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  Root: ذ و
Word: ذُو / ذِي / ذَاْ، ج ذَوُو / أُوْلُو، المثنى: ذوا، المؤنث: ذَاْت، ج ذَوَاْت، المثنى: ذاتا
  ذَاْت، ج ذَوَاْت : the same, the selfsame, -self (feminine noun)
[pronunciation: ḏāt]

في تِلْكَ اللَيْلَةِ ‎[CA] in the very same night
‏بِذاتِهِ ‎[CA] himself
‏هُوَ بِذاتِهِ = هُوَ ذَاتُهُ (he) himself
‏ذات الشَيْءِ ‎[CA] the same thing
‏ذات الأَشْيَاءِ ‎[CA] the same things
‏السَنَة ذاتها ‎[CA] the same year
‏في ذاتِ الوَقْتِ ‎[CA] simultaneously, at the same time
‏لم أكن أتوقع منك أنت بالذات ان تعاملني بهذه الطريقة ‎[CA] I was not expecting from you that you in particular would treat me this way
‏تتعرض الأشجار في لبنان لأخطار كبيرة، وأشجار الأرز بالذات مهدَّدة بهذه الأخطار ‎[CA] The trees in in Lebanon are exposed to major threats, and the cedar trees in particular are threatened by these dangers
‏احساس بالذات = مغرور ‎[CA] conceited
‏لِغَرَضٍ ما بِالذَّات ‎[CA] for a some reason, for a particular reason, ad hoc;
‏هو بالذاتِ ‎[CA] he of all people
‏بالذاتِ ‎[CA] above all
‏في حَدِّ ذاتِهِ = في ذاتِهِ ‎[CA] as such, in (and of) itself
‏يُعْتَبَرُ بِحَدِّ ذاتِهِ أَمْراً مُمْتازاً ‎[CA] in itself, it is considered an excellent thing
‏غايةٌ بِذاتِها = غايةٌ في ذاتِها ‎[CA] a goal in itself
‏في ذاتِ الوَقْتِ ‎[CA] simultaneously
‏من ذاتِ نَفْسِهِ ‎[CA] spontaneously

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  Root: ز ه و
Word: زُهَاْء
  زُهَاءَ : roughly, about, some, nearly, approximately (with following figure) (preposition)
[pronunciation: zuhāʼ]

هُمْ زُهاءُ أَلْفٍ ‎[CA] there's about a thousand of them
‏تَجَمَّعَ هُنا زُهاءُ عَشَرةِ آلافِ لاجِئٍ ‎[CA] approximately ten thousand refugees gathered here
‏عاشَ في لُبْنانَ زُهاءَ ثَلاثينَ عاماً ‎[CA] he lived in Lebanon for nearly thirty years

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  Root: س ف ر
Word: سِفَاْرَة، ج سِفَاْرَاْت
[pronunciation: sifāra]

مَقَرّ السِفارةِ ‎[CA] embassy compound, embassy premises
‏دار السِفارةِ ‎[CA] embassy
‏السِفارة الإِيْرانِيَّةِ في لُبْنَانٍ ‎[CA] the Iranian embassy in Lebanon
‏عَمِلَ في السِفارةِ ‎[CA] to work at the embassy

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  Root: س و ي
Word: سِيَّمَا
  لا سِيَّمَا : especially, in particular, mainly

لا سيَّما ‎[CA] especially, in particular because, mainly since
‏لا سِيَّمَا وَأَنَّ = لا سِيَّمَا أَنَّ ‎[CA] especially for the reason that…, particularly because…
‏البُلْدان العَرَبيّة وَلا سيَّما لُبْنان ‎[CA] the Arab countries, and especially Lebanon

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  Root: ع د د
Word: مُتَعَدِّد
  manifold, multiple, multi-, poly-, plural, numerous, varied, variegated, various, diverse, different (adjective)
[pronunciation: mutaʻaddid]

مُتَعَدِّد الخَلَايَا ‎[CA] multicellular (biology)
‏مُتَعَدِّد النَوَاحِي ‎[CA] multifarious, variegated, varied, multilateral
‏مُتَعَدِّد الأَطْرَافِ ‎[CA] multilateral
‏مُتَعَدِّد اللُغَاتِ ‎[CA] either 1. multilingual (adjective), or 2. polyglot (noun)
‏مُتَعَدِّد الأَلْوَاْنِ ‎[CA] multicolored, polychromatic
‏مُتَعَدِّد التَخَصُّصَاتِ ‎[CA] multidisciplinary (note that this is also used as interdisciplinary, but متداخل التخصصات is the proper translation for interdisciplinary);
‏بَحَث مُتَعَدِّد التَخَصُّصَاتِ ‎[CA] multidisciplinary research;
‏مُتَعَدِّد الأَوْسَاطِ ‎[CA] of various means;
‏وَسائِط مُتَعَدِّدة ‎[CA] multimedia
‏احْتِمالات مُتَعَدِّدة ‎[CA] various possibilities
‏مُتَعَدِّد الأَشْكالِ ‎[CA] multiform, polymorphous
‏اخْتِيارات مُتَعَدِّدة ‎[CA] various choices, many options, multiple-choice
‏مُتَعَدِّد اللُغاتِ ‎[CA] multilingual
‏لُبْنَان بَلَدٌ مُتَعَدِّدُ اللُغاتِ ‎[CA] Lebanon is a multilingual country
‏مُجْتَمَع مُتَعَدِّد الثَقافاتِ ‎[CA] a multicultural society
‏قُوّات مُتَعَدِّدة الجِنْسيّاتِ ‎[CA] multinational forces
‏في أَماكِنَ مُتَعَدِّدةٍ ‎[CA] in various places

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  Root: غ ي ي
Word: غَاْيَة، ج غَاْيَاْت
  utmost degree, the extremity

لِغَايَة + إضافة ‎[CA] either 1. as far as, up to, to the extent of, or 2. until, till
‏لِلْغَاْيَةِ ‎[CA] extremely, very (much)
‏كان غايَةً في الجَمَالِ ‎[CA] to be of extraordinary beauty
‏بَقِيَ في لُبنانٍ لِغايةِ عامِ ‎[CA] he stayed in Lebanon until the year...
‏إلى غايةِ تَحْقيقِهِ لِأَهْدافِهِ ‎[CA] until he has realized his goals

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  Root: ف ي
Word: فِيْمَاْ
  in that, in what, as (conjunction)

فِيمَا مَضَى = فِيمَا مَضَى مِن الزَمَانِ ‎[CA] either 1. in the past, or 2. formerly, before
‏فِيْمَا يَلِي ‎[CA] in the following, in what follows, below
‏ فيما بَعْدُ ‎[CA] in the following, in what follows, hereafter, after that, afterwords
‏ويكيليكس، لم تأتِ بشيء جديد على الأقل فيما نُشِرَ حتى الآن ‎[CA] Wikileaks has not come with anything new at least in what has been published until now
‏فيما بذلت من تضحيات ‎[CA] in what was expended in terms of sacrifices
‏في ما (فيما) بينهم ‎[CA] among themselves
‏للبنانيون مختلفون فيما بينهم على الوجود السوري في لبنان ‎[CA] the Lebanese differ amongst themselves over the syrian presence in Lebanon
‏فيما أَعْرِفُ ‎[CA] as far as I know
‏فيما أَعْتَقِدُ ‎[CA] in my opinion
‏ما حَدَثَ فيما بَعْدُ كانَ أَسْوَأَ ‎[CA] what happened after that was worse
‏نَظَرَ فيما حَوْلَهُ ‎[CA] to look around
‏قالَ فيما قالَ ‎[CA] he said among other things
‏فيما إذا ‎[CA] in case that…, if
‏فيما لو ‎[CA] in case that…, if

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  Root: ق ب ل
Word: قُبَاْلَة
  قُبَاْلَةَ : opposite, facing, face to face with, vis-a-vis, in front of, across from (preposition)
[pronunciation: qubālata]

المَبْنى قُبالةَ الجامِعةِ ‎[CA] the building is opposite the university
‏قُبالةَ شَواطِئِ جَنوبِ لُبْنانَ ‎[CA] off the coast of South Lebanon
‏العَشَراتُ يَعْتَصِمونَ قُبالةَ السِفارةِ ‎[CA] dozens are demonstrating in front of the embassy

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  Root: ل ب ن ن
Word: لُبْنَاْن
  Lebanon (masculine and feminine)
[pronunciation: lubnān]

جَبَل لُبْنان ‎[CA] Mount Lebanon

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  Root: ل ق ي
Word: تَلَقَّى، يَتَلَقَّى، تَلَقٍّ (التَّلَّقِّي)
  to receive (ه = / s.o.) (e.g. lessons, orders)

تَلَقَّى أَمْرًا ‎[CA] to receive an order, have orders (soldier)
‏تَلَقَّى الأَوَامِرَ ‎[CA] to take orders (commercial, and the like)
‏تَلَقَّاهُ بالتَسْلِيمِ والقُبُولِ ‎[CA] to agree wholeheartedly to, submit willingly to
‏ولم يتلقَ الفلسطينيون اي شيء مقابل هذا التنازل ‎[CA] the palestinians got nothing in exchange for this concession
‏تلقى دراساته في لبنان ‎[CA] he got his education in Lebanon
‏يتلَّقى رِعاية ‎[CA] to receive protection (also يَلْقَى رِعاية, but form 5 seems more common)
‏تَلَقّى رِسالةً ‎[CA] to receive a letter
‏تَلَقّى واجِباً ‎[CA] to receive an assignment
‏تَلَقّى نَقْداً ‎[CA] to receive criticism
‏تَلَقّى شُكْراً ‎[CA] to receive thanks
‏تَلَقّى تَرْحيباً ‎[CA] to win support
‏تَلَقّى هَديّةً من فُلَاْنٍ ‎[CA] to receive a gift from s.o.

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  Root: ل و
Word: لَو
  if (as a rule, introducing hypothetical or non-true conditional clauses)
(this is called the non-real conditional because it introduces a non-real situation. Meaning that it introduces either 1. hypothetical situations (like if I were a duck) or 2. things that did not happen, like "if I had studied last night" when I actually hadn't;
Note that in modern arabic it is sometimes used with the same meaning as إذا, but this is considered blasphemy to traditional linguists; when it is used with this meaning it won't have لـ in the then clause.
this is the unreal conditional and is usually translated in the past tense. compare to idha and an, which are also conditionals translated as if but to introduce real conditionals. Conditionals in Arabic typically use the past tense but are translated differently)
[pronunciation: law]

لَوْ....الماضي + لَ... الماضي ‎[CA] if... then... (introducing two verbal clauses)
‏يا تُرى لو بقي في لبنان هل ...؟ ‎[CA] I wonder if he had stayed in Lebanon would...? Note that the يا ترى allows one to break the لو structure
‏لَوْ كانَ بِيَدي لَفَدَيْتُكَ بِعُمْري ‎[CA] if it were in my hands, I would give my life for you
‏وَدِدْتُ لَوْ لم يَتَغَيَّرْ أَيُّ شَيْءٍ ‎[CA] I wished nothing had changed
‏لو لم ... لَما + الماضي ‎[CA] if not, then not..., note that lam is never used as the negation in the then clause, mainly for aesthetic reasons
‏لَو أَنَّ + جُمْلَة اسميّة ‎[CA] if (for nominal clauses)
‏لَو لا ‎[CA] if not
‏لَو لا + اسم / ضمير ‎[CA] if it weren’t for (him, us, etc.), if not for (him, etc.)
‏لَولانا ‎[CA] if it weren’t (hadn't been) for us
‏لولاه ‎[CA] if not for him
‏لَوْلا مُرْقُص، لَما انْهَيْنا العَمَلَ ‎[CA] if it hadn't been for Marcus, we wouldn't have finished the work
‏لَوْلاهُ لَمُتْنا ‎[CA] if it hadn't been for him, we would have died
‏فِيْمَا لَو ‎[CA] in case that
‏وَلَو ‎[CA] either 1. although, though, or 2. even if, or 3. if only…!, would that…!, I wish…! (as an optative particle)
‏لَو يَعْلَم ‎[CA] I wish he knew! if he only knew!
‏لو لا + مبتدأ / اسم + لـ + الماضي ‎[CA] if not for, then
‏فيما لو ‎[CA] if, in case that
‏لو + الماضي + فسوف ‎[CA] used to refer to a real situation (considered blasphemy to some language experts)
‏كما لو كان ‎[CA] as if it were, as though
‏تُخاطِبُني كَما لَوْ كُنْتَ … ‎[CA] you talk to me as if you were …
‏وَلَو ‎[CA] if only, even if only, even though, although, albeit (also with أَنَّ to introduce a nominal clause)
‏وَلَوْ صَغيراً ‎[CA] even if he's young
‏اُطْلُب العِلْمَ وَلَوْ في الصينِ ‎[CA] search for knowledge even as far as China
‏وَنَحْنُ نَسْتَفيدُ أَيْضاً، وَلَوْ بِصورةٍ أَقَلَّ ‎[CA] we profit as well, albeit to a lesser degree

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  Root: و ط د
Word: تَوْطِيْد
  consolidation, stabilization
[pronunciation: tawṭīd]

تَوْطِيْد سِعْر الفْرَنْكِ ‎[CA] stabilization of the franc
‏تَوْطيد العَلاقاتِ بين لُبْنَانِ وَسُورِيَا ‎[CA] consolidation of the relations between Lebanon and Syria

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  Root: و ظ ف
Word: وَظِيْفِيّ
  client (as a client state. The idea comes from the idea that the government serves a specific purpose rather than the people)

حُكُومَة وَظِيفِيَّة ‎[CA] client government (i.e. client state, I think equivalent to دولة عميلة based on the following example) (in one instance this was used as a working government or functioning government, but that usage was likely an error)
‏ثم ظهر أن الهدف الحقيقي كان هو فرض حكومة وظيفية عميلة في لبنان تحت حماية إسرائيل ‎[CA] Then, the true objective became apparent, which was to impose a client state in Lebanon under the protection of Israel (from إسرائيل، المستوطن الصهيوني، للدكتور عبد الوهاب المسيري ).

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  Root: ا خ ذ
Word: أَخَد، يَاخُد / يَوْخُد / يَوْخِد
[L] أَخَد، يَاخُد / يِيْخُد
[S] أَخَد، يَاْخُد، أَخِد (أَخْد)
  to take (ه =;
(note this word has a massive range of usage. I've broken up common uses by definition, which is why there are so many meanings. Also be aware that there are often more specific words)
note the following conjugation patterns:
General Levantine (and Egypt):
باخُد، بْتاخُد، بْتاخْدِي، بْياخُد، بْناخُد، بْتاخْدُوا، بْيَاخْدُوا
More common in Palestine:
بَوْخُد، بْتَوْخُد، بْتَوْخْدِي، بْيَوْخُد / بَوْخُد، بْنَوْخُد، بْتَوْخُدوا، بْيَوْخْدُوا / بَوْخْدُوا
بَوْخِد، بْتَوْخِد، بْتَوْخْدِي، بْيَوْخِد / بَوْخِد، بْنَوْخِد، بْتَوْخِدوا، بْيَوْخْدُوا / بَوْخْدُوا
Though the list can seem overwhelming, the difference between the first and second is simply changing the initial /a/ vowel to /o/. The difference between the second and third is changing the second /o/ vowel to /e/.
The imperative form is: خَوْد، خَوْدِي، خَوْدُوا .
The active participle is ماخِد، ماخْدِة، ماخْدِين . The AP is the perfective aspect (having taken);
note the active participle is آخِد (Lebanon, Syria) in some areas and مآخِد in (Palestine mainly).
[pronunciation: ʔaḵad، yāḵod / yōḵod / yōḵed]

مِيْن َخَدِ السَلِّة ‎[P] who took the basket; {mīn aḵadᴵ-s-salle}
‏مِيْن مَاخِدِ الجَرِيْدِة ‎[P] who's taken the newspaper; {mīn māḵedᴵ-l-jarīde}
‏لَقَيْتُو مَاخِدِ المُفتَاح ‎[P] I found he'd taken the key; {laqēto māḵedᴵ-l-muftāḥ}
‏بتِقدَر تَوْخُدِ النُصّ ‎[P] you can take half; {btiqdɑr tōḵodᴵ-n-nuṣṣ}
‏أَخَد عَلَ خَاطرُو ‎[P] he took offense (literally: he took it upon his mood); { ʔaḵad ʕala ḵᾱṭro}
‏قَالُوْلَوْ كَسلَان، كْتِيْر أَخَد عَلَى خَاطرُو ‎[P] they told him (he is) lazy and he really took offense; {qālūlō kaslān، kºtīr ʔaḵad ʕala ḵᾱṭro}
‏أَخَد بِخاطرُو / أَخَدِ بخَاطرُو ‎[P] to offer someone condolences (literally: he took part in his "bad" mood); {ʔaḵad biḵᾱṭro / ʔaḵadᵉ bḵᾱṭro}
‏لَازِمِ نْرُوْح نَوْخُدِ بْخَاطِرهُم ‎[P] we must go and offer them our condolences; {lāzemᵉ nºrūḥ nōḵodᵉ bºḵᾱṭerhom}
‏مَع الأَسَف، في كْتِير عالَم آخْدِة فِكْرة غَلَط عَن لِبْنان ‎[L] unfortunately, there is much of the world having the wrong impression of Lebanon;
‏هِيِّ أَخَدِت المِفْتاح ‎[L] she took the key;
‏أَخَد وعَطَى ‎[S] to discuss, have back and forth dialogue, give and take, as in:
‏بِدْنا ناخُد ونُعْطِي بْاُمُور الحارة ‎[S] we want to discuss matters of the neighborhood;
‏ما بِدِّي اخُد وعَطِي مَعَك ‎[S] I don't want to go back and forth with with you.

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  Root: ا ر ز
Word: أَرْز
[S] أَرِز
[pronunciation: ʔarz]

فِيْه أَرزِ كْتِيْر في لُبنَان ‎[P] In Lebanon there are a lot of cedars; {fīᴴ ʔarzᵉ kºtīr fy lubnān}

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  Root: ا ص ل
Word: أَصل، ج أُصُوْل
[S] أَصِل (أَصْل)، ج أْصُوْل
  origin, source;
[pronunciation: ʔɑṣᵉl، ʔuṣūl]

أَصلِ المُشكِلِة ‎[P] the source of the problem; { ʔɑṣlᴵ-l-muškile}
‏منَيْن أَصلِ الحَمُوْلِة ‎[P] where dose the (extended) family originate from? {mnēn ʔɑṣlᴵ-l-ḥamūle}
‏منَيْن أَصلَك ‎[P] where do you come from originally? (literally: where is your origin from); {mnēn ʔɑṣlak}
‏ أَصِلنَا مِن لُبنَان ‎[P] our origin is from Lebanon, we are originally from Lebanon; { ʔɑṣᵉlna min lubnān}
‏أَصْلَهْا حَلَبِي ‎[V] she is of Aleppine descent;
‏أَهْلَو أَصْلَو مِن كَاْلِيْفَوْرْنْيَا ‎[S] His parents hail from California.
‏أَنَا أَصْلِي مِن كَالِيْفَوْرْنْيَا ‎[S] My home is in California
‏هُوِّ صُوْرَة طِبْقِ الأَصِل عَن أَبُوْه ‎[S] He's the living image of his father,
‏أَصْلَو أَرْمَنِي ‎[S] His of Armenian origin
‏أَصِل هالصُّوْرَة مَا عاد مَوْجُوْد ‎[S] The original of this picture doesn't exist any more
‏بِالأَصِل = أَصْلًا ‎[S] originally
‏شُو أَصِل كِلْمِة إِنْسَاْن ‎[S] What's the origin of the word إنسان (origin in this case could also refer to the root of the word)
‏المَصَارِي أَصِل كِلِّ الشّْرُوْر ‎[S] Money is the root of all evil
‏قَرَيْتِ كْتَاب أَصْلِ الأَنْوَاع ‎[S] Have you read The Origin of Species
‏بِالأَصِل ‎[S] in the first place
‏مِين هللي بَلَّش كِلّْ هالوَجَعِ الرَّاس بِالأَصِل ‎[S] Who started all that trouble in the first place?
‏أَصْلًا ‎[V] either 1. originally, or 2. basically;
‏بِالأَصِل = أَصْلًا ‎[S] originally
‏بِنْتِ الأَصِل بِتْخَلِّي كُوخْهَا قَصِر (كَصِر) ‎[J] A good woman makes (even) her hut into a palace. (meaning that marrying a good woman, even if she is poor or all you have is a hut to live it, makes like a palace.) (proverb)

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  Root: ج ب ل
Word: جَبَل، ج جْبَال
[S] جَبَل، ج جْبَاْل
جبل sometimes also acts as a general noun;
(also used loosely as hill);

جْبَالِ الأَطْلَسِ الزّْغِيْر ‎[S] Anti-Atlas
‏جْبَال لِبْنَانِ الشَرْقِيِّة ‎[S] Anti-Lebanon
‏جَبَل طارِق ‎[S] Gibraltar
‏الطَقْس مِسْقِع بِالشِتِي بِبَيْرُوت وْبْتِتْلُج بِالجَبَل ‎[L] the weather is cold in winter and snows in the mountain(s);
‏رَح تُطْلَعُوا عَ الجَبَل ‎[L] will you go up to the mountain(s)?
‏جَبَلِ الشَيْخ ‎[P] Mount Hermon (in Arabic the name means Old Man's Mountain, because of the snow which is seen on its summit almost year round); {jabalᴵ-š-šēḵ}
‏جْبَال عَاليِة ‎[P] high mountains; {jºbāl ʕālye}
‏عَلَى الجَبَل / عَ الجَبَل ‎[P] on the top of the hill / mountain; {ʕala-l-jabal / ʕa-j-jabal}
‏قَدَّيْش عِلُوّ هَالجَّبَل ‎[S] How high is that mountain?

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  Root: ج ر ب
Word: جَرَّب، يْجَرِّب
  to infect with mange (ه = s.o.) (note said with /g/ sometimes)

وَلَا يْهِمَّك. إذا واحِد جَرَّب (گَرَّب) بْيَعْدِي نُصّ لِبْنَان. ‎[L] So what? If one guy is sick, he infects half of Lebanon!

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  Root: ج ن ب
Word: جَنُوْب
[L] جْنُوْب
[S] جْنُوْب / جَنُوْب
[pronunciation: janūb]

في جَنُوْب لُبنَان ‎[P] in the south of Lebanon; {fy janūb lubnān}
‏ الهَوَا جَاي مِنِ الجَنُوْب ‎[P] the wind is coming from the south; {'il-hawa jāy minᴵ-l-janūb}
‏الهَوَا جايِ مْنِ الجَّنُوْب ‎[S] The wind is coming from the south
‏السَّهِم بِيْدِلّْ ناحِ الجَّنُوْب ‎[S] The arrow points south.
‏بِدِّي اْرُوْح عَ الجَّنُوْب مِدِّةِ الشِّتِة ‎[S] I want to go south for the winter.
‏بْجَنُوْب ‎[S] south of
‏سَاكِنِ بْجَنُوْب هَوْن ‎[S] He lives south of here
‏جَنُوْب أَفْرِيْقْيَا ‎[S] South Africa
‏جَنُوْب أَمْرِيْكَا ‎[S] South America
‏جَنُوْب شَرِق ‎[S] southeast (of)
‏جَنُوْب شَرْقِي ‎[S] either 1. southeastern, or 2. southeast
‏الضَّيْعَة واقْعَة حَوَالِي عِشْرِين كِيْلَومِتِر جَنُوْب شَرْقِ الشَّام ‎[S] The village is some 20 km southeast of Damascus
‏الجَّنُوْبِ الشَّرْقِي أَكْتَرَو صَحْرَا ‎[S] The southeast is mostly desert.
‏جَنُوْب شَرْق آسْيَا ‎[S] Southeast Asia
‏جَنُوْب غَرْب ‎[S] either 1. southwest (of) or 2. the southwest of
‏جَنُوْب غَرْبِي ‎[S] either 1. southwestern, or 2. southeast
‏قَطَنَا وَاقْعَة جَنُوْب غَرْبِ الشَّام ‎[S] Qatana is located southwest of Damascus
‏الجّْنُوْبِ الغَرْبِي أَكْتَرَو جْبَال ‎[S] The southwest is mostly mountains

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  Root: ج ي ا
Word: أَجَا / [P, G] إِجَا / جَا، يِجي
[S] إِجَا، يِجِي، جَيِّة، اسم الفاعل: جايِة
  to come (ه = to s.o./, or ل / على );
note the conjugation (Palestinian):
jīt / 'ᵉjīt, jīti / 'ᵉjīti, 2aja / 2ija, jīna / 'ᵉjīna, jītu / 'ᵉjītu, 2aju / 2iju
Present with ب :
bāji, btīji, bīji, bnīji / mnīji, btīju, bīju
Present without ب:
2āji, tīji, yīji, nīji, tīju, yīju
Active Participle is the imperfective aspect (-ing form):
jāy, jāy / jāye, jāyīn
جاي، جاي / جايِة، جايِين
the participle is also used as an adjective with different meanings. The non-verbal meanings are included under a separate entry;
(In Damascus and some areas, the active participle is said جايِة /jaaye/ for both for both masculine and feminine. It is somewhat misleading to write it with a ـة , but the point is that the vowel at the end is always the same. For the masculine it may be more to avoid ending a word with just /y/, and the feminine might be a true ـة . this dictionaries tries to keep the spelling separate as جايِ and جايِة .)
(for imperative see تَعَى)
Note the imperative comes from a different word altogether:
تَعَال، تَعَالِي، تَعَالُوا
note conjugation (lebanese):
huwwe ija, yiji
hiyyi ijit, tiji
hinni iju, yiju
inta jiit, tiji
inti jiiti, tiji
intu jiitu, tiju
ana jiit, iji
niHna jiina, niji
note that the imperative form of this word is not used, but rather the word تَعَى
[pronunciation: ʔaja / [P, G] ʔija / ja، yijy]

منِيْحِ اْلّي جِيْت ‎[P] it's good you came; {mnīḥᴵ 'ºlly jīt}
‏ أَيْمتَا جِيْتي ‎[P] when did you come?; { ʔēmta jīty}
‏مَرَتُو أَجَت قَبلُو ‎[P] his wife came before him; {mɑrɑto ʔajat qablo}
‏بِدّكُم تِيْجُوا مَعنَا ‎[P] do you want to come with us?; {biddkom tīju maʕna}
‏بِدَّك آجي بَكِّيْر ‎[P] do you want me to get there early?; {biddak ʔājy bakkīr}
‏مِن وَيْن جَاي ‎[P] where are you coming from (also used as where have you been)?; {min wēn jāy}
‏ أَنَا جَاي مِن عِندُو ‎[P] I've just come from his place; { ʔana jāy min ʕindo}
‏هَيّني / هَيَّاني جَاي ‎[P] Here I come! I'm just coming!; {hayyny / hayyāny jāy}
‏لَمَّا بتِيْجي لَحَالَك ‎[P] whenever you come on your own...; {lamma btījy laḥālak}
‏هالتِّفَّاح ما بْيِجِي أَكْبَر مِن هَيْك ‎[S] These apples don't come any larger
‏بِيْجي لَعِندنَا كُلّ يَوْم ‎[P] he comes to our house every day; {bījy laʕindna kull yōm}
‏وَيْنِ بتِيْجي أَبُ غَوْش ‎[P] where exactly is Abu Ghosh {wēnᵉ btījy ʔabu ġōš}
‏هَلَّق بِجِي / هلَّق عَم بِجِي ‎[L] I'm coming now (also said when someone is leaving with the intent of coming back shortly);
‏هاي أَوَّل مَرَّة بْتِجِي عَ لِبْنان ‎[L] is this is the first time that you come to Lebanon?
‏لا تِجِي اليَوم ولا تِجِي بُكْرا ‎[L] don't come today or tomorrow (a Fairuz song);
‏تَعَى ولا تِِجِي ‎[L] come but don't come (a Fairuz song);
‏لِسَّا مَا جَاش ‎[P] he still has not arrived; {lissa ma jāš}
‏ أَنَا جَاي مَعَك ‎[P] I'll come with you; { ʔana jāy maʕak}
‏كِلِّ النّْهَار، بَوِّس بَوِّس بَوِّس، المَفْرُوض يِيجي، خَلَص تَعَا! ‎[L] All day long, kiss, kiss, kiss. You should come already, come on, come! (here, come is meant in the sexual sense)

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  Root: ح د د
Word: حَدّ، ج حْدُوْد / [CA] حُدُوْد
[S] حَدّ، ج حْدُوْد
(the plural is more common for things like referring to a country's borders.);
[pronunciation: ḥadd، ḥºdūd / [CA] ḥudūd]

عَلَى حْدُوْد لُبنَان ‎[P] on the Lebanese border; {ʕala ḥºdūd lubnān}
‏أَيْمْتَى لَحَ نِصَل عَ الِحْدُوْد ‎[S] When do we reach the border?
‏سُوْرِيَّة بِحِدَّهْا مْنِ الجَّنُوبِ الإِرْدُن ‎[S] Syria borders on Jordan in the south

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  Root: ح س س
Word: حَسَّاس، ج حَسَّاسِيْن، المؤنث: حَسَّاسِة
[S] حَسَّاْس
  delicate, sensitive, touchy

الكَامَيْرَا آلِة كْتِير حَسَّاسِة ‎[S] A camera is a very delicate instrument
‏هَادَا مَوضُوْع حَسَّاس ‎[P] that's a sensitive subject; {hāda mɑwḍūʕ ḥassās}
‏نُقطَة حَسَّاسِة ‎[P] a sensitive spot; {nuqṭɑ ḥassāse}
‏تَوَازُن حَسَّاَس في لُبنَان ‎[P] a delicate balance (of power) in Lebanon; {tawāzon ḥassāas fy lubnān}
‏أَنَا حَسَّاسِ كْتِير لِلْبَرِد = بِتْأَثَّر قَوَام بِالبَرِد = أَنَا بَرِّيْدِ كْتِير ‎[S] I’m very sensitive to cold
‏مْنِسْتَعْمِل آلَاتِ كْتِير حَسَّاسِة بْشِغِلْنَا ‎[S] We use highly sensitive instruments in our work.
‏هَايّْ نِقْطَة حَسَّاسِة فِيه ‎[S] That's a soft spot with him
‏اِنْتِا دَقَرِت نِقْطَة حَسَّاسِة ‎[S] You’ve touched a sore spot
‏هَايِّة مَسْأَلِة حَسَّاسِة ‎[S] That's a ticklish question

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  Root: ح و ر
Word: حَوْرَا
  white (see example for town name)

كْفَر حَوْرَا ‎[L] Kafr Hawra village in زْغَرْتا in northern Lebanon, meaning white village
‏عين حَوْرَا ‎[L] location in عالية in جبل لبنان , meaning white (i.e. pure) spring

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  Root: خ ر ط
Word: خَارطَة، ج خَارطَات
[S] خَاْرْطَة، ج خَاْرْطَاْت
[pronunciation: ḵᾱrṭɑ، ḵᾱrṭᾱt]

خَارطِةِ القُدس ‎[P] a map of Jerusalem; {ḵᾱrṭeᴵ-l-quds}
‏خارْطَة لِلطِّرُق ‎[V] a road map (ق = ء);
‏خارْطِة طِرُق ‎[V] a road map (ق = ء);
‏بِدِّي خَارْطَة لَآسْيَا ‎[S] I want a map of Asia
‏ما عَنْدَك خَارْطَة أَكْبَر مِن هَايّْ لِلْبَلَد ‎[S] Don't you have a bigger map of the town?
‏وَيْن بْلَاقِي خَارْطَة لَطِرُق لِبْنَان ‎[S] Where can I get a road map of Lebanon?

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  Root: خ ل ف
Word: اْختَلَف، يِختْلِف / يِختَلِف
  to differ, be different, vary (عن / من = from);
[pronunciation: ºḵtalaf، yiḵtºlef / yiḵtalef]

لَهجِتنَا بْتِختْلِف عَن لَهجِة لُبنَان ‎[P] our dialect is different from that of Lebanon; {lahjetna bºtiḵtºlef ʕan lahje lubnān}
‏اْختَلَفنَا وِتطَلَّقنَا ‎[P] we became different from one another / we disagreed (All the time) and so we got divorced; {'ºḵtalafna wetṭɑllɑqna}
‏الأَسْعَار بْتِخْتِلِف بَيْنِ المَحَلّ وِالتَّانِي ‎[S] The prices vary from place to place
‏اللَوْن بْيِخْتِلِف شْوَيِّة عَن لَوْنِ السَّيَّارَة هَللي كانِت عَنْدْنَا (عَنَّا) مِن قَبِل ‎[S] The color varies slightly from that of the car we had before
‏فِي مَرَاجِع مِتْعَدِّدِة بْتِخْتِلِف على هَالمَوْضُوع ‎[S] Various authorities differ on this subject,
‏هِنِّة إِخْوَاْت بِسّ هَيْئِتُهْن بْتِخْتِلِفِ كْتِير ‎[S] They're brothers, but their appearances differ a great deal
‏الآرَاء مِخْتِلْفِة هَون = الآراء مِتْشَعّْبِة هَون ‎[S] Opinions differ here
‏بْتِسْمَحْ لِي اِخْتِلِف مَعَك ‎[S] beg to differ with you
‏هالصُّوَر بْتِخْتِلِفِ كْتِير عَن بَعْضَهْا ‎[S] These photographs are very different from each other,
‏الإِخْتَيْن بْيِخْتِلْفُوا عَن بَعْضُهْن كِلِّ الاِخْتِلَاف ‎[S] two sisters are as different as they can be.

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  Root: د م م
Word: دَامي، المؤنث: دَامِيِّة
[pronunciation: dāmy، dāmiyye]

الأَحدَاثِ الدَامِيِّة في لُبنَان ‎[P] the bloody events in Lebanon; {'il-ʔaḥdāθᴵ-d-dāmiyye fy lubnān}

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  Root: ع ص م
Word: عَاصمِة، ج عَوَاصِم
[S] عَاْصْمِة، ج عَوَاْصِم
  capital (of a country, state);
[pronunciation: ʕᾱṣme، ʕɑwᾱṣem]

عَاصمِة لُبنَان; ‎[P] the capital of Lebanon; {ʕᾱṣme lubnān;}
‏في العَوَاصِمِ الأَجنَبِيِّة ‎[P] in foreign capitals; {fy-l-ʕɑwᾱṣemᴵ-l-ʔajnabiyye}
‏زِرْتِ بْحَيَاتَك شِي العاصْمِة ‎[S] Have you ever been in the capital?

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  Root: ع ن
Word: عَن
[S] عَن
[pronunciation: ʕan]

حَكَيْت لِك عَنُّو ‎[P] I told you about him; {ḥakēt lek ʕanno}
‏مَع الأَسَف، في كْتِير عالَم آخْدِة فِكْرة غَلَط عَن لِبْنان ‎[L] unfortunately, there is much of the world having the wrong impression of Lebanon;
‏كانُوا عم يِحْكُوا عَن اِلحَرِب ‎[S] They were talking about the war
‏أَيْ، المَكْتُوب عَن اِلمَصَارِي يِللي بِدِّي ياهُن مِنَّو ‎[S] Oh, the letter is about the money he owes me
‏الِكْتَاب عَنِ السِّيَاسِة ‎[S] The book is about politics
‏هُوِّ كْتَاب عَنِ الحَيْوَانَات ‎[S] It's a book on animals,

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  Root: ف و ق
Word: فَوْق
  above, up, over;
[pronunciation: fōq
[S] ق = ء]

فَوْق رَاسُو ‎[P] above / over his head; {fōq rᾱso}
‏هُوِّ سَاكِن فَوْقنَا ‎[P] he lives above us; {huwwe sāken fōqna}
‏بِنَايِة بِيْضَا وْعَلَم لِبْنان فَوْقَهْا ‎[L] a white building with the Lebanese flag above it;
‏كِلّْ شِي إِجَا فَوق بَعْضَو ‎[S] Everything came one on top of the other (i.e. all at once)
‏لَا تِسْحَبِ الغَطَا فَو رَاسَك ‎[S] Don’t pull the cover over your head.
‏أُوْضْتِي فَوقِ المَطْبَخ ‎[S] My room is over the kitchen
‏الطَّيَّارَة مَرْقِت مِن فَوق رُوْسِ الشَّجَر ‎[S] The plane passed over the tree tops
‏لَيْش ما بِتْنِطّ مِن فَوقِ الخَنْدَق ‎[S] Why don't you jump over the ditch?
‏الطَّيَارة طارِتْ عالِي فَوْق اِلغَيْم ‎[S] The plane flew high above the clouds
‏النّْسُوْرَة كانِتْ حايْمِة فَوْق بِالسَّمَا ‎[S] The vultures were circling above in the sky

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  Root: ق ب ل
Word: إِقْبَاْل
  interest, (على = in), desire (على = for)
(See further under the CA verb أقبل . This is used to show general interest, like something is a fad or that people have become interest in some new device, etc. This is not for individual interest, like I'm interested in Arabic.)

عَلَيْه إِقْبَال ‎[S] desired, sought after
‏الحَرِيْرِ الأَصْلِي مَطْلُوبِ كْتِير = الحَرِيرِ الأَصْلِي عَلَيْه إِقْبَالِ كْتِير ‎[S] Pure silk is very much in demand
‏نَظَرًا لِلإِقْبالِ الشَّدِيد لَحَ يِتْمَدَّدِ الفِلِم ‎[S] The film will be held over on demand,
‏في لِبْنَان كْتِير في إقبال على هاذا السَّايْت ‎[L] in Lebanon there is a big interest in this website

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  Root: ق ل ل
Word: مِستْقِلّ / مُستَقِلّ، ج مِستْقِلِّيْن، المؤنث: مِستْقِلِّة
[S] مِسْتَقِلّ / مِسْتْقِلّ
[CA] مُستَقِلّ
[pronunciation: mistºqell / mustaqell، mistºqillīn، mistºqille
[CA] mustaʠell
[S] ق = ء]

صَار لَو (صَر لَو) مِسْتْقِلِّ بْحَالَو مِن وَقِت كَان عِمْرَو سِتَّعْش ‎[S] He’s been on his own ever since he was sixteen
‏لِبْنَاْن دَوْلِة مِسْتَقِلِّة ‎[S] Lebanon is an independent state
‏هِيِّة مِسْتْقِلِّة تَمَام عَن أَهْلَهْا ‎[S] She’s completely independent of her family,
‏دَولِة مُستَقِلِّة ‎[P] an independent state; {dawle mustaqille}
‏ الشَبّ مِستْقِلّ عَن أَهلُو ‎[P] the young man is independent of his family; {'iš-šabb mistºqell ʕan ʔahlo}

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  Root: ك م ر ك
Word: گُمرُك، ج گَمَارِك
[S] گِمْرُك، ج گَمَاْرِك
  customs, duty

لازِم نِدْفَع گِمْرُك على هالشِّي ‎[S] Do we have to pay customs on this?
‏تَفْتِيْش گِمِرْكِي، ج تَفْتِيْش گَمَارِك ‎[S] customs inspection
‏قَدَّيْشِ الگِمْرُك على هالدِّخَّان ‎[S] How much duty is there on this tobacco?
‏خالِص مْنِ الگِمْرُك ‎[S] duty free
‏التِّفَّاحِ المِسْتَوْرَد مِن لِبْنان خالِص مْنِ الگِمْرُك ‎[S] Apples imported from Lebanon are duty free

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  Root: ل ب ن ن
Word: لُبنَان
[L] لِبْنَان
[S] لِبْنَاْن
[pronunciation: lubnān]
  Root: ل ه ج
Word: لَهجِة، ج لَهجَات
[S] لَهْجِة، ج لَهْجَاْت
  dialect, vernacular;
[pronunciation: lahje، lahjāt]

اللَهجِة المَصرِيِّة ‎[P] the Egyptian dialect (note this may also be اللهجة المصري , but I'm not sure of the specifics in the Palestinian dialect. See Brustad's “The Syntax of Spoken Arabic” for more details); {'il-lahje-l-mɑṣriyye}
‏ءَنَا عْرِفتُو مِن لَهِجتُو ‎[P] I recognized him by his accent; {ʔana ʕºrefto min lahᵉjto}
‏لَهجِتنَا بْتِختْلِف عَن لَهجِة لُبنَان ‎[P] our dialect is different from the dialect of Lebanon; {lahjetna bºtiḵtºlef ʕan lahje lubnān}

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  Root: و ز ن
Word: تَوَازُن
  equilibrium, balance (as a maSdar, concept)
[pronunciation: tawāzon]

فَقَد تَوَازْنُو ‎[P] he lost his balance; {fɑʠɑd tawāzºno}
‏ التَوَازُنِ الحَسَّاس في لُبنَان ‎[P] the delicate equilibrium in Lebanon; {'it-tawāzonᴵ-l-ḥassās fy lubnān}
‏اِفحَص تَوَازُنِ الأَعجَال ‎[P] check that the wheels are balanced; {'ifḥɑṣ tawāzonᴵ-l-ʔaʕjāl}
‏تَوَازُنِ القُوَّات ‎[P] the balance of (military) forces; {tawāzonᴵ-l-ʠuwwāt}
‏ضَوَّعِت تَوَازْنِي ‎[S] I lost my balance

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  Root: ل ب ن ن
Word: لبنان
كلمة سريانية أصلها: "لب نون" أي قلب االله.
(ياسين عبد الرحيم، موسوعة العامية السورية)
  Root: ل ب ن 1
Word: لِبْنان / لُبْنان
  Root: ل ب ن ن
Word: لُبْنان
  Root: ق و ع
Word: قَاْع / گَاْع

عِنْدِي قَاع (گَاع) في لَبْنَان ‎[E.G.] I own a piece of land in Lebanon
‏قَاس (گَاس) القاع (گَاع) ‎[E.G.] He measured the land

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  Root: ل ب ن ن
Word: لِبْنَاْن
[E-Gulf] لَبْنَاْن
  Lebanon (masculine noun)

يْرُوح لَبْنَان كَلّ سَنَة ‎[E.G.] He goes to Lebanon every year

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  Root: م ر ر
Word: مَرَّة، ج مَرَّات
  time, occasion

بِيْرُوْت! زُوْرْت لِبْنَان مَرَّتِيْن. ‎[G-Hijazi] Beirut! I've visited Lebanon twice.

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  Root: م ك ن
Word: إِمْكَاْن
[E-Gulf] إِمْكَاْن
  ability, capability, capacity (often with a pronoun suffix, in which case it means "in his/her power to do...)

بِإِمْكَان + ضمير ‎[G] he / she / it can...
‏بِإِمْكَانهُم يِنْتَقْدُوْن (يِنْتَغْدُوْن) الحُكُوْمَة ‎[K] they can criticize the government
‏إِمْكَان + ضمير ‎[E.G.] (he/she/I/etc.) has the power to do, can do
‏مُوب إِمْكَانِي أَسَافِر لَبْنَان ‎[E.G.] I am not able to go to Lebanon
‏بْإِمْكَانَك تْخَلِّص الشُّغُل اليَوم ‎[E.G.] Can you finish the work today?
‏حَسْبِ الإِمْكَان ‎[E.G.] as much as possible.

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  Root: و ج د
Word: وَاْجِد / وَاْيِد / وَاْگِد / وَاْجْدِيْن / وَاْيْدِيْن / وَاْگْدِيْن، المؤنث: وَاْجْدَة / وَاْيْدَة / وَاْگْدَة
  very, a lot, very much (can occur before or after the word it modifies)

اعْتَمْدُوا عَلَيه واجِد (وايِد) ‎[K] they depended on it a lot
‏النَّفْط واجِد (وايِد) مُهِمّ ‎[G] oil is very important
‏واجِد (وايِد) رِحْنَا مِن هالأَمَاكِن ‎[K] we went to a lot of these places
‏لو مَثَلًا الواحَد يَدْرِس مُحَامَاة في لِبْنان، أَسْهَل بْوَاجِد (بْوايِد) إِنَّ ‎[B] if someone studies law in Lebanon, for instance, it is much easier than...
‏واجِد أَزْيَد ‎[B] much more
‏عِنْدِي واجِد (واگِد) أَكْلَات مُفَضَّلَة ‎[G] I have a lot of favorite foods (note that the pronunciation of waagid is common in Oman and South Yemen and doesn't occur much in other Gulf dialects)
‏واجِد (وايِد) زَين ‎[E.G.] very good.
‏كَلَيت واجِد (وايِد) ‎[E.G.] I ate a lot
‏في أَسْرَى واجِد (وايِد) ‎[G] There are many captives
‏يَاكِل واجِد (وَايِد) ‎[G] he eats a lot
‏هاذا مَكَان صَغِير واجِد (وايِد) ‎[G] this is a very small space

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  Root: و ن س
Word: وِنْسَة
  fun, enjoyment, having a good time

لَبْنَان وِنْسَة ‎[G] Lebanon is fun
‏حَرَّم على نَفْسَه الوِنْسَة ‎[G] he denied himself from having a good time.
‏عُقُب (عُگُب) ما طِلَع مِنِ المُسْتَشْفَى، سافَر أَمْرِيْكَا لِلوِنْسَة ‎[G] After he was discharged from the hospital, he went to America to have fun

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  Root: ز ح ل ق
Word: تْزَحْلَق / تْزَحْلَگ، يْتْزَحْلَق / يِتْزَحْلَگ
  to ski

رَح نِتْزَحْلَق (نِتْزَحْلَگ) هالشِّتْوِيَّة بْجِبَال لِبْنَان ‎[I] We're going to ski this winter in the mountains of Lebanon.

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  Root: ز و ر
Word: زَاْر، يْزُوْر، زِيَاْرَة
  to visit, call on, pay a visit to

زِرْنَا لُبْنَان زِيَارَة قْصَيّْرَة (گْصَيّْرَة) الصَّيفِ لْ فات ‎[I] We paid a short visit to Lebanon last summer.
‏رَحَ ازُورِ المُدِيرِ بْبَيتَه ‎[I] I will call on the director at his home,
‏زِرْنَا العَتَبَاتِ المُقَدَّسَة ‎[I] We visited the holy places
‏رَحِ تْزُور هالسَّنَة ‎[I] Are you going to the holy places this year

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  Root: س م ن
Word: سَمْنَاْن
  sleek, healthy

يْبَايِن عَلَيك سَمْنَاْن مِن هَوَا لَبْنَان ‎[I] You look sleek from the Lebanese climate,
‏سَمْنَان مِن كُثْرَةِ الأَكِل وِالرَّاحَة ‎[I] You've gained weight from eating a lot and doing nothing.

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  Root: ش ف ي
Word: شَاْفَى، يْشَاْفِي
  to cure, heal, restore to health (ه = to s.o.)

هَوَا لُبْنَان شَافَاك ‎[I] The Lebanese air cured you.
‏ الله يْشَاْفِيَه ‎[I] may God heal him.

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  Root: ل ب ن ن
Word: لُبْنَاْن
  Root: ل و
Word: لَوْ
  if (introducing a conditional or hypothetical clause)

لَو ساحْقَه (ساحْگَه) القِطَار كان (چان) صِرِت مَسْؤُوْل ‎[I] If the train had run over him, you'd have been responsible
‏أَشُوف لَو تَاخُذ وِيَّاك أَكِل، أَصْرَف لَك ‎[I] It seems to me that it would be cheaper for you if you take some food with you
‏يا مْعَوَّد! لَو قايِل (گايِل) لَه لِأَنْ ما يِدْرِي ‎[I] Good Lord! If only you'd told him, because he doesn't know
‏لَيْش دِفَعْتَه؟ لَو واقِع (وَاْگِع) ‎[I] Why did you push him? What if he'd fallen?
‏لَو ما ‎[I] if it weren't for..., except for the fact that...
‏لَو ما القاط غالي، كان (چان) اشْتِرَيْتَه ‎[I] If the suit weren't so expensive, I'd have bought it
‏لَو ما المُعَلِّم أَخُوه، ما كان (چان) يِنْجَح ‎[I] If the teacher weren't his brother, he wouldn't have passed,
‏لو ما جاي، كان (چان) تْرَزَّلِت ‎[I] If you hadn't come, I'd have been in a mess
‏مِنُو الأُقدم، العُراق لَو لبنان ‎[I] which is older, Iraq or Lebanon;

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  Root: م ن و
Word: مِنُو
  which one? (in questions giving multiple choices, like the Levantine أنو )

مِنُو أقدم العِراق لَو لبنان ‎[I] which is older, Iraq or Lebanon;

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  Root: و ر د
Word: وَرَّد، يْوَرِّد
  to become pink, rosy

وَرِّدَتِ خْدُودْهَا مِن هَوَا لَبْنَان ‎[I] Her cheeks grew rosy from the Lebanese climate.

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  Root: و ف ق
Word: وَاْفَق، يْوَاْفِق
  to agree with, be beneficial for (ه = s.o.)

يْبَيِّن هَوَا لُبَنَان وَافَقَه ‎[I] It seems that the Lebanese weather agrees with him.

Rate Translation
  Root: ل ب ن ن
Word: لُبْنَاْن