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  Root: ب ا ب ا
Word: باْباْ، ج باْباْوَاْت / باْبَوَاْت
  papa, father, daddy, dad
[pronunciation: bābā]

بابا غَنُّوج ‎[CA] baba ghanuj, (dip of eggplant and tahini);
‏بابا وَماما ‎[CA] mom and dad

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  Root: غ ن ج
Word: غَنُّوْج
بَابَا غَنُّوج / أَبُو غَنُّوج : dish made of mashed eggplant with sesame oil, etc (Lebanese) (Syrian)
  Root: ب ا ل
Word: بَاْل
  mind (phrases جاي على بال، خطر على البال، طالع على البال)

جايِ على بَالِي ‎[S] I should like to
‏جايِ على بالْنَا ‎[S] we should like to
‏مُو جايِ عَلى بالي اِرْقُص ‎[S] I don't feel like dancing
‏مُو جايْ على بَالِي هالشِّي ‎[S] I'm not in the mood for that
‏مُو جايْ على بَالُهْن يِضْحَكُوا ‎[S] They are not in the mood for laughing
‏جايِ على بَالِي اْرُوْح، بَسّْ مِسْتَحِيْل ‎[S] I'd like to go, but it's impossible
‏جايِ على بَالِي اِمْشِي على بَكِّيْر ‎[S] I should like to start out early.
‏حَابِّيْن نِتْعَرَّف على أَهْلَك ‎[S] We should like to meet your family
‏إِجَا على بالِي قِلْ لَو الحَقِيقَة ‎[S] I was tempted to tell him the truth.
‏إِجَا على بال + ضمير الفاعل ‎[S] to care to, want to, be in the mood to
‏مُو جايِ على بالي رُوْح عَ السِّيْنَما ‎[S] don't care to go to the movies,
‏إِخْتِي بِتْدِيْر بالَهْا عَ الِوْلادِ اليَوْم ‎[S] My sister is caring for the children today.
‏جايِ على بالِي رُوْح بَسّ مِسْتَحِيْل ‎[S] I’d like to go, all right, but it's impossible
‏جايِ على بَالِي آخُد دُوْش بَارِد ‎[S] I feel like taking a cold shower
‏جايِ على بَالَك تِرْقُص ‎[S] Do you feel like dancing?
‏بْطَرِيْقِي عَ البَيْتِ الفِكْرَة خاطْرِت عَلى بَالِي ‎[S] On my way home the thought flashed through my mind
‏مَا خَطَر في بَالي إِنُّو ‎[P] it didn't occur to me that; {ma ḵɑṭɑr fy bāly ʔinno}
‏ما جاي ع بالي ‎[V] either 1. it didn't occur to me, or 2. I'm not in the mood, as in:
‏ما جاي ع بالي اشْرَب شاي ‎[S] I'm not in the mood to drink tea;
‏بيْجِيْش عَ بَالي آكُل مِنُّو ‎[P] I don't feel like eating; {byºjīš ʕa bāly ʔākol minno}
‏ أَجَا عَ بَالي أَرُوْح ‎[P] I think I'll go; { ʔaja ʕa bāly ʔarūḥ}
‏طالِع عَ بالِي ‎[L] either 1. it has come to my mind, or 2. I am craving, as in:
‏طالِع عَ بالي صَحْن سَمَك مَعْ حُمُّص وْبابا غَنُّوج ‎[L] I am craving a plate of fish with hummos and baba ghanouj;

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  Root: ت ب ل
Word: مْتَبَّل
[S] مْتَبَّل
  various dishes of boiled beans or vegetables (e.g. chickpeas or eggplant), in which the been/vegetable is cooked and then various spices and herbs are added to them, chief amongst them garlic, lemon, and oil;

بَيْتِنجان مْتَبَّل ‎[L] roasted eggplant with sesame paste, garlic, salt, and lemon juice added (in Egypt and other places in the Arab countries called بابا غنُّوج);
‏حُمُّص مْتَبَّل ‎[L] hummos, boiled chickpeas that are then crushed and have sesame paste, garlic, and lemon added to it; (often just called حُمُّص or حُمُّص بالطَحِينِة);

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  Root: غ ن ج
Word: غَنُّوج
  see example;

بابا غَنُّوج ‎[L] baked eggplant, mashed with tahini sauce, lemon juice, olive oil, garlic, and spices;

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Word: غَنُّوْج
coquettish, flirtatious;
[pronunciation: ġannūj]
Word: غَنُّوْج
  spoiled, pampered;
[pronunciation: ġannūj]

بَابَا غَنُّوْج ‎[P] dip made of sesame paste, garlic, and mashed roasted eggplant (literally means “pampered papa”, and might come from the fact that supposedly a member of the royal harem invented it); {bāba ġɑnnūj}

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  Root: غ ن ج
Word: غَنّوج
اسم طعام من الباذنجان المشوي يقشر ويدق ويخلط بالزيت والثوم وعصير الحامض أو عصير الرمان والبقدونس المفروم. وفي تعليل التسمية ذهب الأسدي في "موسوعة حلب: ٤٧" إلى أنه حين يدقّ لينماع يهرب من بطش الدقماق لائذاً بالجوانب ممّا "وّلد في خيال مسمّيه أنه يغنج غنج النساء. ولسان حالهّن بهذا الدلال يقول: ما بدّي ما بدّي" ويسمون البابا غنّوج المخبّص (لهجة حلبية).
(ياسين عبد الرحيم، موسوعة العامية السورية)
  Root: ب ا ب ا 1
Word: بابا
  daddy, dad, papa, pop; (no plural)
(said bAAbA, i.e. with the emphatic vowels.)
بابا is the most slang way of addressing a father. أب or أَبي (father or my father respectively) is a step up, and then والِد is more formal. You can imagine them as "daddy", "dad" and "father" if that helps put things in order.

بابا غَنُّوْج ‎[E] dip made of sesame pate, garlic, and roasted eggplant;
‏على بابا ‎[E] roughly: whose leg do you think you're pulling;

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  Root: غ ن ج
Word: غَنُّوْج
  pampered, spoiled; (CA)

باب غَنُّوْج ‎[E] dip made of sesame paste, garlic, and mashed roasted eggplant (literally means "pampered papa", and might come from the fact that supposedly a member of the royal harem invented it);

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