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  Root: ب ا ب ا
Word: بَأْبَأَ، يُبَأْبِئ، بَأْبَأَة
to say “papa” (بابا) (said of a child);
Word: بَأْبَأَ، يُبَأْبِئ، بَأْبَأَة
to babble;
Word: باْباْ، ج باْباْوَاْت / باْبَوَاْت
  pope (also title of the pope and patriarch of the Coptic church)
[pronunciation: bābā]

البابا يوحَنّا بولُس الثاني ‎[CA] Pope John Paul II
‏قَداسة البابا ‎[CA] the Holy Father
‏بابا الإسْكَنْدَريّةِ / الأَقْباطِ ‎[CA] Pope of the Coptic Orthodox Church of Alexandria

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Word: باْباْ، ج باْباْوَاْت / باْبَوَاْت
  papa, father, daddy, dad
[pronunciation: bābā]

بابا غَنُّوج ‎[CA] baba ghanuj, (dip of eggplant and tahini);
‏بابا وَماما ‎[CA] mom and dad

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Word: باْبَوِيّ / باْباْوِيّ
[pronunciation: bābawiyy]

السُدّة / الكُرْسيّ البابَويّ(ة) ‎[CA] the Holy See

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Word: باْبَوِيَّة
papacy, popedom
[pronunciation: bābawiyya]
Word: بُؤبُؤ
  root, source, origin;

هو كريم البؤبؤ ‎[CA] he is of noble origin, of good lineage;

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Word: بُؤبُؤ
core, heart, inmost part;
Word: بُؤبُؤ
  pupil of the eye (specified as بُؤبُؤ العَيْنِ );
[pronunciation: buʼbuʼ]

بُؤبُؤ عَيْنِي ‎[CA] either 1. pupil of my eye, or 2. the apple of my eye;
‏وَضَعَ فُلانًا في بُؤْبُؤِ العَيْنِ ‎[CA] to put s.o. in a favoured position
‏تَوَسَّعَ بُؤْبُؤُ عَيْنَيْهِ ‎[CA] his pupils dilated
‏هو أَعَزُّعليّ من بؤبؤ عيني ‎[CA] he is dearer to me than the apple of my eye;

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  Root: ب و ب
Word: بَاْب، ج أَبْوَاْب / بِيْبَاْن
  door (this word has a lot of figurative uses)

باب أَماميّ / خَلْفيّ ‎[CA] front/back door
‏باب رَئيسيّ ‎[CA] main entrance, front door
‏من البابِ الأَماميِّ ‎[CA] through the front door
‏باب خارِجيّ ‎[CA] outside door
‏باب السَيّارةِ ‎[CA] car door
‏باب المَسْرَحِ ‎[CA] the theater entrance
‏باب قاعةِ الحَفْلِ ‎[CA] the entrance of the party hall
‏ثُقْب البابِ ‎[CA] keyhole
‏الانْتِخاباتُ على الأَبْوابِ ‎[CA] the elections are on their way
‏صَفَقَ البابَ ‎[CA] to slam the door
‏عَبَرَ البابَ ‎[CA] to walk through the door
‏أَغْلَقَ أَبْوابَهُ ‎[CA] to close its gates, to close down
‏تَرَكَ البابَ مَفْتوحاً أمام / ل ‎[CA] to leave the door open to
‏سِياسة البابِ المَفْتوحِ ‎[CA] open-door policy
‏أَغْلَقَ بابَ المُناقَشةِ ‎[CA] to cut off discussion
‏لم يَتْرُكْ بابًا إلا وَطَرَقَهُ ‎[CA] to leave no stone unturned (literally: to knock on every door)

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Word: بَاْب، ج أَبْوَاْب / بِيْبَاْن
  door (more examples)

على الأَبْوَاب ‎[CA] at the gates, at the doors of, approaching (figuratively: near, imminent)
‏على أبواب مرحلةٍ جديدةٍ من الحياة ‎[CA] at the doors of a new stage of life
‏فَتَحَ بَاْبًا جَدِيْدًا ‎[CA] to open up a new way, a new possibility
‏فُتِحَ بَابُ ‎[CA] was (were) begun, got under way
‏قَفَلَ بابَ الشَيءِ ‎[CA] to put an end to, terminate, close
‏مِن بابِ + المَصْدَر ‎[CA] by way of, as a means of;
‏مِنْ بَابِ الفَضْلِ ‎[CA] as a favor
‏مِنْ بابِ الضَرُوْرَة ‎[CA] it is necessary that
‏لَيْس هذا مِن بَابِ الصُدْفَة ‎[CA] that's no coincidence
‏هذا لَيْسَ من بابِ الصُدْفةِ ‎[CA] this cannot be a coincidence (difference in emphasis from ليس هذا)
‏من باب الاحترام ‎[CA] by way of respect
‏من باب الاحتياط ‎[CA] by way of caution, by precaution;
‏من بابِ المُسْتَحيلِ ‎[CA] impossible
‏مِن بَابِ الأُوْلَى ‎[CA] with all the more reason, the more so
‏من بابٍ أَوْلى ‎[CA] better
‏في هذا البَابِ ‎[CA] about this matter, about this
‏على باب الله = فقير ‎[CA] poor
‏رجل على باب الله ‎[CA] a poor man
‏طَلَعَ على بابِ اللهِ ‎[CA] to pursue one's livelihood, earn one's bread

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  Root: ص ب غ
Word: صَبَغَ، يَصْبُغ / يَصْبِغ / يَصْبَغ
  to paint, daub (ه =

صَبَغَ باباً ‎[CA] to paint a door
‏صَبَغَ الأَظافِرَ ‎[CA] to paint one's nails

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  Root: ط ر ق
Word: طَرَقَ، يَطْرُق، طَرْق
  to knock, rap, bang (ه = at, on, especially at a door)
(this knocking can be in any manner and with anything, and so is used to say knocking on a door, muddying water, to strike iron, like a blacksmith, etc)
[pronunciation: ṭaraqa]

طَرَقَ البابَ ‎[CA] to knock at/on the door
‏طَرَقَ الجِدارَ ‎[CA] to knock on the wall
‏طَرَقَ أُذُنَ فُلانٍ = طَرَقَ مَسْمَعَ فُلانٍ ‎[CA] to come to s.o.'s ears, to strike s.o.'s ear, reach s.o.'s ear
‏طَرَقَ بِبَالِهِ = طَرَقَ في ذِهْنِهِ ‎[CA] to occur to s.o., come to s.o.'s mind
‏طَرَقَ سَمْعَهُ = طَرَقَ مَسَاْمِعَهُ ‎[CA] reach s.o.'s ear, come to s.o.'s knowledge or attention
‏طَرَقَ مَوْضُوعًا ‎[CA] either 1. to treat of a subject, discuss a topic, or 2. to broach a subject, touch on a theme
‏طرق بباله = طرق ذهنه = to come to someone's mind, occur to someone
‏لم يَتْرُكْ بابًا إلا وَطَرَقَهُ ‎[CA] ≈ to leave no stone unturned

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  Root: ع ل و
Word: عَلِيّ
  Ali (male given name) (also the name of the fourth caliph after the prophet Muhammad)

أُمّ عَليِّ ‎[CA] Umm Ali (Egyptian dessert, similar to bread pudding)
‏عَليّ بابا ‎[CA] Ali Baba

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  Root: ع ي ن
Word: عَيْن، ج عُيُوْن / أَعْيُن
  eye (feminine noun)
[pronunciation: ʻayn]

سَوَاد العَيْنِ ‎[CA] either 1. bags around the eyes (often called a هالة or halo), or 2. eyeball
‏مِحْجَر العَيْنِ ‎[CA] eye socket
‏زاوِية عَيْنٍ ‎[CA] corner of the eye
‏عَصَب عَيْنٍ ‎[CA] optic nerve
‏طَبيب العُيونِ ‎[CA] ophthalmologist
‏الْتِهاب العَيْنِ ‎[CA] inflammation of the eye
‏بُؤْبُؤ العَيْنِ = حَدَقة العَيْنِ ‎[CA] pupil
‏بِأُمِّ عَينِهِ = بِعَينَي رَأْسِي ‎[CA] with one's own eyes
‏أَبْصَرَ بالعَيْنِ المُجَرَّدةِ = رَأى بالعَيْنِ المُجَرَّدةِ ‎[CA] to see with the naked eye
‏لا يُرى بالعين المجرّدة ‎[CA] it can't be seen by the naked eye
‏رَأى شَيْئاً رَأْيَ العَيْنِ / بِأُمِّ عَيْنِهِ ‎[CA] to see with one's own eyes
‏شاهِد عَيْنٍ ‎[CA] eyewitness
‏في طَرْفةِ عَيْنٍ = في غَمْضةِ عَيْنٍ ‎[CA] in the blink of an eye
‏ما … طَرْفَةَ عَيْنٍ = ما … لَحْظَةَ عَينٍ ‎[CA] not one moment
‏تحت عُيْونِنا ‎[CA] before our very eyes
‏العَيْنُ بالعَيْنِ والسِنُّ بالسِنِّ ‎[CA] an eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth
‏فَرَكَ عَيْنَيْهِ ‎[CA] to rub one's eyes
‏تَلَأْلُؤ عَيْنَيْهِ = تَأَلُّق عَيْنَيْهِ = بَريق عَيْنَيْهِ ‎[CA] the twinkle in his eye

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  Root: ف ت ح
Word: فَتَحَ، يَفْتَح، فَتْح
  to open (ه =
[pronunciation: fataḥa]

فَتَحَ البَخْتَ ‎[CA] to tell fortunes
‏فَتَحَ عَيْنَيْهِ على أَخِرِها ‎[CA] to open one's eyes wide, stare wide-eyed
‏فَتَحَ الشَهِيَّةَ ‎[CA] to stimulate the appetite
‏فَتَحَ عَيْنَيْهِ ‎[CA] to open one's eyes
‏فَتَحَ عُلْبةً ‎[CA] to open a can
‏فَتَحَ زُجاجةَ نَبيذٍ ‎[CA] to uncork a bottle of wine
‏فَتَحَ باباً ‎[CA] to open a door
‏فَتَحَ صِواناً ‎[CA] to open a cupboard
‏فَتَحَ نافِذةً ‎[CA] to open a window
‏فَتَحَ السَتائِرَ ‎[CA] to open the curtains
‏فَتَحَ رِسالةً ‎[CA] to open a letter
‏فَتَحَ كِتاباً ‎[CA] to open a book
‏فَتَحَ مِنْطَقةً ‎[CA] to open (up) an area
‏فَتَحَ شَهيّةَ فُلانٍ ‎[CA] to whet s.o.'s appetite
‏يَفْتَحُ المَحَلُّ أَبْوابَهُ في التاسِعةِ ‎[CA] the shop opens at nine o'clock

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  Root: ق ر ع
Word: قَرَعَ، يَقْرَع، قَرْع
  to knock, rap, bang, pound, hammer (ه = at

قَرَعَ سَمْعَهُ ‎[CA] to reach s.o.‘s
‏قَرَعَهُ ضَمِيْرُهُ ‎[CA] his conscience tormented or smote him, he had a guilty conscience, he felt grave compunctions
‏قَرَعَ باباً ‎[CA] to bang on a door
‏قَرَعَ طَبْلاً ‎[CA] to bang a drum

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  Root: ا ب و
Word: أَبُو
  father (of)
(this form is often used in إضافة structures);
(fathers are often referred to by the name of their oldest son, as in أبو محمد);
note the following conjugation with suffix pronouns:
أبوكم / أبكو
أبوهُم / أبوهِن
[pronunciation: ʔabu]

أَبُو الوَلَد ‎[P] the boy's father; { ʔabu-l-walad}
‏سِيْدي أَبُو إِمّي ‎[P] my grandfather, the father of my mother; {sīdy ʔabu ʔimmy}
‏ أَبُو مَازِن ‎[P] Mazen's father; { ʔabu māzen}
‏ أَبُوْي وْئِمّي ‎[P] my father and my mother; { ʔabūy wºʔimmy}
‏لَازِم تِحتِرمُوا أَبُوْكُم ‎[P] you must respect your father; {lāzem tiḥtermu ʔabūkom}
‏سِيْدي أَبُو أَبُوْي ‎[P] my grandfather, the father of my father; {sīdy ʔabu ʔabūy}
‏أَبُو عبدُو البَيْرُوتِي ‎[V] Popular fictional character, often found in jokes. He is supposed to epitomize the old fashioned idea of a manly-man and is often depicted wearing a fez and have a large mustache. His best friend is abu Steif.
‏أَبُوْ عَلِي ‎[L] ladybug (also called دعسوقة)
‏بابا بِالبَيْت = البَابَا بِالبَيْت = أَبُوْك بِالبَيْت ‎[S] Is your dad home?
‏أَبِي ‎[S] my father

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  Root: ب 1
Word: بْ / بِ / مْ / مِ
  commitive mood: used in negation to mean “this will not happen”, i.e. it is committing to the intention that this will not happen;

وَاللهِ يا ماما عَطَاني إِسْتاذِي وَرَقَة وْقالْ لي ما بْتِفْتَحْها لَحَتَّى تْمُوت ‎[S] Well, mama, my teacher gave me a piece of paper and told me you must not open it until you die;
‏يا بابا عَطَاني الإِسْتَاذ وَرَقَة وْقال لي ما بِيْصِيْر تْشُوْفَهْا ‎[S] Papa, the teacher gave me a piece of paper and told me it must not happen that I see it (i.e. I must not see it);

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  Root: ب ا ب ا
Word: بَابَا
  dad, daddy;
(the definite form, الباب, is commonly heard when referring to someone's father, rather than adding a suffix pronoun);
[pronunciation: bᾱbɑ]

بَابَا تَعَال قَوَام ‎[P] dad, come quick!; {bᾱbɑ taʕāl qawām}
‏وَيْنِ البَابَا ‎[P] where's your dad?; {wēnᴵ-l-bᾱbɑ}
‏بَسّ يَا بَابَا، مَا بَبكِيْش ‎[P] but dad, I don't cry; {bass yā bᾱbɑ، ma babkīš}
‏بابا بِالبَيْت = البَابَا بِالبَيْت = أَبُوْك بِالبَيْت ‎[S] Is your dad home?

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Word: بَابَا
  father's affection form of address to a young son or daughter;
[pronunciation: bᾱbɑ]

يَا بَابَا، بَلَاش تِبكي ‎[P] my dear, don't cry! (said by a father to his child); {ya bᾱbɑ، balāš tibky}

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Word: بَابَا، ج بَابَوَات
[S] بَاْبَا، ج بَاْبَوَاْت
[pronunciation: bᾱbɑ، bᾱbɑwāt]

البَابَا اْسْتَقبَلهُم ‎[P] the pope received them, the pope granted them an audience; {'il-bᾱbɑ 'ºsºtaqbalhom}

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Word: بَاْبَا
  بَابَا حَسَن : a reference to riffraff, troublemakers

بَابا حَسَن ‎[S] bad company
‏وِقِعِ بْشِلِّة بَابا حَسَن ‎[S] He got into bad company,

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Word: بَاْبَوِي
Word: بَاْبَوِيِّة
البَاْبَوِيِّة : papacy
Word: بُؤْبُؤ
  pupil (of the eye);

بُؤبُؤ عيني ‎[V] apple of my eye, dear, hon

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  Root: ت ب ل
Word: مْتَبَّل
[S] مْتَبَّل
  various dishes of boiled beans or vegetables (e.g. chickpeas or eggplant), in which the been/vegetable is cooked and then various spices and herbs are added to them, chief amongst them garlic, lemon, and oil;

بَيْتِنجان مْتَبَّل ‎[L] roasted eggplant with sesame paste, garlic, salt, and lemon juice added (in Egypt and other places in the Arab countries called بابا غنُّوج);
‏حُمُّص مْتَبَّل ‎[L] hummos, boiled chickpeas that are then crushed and have sesame paste, garlic, and lemon added to it; (often just called حُمُّص or حُمُّص بالطَحِينِة);

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  Root: ح س ن
Word: حَسَن
  male given name, Hasan, meaning excellence (of figure and morals);

حَسَن صَبِي ‎[S] a tomboy, a girl who is “boyish” in her behavior and dress;
‏بَابَا حَسَن هُوِّ ‎[S] He's a bad lot
‏هِنِّ إِرْطِة بَابا حَسَن عَ المَظْبُوْط ‎[S] They are a fine lot
‏عَم يْعَطْوِط مَع جَمَاعَة بَابا حَسَن ‎[S] He's running around with a bad crowd
‏بَابا حَسَن ‎[S] bad company
‏وِقِعِ بْشِلِّة بَابا حَسَن ‎[S] He got into bad company,

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  Root: س ر ب
Word: مْسَرّب
  sneaking, having snuck in / out;

ولو يا بابا مسربِة عالبيت وج الصبح ‎[L] why my dear are did you sneak into the house at the crack of morning? (said by a father to his daughter);

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  Root: س ي د
Word: سِيْد، ج أَسيَاد
[S] سِيْد، ج أَسْيَاْد
[pronunciation: sīd، ʔasyād]

سِيْدي كَان يْقُوْل ‎[P] my grandfather used to say; {sīdy kān yºqūl}
‏يَا سِيْدُو ‎[P] Grandfather! Granddad! (this expression is used by grandchildren to address their grandfather, and also the reverse, i.e. as an endearing term for a grandfather to address his grandchildren, similar to how parents address their children as ماما and بابا); {ya sīdo}

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  Root: ع ط و ط
Word: عَطْوَط
  to run around

وَيْن كِنِت عَمِ تْعَطْوِط ‎[S] Where have you been running around again?
‏عَم يْعَطْوِط مَع جَمَاعَة بَابا حَسَن ‎[S] He's running around with a bad crowd

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  Root: غ ن ج
Word: غَنُّوج
  see example;

بابا غَنُّوج ‎[L] baked eggplant, mashed with tahini sauce, lemon juice, olive oil, garlic, and spices;

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Word: غَنُّوْج
  spoiled, pampered;
[pronunciation: ġannūj]

بَابَا غَنُّوْج ‎[P] dip made of sesame paste, garlic, and mashed roasted eggplant (literally means “pampered papa”, and might come from the fact that supposedly a member of the royal harem invented it); {bāba ġɑnnūj}

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  Root: ق ل ل
Word: قَلِيْل، ج قْلَال / اِقلَال، المؤنث: قَلِيْلِة
[S] قَلِيْل، ج قْلَاْل / قَلَاْيِل
  a little bit, a small amount;
[pronunciation: qalīl، qºlāl / 'ᵉqlāl، qalīle
[S] ق = ء]

مِش قَلِيْل ‎[P] that is not nothing, that's not a small amount; {miš qalīl}
‏فِيْه نَاسِ الي... بَسّ هَدَوْلِ قْلَال ‎[P] there are people who... but they are few; {fīᴴ nāsᴵ-l-y... bass hadōlᵉ qºlāl}
‏عَ القَلِيْلِة ‎[P] at least; {ʕa-l-qalīle}
‏على القَلِيل / عَ القَلِيل ‎[L] at least, as in:
‏عَلى القَليل اْنْتُظُرِي بابا ‎[L] at least wait for dad;

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  Root: م ا م ا
Word: مَامَا
  mom, mommy, mother;
note also the form الماما seems to be used to refer to to a specific mom, like “my mom”, instead of adding a pronoun suffix onto the end of the word.
[pronunciation: mᾱmɑ]

المَامَا مَا بْتِسمَح ‎[P] Mom doesn't allow it; {'il-mᾱmɑ ma bºtismaḥ}
‏يَا مَامَا ‎[P] Mommy! Mom! (when said by a child); {ya mᾱmɑ}
‏ماما كِيف عَم تِحْكِي هَيك ‎[L] Mama, how can you talk like this (note use of ماما, there is a use of this, as well as بابا and عم and تيتا and other similar words, where the child refers to their elder by this term, and then the adult replies using the same term to refer to his/her child);
‏ماما مِش بِصْبَعَك ‎[L] not with you fingers dear (said by a mother to her son);

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  Root: و ق ع
Word: وِقِع، يِوقَع / يُوْقَع
[L] وِقِع، يُوْقَع
[S] وِقِع، يِقَع / يُوْقَع، وْقُوْع / وَقْعَة
[S] وَقَع، يُوْقَع، وْقُوْع، وَقْعَة
  to get (ب = into trouble)
[pronunciation: wiqeʕ، yewqaʕ / yūqaʕ
[S] ق = ء]

وِقِعِ بْشِلِّة بَابا حَسَن ‎[S] He got into bad company,
‏وِقِعِ بْمَشَاكِل مِن وَقِت كان عِمْرَو تْمِنْتَعْش ‎[S] He got into trouble when he was 18 years old

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  Root: ب ا ب ا
Word: بابا
الأب بلسان الأطفال. وهي كذلك في أكثر من لغة.واستعمالها قديم. قيل دخيل من الفارسية bâbâ.
-بابا : لقب تعظيم واحترام، وهو ترخيم كلمة باباز. من الفارسية بتوسط التركية .
-بابا : لقب الأسقف وخصّ كاثوليكياً بالحبر الأعظم الذي هو رئيس الكنيسة المنظور. من اللاتينية papa : أب.
(ياسين عبد الرحيم، موسوعة العامية السورية)
Word: بَأْبَأ
الفحل هدر طلباً للجماع. وهو ترجيع الباء في هديره.
- بَأْبَأ الصبيّ قال بابا.
ولغة بأبأ صاحبه وبه فدّاه قائلاً بأبي أنت. و(من غير أصل الكلمة الأولى) الهارب أسرع، أصله المعاقبة بين الهمزة والعين.
(ياسين عبد الرحيم، موسوعة العامية السورية)
  Root: ا ا ا ه
Word: أَأْآه
  a spanking, a smacking;
said 'a'-'aah; (children's language)

بابا إِدِّاني أَأْآه ‎[E] Papa gave me a spanking

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  Root: ب ا ب ا
Word: بَأْبَأ
to bleat (e.g., said of a sheep);
Word: بابا
  daddy, dad, papa, pop; (no plural)
(said bAAbA, i.e. with the emphatic vowels.)
بابا is the most slang way of addressing a father. أب or أَبي (father or my father respectively) is a step up, and then والِد is more formal. You can imagine them as "daddy", "dad" and "father" if that helps put things in order.

بابا غَنُّوْج ‎[E] dip made of sesame pate, garlic, and roasted eggplant;
‏على بابا ‎[E] roughly: whose leg do you think you're pulling;

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Word: بابا
dear, hon, honey (affectionate form of address to the very young) (no plural)
Word: بابا، ج بابَوات
pope, pontiff, patriarch; (Christianity)
Word: بابَوِي
papal, patriarchal; (Christianity)
Word: بابَة / بابه
  Baaba (second month of the Coptic calendar year) (mid-October to mid-November);
(said baaba, i.e. without the emphatic voweling, in contrast to the word for daddy بابا );

بابه خُشّ / اُدْخُل وِاْقْفِل البَوَّابة ‎[E] Baaba, come in and close the door (Against the cold);
‏زَرْع بابه يِغْلِب النَهَّابَة ‎[E] the crops planted in Baaba are so great that they overwhelm the plunderers;

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Word: بابَة، ج بَابَات
text of a shadow puppet play (obsolete term)
  Root: ب ش ر ق
Word: بَشْرَق
  to give (ه = s.o.) a treat (usually by spending money)
[pronunciation: ق = ء]

كُلّ بابا ما يْزُوْزْنا يِبَشْرَقْنا بْقِرْشَين ‎[E] every time my father comes to visit us he spends money on us generously;
‏بَشْرَق عَيْنَيْه ‎[E] to feast one's eyes on, give one's eyes a treat;

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  Root: ح ر م
Word: حَرَّم
  to forbid, prohibit;

بابا مْحَرَّم الكُوْتْشِينة فِ البَيت ‎[E] Dad has forbidden card-playing in the house
‏ربّنا ما يحرّمني منك ‎[E] may God never deprive me of you, a phrase often said to one's parents or loved ones

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  Root: د خ م س
Word: دَخْمِس
  to hoodwink, fool (على = s.o.);

حَتْدَخْمِس عَلى بابا ‎[E] who are you trying to fool (literally: are you trying to fool dad?)

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  Root: د ر ب
Word: دُرَّابة
  gate (see example)

بابا خُشّ وِاْقْفِلِ الدُرَّابة (now it's the month of) Baaba, come in and close the gate (against the cold);

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  Root: ر ح م
Word: رَحْمة
  mercy, compassion;

خَلِّي فْ قَلْبَك رَحْمة ‎[E] keep some mercy in your heart! show some compassion!
‏راجِلِ الرَحْمة مَنْزُوْعة مِن قَلْبُه ‎[E] a man with not a trace of compassion in his heart;
‏وِرَحْمِة ‎[E] a strong oath sworn by the dead, as in:
‏وِرَحْمِة أَبُوْيا ‎[E] by my (dead) father's soul!
‏وِرَحْمِة بابا = وِدِيني = والله = نوع من أنواع الحلفان ‎[E] a strong oath;
‏ورحمة بابا ما أنا واكلة = و الله مش هأكل ‎[E] I am not going to eat!
‏اِتْوَفَّى لْرَحْمِةِ الله ‎[E] he died (and went to rest) in God's mercy;
‏بِساطِ الرَحمة ‎[E] baldaquin, carried at Coptic funerals;
‏عَليه أَلْفِ رَحْمة ‎[E] a thousand mercies on his soul;
‏ولا تِرْحَم وَلا تْسِيب رَحْمِة رَبِّنا تِنْزِل = مش عايز يساعدني ومش عايز حد يساعدني كمان ‎[E] you are not merciful nor will you let God's mercy descend on me, meaning you don't want to help me and you won't let anyone else help me;
‏تَحْتِ رَحْمِة + إضافة ‎[E] at the mercy of; under the thumb of (s.o. or

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  Root: س ب ب
Word: سَبّ، يسِبّ، سَبْ
  to be abusive, insulting (في = toward s.o. or;

هُوَّ اْنْتَ بِتْسِبّ فْ بابا كمان ‎[E] you (dare to) insult Father also?
‏إنْ شُفتُه بيسِبّ اِعْرَف إنُّه بيحِبّ ‎[E] Proverb: if you see him insulting others (defending someone), then he must be in love;

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  Root: س ل ك
Word: سلِّك
  to break up (ه = a fight)

ماما تسلك إيد بابا من إيدي ‎[E] mom pried dad's hand off of mine

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  Root: ع ي ن
Word: عَيْن، ج عِيُون / عُيُون
  eye (expressions that show desire)

عينُه في ‎[E] he want's ( very badly;
‏اِشتِريهَا لْها مَا دام عينْها فيها ‎[E] buy it for her as long as she want's it so badly;
‏عَيْـن في الجنة وعَيـْن في النار ‎[E] trying to make a hard choice, or choose between two things (نار here does not necessarily refer to hell but more to the difficulty of the choice; both choices can be good);
‏عَينُه على to have one's eye on in a way that shows desire, to "eye" longingly or greedily;
‏عَينُه على البِتّ دي ‎[E] he has his eye on that girl;
‏حاجة عليها العين ‎[E] something desirable;
‏عيني عليك بَرْدا ‎[E] may I not be envious of you (said to emphasize admiration without attracting the evil eye);
‏عين (ـه) من حد ‎[E] his eye is on him;
‏عينه منها ‎[E] he has his eye on her
‏زمان كان عينيها من بابا ‎[E] she had her on her dad
‏بعدما عرف إن الواد عينيه مني = بعد ما عرف إن الواد بيبص عليها بشهوة

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  Root: ك ب ش
Word: كَبِّش
  to take multiple or successive handfuls (في = of

عَلي بابا دَخَلِ المَغَارة وِكَبِّش فِ الفِلُوس ‎[E] Ali Baba entered the cave and grabbed the money in handfuls;
‏نِحُطِّ السِماد بالتَكْبِيش ‎[E] we put down the fertilizer by handfuls;

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  Root: ك ل م
Word: كَلَام
  talk, speech, words;

ده كلام = أَهُو كَلام ‎[E] that's just words! (has a variety of uses, often expresses shock or that one is contradicting someone, even in a politely way, like if someone refuses a drink, one might reply "you're just saying that!");
‏ايه الكلام ده؟! what are you saying, that's nonsense (lit. what is this talk?);
‏الكَلام فِ الحُبّ مِش كِفاية ‎[E] talking about love is not enough;
‏كلام رِجالة ‎[E] a man's talk, meaning the talk of someone who is responsible, a "man" in his words;
‏كلام رِجاليّ ‎[E] talk for men only (i.e. sexual stuff not considered appropriate for women to hear);
‏الكَلام سَهْلِ إِنَّما الفِعْل صَعْب ‎[E] proverb: talk is easy, but action is hard;
‏مِشِي لا كَلام وَلا حَدِيْت ‎[E] he left without a word;
‏هِيَّ دي عايْزة كَلام ‎[E] does this really need discussion? it does without saying;
‏رِجِع في كلامُه ‎[E] to go back on one's word;
‏عَنْدِ مِينِ الكَلام دا ‎[E] says who?
‏كَلامَك ‎[E] your bid (in cards);
‏راجِل عَلَيه كَلام ‎[E] a man of dubious reputation (a man with gossip on him);
‏بِيِطْلَع عَلَيه كَلام ‎[E] people say things about him;
‏بيرموا عليّ كلام: they throw words at me, meaning they speak to me or gossip about me meanly;
‏الكَلام عَلَيها ‎[E] she is spoken for (in marriage);
‏انت مالكش كلام عليها ‎[E] you have no right to say anything to her;
‏ما فيش كَلام ‎[E] it goes without saying;
‏دا كَلام جَرايِد ‎[E] that's newspaper talk, i.e. nonsense, the stuff of tabloids;
‏أنا جايْ لَك فِ الكَلام ‎[E] I'm coming to that;
‏هُوَّ عَنْدِ كَلامُه ‎[E] he is keeping his word;
‏سِمِعِ الكَلام ‎[E] to do as one is told, as in:
‏ما تِسْمَع كَلام بابا ‎[E] do as dad says!
‏يِبِيع بِكلام واحِد ‎[E] he sells at fixed prices;
‏كَلامِ اللَيْل مَدْهُون بِزِبْدة لـمّا يِطْلَع عَلَيه النَها يِسِيح ‎[E] proverb: evening words are buttered, when the sun rises they melt away, meaning evening words/deals are not like those of the morning;
‏رَبِّنَا يِجْعَل كَلَأمْنَا خَفِيف عَلَيْهُم ‎[E] Lord, make our speech light (innocuous) on them (i.e. let our speech be good, not overly long, etc. Them refers to the masters, or the jinn and demons, الجن والعفاريت والاسياد ).
‏اِسْمَع الكلام ‎[E] listen to what is being said, listen to what (i'm) saying
‏أَسْمَع كَلامَك أَصَدِّقَك، أَشُوف أُمُورَك أَْستِعْجِب ‎[E] you talk the talk, but don't walk the walk. said to someone who says something good, but does the opposite. (i hear your talk and I believe you, and I see your actions and I am amazed.)
‏الكَلَام أَخْدِ وْعَطَا ‎[E] talking is give and take
‏أَيِّ كَلام ‎[E] either 1. nonsense, or 2. any which way, whatever, however

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  Root: ب ا ب ا
Word: بَاْبَا
  (my) dad, daddy
(this word is inherently possessive, i.e. my dad)
(when used as first term of إضافة , it reverts to بْبَا forms of which see)

بزَّاف عْلَى بَاباك تَعْطِيْنِي بُوْنْيَا ‎[M] The hell you're going to hit me!
‏وَالله يا بَابَاك وْنْقبْطك / نْشدّك ‎[M] There'll be hell to pay if I catch you! (نقبط from قبض )
‏هادا اْحْمق، دِّيْو بَاباه ‎[M] This guy's nuts, take him away! (دّيو is from ودّى )

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  Root: ب ا ب ا
Word: بَاْبَا

البَابا ‎[E.G.] the Pope

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  Root: ع ل و
Word: عَلِي
  Ali (male given name)

عَلِي بابا ‎[G] Ali Baba (major figure in the traditional stories of a thousand and one nights.)
‏عَلِي بابا ‎[G] Ali Baba
‏كَنْز علي باب ‎[G] Ali Baba's treasure
‏جالِس (يالِس) على كَنْز عَلي بابا ‎[G] sitting on Ali Baba's treasure, filthy rich

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  Root: ي ا
Word: يَا
  O, Oh, hey (vocative particle. Always followed by an adjective or noun. Used in addressing s.o. or expressing admiration or surprise )
(the particle يا may be used before just about any of God's attributes to express some kind of exclamation)

اللهُمَّ يا كافِي ‎[G] O God, protect us! (literally, O God, the sufficient) (used especially when calling on God for help)
‏يا الله ‎[G] Oh God! (expression of amazement or surprise)
‏يَا الله ‎[G] Oh God!
‏يَا بَعْد حَيَاْتِي ‎[G] may you outlive me, may you live long
‏يا اْبُوك ‎[G] on man, on brother (literally: O your father)
‏يا مَقْطُوْع (مَگْطُوْع) النَّصِيْب ‎[G] may your chance (of life) be cut off
‏يا حْسَين ‎[E.G.] Oh, Hussein!, Hey, Hussein!
‏يا رَبِّي ‎[E.G.] my Lord God!
‏يا خُوي ‎[E.G.] Brother!, My brother!
‏يا أُمِّي ‎[E.G.] Mother! (respectful form of address to an old woman)
‏يُمَّا ‎[E.G.] Mom!, Mother! (contract of يا ماما )
‏يا يُبَا ‎[E.G.] Father! (contraction of يا بابا )
‏يا هَلَا وْمَرْحَبَا! يا حَيَّ الله ‎[E.G.] Welcome, welcome!

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  Root: ب ا ب ا
Word: بَاْبَا
Word: بَاْبَا
dad, daddy, papa (a familiar form of address by a child to his father)
Word: بَاْبَا
يابا : man, friend, pal, buddy (form of address).
Word: بَاِبَوِي

أَمُر بَاْبَوِي ‎[I] a papal edict.

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Word: البَاْبَوِيَّة
البَاْبَوِيَّة : Papacy
Word: پَاْپَا، ج پَاْپَاْوَاْت
Word: پَاْپَاْوِيَّة
  Root: خ ر ج
Word: خَرْجِيَّة
  daily allowance, (especially for kids and students, given to them by their parents) (kharjiyyah)

بابا انطيني خرجية رايح للسينما اليوم ‎[I] Dad, give me some money to go out. I'm going to the movies today

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