Phonetic notes on the Gulf dialects
Letters .. The letter ء The letter ب The letter ت

A brief introduction to the sounds of Levantine Arabic
By Chris Hitchcock
This is a brief introduction to the sounds of Levantine Arabic. Naturally, a dialect area stretching across

Talk Like an Egyptian
Phonetic rules are powerful tools for speaking dialects and learning multiple dialects. A lot of words are shared across dialects, meaning pronunciation is at times the only thing baring the student of Arabic from expanding from one dialect to the next.

Taxi (Audio Book)
This post is courtesy of the awesome and wonderful professor Heba Salem, who generously shared her recording of the book Taxi (تاكسي). The book is a well-known piece of modern literature written by Khaled Al Khamissi in a combination of al-Fusha and dialect. To help those who are coming to this with an eye for learning, there are also vocabulary lists included.
Teaching Arabic to Kids
An Approach to Teaching Arabic as a Diglossic Language to Young Kids