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  Root: ا م م
Word: إِمام، ج أَئِمّة / أَيِمَّة
  (prayer or religious) leader, imam;
in many Arab countries this is a full-time position either through the government (if it is a publicly funded mosque) or through a private mosque. It can also more loosely refer to whoever leads a group prayer.
[pronunciation: ʼimām]

ِإمام المَسْجِد ‎[CA] Imam of the mosque, the person who leads prayer;
‏أَئِمَّة الإِسْلامِ ‎[CA] the old teaching authorities or spiritual leaders of Islam;
‏فَضِيْلَة الإِمامِ الأَكْبَرِ ‎[CA] title of the high ranking religious dignitaries (esp. of the Rector of Azhar University);

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  Root: ا م و
Word: أُمَوِيّ
  Umayyad (adjective);
[pronunciation: ʼumawiyy]

الدَوْلة الأُمَويّة ‎[CA] the Umayyads, the Umayyad caliphate
‏الجامِع الأُمَويّ ‎[CA] the Umayyad Mosque (the Great Mosque in Damascus)

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  Root: ب ي ت
Word: بَيْت، ج بُيُوْت / بُيُوْتَاْت
  house, building;
[pronunciation: bayt]

البَيْت الأَبْيَض ‎[CA] the White House (in Washington, DC);
‏بَيْت الحَرَام ‎[CA] the Kaaba;
‏بَيْت اللهِ ‎[CA] either 1. the Kaaba, or 2. a mosque, house of God
‏بَيْت الخَلَاْء = بَيْت الأَدَب = بَيْت المَاءِ ‎[CA] toilet, water closet;
‏بَيْت الدَاءِ ‎[CA] origin or seat of the disease;
‏بَيْت رِيْفِيّ ‎[CA] country house;
‏بَيْت الشَبَابِ ‎[CA] youth hostel;
‏بَيْت الراحةِ ‎[CA] bathroom
‏بَيْت المَقْدِسِ ‎[CA] Jerusalem
‏بَيْت لَحْم / بَيْتْلَحْم ‎[CA] Bethlehem;
‏بَيْت المَالِ ‎[CA] either 1. treasure house, or 2. fise, treasury, exchequer (Islamic Law), or 3. administration of vacant Muslim estates (Tunisian);
‏بيت مُتَنَقِّل = بَيْت مُتَحَرِّك ‎[CA] mobile home
‏بَيْت تِجاريّ ‎[CA] place of business
‏بَيْت زُجاجيّ ‎[CA] hothouse, greenhouse
‏بَيْت الإبْرةِ ‎[CA] compass
‏بَيْت المالِ ‎[CA] the treasury, the Exchequer (British)
‏بَيْت المَقْدِسِ ‎[CA] Jerusalem
‏رَبّ البَيْتِ ‎[CA] head of the household, man of the house
‏رَبّة البَيْتِ ‎[CA] housewife
‏صاحِب بَيْتٍ ‎[CA] homeowner, landlord
‏امْتَلَكَ بَيْتاً ‎[CA] to own a house

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  Root: ج م ع
Word: جَاْمِع، ج جَاْمِعُوْن
  comprehensive, extensive, broad, general, universal
[pronunciation: jāmiʻ]

مَسْجِد جَاْمِع ‎[CA] great, central mosque the public prayer is performed on Fridays مُصْطَلَح جامِع comprehensive term
‏مَشْروع جامِع ‎[CA] a comprehensive plan
‏دِراسة جامِعة ‎[CA] an exhaustive study

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Word: جَاْمِع، ج جَوَاْمِع
[pronunciation: jāmiʻ]

جامِع الأَزْهَرِ ‎[CA] al-Azhar mosque
‏جامِع طَوابِعَ ‎[CA] stamp collector

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  Root: ح ر م
Word: حَرَاْم، ج حُرُم
  sacred, sacrosanct, holy
[pronunciation: ḥarām]

البَيْت الحَرَأم ‎[CA] the Kaaba (in Mecca)
‏الشَهْر الحَرَام ‎[CA] the Holy Month
‏المَسْجِد الحَرَام ‎[CA] the Holy Mosque in Mecca
‏البَلَد الحَرام ‎[CA] the Holy City (Mecca)
‏المَسْجِد الحَرام ‎[CA] the Holy Mosque (surrounding the Kaaba in Mecca)

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  Root: د ك ك
Word: دِكَّة، ج دِكَك
platform in a mosque for the Qur'an reciter
  Root: ر د د
Word: تَرَدَّدَ، يتردّد، تردُّد
  to come and go (على = at s.o.'s house, rarely with إلى), frequent, visit frequently (على = s.o.’s house, a place)
[pronunciation: taraddada]

عدد كبير من السُيَّاح يترددون على خان الخليلي ‎[CA] a large number of tourists repeatedly visit Khan Al Khalili
‏تَرَدَّدَ على مَكانٍ بِكَثْرةٍ ‎[CA] to visit a place frequently
‏تَرَدَّدَ الشابُّ على المَسْجِدِ ‎[CA] the young man frequented the mosque

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  Root: ز ه ر
Word: أَزْهَر
  الأَزْهَر : Al-Azhar Mosque (the mosque and the institute) and Al-Azhar University in Egypt (sometimes this are specified with جامع الأزهر and جامعة الأزهر respectively);

جامِع الأَزْهَرِ = الجامِع الأَزْهَر ‎[CA] al-Azhar Mosque and University in Cairo
‏جامِع الأَزْهَرِ ‎[CA] al-Azhar Mosque and University in Cairo
‏شَيْخ الأَزْهَرِ ‎[CA] the Grand Sheikh of al-Azhar

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  Root: ز و ي
Word: زَاْوِيَة، ج زَوَاْيَاْ
small mosque, prayer room
  Root: ز ي ت
Word: زَيْتُوْنِيّ، ج زَيْتُوْنِيُّوْن
student of the Great Mosque of Tunis
Word: زَيْتُوْنَة
  (an) olive tree

جامِع الزَيْتُوْنَةِ ‎[CA] the Zaitouna Mosque (large mosque and university in Tunis)

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  Root: س ج د
Word: مَسْجِد، ج مَسَاْجِد
  mosque, masjid
[pronunciation: masjid]

مَسْجِد جامِع ‎[CA] large mosque, mosque where the Friday prayer is conducted
‏المَسْجِد الحَرَام ‎[CA] the Holy Mosque in Mecca
‏المَسْجِد الأَقْصَى ‎[CA] Aqsa Mosque (in Jerusalem. The name, meaning the “Furthest Mosque”, is from its distance from Mecca during the founding of Islam)
‏المَسْجِدَاْن ‎[CA] the two Mosques (of Mecca and Medina) (dual form)

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  Root: ص ح ن
Word: صَحْن، ج صُحُوْن
  yard, courtyard
[pronunciation: ṣaḥn]

صَحْن الدارِ ‎[CA] courtyard, patio
‏صَحْن الجامِعِ ‎[CA] a mosque courtyard
‏صَحْن دارٍ ‎[CA] patio

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  Root: ص خ ر
Word: صَخْرَة
  (a) boulder, rock

قُبَّة الصَخْرَة ‎[CA] the Dome of the Rock, the Mosque of Omar (in Jerusalem)

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  Root: ص ف ف
Word: صُفَّة، ج صُفَف
  الصُّفَّة : area in the Prophet's Mosque in Medina

أَهْل الصُفّةِ ‎[CA] Ahl al-Suffa (group of poor companions of Muhammad who stayed in the mosque in Medina)

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  Root: ص ل و
Word: صَلَّى، يُصَلِّي
  to perform a prayer (صَلاة)

صَلّى صَلاةَ الفَجْرِ ‎[CA] to say the morning prayer
‏صَلّى الجُمْعةَ في المَسْجِدِ ‎[CA] to say Friday prayers in the mosque

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  Root: ط و ع
Word: تَطْوِيْع
diploma of the Great Mosque of Tunis
  Root: ظ ه ر
Word: ظَاْهِر
  visible, perceptible, distinct, manifest, obvious, conspicuous, clear, patent, evident, apparent
[pronunciation: ẓāhir]

الظاهر والباطن ‎[CA] Religious reference to the seen and unseen knowledge
‏الجامِعُ ظاهِرٌ من هُنا ‎[CA] the mosque is visible from here
‏بِشَكْلٍ ظاهِرٍ visibly, apparently, manifestly, openly, ostentatiously
‏حَمَلَ سِلاحَهُ بِشَكْلٍ ظاهِرٍ ‎[CA] to openly carry a weapon
‏غَيْر ظاهِرٍ ‎[CA] either 1. inconspicuous, or 2. covert, or 3. latent

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  Root: ع ك ف
Word: اِعْتِكَاْف
a long stay in the mosque
  Root: ع و د
Word: أَعَاْدَ، يُعِيْد، إِعَاْدَة
  to reiterate, repeat, do again or anew, renew, resume (ه =
[pronunciation: ʼaʻāda]

أَعادَ الفِعْلَ ‎[CA] to do again
‏أَعادَ القَوْلَ ‎[CA] to say again
‏أَعادَ قَوْلَ فُلانٍ ‎[CA] to repeat s.o.'s words
‏أَعَادَ الحِسَابَ ‎[CA] to repeat the computation
‏أَعَادَ ذِكْرَيَاتٍ ‎[CA] to revive, or reawaken, memories
‏أَعَادَ تَسْيِيرَهُ ‎[CA] to get going again, put back into operation
‏أَعَادَ تَصْدِيرَهُ ‎[CA] either 1. to forward (by mail), or 2. to reexport
‏أَعَادَ طَبْعَ الكِتَابِ ‎[CA] to reprint a book
‏أَعَادَ تَنْظِيمَهُ ‎[CA] reorganize
‏يُعِيدُ القَوْلَ وَيَبْدَأُهُ ‎[CA] he keeps talking of it, he continues to bring up the subject
‏أَعَادَ النَظَرَ في ‎[CA] to re-examine, reconsider, check, verify, revise, go over or into again
‏أَعَادَ النَظَرَ في الدَعْوَى ‎[CA] to retry the case (jurisprudence)
‏أَعادَ البِناءَ ‎[CA] to reconstruct, to rebuild
‏أَعَادَ بِناءَ مَسْجِدٍ ‎[CA] to rebuild a mosque
‏أَعادَ الكَرّةَ ‎[CA] to try again
‏أَعادَ امْتِحاناً ‎[CA] to retake a test (US)
‏أَعادَ طَبْعَ كِتابٍ ‎[CA] to reprint a book
‏أَعادَ فَتْحَ الطُرُقِ ‎[CA] to reopen the roads
‏أَعَادَ تَدْوِيرِ شَيْءٍ ‎[CA] to recycle

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  Root: ق ب ب
Word: قُبَّة، ج قِبَاْب / قُبَب
  cupola, dome

قُبَّة الجَرَسِ ‎[CA] belfry, bell tower
‏قُبَّة الإِسْلَامِ ‎[CA] epithet of the city of Basra
‏قُبَّة الصَخْرَةِ ‎[CA] the Dome of the Rock, the Mosque of Omar (in Jerusalem)
‏القُبّة الخَضْراء ‎[CA] the Green Dome (dome over the Prophet Muhammad's grave in the Mosque of the Prophet in Medina)
‏قُبَّة مِلْحِيَّة ‎[CA] salt dome
‏قُبّة سَماويّة ‎[CA] planetarium
‏القُبّة الزَرْقاء ‎[CA] heavens, firmament
‏جَعَلَ من الحَبّةِ قُبّةً ‎[CA] to make a mountain out of a molehill

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  Root: ق ر ي
Word: قَرَوِيّ، ج قَرَوِيُّوْن
  a member of al-Qarawiya College in Fez (Morocco)

جامِع القَرَوِيِّيْن ‎[CA] mosque and college in (Morocco)

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  Root: ق ص ر
Word: مَقْصُوْرَة، ج مَقْصُوْرَاْت / مَقَاْصِيْر
chamber of the imam in a mosque
Word: مَقْصُوْرَة، ج مَقْصُوْرَاْت / مَقَاْصِيْر
separate room for women in a mosque
  Root: ق ص و
Word: أَقْصَى، ج أَقَاْصٍ (الأَقَاْصِي)، المؤنث: قُصْوَى
  more / most distant, remoter / remotest, farther / farthest (away)

المَسْجِد الأَقْصَى ‎[CA] Aqsa Mosque, name of a mosque on the Temple Square in Jerusalem
‏المَغْرِب الأَقْصَى ‎[CA] Morocco (literally = the extreme west)
‏أَقْصى الحُدودِ ‎[CA] the outer borders/limits
‏أَقَاصِي الأَرْضِ ‎[CA] the remotest parts of the earth, the ends of the world

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  Root: ب 2
Word: بْ / بِ
  preposition showing instrument or means: with, by means of;
(note ب and في are often used interchangeably. However, when using the prepositions with a suffix pronoun, في is preferred in some dialects (seemingly for phonetic reasons, and this is not true of all dialects). ب is also sometimes used to stand in contrast of when في would be used in CA. As in, one would say كنت عم بَفكّر بِالوَضع (I was thinking of the situation) in colloquial);
[pronunciation: b / bi]

بِسِكِّيْنِة ‎[P] with a knife; {bisikkīne}
‏بِمَا إِنُّو ‎[P] because, since, as, as long as, given that {bima ʔinno}
‏بْمَا إِنَّو مْسَافِر بِكْرَا لازِم نِسْتَعْجِل ‎[S] As he is leaving tomorrow, we must hurry.
‏بِمَا إِنُّو تْعَلَّم عِندنَا، أَحسَن لُو إِنُّو يْكَمِّل هَوْن ‎[P] as he has been studying with us, it is best he complete his studies here; {bima ʔinno tºʕallam ʕindna، ʔaḥsan lo ʔinno yºkammel hōn}
‏بِمَا إِنُّو مَا دَفَع ضَرَايبُو لَلمَجلِس، اِضطَرَّيْنَا ‎[P] since he has not paid his council tax, we have been obliged to...; {bima ʔinno ma dafaʕ ḍɑrᾱybo lalmajles، 'iḍṭɑrrēna}
‏بِمَا أَنّ ‎[L] because of the fact that, as in:
‏بِما أَنِّك إِمِّي، أَنا وْبابا رَح نُدْرُس ‎[L] because you are my mother, dad and I will go study;
‏قُوْلَهْا بِالإِنْگْلِيزِي ‎[S] Say it in English
‏اْكْتُب (كْتَوْب) بِالحِبِر ‎[S] Write in ink
‏بِتْبِيْع بِالدَّيْن ‎[S] Do you sell on credit?
‏شِفْنَا الجَّامِعِ الأَمْوِي بْجَوْلِة بِالمَدِيْنِة ‎[S] We saw the Mosque on a tour through the city
‏بِبْعَتْ لَك ياه بِالبَوْسْطَة ‎[S] I'll send it to you by mail.
‏أْجِيْنَا بِالسَّيَّارَة ‎[S] We came by car.
‏سَبَحْنَا بْضَوِّ القَمَر ‎[S] We went swimming by moonlight.
‏بْعِبَارَة إِخْرَى ‎[S] In other words
‏ما بِعْتِقِد فِيك تِفْتَحَهْا بِمْفَكّ ‎[S] I don't think you can open it with a screw driver,
‏شُو لَحَ تَعْمِل بْهالرَّادْيَو العَتِيْق ‎[S] What are you going to do with that old radio?

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  Root: ج م ع
Word: جَامِع، ج جَوَامِع
[S] جَاْمِع، ج جَوَاْمِع
  mosque, masjid (typically a larger one)
[pronunciation: jāmeʕ، jawāmeʕ]

لَمَّا بيْرُوْحُوا عَلَى الجَامِع ‎[P] when they go to the mosque; {lamma byºrūḥu ʕala-l-jāmeʕ}

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  Root: ح ر ز
Word: حَرَز، يِحْرُز / يِحْرِز
[S] حَرَز، يِحْرِز
  to have value, be valuable, be worth, worthwhile (either with a direct object, فعل مضارع بدون علامة, or simply intransitive) (حرز الشيءُ، كان ذا قيمة أو استحقاق);

ولا بْيِحْرُز يِنْحَطّ بعَناوِين الأَخْبار ‎[L] and it doesn't deserve to go into the news headlines;
‏ما بْيِحْرِز ‎[L] having no value (لا قيمة له);
‏خَبَر ما بْيِحْرُز ‎[L] news with no value;
‏حَرْزِت هالسَّفْرَة مَصْرُوفَك ‎[S] Did you get your money's worth out of that trip? Was the trip worth what you spent on it?
‏بْتِحْرِز (الغَلَبِة) ‎[S] It's worth the trouble
‏بْتِحْرِز الِمْحَاوَلِة ‎[S] It's worth trying
‏يا تَرَى حَرْزِت شِي بِالنِّسْبِة إِلَك ‎[S] Was it worth your while?
‏الِكْتَاب بْيِحْرِز يِنْقَرَا / بْتِحْرِزِ قْرَايْتَو ‎[S] Is the book worth reading?
‏هالجَّامِع بِالحَقِيْقَة بْيِحْرِز يِنْشَاف = هالجَّامِع بِالحَقِيْقَة بْتِحْرِز شَوْفْتَو ‎[S] That mosque is really worth seeing.
‏ما بْتِحْرِز ‎[S] It isn't worth while,

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  Root: س ج د
Word: مَسجِد، ج مَسَاجِد
[S] مَسْجِد، ج مَسَاْجِد
  mosque, masjid;
[pronunciation: masjed، masājed]

مَسجِدِ الأَقصَى / المَسجِدِ الأَقصَى ‎[P] Al-Aqsa mosque; {masjedᴵ-l-ʔɑʠṣɑ / 'il-masjedᴵ-l-ʔɑʠṣɑ}

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  Root: س م ي
Word: سَمَّى، يْسَمّي
[S] سمَّى، يْسَمِّي
  to name (ه =, ه =;
(note the passive form يُسَمَّى is also used in colloquial);
[pronunciation: samma، yºsammy]

أَيْش سَمَّيْتُوا الوَلَد ‎[P] what did you name the boy?; { ʔēš sammētu-l-walad}
‏مِنسَمِّيْهَا أَمَل ‎[P] we'll name her Amal; {minsammīha ʔamal}
‏هَا الأَكِة شُو بيْسَمُّوْهَا ‎[P] what do they call this dish; {ha-l-ʔake šu byºsammūha}
‏هَا الجَامِع سَمُّوْه عَلَى إِسِمِ اللي بَنَاه ‎[P] they named this mosque after the person who built it; {ha-l-jāmeʕ sammūᴴ ʕala ʔisᵉmᴵ-l-ly banāᴴ}
‏سَمَّى اِبْنَو مَحْمُوْد ‎[S] He named his son Mahmud
‏سَمُّو الوَلَد على اِسِم أَبُوْه ‎[S] They named the baby after his father
‏بْتِقْدِرِ تْسَمِّيْ لِي كِلّْ الكَوَاكِبِ السَيَّاْرَة = بْتِقْدِر تْقِل لِي أَسْمَاء كِلِّ الكَوَاكِبِ السَيَّارَة ‎[S] Can you name all the planets?
‏سَمِّي لِي سِعِر يَللي بِيْوَافْقَك ‎[S] Name your own price

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  Root: ش ي ت
Word: شَيْت
[S] شِيْت
[P, J] شَيْت
  belonging to;
(In Palestine this is used in the Jerusalem and Jaffa regions);
[pronunciation: [P, J] šēt]

هَادَا مُش شَيْتُو ‎[P] that doesn't belong to him; {hāda muš šēto}
‏شِيْتِي ‎[S] mine
‏شِيْتُه ‎[S] his
‏شِيْتَهْا ‎[S] hers
‏شِيْتُهْن ‎[S] their, theirs
‏شِيْتَك، ج شِيْتْكُن، المؤنث: شِيْتِك ‎[S] your, yours
‏الباب شِيْت الجَّامِع ‎[S] the mosque door
‏الشَّنْتَة شِيْت المَرَا ‎[S] the woman's bag

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  Root: ع ص ر
Word: عَصِر
[S] عَصِر (عَصْر)، ج عْصُوْر
  age (period of), epoch, era, time (figurative and literal);
[pronunciation: ʕɑṣᵉr]

رَوْحِ العَصِر ‎[P] the mood of the times, the Zeitgeist; {rōḥᴵ-l-ʕɑṣᵉr}
‏كَان أَشْهَر مُوْسِيْقَار بْعَصْرَو ‎[S] He was the most famous musician of his time,
‏الجَّامِع بْيِرْجَع لَعَصْرِ الفَاطِمِيِّيْن ‎[S] The mosque dates from the time of the Fatimids
‏هادَا عَصْرِ الاِخْتِرَاْع ‎[S] This is the age of invention

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  Root: ق ص و
Word: أَقصَى
[S] أَقْصَى، المؤنث: قِصْوَى
  farther, farthest, more/most distant;
[pronunciation: ʔaʠṣɑ
[S] ق = ق]

مَسجِدِ الَقصَى ‎[P] Al-Aqsa Mosque, (the farthest mosque) {masjedᴵ-l-aʠṣɑ}

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  Root: ا م م
Word: إِمام، ج أَئِمَّة
  prayer leader, imam; (in Islam)

إِمام مَسْجِد ‎[E] the main imam in a mosque, who leads most of the prayers and the like. In nationalized mosques, he is on a government payroll;

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  Root: ج م ع
Word: جَمَع، يجمَع، جَمْع / جَمَعان
  to bring together, gather, collect (ه =;

جَمَعْنا اللي يْخُصّنا ‎[E] we gathered together our own things;
‏جَمَعُوا أَطْراف المُشْكِلة ‎[E] they summed up the problems from all sides;
‏النَصِيب جَمَع شَمْلُهُم مَرّة تانيَة ‎[E] fate brought them together once more;
‏الصلاةُ جامِعَة ‎[E] Islamic term: call in the mosque for Muslims to gather together to perform the عِيد prayer or for meeting after prayer (literally: prayer is bringing together). Said with full CA pronunciation salaatu gaami3a;
‏ما جَمَع إِلا ما وَفَّق ‎[E] proverb: roughly meaning "birds of a feather flock together", (he (God?) does not bring together (things) except that they are in harmony); note that this is CA proverb as well, but Badawi lists the pronunciation as ma gama3 'illa-mma waffa'; (note sure why the doubled m);
‏اللي يِجْمَعُه رَبّنا ما يْفَرَّقُوش إِنسان / مَخْلُوق ‎[E] proverb: what our Lord brings together no human/creation can separate;

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Word: جامِع، ج جَوَامِع
  Root: ج ي ش
Word: الجِيُوْشِي
الجامِع الجِيُوشي : the Giyushi Mosque, (a conspicuous mosque on the Muqattam Hills, build at the instigation of بَدَر الدِين الجمالي, who was the أمير الجيوش / the commander of the armies in the Fatimid dynasty, in the 11th century CE;)
  Root: ح ر ب 3
Word: مِحْراب، ج مَحارِب
prayer niche in a mosque, a mihrab;
  Root: ح س ن
Word: حُسَيْـن
  الحُسَيْـن : al-Husayn, grandson of the Prophet Muhammad;

جامِع / مَشْهَد الحُسَين ‎[E] the Mosque of al-Husayn in Cairo, between al-Azhar and Khan al-Khalili;
‏الحُسين = حَيّ الحُسين ‎[E] district immediately surrounding the mosque of al-Husayn;

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  Root: ح ش و
Word: حَشْو

حَشْو حُبايْبي ‎[E] chipboard paneling;
‏حَشْو بَلَدي ‎[E] style of intricate panel work employing interlocking geometric designs traditionally fitted without nails or glue, used for doors, mosque pulpits, etc.

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  Root: خ د م
Word: خادِم، ج خُدَّام
mosque custodian, mosque janitor;
  Root: خ ض ر
Word: أخْضَر، ج خُضْر، المؤنث: خَضْرا
  green, green of color; (adj)
the color green is usually associated with life, vitality, hope

نِفْسُه خَضْرا ‎[E] he is gentle and unassuming;
‏طِلْعِتْ لُه السِنان الخُضْر ‎[E] his teeth fell out (from old age);
‏العَتَبة الخَضْرا ‎[E] district of Cairo near the Opera Square;
‏القُبَّة الخَضْرا ‎[E] either 1. the dome above the Prophet Muhammad's tomb or 2. the Prophet's Mosque in Medina;
‏سَبِّ لُه الأَخْضَرين = لَعَن لُه الأَخْضَرين ‎[E] he insulted / cursed his whole lineage (can also be used with other words meaning to curse/insult s.o.)

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  Root: خ ط ب
Word: خُطْبَة، ج خُطَب
sermon given in a mosque
  Root: ر ب ط
Word: رابِط
  to station o.s., take up one's stand, settle o.s. in position; (intransitive)

رابِطْتَ على بابِ الجامِع ‎[E] I stationed myself at the mosque door;
‏الجَيْش مِرابِط فِ السينا ‎[E] the army has taken up a position in Sinai;
‏حَتِعْمِل أَيه بُكْرا --- أَرابِط فِ البَيْت ‎[E] what are you going to do tomorrow? --- Just hang about at home;
‏الجَيْشِ المُرابِط ‎[E] obsolete term: the territorial army;

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  Root: ز و ي
Word: زاوْيَة، ج زاوْيَاْت / زَوَاْيَا / زِوْي / زِوَي
a small mosque (without a minaret);
this is often associate with small, informal (i.e. not officially registered) mosques, and hence also with certain unregistered (and also more extreme) political groups that use the mosques to gather in
  Root: ز ي ن ب
Word: زَيْنَب
  Zaynab, Zeinab (female given name, meaning either "a father's precious jewel" or "the one who glorifies/adorns her father". Some also translate it as fragrant flower It is derived from زينة and أَب . It is believed to be a modification of the name Zenobia, the name of the pre-Islamic Syrian Queen. It is most well known for being the name of the Prophet Muhammad's grand-daughter.)

السَيِّدة زَيْنَب ‎[E] mosque and quarter in the souther part of central Cairo, named after the grand-daughter of the Prophet Muhammad;

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  Root: س ج د
Word: مَسْجِد، ج مَساجِد
mosque, masjid (from the root meaning "the place of prostration");
  Root: س و د 1
Word: سَيِّدة، ج سَيِّدَاْت
  title of a Muslim, female saint;

السَيِّدة ‎[E] either 1. Sayyida Zaynab or 2. name of the quarter in which the mosque of Sayyida Zaynab is located;
‏السَيِّدات ‎[E] the women saints (specifically, the descendants of the Prophet's daughter Fatima) buried in Cairo;

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  Root: ش ح ذ
Word: شَحَّات
  beggar, mendicant;
[pronunciation: ذ = ت]

عَامْلين نَفْسُهُم شَحَّاتين عَشان ما يِدْفَعُوشِ الأُجْرة ‎[E] they're pretending to be beggars so they don't have to pay the rent;
‏شَحَّات وِعايِز رِغِيف ‎[E] proverb: he is a beggar but (still he) insists on getting a (whole) loaf, meaning beggars can't be choosers;
‏الشَحَّات لُه نُصِّ الدِنْيَا ‎[E] proverb: the beggar owns half the world (Because he gets a share of everyone's possessions);
‏زَيِّ الشَحَّاتِين السَيِّدة ‎[E] proverb: like the beggars of Sayyida Zaynab Mosque, meaning either 1. swarming and insistent (like the beggars of Sayyida Zaynab) or 2. as sorry looking as the beggars of Sayyida Zaynab;

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  Root: ص ي ر 2
Word: صِيْرَة
  a small fish (unitary noun)

عَيْـنِ الصِيْرة ‎[E] a mineral spring near the mosque of the Imam Shafi'i said to posses curative powers

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  Root: ق ر ب 1
Word: اِسْتَقْرَب
  to render (ه = shorter
[pronunciation: ق = ء]

اِسْتَقْرَبْنا السِكَّة عَن طَرِيق الجامِع ‎[E] we took a short cut by way of the mosque

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  Root: ق ص و
Word: أَقْصَى
  more/most extreme (superlative/comparative)
[pronunciation: ق = ق ق = ء]

أَقْصَى حَدّ ‎[E] utmost limit, maximum;
‏أنا زَعْلان مِنُّه لْـأَقْصى حَدّ ‎[E] I am as angry as can be with him;
‏المَسْجِد الأَقْصى ‎[E] the Furthest Mosque (which is the principal mosque in Jerusalem);
‏الشَرْق الأَقْصَى ‎[E] the Far East;

Rate Translation
  Root: و ض ا
Word: مَيْضَة، ج مَيْضَاْت
fountain for ablutions in a mosque
  Root: ج م ع
Word: جَاْمع، ج جْوَاْمع
mosque, masjid
  Root: س ج د
Word: مسْجِد، ج مْسَاْجد
mosque, masjid
  Root: س ح ن
Word: سْحن، ج سْحُوْنَة
mosque courtyard
  Root: ص ح ن
Word: صْحن، ج صْحُوْنَة
mosque courtyard (same as سْحن )
  Root: غ س ل
Word: مغْسل، ج مْغَاْسل
washing table for the dead person in the mosque (wooden slab or table with short legs on which the dead are washed)
  Root: ق ر ن
Word: قرْوِين
القرْوِين : Mosque and University of Fez
[pronunciation: qeRwiyen]
  Root: ا س ط و ا ن
Word: اسطوانة / سِنْطْوَاْنَة، ج سِنْطْوَاْنَاْت

العِمَارَة قايْمَة (گَايْمَة) على أَرْبَع سِنْطْوَانَة ‎[E.G.] The mosque rests on four pillars

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  Root: ج م ع
Word: جَاْمِع
[O, Inland] جَاْمِع / گَاْمِع
mosque, masjid
Word: جَاْمِع / يَاْمِع، ج جَوَاْمِع / يَوَاْمِع
  mosque, masjid

الجامِع (اليامِع) العَود ‎[E.G.] the grand mosque, the big mosque.

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Word: مَجْمُوْع، ج مَجْمُوْعِيْن، المؤنث: مَجْمُوْعَة
  collected, gathered

النَّاس مَجْمُوعِين قِدَّأم (چِدَّام) الِبْنَايَة ‎[E.G.] The people are gathered in front of the mosque

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Word: تْجَمَّع / تْيَمَّع، يِتْجَمَّع / يِتْيَمَّع
[E-Gulf] تْجَمَّع، يِتْجَمَّع
  to gather together, to assemble, congregate together

النَّاس تْجَمَّعَت قِدَّام (جِدَّأم) الِبْنَايَة ‎[E.G.] The people assembled in front of the mosque

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  Root: ح ر م
Word: حَرَم
  sacred, holy thing (for example, place, possessions, etc.) (no recorded plural)

الحَرَم ‎[E.G.] the holy mosque in Mecca,
‏الحَرَم الشَّرِيف ‎[E.G.] the Holy Sanctuary in Jerusalem (known as the Dome of the Rock and al-Aqsa Mosque).
‏الحَرَمَين ‎[E.G.] the two holy mosques in Mecca and Medina
‏الحَرَم الثالِث ‎[E.G.] the third holy mosque (that is, the one in Jerusalem)
‏خادِم الحَرَمَين الشَّرِيفَين ‎[E.G.] custodian of the two holy mosques (in Mecca and Medina)

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  Root: خ د م
Word: خَاْدِم، المؤنث: خَاْدْمَة
[E-Gulf] خَاْدِم، ج خَدَم / خِدَّاْم، المؤنث: خَاْدْمَة

خِدَّام الحَرَم في مَكَّة ‎[E.G.] custodians of the Holy Mosque in Mecca
‏خادِم من خِدَّام الحَرَم في مَكَّة ‎[E.G.] one of the custodians of the Holy Mosque in Mecca

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  Root: خ ن ن
Word: خَنَّن، يْخَنِّن
  to perfume, scent (ه = s.o.)

يْخَنِّنُون النَّاس لَين يْدِشُّون الجامِع (اليَامِع) ‎[E.G.] They perfumed they people when they entered the mosque.
‏يِتْخَنَّن قَبِل (گَبِل) ما يِطْلَع ‎[E.G.] he puts perfume on before he goes out
‏الحَرِيم يِتْخَنَّنِن بالعُطُور ‎[E.G.] Women put on perfume

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  Root: س ج د
Word: مَسْجِد / مَسْجَد / مَسْيِيْد، ج مَسَاْجِد / مَسَاْيِد
[E-Gulf] مَسْجِد / مْسِيْد، ج مَسَاْجِد / مَسَاْيِد
[O, Inland] مِسْجِد / مِسْگِد
  mosque, masjid

يْصَلُّون فِي مَسْجَد ‎[Q] they pray in a mosque
‏صَلَّوا في الِمْسِجْد (الِمْسِيد) ‎[E.G.] They prayed in the mosque
‏المْسِجْد (الِمْسِيد) العَوْد ‎[E.G.] the large mosque (where the Friday prayer is conducted).

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Word: مَسْجِد، ج مَسَاجِد
  Root: ع ت ب
Word: عْتَبَة، ج عْتَبَاْت
  window sill, door sill, threshold

عْتَبَةِ مْسِيْد ‎[E.G.] a mosque sill., (meaning) very pious person.

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  Root: ع و د
Word: عَوْد، المؤنث: عَوْدَة
[E-Gulf] عَوْد، المؤنث: عَوْدَة
  big, large (no reported plural)

جَرْجُوْر (يَرْيُوْر) عُود ‎[K] a large shark
‏مَبَالِغ عَوْدَة ‎[G] large amounts
‏المْسِجْد (الِمْسِيد) العَوْد ‎[E.G.] the large mosque (where the Friday prayer is conducted).

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  Root: ق د س
Word: قُدْس / گُدْس
  القُدْس / الگُدْس : Jerusalem

المَسْيِد (المَسْيِد) الأَقْصَى (الأَگْصَى) في القُدْس (الگُدْس) ‎[E.G.] Al-Aqsa Mosque in Jerusalem.

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  Root: ق ص و
Word: أَقْصَى / أَگْصَى
  further / fartherest, utmost

المَسْيِد (المَسْيِد) الأَقْصَى (الأَگْصَى) في القُدْس (الگُدْس) ‎[G] Al-Aqsa Mosque in Jerusalem.

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  Root: ك و ن
Word: كَاْن / چَاْن، يْكُوْن
  to be, was, were
(note that at times this remains as a generic 3ms, as in كان , especially when used just to modify tense.)
(note that it is usually said with a چ in the past tense, but occassionally it is said with a ك in the past tense. The present tense seems to always be with a ك .)

كِلّْ شِي في يَدّْهُم كان ‎[G] everything was in their hands (note use of كان at the end of the sentence)
‏لَمَّا اْخَوَاتي مْلَكُوا (مْلَچُوا)، كان يِقْدَرُون (يِگْدَرُون) يْكَلّْمُون زَواجْهُم بِالفَتْرَة قَبْلِ (گَبْلِ) العِرْس ‎[Q] when my sisters signed the marriage contract (got engaged), they were able to talk to their husbands in the period before the wedding (note كان here is just a generic 3ms and does not agree with the logical subject هم )
‏كان ناقَشْتِينْهَا ‎[B] you should have engaged her in discussion (note كان does not agree with the subject of ناقش )
‏أَوَّل لَيْلَة كان (چان) عِبَارَة عَن قِرَاءَة قُرْآن ‎[G] the first night consisted of a Qur'an reading (note that كان is a generic 3ms. In another sentence, the same speaker used the phrase كانت أَوّل لَيلة بَسّْ قِرَاة أَدْعِيَة وْقُرْآن)
‏كانَت (چَانَت) هِنِي قَبِل (گَبِل) أُسْبُوع ‎[E.G.] She was here a week ago
‏كان (چان) مَرِيض في المُسْتَشْفَى ‎[E.G.] I was sick in the hospital
‏السُّوق (السُّوگ) كان (چان) مَتْرُوس ناس ‎[E.G.] The marketplace was filled with people
‏كان (چان) في ‎[E.G.] There was, there were,
‏كان (چان) في جِهَّال (يِهَّال) في المَسِجد (المْسِيْد) ‎[E.G.] There were kids in the mosque
‏كان (چان) عِنْد + ضمير ‎[E.G.] to have.
‏كان (چان) عِنْدِي سَيَّارَة ‎[E.G.] I had a car
‏كان (چان) عِنْدَه خُطَّار أَمْس ‎[E.G.] He had guests yesterday
‏الحَرّ يْكُون في القَيظ (الگَيْظ) ‎[G] Hot weather is in the summer.

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  Root: ا ب د س خ ا ن
Word: أَبْدَسْخَاْنَة
toilet, especially that of a mosque
  Root: ب ر ع
Word: تْبَرَّع، يِتْبَرَّع
  to volunteer

تْبَرَّع يِبْنِي غُرْفة جِدِيدة للجَامِع ‎[I] He volunteered to build a new room on the mosque.

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  Root: ب ر ك
Word: تْبَرَّك، يِتْبَرَّك
  to be blessed, get a blessing

خَلِّي أَتْبَرَّك بالحَايِط مَال الجَامِع ‎[I] Let me get a blessing from touching the wall of the mosque.

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  Root: ج م ع
Word: جَاْمِع، ج جَوَاْمِع
Word: جَمَاْعَة، ج جَمَاْعَة
  group, gang, bunch

شِفْتَه يِحْكِي (يِحْچِي) وِيَّا جَمَاْعَة مْن الفَلَّاْحِين ‎[I] I saw him talking with a group of peasants,
‏هَاي جَمَاْعَتي. كُلّ يَوم نِقْعُد (نِگْعُد) بالقَهْوَة (الگَهْوَة) سُوَا ‎[I] This is my gang. We sit in the coffee shop together every day.
‏جَمَاْعَاْت جَمَاْعَاْت ‎[I] at by groups, in groups,
‏المُصَلِّيْن دا يْطِلْعُون مْن الجَاْمِع جَمَاْعَاْت جَمَاْعَاْت ‎[I] The worshippers are coming out of the mosque in groups.

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  Root: ج ن ب
Word: جَنَبَاْت
  in a state of ritual impurity from sexual intercourse (of men only) (invariable)

ما أَقْدَر (اگْدَر) اَخُشّ بَالجَّامِع، آني جَنَبَات ‎[I] I can't go in the mosque I'm unclean.

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  Root: ح ف و
Word: تْحَفَّى، يِتْحَفَّى
  to be or become barefooted, take off one's shoes and socks

لازِم تِتْحَفَّى قَبُل (گَبُل) ما تْطُبّ بِالجَّامِع ‎[I] You must be barefooted before you enter the mosque, .
‏تْحَفَّى. خَلِّي أَفْحَص رِجْلَك ‎[I] Take off your shoes and socks. Let me examine your feet.

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  Root: خ ط ب
Word: خَطِيْب، ج خُطَبَاْت
preacher, speaker in a mosque
  Root: د ل و
Word: دَلَّى، يْدَلِّي
  to show the way, point out

إِذَا تاخُذْنِي بِالسَّيَّارَة، أَقْدَر (أَگْدَر) اَدَلِّيك ‎[I] If you take me in the car, I can show you the way.
‏باوِع مِنْ هْنَا (مِنَّا) حَتَّى اَدَلِّيك وَينَه ‎[I] Look out from here and I'll show you where it is.
‏مُمْكِن إتْدَلِيْنِي عَلَى شَاْرِع أَبُو نَوَّاس؟ ‎[I] Can you show me how to get to Abu Nawwas Street?
‏تِقْدَر (تِگْدَر) تْدَلِّيْنِي شْلَوْن أَصَل للجَاْمِع؟ ‎[I] Can you show me how I get to the mosque?

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  Root: س ج د
Word: مَسْجِد، ج مْسَاْجِد
  Root: ع م م
Word: عَمَّم، يْعَمِّم
  to put a turban (ه = on s.o.)

عَمَّم اِبْنَه وْأَخَذَه وْيَاه لِلجَّامِع ‎[I] He put a turban on his son and took him with him to the mosque.

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  Root: ق ب ل
Word: قُبَل / گُبَل
  forward, straight ahead

اِمْشِي قَبُل (گَبُل) خَمِس دَقَايِق وْتِلْقِي (تِلْگِي) الجَّامِع على يَمِينَك ‎[I] Go straight for five minutes and you'll find the mosque on your right.
‏لا تِطْلَع قُبَل (گُبَل) ‎[I] don't go straight ahead, don't go forward
‏إِمْشِي قُبَل (گُبَل) إِلَى أَن تُصَل بَاب الشَّرْجِي ‎[I] walk straight ahead until you get to Bab al-Sharji

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  Root: ن ز ع
Word: نِزَع، يِنْزَع، نَزِع
  to remove, take off (ه =

نِزَع قُنْدَرْتَه قَبُل (گَبُل) ما خَشّْ لِلجَّامِع ‎[I] He took off his shoes before he entered the mosque.
‏نِزَع جِلْدِ السِّمْكَة (السِّمْچَة) ‎[I] He skinned the fish.

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  Root: ن ه ك
Word: اْنْتِهَك، يِنْتِهِك
  to violate, defile, abuse, profane, desecrate (ه =

اْنْتِهَك حُرْمَةِ الجَّامِع ‎[I] He violated the sanctity of the mosque,
‏حِبْسَوه لِأَنَّه اْنْتِهَك أَعْرَاضِ النَّاس ‎[I] They jailed him because he desecrated the honor of the people.

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  Root: ج م ع
Word: جَاْمِع، ج جَوَاْمِع
  mosque, masjid

الجَامِع الكَبِير ‎[Y] the Grand Mosque (in Sanaa)

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  Root: س ج د
Word: مَسْجِد، ج مَسَاْجِد
mosque, masjid
  Root: ص ل و
Word: صَلَّى، يْصَلِّي
  to pray

إِحْنَا صَلَّينا في الجامِع ‎[Y] we prayed in the mosque
‏هُم صَلُّوا في البَيت ‎[Y] they prayed at home
‏صَلِّي على رَسُولِ الله ‎[Y] pray for the Messenger of God (said in the context to ward against evil when hearing something bad, like God forbid!)

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  Root: ص و ح
Word: صَوْح، ج أَصْوَاْح
open courtyard in a mosque (in the center of a large mosque is an open courtyard where people can pray, especially during Friday prayer and holidays)
( الصَّوْح للمسجد الجامع، هو: البهو المكشوف في وسطه، ويكون له حرمة الجامع. )
  Root: ع ش و
Word: عِشَاْء
  night prayer

صَلَاةَ العِشَاء ‎[Y] the night prayer (isha prayer)
‏سِرْنَا صَلَّيْنا العِشَاء في الجامِع ‎[Y] we went and prayed the night prayer at the mosque

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  Root: ق ر ا
Word: قُرْآن / گُرْآن
  الگُرْآن : the Qur'an, Koran, Quran

قُهو قَرَأ (گَرَأ) قُرْآن (گُرْآن) في المَسْجِد ‎[Y] he read Qur'an in the mosque (note that here قرآن is indefinite, indicating that he read "some" of the Qur'an)

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