَّج يْزِيدُون راتْبَه أَلْف رْيَال ‎[G] if he gets married they increase his salary by a thousand riyals
‏زادْنِي مَعْلُومِيَّة عَنْهُم ‎[E.G.] He gave me more information about them
‏زَادَوا مَعَاشِي ‎[E.G.] They increased my salary., they gave me a raise
‏زِيدِي الشاي شَكَر ‎[E.G.] Add some sugar to the tea
‏الله يْزِيد فَضْلَك ‎[E.G.] Thank you. (literally, “May God increase your graciousness.”) (an answer to تْفَضَّل )

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  Root: س ب ح
Word: سُبْحَاْن
  سُبحان + إضافة : glory be to… (typically of God)

سُبْحَاْنَهُ وَتَعَالَى ‎[G] May God be praised and exalted, Praise be to God the Sublime
‏الله سُبْحَانَهُ وَتَعَالَى ‎[G] God the glorified, sublime

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  Root: س ب ع
Word: أُسْبُوْع، ج أَسَابِيْع

بَعْد أُسْبُوْع، إن شاء الله. ‎[G-Hijazi] In a week, I hope.

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  Root: س ب ل
Word: سَبِيْل
  way, path

في سَبِيلِ الله ‎[E.G.] for the sake of God, in the path of God
‏اِبْنِ السَّبِيل ‎[E.G.] wayfarer, traveler
‏على سَبِيل المِثَال ‎[E.G.] as an example.

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  Root: س ت ر
Word: سَتَر، يَسْتُر / يَسْتِر
[E-Gulf] سِتَر، يُسْتُر
  to shield, protect, watch over, guard (ه = s.o. /

الله يَسْتُر ‎[G] God protect!
‏الله يُسْتُر ‎[E.G.] either 1. God protect (us), or 2. God forbid!
‏الله يُسْتُر مِن هالمُصِيْبَة ‎[E.G.] God protect us from disaster
‏الله يُسْتُر عَلَيك ‎[E.G.] God protect you
‏كان (چان) رايِح يِنْدَعِم في الشَّارِع. الله سِتَر ‎[E.G.] He was about to be hit in the street. God prevented it

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Word: سِتِر
  protection, guard, shield

يا الله سِتْرَك. نِحِن ما نْدَوِّر إِلَّا السِّتِر ‎[E.G.] God protect us! We look only for (God's) protection

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  Root: س ع د
Word: سِعَد، يِسْعَد
  to please, make happy (ه = s.o.)

الله يِسْعِدْك ‎[E.G.] God make you happy!
‏اِبْنِي يِسْعِدْنِي ‎[E.G.] My son makes me happy
‏يِسْعِدْنِي أَزُورَك باكِر (باچِر) ‎[E.G.] It would make me happy to visit you

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  Root: س ل ط
Word: سَلَّط، يْسَلِّط
  to give (ه = s.o.) power (على = over), make (ه = s.o.) an authority (على = over),

الله يْسَلِّط عَلَيك الشَّيَاطِين ‎[E.G.] May God put the devils in control of you
‏سَلَّط الكَلْب (الچَّلْب) عَلَيَّ ‎[E.G.] He set the dog on me., He sicced the dog on me

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  Root: س ل م
Word: سَلَاْم
  peace, peacefulness

السَّلَام عالَمِي ‎[E.G.] world peace
‏سَلَام الله عَلَيهُم ‎[E.G.] God's peace on them
‏السَّلامُ عَلَيْكُم ‎[E.G.] Peace be with you! (standard greeting)

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Word: سَلَاْمَة
  safety, security

مَعِ السَّلَامَة ‎[G] go with safety, goodbye (common form of goodbye)
‏الحَمْدِ لله على السَّلَامَة ‎[E.G.] Welcome back!, Thank goodness you are all right!
‏مَعَ السَّلَامَة ‎[E.G.] Goodbye (the response to this being الله يْسَلِّمك )
‏سَلَامَةِ المَدِينَة مِنِ الجُرْم ‎[E.G.] freedom of the city from crime
‏سَلَامَة الِمْسَافْرِين ‎[G] the safety of the travellers

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Word: سَلَّم، يِسَلِّم
  to keep safe

الله يِسَلِّمَك. ‎[G-Hijazi] Goodbye. (note: literally "May God keep you safe.")

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Word: سَلَّم، يْسَلِّم
  to preserve, keep from injury, protect from harm (ه = s.o.), save (ه = s.o., من = from), make safe, secure (also said of God)

الله يْسَلِّمَه لِيك (لِيچ) ‎[K] may God keep him safe for you
‏الله يْسَلِّمَك ‎[G] God keep you, Good protect you (common phrase for instance said in response to a question or comment on one's health)
‏الله يْسَلِّمَك = الله يْسَلِّمْك = سَلَّمَك الله = سَلَّمْك ‎[E.G.] God protect you!, God be with you! (a response to phrases like مَع السَّلَامَة , which means goodbye, and other phrases of well wishing that use سلامة. It is also used when speaking to one of higher social status, almost as a parenthetical insert)
‏الله يْسَلِّمَك، بالكِر (باچِر) عُطْلَة ‎[E.G.] Tomorrow, God protect you, is a holiday
‏الله يْسَلِّمْك ‎[E.G.] God protect you (response to معَ السَّلَامَة or كَيْف حالك or other similar phrases)
‏الله سَلَّمْنِي. كَان (چان) طِحْت على الأَرْض وْتَعَوَّرْت ‎[E.G.] God saved me. I would have fallen to the ground and got hurt.
‏الله يْسَلّْمَه. لِحْيَةٍ غانْمَة. ‎[E.G.] God bless him he's a real nice guy.

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  Root: س م ح
Word: سَمَح، يِسْمَح
[E-Gulf] سِمَح، يِسْمَح
  to allow, permit, grant permission (ل = to s.o., فعل مضارع = to do, or ب = to do

لَو سَمَحْت، المؤنث، لَوْ سَمَحْتِ ‎[G] if you would, please (من فضلك is also used)
‏اِسْمَح لِي أَقُول لَك (أُگُلْ لَك) ‎[E.G.] Allow me to tell you., Let me tell you....
‏ما سِمَح لِي بالدُّخُول ‎[E.G.] He didn't allow me to enter.
‏لا سِمَح الله ‎[E.G.] God forbid!
‏مُمْكِن تِسْمَحِين لي أَقُول لِك (أگُلْ لِچ) شَيّ ‎[E.G.] May I say something to you?, Will you please permit me to say something to you
‏اِسْمَح لِي. أَبْطَيْت ‎[E.G.] Pardon me. I came late
‏اِسْمَح لي بَسّ دِقِيقَة (دِگِيگَة) ‎[E.G.] Excuse me for just a minute.
‏الِحْكُومَة هْنِي ما تِسْمَح بالتَّبْشِير ‎[G] The government here does not allow missionary activity
‏قَبِل (گَبِل) لا يِسْمَحُون لَك تُدْخُل البَلَد لازِم تِدْفَع جُمْرُك على الكُمْبْيُوْتَر ‎[G] Before they let you enter the country, you have to pay customs duty on the computer

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  Root: س م ع
Word: سَمِيْع
  السَّمِيْع : the All-hearing (epithet of God)

الله السَّمِيع العَلِيم ‎[E.G.] God, the All-Hearing, the All-Knowing

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  Root: س م ي
Word: اِسْم / أَسِم، ج أَسَاْمِي
[E-Gulf] اْسِم / أَسِم، ج أَسَاْمِي

الاِسْمِ الكَرِيم ‎[G] the honorable name (used to ask politely: what’s your name, may I have your name)
‏شِ اْسم + ضمير = شِسم = ضمير ‎[G] what it's called? whatchamacallit
‏شِ اْسْمَه ‎[K] what's it called?
‏لا، هاي شِ اْسِمْهَا؟ مُو مَدْرَسَة ‎[K] no, this is, what's it called? Not a school.
‏بِسْمِ اللهِ الرَّحْمَان الرَّحِيم ‎[G] In the name of God the merciful and compassionate
‏اِسمِي مْحَمَّد ‎[E.G.] My name is Muhammad
‏شُو اسْمَك ‎[E.G.] What's your name?
‏بالأَسِم بَسّ ‎[E.G.] nominally, in name only.
‏بِسْمِ الله الرَّحْمَـٰن الرَّحِيم ‎[E.G.] in the name of God the Gracious, the Merciful. (note that this phrase is traditionally written without the alif, as in بسم instead of باسم )
‏بِسْمِ الله عَلَيك، أَيْش فيه ‎[SA] God bless you, what's wrong?
‏حِجَز في الفُنْدُق (الفُنْدُگ) بِاسْمَك ‎[E.G.] He made a reservation at the hotel in your name.
‏قَدِّم الطَّلَب بِاسْمِ الوَزِير ‎[E.G.] Address the application to the minister

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  Root: س و د
Word: سَوَّد، يْسَوِّد
  to blacken, make black, darken (ه =

سَوَّد الخِشَب ‎[E.G.] he darkened the wood
‏سَوَّد وَجْه (وَيْه) أَحَد ‎[E.G.] He discredited., he dishonored s.o.., He shamed s.o.
‏سَوَّد الله وَجْهَك (وَيْهَك) ‎[E.G.] God shame you! Damn you!
‏سَوَّد وَجْهْهَا (وَيْهَّا) قِدَّام (جِدَّام) النَّاس ‎[E.G.] He dishonored her in front of people

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  Root: ش د د
Word: شِدَّة، ج شِدَّاْت
[E-Gulf] شِدَّة، ج شَدَاْيِد
  misfortune, hardship, adversity, distress

شِدَّة وِتْزُوْل انْشَالله ‎[G] it’s a misfortune and will pass, God willing
‏شِدَّة وِتْزُوْلِ انْ شَا الله ‎[G] it's a misfortune and will pass, God willing (common expression)
‏أَعْتِمِد عَلَيه وَقْت (وَگْتِ) الشَّدَايِد ‎[G] I depend on him in distress

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  Root: ش ك ر
Word: شَكَر، يَشْكُر
[E-Gulf] شِكَر، يَشْكُر
  to thank (ه = s.o.) express gratitude to (ه = s.o.)

نَشْكُر الله ‎[G] thanks be to God
‏أَشْكُرَك على اللي سَوَّيْتَه ‎[E.G.] I thank you for what you've done

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  Root: ش ه د
Word: شِهَادَة
  declaration of faith

الشِّهَادَة هِيَّ: لَا اِلَهَ إِلَا الله وُمُحَّمِد رَسُوْل الله. ‎[G-Hijazi] The declaration of faith is: There is no God but God and Muhammad is the Messenger of God.

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  Root: ش و ف
Word: شَوَّف / چَوَّف، يْشَوِّف / يْچَوِّف
[E-Gulf] شَوَّف، يْشَوِّف
  to show (ه = s.o., ه =, make (ه = s.o.) see (ه =
(said with a چ or ش depending in dialect)

الله لا يْشَوِّفَك مَكْرُوح ‎[G] May God not show you hardship
‏شَوَّفْنِي ايّاها ‎[E.G.] He showed it to me
‏شَوَّفْتَه (چَوَّفْتَه) نْجُوم الظُّهُر ‎[E.G.] I showed him the noon stars., (meaning) I made him go through a lot of trouble., I gave him hell
‏شَوَّفِتُّهْم (چَوَّفْتُم) المَدْرَسَة ‎[E.G.] I showed them the school

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  Root: ش ي ا
Word: شَاء
  to will, want

طَيِّبِين إِن شَاء الله؟ ‎[G-Hijazi] You all are fine, I hope?

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Word: شَاْء / شا، يْشَاْء
[E-Gulf] شَاْء / شَا
  to will, want, wish, desire (ه = (used mainly in phrases related to God)

ما شا الله ‎[G] God willing, as God wills / willed (common expression, also used to mean things like "Amazing!", "look at that!" as well as to ward off the evil eye when praising someone / something)
‏إِن شاء الله = إنشالله ‎[E.G.] either 1. God willing, I hope, it is to be hoped (that), or 2. yes, gladly, willingly (as a response to a request or a command) (also used to mean the opposite of these meanings, like no way that will ever happen. Grammatically, it can be followed directly by a sentence. Although some professors have said it should be followed by a present tense verb, common usage allows any phrase to come after it, even something like a nominal sentence.)
‏إنْشَالله أُبُوه هْنِي ‎[E.G.] I hope his father is here.
‏شَيِّك (چَيِّك) التَّايِر ---- انْشالله ‎[E.G.] Check the tire! ---- yes, certainly
‏ما شاء الله = ماشالله ‎[E.G.] whatever God intended (often used as an expression of surprise, like Wow! that's nice! Great! Wonderful! Bravo!)
‏ماشالله عِنْدَه فْلُوس واجِد (وايِد) ‎[E.G.] They have a lot of wealth, stores, and companies.
‏ماشالله خَذَت الأُوْلَى على بَنَات صَفّها ‎[E.G.] Great! She ranked first among students of her class
‏ما شا الله عَلَيْهَا ‎[E.G.] She is amazing!

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Word: مَشِيْئَة

بْمَشِيْئَةِ الله ‎[G] by God's will

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  Root: ش ي خ
Word: شَيْخ
[E-Gulf] شَيْخ، ج شْيُوْخ
  sheik, shaykh, shaikh, leader, head (e.g. of a tribe, also of the UAE).

شَيْخ عَبْدَ الله السَّالِم الصَّبَاح ‎[G] Sheikh Abdallah al-Salem al-Sabah (ruled Kuwait from 1950-1965)
‏الشَّيْخ حَمَد ‎[G] Sheik Hamad Bin Khalifa al-Thani (the emir of Qatar from 1995-2013)
‏الشَّيْخ حَمَد بِن عِيْسَى ‎[G] Sheikh Hamad Bin Issa (the King of Bahrain since 14 February 2002)
‏الشَّيْخ خَلِيْفَة بِن سَلْمَان ‎[G] Sheikh Khalifa Bin Salman (Bahrain Prime Minister from 1971-2020)
‏الشَّيْخ عِيْسَى بِن سَلْمَان آل خَلِيفَة ‎[G] Sheikh Issa Bin Salman Al Khalifa (ruled Bahrain from 1961-1999)
‏الشَّيْخ زَايِد ‎[E.G.] Sheikh Zayed
‏شَيْخ الدُّوَاسِر ‎[E.G.] The sheikh (leader) of the Dosaris (tribesmen of the Dosaris tribe).
‏مَجْلِس الشّْيُوخ ‎[E.G.] the senate
‏قال (گَال) الشَّيْخ ‎[G] The ruler said

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  Root: ص ب ح
Word: صَبَّح، يْصَبِّح
  to bless with a good morning (ه = s.o.) (when the subject of the verb is God)

صَبَّحْكَ الله بِالخَيْر ‎[G] good morning (may God bring you to the morning with goodness)
‏صَبَّحَك الله بِالخَيْر ‎[G] Good morning!
‏صَبَّحك الله بالخَيْر ‎[E.G.] Good morning., May God bless you with a good morning!

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  Root: ض ر ر
Word: ضَرَّاْء
  bad times, adversity, distress

ما تِكْمَل فَرْحَتْنَا إلّا بْرَدَّة أَسْرَانَا إن شا الله ‎[K] our happiness will not be complete unless if our prisoners are returned, God willing

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  Root: ط ل ق
Word: طَلَّق / طَلِّگ، يْطَلِّق / يْطَلِّگ
[E-Gulf] طَلَّق / طَلَّگ، يْطَلِّق / يْطَلِّگ
  to divorce (ه = s.o.) (usually in Arab countries only the male has the right to initiate a divorce, so this will typically be in the masculine)

طَلَّقْهَا (طَلَّگْهَا) مِن زَمَان ‎[G] he divorced her a long time ago
‏طَلَّقْهَا (طَلَّگْهَا) ‎[E.G.] He divorced her
‏قَال (گَال) طَلِّقْهَا (طَلِّگْهَا) وْخُذ أُخْتها. قال (گال) الله يَلْعَن الثِّنْتَين ‎[E.G.] He said, "Divorce her and take (marry) her sister." He said, "Damn the both of them"., (meaning) Both choices are bad., Between a rock and hard place., (meaning both choices are equally bad, the idea being that both the wife and her sister are from the same parents.) (proverb)

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  Root: ط ه ر
Word: طَهَّر، يْطَهِّر
[E-Gulf] طَهَّر، يْطَهِّر
  to purge, cleanse, purify (ه = / s.o.)

بَغَى الله يْطَهِّرَه مِن ذُنُوبَه وْفَعَايْلَه ‎[G] God wanted to purge him of his sins and (bad) deeds
‏الِحْكُومَة طَهَّرت المَنْطِقَة (المَنْطِگَة) مِن العِصَابَات الِمْسَلَّحَة ‎[E.G.] the government purged the area of the armed gangs
‏الِحْكُومَة طَهَّرَت الدَّايْرَة مِنِ الفَسَاد ‎[E.G.] The government purged the bureau of corruption

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  Root: ط و ع
Word: طَاْع، يْطِيْع
[E-Gulf] طَاْع، يْطِيْع
  to obey (ه = s.o.), be obedient, heed (ه =

طِيع شُورِي ‎[G] listen to my advice
‏يْطِيع والْدَيْنَه ‎[E.G.] He obeys his parents
‏يْطِيع كَلَام الله ‎[E.G.] He heeds God's words.

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Word: طَاْعَة
  obedience, submission

على المُسْلِم طاعَة الله ‎[E.G.] A Muslim must obey God.

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  Root: ط و ل
Word: طَوَّل، يْطَوِّل
  to lengthen, extend, prolong (ه =

مُمْكِن تْطَوِّل لي الفُسْتَان ‎[E.G.] Will you please lengthen this dress for me?
‏لا تْطَوِّل الغَيْبَة ‎[E.G.] Don't stay away for a long time
‏اِبْنِي يَبِي يْطَوِّل شَعْرَه ‎[E.G.] My son wants to let his hair grow long
‏طَوِّل بَالَك ‎[E.G.] Be patient!, Hold your horses!
‏طَوَّل الله عُمْرَك ‎[E.G.] May God prolong your life
‏الله يْطَوِّل عُمْرَك ‎[E.G.] May God prolong your life

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  Root: ط ي ب
Word: طَيَّب، يْطَيِّب
  to cure, heal (ه = s.o. /

الله طَيَّبَه ‎[E.G.] God cured him

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  Root: ط ي ر
Word: طَيَّارَة، طَيَّارَات

أَنَا مِسَافِر عَلَى طَيَّارَة السَّاعَة خَمْسَة إِن شَاء الله. ‎[G-Hijazi] I'm taking the five o'clock plane.

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  Root: ع ب د
Word: عَبَد، يِعْبُد
[E-Gulf] عِبَد، يَعْبِد
  to worship (ه = s.o. /

يِعْبُدُون نار ‎[G] they worship fire
‏يَبْعِد الله ‎[E.G.] he worships the God
‏يَعْبِد الِفْلُوس ‎[E.G.] he worships money
‏يْعَبْدُون الأَصْنَام ‎[E.G.] they worship idols

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  Root: ع ب ر
Word: عِبَاْرَة، ج عِبَاْرَاْت
  expression, phrase

عِبَارَة عَن ‎[G] either 1. consisting in, or 2. tantamount to, equivalent to, meaning
‏البَرْيَانِي هُو عِبَارَة عَن عَيْش اللي هُوَّ الرِّزّ عِنْدَنَا وْدِجَاج (دِيَاي) أو لَحِم ‎[B] Biryani consists of rice, which is rice for us, and chicken or (red) meat
‏أَوَّل لَيْلَة كان عِبَارَة عَن قِرَاءَة قُرْآن ‎[G] the first night consisted of a Qur'an reading (note that كان is a generic 3ms. In another sentence, the same speaker used the phrase كانت أَوّل لَيلة بَسّْ قِرَاة أَدْعِيَة وْقُرْآن)
‏عِبَارَة عَن ‎[E.G.] (is) actually, is in fact, is tantamount to
‏هاذا عِبَارَة عَن غَضَب مِن الله ‎[G] This is a sign of God's anger.

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  Root: ع ذ ب
Word: عَذَّب، يْعَذِّب
  to torture (ه = s.o.)

عَذَّبُوهُم ‎[G] they tortured them
‏عَذَّبَوه ‎[E.G.] They tortured him
‏الله يْعَذِّبْك إِذَا ما تْصَلِّي ‎[E.G.] God will punish you if you don't pray
‏تْعَذِّب أُخُوه الصَّغِير ‎[E.G.] She torments her litte brother.

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  Root: ع س ي
Word: عَسَى
[E-Gulf] عَسَى
  to hope that, hopefully, I hope that (can also take a pronoun suffix, like عَسَاهُم طَيّبِين , I hope that they are well)

عَسَى الله يِهْدِيهُم ‎[G] may God guide them, may God lead them on the right way.
‏عَسَى ما شَرّ ‎[G] I hope it is not bad, I hope there is nothing wrong
‏عساكُم مْتَوَّضِين ‎[G] I hope you will be compensated
‏عَسَى! ‎[G] I hope so (as a one word response)
‏عَسَى الله يَرْزِقَك (يَرْزِگَك) ‎[G] I hope God blesses you
‏عَسَى ما حِصَل شَيّ ‎[E.G.] I hope nothing (bad) has happened.
‏عَسَاهَا وْصَلَت ‎[E.G.] I hope she arrived
‏عَسَاك طَيِّب ‎[E.G.] I hope you are fine
‏عَسَى ما حِصَل شَيّ ‎[G] I hope nothing bad happened

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  Root: ع ص م
Word: مَعْصُوْم، ج مَعْصُوْمِيْن، المؤنث: مَعْصُوْمَة
  infallible, sinless

ما حَّد (مَحَّد) مَعْصُوم مِنِ الخَطَا غَير الله ‎[E.G.] No one is infalliable except God

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  Root: ع ط و
Word: عَطَا
  gift, present

عَطَا مِن الله ‎[E.G.] gift from God.

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  Root: ع ظ م
Word: عَظِيْم، ج عَظِيْمِيْن / عُظَمَا، المؤنث: عَظِيْمَة
  العَظِيم : the Great (one of the epithets of God).

أَسْتَغْفِرُ اللهِ العَظِيم ‎[E.G.] I seek God's forgiveness! (often said when hearing bad news or something negative)

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Word: عَظَّم، يْعَظِّم
  to magnify, enlarge, make greater.

عَظَّم الله أَجْرَكُم ‎[E.G.] May God make your reward greater (in heaven) (said by someone to offer condolences after burial of a deceased person)

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  Root: ع ف و
Word: عِفَى، يْعَفِي
  to forgive (ه / عن = s.o.), pardon (ه / عن = s.o.)

اِعْفِينِي ‎[E.G.] Forgive me
‏عَفَينَا عَنَّه ‎[E.G.] we pardoned him
‏عَفَى اللهُ عَمَّا مَضَى ‎[E.G.] God has forgiven what has past., (meaning) Let bygones be bygones (proverb)

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Word: عَاْفْيَة
[E-Gulf] عَاْفْيَة
  (good) health

ماكُو إِلّا العافْيَة الحَمْد لله ‎[K] there is nothing but health, praise God.
‏الله يْعَطِيك الصِّحَّة والعافْيَة ‎[E.G.] May God give you good health and well-being.

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Word: عَاْفَى، يْعَاْفِي
  to restore to good health, heal, cure (ه = s.o.) (said of God)

الله يْعَافِيك ‎[E.G.] May God grant you good health.

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  Root: ع ل م
Word: علم، يِعْلَم
[E-Gulf] عِلِم، يْعَلِم
  to know, to figure out, find out, come to know (إنّ = that)

يِعْلَم الله ‎[G] God knows (also said with doubting Said, like I don’t if that’s true but I’m not going to argue with it)
‏الله يْعَلِم ‎[E.G.] God knows (said meaning "who knows" or "no one knows except God.")
‏يْعَلِم بالغَيْب ‎[E.G.] He's clairvoyant
‏عْلِمْت إِنَّه مْسَافِر باكِر (باچِر ‎[E.G.] I found out that he is traveling tomorrow

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Word: عِلْم، ج عُلُوْم
[E-Gulf] عِلِم، ج عْلُوْم
  knowledge, learning

يْحِثُّونِ النَّاس عَلَى العِلْم ‎[G] they encourage people to get an education
‏ما عِنْدَه عِلِم بْهالمَسْأَلَة ‎[E.G.] He doesn't know anything about this matter.
‏العِلِم عِنْد الله ‎[E.G.] Knowledge is with God (regarding this matter)., God knows (this thing).
‏أرفع عُلومَك ‎[SA] Raise your bar (Similar to the idiom "raise the bar")

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  Root: ع ل و
Word: عَلَى / عَ
  in accordance with, according to

على قَوْلَتْهُم / (گَوْلَتْهُم) ‎[G] either 1. as is said, it is said (general “they” can be treated as unknown or pseudo-passive), or 2. as they have said, as they may say
‏على كَيْفْهَا ‎[G] according what she wants, as she wishes, whatever she wants
‏على كَيْفِك (كَيْفِچ) ‎[G] as you wish, whatever you want, as you please
‏على سُنَّة الله ‎[G] according to God's way
‏على قَدّ (گَدّ) الحَال ‎[E.G.] to a limited extent
‏مِدّ رِجْلَك (رِيْلَك) على قَدّ (گَدّ) لْحَافَك ‎[E.G.] extend your legs as far as your blanket., (meaning) As you make your bed, you must lie in it (proverb)
‏على كَيْفَك (چَيْفَك) ‎[E.G.] slowly, carefully
‏اِمْشِي على كَيْفَك (چَيْفَك) ‎[E.G.] Go (walk or drive) slowly and carefully

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  Root: ع م ر
Word: عُمْر / عِمْر، ج أَعْمَاْر

عُمْرِي ‎[G] either 1. my life, or 2. my dear, darling, sweetheart
‏عُمْرِ + ضمير + جملة بالنفي ‎[G] I have never, never in my life (when the sentence is in the negative)
‏عُمْرِي ما + جملة ‎[G] never in my life (have I…)
‏عُمِرْنَا ما + جملة ‎[G] never in our life (have we…)
‏عُمْرِ طْوِيْل ‎[G] a long life
‏عُمْرِي ‎[G] my life, my dear, sweetheart (term of endearment)
‏عُمْرِي ما + جملة ‎[G] I have never in my life (done...)
‏عُمْرِي إِنْتُو لِكَم الجَّنَّة إن شا الله ‎[K] My dears, may heaven be yours, God willing (note use of عمري can also apply to a group of people)
‏واحَد يْلَهِّي عُمْرَه ‎[G] one has the time of his life (literally: entertains his life)
‏في أَشْيَاء عُمِرْنا ما نِدْرِي عَنْهَا ‎[G] there are things which we were never aware of
‏طُول عُمْرَه ‎[G] all his life
‏عُمِرْنَا ما شُفْنَا في التَّارِيخ إِنُّو ‎[g] we've never seen in history that... (note here that عمرنا literally means never, not just in our lifetime but throughout history)

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Word: عُمُر، ج اعْمَاْر / عْمَاْر
  life, lifetime.

الاعْمَار (الِعْمَار) بْيَدِّ الله ‎[E.G.] The lives are in the hands of God (also used as: I'll take my chances.)
‏خَوَّنْنِي بْشَيّ طُوْل عُمْرِي ما سَوَّيْتَه ‎[E.G.] He made me out to be dishonest in something I have never done
‏عُمْرَك كَلَيت لَحَم أَسَد ‎[G] have you ever eaten lion meat?
‏طَوِيل العُمُر ‎[G] may he live long (when said after a name)
‏الشَّيْخ إِبْرَاهِيم، طَوِيل العُمُر ‎[G] Sheikh Ibrahim, may he have a long life
‏الشَّيْخ، طَوِيل العُمُر، رَمَّسْنَا ‎[G] the Sheikh, may he live long, addressed us
‏طَاْل عُمْرَك ‎[G] may you live long! (common polite phrase, especially said to show respect)
‏هالشَّيّ عُمْرِي ما شِفْتَه ‎[G] I have never seen this thing.

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  Root: ع م م
Word: عُمُوْم

عَ العُمُوم ‎[G] either 1. in general, generally, generally speaking, or 2. anyway (transitioning away from a topic)
‏عَالعُمُوم يِعْلَم الله بْهاذا الكَلام ‎[G] at any rate, God knows about what has been said (God knows the truth of the matter)

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  Root: ع ه د
Word: عُهْدَة
  in the charge, under the care (ب = of)

تْوَكَّل على الله وْخَلِّي كِلّ شَيّ بْعُهْدَتِي ‎[E.G.] Trust in God, and leave everything in my charge.

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  Root: ع و ض
Word: عَوَّض، يْعَوِّض
[E-Gulf] عَوَّض، يْعَوِّض
  to compensate, recompense (ه = s.o.) (for a loss, make up to s.o. for a loss)

الله يْعَوِّضِك (يْعَوِّضِچ) ‎[G] May God compensate you for your loss (said to someone who has suffered a calamity or tragedy)
‏الشَّرِكَة عَوَّضَتْنِي عَنِ السَّفَر ‎[E.G.] The company compensated me for the travel

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  Root: ع و ن
Word: عَاْن، يْعِيْن
  to help, assist, aid (ه = s.o.)

الله يْعِينَك ‎[G] God help you
‏الله يْعِينَك ‎[E.G.] God help you!
‏الله يْعِينَك على هالشُّغُل ‎[E.G.] God help you with this work

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Word: عَوْن
  help, assistance, aid

الله يْكُون في عَونَه ‎[E.G.] God help him

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Word: مُعِيْن
  supporter, helper, assistant (said only of God)

الله هُوَ المُعِين ‎[E.G.] God is the supporter.
‏يا الله يا مُعِين ‎[E.G.] God will provide. (said in time of distress, or when lifting a heavy weight, pushing an object, etc.).

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  Root: ع ي ن
Word: عْوَيْنَة
  help, assistance, aid

يا عْوَيْنْةَ الله عَلَيه ‎[E.G.] May God give him assistance., He'll need God's assistance (for that)

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  Root: غ ر ب ل
Word: غَرْبَل، يْغَرْبِل
  to bother, irritate, annoy (ه = s.o.)

غَرْبَلَك الله ‎[G] God damn you!
‏البَرْد غَرْبَلْنِي ‎[E.G.] The cold bothered me.
‏الله يْغَرْبِلْك ‎[E.G.] Damn you!, God's curse be upon you!

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Word: غَرْبَل، يْغَرْبِل
  to purge, destroy (ه = s.o.)

غَرْبَلَك الله ‎[G] may God purge you, may God shake you up (literally: may God sift you)
‏الله يْغَرْبِلَك = الله يْغَرْبِلْك ‎[E.G.] God damn you!, may God destroy you!
‏الله يْغَرْبِلك على هَاذِي النِّكَت ‎[E.G.] God damn you for this jokes

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  Root: غ ض ب
Word: غَضَب
  anger, indignation, rage, fury

غَضَب الله عَلَيك ‎[E.G.] May the wrath of God be on you!
‏ما قِدَر (گِدَر) يِتْمَالَك نَفْسَه مِنِ الغَضَب اللي هُو فِيه ‎[E.G.] he was not able to control himself because of the anger he felt

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  Root: غ ف ر
Word: غِفَر، يْغَفِر
  to pardon, forgive (ه =, e.g. a sin, ل = for s.o.)

الله اِغْفِر لي ذُنُوبِي ‎[E.G.] God, forgive my sins

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Word: اسْتَغْفَر، يِسْتَغْفِر
  to seek (ه = God's) forgiveness

أَسْتَغْفِرُ الله ‎[E.G.] I ask God's forgiveness.

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  Root: غ ن ي
Word: غِنَى، يْغَنِي
  to enrich, make rich (ه = s.o. /

الله غَنَاه ‎[E.G.] God made him rich

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  Root: ف ا ل
Word: فَاْل
  fortune, sign, omen

يِفْتَح الفَال ‎[E.G.] He predicts the future
‏فِتَح الفَال ‎[E.G.] He predicted the future
‏قَطَّاط (گَطَّاط) الفال ‎[E.G.] the fortune teller
‏فَتَّاح الفال ‎[E.G.] the fortune teller
‏فَال الله وَلَا فالَك ‎[E.G.] God's (good) omen or yours., (meaning) Contrary to how it seems (or what was said, what was done, etc.), I hope things will turn out to be good (proverb)

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  Root: ف ر ج
Word: فِرَج، يَفْرِج
  to relieve, grant relief (على = to)

الله فِرْجَهَا عَلَينا ‎[E.G.] God relieved us., God brought things to a good end for us

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Word: فَرَج
  relief, happy ending

الفَرَج بْيَدّ الله ‎[E.G.] Relief is in God's hands
‏الصَّبِر مِفْتَاح الفَرَج ‎[E.G.] Patience is the key to a happy ending (proverb)

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  Root: ف ر ح
Word: فَرْحَة
  joy, mirth, happiness

ما تِكْمَل فَرْحَتْنَا إلّا بْرَدَّة أَسْرَانَا إن شا الله ‎[K] our happiness will not be complete unless if our prisoners are returned, God willing

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  Root: ف ر ض
Word: فِرَض، يَفْرِض
  to impose (ه =, على = on)

فِرْضَوا ضَرِيبَة جِدِيدَة (يِدِيدَة) على الأَجَانِب (الأَيَانِب) ‎[E.G.] The imposed a new tax on the foreigners
‏الله فْرَضَه ‎[E.G.] God ordained it

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  Root: ف ض ل
Word: فَضْل / فَضِل، ج أَفْضَاْل
  favor, grace, kindness, graciousness

مِن فَضْلَك ‎[G] please, if you would
‏أَفْضَالَك على راسي ‎[G] your graciousness is held over me, I hold every thing you've done for me in high esteem.
‏إِلَه فَضِل عَلَيَّ ‎[E.G.] I owe him a favor,
‏إِلِي فَضِل عَلَيْه ‎[E.G.] he owes me a favor
‏مِنْ فَضْلك ‎[E.G.] please, if you would be so kind (as to)
‏مِن فَضْلَك، وَيْن المَحَطَّة ‎[E.G.] If you would be so kind, where is the station?
‏مِن فَضِل + إضافة ‎[E.G.] thanks to, due to
‏هاذا مِن فَضْلَ الله ‎[E.G.] This is thanks to God
‏بْفَضِل + إضاف ‎[E.G.] thanks to, due to
‏البَيْت تْجَدَّد (تْيَدَّد) بْفَضْلِ أُبُوي ‎[E.G.] the house was renovated thanks to my father

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  Root: ف ع ل
Word: فَعَاْيِل
  actions, acts, doings, deeds (see also Yasin Abdel-Rahim's note in his Shami dialect dictionary)

بَغَى الله يْطَهِّرَه مِن ذُنُوبَه وْفَعَايْلَه ‎[G] God wanted to purge him of his sins and (bad) deeds

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  Root: ف ي
Word: فِي / فِ / فْ
(sometimes used interchangeably with ب )

فِيَّ ‎[G] in me (note في + first person pronoun suffix is said fiyya or fiyy)
‏أَعْمَالي كِلّْهَا غَلَط في غَلَط ‎[G] my deads are all wrong, everything I do is wrong
‏كَلَامَك فْ مَحَلَّه ‎[G] what you say is right on, we'll said
‏في مَخْبَاه ‎[E.G.] in his pocket.
‏في الحَقِيقَة (الحَگِيگَة) ‎[E.G.] in fact.
‏في أَمَانِ الله = ‎[E.G.] Goodbye! (literally, in God's protection). (The response is the same, or مَع السَّلَامَة) (note is typically said fii-maa-nil-laa)
‏في خَير ‎[E.G.] (living) in abundance, (living) comfortably

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Word: فِي / فِ / فْ

كِنْت حامِل فِيه ‎[G] I was pregnant with him
‏شْ فِيك ‎[G] What's wrong with you?
‏يِرْتِعِش مِنِ المَرَض اللي فِيه ‎[G] he is trembling from the illness he is afflicted with
‏في أَمَان الله ‎[G] Goodbye (in god's safety)

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  Root: ق د ر
Word: قُدْرَة / گُدْرَة
  ability, capability, capacity, power

عِنْدَه قُدْرَة (گُدْرَة) + جملة ‎[E.G.] Can he...?, Does he have the ability to...? (or as a statement: he can, he is able to)
‏عِنْدَك القُدْرَة (الگُدْرَة) تْسَوِّي هالمُهِمَّة ‎[E.G.] Can you do this task?, Do you have the ability to do this task?
‏بْقُدْرَة الله ‎[E.G.] by the power of God., By the will of God.
‏نِجَح في شُغْلَه بْقُدْرَة الله ‎[E.G.] He was successful at work by the power of God (i.e. God made him successful at work)

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Word: قَدَّر / گَدَّر، يْقَدِّر / يْگَدِّر
  to appreciate, value (ه =
to estimate, evaluate (ه =
to appreciate, esteem highly, think highly of (ه = / s.o.)
to predetermine, foreordain (ه =

يْقَدّْرُونْهَا ‎[G] they appreciate it / her
‏قَدَّر (گَدَّر) قِيمْتَه (گِيْمْتَه) ‎[E.G.] He estimated its value
‏ما يْقَدِّر (يْگَدِّر) شُغُلْهَا ‎[E.G.] He doesn't appreciate her work
‏ما ما تْقَدّْرِيْن (تْگَدّْرِين) أَعْمَالَه ‎[E.G.] You don't appreciate what he does., You don't appreciate his actions
‏لا قَدَّر (گَدَّر) الله ‎[E.G.] God forbid!

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  Root: ق س م
Word: قِسَم / گِسَم / غِسَم، يْقَسِم / يْگَسِم / يْغَسِم
  to will, destine, foreordain (ه =

الله قِسَم (گِسَم) لَنَا كِذِي (چِذِي) ‎[E.G.] God willed it this way for us

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  Root: ق ص ر
Word: مْقَصِّر / مْگَصِّر، ج مْقَصِّرِيْن / مْگَصِّرِيْن
  falling short (AP)

الله، أنا مْقَصِّر (مْگَصِّر) ‎[G] God, am I falling short?

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  Root: ق ض ي
Word: انْقِضَى / انْگِضَى، يِنْقَضِي / يِنْگَضِي
  to be finished, come to an end

بَعْد كَم (چَم) يَوْم تِنْقَضِي (تِنْگَضِي) القَضِيَّة (الگَضِيَّة) على خَيْر إِنْ شا الله ‎[G] after a few days the problem will be solved, God willing

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  Root: ق و ل
Word: قَاْل / گَاْل، يْقُوْل / يْگُوْل
[B] كَاْل، يْكُوْل
[K] گَاْل (گِلْت)، يْگُوْل
[E] گَاْل (گِلْت)، يْگُوْل
  to say (ه =
(note conjugation, including imperative:
هو گَاْل، يْگُوْل
هي گَاْلَت، تْگُوْل
هم گَاْلُوا، يْگُوْلُون
هن گَاْلِن، يْگَاْلِن
انتَ گِلْت، تْگُوْل، گُوْل
انتِ گِلْتِ، تْگُوْلِيْن، گُوْلِي
أنتم گِلْتُوا، تْگُوْلُوْن، گُوْلُوا
أنتن گِلْتِن، تْگُوْلِن، گُوْلِن
أنا گِلْت، أَگُوْل
نحن گِْنَا، نْگُوْل

قَاْلَوا (گَاْلَوا) ‎[G] they said (the word is said gaalaw)
‏نِقْدَر (نِگْدَر) نْقُول (نْگُول) ‎[G] we can say (that)...
‏قَال (گَال) شَيّ ‎[E.G.] He said something
‏قَال (گَال) إِنَّه جاي (ياي) باكِر (باچِر) ‎[E.G.] He said that he is coming tomorrow
‏قُول (گُول) الصِّدْق (الصِّدْج) ‎[E.G.] Tell the truth!
‏أَقُول (أَگُوْل) ‎[E.G.] Hey! Listen! (Used to draw s.o.'s attention)
‏تْقُول (تْگُول) ‎[E.G.] why do you say?, What do you think?
‏ها يُبَا! شُو تْقُول (تْگُول) ‎[E.G.] Well, father! What do you think?
‏القَال (الگَاْل) وِالقِيْل (والگِيْل) ‎[E.G.] idle talk, prattle, gossip
‏نْقُول (نْگُول) ثَوْر يْقُول (يْگُول) احِلْبَه ‎[E.G.] We say (it's a) bull. He says, milk it!., (meaning) he wants the impossible (said of someone who is so dense that he cannot see an impossible thing, or who argues for an impossible thing) (proverb)
‏اللي ما يْطُول العَنْقُود (العَنْگُود) يْقُول (يْگُول) حامِض ‎[E.G.] He who cannot get the cluster of grapes will say it is sour. (meaning) sour grapes (i.e., one who cannot get something will say it is not worth it anyhow) (proverb)
‏قَال (گَال) طَلِّقْهَا (طَلِّگْهَا) وْخُذ أُخْتها. قال (گال) الله يَلْعَن الثِّنْتَين ‎[E.G.] He said, "Divorce her and take (marry) her sister." He said, "Damn the both of them"., (meaning) Both choices are bad., Between a rock and hard place., (meaning both choices are equally bad, the idea being that both the wife and her sister are from the same parents.) (proverb)
‏ما يْقُول (يْگُول) شَيّ ‎[G] he doesn't say anything

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  Root: ق و ي
Word: قُوَّة / گُوَّة
  force, power, strength

بِالقُوَّة (بِالگُوَّة ‎[G] forcefully, by force
‏القُوَّة (الگُوَّة) ---- الله يْقَوِّيك (يْگَوِّيك) ‎[E.G.] How are you? ---- God make you strong!
‏بالقُوَّة (بالگُوَّة) ‎[E.G.] by force.
‏قُوَّةِ (گُوَّةِ) المَاكِينَة ‎[E.G.] the engine power
‏قُوَّة (گُوَّة) إِمْيَة وْعِشْرِين حْصَان ‎[E.G.] one hundred and twenty horsepower. {guwwat 2imyat w-3i∫riin 7Saan}
‏القُوَّة (الگُوَّة) الجَوِّيَّة ‎[E.G.] the Air Force
‏قُوَّة (گُوَّة) بَحْرِيَّة ‎[E.G.] naval force
‏قُوَّة الِحْدُود ‎[E.G.] the border patrol, the border guard.
‏القُوَّات المُسَلَّحَة ‎[E.G.] the armed forces, the troops
‏لا حَوْلَ وَلَا قُوَّةَ إِلَّا بِالله ‎[G] There is no power or strength except in God! (said as an expression of frustration or when someone is facing something beyond one's apparent ability to control)

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Word: قَوَّى / گَوَّى، يْقَوِّي / يْگَوِّي
  to strengthen, make strong (ه =

الإيمان هُوَّ اللي قَوَّى (گَوَّى) قْلُوبْنَا (گْلُوبْنَا) ‎[K] faith is what strengthened our hearts
‏قَوَّوا (گَوَّوا) المَجْلِس ‎[E.G.] They strengthened the council
‏الله يْقَوِّيك (يْگَوِّيْك) ‎[E.G.] May God strengthen you (possible answer to القُوَّة / l-guwwa, meaning How are you?)
‏القُوَّة (الگُوَّة) ---- الله يْقَوِّيك (يْگَوِّيك) ‎[E.G.] How are you? ---- God make you strong!

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  Root: ك ب ر
Word: أَكْبَر
  greater / greatest

اللهُ أَكْبَر ‎[G] God is great! God is greatest!
‏الله أَكْبَر عَلَيك ‎[G] God is great against you! (expression of exasperation)

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  Root: ك ث ر
Word: كَثَّر، يْكَثِّر
  to increase, augment (ه =, make more (ه = of)

كَثّْرِي الشَّكَر في الشَّاي حَقَّه (حَگَّه) ‎[E.G.] Put a lot of sugar in his tea
‏الله كَثَّر عَلَيهُم الخَير ‎[E.G.] God gave them a lot of wealth.
‏كَثَّر الله مِن أَمْثَالَك ‎[E.G.] May God allow more of the likes of you.

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  Root: ك ر م
Word: كَرَّم، يْكَرِّم
  to honor, treat with respect (ه = s.o.) (often involves the giving of food as well, especially when talking of guests)

يْكَرِّم الخُطَّار ‎[E.G.] He honors guests
‏كَرَّمْتَنَا ---- كَرَّمْك الله ‎[E.G.] You were extremely nice to us ---- may God honor you (answer-response pair)

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  Root: ك م ل
Word: كِمَل، يِكْمَل
  to be completed, become complete, finished, done, be concluded, come to a close

ما تِكْمَل فَرْحَتْنَا إلّا بْرَدَّة أَسْرَانَا إن شا الله ‎[K] our happiness will not be complete unless if our prisoners are returned, God willing
‏هالشَّغْلِة كِمْلَت لَو بَعَد ‎[E.G.] Is this work done or not yet?
‏هالشَّغْلِة تِكْمَل عُقُب (عُگُب) ساعَة ‎[E.G.] this work will be done in an hour

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  Root: ل ا
Word: لَأ / لَا
  don’t, do not (negation of verbs, forming negative commands / the prohibitive) (said la)

لا تْوَصِّي حَرِيْص ‎[G] you don’t have to advise a careful person
‏لا تْدَخِّل عُصَّك في شَيِّن ما يْخُصَّك ‎[G] Don’t put your tailbone in something that does not concern you, don’t stick your nose where it doesn’t belong
‏لا تِلْعَب بِنَار ‎[G] don't play with fire
‏الله لا يْوَفِّقَك (يْوَفِّجَك) ‎[G] May God make you unsuccessful
‏الله لا يْشَوِّفَك مَكْرُوح ‎[G] May God not show you hardship
‏لا تْدِير بال ‎[E.G.] Don't worry.
‏لا تْرُوح وِيَّاهُم ‎[E.G.] don't go with them

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Word: لَأ / لَا
  لا + اسم : no, there is no, there is not (when followed by an indefinite noun. In Arabic grammar this is called لا النَّافِيَة للجِنْسِ )

لا حَوْلَ الله ‎[G] there is no power but God’s (supplication to God for strength)
‏لا حَوْلَ وَلَا قُوَّةَ إِلَّا بِالله ‎[G] there is no power and no strength save God’s
‏لا شَغْلَة ولا مَشْقَلَة ‎[G] no work and no occupation, sitting idle, having nothing to do
‏لا شَهَادَة ولا وَظِيفَة ‎[G] no degree and no job
‏لا شَكّ ‎[E.G.] there's no doubt
‏لا إِلـٰهَ إِلَّا الله ‎[E.G.] Then is no god but God.
‏لا بِدّ ‎[E.G.] there is no escape from, it's inevitable that, must be that
‏لا بِدّ نِشْتَغِل باكِر (باچِر) ‎[E.G.] We must work tomorrow
‏لا بِدّ لَلِهْبُوب مِنِ السِّكُون ‎[E.G.] There must be quiet after the storm
‏لا بَاس ‎[E.G.] either 1. (when used as a response or interjection on its own) It's fine., there's nothing wrong (with it), or 2. (when followed by another statement) there's no objection to..., there's nothing wrong (with)., It's fine that....
‏لا باس تْرُوح وِيَّاهُم ‎[E.G.] There's no objection to your going with them.
‏كَيْف (چَيْف) حالَك؟ ---- لا بَاس ‎[E.G.] How are you ---- Things are fine.
‏لا... وَلَا ‎[E.G.] neither... nor..
‏لا هاذا وَلَا ذاك ‎[E.G.] neither this nor that
‏اِبِن الحَرَام لا يْنَام وَلَا يْخَلِّي النَّاس تْنَام ‎[E.G.] a bastard won't sleep and won't let others sleep (a phrase similar to the English phrase a dog in a manger, meaning someone who won't use something but won't let others use it either) (proverb)

Rate Translation
  Root: ل ع ن
Word: لَعَن، يِلْعَن
[E-Gulf] لِعَن، يِلْعَن
  to damn, curse (ه = s.o. /

الله يِلْعَنْك ‎[E.G.] Damn you!
‏لِعَن الله إِبْلِيس ‎[E.G.] May God's curse be upon the devil!

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Word: لَعْنَة، ج لَعْنَاْت

لَعْنَة الله عَلَيه ‎[E.G.] God's curse upon him!, God damn him!

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  Root: م ا
Word: مَا
  that, which, what (relative pronoun)

مَا شَا الله ‎[G] what God willed (meaning amazing!)
‏ما شا الله ‎[E.G.] that which God willed (exclamation of amazement, like wow! amazing!) (see further under شاء )
‏كِلّْ ما ‎[G] whatever, all that
‏اسم + ما + نفس الاسم ‎[G] this and stuff of that sort (the structure noun + ma + the same noun is common in many dialects of Arabic)
‏فْلُوس وما فْلُوس ‎[G] money and that sort of stuff.

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  Root: م س و
Word: مَسَّى، يْمَسِّي
  to cause (ه = s.o.) to spend the evening (said of God)

مَسَّاك الله بِالخَير ‎[E.G.] Good evening!

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  Root: م ع
Word: مَع
  with, in the company of (preposition)

مَعَ الوَقْت (الوَگْت) ‎[G] as time goes by, with time
‏مَعْ مُرُورِ الوَقِت ‎[G] as time goes by, with the passage of time
‏مَعِ الأَيَّام ‎[G] as the days go by (literally: with days)
‏اِجْتَمَعْنَا مَع بَعْض ‎[G] we met together
‏مَعِ السَّلَامَة ‎[G] go with safety, goodbye (common form of goodbye)
‏اَلله مَعَك = الله مَعَاك ‎[G] God be with you (common form of goodbye)
‏مَع إِنّ ‎[G] even though, despite that...
‏مَع إِنِّي قَلْتْ لَه (گِتْ لَه) ما يْرُوح ‎[G] even though I told him not to go
‏مَعَك = مَعَاك ‎[G] either 1. with you, or 2. (I'm) with you (showing agreement with the person addressed)
‏وْمَع النَّفْط صارَت الدَّولَة غَنِيَّة ‎[K] with the oil, the state became rich
‏وْمَع الغِنَى تَنْمُو ‎[K] and with riches it developed
‏مَع العَلَاوَات يْصِير (يْسِير) الراتِب ثَمَانةَ الاف وِشْوَيَّة ‎[G] with the bonuses the pay becomes eight thousand riyals and a bit
‏مَع السَّلَامَة ‎[E.G.] Goodbye!
‏مَع الأَسَف ‎[E.G.] unfortunately.

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  Root: م ع ل ي ش
Word: مَعَلِيْش

طَيَّب مَعَلِيْش. يَمْكِن بَعْدَيْن إِن شَاء الله. ‎[G-Hijazi] Okay, nevermind. Maybe later.

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  Root: م ل ط
Word: أَمْلَط، ج مِلْط، المؤنث: مَلْطَا
  hairless, one with no hair on one's face or body

بارَك الله في الحُرْمَة المَلْطَا ‎[E.G.] God bless hairless women (this is sometimes claimed to be a hadith, but multiple online sources state that it is not a hadith. the full phrase is بارَك الله في رَجَّاْل الِمْشَعِّر وبارَك الله في الحُرْمَة المَلْطا. At times, online a more fusha-version of the supposed hadith is given, as in: بارَكَ الله في الرَّجُلِ المُشَعِّرِ وبارَكَ الله في المَرْأَةِ المَلْسَاء .)

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  Root: م ن
Word: مِن / مِ / مِنّ
  from, away from, out of (showing point of origin or where something is coming from) (preposition)
(at times, the ن is dropped, especially when followed by the definite article. This may be most common in UAE dialects) (preposition)
(the form مِنّ is used when there is a suffix pronoun)

مِن وَيْن ‎[G] from where
‏أَحْمَد مِن عُمَان ‎[G] Ahmad is from Oman
‏لِبَس كَوت مِن البَرْد ‎[E.G.] he put on a coat due to the cold
‏البَايِق (البَايِگ) دَشّ مِن الدِّرْوِيشَة ‎[E.G.] The thief entered through the window.
‏مِسَكْنِي مِن رِجْلِي (رِيْلِي) ‎[E.G.] he grabbed me by my leg
‏آنَا مِن الِكْوَيت ‎[E.G.] I'm from Kuwait
‏مِن الخارِج ‎[E.G.] from abroad
‏يِسْتَوْرِدُون البَضَايِع مِن الخارِج ‎[E.G.] They import things from abroad
‏طِلَع مِن البَيت ‎[E.G.] He came out from the house
‏مِن هْنَاك = مِنَّاك ‎[E.G.] from there.
‏مِن هْنِي = مِنِّي ‎[E.G.] from here,
‏طِلْعَوا مِنِ اللِّعْبَة مَغْلُوبِين ‎[E.G.] They came out of the game defeated
‏خَذ عِشْرِين دِرْهِم مِنِ المَبْلَغ ‎[E.G.] He took twenty dirhams from the amount of money
‏مِن بَرَّا الله الله، وْمِن الدَّاخِل يِعْلَم الله ‎[E.G.] On the outside (saying) God, God, and on the inside only God knows (what they are like)., (meaning) Fair without and foul within. (proverb)
‏تِقْدَر (تِگْدَر) تِشْرَب مِنَّه ‎[G] You can drink some of it
‏ما عَلَيك مِنَّه ‎[G] don't bother with him. Don't have anything to do with him.
‏ما عَلَيك مِنِ اللي يْقُولَه (يْگُولَه) ‎[G] Don't pay attention to anything he says.
‏خَذَت مِنَّا أَلْف دِيَنَار ‎[G] She took a thousand dinars from us
‏لا تِشْتِرِي مِنَّه ‎[G] don't buy from him
‏ أَشْيَا مِنِ بْلَاسْتِيك ‎[G] stuff made of plastic., Plastic things

Rate Translation
  Root: م ن ن
Word: مَنّ، يْمِنّ
  to bless (ه = s.o.)

الله مَنّ عَلَيها بْنِعِمْتَه ‎[E.G.] God blessed her with His grace.

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  Root: م ن و
Word: مَنِيَّة

المَوت بْيَدّ الله = المَنِيَّة بْيَدّ الله ‎[E.G.] Death is in God's hands.

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  Root: م و ت
Word: مَوْت

الواحَد ما يِدْرِي. الدِّنْيَا حَيَا وْمَوْت ‎[G] one doesn't know (what will happen). This world is life and death (one may die at any time) (common expression)
‏المَوت بْيَدّ الله = المَنِيَّة بْيَدّ الله ‎[E.G.] Death is in God's hands.

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Word: مَيِّت، ج أَمْوَاْت / مْوَاْت، المؤنث: مَيّْتَة
  dead man, deceased person (adjective)

الله يِرْحَم امْوَاتْنَا (مْوَاتْنَا) ‎[E.G.] God bless the souls of our dead!

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  Root: ن ج و
Word: نَجَّى، يْنَجِّي
  to save, rescue, deliver (ه = s.o., من = from

الله نَجَّى اِبْنِي مِنِ المَوت ‎[E.G.] God saved my son from death

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  Root: ن ز ل
Word: نَزَّل، يْنَزِّل
  to take down, bring down (ه =

نَزَّلْت سَامانِي تَحَت ‎[E.G.] I took my stuff downstairs
‏نَزَّلَت الپَرْدَة ‎[E.G.] She let the curtain down
‏الله يْنَزِّل عَلَيك الغَضَب ‎[E.G.] May God send his wrath down upon you!

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Word: نَزَّل، يْنَزِّل
  to reveal, send down (ه = a revelation, على = to a prophet)

الله نَزَّل القُرْآن (الغُرْآن) على سَيِّدْنَا مُحَمَّد ‎[E.G.] God revealed the Quran to our prophet Muhammad

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  Root: ن ع م
Word: نِعْمَة، ج نِعَم
[E-Gulf] نِعْمَة، ج نِعَم
  blessing, benefaction, grace

اِحْمَد رَبَّك على النِّعْمَة وْصُوْنْهَا ‎[K] praise the Lord for this blessing and protect it!
‏هاذِي نِعْمَة مِن الله ‎[E.G.] This is a blessing from God.,
‏الحَمْدُ لِله. شِبِعْت. نِعْمَة ‎[E.G.] Praise be to God! I'm full. It's a blessing.
‏اِبِن نِعْمَة ‎[E.G.] man from a wealthy family
‏بِنْت نِعْمَة ‎[E.G.] woman from a wealthy family

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Word: أَنْعَم، يِنْعِم
  to be bountiful to (على = s.o.), to bless (على = s.o.), to bless (على = s.o., ب = with) (of God)

الله أَنْعَم عَلَيْنَا ‎[E.G.] God has blessed us.
‏الله أَنْعَم عَلَيْنَا بالخَيْر ‎[E.G.] God made us wealthy
‏الله أَنْعَم عَلَينَا بْوَلَد ‎[E.G.] God blessed us with a (baby) boy
‏الله أَنْعَم عَلَيْهُم ‎[E.G.] God has blessed them.

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  Root: ن ق م
Word: انْتِقَم / انْتِگَم، يِنْتَقِم / يِنْتَگِم
  to get revenge (من = on)

الله يِنْتَقِم (يِنْتَگِم) مِنَّك ‎[E.G.] God get revenge on you!

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  Root: ه ب ي
Word: هَبَى / هَبَا، يَهْبِي
  to vanish, end in smoke, dissolve into nothing

هَبَاك الله ‎[G] may God wipe you off the face of the Earth, may God make you vanish
‏هَبَاك الله ‎[G] may God wipe you from existence

Rate Translation
  Root: ه د ي
Word: هِدَى، يِهْدِي
[E-Gulf] هِدَى، يْهَدِي
  to guide, lead (ه = s.o.), to lead (ه = s.o.) on the right path

الله هَدَاك ‎[K] God guide you (even though in the past tense, this is a common prayer. It is also said sometimes in frustration, like when someone doesn't want to say something rude so will say الله هداك .)
‏وَين الله هَدَاك ‎[K] you are way off, you have no idea what you're talking about
‏الله يِهْدِيه ‎[E.G.] God guide him (this is one of those phrases that is used in a variety of contexts. Like if you see someone doing something wrong, you might say الله يهديه . But also if someone wrongs you, instead of cursing at him, you might say الله يهديه .)

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  Root: ه ن ا
Word: هَنِي
  هَنِيًّا : I hope you enjoyed it. I hope it would bring you good health (said to s.o. who has just eaten or drunk water. The response is هَنَّاك الله)

هَنِيًّا ‎[E.G.] I hope you enjoyed it. I hope it would bring you good health (said to s.o. who has just eaten or drunk water. The response is هَنَّاك الله)

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Word: هَنَّا / هَنَّى، يْهَنِّي
  to make happy, delight (ه = s.o.)

الله يْهَنِّيك بْحَيَاتَك ‎[E.G.] God make you happy in your life.
‏هَنَّاك الله ‎[E.G.] May God make you happy (response to هَنِيًّا )

Rate Translation
  Root: و
Word: وَ / وْ
  by, (I) swear by (form of an oath)

وَاللهِ العَظِيم ‎[G] By God Almighty
‏وَالله ‎[G] either 1. By God!, or 2. honestly, really, I mean it (when used casually, like a form of emphasis), or 3. well… (when used to show someone is thinking or transitioning)
‏وْرَاس إِخْتَك ‎[G] I swear by the head of your sister
‏وْعَين أَبُوي ‎[G] I swear by my father’s eye
‏وْعَيْن أَبُوي ‎[G] by my father's eye
‏وَالله ‎[E.G.] by God!, Really., Honestly (used loosely as a form of emphasis)
‏وحَقَّ (وحَگَّ) الله ‎[E.G.] By God!, Really., Honestly (used loosely as a form of emphasis)
‏والله ما ادْرِي ‎[E.G.] By God, I don't know. Honestly, I don't know.

Rate Translation
  Root: و ج ه
Word: وَجْه / وَيْه، ج وْجُوْه / وُجُوْه / وْيُوْه / وُيُوْه
[E-Gulf] وَيْه، ج وْيُوْه

بْوَجْهِي (بْوَيْهِي) ‎[G] in my face
‏اسْتِحِي على وَجْهَك (وَيْهَك) ‎[E.G.] Shame on you!
‏بَيَّض الله وَجْهَه (وَيْهَه) ‎[E.G.] may God make him happy.

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  Root: و ح د
Word: وَحَّد، يْوَحِّد
  to declare (ه = God) to be one

وَحَّد الله ‎[E.G.] he declared God to be one (by saying لا إله إلّا الله )

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  Root: و ر ي
Word: وَرَا
  behind, in the rear of, at the back of (preposition)

وَرَا الِبْيُوت ‎[G] behind the houses (referrence also to things done in secret or out of public site)
‏الله يَعْلَم شُو يْصِير وَرَا الِبْيُوت ‎[G] God (only) knows what happens in people's backyards
‏وَرَايَا ‎[G] behind me
‏في مَوْقِف سَيَّارَات وَرَا الِبْنَايَة ‎[E.G.] There's a parking lot behind the building
‏في وَرْد في البِسْتَان وَرَا البَيْت ‎[E.G.] There are roses in the backyard.
‏في كَلْب (چَلْب) وَرَاك ‎[E.G.] There's a dog behind you
‏كان (چان) ماشِي وَرَانَا ‎[E.G.] He was walking behind us
‏مِن وَرَا ‎[E.G.] either 1. from behind, from the back of, or 2. from, resultant from, caused by
‏طِلَع مِن وَرَا السَّيَّارَة ‎[E.G.] He came out from behind the car.
‏طِلَع مِن وَرَا الكَنَبَة ‎[E.G.] he came out from behind the sofa
‏كِلّ المَشَاكِل مِن وَرَاك ‎[E.G.] You are the cause of all the problems.
‏هالمَشَاكِل تِجِي (تِيِي) مِن وَرَا الِعْيَال ‎[E.G.] These problems are caused by kids
‏كان في سَيَّارَات وَرَا وْقِدَّام (وْجِدَّام) سَيَّارَةِ الرَّئِيس تْحَرْسَه (تْحَرْصَه) ‎[G] There were cars in front and behind the president's car protecting him

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  Root: و س ع
Word: وَاْسِع، المؤنث: وَاْسْعَة
  spacious, extensive

حِجْرَة واسْعَة ‎[E.G.] spacious room.
‏الله واسِع الرَّحْمَة ‎[E.G.] God is abounding in mercy.
‏واسِع الصَّدِر ‎[E.G.] patient.

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Word: وَسَّع، يْوَسِّع
  to be generous toward (على = s.o.), to make (على = s.o.) wealthy

الله وَسَعْهَا عَلَيْنَا ‎[E.G.] God was generous to us.

Rate Translation
  Root: و ف ق
Word: وَفَّق / وَفَّگ / وَفَّج، يْوَفِّق / يْوَفِّگ / يْوَفِّج
[E-Gulf] وَفَّگ / وَفَّج، يْوَفِّگ / يْوَفِّج
  to make successful, grant success, grant prosperity (ه = to s.o.) (usually said of God)

الله لا يْوَفِّقَك (يْوَفِّجَك) ‎[G] May God make you unsuccessful
‏الله وَفَّقَه (وَفَّگَه) وْصار مُدِير ‎[E.G.] God granted him success and became a manager
‏الله يِرْضَى عَلَيك وْيْوَفِّقْكَ (يْوَفِّگَك) ‎[E.G.] May God be pleased with you and make you successful.

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Word: تَوْفِيْق / تَوْفِيگ
  success, prosperity

على الله التَّوفَيق (التَّوفِيگ) ‎[E.G.] Success is given by God.
‏التَّوفِيق (التَّوفِيگ) مِن الله ‎[E.G.] success is from God

Rate Translation
  Root: و ك ل
Word: تْوَكَّل، يِتْوَكَّل
  to trust in, put one's confidence in (على =, especially God)

تْوَكَّل على الله ‎[E.G.] Trust in God

Rate Translation
  Root: و ه ب
Word: مَوْهِبَة، ج مَوَاْهِب
  talent, gift

عِنْدَه مَوْهِبَة في الفَنّ ‎[E.G.] He has a talent for art.
‏هاذي مَوْهِبَة مِن الله ‎[E.G.] This is a gift from God

Rate Translation
  Root: ي ا
Word: يَا
  O, Oh, hey (vocative particle. Always followed by an adjective or noun. Used in addressing s.o. or expressing admiration or surprise )
(the particle يا may be used before just about any of God's attributes to express some kind of exclamation)

اللهُمَّ يا كافِي ‎[G] O God, protect us! (literally, O God, the sufficient) (used especially when calling on God for help)
‏يا الله ‎[G] Oh God! (expression of amazement or surprise)
‏يَا الله ‎[G] Oh God!
‏يَا بَعْد حَيَاْتِي ‎[G] may you outlive me, may you live long
‏يا اْبُوك ‎[G] on man, on brother (literally: O your father)
‏يا مَقْطُوْع (مَگْطُوْع) النَّصِيْب ‎[G] may your chance (of life) be cut off
‏يا حْسَين ‎[E.G.] Oh, Hussein!, Hey, Hussein!
‏يا رَبِّي ‎[E.G.] my Lord God!
‏يا خُوي ‎[E.G.] Brother!, My brother!
‏يا أُمِّي ‎[E.G.] Mother! (respectful form of address to an old woman)
‏يُمَّا ‎[E.G.] Mom!, Mother! (contract of يا ماما )
‏يا يُبَا ‎[E.G.] Father! (contraction of يا بابا )
‏يا هَلَا وْمَرْحَبَا! يا حَيَّ الله ‎[E.G.] Welcome, welcome!

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Word: يَاْ / يَاْه
  mine, my (first person possessive pronoun. The usage if يا or ياه is common Qatar, especially in poetry. It is called هاء السَكْت )

عَبَاْيْتْيَاه ‎[Q] my cloak
‏بَيْتَِيَاْه ‎[Q] my house
‏ثَوْبِيَاْه ‎[Q] my garment
‏جَاه الله عَلَيك ‎[E.G.] please! I'm pleading with you! (literally: God's honor upon you)
‏جَاه الله عَلَيك تْسَاعِدْنِي ‎[E.G.] Please, help me!

Rate Translation
  Root: ي ل ل ا
Word: يَللا / يَلَّا / يا الله
  Come on! hurry up! Let’s go!

يللا حَبِيبي ‎[G] come hear, hon!
‏يللا، زَهّْبِي لْنَا العَشَا ‎[E.G.] hurry and prepare dinner for us!

Rate Translation
Word: يَللا / يَلَّا / يا الله
  يللا + فعل : let’s…

يللا ما مْحَمَّد ‎[E.G.] Let's go, Muhammad

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Word: يَللا / يَلَّا / يا الله
  just, barely

المَعَاش على قَدّ (گَدّ) الحال يللا يَكْفِي ‎[E.G.] The salary is not much, it's barely enough

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Word: يَللا / يَلَّا / يا الله
  until, till

تْرَيَّيْتَه يللا جا (يَا) ‎[E.G.] I waited for him until he came

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  Root: ا ث م
Word: إِثَم، يَأْثِم، إِثِم
  to sin

إِثَمِتْ عِندَ الله ‎[I] You sinned in the eyes of God.

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  Root: ا ج ر
Word: أَجِر
  reward, recompense

أَجْرَك عَظِيم عِندَ الله ‎[I] Your reward will be great in Heaven.

Rate Translation
  Root: ا ج ل
Word: أَجَل، ج آجَاْل
  (appointed) time, instant of death.

أَجَلَه جاي ‎[I] His time is coming.
‏الأَجَل بِاْيْد اَلله ‎[I] Men's lives are in God's hands.

Rate Translation
  Root: ا خ ذ
Word: أَخَذ، يَاْخُذ / يَاْخِذ، أَخِذ، الأمر: أُخُذ
  to take (some thing)

أُخُذ اِشْقَدّ ما تْرِيد ‎[I] Take as much as you want
‏الخَيّاط أَخَذ لي أَوْلْچِي ‎[I] The tailor took my measurements.
‏ عِندْ يا رَسام أَخَذِت هالرَسِم ‎[I] Which photographer's did you have this picture taken at
‏خَل نأخُذ هالطَريق. هَذا أقْصَر ‎[I] Let's take this road. It's shorter.
‏ رَح أَخُذ هالشُغُل عَلى عَاتْقيِ ‎[I] I will take this job on myself.
‏ أَخَذ لَه فال ‎[I] He told his fortune,
‏ نْطِي عَِاشِر إفْلُوس حتى يأخُذ لَك فال ‎[I] Give him ten fils so he will tell your fortune.
‏أخُذ قِرْفَة (گِرْفَة). صار لَو لا؟ ‎[I] Face the facts. Did it happen or not (the phrase صار لَه او لا is said Saar loo la)
‏ أخُذ قِرْفَة (گِرْفَة). أوَّل ما خَلَّص الكُلِّيَّة، صار أسْتاذ ‎[I] Face it. As soon as he finished college, he became a professor.
‏أبو التاكْسي، الله يِخَلِّيك، أخذني لفُندق بغداد ‎[I] taxi driver, please, take me to Baghdad Hotel;
‏ رَح يَاْخْذُوْنِي جِنْدِي إِخْبَاْرِي ‎[I] they will draft me
‏خُدْها مِنْ عِنْدِي. مِتْأمِنَة الشَغْلَة ‎[I] I give you my word. It is secure.

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Word: أَخَذ، يَاْخُذ / يَاْخِذ، أَخِذ، الأمر: أُخُذ
  to take, take away

مِنهُ أخَذ قَلَمِي؟ ‎[I] Who took my pencil
‏إلْحَق (إلحگ) لَه. الماي أَخَذهَ ‎[I] Go get him. The current's taken him.
‏!الله يَاْخُذ رُوحَك ‎[I] May God take your life!
‏َأَخَذ وَحْدةَ مِن بَنَاتْهُم ‎[I] He married one of their daughters.
‏أَخَذوهُ جُنْدِي ‎[I] They took him into the army.
‏أَخَذ وُجِهْها = أَخَذ بَكَارَتْها ‎[I] He took her virginity.
‏خَلي نْروح نَأخُذ مِن خاطْرهَ ‎[I] Let's go ease his mind (of grief, anger, etc.).

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  Root: ا ذ ن
Word: إِذِن
  permission, authorization

بإِذْن الله ‎[I] God willing, with God's permission.
‏إِذِن نَامَة ‎[I] Marriage certificate (of Persian origin, the word نامة means book or letter, so literaly it is the letter of permission) (Idhin namah)

Rate Translation
  Root: ا ك و
Word: أَكُو
  there is, there are

أَكُو خَمْسين دِينَار بْجَيبي ‎[I] There's fifty dinars in my pocket,
‏أَكُو أَحَّد بالبَيت؟ ‎[I] Is there anyone at home
‏أَكُو عِنْدَه ‎[I] he has.
‏أَكُو عِنْدَك قَلَم؟ ‎[I] Do you have a pencil
‏ماكُو / ما اْكُو ‎[I] there is, there isn't (negative from ما + أكو)
‏أَكُو عَدَّاد بالسَيَّارة ‎[I] is there a meter in the taxi?
‏شاكُو ‎[I] what? (see further under شكو ‎[I] because it is such a common expression it needs its own entry);
‏شَكُو ماكُو ‎[I] Is there, or isn't there anything happenning? Used when asking someone about what is happenning with his life or what is happenning in general. (Shaku maku / شكو ماكو is supposedly of ancient Sumerian or Chaldean origin).
‏أَكُو وُأَلَّا مَا كُو چَاي؟ ‎[I] is there or isn't there tea?
‏كَم (چَم) يُوم أَكُو بِالإسْبُوع؟ ‎[I] how many days are in a week?
‏إنْ شَاء الله مَا اكُو شي ‎[I] God-willing, there is nothing wrong
‏مِن أَكُو عِنْدَك تِقْدَر (تِگْدَر) تْخَصُّص لْهَالشَغْلَة؟ ‎[I] who do you have that you can assign for this job?
‏شَاْكُو بِيْها ‎[I] what is wrong with it?
‏باق (باگ) الأَكُو وْالمَاْكُو وْشِلَع ‎[I] He stole everything and fled.
‏ال اَكُو وال مَاْكُو ‎[I] everything
‏مِنُو أَكُو عِدْكُم بالبَيت؟ ‎[I] Who is with you in the house?
‏ما نِعْرِف شَاْكُو مَاْكُو بْهالبَلَد ‎[I] We do not know what is going on in this town.
‏أَصْلا ماكُو مِنَّه ‎[I] There is nothing else like it.

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  Root: ا ل ه
Word: الله

يا الله شْلَون وِيَّاك؟ ‎[I] My God! What am I going to do with you
‏لا دِّير بَال. خَلِّيهَ يَمّ الله ‎[I] Don't worry. Leave it in God's hands,
‏الله عَلَيك لا تْقُل (تْگُل) لهَ ‎[I] By God, don't you tell him.
‏الله شَاهِد ما قِبَل يَاخُذِ فْلُوس ‎[I] As God is my witness, he wouldn't take any money.
‏على اَلله = عَ الله ‎[I] Can't complain, (an answer to شْلَوْنَك and شْلَوْن صِحّْتَك , etc.)
‏بَيْت الله ‎[I] either 1. the Kaaba, or 2. (by extension) Mecca
‏في أْمانَ الله ‎[I] in God's care/safety (often used as goodbye). Note this is said fimAnAllAh;
‏بَاْلله ‎[I] said bAllA, meaning either 1. is it so, is it true or 2. please;
‏أُجْرة تاكْسي هْوايَة، بالله ‎[I] the taxi fare is expensive, isn't it?
‏بالله قد چيجارة ‎[I] a cigarette please;
‏مُو بالله ‎[I] isn't that so, isn't it that
‏العِراق بَلَد قديم، مو بالله ‎[I] Iraq is an ancient country, isn't that so?
‏سَيْسَم الله = شَيْسَم الله = شَيخ اِسْمَ الله ‎[I] A kind of herbs with edible pulp (saysam alla)
‏بالله ‎[I] by God
‏الله وُيَّاْك ‎[I] God be with you
‏أَمْرِي لله ‎[I] there is not much I can do/ it is up to God (expression)
‏الله يْشَاْفِيَه ‎[I] may God heal him
‏لَي مِشِت، الله عَلَيْهَا ‎[I] when she walks, mention the name of God upon her (as protection from the evil eye.)
‏والله وبِالله وتِالله ‎[I] an expression indicating a promise

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Word: الله

الله يِنْطِيك اِلعافْيَة ‎[I] God give you strength. (Said to someone carrying a heavy load, or engaged in strenuous or difficult work.)
‏أَعُوذُ باِلله ‎[I] God forbid (lit. I take shelter with God),
‏قَسَمًا بِالله ما اَعْرُف ‎[I] I swear by God I don't know.
‏لِلهِ دَرَّ + ضمير ‎[I] how capable, how good, how excellent he is! (literally his achievement is due to God, but used as a form of praise)
‏لِله دَرَّه، شْلَوْن شَاْعِر ‎[I] My God what a poet! (lit. his achievement is due to God).
‏الْحَمْدُ لِله ‎[I] thank God, praise God.
‏الحَمْدُ لِله، صِحّْتِي زَيْنَة ‎[I] I'm in good health, thank you
‏سُبْحان الله ‎[I] praise God (expression of surprise), my God, my goodness,
‏سُبْحان الله، العام كان (چان) مِفْلِس وهَسَّا زَنْگِين ‎[I] My God, last year he was broke, and now he's rich,
‏سُبحان الله على هالجَّمَال ‎[I] My goodness what beauty!
‏سُبْحان الله هالكِذِب (هالچِذِب) ‎[I] My God what a lie
‏سُبْحان الله، الْ ما عِنْدَه وَاسْطَة، ما يِمْشِي سُغْلَه ‎[I] My God, anyone without pull won't get anywhere.

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Word: الله
  ما شا الله / ماشالله : literally: whatever God willed, used as either 1. good, thank goodness, or 2. (an exclamation of surprise) amazing!

ما شا الله، صِحّْتَكِ تْحَسِّنَت ‎[I] Good, your health has improved.
‏ما شا الله! ياهُو الْ يِجي يْصِير وَزِير ‎[I] Amazing! Anyone who comes along can become a minister.

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Word: الله
  ماشالله : good, amazing (lit. whatever God intend, an expression of surprise or praise)

ماشالله اِبْنِي نِجَحِ بْكُلِّ الدّْرُوس ‎[I] Great! My son passed in all subjects
‏ماشَالله، هَذَا شْلَون يْصِير وَزِير ‎[I] Amazing! How can that guy become a minister

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Word: الله
  سْمَالله / اْسْمَالله : By God (literally the name of God, from اِسِم الله , a phrase to ward off potential evil, to express solicitousness and occasionally, admiration.)

اْسْمَالله! خَو ما تْعَوَّرِت ‎[I] God save you! You didn't get hurt, did you?
‏اْسْمَالله! بِعِيد الشَّرّْ عَنَّا ‎[I] Heaven forbid. I hope he'll be all right.
‏اْسْمَالله عَلَيه، سَخَّنِ شْوَيَّة ‎[I] Poor thing, he's gotten a slight fever!
‏اْسْمَالله يابا، شْلَوْنِ اْبْنِيَّة حِلْوَة ‎[I] God, man, what a pretty girl!

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Word: الله
  نْشالله : If God wills, God willing.

نْشالله رَح اَرُوح لَيْه بَاكِر (باچِر) ‎[I] God willing, I'm going to go see him tomorrow. (note use of رح after inshallah. Interesting usage since نشالله is usually followed by an unmarked present tense verb. It can probably be explained by the fact that نشالله is considered "separate" in this case from the main clause, like a stand alone interjection tacked onto the sentence.)
‏نْشالله تِنْجَح ‎[I] I hope you pass

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Word: الله
  بِاْسْمِ الله : in the name of God

قَبُل ما تاكُل، قُول (گول) بِاْسْمِ الله ‎[I] Before you eat, say "In the name of God."

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Word: الله
  نْشالله / إِن شاءَ الله : if God wills, God willing (meaning anything from "I hope so" to "when pigs fly," depending on tone and context. Often used when speaking of a plan or happening in the near or distant future, in which case the following verb is a present tense verb without a marker. Sometimes indicating an intentional vagueness of one's own plans.)

نْشالله تْصِير وَزِير ‎[I] You'll become a minister, I hope.
‏نْشالله رَحَ اْشْتِرِي سَيَّارَة اليَوْم ‎[I] I'm planning to buy a car today.
‏تِجي بَاكر (باچِر) ---- نْشالله ‎[I] Are you coming tomorrow? ---- I might.

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Word: الله
  وَاْلله / وْاَلله / وَاللهِ : by God (a commonly oath, meaning either:
1. definitely, really
2. well, uh, umm (as a form of expletive)
3. really! my God! (an expression of surprise)

والله ما اَقْبَل أَقَلّْ مِن مِيت دِينار ‎[I] I really won't accept less than one hundred dinars, ,
‏وَالله، ما اَتْذَكَّر ‎[I] Gosh, I don't remember.
‏والله، أَبُويا بَعْدَه مَرِيض ‎[I] My father's still sick.
‏وَالله؟ صُدُق (صُدُگ) اِنْقِبَل بِالجَّامِعة ‎[I] Really? Did he actually get accepted in the university?

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Word: الله
يا الله / يللا : (see under يللا)
Word: الله
  حَيَّالله : anything at all, anyone at all, any old thing (from حَيَّا الله , meaning God grant...)

دا يْوَظِّفُوْن حَيَّالله ‎[I] They're hiring just anyone those who have a degree and those who don't,
‏نْطِيني حَيَّالله هالمَوْجُود، الحَجِم مُو مُهِمّ ‎[I] Give me whatever is available. The size isn't important
‏اللَوْن ما يِفْرُق. حَيَّالله ‎[I] The color doesn't make any difference. Anything (is fine)
‏تْرِيدِ قْمَاش مِن نَوْع مُعَيِّن لَو حَيَّالله ‎[I] Do you want a particular kind of cloth or just anything

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  Root: ا م ر
Word: أَمُر، ج أُمُوْر
  matter, affair, concern, business.

بأَوَّل الأَمُر ‎[I] in the beginning, at first. II
‏يْبَيِّن قِضى أَمْرْهَ ‎[I] Looks like it's all over for him.
‏ش اقْدَر (اگْدَر) اسَوِّي؟ أَمْري لالله ‎[I] What can I do My fate is up to God.
‏أَمْرِي لله ‎[I] there is not much I can do/ it is up to God (expression)
‏أَمْرِي بيِد الله ‎[I] the matter is in God's hands (expression)
‏أَمْرِي عَلَى الله ‎[I] the matter is up to God (expression)
‏سَلَّمِت أَمْرِي لله ‎[I] I have submitted the matter to God (expression)
‏فَوَّضِت أَمْرِي لله ‎[I] I entrusted the matter to God (expression)

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  Root: ا م ن
Word: أَمَان
  security, safety, protection

في أَمَان الله ‎[I] Good-bye (lit., in God's protection).
‏فِيمَانْ الله ‎[I] Goodbye (literally, ‎[Go] in God's protection)

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  Root: ا ه ل
Word: اْسْتَاْهَل، يِسْتَاْهِل
  to deserve, merit, be worthy of

اْسْتَاْهَل التَرْفِيع ‎[I] He deserved the promotion.
‏تِسْتَاْهِل. ما قِت (گت) لَك أُقْعُد (أگعد) رَاحة ‎[I] You deserve it. Didn't I tell you to be good?
‏مِسْتَاْهِل. حَيْل بِي. لَازِم كَان (چَان) يِنْطِرِد مِن زَمَان ‎[I] He deserved it, and more. He should have been fired long ago.
‏لَيش ما يِسْتَاْهِلْها؟ قَابل عَائِلَتْها أَحْسَن مِن عَاْئِلْتْهَ؟ ‎[I] Why isn't he worthy of her? Is her family better than his?
‏مِسْتَاْهِلْهَ. وْشَاْيِف الخَير إن شاء الله ‎[I] You deserve it. Good luck (congratulatory phrase for use on occasions of new acquisitions).

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  Root: ب
Word: بْ / بِ / ـِبْ
  in the condition or state of (frequently paraphrases an English adverb)

يَلّا بالعَجَل! ‎[I] Come on, make it snappy!
‏جَا بسُرْعَة ‎[I] He came in a hurry.
‏إِلِبْسَه بالعَافْية ‎[I] Wear it in health,
‏بالخَير إِنْ شَاء الله ‎[I] Hope you have good luck.
‏شِفْتَه بالصِدْفَة ‎[I] I saw him by accident.
‏ ما اَكو أَحَّدِ بْقُوتَه‎[I] There's no one with his strength.
‏بِيْش ‎[I] how much? (interrogative)
‏السَّاْعَة بِيْش؟ ‎[I] what time is it?
‏هَذا اللَحَم بِيْش الكِيْلُو؟ ‎[I] how much per kilo is this meat?
‏بِيْش بِطَاْقَة الطَّيَّاْرَة؟ ‎[I] how much is the airplane ticket?
‏سَاْعَة بِيْش تْرُوح لِلدْكْتُور؟ ‎[I] what time will you go to the doctor?
‏بِعْيُوني السَّهَر ‎[I] my eyes stayed away all night

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  Root: ب ح ب ح
Word: بَحْبَح، يْبَحْبِح
  to enjoy oneself, have a good time

 بَحْبِح, الله رَبَّك ‎[I] Enjoy yourself, God's taking care of you.

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  Root: ب خ ت
Word: بَخَت

شْلَون بَخَت عِنْدَه! كُلّ ما يِلْعَب, يِرْبَح ‎[I] What luck he has! I Every time he plays, he wins.
‏آني بْبَخْتَك, لا تُضْرُبْني ‎[I] I'm at your mercy, don't hit me.
‏بْبَخْتَك! تْوَنَّس ‎[I] You lucky guy! Have a good time!
‏بْبَخْتَك! آني قِلِت (گلت) فَدّ شِي ما زَين؟ ‎[I] Now I ask you, did I say anything wrong?
‏بْبَخْت الله, فُكّْني. عِنْدِي عَشْرِ جْهَاْل ‎[I] For the love of God, let me go! I have ten kids.
‏عَلَى بَخْتَك, آنِي أَقُول (اگول) هِيكي (هيچي) شِي؟ ‎[I] For crying out loud, would I say such a thing?
‏عَلَى بَخْتَك, النَهَار كُلَّه ما اَكَلِت ‎[I] Have a heart, I haven't eaten all day.
‏عَلَى بَخْتَك! شْلَون رَح اَطَعُّم الجِهَال؟ ‎[I] My God! How am I going to feed the kids!
‏عَلَى بَخْتَك! المَسْكِين! شْوَقِت مَات؟ ‎[I] For God's sake! The poor guy! When did he die?
‏عَلَى بَخْتَك! البَانزِين خِلَص ‎[I] Now what do we do? We're out of gas.
‏قَاْل (گَاْل) أَبُو المَثَل: عِيْش بْبَخِت, وقُوْم (گُوْم) بْبَخِت. مَقْرُوْد (مَگْرُوْد) يَالْما عِنْدَك حَظ وْبَخِت ‎[I] As the saying goes, live in luck and raise in luck. Pity the one who has no luck/ some people are lucky and others are not (idiomatic phrase).
‏سَبِع صَنَاْيِع والبَخِت ضَاْيِع ‎[I] Seven jobs, but no luck/ the person is not lucky (idiomatic phrase).

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  Root: ب د ل
Word: بْدَاْل
  بْدَال + اسم = بْبِدَال + اسم : in lieu of, in place of, in exchange for

أَرِيد دِينَارِ بْدَاْل القَلَم اِللي كْسَرِت لِي يّاه ‎[I] I want a dinar in exchange for the pen you broke,
‏ما اَكو طَمَاطة بالسُوق (سُوگ), شِ تْرِيدِ بْبِدَالْها؟ ‎[I] There aren't any tomatoes in the market. What do you want in place of them?
‏ ما لي خُلُق (خُلُگ). رُوحِ بْبِدَالِي ‎[I] I don't feel well. Go in my place.
‏تْرِيد قَلَمي؟ زَين, اِشْ تِنْطِيني بْدَالَه؟ ‎[I] You want my pen? Okay, what'll you give me in exchange for it
‏الله بْدَاْلَك ‎[I] I wouldn't cheat you (lit., God is in your place).

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  Root: ب ر ب ع
Word: بَرْبَع، يْبَرْبِع
  to thrive, prosper, to live in luxury, without want (by extension)

الغَنَم رَحِ تْبَرْبِعِ بْهالخَضَار ‎[I] The sheep will thrive in this pasturage.
‏بَرْبَعِ بْهالشُغُل ‎[I] He prospered in that business.
‏بَرْبِع! الله رَبَّك ‎[I] Enjoy yourself! God's taking care of you.

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  Root: ب ر ك
Word: بَرَكَة
  blessing, boon

هالسَنة بَرَكة. المَحْصُول كُلّش زَين ‎[I] This year is a lucky one. The harvest is very good.
‏هالاِفْلُوس ما بِيها بَرَكة ‎[I] This money doesn't do any good,
‏مَاشَالله بَرَكة. يَوم عَلَى يَوم يْزِيد ‎[I] God's been generous, there's more every day.
‏عَل بَرَكة نَجَاحَك ‎[I] Congratulations on your success.
‏مِن بَرَكْة الله, شُغْلي زَين ‎[I] Thank God, my business is good.
‏حَلَّت البَرَكَة ‎[I] You are most welcome here (as a greeting. Literally: "blessing prevailed")

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Word: بَاْرَك، يْبَاْرِك
  to bless, to bestow a blessing (said of God)

اَللّٰهُمَّ زِد وَ بَاْرِك ‎[I] God increase and bless.
‏الله يْبَاْرِك, يَوم عَلَى يَوم دَ يْصِير أَزگن ‎[I] Bless his heart. Day by day he gets richer.
‏بَاْرَك الله بِيك ‎[I] God bless you

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Word: بَاْرَك، يْبَاْرِك
  to offer congratulations, felicitations

بَاْرَك لَه عَن النَجَاح ‎[I] He congratulated him on his success.
‏سْمَعِت جَا لَه وَلَد, خَلِّي نْرُوحِ نْبَاْرِك له ‎[I] I heard he has a son. Let's go congratulate him.
‏أَشْكُرَك, الله يْبَاْرِك لَك ‎[I] Thank you, the same to you (an answer to مْبارَك )

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  Root: ب ش ر
Word: بَشَّر
  to bear glad tidings, to tell (ه = s.o.) good news

عَمَّك، مَرْتَه جَابَت وَلَد. رُوح بَشِّرَه ‎[I] Your uncle's wife had a boy. Go give him the good news,
‏بَشَّرَك اَلله بِالخَيْر ‎[I] May God gladden you also with good tidings. (polite reply to someone bringing good news)

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  Root: ب ل ك ي
Word: بَلْكِي / بَلْكَت / بَلْكَن / بَلْكًا / بَلَاْكِن
  perhaps, maybe, could, hopefully (balki, balkan, balkat)

بَلْكِي مات بَاكِر (بَاچِر)، خَلِّي نِسْأَلَه هَسَّا ‎[I] Maybe he'll die tomorrow; let's ask him now
‏اْنْتِظِر فَدّ عَشِر دَقَايِق، بَلْكَت يِجِي ‎[I] Wait about ten minutes, perhaps he'll come
‏سْمَعِت صَار جَنَرَال -- بَلْكَت ‎[I] I heard he became a general -- It could be
‏بلكي تجينا باكِر (باچِر) = بلكن تجينا = بلكت تجينا ‎[I] she might come to us tomorrow, she might visit us tomorrow
‏بلاكن ما يصيرِ تْمُرّ علينا ‎[I] she might not drop by
‏بِلْكَت نْرُوح للسِنَمَا بَعْدَين ‎[I] maybe we will go to the cinema later
‏أَرِد اَشُوف هَمَّين بَلْكَت يُوَصِّلوا لِي خَطّ التَلِفُون ‎[I] I want to see if maybe they will give me a phone line.
‏بَلْكَت الله نِنْجَح ‎[I] Maybe we will succeed.
‏بَلْكَت الله يِسْتَقِر الوَضِع فَدّْ يَوْم ‎[I] Hopefully the situation will stabilize one day.

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  Root: ب ل و
Word: بَلَاْء / بَلَا
  affliction, visitation

هَاْذا بَلَاْء مِن الله / هَاذا بَلَاء مَال الله ‎[I] This is an affliction from God.
‏هَاذا بَلَاء مَال الله, يَومِيَّا يْسَوِّي لَه عَرْكَة ‎[I] He's a holy terror. Every day he starts a fight.
‏هَاذا كَلِب (چَلِب) لَو بَلَا أَسْوَد؟ ‎[I] Is that a dog or a black terror?"

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Word: مُبَاْلَاْة
  attention, heed

اْبتِلَاءه بالِقْمَار حَطَّمَه ‎[I] His affliction with gambling destroyed him
‏هَاذا شْ لَون اِبْتِلَاء مِن الله! وَلَا يِشْتُغُل, يْذِبّ كُلّ الشُغُل عَلَيَّ ‎[I] What an affliction he is! He won't work; he lets me do it all.

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  Root: ب و ب
Word: بَاْب، ج أَبْوَاْب / بِيْبَاْن
  door, doorway (masculine and feminine noun)

لا تْفُكّْ هِيكِي (هِيْچِي) بَاب ‎[I] Don't get started on that.
‏أَبِيع پُرْتُقَال على بَابَ الله ‎[I] I sell oranges for a living.
‏هذا على بابَ الله. شْ ما تْقُول لَه (تْگُلْ لَه) يْصَدِّق (يْصَدِّگ) ‎[I] He's dim-witted. Whatever you tell him, he'll believe.
‏الشَظَاْيَة كَسَّرَت البِيْبَاْن وْشِلَعَت الشَبَاْبِيْك مِن مَلَاْبِنْها ‎[I] The shrapnel broke the doors and dislocated windows from their frames.

Rate Translation
  Root: ب ي ض
Word: بَيَّض، يْبَيِّض
  to make white, whiten.

الحَرُب بَيِّضَت شَعْرِي ‎[I] The war turned my hair white.
‏بَيَّض الله وِچَّك ‎[I] A phrase said to the bearer of good news, (lit, May God lighten your face.)
‏فَدّْ وَاْحِد يْبَيِّض الوَجه ‎[I] He is a good and talented man (idiomatic phrase).

Rate Translation
  Root: ب ي ن
Word: بَيْن، بَيْنَاْت

بَيْن الدِنَقْتَين (الدِنَگْتَين) ‎[I] between the two columns.
‏بَيْنَاْتْهُم/ بَيْنْهُم ‎[I] between them
‏دِخَلِ بَيْنَاْتْهُم وْ فَاكَكْهُم ‎[I] He stepped in between them and separated them.
‏هَاذا قَضِيَّة بَيْنِي وبَيْنَك بَسّ ‎[I] This is a matter just between me and you.
‏بَيْن يَوم وْيَوم ‎[I] from day to day, occasionally, been
‏بَيْن مُدَّة وْمُدَّة ‎[I] from time to time, now and then.
‏بَيْنْهُم / بَيْنَاْتْهُم ‎[I] between them
‏بَيْنْكُم / بَيْنَاْتْكُم ‎[I] between you all
‏بَيْنِي وُبَيْنَك ‎[I] between you and me (can be used in a variety of contexts to mean "just between you and me". Like keep this secret between you and me, and between you and me is unfinished business, etc.)
‏بَيْنِي وبَيْنَك مَا أَكُو حْسَاب ‎[I] who is counting? (expression used when one person offers to pay someone back money borrowed)
‏مَا كُو بَيْنَاْتْنا شَكْلِيَّاْت ‎[I] We have no formalities between us/ we are friends here.
‏الله كَرِيم بَيْنِي وْبَيْنَك ‎[I]  (By) God, between us is... (in the context of a threat, something like between us is unfinished business)

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Word: بَيْن، بَيْنَاْت

إِنْ شَاء الله يَاْخْذَك البَيْن ‎[I] Plague take you I (lit. God grant that death take you),
‏شَالَه البَيْن ‎[I] Death claimed him, he died.

Rate Translation
  Root: ت ب ل
Word: تِبَل / تَبَل، ج تِبَلَاْت / تَبَلَاْت
  burden, hardship, heavy weight (figuratively typically)

وقع عليه تبل ‎[I] he fell upon him like a heavy burden, he pestered him
‏ذَبَّيْت روحي تبل عليه ‎[I] I threw myself as a burden upon him, I burdened him
‏إنت الله ذابَّك تِبَل علينا ‎[I] God threw you on us as a burden.

Rate Translation
  Root: ت و ب
Word: تَاْب، يِتُوْب
  to forswear, renounce, turn from

القُمَرْچي تَاْب مِن لِعْب الاُقْمَار ‎[I] The gambler swore off gambling.
‏رَاح اِلْ بَيْت الله وْ تَاْب مِن أَكْل الحَرَاْم ‎[I] He went to Mecca and swore off cheating.

Rate Translation
  Root: ث ك ل
Word: ثِكَل، يِثْكِل
  to lose (in death), to be bereaved of a loved one

ثِكْلَتَك أُمَّك, إِن شاء الله ! ما تْرُوح مِنَا ‎[I] May your mother lose you, God willing! I Get out of here!
‏أَثكِل اِبْنِي إِذا أَعْرُف شِي عَن هاذا ‎[I] May I lose my son if I know anything about that.

Rate Translation
  Root: ج ح د
Word: جَاْحِد، ج جَاْحِدِيْن

الله يْجَاْزِيك يَا جَاْحِد الِّعْمَة ‎[I] God damn you, you ungrateful wretch!

Rate Translation
  Root: ج ز ي
Word: جَزَاْء، ج جَزَاْءَاْت

إِلِّي يِتْصَدَّق ع الفُقَرَاْء, جَزَاْءه عِنْد الله عَظِيْم ‎[I] The man who gives to the poor will have a great reward in heaven.

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Word: جَزَّى، يْجَزِّي
  to reward

جَزَّاك الله خَيْر ‎[I] May God reward you.

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Word: جَاْزَى، يْجَاْزِي
  to reward

الله يْجَاْزِيْك عَلَى عَمَلَك ‎[I] May God reward you for your act.

Rate Translation
  Root: ج ل ل
Word: جَلّ، يْجِلّ، جَلَاْل
  to be great, exalted, sublime

اَلله عَزَّ وْجَلّ ‎[I] God the powerful and exalted, God is powerful and exalted.

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Word: أَجَلّ، يِجِْلّ
  to revere, venerate, esteem highly, exalt

هالعَاْلِم الدِّيْنِي كُلّْهُم يِجِلُّوه ‎[I] They all revere this religious advisor.
‏أَجَلَّك الله ‎[I] Pardon the expression, but..., no offense meant..., excuse me for saying so, but.... (an expression of apology for mentioning a distasteful topic, approximately)
‏أَجَلَّك الله, هاذا كَذَاْب (چَذاْب) حَقِيْر ‎[I] Pardon the expression, but he's a low-down liar

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  Root: ج و و
Word: جَوَّا / جَوَّة
  in, inside (adverb and preposition) (jawwah)

خَشّْ جَوَّا ‎[I] He went inside,
‏فُوت بِالپاص وُاقْعُد (وُگْعُد) جَوَّا كُلِّش ‎[I] Get on the bus and sit all the way in the back.
‏جَوَّا العَبَاة ‎[I] behind the scenes, unseen, covert.
‏دَ يِعْمَل مِن جَوَّا لِجَوَّا. وْما حَد يِعْرِف بِيه شْدَ يْسَوِّي. ‎[I] He is working secretly and no one knows what he is doing.
‏هَذا حَيَّة يِلْدِغ مِن جَوَّا جَوَّا ‎[I] He is a snake that will secretly bite.
‏مِن بَرَّا هَلَّا هَلَّا وْمِن جَوَّا يِعْلَم الله ‎[I] From the outside it is nice looking, but inside only God knows/ you do not know what you cannot see (idiomatic phrase).

Rate Translation
  Root: ج ي ا
Word: إِجَا / إِجَى / جَا، يِجِي، جَيَّة، اسم الفاعِل: جاي، ج جايِّين، المؤنث: جايَّة
  to descend upon, befall

شْ جاك؟ مُو تُعْرُفِ الأَجْوِبَة ‎[I] What came over you You know the answers!
‏إِذَ تْغَمُّض عَيْنَك، يِجِيكِ النَّوم ‎[I] If you close your eyes, sleep will come to you.
‏جانِي النَّوم، خَلّْ نِرْجَع لِلْبَيْت ‎[I] I've gotten sleepy. Let's go home,
‏جَتْنِي الدَّوْخَة وَانِي دا اكْتِب ‎[I] I was overcome by dizziness as I was writing.
‏أَهْلِي ما جَتْهَا العادَة شَهْرَيْن ‎[I] My wife hasn't gotten her period for two months,
‏جاكِ المَوْت إِنْ شَا الله ‎[I] I hope death takes you.

Rate Translation
  Root: ج ي ب
Word: جَاْب، يْجِيْب، جَيْب
  to bring, fetch

جِيْب لِي گْلاص مَيّ حَتَّى أَشْرَب ‎[I] bring me a glass of water to drink
‏جَاب لي هَدِيَّة ‎[I] he brought me a gift
‏ثَاْبِت جَاْب لِي الدَرَج مَاْلَه ‎[I] Thabit brought me his stepladder
‏جَابْ لِي سَاعَة مِنِ سْوِيْسْرَا ‎[I] He brought me a watch from Switzerland.
‏إِذَا تْبِيعْهَا هَسَّا، تْجِيبْ لَك خَوْشِ فْلُوْس ‎[I] If you sell it now, it will bring you a good price.
‏لا تْجِيبننا (تْجِيب إِلْنا) مَشَاْكِل ‎[I] Man, do not bring us problems.
‏هِيَّ جَتِّي الله جَاْبْها ‎[I] It comes by itself, God brought it / I was lucky / I won by fluke (idiomatic phrase).

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  Root: ح ب ب
Word: حَبِيْب، ج أَحِبَّا / أَحْبَاْب / حَبايِب
  darling, beloved, lover, sweetheart, loved (one), dear (one)

حَبِيْب الله ‎[I] (beloved by God)
‏حَبِيْبِي ‎[I] my love / my darling -- a polite, respectful expression used to attract attention
‏مِنْ شَاْف أَحْبَاْبَه نِسَى أَصْحَاْبَه ‎[I] When a person is among their loved ones, he forgets his friends.

Rate Translation
  Root: ح ج ج
Word: حَجّ، يْحِجّ، حَجّ
  to make the pilgrimage (to Mecca)

حَجّْ بَيت اَلله ‎[I] He made a pilgrimage to Mecca.
‏المُسْلِم لَازِم يْحِجّ ولَو مَرَّة وِحْدة بْعُمْرَه إِذا يِقْدَر (يِگْدَر) ‎[I] A Muslim must make the pilgrimage to Mecca even if just once in his lifetime if he is able.

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  Root: ح ذ ر
Word: مَحْذُوْر، ج مَحَاْذِيْر
  danger, peril

الله يِدْفَع عَنَّك كُلّْ مَحْذُور ‎[I] God protect you from any peril.

Rate Translation
  Root: ح ر س
Word: حِرَس، يِحْرِس، حَرِس / حِرَاْسَة
  to secure, protect, safeguard, preserve, keep

اَلله يْحِرْسَك ‎[I] God preserve you.
‏دِزّ وِيَّاهُم سَيَّارَة مْصَفَّحَة تِحْرِسْهُم ‎[I] Send an armored car along to protect them.

Rate Translation
  Root: ح ف ظ
Word: حِفَظ، يُحْفُظ، حُفُظ
  to protect, guard, watch over (ه =

اَلله يْحُفْظَك ‎[I] God protect you.

Rate Translation
  Root: ح ق ق
Word: حَقّ / حَگّ، ج حُقُوْق / حُگُوْق
  truth (said with either a /q/ or /g/)

هَسَّا طِلَعِ الحَقّ وْثِبْتَت بَرَائْتِي ‎[I] Now the truth has come out, and my innocence is established.
‏الحَقّ وِيَّاك ‎[I] You're right.
‏وْحَقّ الله، ما اَعْرُف ‎[I] It's God's truth, I don't know.

Rate Translation
  Root: ح ل ل
Word: حَلَّل، يْحَلِّل
  to make permissible or lawful, sanction (ه =

اَلله حَلَّلِ الزَّوَاجِ بْأَرْبَع نِسْوَان ‎[I] God sanctioned marriage to four women.

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  Root: ح م د
Word: حِمَد، يِحْمِد، حَمِد
  to praise, laud, extol

مُدِيرَك يْحِبَّك وْيْحِمْدَك ‎[I] Your boss likes you and praises you.
‏المُعَلِّم يِحْمِد بِيك هْوَايَا ‎[I] The teacher praises you a lot.
‏اِحْمِد اَلله وْاْشُكْرَه! شِ تْرِيد بَعَد ‎[I] Praise God and thank Him! What else do you want?

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Word: حَمِد
  praise, commendation

الحَمْدُ لِله = الحَمْدِ الله ‎[I] Praise be to God! Thank God!
‏الحَمْدُ لِله، رِجَع سَالِم ‎[I] Thank God, he returned safely!

Rate Translation
  Root: ح ن ن
Word: حَنَّن، يْحَنِّن
  to fill with compassion, sympathy, or tenderness (ه = s.o. /, to soften (ه = the heart)

اَلله يْحَنِّن قَلْب (گَلْب) المُعَلِّم عَلَيك ‎[I] May God soften the teacher's heart toward you.

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  Root: ح و ب
Word: حَوْبَة
  affliction, curse (hobah) (of classic Arabic origin)

هَذِي حَوْبَة لِأَنَّك ما سِمَعِت كِلْمِتِي ‎[I] this bad thing happened to because you didn't listen to me, that's what you get for not listening to me
‏أَرِيد الله يْبَيِّن حَوْبِتِي بِيهُم ‎[I] I pray God takes revenge on them
‏حَوْبَة الحُسَين على أَهْلِ الكُوْفَة ‎[I] Hussein's curse on the the people of Kufa

Rate Translation
  Root: ح ي ي
Word: حَيَّا، يْحَيِّي
  to salute

الجُّنُود دا يْحَيُّوْنِ العَلَم ‎[I] The soldiers are saluting the flag.
‏حَيَّاك الله ‎[I] Bravo! Good for you!

Rate Translation
  Root: خ ر ب
Word: خَرَّب، يْخَرُّب
  to destroy, ruin, spoil

الله يْخَرُّب بَيْتَك ‎[I] I hope God will destroy your house,
‏المُطَر غَرَّق (غَرَّگِ) الوْلَايَة وْخَرَّب كُلّْ شِي ‎[I] The rain flooded the city and destroyed everything.

Rate Translation
  Root: خ ط ر
Word: خَاْطِر

لْخَاْطْرَك ‎[I] for your sake
‏آنِي كِنِت (چِنِت) بْطَرِيْقِي لِلْبَيْت وشِفِتْنِي دِيْوَرِت لْخَاْطْرَك بَس ‎[I] I was on my way home and you saw me turn around just for your sake/ for you.
‏رَاْح أَسَوِّيهَا بَس لْخَاْطْرَك ‎[I] I will do it just for your sake
‏لْخَاْطِر الله ‎[I] for God's sake
‏يَمْعَوَّد خَلِّيْها تْرُوْح لخَاْطِر عَيُوْنَك ‎[I] Hey man, let it go for the sake of your eyes/ Don't worry about losing what you borrowed from me. (idiomatic phrase).

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Word: خَاْطِر
  good will, kind feeling (held by one for another) (in certain expressions)

لْخاطِر + ضمير / اسم ‎[I] for the sake of
‏لْخَاطْرَك، بْمِيْت أَلف دِينَار ‎[I] For your sake, 100,000 dinars.
‏خاطِر الله = لْخَاطِر الله ‎[I] for God's sake!
‏خاطِر الله، عِنْدِي مَرَة وَاْطْفال. جُوز مِنِّي ‎[I] For God's sake, I've got a wife and kids. Let me go
‏لْخاطِر الله، بَسّ عاد ‎[I] For God's sake, quit it!
‏لْخاطر الله، جُوعَان ‎[I] For God's sake, I'm hungry.

Rate Translation
  Root: خ ل ص
Word: خَلَّص، يْخَلِّص
  to save, rescue, free, rid (ه = s.o. /, من = of)

المُحَامِي خَلَّصَه مْنِ السِّجِن ‎[I] The lawyer saved him from prison
‏رَح يْخَلِّصِ البَيتِ مْنِ الدِّبِيب ‎[I] He's going to rid the house of crawling insects.
‏ما احَّد يِقْدَر (يِگْدَر) يْخَلّْصَك مِنِّي ‎[I] No one can save you from me.
‏الله لا يْقَدِّر, لَو صَاْرْ لَك فَدّْ شِي مِنُو يْخَلّْصَك؟ ‎[I] God forbid, if something happened to you, who would save you?
‏خَلِّص نَفْسَك ‎[I] save yourself

Rate Translation
  Root: خ ل ق
Word: خِلَق، يِخْلِق، خَلِق
  to create.

الله خِلَقِ الأَرْض وِالسَّمَاوَات) ‎[I] God created the earth and the skies.
‏الله يِخْلِق وْمُحَمَّد يِبْتِلِي ‎[I] Man proposes and God disposes (lit., God creates and Muhammad suffers. Used to express exasperation at a nuisance that must be endured)
‏لا تْقُول لي (تْقُلْ لي) ما أَدْرِي وَيْنَه! اِخْلِقَه ‎[I] Don't tell me I don't know where he is! Pull him out of thin air!

Rate Translation
  Root: خ ل و
Word: خَلَّى، يْخَلِّي
  to leave, allow or cause to remain (ه =
(also shortened to خ and خل in some cases, like وَخّر خَ نْشُوف , step aside so I can see.)

تْعَشُّوا وْخَلُّوا لي شْوَيَّة ‎[I] Eat your supper and leave me a little bit.
‏خَلَّيْتَه بِالسِّينَمَا، راد يْشُوفِ الفِلِم مَرّْةِ اللُخّ ‎[I] I left him behind at the movie he wanted to see the film another time,
‏مِن تِطْلَع، لا تْخَلِّي الباب مَفْكُوكَة ‎[I] When you go out, don't leave the door open.
‏حِكَوا (حِچَوا) عَلَيها حَكِي (حَچِي) وْما خَلَّوا شِي ما قالَوه (گالَوه) ‎[I] They talked about her and didn't leave anything unsaid,
‏ما خَلَّى أَحَّد ما قَالْ لَه (گَلْ لَه) ‎[I] There was no one he didn't tell.
‏حَسَن قَال هِيكِي (هِيچِي)؟ دي خَلِّينَا مِن هَذَا، كَذَّاب ‎[I] Hasan said that? Spare us from; him he's a liar.
‏الله يْخَلِّيْك ‎[I] may God make you remain
‏خَلُّونِي اَنْتِظُر ‎[I] they made me wait
‏سِد الرَاْدِيو, الله يْخَلِّيك ‎[I] turn the radio off, please (literally, may God make you remain)
‏خَلِّينِي عَلَى رَاْحْتِي ‎[I] Leave me alone.
‏خَلِّيْها عَل الله ‎[I] Leave (the matter) to God to solve.
‏ما تْخَلِّينا نِحْكِي (نِحْچِي) ‎[I] Let us talk / do not interrupt us.

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Word: خَلَّى، يْخَلِّي
  to keep, retain, hold (also to preserve, protect)

خَلِّي الِفْلُوس عِنْدَك إِلَى أَنْ أَحْتَاجْهَا ‎[I] Keep the money with you until I need it.
‏خَلِّي عَيْنَك ع الجَّاهِل ‎[I] Keep your eye on the child,
‏بَالله خَلِّي هالقَضِيَّة على بَالَك ‎[I] Please keep this matter in mind,
‏خَلُّوا لي مُكان يَمّْكُم ‎[I] Save me a place near you
‏الله يْخَلِّيْك ‎[I] may God keep you; used as please and thank you;
‏الله يْخَلِّي لَك اِلأَهْل ‎[I] may god keep/protect the family for you;
‏لا تْسَوِّي قَاْرِش وَاْرِش. خَلِّيك سَاْكِت ‎[I] Do not make any problems. Keep quiet.
‏الله خَلِّيك, وَين تْصِير المَحْكَمة؟ ‎[I] Please (to someone you do not know), where is the court?

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  Root: خ و ف
Word: خَاْف، يْخَاْف، خَوْف
  to be scared, afraid, worried, concerned, apprehensive (من = of, or فعل مضارع = of doing)

خِفِت بِالعَرْكَة. وَلَا طَلَّعِت رَاسِي ‎[I] I was scared during the fight; I never even stuck my head out.
‏لا تْخاف. الكَّلِب (الچَّلِب) ما يْعَضّ ‎[I] Don't be afraid; the dog doesn't bite
‏أَخَاف أَحْكِي (أَحْچِي) وِيَّاه هَسَّا لِأَنْ مَشْغُول ‎[I] I'm afraid to talk to him now because he's busy,
‏يْخاف مِن مَرْتَه ‎[I] He's afraid of his wife,
‏خَاف اَلله وْلا تِحْكِي (تِحْچِي) عَ النَّاس ‎[I] Fear God and don't talk about people
‏أَخُوك خَاف عَلَيك هُوَايَا ‎[I] Your brother was worried about you a lot
‏لا تْخَاف عَلَيه. هُوَّ كُلِّش شاطِر ‎[I] Don't worry about him He's very clever
‏إِللِي عَضِّتَه حَيَّة يْخَاْف مِن الحَبِل ‎[I] A person bitten by a snake will fear a rope/ a person who has a bad experience will gain caution the next time (idiomatic phrase).

Rate Translation
  Root: خ ي ر
Word: خَيْر

الخَيْر فِيما اخْتَارَهُ الله ‎[I] Whatever God willed is best.
‏سِمَعِتِ تْزَوَّجِت. بِيهَا الخَيْر، إِنْشالله ‎[I] I heard you got married. I wish you the best.\
‏خَيْرْها بْغَيْرْها ‎[I] A better opportunity is out there for you (idiomatic phrase).

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Word: خَيْر

أَشْكُرَك، آني بْخَير ‎[I] thank you. I'm in good shape.
‏الله بِالخَيْر ‎[I] a polite formula used after someone arrives and sits down. (Also the answer to الله بِالخَيْر )
‏عَ الخَيْر، عَ الخَيْر! سْمَعِت نِجَحِت ‎[I] congratulations! I heard you passed,
‏صَبَاحِ الخَيْر، شْلَونَكِ اليَوْم ‎[I] Good morning. How are you today
‏بالخَيْر ‎[I] with goodness. Also translated as “with blessing”
‏الله بالخَيْر ‎[I] form of a greeting, meaning God is well;
‏الله بالخير عْيُوني ‎[I] same greeting as above, more emphatic because of the عيوني;
‏خَيْرْهَا بْغَيْرْهَا ‎[I] proverb: better luck next time, maybe next time (it will be better)

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Word: خَيْر
  (I) hope everything is alright, hopefully all is well (as a response when the person responding feels there is something wrong)

خَيْرِ انْشَالله، شْ اكُو ‎[I] I hope everything is all right. What's wrong?
‏خَيْر إنْ شاء الله ‎[I] I hope all is well?
‏خَيْر إنْ شاء الله إشْبِيك؟ ‎[I] I hope all is ok, what is the matter with you?

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Word: اْسْتَخَار، يِسْتِخِيْر
  to ask (ه = God) for guidance

اْسْتِخِير الله قَبُل (گَبُل) ما تْسافِر ‎[I] Ask God for proper guidance before you go

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  Root: د خ ل
Word: دَخْل
  protege / protégé, one who seeks asylum (This is used in phrases like the example showing imploring. see also دخيل and دَخِل in the Levantine usage.)

بْدَخْل الله وْبْدَخْلَك، خَلِّصْنِي مِنَّه ‎[I] For God's sake and for your own, save me from him.

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Word: دَخِيْل
  protege / protégé, one who seeks asylum (This is used in phrases like the example showing imploring. see also دخيل and دَخِل in the Levantine usage.)

دَخِيل الله، ما تْقُول لي (تْگُلْ لي) مْنَين جِبْتِ الِفْلُوس ‎[I] For the love of God, won't you tell me where you got the money ,
‏دَخِيلَك، لا تُضْرُبْنِي ‎[I] Please don't hit me.
‏ضَبّ نَفْسَه دَخِيل عَلَيَّ ‎[I] He threw himself on my mercy.

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  Root: د ع و
Word: دِعَا / دِعَى، يِدْعِي، دُعَا
  to pray (ل = for s.o.)

دِعَا مِن الله يِنْطِي وَلَد ‎[I] He prayed to God to give him a boy.
‏دِعَا لَك بِالنَّجَاح ‎[I] He prayed for your success,
‏مِن بُسَط اِبِنْهَا، دِعَت عَلَيه بِالمَوْت ‎[I] When he beat her son, she prayed for his death.

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Word: دَاْعَة
  sake, honor (form of invocation; see examples)

وْدَاعْةْ أَبُويا، رَح اسَوِّيْها ‎[I] By my father's honor, I'll do it.
‏وْداعْة الله، ما شَايْفَه ‎[I] By God, I haven't seen him.
‏وْداعْتَك ما تِنْطِي. خَلِّيهَا على حْسابِي ‎[I] Not on your life; this is on me.

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  Root: د ف ع
Word: دِفَع، يِدْفَع، دَفِع
  to get rid of, send away (ه =

اِنْطِيه دِينَار وِادِفْعَه ‎[I] Give him a dinar and get rid of him.
‏اَلله يِدْفَع عَنَّك كُلّْ بَلَا ‎[I] God save you from all misfortune.
‏دَفَع الله ما كان أَعْظَم لَو مَيِّت ‎[I] God spared him the worst or he'd have died.

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  Root: د و م
Word: دَاْم، يْدِيْم، إِدَاْمَة
  to perpetuate, make permanent, cause to last

الله يْدِيم هالنِعْمَة عَلَيك ‎[I] God perpetuate this prosperity for you.
‏أَشْكُرَك الله يْدِيمَك ‎[I] Thank you. God keep you.
‏الله يْدِيْمَك ‎[I] may God make you last

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  Root: ر ب ب
Word: رَبّ، ج أَرْبَاْب / رْبُوْب
  lord, master

رَبِّ العائِلَة ‎[I] the head of the family
‏الرَّب ‎[I] the Lord, God.
‏يا رَبِّي، هاي شْلَون بَلْوَى ‎[I] My God, what a calamity!
‏الله رَبَّك. المُدِير أَخُوك ‎[I] God looks after you the director's your brother.
‏مِشْتِعِل رَبَّه ‎[I] He is tired as all get out (ربّه used as emphasis here).
‏رَبَّه طَاْيِر ‎[I] He is angry (idiomatic phrase).

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  Root: ر ب ح
Word: رَبَّح
  to grant a profit, to allow to profit

اَلله يْرَبّْحَك بْهالبَيْعَة ‎[I] God grant that you profit from this sale.

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  Root: ر ح م
Word: رِحَم، يِرْحَم، رَحَم / رَحْمَة / مَرْحَمَة
  to have mercy upon, have comparison for.

اَلله يِرْحَمَه ‎[I] God have mercy on him, God rest his soul
‏اَلله يِرْحَمَه. كان (چان) خَوش آدْمِي ‎[I] God have mercy on him. He was a good man.
‏تُعْرُفِ الحاكِم رِحَمَك بْهالحُكُم؟ ‎[I] Do you realize that the judge was merciful to you in that verdict?
‏يِرْحَم أَبُوك، ما تْعَاوِنْنِي؟ ‎[I] For goodness sake, will you please give me a hand!

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Word: رَحْمَانِ / رَحْمـٰـن
  الرَّحْمَاْن : the Merciful (one of the names of God in Islam)

بِاْسْمِ الله الرَّحْمَان الرَّحِيم ‎[I] In the name of God, the Merciful, the Compassionate.
‏والرَّحْمَان ما أَدْرِي ‎[I] I swear I don't know.

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  Root: ر ز ق
Word: رِزَق، يِرْزِق
  to provide (with a means of subsistence)

اَلله يْرِزْقَك ‎[I] May God provide you with a livelihood,
‏شُوفِ شْقَدّ (شْگَدّ) أَكُو بَيَّاعَة هْنَا، لَكِن اَلله يِرْزِقْهُم كُلّْهُم ‎[I] Look how many vendors there are here, but God enables them all to make a living.

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Word: رِزَق، يِرْزِق
  to bless (ه = s.o., ه = with) (especially a child)

اَلله رِزَقَه وَلَد ‎[I] God blessed him with a son.

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  Root: ر ض ي
Word: رِضَى، يِرْضَى، رِضَى / رِضَا
  to be pleased

مَا حَّد يِرْضَى على هِيْكِي (هِيچِي) وَضِع ‎[I] No one is pleased with these conditions
‏الله يِرْضَى عَنَّك ‎[I] May God be pleased with you.

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  Root: ر و ح
Word: رُوْح، ج أَرْوَاْح
  soul, breath of life

الرُّوح بْإيد اَلله ‎[I] A person's life is in God's hands,
‏لا، مُو مَيِّت. بَعَد بِيه رُوح ‎[I] No, he's not dead. There's still life in him.
‏البَزُّونَة بِيها تِسْعَ اْرواح ‎[I] The cat has nine lives,
‏ما قْدَرِت (گْدَرِت) أَسَاعِد أَحَّد. يَللا خَلَّصِت رُوحِي ‎[I] I couldn't help anyone. I barely saved myself,
‏لا تْدَخِّل رُوحَك بْهالعَرْكَة ‎[I] Don't get yourself involved in this fight
‏ظَلّْ يُضْرُبِ الكَّلِب (الچَّلِب) إِلَى أَنْ طِلْعَت رُوحَه ‎[I] He continued beating the dog until it died.
‏إِذَا تُبْسُط اِبْنِي، أَطَلِّع رُوحَك ‎[I] If you whip my son, I'll kill you.
‏لُوَيْش ما ساعَدْتُوه؟ كُلّْ مَن يْقُول (يْگُول) يا رُوحِي ‎[I] Why didn't you all help him? Everyone's looking out for himself.
‏رُوْحِي ‎[I] an endearing term of address,
‏شْ بِيك دا تِبْكِي (تِبْچِي) يا رُوحِي ‎[I] Why are you crying, dear?
‏ رُوحِي ‎[I] my soul -- a polite, respectful expression used to attract someone's attention

Rate Translation
  Root: ر و د
Word: رَاْد، يْرِيْد / تِرْدِيْن / تِرْدِي / يِرْدُوْن / يِرْدُوْا، رَيْد / رَيْدَة
  to want, wish, desire (ه =, or فعل مضارع = to do)
(note the feminine 2nd person can be said تِرْدِي or تردِين, and the 3 person plural can be said يِرْدُون / يِرْدُوا)

شْ راد مِنَّك ‎[I] What did he want from you
‏تْرِيد تِجِي وِيَّانَا ‎[I] Do you want to come with us?
‏خَالَة، اِبْنِي يْرِيد بِنْتِك (بِنْتِچ) ‎[I] Ma'am, my son would like the hand of your daughter in marriage.
‏أَرِيد مِن الله يِنْطِينِي وَلَد ‎[I] I'd like God to give me a son.
‏ما راد لَك إِلَّا الخَير ‎[I] He wished you nothing but the best.
‏أَرِيدَك بِالعَمَى ‎[I] I wish you were blind.

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  Root: ز ن ي
Word: زِنَى، يِزْنِي، زِنَا / زِنَى
  to commit adultery

إِذَا تِزْنِي، الله يْعَاقْبَك ‎[I] If you commit adultery, God will punish you.

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  Root: س ب ل
Word: سَبِيْل
  way, path (typically figurative. see specific examples for usage)

فِيه سَبِيل + إضافة ‎[I] for the sake of, in behalf of.
‏سَوَّيْتْهَا في سَبِيل اَلله ‎[I] I did it for the sake of God.
‏على سَبِيل + إضافة ‎[I] for the purpose of, by way of, as.
‏على سَبِيلِ التَّجْرُبَة ‎[I] for the purpose of trial, on a trial basis.
‏على سَبِيلِ المِثَال ‎[I] as an example, for the purpose of an example.
‏اِبْنِ السَّبِيل ‎[I] vagabond, tramp, hobo, bum

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  Root: س ت ر
Word: سِتَر، يِسْتُر، سِتِر
  to watch over, protect, guard (ه =

اَلله يِسْتُر عَلَيهَا. خَوْش مَرَة ‎[I] God watch over her. She's a fine woman.
‏اَلله يِسْتُر مِن هالحَرْب. يْجُوزِ تْدَمُّرِ العالَم ‎[I] God protect us from this war. It might destroy the world,
‏جا يَوْقَع (يَوْگَع) بِالشَّطّ لَكِن الله سِتَر ‎[I] He was about to fall into the river, but God prevented it.
‏لا، ما تُسْقُط. اَلله يِسْتُر ‎[I] No, you won't fail. God forbid!

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  Root: س ج د
Word: سِجَد، يِسْجِد، سُجُوْد
  to bow down, prostrate oneself (in prayer),

ما دام ظَهْرَك يَوْجْعَك، لا تِسْجِد مِنِ تْصَلِّي ‎[I] Since your back hurts you, don't bow down when you pray,
‏ما يِسْجِد غَيرلِ الله ‎[I] He doesn't bow down to anyone except God. (note لِ الله is said li-2aLLa)

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  Root: س خ م
Word: سَخَّم / صَخَّم، يْسَخُّم / يْصَخُّم
  to blacken, begrime, besmudge (ه = (literally with soot, but used in other contexts as well)
(said with a ص, but presumably from the CA root سخم )

شالِ الجِّدِر وْسَخَّم إِيدَه ‎[I] He lifted the pot and got his hands black.
‏سَخَّم الله وِچَّك ‎[I] May God blacken your face! Shame on you!
‏سْخَام (صْخَاْم) ال سَخَّم (صَخَّم) وُجْهَك على هالعَمْلَة السَّوْدَا المْصَخُّمَة ‎[I] may God shame you for this blasted act you've done
‏لَيْس سَخَّمتِ (صَخَّمْتِ) وْجُوْهنا وْسِقَطِت بالمَدْرَسَة ‎[I] why have your shamed us by failing in school?
‏لا تْزِيد النَّفَط بالبَرْمِيز يِطْلَع سْخَام (صْخَام) على الجِّيرَان ‎[I] don't put more oil in the stove or the soot will get on the neighbor's (house)
‏طِلْعِت الِبْنَيَّة وِيَّاهُم وْسَخّْمُوا (وْصَخّْمُوها ) ‎[I] the girl showed up with them and they sexually violated her / assualted her
‏مِن الله يْصَخِّم وِجَه (وِچَه) ‎[I] God blackens his face / He does bad things (idiomatic phrase).

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  Root: س خ و
Word: سَخَّى، يْسَخِّي
  to make generous, liberal

اَلله سخَّاه وِنْطَانِي الِفْلُوس ‎[I] God made him generous and he gave me the money.
‏اَلله يْسَخِّي قَلْبَك (گَلْبَك) عَلَيْنَا ‎[I] May God soften your heart toward us.

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  Root: س ع د
Word: سِعَد، يِسْعِد
  to please, make happy (ه = s.o.)

الله يْسِعْدَك بْزَوَاجَك ‎[I] God make you happy in your marriage
‏مَرْتَه سِعْدَتَه ‎[I] His wife made him happy.
‏يِسْعِدْنِي أَن تِتْوَفَّقِ بْحَيَاتَك ‎[I] It pleases me that you're getting ahead in your life.

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Word: سَاْعَد، يْسَاْعِد
  to help, aid, assist (ه = s.o.)

سَاعَدْنِي بْشُغْلِي ‎[I] He helped me in my work,
‏كَوْنَه مِسْلِم، سَاعَدَه بِالاِنْتِخابَات ‎[I] His being a Muslim helped him in the elections.
‏الحَرَارَة تْساعِد على ذَوَبَانِ الأَحْلَام ‎[I] Heat is helpful in dissolving salts.
‏الله يْسَاْعِدَك ‎[I] May God assist you (a greeting to someone who is working).

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  Root: س ل ط
Word: سَلَّط، يْسَلِّط
  to give power over, set up as overlord (ه = s.o., على = over)

اَلله سَلَّط عَلَيهُم واحِد يُعْرُفِ شْلَون يْعَامِلْهُم ‎[I] God put someone in control of them who knows how to treat them.
‏مِنُو للي سَلَّطَك عَلَينَا ‎[I] Who set you over us

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  Root: س ل م
Word: سَلَاْم
  peace, peacefulness

هالشَّعَب مُحِبّْ لِلسَّلَام ‎[I] These are peace-loving people.
‏سَلام اَلله عَلَيه. شْلَون سَبِع ‎[I] God's peace on him! how brave he is!

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Word: سَلَاْمَة
  safety, security

سَلَامْةِ العِرَاق تِتْوَقَّف على قُوَّة جَيْشَه ‎[I] The safety of the Iraq depends on the strength of its army.
‏الحَمْدِ لله عَ السَّلَامَة ‎[I] Thank goodness you're all right! (said to a returning traveler).
‏مَعَ السَّلَامَة ‎[I] Goodbye, with safety / peace (a standard farewell).
‏الحَمْد الله عَالسَّلَاْمَة ‎[I] thank God for your safety (Welcome back)
‏تْرُوح وُتِجِي بِالسَّلَاْمَة ‎[I] Go and come back safely (said to someone who is traveling)

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Word: سَلَّم، يْسَلِّم
  to protect from harm, keep safe, save, preserve (ه = s.o.)

الله يْسَلّْمَك ‎[I] God preserve you! (also used as a reply to شْلَوْنَك)
‏شْلَوْنَك؟ ---- الله يْسَلّْمَك، وِانْتَ شْلَوْنَك ‎[I] How are you? ---- God keep you! And how are you?
‏شْ يْسَلّْمَه مِن ذَوْلَة؟ كُلّْهُم أَشْقِيَائِيَّة ‎[I] What will save him from them? They're all gangsters.
‏اَلله سَلَّمَه، كان (چان) بَعَدِ شْوَيَّة يِغْرَق (يِغْرَگ) ‎[I] God saved him; he was about to drown.
‏اَلله يْسَلِّمَه. كُلِّشْ خَوْش وَلَد ‎[I] God bless him; he's a real good boy.
‏الله يْسَلِّمَك ‎[I] may God protect you from harm (response to "welcome back")

Rate Translation
  Root: س م ح
Word: سِمَح، يِسْمَح، سَمَاْح
  to permit, allow, grant permission (ل = to s.o., فعل مضارع = to do

إِذَا ما عِنْدَك بِطاقَة، ما يِسْمَحُوا لَك تُدْخُل ‎[I] If you don't have a ticket, they won't allow you to enter.
‏مِنُو سِمَح لَك تِطْلَع ‎[I] Who let you go out?
‏لا سَمَح الله ‎[I] God forbid
‏اِسْمَح لي دَقِيقَة. هَسَّا أَقُول (أَگُل) لَك ‎[I] Excuse me a minute. I'll tell you right away.
‏اِسْمَح لي أَشْرَح لَكِ المَوْضُوع ‎[I] Permit me to explain the matter to you.
‏إِسْمَح لِي وْلَو للَحْظَة ‎[I] Allow me, for a moment... (polite interruption)

Rate Translation
  Root: س م ي
Word: اِسِم، ج أَسَاْمِي / أَسْمَاْء

هَذَا رِجَّال بِالاِسِم بَسّ ‎[I] He's a man in name only,
‏بِاْسْمِ الله ‎[I] in the name of God.
‏قَبُل (گَبُل) ما تاكُل، قُول (گُول) بِاْسْمِ الله ‎[I] Before you eat, say "in the name of God."
‏اِسْمَ الله عَلَيه! شْلَون خَوش وَلَد ‎[I] God bless him. What a good boy he is!
‏بَعَدْنَا بْاِسْمِ الله We have just begun. We are barely under way. (we still on "in the name of God", since the formula باسم الله is often said before starting a task)
‏الطِّبِيخ ما بِيه حَتَّى وَلا اِسِم مِلِح ‎[I] There isn't even a trace of salt in the rice.
‏أَنَا ما اِسْمِي (فُلان) إِذا مَا أسَوِّي لَك يا ‎[I] My name is not (insert own name) if I do not make that happen.

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  Root: س و د
Word: سَوَّد
  to blacken, make black, darken (ه =

الدُّخَّان سَوَّد كَعْب (چَعْب) الجِّدِر ‎[I] The smoke blackened the bottom of the pot.
‏سَوَّد وُجِه + إضافة ‎[I] to show up, expose, make a fool of, shame, discredit, disgrace, dishonor.
‏سَوَّد وِچِّي بْهالِحْكايَة (بْهالِحْچَايَة) ‎[I] He made a fool of me with that remark.
‏سَوَّد الله وِچَّك على هالدَّقَّة (هالدَّگَّة) ‎[I] May God shame you for this deed.

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  Root: ش ا م
Word: تْشَاْءَم، يِتْشَاْءَم
  to be pessimistic, have a pessimistic attitude

لا تِتْشَاءَم. اَلله يِفْرِجْهَا ‎[I] Don't be pessimistic. God will take care of it.
‏آني دا أَتْشَاءَم مِن هالوَضِع ‎[I] I'm pessimistic about this situation.

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  Root: ش ف ي
Word: شَاْفَى، يْشَاْفِي
  to cure, heal, restore to health (ه = to s.o.)

هَوَا لُبْنَان شَافَاك ‎[I] The Lebanese air cured you.
الله يْشَاْفِيَه ‎[I] may God heal him.

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Word: أَشْفَى، يِشْفِي
  to provide a cure, to cure, heal, restore to health (ه = to s.o.)

هالدُّوَا يْسَكِّنِ الوُجَع بَسّْ ما يِشْفِي ‎[I] This medicine soothes the pain but won't cure.
‏اَلله يِشْفِيك ‎[I] May God heal you.

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  Root: ش ل ن
Word: شْلَوْن
  how nice is! What a...!(The main difference between this and the first interrogative meaning is one of tone) (exclamatory)

شْلَونِ عْيُونِي عَلَيه! فَلَّة ‎[I] What gorgeous eyes she has! They're gorgeous!
‏الله، شلون الجو! ‎[I] God, how nice the weather is;

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  Root: ش و ف
Word: تْشَاْوَف، يِتْشَاْوَف
  to see each other

خَلِّي نِتْشَاوَف. مُو تْغِيب فَدّْ مَرَّة. ‎[I] Let's see one another. Don't just disappear altogether.
‏هَسَّا آنِي مِسْتَعْجِل رَاْح أَرُوح بَسْ إِنْ شَاء الله رَاْح نِتْشَاْوَف عَن قَرِيْب ‎[I] I am in a hurry now and must go, but God-willing we will see each other soon.

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  Root: ش ي ا
Word: شاء
  إِنْشا الله : God willing, used when making a promise or wishing someone well

اَشُوفَك بَاچِر اِنْشا الله ‎[I] I will see you tomorrow, God willing
‏خَيْر إنْ شاء الله ‎[I] I hope all is ok/ what is the matter?

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Word: شَاْء، يْشَاْء
  to want, wish, desire (ه =, or فعل مضارع = to do
(mainly in a few phrases pertaining to God)

إِن شاءَ الله = إِنْشالله ‎[I] God willing, it is to be hoped, we hope, ,
‏إِنْشَالله سَنْةِ اللُّخِّ نْرُوحِ لْمَكَّة ‎[I] God willing, next year we'll go to Mecca.
‏إِنشالله ما بِيك شِي ‎[I] I hope there's nothing wrong with you.
‏ما شَاءَ الله = مَاشَالله ‎[I] whatever God intended (generally either 1. an expression of surprise, wonder, or appreciation, 2. expression of a great quantity)
‏عِنْدْهُم (عِدْهُم) مْنِ الغَنَم ما شاءَ الله ‎[I] They have a great number of sheep.
‏عِنْدَه فْلُوس ما شَاءَ الله ‎[I] He has a fabulous amount of money.
‏ما شَاءَ الله! صِحّْتَك زَيْنَة اليَوْم ‎[I] Great! You're in good health today.

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  Root: ص ب ح
Word: صَبَّح، يْصَبُّح
  to start the day (doing something or in a certain condition or state)

سِقْنَا اللَيل كُلَّه وْصَبَّحْنَا بْبَغْداد ‎[I] We drove all night and arrived in Baghdad in the morning,
‏اللي يْصَبُّحِ بْوِچَّك ما يْشُوفِ الخَيْر ‎[I] Anyone who sees you first thing in the morning won't have any luck,
‏يَوْمِيَّة دا اصَبُّحِ بْوِچَّه ‎[I] Every morning I see him.
‏صَبَّحكُمُ الله بِالخَيْر ‎[I] Good morning.

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  Root: ص خ و
Word: سَخَّى / صَخَّى، يْسَخِّي / يْصَخِّي
  to make generous, liberal
(spelling in CA with a س , but often said with a ص )

اَلله صَخَّاه وِنْطَانِي الِفْلُوس ‎[I] God made him generous and he gave me the money.
‏اَلله يْصَخِّي قَلْبَك (گَلْبَك) عَلَيْنَا ‎[I] May God soften your heart toward us.

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  Root: ص د ق
Word: صَدَقَ
  to be truthful, sincere (this is the pronounciation from CA, but is used in the phrase صَدَقَ الله , and the in the short form, صَدَقَ , which is used primarily as an expression of amazement or astonishment in everyday speech)

صَدَقَ الله! شْلَونِ عْيُون عَلَيها ‎[I] My God, what beautiful eyes she has!
‏صَدَقَ! قَام (گام) يِمْشِي ‎[I] God be praised! He's started to walk!

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Word: صَدَقَة، ج صَدَقَاْت
  a charitable gift, alms, charitable giving

سَوِّيْها صَدَقَة لَ الله ‎[I] Do it as a charity for God.
‏أَصِير لَك صَدَقَة ‎[I] I'll sacrifice myself for you. I'll do anything for you.
‏لا تِشْغِل فِكْرَك. باكِر (باچِر) نْدَبُّرِ الِفْلُوس. أَصِير لَك صَدَقَة ‎[I] Don't fret yourself; tomorrow we'll get the money. I'll do all I can.

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  Root: ض ي ق
Word: تْضَاْيَق / تْضَاْيَگ، يِتْضَاْيَق / يِتْضَاْيَگ
  to be or become annoyed, irritated, bothered (من = from / by)

تِدْرِي آنِي كُل ما اَجِي للمَطَاْر اَتْضَاْيَق (اَتْضَاْيَگ). ‎[I] You know, every time I come to the airport, I get annoyed.
‏رُوْحِي اَتْضَاْيَقَت (اَتْضَاْيَگَت) ‎[I] I was annoyed
‏(اَتْضَاْيَگَت) إِنْ شَاء الله ما إِتْضَاْيَقَت ‎[I] hopefully you didn't get annoyed

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  Root: ط ر د
Word: طِرَد، يِطْرُد، طَرِد
  to drive away, chase away (ه = s.o. /

اُطْرُدِ البَزُّوْنَة مْنِ المَطْبَخ ‎[I] Chase the cat out of the kitchen,
‏الله يِطْرُدِ الشَّرّ عَنَّك ‎[I] May God protect you from evil

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  Root: ط ل ع
Word: طَلَّع، يْطَلِّع
  to remove, withdraw, take out (ه =

طَلِّع إِيدَك مِن جَيْبِي ‎[I] Take your hand out of my pocket!
‏دا يْطَلّْعُونِ الجُّثَّة مْنِ الشَّطّ ‎[I] Theyre taking the corpse out of the river.
‏إِذا ما تْرُوح لِلمَدْرَسَة، أَطلِّ رُوحَك ‎[I] If you dont go to school, Ill have your hide.
‏يْذَوِّجوه بِالدَّائِرَة وْبِاللَيْل يْطَلِّع كُلّْ دَرْدَه بْمَرْتَه ‎[I] They give him trouble at the office and at night he takes all his troubles out on his wife,
‏تِسْكُت لَو أَجِي أَطَلِّع كُلّْ دَرْد اَلله بِيك ‎[I] You shut up or Ill come and give you what for.
‏رَاْح أَطَلِّع عَيْنْتَيْنَك ‎[I] I will take out your eyes/ I will punish you (idiomatic phrase).
‏طَلَّعُوا مَاْيْنا ‎[I] They took our water / they gave us a hard time (idiomatic phrase).

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  Root: ط و ل
Word: طُوَل، يِطْوَل، طُوْل
  to become tall, grow tall

ما شا الله! طُوَل بِالعَجَل ‎[I] My goodness gracious, he's sure grown fast!
‏طُوْل طُول النَخْلَة, عَقِل عَقِل الصَخْلَة ‎[I] Tall as a palm tree, dumb as a goat.

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Word: طَوَّل، يْطَوِّل / يْطَوُّل
  to lengthen, elongate, extend, stretch, prolong, protract (ه =

تِقْدَر (تِگْدَر) تْطَوِّل لي الپَنْطَرَون ‎[I] Can you lengthen the pants for me
‏دا يْطَوِّل شَعْرَه ‎[I] He's letting his hair grow long.
‏اَلله يْطَوِّل عُمْرَك ‎[I] May God grant you long life.
‏صار ساعة يِحْكِي (يِحْچِي) سَلُوفَه قْصَيّْرَة (گْصَيّْرَة) طَوَّلْهَا ‎[I] He's been talking for an hour. He's made a short story long and drawn out.
‏بَسّْ عاد! لا تْطَوِّلْهَا ‎[I] Okay, don't make a federal case out of it!
‏طّوِّل بالَك! رَحَ اْخَلِّص بَعَد دَقِيقَة ‎[I] Take it easy! I'll be through in a minute.
‏اَلله يْطَوِّل عُمْرَك ‎[I] May God grant you long life.
‏بْلَيَا هُجُوْم المُدَرَّعَاْت المَعْرَكَة كَاْن (چَاْن) طَوَّلِت ‎[I] without the armored vehicle attack, the battle would have gone on longer.

Rate Translation
  Root: ط ي ح
Word: طَيَّح، يْطَيِّح
  to drop, allow to fall, cause to fall (ه =

الجَّاهِل طَيَّحِ الِگْلَاص ‎[I] The baby dropped the glass.
‏طَيَّح صُبْغَه ‎[I] He blistered him (lit., caused his paint to fall).
‏رَحَ ارُوح عَلَيه وَاطَيِّح صُبْغَه ‎[I] I'll go see him and give him hell.
‏الله يْطَيِّح حَظَّك ‎[I] God takes away your luck / You are an idiot (idiomatic phrase).

Rate Translation
  Root: ع ب ر
Word: اْعْتُبَر، يُعْتُبُر
أَعْتِبُر، يِعْتِبُر
  to consider, regard (ه =, ه = as

اْعْتُبَرْنَاه واحِدِ مْنِ العائِلَة ‎[I] We considered him one of the family.
‏أَعْتَبْرَه مُطِي ‎[I] I consider him a jackass.
‏نِعْتُبُر هالعَمَل فَدّْ شِي خَطِير ‎[I] We regard this act as being serious.
‏اْعْتُبُرْهَا صَدَقَة لَ الله ‎[I] Look at it as a charity for God's sake.

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  Root: ع ذ ب
Word: عَذَّب، يْعَذِّب
  to punish (ه = s.o.) (of God)

اَلله يْعَذِّبِ لْ ما يْصَلُّون ‎[I] God will punish those who don't pray.

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  Root: ع ز ي
Word: عَزَّي، يْعَزِّي
  to charge, blame, upbraid, scold

أَرْد اَرُوح لَيْهَا وَاْعَزِّيْهَا على كِذِبْهَا (چِذِبْهَا) ‎[I] I want to go call her to account for her lie.
‏الله يْعَزِّيك على هَالدَّقَّة (هالدَّگَّة) هَاي ‎[I] God will punish you for that dirty trick.

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  Root: ع ط و
Word: عَطَا، ج عَطَاْيَاْت
  gift, present, reward (from God)

عَطَا مِن اَلله ‎[I] a gift from God.

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  Root: ع ف و
Word: عَاْفْيَة، ج عَاْفْيَاْت / عَوَاْفِي
  health, good health

أَلِف عافْيَة ‎[I] in good health! (also as a polite response to refusing an invitation to eat)
‏أَلِف عافْيَة، لَكِن ما اَقْدَر (اَگْدَر) آكُل بَعَد ‎[I] Many thanks, but I can't eat any more.
‏هالكَيْكَة سَوَّيْتْهَا إِلَك. أَلِف عافْيَة ‎[I] I made this cake for you. Eat it in health.
‏بِالعَافْيَة ‎[I] in health, in good health.
‏هَذَا قاطَك الجِّدِيد؟ اِلِبْسَه بِالعافْيَة ‎[I] Is this your new suit? Wear it in health,
‏قاطَك لَطِيف. تْقَطِّعَه (تْگَطِّعَه) بالعافْيَة ‎[I] Your suit is nice. Wear it out in good health.
‏بالعافْيَة، آني شَبْعَان. إنْتُو أُكْلُوا ‎[I] Thank you, I'm full. But you go ahead and eat.
‏عَوَافِي = أَلِف عافْيَة ‎[I] in good health! (said especially to someone who has just had a bath.)
‏الله يِنْطِيك العَافِية ‎[I] may God give you health (a response to 'how are you?)
‏عَوَاْفِي عَلَيك إِذا عَرِفِتْها ‎[I] Good for you if you know it.
‏بالعَاْفِيَة ‎[I] With grace (said after soneone burps).

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Word: عَاْفَى، يْعَافِي
  to grant health, insure health (ه = to s.o.)

الله يْعافِيك ‎[I] May God grant you good health (to a sick man or someone who has just eaten or drunk).

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  Root: ع ل م
Word: عِلَم، يِعْلَم، عَلِم
  to know (ه =

الله يِعْلَم شْ قَدّ (گَدّ) آني أَحِبَّك ‎[I] God knows how I love you.
‏يِعْلَم بِالغَيْب ‎[I] He's clairvoyant.

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  Root: ع ل و
Word: عَلَى
  on, upon, on top of (preposition)

عَ المَيْز ‎[I] on the table.
‏واحِد عَ اللَاخ ‎[I] one on top of the other,
‏على حْسَاب ‎[I] either 1. on the bill of, or 2. on account of, on behalf of.
‏سَجِّلْهَا على حْسَابِي ‎[I] put it on my bill.
‏عَلى عَيْنِي = على رَاسِي = على عَيْنِي وْرَاسِي ‎[I] Gladly, with pleasure.
‏عَ الله ‎[I] Not bad (an answer to شُلَوْنَك / how are you)

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  Root: ع م ر
Word: عُمَر، يعْمُر
  to thrive, prosper

عُمَر بَيْتَك إِنْشالله ‎[I] May your household be prosperous! (said by a guest when leaving. A common answer is الله يْحُفْظَك , God keep you.)

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Word: عُمُر، ج أَعْمَاْر
  life, lifetime, life span

عُمْرِي ‎[I] dear, hon, honey (a term of endearment).
‏الأَعْمَارِ بْإِيد اَلله ‎[I] I'll take my chances (literally: life is in God's hands. Said to mean one is not going to worry about, or is willing to take a risk, etc.)
‏المُسْلِم لَازِم يْحِجّ ولَو مَرَّة وِحْدة بْعُمْرَه إِذا يِقْدَر (يِگْدَر) ‎[I] A Muslim must make the pilgrimage to Mecca even if just once in his lifetime if he is able.
‏الله يْطَول عُمْرَك ‎[I] may God grant you a long life (response when someone has done you a favor)

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  Root: ع و ض
Word: عَوَّض، يْعَوُّض
  to recompense, compensate (ه = s.o., عن = for

الحُكُومَة عَوّْضَتِ الفَلَّاحِين عَن خَسَايِرْهُم ‎[I] The government compensated the peasants for their losses.
‏إِذَا تِخْسَر، أَعَوُّضَك ‎[I] If you lose, I'll make it up to you.
‏الله يْعَوُّض ‎[I] God will provide (an expression of hope for the future, after a loss).

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  Root: ع و م
Word: عَاْم، يْعِيْن، عَوْن
  to aid, assist, help, support (ه = s.o.)

اَلله يْعِينِ الفَقِير ‎[I] God helps the poor.

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  Root: ع و ن
Word: عَوْن
  help, assistance, support (particularly in a few expressions)

الله يْكُونِ بْعَوْنَه ‎[I] God help him! God be his aid!
‏جِبْتَه عَوْن طِلَع لِي فِرْعَوْن ‎[I] I brought him for support and he turned out a tyrant.

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Word: مُعِيْن
  Helper, Supporter (epithet of God)

الله المُعِيْن ‎[I] God the helper (said to mean God will provide)
‏يا الله يا مُعِين ‎[I] O Lord, O Helper! (said when lifting a weight, pushing an object, or otherwise exerting effort, or when in need of divine help)

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  Root: ع ي ن
Word: عَيْن، ج عْيُوْن

على عَينِي = على عَيْنِي وْراسي ‎[I] gladly, with pleasure (a reply to a request),
‏هُوَّ بْعَينَه ‎[I] he himself personally, none other than he.
‏طَلَّع عَين + إضافة ‎[I] to give someone a hard time (literally: to take out s.o.'s eye)
‏مِنُو طَلَّع عَيْنَك ‎[I] Who gave you that impudence?
‏عَيْنِي ‎[I] my dear, honey, darling, old friend, old buddy.
‏عَيْنِي ‎[I] either 1. my eye, or 2. my dear, sweetheart
‏عْيُونِي ‎[I] either 1. my eyes 2. my dear, sweetheart
‏بَعَدْ عَيْنِي ‎[I] my dear (expression to cherish someone as if that person equals the value and importance of one's eye. Mostly used by Iraqi women for their kids, family members or any loved one) (ba'ad 'ayni)
‏عَيْنِي / عُيُون ‎[I] my eye (s) -- a polite, respectful expression used to attract attention
‏عَلَى عَيْنِي ورَاْسِي ‎[I] with pleasure/ I would be glad to (response to a request)
‏حَاْوَلْنا وِيَّاه بالعَيْنِي والآغَاْتِي وما دَ يْفِيْد وِيَّاه ‎[I] We tried peacefully/nicely with him, but it does not work/ He is not cooperative/ He doesn't change (idiomatic phrase).
‏خِذْها مِن هالعَيْنْتَيْن ‎[I] Take it from my two / OK, I will do it. (idiomatic phrase)
‏مِن عَيُوْنِي ‎[I] Yes / I will do it for you (idiomatic phrase).
‏عَيْن الله عَلَى هالجَمَاْل ‎[I] God protect this beauty / you are very beautiful.

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  Root: غ ض ب
Word: غَضَب
  rage, fury, wrath, anger

غَضَب الله عَلَيهُم. رُفْعَوا الأَسْعَار بِلا سَبَب ‎[I] May the wrath of God be on them. They raised the prices without any reason.

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Word: غَضَب
  anger, exasperation, indignation

غَضَب مال الله ‎[I] a holy terror, a real menace (literallly: God's wrath)

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  Root: غ ف ر
Word: غُفَر، يُغْفُر، غَفُر
  to forgive, grant pardon (ل = s.o., ه = for, remit

اَلله يُغْفُر لَك ذْنُوبَك ‎[I] May God pardon your sins for you.

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Word: اْسْتَغْفَر، يِسْتَغْفِر
  to seek forgiveness, to ask (ه = s.o.'s) pardon

أَسْتَغْفِر اَلله ‎[I] I ask God's forgiveness.

Rate Translation
  Root: غ ن ي
Word: غِنَى، يِغْنِي، غِنَى
  to enrich, make rich, make free from want (ه = s.o.)

الله يِغْنِيك ‎[I] May God enrich you.
‏لا يِغْنِيك وْلا يْخَلِّيك تْقَدِّي (تْگَدِّي) ‎[I] He gives you no way out (lit. he won't make you rich and won't let you beg).

Rate Translation
  Root: غ ي ر
Word: غَيَّر، يْغَيِّر
  to change, alter, modify, make different (ه =

لا تْغَيِّر أَيْ شِي بِالمِسْوَدَّة ‎[I] Don't change anything in the draft.
‏إِذا الله نْطاه العافْيَة رَحِ يْغَيِّر هَوَا بْأَورُوپَّا ‎[I] If God grants him good health, he's going to take a change of climate to Europe,
‏هالسَّنَة غَيِّرَوا شْوَيَّ’ بِالمَنْهَجِ الدِّرَاسِي ‎[I] This year they changed a few things in the study
‏ما يْغَيِّر مِنْها شِي ‎[I] It makes no difference.

Rate Translation
  Root: ف ت ح
Word: فِتَح، يِفْتَح، فَتِح
  1 to open,

فِتَحِت بُطِل صَوْدا جِديد ‎[I] I opened a new bottle of soda.
‏اَلله يِفْتَح لَك ‎[I] God bless you (lit God open the door to riches for you).

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  Root: ف ج ع
Word: فِجَع، يِفْجَع، فَجِع
  to bereave (ه = s.o., ب = of), inflict suffering and grief (ه = to s.o) (by bereaving one of someone)

الله فِجَعَه بْبِنْتَه ‎[I] God took his daughter away.

Rate Translation
  Root: ف ر ج
Word: فُرَج، يِفْرِج، فَرِج
  to dispel, drive away (ه = grief, worries, etc.),

لا تِهْتَمّْ. الله يِفْرِجْهَا ‎[I] Don't worry. God will ease the situation.

Rate Translation
  Root: ف ل ح
Word: فِلَح، يِفْلَح، فَلِح
  to prosper, thrive

لْ يِعْتِمِد على الله يِفْلَح ‎[I] He who depends on God prospers.

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  Root: ف ل ل
Word: فَلَّة، ج فَلَّاْت wonderful, amazing, tremendous, terrific, great, amazing, very good (fallah)

هُوَّ فَلَّة بِالرِّيَاضِيَّات ‎[I] He's terrific in mathematics.
‏جَمالْهَا فَلَّة ‎[I] Her beauty is terrific,
‏هَذَا الرَّقِّي (الرَّگِّي) فَلَّة كُلَّه أَحْمَر ‎[I] this watermelon is great it's all read
‏يِلْعَب طَوْبَة فَلَّة ‎[I] he is terrific at playing ball
‏فَلَّة مَاْل الله ‎[I] He is a very good person.

Rate Translation
  Root: ق ب ح
Word: قَبَّح / چَبَّح، يْقَبِّح / يْچَبِّح
  to make ugly (ه = (see example)
(the چ is used in the south)

قَبَّح الله وُچَّه ‎[I] God damn him! I never said such a thing
‏قَبَّح الله وُچَّه! آني ما قَلِت (گِلِت) هِيْكِي (هِيْچِي) شي ‎[I] God damn him! I never said such a thing
‏قَبَّح (چَبَّح) هالشّكُول ‎[I] he made this face ugly
‏قَبَّح (چَبَّح) هالوِجْه (هالوِيه) ‎[I] he made this face ugly

Rate Translation
  Root: ق ب ل
Word: قِبَل، يِقْبَل، قُبُوْل
  to accept (ه =

قِبَلِ الهَدِيَّة مِنِّي ‎[I] He accepted the gift from me.
‏أَهْلَه خِطْبَو لَهِ بْنِيَّة وْقِبَلْهَا مِن غَير شَوْف ‎[I] His family betrothed him to a girl and he accepted her without seeing her.
‏الحُكُومَة ما قِبْلَت أَوْرَاقِ اْعْتِمادِ السَّفِير ‎[I] The government wouldn't accept the credentials of the ambassador.
‏عِرْضَوا عَلَيه وَظِيفَة زَينَة وْما قِبَلْهَا ‎[I] They offered him a good job but he didn't accept it.
‏قِبَل كُلِّ الحَكِي (الحَچِي) لْ قُلْتِ (گُتِ) لْهِ يَّاه ‎[I] He accepted everything I said to him.
‏لا تُبْسُطِ الِمْقَدِّي (الِمْگَدِّي). الله ما يِقْبَل ‎[I] Don't hit the beggar. God won't accept such a thing.

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Word: قَاْبِل
  do you mean to say, do you suppose, do you think (as a scathing or critical question)

إِنْتَ ما دا تْسَوِّي شِي. قابِل دا نِلْعَبِ هْنَا ‎[I] You're not doing anything. You think we just play here
‏قابِل ما رَح تُمْطُرِ السَّنَة كُلّْهَا ‎[I] Do you mean it's not going to rain for the whole year
‏يَعْنِي قَابِلِ يْرِيد يِلْعَبِ بْرَاسِي ‎[I] You mean he thinks he can just make a fool out of me
‏يَعْنِي قَابِل هُوَّ اَلله ‎[I] You mean we should accept him as God? Who does he think he is, God?

Rate Translation
Word: تْقَبَّل، يِتْقَبَّل
  to receive, accept (ه =

تْقَبَّل اِقْتِرَاحِي بْرَحَابَة صَدِر ‎[I] He accepted my suggestion patiently.
‏الله يِتْقَبَّل دُعَاك ‎[I] May God accept your prayers.

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  Root: ق د د
Word: شْقَدّ / شْگَدّ
  how much, so much, so many (exclamation of wonder, like how nice is...)

شْقَدّ (شْگَدّ) قُلْتْ لَه (گُتْ لَه) لا تْرُوح، لَكِن رَاح ‎[I] So many times I told him, "Don't go," but he went,
‏شْقَدّ (شْگَدّ) وَصَّيْتَه يِشْتِرِي بَيْض وْنِسَى ‎[I] As many times as I told him to buy eggs and he forgot!
‏شُوفَه شْقَدَّه (شْگَدَّه) وْيِحْكِي (وْيِحْچِي) كْبَار ‎[I] Look at his size and he still talks big!
‏شْقَدّ (شْگَدّ) ما + فعل ‎[I] how much... (conjunction)
‏شْقَدّ (شْگَدّ) ما أَحْكِي (أَحْچِي) وْيَا، ما يْفِيد ‎[I] No matter how much I talk to him, it does no good.
‏الله! شْقَدّ حِلُو مَنظر النَهَربالليل ‎[I] God, how beautiful the river is at night;

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  Root: ق د ر
Word: قُدْرَة
  capacity, ability, capability, aptitude

عِنْدَه قُدْرَة على هالشُّغُل ‎[I] He has the ability for this work.
‏طابِ قُدْرَة الله ‎[I] He got well by the power of God.
‏عايِش بِالقُدْرَة ‎[I] He's living by the will of God.

Rate Translation
Word: قَدَّر / گَدَّر، يْقَدِّر / يْگَدِّر
  to enable, make (ه = s.o.) able

هَذَا شِ مْقَدّْرَه يِتْصارَع وِيَّا حَسَن؟ حَسَن أَقْوَى هْوَايَا ‎[I] How could he possibly wrestle with Hasan? Hasan is much stronger
‏الله لا يْقَدِّر, لَو صَاْرْ لَك فَدّْ شِي مِنُو يْخَلّْصَك؟ ‎[I] God forbid, if something happened to you, who would save you?

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Word: قَدَّر، يْقَدِّر
  to ordain, decree (of God)

إِذا الله قَدَّر وْمُطْرَت، الزَّرِع ما يْمُوْت ‎[I] If God decides to make it rain, the crops won't die.
‏الله لا يْقَدِّر ‎[I] God forbid (may God not ordain it)
‏إِذا -- الله لا يْقَدِّر -- مِتِت، مِنُو يِهْتَمّ بِينا ‎[I] If you died, God forbid, who would care for us

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  Root: ق ر ب
Word: تْقَرَّب، يِتْقَرَّب
  to curry favor (إلى = with), to seek to gain (إلى = s.o.'s) favor.

شُوفِ شْلَون دا يِتْقَرَّب لِلوَزِير ‎[I] Look how he's carrying favor with the minister.
‏دا يِتْصَدَّق عَ الفُقَرَاء حَتَّى يِتْقَرَّبِ لْ الله ‎[I] He's giving charity to the poor to endear himself to God. (the last part, يتقرب ل الله , is said yit-qar-ra-bil-2alla, i.e. the preposition ل does not make the word الله into لله as it word in al-Fusha.)

Rate Translation
  Root: ق س م
Word: قِسَم / گِسَم، يِقْسِم / يِگْسِم، قِسْمَة / گِسْمَة
  to destine, foreordain, will (ل = for s.o., ه =

الله قِسَمْ لَه هِيكِي (هِيْچِي) ‎[I] God willed it this way for him.

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  Root: ق ص ر
Word: قَصَّر، يْقَصِّر
  to shorten, make shorter, curtail (ه =

قَصَّر الله بْعُمْرَك ‎[I] May God shorten your life!

Rate Translation
  Root: ق ص ف
Word: قُصَف، يِقْصُف، قَصُف
  to snap, break (ه = in two, to break off (ه =;

الله يُقْصُف عُمْرَك ‎[I] God damn you! (literally: God break your life) ‎[I] Damn you for doing that.

Rate Translation
Word: قِصَف / گِصَف، يُقْصُف / يُگْصُف، قَصُف / گَصُف
  to shorten, cut down, cut short (ه =

الله يُقْصُف (يُگْصُف) عُمْرَك ‎[I] Drop dead (lit, may God cut short your life)

Rate Translation
  Root: ق م ر
Word: قَمْرَة / گَمْرَة

عايِشِ بْقَمْرَة (بْگَمْرَة) وْرِبِيعَه. الله رَبَّه ‎[I] He's living the good life (he's got it made). God looks out for him.

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  Root: ق و م
Word: قِيَاْمَة
  (reference to) abundance

قِيَاْمَة الله ‎[I] an abundance (expression, it can be shortened to just قِيَاْمَة)
‏الأخْبَاْر قِيَاْمَة الله ‎[I] there is an abundance of news
‏الأَخْبَاْر قِيَاْمَة ‎[I] there is an abundance of news
‏أَكُو أَكِل قِيَاْمَة ‎[I] there is an abundance of food
‏أَكُو مَطَاعِم قِيَاْمَة الله بْشَاْرِع أبُو نَوَّاس ‎[I] there are an abundance of restaurants on Abu Nawwas Street.

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  Root: ك ب ر
Word: كَبَّر، يْكَبُّر
  to praise, glorify (especially God)

كَبِّرَوا وْحِمْدَوا الله ‎[I] They praised and thanked God.

Rate Translation
  Root: ك ث ر
Word: كَثَّر، يْكَثِّر
  to make more of, to increase (in number), augment, compound, multiply (ه =

كَثَّر الله خَيْرَك ‎[I] may God grant you many good things (said to thank someone for doing a good deed/ a kindness)
‏كَثَّر الله أَمْثَاْلَك ‎[I] May God increase those like you (said to thank someone for doing a good deed/ a kindness)
‏هالكَمِّيَّة ما تِكْفِي. كَثِّرْهَا شْوَيَّة ‎[I] This amount isn't enough. Increase it a little.
‏الله يْكَثِّر مِن أَمْثَالَك ‎[I] God should allow more of the likes of you.

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  Root: ك س ب
Word: تْكَسَّب، يِتْكَسَّب
  to earn a living, work for profit (especially in a private business)

دا يِتْكَسَّب على باب اَلله ‎[I] He is making a living by the grace of God.

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  Root: ك ش خ
Word: كَشْخَة
  (looking) fine, impressive, sharp (invariable adjective)

سَيَّارَة كَشْخَة ‎[I] an impressive car.
‏بَيْت كَشْخَة ‎[I] a fine house.
‏اليَوْم إِنْتَ طالِع كَشْخَة بْهالبَدْلَة ‎[I] Today you are looking sharp in that suit.
‏طِلَع كَشْخَة مال الله ‎[I] He came out looking chic and sharp.

Rate Translation
  Root: ك ف ر
Word: كُفَر، يُكْفُر، كُفُر
  to disbelieve, be irreligious, be an infidel, not to believe

لَيْشِ تْقُول (دْگُول) ما اكو الله؟ دا تُكْفُر ‎[I] Why do you say there's no God? You're blaspheming,
‏لُوَيش دا تُكْفُر؟ ما تْخاف مِن الله ‎[I] Why are you being so sacrilegious Have you no respect for God
‏قَابِل كُفَرِت جِبْت اسْمَه قِدَّامَك (گِدَّامَك؟ ‎[I] Is it so awful I brought up his name in your presence?

Rate Translation
  Root: ك ف ي
Word: كِفَى / چِفَى، يِكْفِي / يَچْفِي، كِفْيَاْن / چِفْيَاْن
  : To hold off or repel (ه = (chifah, yichfi, chifyan) (CA - kafa, yakfi)

كِفَى (چِفَى) الله شَرّ فلان ‎[I] may God repel so-and-so's evil
‏كِفْيَان (چِفْيَان) شَرّ ‎[I] may his evil be held off / repeled
‏كِفْيَان (چِفْيَان) مُلَّا عْلَيْوِي ‎[I] May God repel the evil of Mullah Ilaywi (based on an urban legend of someone who supposedly refused to pray at the mosque and finally was forced to go pray and said this about the Imam who forced him to go to the mosque, being Mullah Ilaywi)

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Word: كِفَى / چِفَى، يْكْفِي ، يْچْفِي، كَفِي / چَفِي
  to save, spare (ه = s.o., ه = from)

اْكْفِينِي (چْفِيني) شَرَّك تَرَى اَمَوّْتَك ‎[I] Spare me your unpleasantness or I'll murder you.
‏اَلله يِكْفِيك (يِچْفِيك) شَرَّه ‎[I] God protect you from him.

Rate Translation
  Root: ك م ل
Word: كَمَاْل

اَلله مَوْصُوف بِالكَمَال ‎[I] God is described as perfection.

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  Root: ل ا
Word: لَا
  لا + اسم مفرد منكر : there is not, there is no
(used for emphasis and complete negation. see also وَلا in the examples

لا إِلِـٰه إلّا الله ‎[I] There is no god but God
‏لا بُدّ + فعل / من ‎[I] there is no escape from, it is inevitable that
‏لا بُدّْ يِسْمَعِ الخَبَر ‎[I] He's bound to hear the news,
‏لا بَأَس ‎[I] there is no objection, there's nothing wrong
‏هالسَّيَّارَة لا بَأَس بِيها، وَلَو عَتِيقَة (عَتِيگَة) ‎[I] There's nothing wrong with this car, even though it's old
‏لا بَأَس تِجِي وْيَانَا ‎[I] There's no objection to your coming with us
‏لا شَكّ ‎[I] there is no doubt, undoubtedly, without a doubt (for sure, definitely)
‏لا شَكّْ تُعْرُفِ شْ دَا يْسَوِّي ‎[I] No doubt you know what he's up to
‏لا... وَلَا ‎[I] ‎[I] neither... nor (used when negating a series of things, even if the first thing negated is not with لا, as in:)
‏لا غالي ولا رْخِيص ‎[I] not expensive and not cheap (somewhere in between);
‏لا شيش ولا كَباب ‎[I] not a grill and not the kebab, a common expression meaning not bad, okay, so-so
‏ما يُمْلُك. لا سَيَّارَة وَلَا بَيْت ‎[I] He owns nothing, neither a car nor a house
‏لا حِكَى (حِچَى) ولا ضِحَك ‎[I] He neither spoke nor laughed

Rate Translation
  Root: ل ق ي
Word: لَقَّى / لَگَّى، يْلَقِّي / يْلَگِّي
  to punish (ه = s.o.) (of God)

اَلله يِلَقِّيك يَّاه بْوُلْدَك ‎[I] May God take it out on you through your children.

Rate Translation
  Root: ل ك
Word: لَك / وِلَك، ج لَكُم / وِلْكُم، المؤنث: لِك / لِچ / وِلِك / وِلِچ
  look, hey you, say, look here, man (A vocative particle that is used often when calling s.o. out or beratting s.o.) (the forms لِچ and ولِچ are the feminine forms)

لَك دي وَلِّي! شِ مْقَدّْرَك تْغُلْبَه ‎[I] Oh go on! How could you beat him
‏لَك، ما قِلْت (گِتْ) لَك لا تِحْكِي (تِحْچِي) وِيَّاه بَعَد ‎[I] Look, haven't I told you not to talk with him anymore
‏لَك ما عْلَيكُم تَرَى مَسْؤُولِيَّة ‎[I] Look, keep out of it, or you'll get in trouble!
‏لَك شُوف! إِذَا ما تْرَجِّع لي فْلُوسِي، أَشْتِكِي عَلَيك ‎[I] Look here you! If you don't return my money, I'll sue you.
‏لَك وَالله اللي يْطُخَّه أَمَوّْتَه ‎[I] By God, I'll kill anyone who touches it!
‏لَك لَك، لا تِشْلَعِ الوَرِد ‎[I] Hey you, don't pick the flowers.
‏لَك خاطِر الله، ساعْدُونِي ‎[I] Hey, for the love of God, help me!
‏لَك يابَا، هَذَا شْلَون جَمَال ‎[I] Hey man, that's real beauty!
‏وْلَك تَعَال هْنَا ‎[I] hey you! come here
‏وْلَك لا تِلْعَب ‎[I] hey, stop playing around
‏وْلِك (وْلِچ) مِيْةْ مَرَّة قِلْتِ لِك (لِچ) لا تِلْعَبِين بالطِّين ‎[I] hey! I told you a hundred times don't play in the mud!
‏لَك لَيش تْصِير وَقِيح (وَكِيح) ‎[I] look here now, why are you being rude?
‏وِلَك إِنْتَ مَا تِسْتَحِي؟ ‎[I]‎[ Hey you, aren't you ashamed?

Rate Translation
  Root: ل ي
Word: لَيْ

لَي مِشِت، الله عَلَيْهَا ‎[I] when she walks, mention the name of God upon her (as protection from the evil eye.)

Rate Translation
  Root: م ث ل
Word: مِثِل، ج أَمْثَاْل
  similar thing, thing of the same kind (noun)

هُوَّ وْأَمْثَالَه ‎[I] He and those like him
‏كَثَّر الله أَمْثَاْلَك ‎[I] May God increase those like you (said to thank someone for doing a good deed/ a kindness)

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  Root: م د د
Word: مَدّ
  lengthening, protraction

آني وْيَاك على مَدّ اَلله ‎[I] In time I'll show you!

Rate Translation
  Root: م ط ر
Word: مَطَّر، يْمَطِّر
  to cause to rain (ه = (usually with ها as the object, referring to الدنيا )

بَلْكِي اَلله يْمَطِّرْهَا وْيِنْتِعِشِ الزَّرِع ‎[I] Perhaps God will make it rain and the crops will be rejuvenated.

Rate Translation
  Root: م و ل
Word: مَاْل، ج مَاْلِيْن / مَاْلَاْت المؤنث: مَاْلَة
  mine, my, yours, your, his, hers, theirs (particle indicating possession or ownership)
(negate with مُو)
(1. اِسم + مال + ضمير / اسم :as an invariable particle, it shows possession or association and is usually translated as “of, belonging to”. For instance, the phrase السيارة مال علي would mean the car of Ali, or Ali's car;
2. اسم + مال + ضمير / اسم : having a male, female, and plural forms: مال، مالَة، مالات : this shows possession or association but is translated as a sentence. as in: السيارة مالْتِي would mean the car is mine)

وَين الِكْتَاب مالي ‎[I] Where's my book
‏هالسَّيَّارَة مالَة مِين ‎[I] Who does this car belong to
‏وَرْدَة مَاْل الله ‎[I] God's rose / a good person (idiomatic phrase)
‏فَلَّة مَاْل الله ‎[I] He is a very good person.
‏ذَوْلَا مَاْلَاْتِي. ذَنِيْچ مَاْلَاْتْكُم ‎[I]These (m) are mine. Those (m) are yours (plural).
‏وْإِنْتَ مَاْلَك ‎[I] Why are you interfering?

Rate Translation
  Root: ن ج و
Word: نَجَّى، يْنَجِّي
  to rescue, deliver, save

اَلله نَجَّى مْنِ المَوْت ‎[I] God saved him from death,
‏مِنُو يِقْدَر (يِگْدَر) يْنَجِّيك مِنِّي ‎[I] Who can rescue you from me?

Rate Translation
  Root: ن ز ل
Word: نَزَّل، يْنَزِّل
  to take down, bring down, to put down, let down, lower (ه =

نَزِّل كُلِّ الكَرَاسِي جَوَّا ‎[I] Take all the chairs downstairs,
‏نَزِّلِ الجَّاهِل مِن عَ الِحْصان، رَح يَوْقَع (يَوْگَع) ‎[I] Take the child down from the horse. He's going to fall,
‏نَزِّل رَاسَك حَتَّى تِقْدَر (تِگْدَر) تْطُبِّ مْنِ الشِّبَّاك (الشِّبَّاچ) ‎[I] Duck your head so you can get through the window.
‏اَلله نَزَّل عَلَيْهُم غَضَبَه ‎[I] God sent his wrath down upon them.

Rate Translation
  Root: ن ص ر
Word: نِصَر، يِنْصُر، نَصِر
  to grant victory to, make triumph (ه = s.o.)

الله يِنْصُرِ العَرَب ‎[I] May God make the Arabs victorious.

Rate Translation
  Root: ن ط ق
Word: نَطَّق
  to cause (ه = s.o.) to speak

اَلله نَطَّقَه وْحِكَى (وْحِچَى) الصُّدُق (الصُّدُگ) ‎[I] God moved him to speak and he told the truth.

Rate Translation
  Root: ن ط ي
Word: نِطَى، يِنْطِي، نَطِي
  to give (ه = s.o., ه =, or ه =, ل = to s.o.)

نْطَيْت الِكْتَاب لِلْوَلَد ‎[I] I gave the book to the boy.
‏اْنْطِينِي المُدِير. أَرْد أَحْكِي (أَحْچِي) وْيَا ‎[I] Give me the manager. I want to talk with him.
‏هُوَّ ما ياخُذ وْيِنْطِي. ما تِقْدَر (تِگْدَر) تِتْفَاهَم وِيَّاه ‎[I] He won't give and take, you can't negotiate with him.
‏إِنْطِيْنِي إِسْمَك الكَاْمِل ‎[I] give me your full name
‏الأسِيْر نْطَى اِسْمَه وْبَسّْ ‎[I] the prisoner gave his name and that's it.
‏بْلا زَحْمَة, ما تِنْطِيْني مَجَاْل شْوَيَّة؟ ‎[I] If you please, can you give me a little space?
‏الله إِنْطَاْك عُمْرَه ‎[I] God gave you his years (a phrase used to inform someone that a person has passed away) .

Rate Translation
  Root: ن ع ل
Word: نَعْلَة
  cursing (instance noun)

نَعْلَة الله عَلَيك ‎[I] The curse of God on you!

Rate Translation
  Root: ن ع م
Word: نِعْمَة، ج نِعَم
  boon, benefaction, blessing, benefit, grace, kindness

مِن نِعْمَة الله، ما مِحْتاج شِي ‎[I] By the grace of God, I'm not in need of anything.
‏اِبشن نِعْمَة ‎[I] man from a wealthy family, someone born with a silver spoon in his mouth
‏هَذَا اِبِن نِعْمَة. نَفْسَه ما تِدْنَى على شِي ‎[I] He was born with a silver spoon in his mouth he isn't hurting for anything.
‏والنِّعَم مِنَّك ‎[I] God bless you
‏وِالنِّعَم ‎[I] pleased to meet you, God bless you (the phrase is often used after someone introduces himself or tells you his name, as though it were a blessing from God. It is considered respectful, but of course can also be used ironically)

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Word: أَنْعَم، يِنْعِم
  to be bountiful (على = toward s.o.), bestow blessings (على = upon s.o.) (of God)

الله أَنْعَم عَلَيه ‎[I] God was good to him.
‏الله يِنْعَم عَلَيك ‎[I] may God bestow his favor upon you (the standard reply to نَعِيمًا )

Rate Translation
  Root: ن ق م
Word: اْنِقَم، يِنْقِتِم
  to take revenge, avenge oneself

اَلله يِنْتِقِم مِنَّك ‎[I] God will get revenge on you.

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  Root: ه ج م
Word: هِجَم، يِهْجِم، هَجِم
  to destroy (ه =

الله يِهْجِم عُمْرَك. مَا تِقْعُد (تِگْعُد) رَاحَة عاد ‎[I] God damn you! Why don't you quiet down.
‏هِجَم بَيْتَه ‎[I] He ruined him (lit., destroyed his house),
‏هِجْمَت بَيْتِي بْهالمَصْرَف القَبَة ‎[I] She ruined me with that excessive expense.

Rate Translation
  Root: ه د ي
Word: هِدَى، يِهْدِي، هِدَاْيَة
  to lead on the right path

بَلْكِي الله يِهْدِي وِيْجُوزِ مْنِ الُقْمَار ‎[I] Perhaps God will guide him and he will give up gambling

Rate Translation
  Root: ه ز م
Word: هَزَّم، يْهَزِّم
  to rout, put to flight, chase away (ه = s.o.)

الاِمْتِحانَاتِ الِهْوَايَا هَزِّمَتَه مْنِ المَدْرَسَة ‎[I] The numerous examinations drove him away from the school
‏لَيْش قُلْتْ لَه (گُتْ لَه) بْهالسِّعِر؟ مُو هَزَّمْتَه ‎[I] Why did you quote this price to him? You've scared him off!
‏رَاْح نْهَزِّم المُتَمَرِدِين إِنْ شَاء الله ‎[I] We will defeat the insurgents, God-willing.

Rate Translation
  Root: ه ل ل
Word: هَلَّا / هَلَّة
  something perfect, nice-looking

مِن بَرَّا هَلَّا هَلَّا وْمِن جَوَّا يِعْلَم الله ‎[I] From the outside it is nice looking, but inside only God knows/ you do not know what you cannot see (idiomatic phrase).

Rate Translation
  Root: ه ن ا
Word: هَنَّا / هَنَّى، يْهَنِّي، تَهْنِيَة / تَهْنِئَة
  to grant happiness, to delight (ه = to s.o.)

اَلله يْهَنِّيك بْعُمْرَك ‎[I] May God grant you happiness in your life. (standard reply to هَنِيئًا )

Rate Translation
  Root: ه و ي
Word: هِوَاْيَة / هُوَاْيَة، ج هِوَاْيَاْت / هُوَاْيَاْت
  hobby, spare time activity

الله سَيَّارتِك حِلْوَة هْواية ‎[I] God, your car is really beautiful!

Rate Translation
  Root: و س ع
Word: وَاْسِع
  spacious, vast, wide, extensive

قَأعَة واسْعَة ‎[I] a spacious hall.
‏عِنْدَك مَجَال واسِعِ الوَقْتِ الاِمْتِحان ‎[I] You have plenty of time before the exam.
‏اَلله واسِعِ الرَّحْمَة ‎[I] God is abounding in mercy.

Rate Translation
Word: وَسَّع، يْوَسِّع
  to be generous, magnanimous (على = toward s.o.)

إِذَا اَلله يْوَسِّع عَلَينا، نِقْدَر (نِگْدَر) نِشْتِرِي بَيت ‎[I] If God is generous to us, we can buy a house.

Rate Translation
  Root: و ف ق
Word: وَفَّق، يْوَفِّق
  to allow prosperity, grant success (ه = to s.o.) (typically said of God)

إِذا الله وَفَّقْنِي، أَفْتَح مَحَلّْ على حْسَابِي ‎[I] If God grants me prosperity, I will open a shop on my own.

Rate Translation
  Root: و ق ع
Word: وَقَّع / وَگَّع، يْوَقِّع / يْوَگِّع
  to cause to fall (ه = s.o. /

دِفَعْنِي وْوَقَّعْنِي عَ القاع (الگاع) ‎[I] He pushed me and knocked me down on the ground.
‏اَلله لا يْوَقِّع (يْوَگِّع) أَحَّد بْإِيد هالطَّبِيب ‎[I] God forbid that anyone should fall into the hands of this doctor.
‏رَح يْوَقِّع (يْوَگِّع) نَفْسَه بْوَرْطَة ‎[I] He's going to get himself into a jam.

Rate Translation
  Root: و ق ي
Word: اْتِّقَى، يِتِّقِي
  to fear (ه = God)

اْتِّقِي الله وْلا تْسَوِّي هِيكِي (هِيْچِي) ‎[I] Fear God and don't do that.

Rate Translation
  Root: و ك ل
Word: وَكِيْل، ج وُكَلَاْء
  agent, representative

وَكِيلَك اَلله. هَذَا حَقَّك ‎[I] As God is your witness, this is your right.

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Word: تْوَكَّل، يِتْوَكَّل
  to trust, put one's confidence (على = in), rely (على = on)

تْوَكَّل على الله ‎[I] Trust in God.

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  Root: و ي ي ا
Word: وِيَّا
  with (same as مَع, but more common in the Iraqi dialect);
(should be negated with مُو )
(note conjugation:
وِيَّايَ , with me
وِيَّانَا : with us)

شِرَبِت چاي وِيَّا الشَّكَر ‎[I] I drank tea with sugar
‏تَعَال وِيَّانَا لِلنَّادِي ‎[I] come with us to the club
‏تْرِيد تِجِي وِيَّايَا ‎[I] Do you want to come with me
‏إِذَا تْعارِض هالاِقْتِراح، آني وِيَّاك ‎[I] If you oppose this suggestion, I'm with you.
‏ما اكو أَحَّد بِالدَّائِرَة، بَسّ آني وِيَّاك ‎[I] There's no one in the office, just you and I.
‏وِيَّاها ‎[I] with her;
الله وُيَّاْك (وُيَّاچ / وُيَّاْكُم) ‎[I] God be with you (expression used when someone may need help, or when someone is leaving)
‏رَاْح اَسَوِّي مَوْعِد وِيَّا الطَبِيْب ‎[I] I will make an appointment with the doctor
‏كَم (چَم) دِيْنَار رَاح تَاْخُذ وِيَّاْك؟ ‎[I] how many dinars will you take?
‏تَعاْل ارْكَب وِيَّايَا ونْرُوح و نِجِي سُوَى ‎[I] come ride with me and we will go and come back together.
‏اَقْدَر (اَگْدَر) أجِي وِيَّاْك؟ ‎[I] can I come with you?
‏وِيَّاْ كُلّْ إِللي صَاْر, آنِي مَا زَعْلَاْن مِنَّك ‎[I] With all that (despite what) has happened, I am not mad at you.

Rate Translation
  Root: ي ا
Word: يَا
  oh, O, hey (vocative and exclamatory particle)

يا اِبْنِ الحَرَام ‎[I] You bastard!
‏يا ناس! شايْفِين هِيكِي (هِيْچِي) شِي؟ ‎[I] Hey, people! Have you ever seen such a thing?
‏يا رَبِّي، شْ رَح أَسَوِّي ‎[I] Oh God! What am I going to do?
‏ثَوْبِ بْرُبُع دِينار؟ يا بَلَاش ‎[I] A shirt for a quarter dinar? That's cheap, man!
‏تْقُوْل (تْگُوْل) يَا الله وْخَلِّي نْرُوح ‎[I] Make your decision to say yes and let's go.

Rate Translation
  Root: ي س ر
Word: يَسَّر، يْيَسِّر
  to make easy, facilitate (ه =

الله يْيَسِّر عُمْرَك ‎[I] May God make things easy for you!

Rate Translation
  Root: ي ل ل ا
Word: يَللا / يَلَّا / يا الله
  oh God! (exclamation)

يللا، يللا! حَصَّلِت وَظِيفضة زَيْنَة وْأَهْلِي يِرْدُوْنِي أَتْرُوْكْهَا ‎[I] Oh my god! I got a good job and my family wants me to leave it.

Rate Translation
Word: يَللا / يَلَّا / يا الله
  come on, go on, hurry up

يَللا عَلِي خَلِّي نْرُوْح ‎[I] Come on, Ali, let's go!
‏دِي يللا خَلّْ نَاكُل ‎[I] Oh come on, let's eat. (خَلّْ is from خَلِّي)
‏دِي يَللا هذَا مُو قَتَّال (كَتَّال) ‎[I] Oh come now, he's not a killer!

Rate Translation
Word: يَللا / يَلَّا / يا الله

نْرِيدْهَا تْكَمِّلِ الكُلِّيَّة يَللا تِتْزَوَّج ‎[I] We want her to finish college then get married,
‏عِرَف آني أَخُوك يَللا حِكَى (حِچَى) وِيَّايَا ‎[I] When he learned I'm your brother, then he talked to me
‏نْطَيْتَه دِينار يللا قِبَل ‎[I] I gave him a dinar, then he accepted.

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Word: يَللا / يَلَّا / يا الله
  just, just barely

الِفْلُوسِ العِنْدي يللا تْكَفِّي ‎[I] The money I've got will just do.
‏بَعَدْني يلا بِدَيْت. لَا تِسْتَعْجِل ‎[I] I just started. Don't be in a hurry.

Rate Translation
  Root: ي م م
Word: يَمّ
  in the care of, in the hands of (preposition)

أَقْدَر (أَگْدَر) أَخَلِّي ساعْتِي يَمَّك حَتَّى أَسْبَح؟ ‎[I] Can I leave my watch with you so I can swim
‏لا تْدِير بَال. خَلِّيهَا يَمّْ اَلله ‎[I] Don't worry. Leave it in God's hands,
‏خَلِّيهَا يَمِّي ‎[I] Leave it to me.
‏لِمَّن وِصِلِت يَمّْهُم تْنَفَّهِت ‎[I] When I got to them, I felt relaxed.

Rate Translation
  Root: ا ب و
Word: أَب / أَبُو، ج أَبَهَاْت / أَبَهَاْن
  source, origin

كَفَى! الله يِلْعَن أَبُو دِي عِيْشَة دي [S] Enough! God damn this life!

Rate Translation
  Root: ا ل ه
Word: إِلَه / إِلَـٰه / الله
  god (the form الله is with the definite article. In monotheistic religions, it means God with a capital G)

الله يَبَارِك فِيك [S] God bless you!, Thank you (possible response to مبروك )
الله يْدَوِّم الاِنْبِسَاط [S] may God make happiness continue. (meaning: may God keep s.o. happy)
الله يِدِّي العافِيَّة [S] may God grant him good health (also said as a request or thanks for act of physical exertion)
حَمْدِ الله عَ السَّلَامَة ---- الله يَسَلِّمَك [S] thank God for (your) well-being ---- God bless you (phrase and response, often used when someone is recovering from an illness or returning for a trip.)
الله يَسَلِّمَك [S] may God keep him safe (possible response حَمْدِ الله عَ السَّلَّامَة )
الله يَكْفِينَا شَرّ [S] God protect us from evil., God help us.
الله يِلْعَن أَبُو دِي عِيْشَة دِي [S] God curse this life., God curse the source of this life.
بِالـٰهِ [S] by God (oath or exclamation)
مَا شَاء الله = ما شا الله = ماشالله [S] What God has willed!, My goodness!, Amazing! (used alone as expression of admiration or with another such expression)
وَاللهِ [S] by God (common oath often used to emphasize what one is saying)
الحَمْدِ لِلـٰه = حَمْدِ الله [S] praise be to God!, Thank God (said al-hamdi lil-laa, or al-hamdi llaa, or hamdi-llaah)
كَيْف أَحْوَالَك؟ ---- واللهِ خَيْر حَمْدِ الله [S] how are things with you? ---- By God, good thank God.
إِنْ شاء الله = إن شا الله = نشالله [S] If God wills, God willing (conventionally when discussing the future) (also used generally to mean anything from "hopefully" to "when hell freezes over")
إِن شا الله خَيْر [S] I hope that everything is okay
لا إِلـٰهَ إِلّا الله [S] there is no god but God (part of the Islamic testimony of faith and a common phrase of shock or exasperation.)
عَلَيك الله [S] either 1. for God's sake!, or 2. honestly, by God (invocation of God's name)
خَلِّيني يا حَسَن عَلَيك الله [S] leave me alone, Hasan, for God's sake!
مُشْ حِلْوَة، عَلَيك الله [S] isn't she beautiful, honestly, by God?

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  Root: ب د ر
Word: بَدْرِي

الحاجَّة جات بَدْرِي [S] the old woman came early
وَدَّعْتَكُن الله ---- لا، ما بَدْرِي [S] May God keep you safe (goodbye) ---- no, isn't it (still) early?
مِن بَدْرِي [S] from early on, starting early

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  Root: ب ر ك
Word: بَاْرَك، يْبَاْرِك
  to bless (في = s.o.)

الله يَبَارِك فِيك [S] God bless you!, Thank you (possible response to مبروك )

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  Root: ب س ط
Word: اِنْبِسَاْط

الله يَدَوِّم الاِنْبِسَاط يا أَخْوَانْنَا [S] may God prolong the happiness, my brothers

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  Root: ب ل ا
Word: بَلَا
  enough of, forget about (indicates disapproval or disagreement)

بَلَا اْخُوك بَلَا كَلَام فَارِغ [S] enough of your brother and this nonsense
يا اْخُوي، عَلَيك الله بَلَا الناس، الناس تْطِير في السَّمَا [S] brother, for God's sake forget about people; the people can just fly off to heaven (like good riddance to them)

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  Root: ت م م
Word: تَمَّم، يَتَمِّم
  to complete, finish (ه =

الله يَتَمِّم على خَير [S] may our Lord bring to successful conclusion (used of upcoming wedding)

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  Root: ح م د
Word: حَمْد

الحَمْدِ لِلـٰه = حَمْدِ الله [S] praise be to God!, Thank God (said al-hamdi lil-laa, or al-hamdi llaa, or hamdi-llaah)
الحَمْدِ لله نَجَحْت [S] thank God, I succeeded

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  Root: خ ل ق
Word: خَلَق / خَلَگ، يَخْلِق / يَخْلِگ، خَلَق / خَلَگ
  to create (ه =

مِنَ الله خَلَقُه (خَلَگُه) [S] since the day God created him

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  Root: خ ي ر
Word: خَيْر
  goodness, good

إِن شا الله خَيْر [S] I hope that everything is okay
قَوْلَةْ خَيْر [S] good-faith offering, small gift (from man's family to woman's family that begins negotiations for marriage)
دِي قَوْلَة خَيْر بِتَاعَتْكُم [S] this is your good-faith offering

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  Root: د و م
Word: دَوَّم، يَدَوِّم، تَدْوِيْم
  to prolong (ه =

الله يَدَوِّم الاِنْبِسَاط يا أَخْوَانْنَا [S] may God prolong the happiness, my brothers

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  Root: د ي
Word: دِي / دِيَّة / دِيَّت / دِيَّه / دِيَّا / دَيْيَه / دِه
  this, that (feminine near demonstrative)

المَدْرَسَة دِي [S] this school
دِي + اسم + دِي [S] this... this (indicates strong emotion, either negative or positive)
الله يِلْعَن أَبُو دِي عِيْشَة دِي [S] God curse this life.
الخَمَسْطَشَر يَوم دِي [S] these fifteen days
ما عارِفَ الْ وَدَّانِي شِنُو ذَاتُه وَمَا عارِف أَنَا ذَاتِي لْ وَدَّانِي لَيهُو شِنُو [S] I don't now exactly what led me here. Even I don't know what brought me to him
الأَرْبَعَة سْنِين دِي [S] these four years
أمْرِيكا، دي ذَاتَهْا عالَم تاني دا [S] America is itself a different world entirely
طَبْعًا مَعْرُوفَة دِيَّت [S] of course, this is known (note generic feminine)
حاجَة زَي دِه [S] something like this

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  Root: س ل م
Word: سَلَاْم

السَّلَامُ عَلَيكُم --- وَعَلَيكُمُ السَّلام [S] peace be upon you ---- and peace be upon you (common greeting and response)
سلَامُ عَلَيكُم وَرَحْمَةُ اللهِ تَعَالَى وَبَرَكاتُه [S] peace, blessings, and mercy of God the Sublime be upon you
يَا سَلام [S] On my goodness!

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Word: سَلَاْمَة

حَمْدِ الله عَ السَّلَامَة ---- الله يَسَلِّمَك [S] thank God for (your) well-being ---- God bless you (phrase and response, often used when someone is recovering from an illness or returning for a trip.)
مَعَ السَلَامَة [S] goodbye!, farewell!
وَدَّعْنَاك الله، مَعَ السَّلَامَة [S] Goodbye! Farewell!

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  Root: س م ي
Word: اِسِم، ج أَسَاْمِي

اِسْم مِنُّو [S] what is his name
اِسِمَهْا مُنَى [S] her name is Mona (note the form اِسِمَهْا can also be said اِسِمَّهْا, with a shadda on the م )
عَاْش الاِسِم [S] may the name live long (polite response to meeting s.o., especially someone who shares the same name as you, or who is named after a major religious figure)
عَاْشَت الأَسَامِي [S] may the names live long (polite response to meeting s.o., especially someone who shares the same name as you, or who is named after a major religious figure)
بِسْمِ اللهَ الرَّحْمَـان الرَّحِيم [S] In the name of God, the Gracious, the Merciful (common invocation said before starting an activity)

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  Root: ش ر ر
Word: شَرّ
  evil, badness

الله يِكْفِينَا شَرُّه [S] God protect us from his evil

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  Root: ش ي ا
Word: شَاْء / شَا
  to will, want (in fixed phrases like ما شاء الله )

مَا شَاء الله = ما شا الله = ماشالله [S] What God has willed!, My goodness!, Amazing! (used alone as expression of admiration or with another such expression)
إِنْ شاء الله = إن شا الله = نشالله [S] If God wills, God willing (conventionally when discussing the future) (also used generally to mean anything from "hopefully" to "when hell freezes over")
إِن شا الله خَيْر [S] I hope that everything is okay

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  Root: ط ي ر
Word: طَاْر، يَطِيْر، طَيَرَاْن
  to fly

طَاْر في السَمَا [S] either 1. to fly into the sky, or 2. to get lost
أَطِير وَيْن أَنَا [S] where would I fly to? (meaning run off, disappear to)
يا اْخُوي، عَلَيك الله بَلَا الناس، الناس تْطِير في السَّمَا [S] brother, for God's sake forget about people; the people can just fly off to heaven (like good riddance to them)

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  Root: ع ر ض
Word: اِعْتَرَض، يِعْتَرِض، اِعْتِرَاْض
  to protest, object

عَلَيك الله اعْتَرَضْتَك [S] for God's sake, I stand against you! (note the context is that someone was disagreeing with what another person said. Note also that اعترض is in the perfect tense. This is the so-called performative. It's rather like how, in every day speech in English, one might say "I'm gone" as he is leaving.)

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  Root: ع ل و
Word: عَلَى / عَ / عَلَي
  of duty, obligation

على الله [S] by (s.o.'s) oath to God., On (s.o.) is the oath by God., for God' sake., for the love of God (adds emphasis to requests and questions)
عَلَيْك حَقّ (حَگّ) [S] you are wrong
عَلَيْكِ حَقّ (حَگّ) [S] you are wrong (to a woman)
يَوْخُذ عَلَى نَفْسُه [S] he takes (it) upon himself, he takes on responsibility
مُسَاهَمَةَ المُواطَنِين في دَفْع ما عَلَيهُم [S] the citizens contributing to paying what they owe
إِنْتَ مش بِتْكُون على أُمَّك وَاْبُوك بَسّ [S] you are not only obligated to your mother and father

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  Root: ع و ج
Word: عَوَجَة، ج عَوَجَاْت
  harm, damage

ما في عَوَجَة [S] either 1. everything's is okay, or 2. there is no problem, or 3. no harm done
إنْ شا الله ما في عَوَجَة [S] Hopefully everything is okay

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  Root: ع ي ش
Word: عِيْشَة
  life, (way of) living, lifestyle

كَفَى! الله يِلْعَن أَبُو دِي عِيْشَة دي [S] Enough! God damn this life!

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  Root: ق ر ب
Word: قُرْب / گُرْب
  nearness, closeness

قُرْبُه (گُرْبُه) مِن الله [S] his closeness to God

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  Root: ق و د
Word: قَاْيِد / غَاْيِد، ج قَاْدَة / غَاْدَة

الحُكُومَة الاِنْتِقَالِيَّة (الاِنْتِغَالِيَّة)، اللي كانَت بِقادَة (بِغَادَةْ) سُوَارَ الذَّهَب وَالجُّزُولِي دَفَعَ الله [S] the transitional government, which was under the leadership of Suwar al-Dhahab and Al-Jazuli Daf'allah

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  Root: ك ب ر
Word: أَكْبَر
  greater / greatest

اللهُ أَكْبَر [S[ God is greatest!

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  Root: ك ف ي
Word: كفى، يَكْفِي
  to protect, spare, keep from harm (ه = s.o., ه = from;

الله يِكْفِينَا شَرُّه [S] God protect us from his evil

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Word: كَفَى
  enough (interjection)

كَفَى! الله يِلْعَن أَبُو دِي عِيْشَة دي [S] Enough! God damn this life!

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  Root: ل ا
Word: لَا / لَأ / لَأَ
  there is no, there is none, there is not (this is a form of absolute or general negation, called لا النافِيَة لِلجِنْسِ in grammar)

لا إِلهَ إلّا الله [S] there is no god but God (Muslim profession of faith. Also used in other situations, like as a response to hearing bad news, or the response to hearing about s.o.'s death)

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  Root: م ن
Word: مِن
  since the time that (conjuction)

مِنَ الله خَلَقُه (خَلَگُه) ما حَصَل شال لَيهُ سْلاح [S] since the day God created him, he has not carried a weapon

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Word: مِن / مِنّ
(note the form مِنّ often occurs when there is a vowel following من . )

مِن بَعَد [S] after
مِنُّه [S] from him
مِنَّ الله [S] from God

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  Root: م ن و
Word: تْمَنَّى، يِتْمَنَّى
  to wish (فعل مضارع = to do, إنّ = that)

أَتْمَنَّى إِنِّي أَزُور المَنْطِقَة (المَنْطِگَة) دِي [S] I wish to visit this area
أَتْمَنَّى مِنَّ الله إِنُّه فِعْلًا النَّاس دَيل يَصَلُوا لِحَلَّ سِياسِي [S] I hope to God that these people really reach a political solution
أَتْمَنَّى أَنُّه فِعْلًا تَحْصُل حاجَة كْوَيّْسَة [S] I hope that something good happens

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  Root: ن ج ح
Word: نَجَح
  to pass (an exam)

الحَمْدِ الله نَجَحت [S] thank God I passed
نَجَحْتَ مِنَّ اْوَّل مَرَّة [S] I passed the first time

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  Root: و د ع
Word: وَدَّع، يَوَدِّع
  to entrust (ه =, ه = to)

وَدَّع اَلله [S] to say goodbye, bid farewell (lit. to entrust s.o. to God) (used in the perfect tense, as in وَدَّع الله , which is common in prayers and is more smoothly translated as "may God...")
وَدَّعْتَكُن الله ---- لا، ما بَدْرِي [S] May God keep you safe (goodbye) ---- no, isn't it (still) early?
وَدَّعْنَاك الله، مَعَ السَّلَامَة [S] Goodbye! Farewell!

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  Root: ي ا
Word: يَا
  يا... يا : either or

يا الله يا امين [S] barely, by the skin of one' teeth (lit. either God or amen) (said ya 2alla ya miin)

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  Root: ي ا م ي ن
Word: يَاْمِيْن

يَا الله يَامِين [S] by the skin of one's teeth., either God or amen (used to describe a close call or narrow escape. The idea is that only the word God and amen, the words that begin and start a prayer, stand between the speaker and disaster.)

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  Root: ا خ ذ
Word: أَخَذ، يَأْخُذ
  to take (ه =
(note that the vowel added to the prefix in the imperfect form is usually /a/ and not /i/)
(note conjugation:
أنا آخُذ
إحنا نَأخُذ
هُو يَأخُذ
هِي تَأخُذ
أنتُوا تَأْخُذُوا
أَنْتَين تَأخُذَين
هِي تَأخُذ
هِن يَأخُذَين
The imperative forms are خُذ، خُذِي، خُذُوا، خُذَيْن respectively )

أشتي أَرُوح وَزَارَة التَّرْبِيَة. كم تأخُذ؟ ---- عَشَرَة رْيَال. ‎[Y] I want to go to Yemen Gate. How will you accept (to take me)? ---- ten riyals.
‏بِتَأخُذ العائِلَة مَعَاك ---- ماش ذَالحِين. بِيِجُوا في الشِّتَا نْشالله ‎[Y] are you taking the family with you? ---- Not now. They'll come in winter, God willing.
‏كَم تَأْخُذ مِن هَانَا لَهَوْنَاك ‎[Y] how much do you want from here to there? (to a taxi driver)
‏خُذَ السَّيَّارَة حَقِّي (حَگِّي) أو تَعَال مَعِي وْنْسِيرَ الوَرْشَة ---- بارَكَ الله فِيك ‎[Y] take my car, or come with me and we'll go to the workshop ---- God bless you (thank you)!
‏كَم يَأْخُذ فِي الشَّهْر ‎[Y] how much does he receive (salary) per month?
‏كَم يَوم عُطْلَة تَأْخُذ في السَّنَة ‎[Y] How many days off do you take in a year?
‏يَأْخُذ أَلْفَين رْيَال فِي الشَّهْر بَسّ ‎[Y] he gets only two thousand riyals per month only
‏بَعَدِمَا تَخَرَّجْت وْأَخَذْتَ الشَّهَادَة رِجِعْت لَلْيَمَن ‎[Y] After I graduated and got my degree, I came back to Yemen
‏كَم تَأْخُذِين في الشَّهْر ‎[Y] how much do you get per month?
‏أَخَذ تاكْسِي وْرَاح لَلسُّوق (لَلسُّوگ)
‏السَّوَّاق (السَّوَّاگ) الّذي صَدَم الرَّجَّال شَلَّه وْأَخَذَه إِلى المُسْتَشْفَى ‎[Y] the driver that hit the man picked him up and took him to the hospital

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  Root: ا س ي
Word: أَسِيَّة / لَسِيَّة
  a find, a (lucky) catch

لِقِينَا (لِگِينَا) لَقِيَّة (لَگِيَّة) وْمِطِرْنَا زَوْم = أَسَيْنَا أَسِيَّة وْمِطِرْنَا زَوم ‎[Y] We found a treasure and it rained zoom (the sauce of food, made by boiling yogurt) (said of one who says something true but then follows that with something false) (the story is supposedly that a mother and a father find a أَسِيَّة in a pot in their house, and the only one that knows is their "stupid son". To confuse him so he doesn't know what is going on, they lock him in the kitchen and then climb up onto the roof. From their, the mother sprinkles زَوْم through the smoke vents / مَقَاطير while the father uses a large part, a دُبْيَة to make a noise like thunder. The boy licks up the zoom. Then, when the parents come down, they tell him: Look at God's wisdom. He made the sky rain zoom. So then afterwards the boy would go around and tell people this proverb, i.e. we found a treasure and it rained zoom, and people said this boy is just talking nonsense) (proverb)
‏أَسَيْنَا أَسِيَّة وْمِطِرْنَا زَوم وِحَنَّ الرَّاعِد مِن الدُّبْيَة ‎[Y] we found a treasure, it rained zoom, and thunder came from the large pot (proverb)
‏اِقْلِب (اِگْلِب) حَجَر تَحْتَ الحَجَر أَسِيَّة ‎[Y] Turn over a rock. Under the rock you'll find a treasure (proverb)
‏أَسِيَّة الله حَلَال ‎[Y] a finding from God is halal., (meaning) if you find something and it doesn't have an owner, it's fair game (similar to finders keepers) (proverb)

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  Root: ا ك د
Word: أَكَّد، يِؤَكِّد / يَكِّد، إِكَّاْد
  to grab, catch, hold (ه = / s.o., or ب = onto
(note the imperative seems to be both أَكِّد and إِكِّد )

أَكَّدنِي ‎[Y] he grabbed me (أَمْسَكْنِي)
‏اِبِن قَحْبَة (گَحْبَة) هَرَب، وَلَا مْسَيْكِين (والَمْسَيْكِين) أَكَّدُوه ‎[Y] a son of bitch who has run away, or a poor fellow who was caught (although two proverb books list the phrase as ولا مْسَيكِين , online a version of the phrase is والمِسْكِين . The word مْسَيْكِين is a diminutive of مِسْكِين )
‏إِكِّد بِحَبْلِ الله ‎[Y] hold tight to the rope of God!, (meaning) be patient! (note the imperative seems to be both أَكِّد and إِكِّد )

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  Root: ا ل ه
Word: الله
  الله : God (with a capital G. this is the word إله with the definite article ال . See further under إله )

إِيه، والله بَرْد قَوِي (گَوِي) ‎[Y] Indeed, it is really cold
‏والله نْسِيت ‎[Y] Honestly, I forgot

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  Root: ا م ن
Word: أَمَاْن
  safety, security

في أَمَانِ الله ‎[Y] Goodbye!, Go safely!, Godspeed!
‏في أمانِ الله ‎[Y] Goodbye!

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  Root: ب ر ك
Word: بَرَكَة، ج بَرَكَاْت
  blessing, benediction

على بَرَكَةِ الله ‎[Y] with God's blessing
‏اِتَّفَقْنَا (اِتَّفَگْنَا) على بَرَكَةِ الله ‎[Y] we are agreed, with God's blessing

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Word: بَاْرَك، يْبَاْرِك
  to bless (في = s.o.)

بارك الله فِيك (فِيش) ‎[Y] God bless you (also used as thank you)
‏خُذَ السَّيَّارَة حَقِّي (حَگِّي) أو تَعَال مَعِي وْنْسِيرَ الوَرْشَة ---- بارَكَ الله فِيك ‎[Y] take my car, or come with me and we'll go to the workshop ---- God bless you (thank you)!
‏مَبْرُوك --- الله يْبَارِك فيك ‎[Y] congratulations --- May god bless you as well!

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  Root: ب ل س
Word: مْبَلِّس
  having picked figs

خَيْر إِن شاء الله ما لَك بَكَّرْت بِكَّارَة مْبَلِّس ‎[Y] I hope all is well, you've come very early as though to pick figs (said to someone who comes early. the phrase بَكَّر بِكَّار is a مفعول مطلق , i.e. you've come really early. The word مُبَلِّس is used here because fig picking is traditionally done early in the morning.) (idiom)

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  Root: ج م ن
Word: جَمَنَة، ج جِمِيْن / جِمَاْن
  clay pot for gishr coffee (i.e. the clay pot for the drink / infusion made of coffee husks)
(إبريق قهوة القِشْر الفخاري)

لَطَف الله جِت في راسي فِلَو جِت في الجَمَنَة مِه ‎[Y] God was kind, it hit my head and not the coffee pot, right?! (from a folk story about آل الكبسي and their love of coffee. Per the story, someone was drinking coffee by the window and enjoying the view and some kids were fighting out in the street and throwing stones at one another. One rock struck the man's forehead, causing it to bleed. He touched the blood and, looking at it, said this phrase).

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  Root: ج ي ا
Word: جَاْء / جَا / جَيْء / جَي، يِجِي
  to come
(note conjugation:
أنا جِئْت / جِيْت، أَجِي
إحنا جِئْنَا / جِيْنَا، نِجِي
أَنْت جِئْت / جِيْت، تِجِي
أَنتِ جِئْتِ / جِيْتِ، تِجِي
أنتوا جِئْتُوا / جِيْتُوا، تِجُوا
أنتين جِئْتَيْن / جِيْتَيْن، تِجَيْن
هُو جَاء، يِجِي
هِي جَاءَت تِجِي
هُم جَوا / جَاءُوا، يِجُوا
هِن جَيْن / جَائَين يِجَين
The base imperative form is جِي

تِشْتِي تِجِي مَعِي ‎[Y] do you want to come with me?
‏أَنْتَين تِجَين اليَوم ‎[Y] you are coming today
‏في أيّ حِين عَ يِجُوا ‎[Y] At what time will they come?
‏حَيَّا الله مَن جَاء ‎[Y] Welcome back! (said to a man or a woman, the structure is invariable because من is treated as 3ms)
‏وْبَعْدَا جِيْتِ هانا ‎[Y] and then you came here?
‏في أَي حِين أَجِيهُم ‎[Y] what time should I come for them?
‏جَوا عِنْدَنَا ذِبَّال ‎[Y] come over, we have a wedding celebration (جوا in this case is an imperative).
‏سِر تَحَمَّم وْجِيْء اِدَّعِي المَرَض قَوِي (گَوِي) ‎[Y] go bathe and come act very sick
‏جَاْت مِنَّك يا بَيتَ الله ‎[Y] it came from you, O House of God (the saying supposedly stems from a man who had stopped praying who was forced to go to the masjid one day to pray. So as he was entering, he hit his head on the door top, the lintel piece known as مَرْدِم in Yemeni. So he then uses this as an excuse to go back home and not pray, saying that it was the house of God itself that stopped him from entering) (proverb)

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  Root: ح ج ي
Word: حَاْجَى، يِحَاْجِي، مُحَاْجَاْة
  to protect (على = s.o.)
(per MAI, the meaning can be either physical or non-physical, like literally imposing one's body between oncoming harm and someone, taking someone under one's wing or otherwise offering protection or standing up for someone)
(حاجَى فلان على من يلوذ به وما في كنفه من أهل ومال، أي: أحاطهم بحمايته ورعايته. ومثل هذا يقال في اللهجة المصرية أيضاً ، يقولون: حاجي على عيالك)

الله يِحَاجِي عَلَيك كَمَا حاجَى على مُحَمَّد ‎[Y] may God protect you as he protected Muhammad

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  Root: ح ر و
Word: حَرِيْو، ج حَرَاْوَة / حَرَاْوَى / أَحْرَاْوِي
  groom, bridegroom

لَيْلَة الدُّخُول يِعْمَلُوا زَفَّة حَقّ (حَگّ) الحَرِيو والحَرَيوَة بَعْد صَلاةَ المَغْرِب ‎[Y] on the wedding night they do the wedding procession for the bride and groom after the sunset prayer.
‏يا حَرِيوَ الله يِسِرَّك، وِيِسِرّ اهلَك مَعَك، يا حَرِيوِ ادْعَس على الباب، بِنْت عَمَّك هِي شباب، فَرِّشُوا الدِّيوان الأعلى، لِلحَرِيوِة تُجْتَلَى ‎[Y] O groom, may God make you happy, and make your family happy with you. O groom, step through the door, your wife (the daughter of your uncle) is youthful. They furnished the upstairs diwan, so the bride can be revealed. (wedding song)

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  Root: ح ز ر
Word: حَزْرَة
  a look, glance

حَزَرْكَ لِي حَزْرَة لَو ما غُمُرْكُ، يا غارَةَ الله وَيْش أنا عِمِلْكُ ‎[Y] you gave me a look until I got confused, O cave of God, what did I do to you! (per MAI, this is about the meaningful side glance that a woman gives) (folk song) (here, the ك in the words غُمُركُ is a ت . Meaning that in some dialects, the past tense suffix ت becomes a ك , for all persons — 1st, 2nd, and 3rd).

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  Root: ح ل س
Word: مِحْلِس
  hairless, smooth-skinned

بارَكَ الله في الرِّجَال المِزْعِلَة والنِّسَاء المِحْلِسَة ‎[Y] God bless hair men and smooth-skinned women (proverb)

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  Root: ح ن د د
Word: حَنْدَد، يِحَنْدِد، حَنْدَدَة
  to germinate, show the first signs of sprouting (تَفَتُّح الحبة عن النبتة أو الإنبات أول ظهوره في الحبة.)

أَرْض يُحَنْدِد فِيهَا المِجْعَار ‎‎[Y] a land (so fertile that) rocks can grow in it (idiom) (used to describe a very fertile piece of land)
‏أَرْض يُحَنْدِد فِيهَا الحِجَار ‎‎[Y] a land (so fertile that) rocks can grow in it (idiom) (used to describe a very fertile piece of land)
‏‏يُحَنْدِد في بَطْنَهَا المِجْعَار ‎‎[Y] even a rock grows in her belly (idiom) (said of a woman who gets pregnant easily)
‏يُحَنْدِد في بَطْنها المِجْعَار ولَو لَا قَدْرَة (گَدْرَةَ) الله لَتْكُون تِدِّي في كِلّ بَطْن سَبْعَة مِثْلَ البَطاطة ‎[Y] even rocks would sprout in her belly. If it weren't for the will of God, she'd have seven babies every time she got pregnant like a potato

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  Root: ح ن ن
Word: حَنّ
  to make (ه = s.o.) feel compassion

الله لا حَنَّك، خُزَّهَا ‎[Y] May God not make you feel compassion for me; I'd like to see you try it! (form of a challenge to someone, telling them not to feel any compassion)

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  Root: ح و ل
Word: حَوْل
  a fertile piece of land (حَوْل، قطعة الأرض الزراعية الجيدة)

حَوْلَين مِن المال يِكْفِي، وِلَّا وَلَد إِذَا أَصْلَح الله ‎[Y] two pieces of good property are enough, or a boy who is pious (proverb) (attributed to Ali Wild Zayed)
‏الحَبّ يِفْدي لِيَ الثَّور، والثَّور يِفْدِي لي الحَول، والحَول يِفْدِي لي الرَّاس ‎[Y] (proverb) (attributed to Ali Wild Zayed)

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  Root: ح ي ي
Word: حَيَّا، يْحَيِّي
  to make alive (ه = s.o.), preserve (ه = s.o.)
(note conjugation
هو حَيَّا
هِي حَيَّت
هُم حَيُّوا
هِن حَيَّيْن
أَنت حَيَّيْت
أنتِ حَيَّيْتِ
أنتُوا حَيَّيْتُوا
أَنْتَين حَيَّيْتَيْن
أَنا حَيَّيْت
إحنا حَيَّيْنَا

حَيَّاك الله ‎[Y] either 1. May God preserve you, or 2. Welcome!, Greetings!
‏الله يْحَيِّيْك ‎[Y] either 1. May God preserve you, or 2. Welcome!, Greetings!
‏حَيَّا الله مَن جَاء ‎[Y] Welcome back! (said to a man or a woman, the structure is invariable because من is treated as 3ms)
‏حَيَّا الله بِيْك (بِيْش) ‎[Y] either 1. May God preserve you, or 2. Welcome!

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  Root: خ ز ز
Word: خَزّ، يِخُزّ
  to stab, pierce, transfix
(this is the CA meaning, and it MIGHT be the meaning intended in the figurative examples. However, MAI says clearly that he does not know the exact meaning of the verb in these phrases, only that the phrases are used)

خَزَّهَا ‎[Y] He did a great job., He just killed it. (said sarcastically. The meaning might stem from the idea of hitting something with an arrow, and the ها is just the generic "it" as is common in most dialects)
‏عَ يِخُزَّهَا ‎[Y] he's going to do a great job (said sarcastically)
‏ما يَومَ السَّبْت بِتِخُزُّوها ‎[Y] On Saturday you're going to do a great job., (meaning) You're never going to do anything (idiom) (the story behind this is that a man supposedly came to Imam Yahya on a Friday and asked him to resolve an issue for him, but the imam said that it is Friday and did not want to work. So the man responded with this phrase, meaning that the Imam wasn't going to do anything on any day of the week.)
‏خُزَّهَا ‎[Y] (I'd like to see you) try it!, (I'd like to see you) do it! (the phrase is an imperative. It is used as a challenge, like I'd like to see you try).
‏خُزَّهَا عَلَيَّ ‎[Y] I'd like see you try that on me (i.e. as a challenge to someone)
‏الله لا حَنَّك، خُزَّهَا ‎[Y] May God not make you feel compassion for me; I'd like to see you try it! (form of a challenge to someone, telling them not to feel any compassion)
‏خُزَّهَا، الله لا حَنَّك ‎[Y] I'd like to see you try! May God not put any compassion (for me) in your heart

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  Root: د ف ر
Word: دَفَر، يِدْفِر، دَفْرَة
  to catch, catch up to (ه = s.o.)
( لحاق المطارد بالمطارد أو وشوك ذلك. دفر فلان فلاناً يدفره دفرة ، أي : لحقه وأدركه أوكاد )

يا مَطَر وِامْطِر، في الجِبَال واغْزِر، وَالسِّيُول تِدْفِر، وَالمُغِيْث الله ‎[Y] O rain, rain, in the mountains and be abundant, and the floods will come follow, and the savior is God

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  Root: ر ح م
Word: رَحَم، يَرْحَم
  to have mercy (on)

رَحَم الله والِدَيك ‎[Y] God have mercy on your parents (common blessing)

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  Root: ر د د
Word: رَدّ، يَرُدّ
  to bring back (ه =

لا رَدَّك الله ‎[Y] May God not bring you back!, Go to hell!
‏الأَوَّلَة لَك والثَّانِيَة عَلَيك والثَّالِثَة لا رَدَّك الله ‎[Y] The first time is for you, the second time is against you, and the third time may God not protect you from harm (meaning if you make a mistake once, you are forgiven. If you make the same mistake twice, it counts against you. And if you make the same mistake a third time, go to hell.) (proverb)

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  Root: ر د م
Word: رَاْدِم، المؤنث: رَاْدْمَة
  covering, blocking (the sky or horizon) (said of a cloud)
(الغيم الرادِم، أو السحاب و السحائب الرادِمة هي: المطبقة للأفق )

أَلْفَين صَلَاةُ الله عَلَيك، يا زَين يا اْبُو فاطِمِة، ما غَرَّد القُمْرِي (الگُمْرِي) وِما، شَنَّت سَحَايِب رَادِمِة ‎[Y] two thousand .blessings upon you, O Beautiful One on Father of Fatima, the Gumry dove has not sung nor have the clouds spread a cover across the horizon (folksong)

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  Root: ر ض ي
Word: رَضِي، يَرْضَى
  to be please (عن = with s.o.)

رَضِيَ اللهْ عَنَّك ‎[Y] God be pleased with you

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  Root: ر ك ك
Word: رِكّ
  dependence, trust (على = on / in
(الركون والاعتماد؛ تقول: الرِّكّ على الله ثم عليك في هذا الأمر يا فلان. والرِّكُ على توفر المال لنجاح هذا المشروع. أو الرِّكُّ على مقدار المطر في صلاح هذا الزرع. )

الرِّكّ على الله ‎[Y] trust in God

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  Root: ز ا ب
Word: زُؤْبَة / زُوْبَة
  ( that is) frightening, terrifying (said, for instance, to refer to a terrifying place, or a scary face, etc.)
(المخيف المرعب من كل شيء)
(said with the hamza in Ibb and surrounding areas, and with just a و in other regions)

الظَّلَام اللَّيْلَة زُوبَة ‎[Y] the darkness tonight is terrifying
‏المَكَان زُوبَة ‎[Y] the place is frightening
‏يا زُوبَتِي يا زُوْبَتَا ‎[Y] Oh my goodness!, How horrifying
‏أَمر مخيف زُوبَة الله ‎[Y] something God created just to be terrifying (said, for instance, upon seeing something horrible)

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  Root: ز ع ل
Word: مِزْعِل
(كثير الشعر)

بارَكَ الله في الرِّجَال المِزْعِلَة والنِّسَاء المِحْلِسَة ‎[Y] God bless hair men and smooth-skinned women (proverb)
‏ما رِجَاْل إِلَّا مِزْعِلَة ‎[Y] they're not men if they are not hairy (proverb)

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  Root: ز غ ف
Word: زَغَف، يِزْغَف، زَغْف
  to drink (ه = as it is, with any impurities
(رغف فلان الماءَ، أي شربه على علاته بما فيه من قذىً أو شوائب. تقول: اِزْغَف وعلى الله )

اِزْغَف وعلى الله ‎[Y] drink it and trust in God

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  Root: ز ل م
Word: زَلَاْم
  equipment, gear for light riding
( عُدَّة الركوبات المخففة السريعة )

أَمْسَيت ساهِر في مَنَامِي. يا سَيِّدِي شِدَّ الزَّلَام، على السُّعُودي عاب في حُجَّاج بَيت الله ‎[Y] I greeted a sleepless person in my dream. Oh sir, bring the light riding gear, to the Saudi that wronged the pilgrims of the house of God (from a زامل , a kind of war song, that is sung in rememberance of the between 2,000 and 3,000 Yemeni pilgrims killed in Saudi Arabia. MAI puts the year as 1922, whereas an Al-Mayadeen article puts it at 1923. Pro-Yemen / anti-Saudi sources online blame then Saudi King Abdulaziz Ibn Saud. Other sources put it down to "zealots".)

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  Root: س ب ر
Word: سَبَاْر
  soundness, good, proper or right condition (maSdar)

البِرّ هُوَ البِرّ وِلِه في كُلّ دَيْمِة سَبَار ‎[Y] wheat is wheat, and and in every kitchen there is a different ration., (meaning) each according to his means (the word بِرّ here may be play on the word for wheat and piety, since a similar proverb says البِرّ برَّ الله، وادْفَا بِشَمْسَ الله، واخَلِّي بَعِيري لي ) (proverb)

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  Root: س ر ر
Word: مَسَرَّة، ج مَسَرَّاْت
  joy, happiness

الله يْعِيدَه عَلَيكُم وْعَلَينا بالخَير والمَسَرَّاْت ‎[Y] May God bring it back to you and to us with goodness and joy (common holiday expression)

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  Root: س ل م
Word: سَلَاْم
  peace, security

السَّلَامُ عَلَيكُم ‎[Y] Peace be upon you! (common greeting)
‏وَعَلَيكُمَ السَّلَام ‎[Y] and peace be upon you!
‏السَّلَامُ عَلَيكُم وَرَحْمَةُ اللهِ وَبَرَكَاتُه ‎[Y] Peace, mercy, and blessings of God be upon you (traditional formal Islamic greeting)
‏وعَلَيكُمُ السَّلَامُ وَرَحْمَةُ اللهِ وَبَرَكَاتُه ‎[Y] and upon you be His peace, blessings, and mercy (response to the above)
‏يَا سَلَام ‎[Y] what a...!, Oh my...! (expression of shock, joy, etc.)

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Word: سَلَاْمَة
  safety, security

مَعَ السَّلَامَة ‎[Y] Goodbye!, Farewell!
‏الحَمْدُ لِله على السَّلَامَة ‎[Y] Thank God for your safe return (the response is الله يْسَلِّمَك )

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Word: سَلَّم، يْسَلِّم
  to protect, keep safe (ه = s.o.)

سَلَّمَك الله ‎[Y] May God keep you safe, goodbye! (common form of goodbye)

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  Root: ش ح ف
Word: شِحِيْف / شُحِيْف، المؤنث: شِحِيْفَة / شُحِيْفَة
  cute, charming, kind (especially of kids, but can also be used to describe an adult if he / she is charming and easy to get along with)

هُم شُحْفَة الله ‎[Y] they are the cute kids of God

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  Root: ش ف ي
Word: شَفَى، يِشْفِي
  to cure, heal (ه = s.o.), to restore (ه = s.o.) to health

الله يِشْفِيك وْيْعَافِيك ‎[Y] God cure you and restore you to health!

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  Root: ش ك ر
Word: شُكْر

شُكْرًا ‎[Y] thanks
‏شُكْرًا! بارَك الله فِيك ‎[Y] Thanks! God bless you!
‏شُكْرًا ---- عَفْوًا ‎[Y] thanks! ---- You're welcome!

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  Root: ش ي ا
Word: شَاء
  to will, want (see example)

إِنْ شَاء الله = نْشَالله ‎[Y] If God wills, hopefully (used as anything from "hopefully" to "yeah right, when hell freezes over")

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  Root: ص ب ح
Word: صَبَّح، يْصَبِّح
  to grant a good morning (ه = s.o.) (said of God)

صَبَّحَك الله بالخَيْر ‎[Y] Good morning!
‏صَبَّحِك (صَبِّحِش) الله بالخَير ‎[Y] Good morning!
‏صَبَّحَك الله بالخَيْر يا حَسَن ‎[Y] Good morning to you, Hassan

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  Root: ص ب ر
Word: صَاْبِر، ج صَوَاْبِر
  side, aspect (of
( الصَّابِر من أي شيء هو: جانبه أو أحد جانبيه )

صابِر مِن هاذا الجَبَل أَخْضَر وصابِر جافّ ‎[Y] a side of this mountain is green and one side is green
‏صابِر من الله وصابِر منَ الشَّيْطَان ‎[Y] one side from God, one side from Satan (i.e. something good and bad)
‏صابِر من الله وصابِر ِمن حِمَار ‎[Y] one side from God, one side from an ass (i.e. something good and bad)
‏صابِر من بَنِي آدَم وصابِر ِمن حِمَار ‎[Y] one side from humans, one side from an ass (i.e. something good and bad)

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  Root: ص ح ح
Word: صِحَّة

وَزَارَة الصِّحَّة ‎[Y] the ministry of health
‏الله يِدِّي لَك الصِّحَّة والعافِيَة ‎[Y] God give you health and well being! (said when wishing someone good health, a speedy recovery, etc.)

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  Root: ص ر ب
Word: صِرَاْب / صُرَاْب
  harvest (this word other words derived from the root are in ancient texts as well. Harvest times vary from region to region depending on the weather. For instance, in mountainous regions, there is صِرَاب القِيَاظ —midsummer—, and صِراب الدثأ — early summer—, and صراب العَلَّاني —late fall—, the last of them being the largest and most important and so is often just referred to as الصِّرَاب in mountain regions where.)
( الحصاد. وهذه كلمة عربية يمنية قديمة وردت في عدد من النقوش، وفي الشهور المذكورة في النقوش المسندية هنالك شهر ذو صربان أي ذو الصرب أو ذو الصراب. )

كَفَاك الله شَرّ جُوعَ الصِّرَاب وِعَطَشَ الخَرِيف ‎[Y] God save you from the difficulty of hunger during the harvest and the thirst of autumn (the phrase جوع الصِّرَاب roughly refers to the loss of crop that leads to hunger, and autumn is known as the time of heavy rains. So the phrase, per IBAA, means that no one goes hungry during harvest time or thirsty during autumn.) (proverb)
‏شِبِّة وِشَباب، وِزَوَاجَه بِالصِّرَاب ‎[Y] youth and youth and his marriage is during harvest (said when a young man / unmarried man or a boy sneezes as blessing, as though the sneeze were a sign of getting married) (idiom)

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  Root: ص ل و
Word: صَلَّى، يْصَلِّي
  to pray

إِحْنَا صَلَّينا في الجامِع ‎[Y] we prayed in the mosque
‏هُم صَلُّوا في البَيت ‎[Y] they prayed at home
‏صَلِّي على رَسُولِ الله ‎[Y] pray for the Messenger of God (said in the context to ward against evil when hearing something bad, like God forbid!)

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  Root: ص ي ب
Word: صِيْب
  seed (in general, anything that is "planted" and then results in something, including plant seeds of all types but also human and animal "seed")
( الصِّيْب، هو: كل ما يُبْذَرُ ويُلقَح فيُنتِجُ. فالحبوب كلها صِيْبٌ، وحب البذار الذي يؤخذ إلى المزارع صِيْب، وبذور الزهر والنباتات والأشجار صِيْب )

صِيْبَ البَلَا قُحْطَتَين (گُحْتَطَين) ‎[Y] the seed of disaster is two grain seeds., (meaning) evil can come from the smallest of things (proverb)
‏صِيْب البَلَا يَعْنِيك في صِرَاْبَه ‎[Y] the seed of disaster makes you suffer in its harvest (i.e. a bad or evil start only gets worse when it comes time to reap the results.) (proverb)
‏يا لَيْتِك (لَيْتش) الوَرْدَة واشِلّ صِيْبِك (صِيبِش) ---- وِلا نَوِيْتِي العَيب الله يِصِيبِك (يِصِيْبِش) ‎[Y] I wish you were the flower and I could get rid of your seed ---- and you didn't intend the shameful thing, God strike you down. (folksong)

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  Root: ع ب د
Word: عَبْد، ج عَبِيْد
  servant, slave
(used in a lot of compound names in Arabic)

عَبْدَ العَزِيز ‎[Y] Abd-al-Aziz, Abdalaziz
‏عَبْدَ القَادِر (الگَادِر) ‎[Y] Abd-al-qadir, Abdalgadir
‏عَبْدَ العَزِيز بِن عَبْدَ الله ‎[Y] Abdalaziz bin Abdallah, Abdalaziz the son of Abdallah
‏عَبْدَ الرَّحْمَان ‎[Y] Abd-al-Rahma, Abdalrahman
‏يا عَبْدَ الخَيْر ‎[Y] O dear slave! (polite way of addressing a slave)

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  Root: ع ف و
Word: عَاْفِيَة
  health, well being

الله يِدِّي لَك الصِّحَّة والعافِيَة ‎[Y] God give you health and well being! (said when wishing someone good health, a speedy recovery, etc.)

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  Root: ع ف ي
Word: عَاْفَى، يْعَاْفِي
  to keep (ه = s.o.) safe

عافَاك الله ‎[Y] Good keep you safe!, God restore good health to you!
‏الله يْعَافِيك ‎[Y] Good keep you safe!, God restore good health to you!
‏الله يْسَلِّمِك (يْسَلِّمِش) وْيْعَافِيك (وْيْعَافِيْش) ‎[Y] God protect you and give you health!

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  Root: ع و د
Word: عَاْد، يْعِيْد
  to repeat, do again (ه =

الله يْعِيدَه عَلَيكُم وْعَلَينا بالخَير والمَسَرَّاْت ‎[Y] May God bring it back to you and to us with goodness and joy (common holiday expression)

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  Root: ع و ن
Word: أَعَاْن، يْعِيْن
  to help, aid (ه = s.o.)

الله يْعِين أَهْلَه ‎[Y] God help his family
‏الله يِعِينَك ---- الله يِعِين الجَمِيع ‎[Y] God help you! ---- May God help everyone (common comment and response)

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  Root: ع ي ل
Word: عَيْلَة
  wild pigeon, non-domesticated pigeon (الحمامة البرّية )

يَا لَيْتَنِي عَيْلِة في مَدْرَبَ السَّيْل، لا احَّد يِقُولْ لِي لا شَرَق (شَرَگ) ولاَ لَيل ‎[Y] I wish I was a wild pigeon in the place where the water flows, no one telling me "morning" nor "night" (this is from a folk poem, supposedly by a poor woman who was constantly forced to work. In the morning, she would be called to work by people saying شرق يا الله شرق , and at night ليل يا الله ليل , hence the reference in the poem.)

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  Root: غ ر ب
Word: غُرَّاْبِي
  (a) raven

غُرَّابِي الشُّوم ‎[Y] bearer of bad luck., omen of misfortune
‏حَيَّاك الله ---- لا حَيَّاك الله وَلا قَوَّاك (گَوَّاك) الله يا غُرَّابِي الشُّوم ‎[Y] God preserve you (common greeting) ---- May God not preserve you or strengthen you, you bearer of bad luck!

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  Root: غ ي ب
Word: غَيْب
  that which is hidden, concealed, the unknown

الله يَعْلَم ما في الغَيْب ‎[Y] God knows that which is hidden

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  Root: ف ي
Word: فِي / فِ / فْ
  in, inside
(note conjungation with pronouns:
فِيك / فِيْش

في أَمَانِ الله ‎[Y] Goodbye!, Go safely!, Godspeed!
‏فِي اليَمَن ‎[Y] in Yemen
‏في الحُدَيدَة ‎[Y] in Hudaida
‏فِي أَمْرِيك = فَ اْمْرِيكَا ‎[Y] in America
‏فِي السُّوق (السُّوگ) ‎[Y] in the market, at the market place
‏كَم يَأْخُذ فِي الشَّهْر ‎[Y] how much does he receive (salary) per month?
‏كَم يَوم عُطْلَة تَأْخُذ في السَّنَة ‎[Y] How many days off do you take in a year?
‏في المَطْعَم ‎[Y] at the restaurant
‏أَدْرُس في دارَ المُعَلِّمِين ‎[Y] I study at the teachers college
‏كُنْت فِي السُّعُودِيَّة خَمْس سَنَوَات ‎[Y] I was in Saudi Arabia for five years
‏النَّاس في عِيدَ الفِطْر يِلْبَسُوا أَحْسَن شَيء عِنْدَهُم مِنَ المَلَابِس ‎[Y] people during Eid al-Fitr wear the best clothes they have
‏في الغَسَّالَة ‎[Y] at the laundromat

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  Root: ق ل ب
Word: قَلْب / گَلْب، ج قُلُوْب / گُلُوْب

نَوَّر الله قَلْبَك (گَلْبَك) ‎[Y] May God enlighten your heart!, Thank you!
‏اليَهْوَدَة في القُلُوب (الگُلُوب) ما هِي بْطُولَ الزَّنَانِير ‎[Y] piety is in the heart, it is not measured by the length of the side curls., beauty is only skin deep., do not judge a book by its cover (proverb)
‏ضَعِيف القَلْب (الگَلْب) ‎[Y] weak hearted, fainthearted

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  Root: ق ل د
Word: قَلَّد / گَلَّد، يْقَلِّد / يْگَلِّد
  to grant (ه = to s.o., ه = a favor) (see example)

قَلَّدِك (گَلَّدِش) الله ‎[Y] God's curse be upon you!, Damn you!

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  Root: ك
Word: ـك
  you, your, yours (second person masculine singular suffix pronoun)

اِسْمَك ‎[Y] your name
‏ما اسْمَك ‎[Y] what is your name?
‏مَسَّاك الله بِالخَيْر ‎[Y] Good evening!

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Word: ـِك / ـِش / ـِچ
  you, your (second person singular feminine suffix pronoun)

مَسَّاك (مَسَّاش) الله بْالخَيْر ‎[Y] Good evening! = God grant you a good evening (common greeting)
‏اِسْمِك (اِسْمِش) ‎[Y] your name
‏أَهْلِك (أَهْلِش) ‎[Y] your folks = your family
‏اُخْتِك (أُخْتِش) ‎[Y] where is your sister
‏شُغْلِك (شُغْلِش) ناهِي ‎[Y] your work is good

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  Root: ك ث ر
Word: كَثَّر، يْكَثِّر
  to increase (ه =, make (ه = more, augment (ه =

كَثَّر الله خَيْرَك ‎[Y] God bless you!, May God increase your bounty!

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  Root: ك ف ي
Word: كَفَى، يِكْفِي
  to save, protect, shield (ه = s.o.) from (often said in proverbs and sayings. See also in other dialects such as Egyptian)

كَفَاك الله شَرّ جُوعَ الصِّرَاب وِعَطَشَ الخَرِيف ‎[Y] God save you from the difficulty of hunger during the harvest and the thirst of autumn (the phrase جوع الصِّرَاب roughly refers to the loss of crop that leads to hunger, and autumn is known as the time of heavy rains. So the phrase, per IBAA, means that no one goes hungry during harvest time or thirsty during autumn.) (proverb)

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  Root: ل ا
Word: لَا
  لا + فعل ماضي : may it not be (expresses a negative desire or wish, especially in the context of prayers)

لا قَوَّاك (گَوَّاك) الله ‎[Y] may God not strengthen you

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  Root: م س ي
Word: مَسَّى، يْمَسِّي
  to wish (ه = s.o.) a good evening, to grant (ه = s.o.) a good evening (said with God as the subject)

مَسَّاك (مَسَّاش) الله بْالخَيْر ‎[Y] Good evening! = God grant you a good evening (common greeting)
‏مَسَّاك (مَسَّاش) الله بالخَيْر يا تَقِيَّة (تَگِيَّة) ‎[Y] Good evening yo you, Tagiya!

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  Root: م ع
Word: مَع
  with (preposition)
(note conjugation with suffixes:
مَعَه / مَعَاه
مَعَهُم / مَعَاهُم
مَعْهَا / مَعَاهَا
مَعْهِن / مَعَاهِن
مَعَك / مَعَاك
مَعْكُم / مَعَاكُم
مَعِك / مَعِش
مَعْكِن / مَعَاكِن
مَعِي / مِعِي
مَعْنَا / مَعَانَا

مَعَ السَّلَامَة ‎[Y] goodbye!, farewell!
‏هُو يِشْتَغِل معَانَا ‎[Y] he works with us
‏أَشْتِي أَجِي مَعَاك ---- طَيِّب، أَهْلًا وْسَهْلًا. تْفَضَّل ‎[Y] I want to come with you ---- you're more than welcome!
‏مَن مَعِي ‎[Y] either 1. who is with me?, or 2. To whom am I speaking (when talking on the phone)
‏الله مَعَك ‎[Y] God be with you!, Farewell!
‏كان مَعَاه حَلَوِيَّات ‎[Y] he had sweets
‏يْسِيرُوا لَحَمَّام النِّسَيء مَع الحَرَيْوَة ‎[Y] they go to the women's bath house with the bride
‏الزَلَط ماش مَعِي ‎[Y] the money is not with me
‏ما مَع أُمَّه إلَّا هُو ‎[Y] his mother had no one except him
‏ما يِعْمَل الواحِد مَعَاهُم ‎[Y] what does one do with them?

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  Root: م ن
Word: مَن
  who, he who, the one who (relative pronoun)

حَيَّا الله مَن جَاء ‎[Y] Welcome back! (said to a man or a woman, the structure is invariable because من is treated as 3ms)

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  Root: ن و ر
Word: نَوَّر، يْنَوِّر
  to enlighten, fill with light (ه =

نَوَّر الله قَلْبَك (گَلْبَك) ‎[Y] May God enlighten your heart!, Thank you!

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  Root: و ج ه
Word: وَجْه / وَشّ / وَچّ، ج وُجُوْه
(the contraction of the ج and ه make the pronunciation وَشّ or وَچّ , which is common in many dialects for the singular)

طَبَع الوَجْه ‎[Y] to make a line on the face with the finger from the side of the forehead to the chin and swear to something (saying وِجْهِي وِعَهْدَ الله ) (this is considered a powerful kind of oath)
‏طَبَعَت لَه وِجْهَهَا ‎[Y] she swore to him., she promised him

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  Root: و ف ق
Word: وَفَّق / وَفَّگ، يْوَفِّق / يْوَفِّگ
  to make (ه = s.o.) successful, prosperous (said of God)

مُوَفَّق (مُوَفَّگ) يا أَخ مْحَمَّد --- الله يْوَفِّق (يْوَفِّگ) الجَمِيع ‎[Y] Good luck, brother Muhammad ---- May God bless everyone

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Word: اتَّفَق / اتَّفَگ، يِتَّفِق / يِتَّفِگ
  to come to an agreement, agree (with o.a.)

ثاني يَوم سار أَبِي وْأَخِي الكَبِير لَبَيت العَرُوسَة وْخَزَّنُوا واتَّفَقُوا (واتَّفَگُوا) على المَهْر ‎[Y] the next day my father and brother went to the bride's house, chewed qat, and agreed on a bridal dowry
‏اِتَّفَقْنَا (اِتَّفَگْنَا) على بَرَكَةِ الله ‎[Y] we are agreed, with God's blessing
‏اتَّفَقُوا (اتَّفَگُوا) مَع أَصْحَاب الحَمَّامات في صَنْعَا ‎[Y] they agreed with the bath house owners in Sanaa

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  Root: ي ا
Word: يَا
  O, Oh, Hey (vocative particle)

يَا أَحْمَد ‎[Y] Hey, Ahmad!
‏مَسَّاك الله بِالخَير يا يُوْسِف ‎[Y] Good evening Youssif!
‏يَا دَكْتَور مَهْدِي ‎[Y] Doctor Mahdi
‏كَيف أَنْت يا زَيند ‎[Y] how are you, Zaid
‏يا سِكِرْتَير ‎[Y] Secretary! (this is bit blunt and not normally used. More commonly, people will say يا دَكْتَور)
‏يا أَسَفَاه ‎[Y] Oh grief!, Woe!, Unfortunately!, That's horrible!
‏يَا بِه ‎[Y] O Father! (short for يا أَبِي )
‏يَا سَلَام ‎[Y] oh my!, wow! (exclamation)

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